PAG TWO'w THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19th., 1928 t J your mte .r car, or if You can net -edteStudyEeigPs ...$ 0 hfo.r,-t.h Itet-is a fJnay meet yaur present payments we P. T. Barnum once aaid: '«If Yeu ~~tivtsabuse. W8.d aaura vnigPa .$,0hfoeUctPweny-irstday athe.Iaaury will pay off the dlaims and renew have tan dollars ta put ta gond use, self-reliant and intelligent BitisherAD12astso h s yourpayiont foranytari up put one up for the article and the whatever lis occupation. Ho will Farnily Herald & Weokly Star.$3.00 orsFi distribuiOte st a theEs ta 12 mantha and mesure your car. ther nie for advertieing. 1 can succeed. Evon without rv sWoî ins......$,0~henfIiv egr nl ath am S a onout-talk any man but a printer. The !arm expenience lie may succeed in1 Canadian Homo Journal ... $3.00 Dateil St flwmanville, Ontario, thls Swansonman vIa can stick type and talk te !armiiig. Mn. Duniuig is a case in Farm & Dairy............... $22.50 30th day of December, A. D., 1927. several thousand people vhile I arn point, and there are thiousanda o! amr'Sn.. ..... 35 W. F. WARD, B.A., German & MacKenzie taîklng te one lu the mian 1 ama others. But in a country 80 rth-Frma'Sn. ...... .5 2 igSt. East Oshawa, Ont. afraid of. and 1 wni im OrMY leul idiidaiîc anafn Canad iaaaazn.....,0 Soltctor for the Executors. 2 ig riend".-Fourth Etat. ancial aid ta intending settiers in an McLean'a Magazine.........34.00 1-8 Boravfl., Ont Keep the pantry well stocked with Corbett's Bakery products DENTAL THE E.DITIOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL COMMUNITY SUICIDE- 'DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE A most jnterestinkg and infora From Denmark. from Norway and Dr. George F. Pierce, 5921 Wash- One of the strangest phenomena Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto tive article from the en froa- from Sweden we are receiviiig a ington Boulevard, Chocago, Ill., a witnessed in most towns and small Unversity. Graduate of the Royal f essor C. B. Sissons, B.A., LL.D ., f greater nuinher than befare the war nativeof Bowmanville who iias naken cities is the apparent eagerness *ith Coliege of Dental Surgeons of On- Orono, appeared in The New Out- -last year same 8,000 in ail of good The Statesman for many years writes which Tany otherwise good citizens tarin. Office King St., Bowmanville. look on January 4, 1928, on "Our' Scandinavian stock, inluding a few -Find enclosed check for $10.00 contribute ta the tendency to commit Office phone 40. House phone 22. Canadian Immigration Policy" with Icelanders. Those who know the for The Statesman. String community suicide. X-Ray Equipment in Office. this quotation following the headilg: West (for most Scandinavians settie it along as far as it wili go. Best These citizens will often show un- DR. . C.DEVIT "We must be able ta do soxnething, inthe West: they do flot gravitate to wishes toalal. - common zeal in boosting any move- DR.J.C. EVTTta do something worth while, for the Eastern cities) wiiI confirin the prme the loctatcin o ne ndst- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson people who came". E,ýery Cana-, statement that we could not have SitCr rmt h oaino e nut Graduate of Royal Dental College, dian, maie and fernale, is interestedimore desirable people in Canada. Mrs. Gea. . Warren, 1 i ofur ries, ta secure better educational Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-1 in the people who c orne ta Canada rake the Danes for example. 1 rnt SaskPIease find renewal ffclte n e ayo manvlie Oficehour 9 . m to6 fo ther cauntries, and this ar- notice in aur raiiway stations ad- aur subscription ta The Statesnian. thlieayengage in. a <practie wic p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone ticle is af such timeiy importance and vertisementS of an excursion of We look forward ecdi week ta the liesayenm e iroud boostewide- 90. House phono 283. contains sa much information that Canadian farmers this winter to cornîngof aur home paper. We are nullifies aIl their otherwise laudable X-Ra Eqipmnt n Ofic ou reder shuldkno an, w bE-'Denmark ta study Danish co-opera- having delightful weather here at Eqimn fie lieve, will lie giad ta know, that weýtv ethods. The Danes, wthin present after many weeks of severe teffrt-an dotesn't gyo ahed. DR .E INWIL are giving the prominence that this~ the iast cetur.hv ae o winter weather. We wish you a tertw os' oaed Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- colurnn affords this week, gi'hlng The tryi naturaiîy poor of soil and made happy and praspraus New Year. 