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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 4

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-.~. - PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO=,' aMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19th., 1928 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES U. F. 0. MEETING COURTICE Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Providence Farmers' Club will Miss Lyla Osborne Toronto, was Robins, Pastor. Sunday services il meet at Shaw's Sehool on Tuesday home over the weekend. a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School evening, Januiary 24th in the interest On Sunday, Rev. Lawson, Toronto, at 2.30 I. m. of corn growers. Mr. D. J. Gibson preached twice in the interest of the Trinity United Churcb will hold a will lead the discussion. Lord's Day Alliance. His sermons congregational meeting in the lwere much enjoyed. The Sunday school-room on Thursday, January School session was largely attended 26, to which ahl members and ad- SALE REGISTER as usual. herents of this church are cordially Friday evening Ebenezer churci invited.i Wedneaday, January 25-Auction was packed to its capacity when the St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. sale of 35 fresh cows and springers, young people presented "The Belles Beet, D. D., Minister. il a. m.- 25 Durham steers and heifers, yearl- of Fol-de-roi". The first part of "How highly ought a nman to think ings and two-year olds, the property the evening's entertainnient con- of Himsef"? 7 p. m.-"Three ways of O. Denny and J. Vincent, at Lot sisted of readings by Mr$. Rose o! dealing with your Troubles". 2.30 24, Con. 4, Whitby Township. Sale Pearce, Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, p. m.-Sunday School. at one o'clock sharp. See bills. Miss Luie Courtice and Mr. Ian Rob- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Geo. and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. ertson, whose selections were muclh j_____ enjoyed. Mr. Robertson kept the corner Temperance and Church Sts.,: crowd in laughter a good deal of the Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A.,1 time by his funny readings. The Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor-, BLACKSTOCKmuiaprtasaoenydbyal ship. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. MuVocal psolo as o noe by Mr yl Wyill 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. VocaylRsolar month.y meeting of th body welcoma m. The annuanglof theOshawa, and Piano duet by Miss bodywelome Th anualbus- W-. .S. of the United Churcb, Louise Osborne Bowxnanville, and iness meeting of the congrgto Blacktc, okplcntih oe Miss Havel Rundle. Then came the will be held in the church (to-night) of Mrs. N. S. MeNally, Wednesday, operetta which was presented without Thursday, at 8 p. m. January Ilth. Meeting opened with a hitch. The story of the operetta a hyinn followe dby prayer by the is most itrsig igo ah President. Bible Lesson was taken elorum who has bis court barred HIGH SCHOOL SPORT NEWS 1 by Mrs.- A. Johnston, after wbich a of women complains of beîng il and short but splendid address was givenbicorpysia exmnshi Stuent ofB.HS. avealwys adby Miss Laura Hambley, Tzeliutsing, and pronounces it heurt trouble, and a good h okey te veam an ths yea Szechwan, China. The society hope hie prescribes a sugar-coated wife. anoo excen.Tea crndtis of t to have Miss Hambley witb then f or The courtiers, of course, deligbted no ecepion Th crtic ofthea Sunday service in February. Af with the idea of lady companionship school state that the teani bas a very ter a short business meeting, in suggest to the King the Belles of good chance to win the group bonors which Mrs. C. Hill and Mrs. E. D or- Fol-de-rol-who are six beautiful this year. They are hopeful Of rell were appointed to assist Mrs. R.yuglde sot bafsin- playing more games this season by Taylor on the finance committee, the yng adies otecorTe by afasint participating in several exhibition meeting closed witb a hymn and the ingmuwicdow mor. Terwesthing h games witb