'buying away from home, which is versity and member of Royal Coliege New Outiook credit for its first ap- it a land of plenty with f ew rich and_____ many eommunities ta make the pro- of Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta pearance in one of the most at- no poor. If it is worth while for igress which their natural advantages practise in Ontario and the Domin- tractive and interesting numbers- aur farmers ta go ta Denmark ta see R. H. Coliacott, lndianola, Iowa largely respansible for the failure of ton. Dentistry in ail fte branches. the first number of 192-that we how this marvel has been achieved, Enciosed you wiil iind subscription huld make possible. The money Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- have seen of Canada's Ieading it is aiso worth whiie for us ta, have ta The Statesman. There have been that ought ta he kept at home for posite Bank of Montreal. Phono 301. church weekiy magazines. We are 1 the mare enterprising Danish farrn- sa ma-ny deaths and changes that I the expansion of local trade and haing that aur readers wili app-e- e rs came here ta denionstrate their scarcely find anyane spoken of that 1 industry is sent away ta distant cit- ________-ciate Prof. Sissons' splendid con-' methads; for in the main it is the remember. 0f course that is nat- ies, neyer ta return, through the in- LEGAL tribution as rnuch as we have, more enterprisiflg who migrate. ural as I have lived in this state 55 difference or thoughtlessness of the 0 * * years and it is a fine one, toa, 1 very persans who should set an ex- 14. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Sweden also enjoys a vigoraus ru- think. We are having a lovely mild ample of local pride and loyalty. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Who are carning ta Canada? What rai if e in a bracing narthern cliniate. winter with no snow and beautiful A trifiing saving here and there, Idoney ta boan on Farm n 'd Town manner of people are they? Are The Norwegians have the blaad of sunshine. Thanking you for your sal moeignrytnra, Proprty. Royal Bank Building, they likely t make good neighbors? the old Norsemen in their veins; wit- kindness and with best wishes for issuall mt oeciag ar the areaiti Bowmanviiie. Phono 351. These are questions which are on the ness thé quiet efficiency and world the New Year.ze ofrthiduyohscin lips of everyone today. vision of a Nansen. The Icelanders,_____mniyadthisefwhcifpr W. R STIKEFundamentally aur immigrationa forxned wauld niean more in the Succosaorte atm D. B.- Simpaeb, K&-. divides itself into two broad classes: succeeded even in agriculture be- Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Courtice :- direction af local prosperity than al Barrste, SoiciorNootry hatwhic coes y wa ofthecause their naturai intelligence bas We could not weli get along without his other boosting efforts put ta- BereSolicitor ano ontaly anda cale n that whichcaeby wyo th pointed the wayt,and their training The Statesinan as a weekiy paper gether. Seliitorforaank1! cotres Canadian c ad sae and thtwhcbas taught them ta endure hardship. and one that we like ta see corne Why boost in one direction, while Idoney to Loeu 'ho'so 9tcrnes frorn aroaubystneme an Rarely have individual Scandinavians into aur homes,- alsa a papor that we committing comrnunity suicide in1 Bowmsnvilie, Ontario tan ihu usintebs faiied ta take a worthy place in the do think is appreciated by those who another. kind of irnmigrant we can get is the work and if e of the country of their are far away froni home just as my W. F. WAD, B. A. immigrant by way of the cradle. Heopin hrcongsulle W. F WAD, B A. requires neither subsidy nor accli- aoto. Tercmn hudb son Glenn is in New York. He' readà - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary matizatian. If lie needs ta be educat- wel comed. Not thoeleast of the ser- The Statesman through and through Mone to oan. Bonds for 8«1e- ed lie is also from his first smuîe an vices they. can perforin is ta shack because hie knaws so inany -Àf the MOnfcsekey cKigS-,euaoro baeyan helo iscmlcent conceit in the necessary peo pie who are mentirned in the THE NEWrSPAPER BUSINESS Bowmanviiio, Ontario. Phonies: parents. tJnfortunately in Engiish- superiority of the so-called Anglo- news. I wish you every success in Office 102. House 409.1 speaking Canada aur immigrantsSxn carrying on and hope your paper will, In no business in the world can frm hi source are not very num- Finnish migration ta Canada has aiways continue ta carry the îîews roe els aqikya ncn trous. To say nothing of the cities, ý also nrae. Oe 500cm o-wide. 1 ducting a newspaper. There is FUNERAL DIRECTORS even in the country aur homes are ias year and 3,352 in the first sixnthn ofedtepulcacep nat :nearly 50 filled with children hej moths of his yea.IThe Fnnstar F. F. MORRIS CO. they xere in theiays of aur grand- a hardy northern people accustomed Mrs. Gertrude M. White, Darling- as ;iteirn ay newsPaPOr In fa tsh A" Complote MOtoir Or parents. Yet we have a great country ta f ree institutions, indeed often fard, Man :-Dear friends,-You will pri n pay for tnewhepapde Horso Equipment ta fil, and an aId worid ovorcrowdedrail in their politicai news. Ger- find enclosed aur subscription ta The t er bemore ithasn yfthe hInt cpa- radical n before it is printed.sIfsnat care- Ail calli proiaptly wt epe After ail we would be man immigration, both last year and Sttsa. I ae sawei fully managed and weil patronized attended te. littie better than the proverbial dogj this year, has been greater than be-, letter, always welcome in our with advertising no newý,spaper can Privat@ Ambulance in the manger if, unwilling or unahie fore the war. In 1926, 12,540 1 home. Was pleased ta see in the last long. The cage of the Farm- 1 Bowrnanville phone ta peple Canada with native Cana-.1 Germans came ta Canada, and dur-Ilast Statesman that you were able ers' Sun is an autstanding example. Branch Store&- who are prepared ta came. 7,886. Questions of sentiment I as usual,. We have had ab i-t twode ot fvrbecrusae. Orono & Newcastle aside, it rnust be admitted that bath months of severe winter weather ai- Tder ms favorale circuistandes. in Ontario and in the West peoples ready, but the past weel: lias beenamnpiynadeitefebig ________________________ tof German speech have made very utmidadpast. Crngs the officiai organ o! the United Farrn- ALAN . WILIAMSBut while we cannat aff ord ta Play' good settlers, being in the main pat- the favorite pastinie here for bath ALAN M. WILLIAM no mare can we ient and woeadte ot il rs o! Ontario, still a strang organi- Emale adFuealDietOafdog-î nange ter, oa woitadthrifty and loyal alike ta on eanr dianenandthe oft, nîiMy zation numerically, and a circulation w hojwale sdssru agn c.M aout 2nd8.000. 1e heFarmers' CaIls given prompt and persoans at- ived in the shoe. We rust be alhsadjiswt ei ihn o faot2.0. Ytt ad- omtigt d o nethi r Centrai Europe the îargest eyhpyNwYahat n a net îoss of about $3,000 for the tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowma wortli while, for the people wlio,. . to oa sRteino ability ta keep the Editor "Talking" year. the capital stock lias been de- qI., Ont. tcamte. Sa we rnust have an im mmigrato tda is uhean r migration policy. And the people o!Uriin;hyaeapaatec ek pleted by a f ew thousands o! dollars IWflIPALCanada-yau and I-must decide on people, insured ta oppression. Tliey ___ and a suggestion has been mTade that MDCLwliat is the best policy. 1 do not have suffered mucli fram periodic the psper ho sold. One o! the great C. W SLMON M.D.,C. M h sitrs ho avewars that have swept across their Principal T. F. Wiglit, i'roprietir difficuities o! The Sun was tho num- C. . SEMO, M D. C.M. gre th twa viirswohv fertile acres. They long for free-lof St. Catharines Business College, lier of delinquetslsrpin.Ti Gradateo! ninty ediai ollgerec ntly expresse hae opinion jdamn. They have the desire and the St. Catharines, Ont :-Dear friends- is a great prbmnita any newspaper Toronto, formerly o! Enniskiiien. immirto hudlehnedo aa t o ok Their exper- Enciosod find $2.00 ta caver -Y without a pad= n-advance list, it is Offcean RsienoDr Beths bdyinepndnt r oltial tatjdo inces have tended ta make theni suliscriptian for the year. It ges one of the chie! worries in the pub- former residence on Church Street, is ta, say, public contraI. Wed evasiee and indirect. Their children without saying that as a Dulîam boyviaino n ewppryti l Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t. well ta have this important questionhad- . !an n p e ial determined by the men we eîect to ardly knaw how ta play. But they who spent the first twonty odd years fairness it shouldn't be.