local or neighboring Mizpah benediction. For the cs musc an s wmo s interesing h teams. They are open for chal- months of February, March and Ap- -Faracterslwere ahsfollows: KiG lenges. Doný't ask for games from iln we are holding our meetings at F ankWaCouters PMysîcian-MrPaG. January 24th to 3lst on account of eight o'clock on the second Wednes- F. Annis; Court Mr. dcPAr- exams. day of the month. AIl ladies of the sons, MrKnetCotiMrAt The achool also bas formed a fast! congregation are cordially invited Fond M Yun, Mr. Jae a Cyr; i W- basketball teani and after a few The society bopes to Put on a play rcbG.Mr. Jaes;Hancock; WidoH. more practîces should be in shape in The Town Hall, Blackstck, on Ms .F ni;Ble-r.H to mke hei deut. Feruay I4th r'atmcîar laer.F. Stainton Mrs. K. E. Courtîce, Miss to mke hei deut.1 Fbrury 14th Paticlar laer.Frances Hancock, Miss Marie Rundle, Players on both of the abov teams i_____Ms eaWerMs ae ud hllude: "Stu" Candler, "Ji"le. Mrs. W. R. Courtice accompanied Devitt, "Greg" Coîrner, "Brent"I HAMPTON the music ,tbroughout the Operetta. Hazlewood. Oscar and Frank Jam-: Mn. Albert Rundle assisted in train- Reonald Anis r, Elogin Lunney, Trn Leaguers invite you to tbe ing. Proceeds $65.00. Ronad Adms, Morg" Luney Oyster Supper, January 2th. 2-2 John James, Clarence Osborne, Allan Everyon e is invited to come to Osborne, Kenneth Mitchell. League Fniday evening and hear Mr. TYRONE A large crowd of students turned L. H. Cooke, B.Sc., B.Paed., Teacher out to the annual skating party at of Matbematics of Bowmanville Quarterly service Sunday at 10.30 Taylor's Arena Tuesday evening. High School speak on the subject a. mn. Although the ice was a little soft, "World Brotherhood". Mr. Simon McCoy spent a few days everyone seemed to enjoy the evening Young People's meeting Fniday in the city. Wben the skating was over tbey evenîng was in charge of the Mis- Miss Lola Richards is visiting bier journeyed to the scbool wbere they sionary group with the 2nd Vice sister, Mrs. Howard Findley, Union- feasted on weiners, rolîs, doughnuts1 President, Miss Sadie Virtue, presid- ville. andftears Tahopuar pb la wnth ing. Bible lesson was read by Ern- Sorry to report that Lloyd and AI- aftrwads poula plce hentheest'Horn with the devotional perîod den Hoar and Percy Werry have students, accornpanied by the Higb i charge of Mr. W. Wilbur. Miss mumps. School Orchestra "topped off" the M. Horn and Mr. W. Wilbur favored Miss Cari Moore, Blackstock, vis- evening with a f ew dances. with a vocal duet. The new study ited at Mr. C. W. Woodley's and Mrs A hockey game will be played be- book "Drums in the Darkness" w as E. Woodley's. tween local students and Whitby introduced by Miss Sadie Virtue. Mr. High School at Taylor's Arena at Wilfrid Greenaway gave a talk on Corne to the Oyster Supper at 4.30 Friday afternoon. The boys the geographical features of Africa. Tyrone, on Fniday, January 2Oth at are going to try bard to win their Members of the group dramatized a 7.30 p. m., its only 50c. 2-2 first game, and it should be a "rip- sketch portraying the coming of the Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Macdonald and per."p Whitby also bas a fine team i Portqguese to Angola Africa. A Catherine. Cobourg, visited bier par- and sbould gfve the boys "a run for, general survey of the 1 chapter ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart. their money." What the locals need ý 'Mother Africa" was very ably taken just now is a little support to start by Miss Isboel Camipbell. The group Mrs. Arthur Smith, Neil and Don- the season right and they are looking 1 sang a missionary chorus. In the aid, Raglan, spent a week with bier forward to a good crowd. Why recreation period, "Checkers", a fav- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott. not belp the boys along-the prices orite game of the West Africans, was Mr.WteF.Pkad are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M onyanfradlsadlcfo eym njyd aiy Ms dihWalor and Ir children. Save this date and drop Men's and Boys' Sweatersi'John Hatherîy spent a few days with yoee a rea abote