-Wiflchester J. CLARK BELL gvr us. An we are founate have hont their backs ta clearing the of lis i! e in the townships o! Cart- Press. Ch..,F.RC..,(Edn) DP.H igovrng a ..A tr fmirtate bush lands o! Northern Aberta, Sas- wright and Parlingtan, 1 read with a M.O, C.D. F..CS.,(Edn),O.P14 inhavng s Mniterof mmiratonkatchewan and Manitoba. Frame groat deal] a! interest the news items, <Successor to Dr. A. S. TilIey) and Colonizatian a man wh oinan brick houses aerpae h oa n tewsapaigfo Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- forty or more years ago came out t at nd c s ihaverpatced ros etheclao terwnise, apean Iroi deen fnvriy îlo fteRoa aaaa etihimirn.Hw Trac tors have replaced the primni- ta sec the naines o! alId fr.ends and LOWER EXPRESS RATES College o! Surgeons, dinburgh. ever, even the wisest minister of I ',tive implements drawn by oxen. particularly o! former pupils and ta anneiecQens. igration and Clonizatiafi and Gav- 1Ardcini h ae hre Officean eiecQenS.1 . 1 jmong the best fanms in the West knaw something o! what they &re Areutnith rascagd Bowmavill, Phoet89eworid wihiteble tant rrives.inj1today are some awned by the des- doing. Scarcely a week passes wîth- jby the express campanies o! Canadaý DR.HALWODADBIK teorldmaitainte bletounrie cendants o! the "Galician", as ho was out something o! interest about sa-me was put intao ffect on January Tt. DRS.HAZEWOO AN BIRS a or ainain he estpolicy nes calied, o! twenty-five years ago. The o! these being mentioned. The reduced rates are calculated up- Physicians and Surgeons stimnulated and supported by infonni- o huadodwi aels ho idagetda fitr n packages upta fifteen pounds ini Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. dpbi no. year mostly went ta join their rela- est and, ta my mind, much comman weight. The tliree Maritime Pro- Telophone 108 ** tives already established in the sense in the editors talks. In manty vinces are grouped as one Between Ofie elntnSret In the year 1912-13 arimir- country and created na problem. Un- o! these lie lits the nail squarely points in the sainie province the rates Bowmanvilie, Ontario. tian by steamer and train exceed.ed'iless the rate o! exdhange alters, or on the head and I hope the young ar6 r 0 cents origt a maimum a!e 400,000. Last year it was 143,991, steamship campanies iawer their people o! today are takîng many o!f 0cns codn awilt e Spacichl oethrdo!th 11-13 rates we are flot iikely ta lie in- the suggestions sincerely tà heat.1 tween points adjaining provinces the pracicaly ne hirdof he 912rates are from 60 cents ta a maxi- VEEIAYnumber. Before the war for som undated with newcomers froni Cent- especially noted the refeience mademu of8cet. Bwenpis VETERNARYyears aur immigrants had been coin- rai Europe. At present rates O! in last week's issue ta the work done in more distantly separated provinces DR. F. m. TIGHEininfiyeqapoarisfri excliange it takes a smnall fortune ta by business colleges and feel that VETiERINARYa poprtos ro the rates are from 50 cents ta a max- VETERNARYSURGEON. Day or three hroad sources-f ram the Brit-j reacli ta Canada, ta say nothing o! were this work given the proper ap-,uethu Ngight calis promptîy attended ta. ish Isles, from the United States, and setting up farming liere. preciation every youn4 man and inmunof $ 1.55 for the longe1t haul Office: King St. East, Bowmanvilie. fron continental Europe. The nuni- Limiomno teDmiinoffrthaxim weight n oizeae 1 Phono 243.bessodite order rnentîoned. But what shaîl we say o! British Canada wauld be iriven the appor- pondts oand 3 ht feetin en th1 £. G KERLAKE V.S., . V.Sc.Hawever, in 1913-14 the number stock?. For the past few months an tunity ta take such a business course, witordphbuinfacsnut from the continent, which lied been agitationi ao f si.itn hn talpsiln otrwa the length and gîrth combined ex- Orono rapidiy increasing exceeded the num- Britisli immigration has heen in pro- lis ultirnete vacation might ho. ce i et h xrs on HoorGrduteo!Unvesiy !be fomth Satsan Eroegress. We ahl wish Britishpoople î pesdta nt htM. ce i ot h xrs Toono. rdaeo nvriyo e rr h tts n uoeIwspesdt oeta panies will continue ta give protec- Toronto. Ail cases given prompt took second place ta the Britishi Isles 1ta corne, if they are gaing ta be hap- James, Senior, was suii'icieritly well 1to gis osaddmg pt and careful attention. Office-J as a source a! immigration. The py after they get here. If they are ta jaurney ta Kedron and there take tinaais os$naag pt Dr. McEiroy's former office. Phanes:l immigrants !rom the continent in not gaing ta lie happy, and if they part once again in the annual Christ-j$5 withaut extra charge. Clare 321;Oroo 181. 