ou. ouIl Sweater Coats and Windbreakers at friends near Sutton. seea ral gme!257, off Regalur Pnices at Gilchrist's Mr. and Mrs. Norman Byers Eil- ________Sale. een and Doreil, Toronto, Mr. end, Mrs. Talbert Findley, Thornbill, Sun- Work Shirts .values un to $1.50. +NL !n as 0, 10 is ýy ýd 38 h ýe ýe e 1. h ý8 d e ýt a d 'dayd atMr. . Vitue'. jýinohusanus nave nenenitea oy it and Gicbis' Sle98.ENNISKILLEN uyua1ar .vîtes oulusno terreatin iDr. and Mrs. McElroy and farnily, I s oohrpeaain Before you onder your grocenies Mrs. William Herving i ' 'iiting Peterboro, visited ber fathen, Mn read Harry Allin's advt. Might as friends in Bowmanville. 1 David Noble who is quite ili at bi. SOLINA well save money when you can. Mn. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman vis- sister's, Mrs. Jas. Storie. ______________________ ted with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Oyster Supper and good time at Elias Ashton, on Sunday. Don't forget the oyster supper on Tyrone, Fniday, January 20tb. 2-2 I Mrs. Harold Ormiston is in Bow- Friday evening, January 20tb under Mrs. Fred Gillette. Toronto, viE- The greatest motion picture manville Hospital seriouslv sck the auspices of Y. P. L., a splendid ited ber sister, Mrs. J. W. Reynolds. the world bas ever seen j Hope she wiîl soon recover. irogt-am is being prepared. Messrs. Tom. Frank and Perey The C. G. 1. T. girls are entertain- ev. J.. Trumipour pireacbod a Westlake visited at Mn. John Avenys, - ng the Aduit Bible Class and tbeý spllendidjsermnon an Sunday evening Enfield. * Lague on Friday night. Come andi on "Pbiiip", this being the second of Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Hay- have an enjoyable evening. a serios of sermons on the aposties. don, were recent guests at Mn. Frantk * Mr. and Mns. William Stainton e n- Westlake's. tertained a number of young people Parsonage Board will meet at the MNrs. Silas Williams visited wîth un Friday night in bonor of their Pansn ona Monday-, January 23 ber daugbter, Mrs. Edwin Wood. son Milton's birthday. Everyone ne- at 7.30 p. m. Quarterly OfficiaIl Bowmanville. * ports a good time. Board will meet in the vestry on Leaueo Wensa nibwaj Wednesday, January 25th. Mr. and Mns. S. E. Bragg, Winni- gue n Wenesay nght asjpeg, Man., were recent guests of bis in char~ge of Audrey Dorland,. Mi - Yung People's League met Thurs- ntece, Mrs. John Baker. si<onatrv Vice President. The topic a vnn, rsdn is .Tn- Mn. A. L. Pascoe and Mn. B. G. on "Mother Afica" was taken by or, in charge. A splendid topic was Stevens visited Toronto friends and Miss M. Dalton; readings by MiltonF given by Miss Viola Sbortt on "New atended the Grand Division sessions S Stainton and Miss Annie Oke; piano Patbs for Oid Furposes"; neading by last week. solo by Miss May Wenry; a vocal' Miss Kathleen Gibbs.Mi.SE.Wryfl hog a dtîet was nicely sung by Mrs. Jeffery Tb Mîp. S. E.n Wenfryfthbrga and Mr. John Slemon. A social oh Belles of Fol-de-roi, a musical ta ori h lo ftebn halfhou wasenjyed.Newoffierslas, week and fraetured two of bis ROYAL THEATREhafouwaenoe.Nwoics play, wilI bc given in the Cornnunity ribs. Dr. Bell was summoned and MONDA-TUEDAYJAN 0-31 are: President-Miss May Werny; Hall by Ebenezer Young People un~-bi.W vsbuaped MONDAYTUESDY, JA 30-3 lst Vice-Mn. John Slemon; 2nd der auspices of the Beaver Tuxis attended i.W wshimaped Ail seats reserved. 75e and tax Vice-Miss Audrey Dorland; 3rd Square of Tyrone, on Friday evenig recovery. Matinee eacb day at :3 'clock Vice-Frank Dorland; 4tb Vice- January 27th. Readings and solo Mran s.EdeHnok Seats now on sale for evening 'Ernest Werry; Junior Vice-C. G. 1. will be rendered between acta by On- Yorkton, Sask., and Mn. and Mns. performances T; Secretary-Miss Annie Oke;,'tario Ladies' College talent. Admis- W. C. Werry and Miss Nora Wenry, ______________________Treasure-Harvey MeGilI; Librar- sion 35c and 20c. Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. L. ian-Misse.s Annie Oke ani May Pascoe and Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry 'Lamh; Auditors-Orville Ashton'and W. MI. S. meeting was beld on on Tuesday. *Milton Stainton.. The ynung people Tbursday afternoon in the vestry Rev. Dr. A. P. Brace, Sons of1 raised $153 for local purposes dur- witb the President, Mrs. L. J. G ood- Teimperance Organizer, Toronto, will ing 1927, anti $40 for the Mainten-, man in charge. Several business adtlress the Leaguens and others on H-ot V4W ater Botties ance and Extension Fund.1 items wvere attended ta. Delegates to 'Monday evening, January 23rd. Al On Wednesday, January Il tb the ýCobourg Preshyterial at Port Hope interested in temiperance work are AREW. . S me atthehom cftheon Januany l9tb are-Mesdames An- cordially invited.. President, Mns. Sydney Trewîn. Af-! nis, Dudley and Hatherly and Miss Re l ren s toc devotional exercises Mrs. S. Tre- i Viola Shortt. The prograni con- Our regular League meeting wvas win and Mns. Il. J. Wenry, Mrs. Orr sisted of the first chapter of the new beld on Monday night in charge of Real Friends .Jeffery andiNirs. Win. Stainton wee study book on "New Paths for old1 the Presideîtt, Mr. Chas. Sbontridge, Espeialy i lie o siknes, ppontc tllegtt' tothePrehytr lurpost.s" whicb was taken by Missi and the 3rd Vice President, Mn. E. R andnofail cn afod a e il'otHp. A prp iat Viola Shortt; a splendid sol) by F Taylor. The devotional period was and n famly cn aford o voal idueot was e. nderd bpMn. r- .Wýrs. I.. J. Goodman; neading by Miss taken by Mn. Alan McKessoek, while witbout one paticularly wben voch ureut wasndereMn Ms. AJefr-, l(vcrneý Burgess. Misses Helen andi Muriel Baker fav- yuticangela samlss ed uh- Mrs. Lloyd Ashton took up the Sec, eleected Suntiay Scbooî offi- ne ibapao ut n .F brbottle whicb is gtîananteed jndCi(hapten of the Study Book, deal- cois are: Sup.-Mr. A. W. An-I Aitchison, Manager of the Royal ber tw y arsaIn ihfcoyliei hnl(i, Bank of Bowm:inville, delivened a for wo yarsng wth apa orA pifa bn a n'its; AstatSupI Mc. W. Slow- vciry interesting and belpful address MiceisDrug Stre myd Jaîm. A jian sanai n-atbruieIouDprmet-n.on "BankIing" whicb was much en- Stoe jyet frm Ms. ameLanb Mrs., R. llatherly; Home Dept.-Mns. Hl joyed. Mr. Wrefond Souch also foWXiii Ashton and Mci. Russell On- Ililis; Supt. of Missionary Dept.- spokie a few wonds. Meeting closed for mustn favoned witb a vocal duel. Mcs. R. J. Hodgson; Secetay-Mn. witb the Longue Benediction. ONLY 98c Mrs. Trewin senvetl a dainty lunch- Fred J '(Goodlman; Asst.-Mn. Stanley ,en. Next meeting xiii be beld at: 1.awrence; Treasurcn-Mr. Dean Women's Institute meeting at the home of Mns. H. J. Werny on Wed- hldsn ins-Miss &. Bt-nt; home of Mrs. Gordon Leask on Thons- nesday. Fehruary Sth. Pro gram by sI l ianist-Miss Mary Bright- day aflernoon was much enjoyed by Mrx1aonenedbs to-dayoe ad' weli; Cor. Sucetacy-Miss Levenne those presenit . A letton fnorn the Have your eyes bcing a new mem ber with you. Burgess- Teachers-Beginners Class Inspecton of Public Sehools cf Hall- SE MTHEL EEWEL Penmian's AlXool Shirts and --irs' R.Hlatherly; Primany Class- burton, was received asking for belp SEE MTCHEL & EE W 1)nDawecs, Regular $1.50 for 98e at Mis. pyron Monne; Asst.-Miss Mar- 'in the way cf warm clotbing for the (;ilchrisî's Sa le.' garet, Moore; "l'Il Tcy"-Miss Lala school childnen or for bedding for When a mother detecîs froni the Richards; Ass.-Miss Mary Bright- needy families in the Inspectonate. NI.M itc el o writbings and fretting cf a child that well; Wide Awakes-Mr. Clinton Our Institute are responding to the wrsare tnoubling il, she can pro- BIigelow; Asst.-Mr. Albert Hilîs; appeal. Roll Cail was answered THE QUALIY DRUG STORE cure a neliable nernedy in Miller's Helping Hand-Mi,ýss Eielyn Brent; wîlh a cake recipe. Mrs. John Baker Bowmavill Ont Worm Powders wbich will expel ail Asst-Miss Florence Gardiner; Kings favored witb a vocal solo in ber usual worms frorn the' systemn. They may Guards-Mr. Clarence Woodley; good voice. Mns. W. T. Taylor led Phone 92-Nightsansd Sundays cause vomiting, but this need cause Asst.-Mr. Dean Hodgson; Win One the discussion on "Sewing Hints",' 280 no anxiety, because il is but a mani- -Mrs 1. R. Trumpour; Asst.