191-14numeredsore 13,00. are going ta tel the world through mas festivities o! the Werrv-Janies For the year 1926-27 the total irn- tenppr hwuhpy te connectian. Kindly accept nîy migatin foi aî sorcs ws 1oîar, is btter for theni and for heartiest gond wishes. AUCTINESi 10,000 mare than the numbers coin-. lome. The dislocation incidentaI ___ THE NEW VILLAGE STORE ing !rorn Europe alono in the fiscal: wcuty awy THE to SEMON ' mmditey reeding the war. iat angtyarpe gded livdisc omfants. W nth 1ex podient o! d oubthfuî wisdom, at al The village strt yiagdple , Sp cat.S me concera las een exp essed as - te ... h events if it crates the impression in It's different in stock an d tl F'arm and House Sales a Seca ty.t the numbers now coming fromn the change is from a densoly populated the newcomors' mind that in every Or else it seems ta me.I Ternis moderato. Enniskilîon P. O.: continent. Specîfic figures are in-' country ta a country o! ionely openl hour o! need hoe can depend aon the Frorn wliat it used talie; Phono 197r3. 141. teresting. In 1913-14 Italian Im- spaces, froni one which lias a hîghiy- govrnment ta heip hiin. The cracker harrei's vanished naw, -- -----migration was 24,722, lest jerý organized social and economic lifo, mgain, ,ya Apphos green or biscuits white, ý3,301.hlptos wh heptesev, t one wherc the Lord emphatically We have a vast country. Wo need Tlioro's nothing le!t around, I vaw, C*RP A T C AN R G E S * * ýýhl st oe w o hl h m e -j pople. uro n kith and kmn firat, To tempt yaur appetito. THEROPY Evidentiy Mussolini's nationaîîstîc threswiil in rgev t. bemuli ta dI uh as are prepared teoptthm DURWN E STCKLY ad iperaiitidpolcie ar ke.p-pros, achta egrt. nly~ iselves ta conditions un Canada; Arn- Thero is no place for us ta sit -A i- pr nl ,,ie n li ie a ediscou,ý r r ae tit s e b oer caes a sa. im m igration froni thiq T liat used ta haunt that store, W, P. Corbett Phone 3 Bowminville 1 The Money h aI Losing Cow Thie average production o! milk per caw un Canada is about 4,000 pounds annually but authonities are fh agreed that the higlier the production per cow the greater the profit. You can materîaily increa-se the praduct ivoness a! yaur herd hy hreoding bot. ton live stock and the local liranch of the Standard Bank o! Canada is ~ at your service in supplying boans for the purchase o! stock which wilI l give a greater cash nturfi for the i feed and lahar expendod. l TM1ESTANDARD E«N 0f CANADA - ESTABUSHI> 187 D. L. WEESE Br&nchm. als at Newc.a. Ne, tcnvillc, Orone. Oh-w& When buying an "electric" radio-* with the Top Clips T HIS is youn means of positi'e identification of a Ragera c :Batteryless Radio, as this tube la TYPE 32found only in the Ragers and la made and controlled un Canada exclusively by Rogers for their Batteryls Receiving Sets. Thousands upon thousands of these tubes have been in active daily use througbout Canada for years and most of thase naw in use fan the third year are as goGd as new. The A/C tube is the heant of any electric set and the Rogers is the only A/C tube it Canada that bas proven its ability ta give maximum service fan yeans. FuIIy Guaranteed Moreover the Rogers A/C tube is absolutely guaranteed te give satisfactony perfarmance. Yon. 1 ctal izeof ube take no chance of heavy tube lctul Sie ofTube expense! The phenomenal success of the Ragers Battenyless Radio (it naw enjoys the greatest sales of any radio in Canada and mare than al at/wr "electric" radios combined!) is based largeiy on the quaîity, power, and durability of the Rogers A/C tube. Vet a Ragers Batteryless Radio costs na more than ardinary electnic sets. Pnices are as follows: $215 and $275 for Sots complete, except Speaker $290 to $420 for Console Madels, complete. Jubilee 7-tube Conso-550 valts-$890 complote Convenient terms arranged. Phone 152 W, J, BAGNELL King St W. / The prudent, f ar-sighted mother always sees that her pantry is well stocked with good things to eat-The kiddies are always hungry-Visitors may drop in at any MOmnent-Frieflds from a dist- ance may drive up in their car and it is but riglit that the pantry contain "plenty"ý for ail contin- gencies. Under just such circumstaflces Corbett's Bak- ery Products are the right and proper kind. Our large and varied assortinent of Cakes, Pies, Rolis, Buns, Pastries and Breads leave nothing to be de- sired, and their keeping qualities are so that you can have them in hand for days and not affect their deliejous freshness. Keep your pantry weII stocked with Corbett's good things to eat. Wedding Cakes a Specialty 1