-Mrs and Mrs. T. Baker, President, gave festation of their thorough wonk. No L. J. Goodman; Adult Bible Class- sorne New Yean thougbts. Refresh- worms can long exist where theise Mns. R. Wright; Asst.-Mr. A. H. ments were served and a bappy baîf- powders are used. Brent and Miss F. Virtue. hour spent. LPLE GROVE t Miss Hilda Foley, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Raymond Snowden, Toronto, Dspent Sunday witb friends. 3 Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday spent rSunday with relatives at Port Gran- 1by. Mr. F. R. Foley, St. Catharines, 1visited bis sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, this week. Mr. A. Laird, Misses Susie and An- 1nie Laird spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. F. Swallow and Miss Helen Metcalf. who have been under the doctor's care are improving. t The rnany friends of Mr. and Mrs Normnan Metcalf are sorry to learn that their infant daughter is under the doctor's care. We wish for a speedy recovery. Ebenezer people will ptesent their play "The Belles of Fol-re-rol" on Friday evening of this week, in the hall at 8 p. mi. Admission: Adults 35c; children 15c. Everybody corne. Mr. Chas. Hone bas returned home after spending a f ew days witb bis sister at Moffat. Mrs. Chas. Hone visited ber sister, Mrs. Albert Allin, Kingston Road, East, over the week- end. SHAW'S Miss Iys Gilbank, Raglan, spent the weekend at home. Miss Zetta Anderson, Wbitby Hos- pital, visited at home. Mrs. Sami Mason, Jr., is visiting ber people in Toronto. Miss Grace Bragg, Harmony, spent the weekend at home. Mrs Elford and Mrs. James Stap- les, Welcome, visited at Mr. W. J. S. Rickard's. Mr. W. D. Bragg bas returned from Bowrnanvîlle Hospital much improved in bealth. Miss Myrtle Gilbank is spendingý the week witb ber sister, Mrs. F. B. Rowe in Newcastle.. Mr. James MeConnachie lost one of bis valuable horses, througb being injured by falling on tee. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence. Regular meeting of the United Farmers of Ontario was held in the sebool auditorium on Tuesday, January 10, the newly elected Presi- dent, Mr. Earl Osborne, occupied the chair. There was a splendid at- tendance and good program. Miss HeLjen Argue favored witb a deligbt- ful solo, and Miss Keitha Anderson contributed an enjoyable reading. Mr. Nodwell, of the Farmers' Co-op- erative, Toronto,, was present and led in a discussion, beginning by asking the question "Why Are You aFarmer"? There were some arnus- ing answers given. The ladies serv- ed refreshrnents, thus bringing to a close a pleasant and profitable even- ing. The Oil of the People.-Many oils have corne and gone, but Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil continues to maintain its position and increase its spbere of usefulness eaeh year. Its sterl- ing qualities have bnougbt it to theI front and kept it there, and it can truly be called the oil of thepope ST. JOHN'S VESTRY MEETING The annual vestry meeting of St. Jo-hn's Anglican Church was held in the Parishi Hall, Monday evening. Rev. RP. J. Shires, Rector. who occu- pied the chair reviewed briefiy the year's work of the church which showed most gratifying progresa and an improved attendance at the church services. Statisties showed 15 oaptisins, 7 confirmed, 7 marriages, 22 burials. Sunday School-158 scbolars, 13 teachers. Elections for 1928 resulted as fol- lows: Rector's Warden-C. B. Kent; People's Warden-T. H. Spry, (re-elected) ; Vestry Clerk-Thos. Annison, <re-.elected); Sidesmen- Messrs. J. Baldwin, G. C. Bonnycast- Coulter, F. Crydernian, L. Cryder- man F.W. Depew, J. A. Gunn, R. le, èJ. Brunton, A. Campbell, T. G. Harding, J. Laflelle, E. Ormiston, Patrick, E. Soutbey, G. Beith, F. C. Pethit.k, J Spencer, A. Tait, L. R. Wood-with power on the Wardens' part to add suitable candidates; Envelope Secretary-Miss M. Boylan (re-elected); Auditors R. Harding and F. Cryderinan, (re-elected) ; Sy- nod-T. H. Spry, Lawry Crydernian and C. B. Kent, with substitutes-Mr L R. Wood, Dr. Baldwin and L. H. Cook. The financial statement for the, past year which was dealt with by the Chairynan showed the church's finances to be in a most satisfactory position. The demands for the coni- ing year were also outlined. Guitar Lessons-u Hawaiian Steel Guitar Course in Twenty Lessons Spring Classes Starting February 3rd. We have a number of used and new Guitars for sale. H. Osborne Teacher Phone 136-24 BowmanviU.e PLEASANT FAREWELL On Fniday evening, January 13th, 25 friends snd neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling, Hampton, gathered at their home to wish theni good-bye ere tbey departed for their new borne at Oakville. The even- ing was pleasantly spent in games and musie. At 10.30 the coinpany was ca]led to order and the following address w&s read by Mrs. H. &~ Rund- le. Deai' Mr. and Mi... Cowling:-We, your friends and neighbors that are gathered here to-night, felt that we could not let you go awsy witbout expressing our regret that you are leaving our neigbborbood. This corner will look very lonely after you are gone, and your farnily of briglit young people will be greatly, missed froni our Sunday Sehool and eornrunity. We ask you to accept these articles as a little rernembrance 39-tf ________________ *11 FREE! This Week Only One 15c Cake Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap with every purchase of JERGEN'S BENZOIN LOTION Hooper's Cream of Violets Specially recommended for Chapped Hands and Rough Skin 25c and 60c Riker's French Balm A smooth velvety preparation which preserves and beautifies the complexion 25c and 50c JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly Final Clean-Up Sale of Cosy Winter Coats At Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With the Large Stock Caravan Coats Are manufactured from high grade Engiish, Irish and Scotch Woolen Materias-the tailoring is of the best. The furs used in trimming are real (flot imitations). The linings, etc., are ail of the best quality. The woman who is fortunate enough to own a "CaraVan Coat" has a garment that is distinctly different-a gar- ment she can wear with comfort for seVeral seasons and always be weil dressed. 8 of these Beautifui "Caravan Coats" which were madle to sel] for as mlich as $67.50, we offer for cash at $27.50 We also have 3 coats of Neediepoint, DuVetyne and Import- ed Tweed, ail are Fur Trimmed, lined and warmly interlined throughout. These coats which were made to seil for as much as $35.00, we offer for cash at $16.50 Dress Value Extraordinary 28 Women and Misses are offered an opportunity of secur- ing a high ciass individual model garment for the price of a cheap silk dress. Dresses of Crepe Satin, Georgette, Fiat Crepe, Canton Crepe, Ottoman Cord and Charmene. Coiors-Rose-Beige-Cornfl ower-Green-Caret...Wine -Wood Rose-Brown-Black and Navy. Eveî-y dî'ess is ditferent style, ail are made of excellent quai- itv materials, madle to seil for as much as $35.00. We offer 2ý of these high class dresses for cash at $15.00 Silk Hoisery Sale Clean up Sale of discontinued shades« of Supersilk Hosiery A 14 Strand Pure Thread Siik Rose. Extra snug fitting ankle. 4 fold toe, sole and heel. Soid ail over the country for $.0or more. SALE PRICE $1.15 Kid Gloves-Good Value at $1.89..Now Clearing for $1.25 Pair D9h e ILittle, S/iopp e -Wit V15CJ/ ar<e Stock. eOwANVI.IE. NTAPISpecialst in 7Womený.ypparej E,.cusive but not txpensjve Women s Coats -Suits-Dresses-I1osierg -Gloves- Underwear -Etc. of us and also to remind you that our best wishes go with you for your healtb and success in your new home and we eincerely hope this New Year rnay be a verry happy and prosperous one for you and yours. Mrs. C. Colwill then presented Mr. and Mrs& Cowling with a aliver casserole, A pyrex plate and a dozen silver spoons. After lunch was served by the lad- ies "Auld Lang Syne" was sung and good-byes said. The best wishes of ail the com- rnunity go with Mr. and Mrs. Cowl- ing and farnily to their new home. LAUNDRY WANTED AUe kinds of Iaundry work done prompt- iy, satisfactorflY and at reaeons.ble preceu Write Post Office Box 12, or cail Mrs. W. Marioran, King St. B. Bowmanville. 1 1 ý- b...- -

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