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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 6

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PAGE 811 FORGET THE "BLUES"!! LEARN Engineering. Auto Mechnih,. Electri. cal Ignition. Batt. ery or WeÏin ExDertS. HOUSe WIring. Brlcklaylng and Plastering, .so Barbering and Ladies' Hlair. dressing. Earn $6 to $10 Per Day Few weeks refluire(i 10 learn. Expert 1nstructor, .iractical T~ing i emand. 4tart NoW for bggr pay and a brlght future. W ie or call for Special Offer aud Free Booh-& Hemnphill Trade Schools 1683 King Street West, Toronto LESSON No. 19 Question: Why is emul- sified cod-iverolso won- derful a food- tonic for young girls and women? Answer: Because it abounds in nourishing fac- tors that arc particularly beneaficial to people prone to anemia and other con- diions due to malnutrition. Keep your systemn vitamin- nourished-take SCOTT'S EMULSION_ OPERATION LEFI HER VERY WEAK Letter Tel of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia F. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Caiston, Ontario.-"After a se- voe operation anàd a three weeks' stay in a hospital I returned home -so weak that 1was iunable to move a - '. chair. For four months I was ai- moat frantic with pains and sufer- mng ntil I thought sure titere could flot be any help for me. I had very severe ainsi'mm l1là eft ie and suf eeaony every month. One day weIwas flot able ta get up mny mother begged me to try your med- icine. My husband gat me a bottle of Vegetabie Cornpound at once and 1 took it. 1 started a second bottie, and to my surprise and joy the pains in my side le ft me completely and 1 amn able to do ail my work without help, 1 arn a farmer's wife, so you see 1Ican't be idle long. In ail, 1 have taken six botties of Lydia E. Pink- har's Vegetable Comnpound, five boxes of the Compound Tablets, two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wash. '"-Mrs. L. LAJEUNESSE, Box 103, Conston, Ontario. C After taking 1000o ZUTOO IABLU[S Says they are tIarrness Mrs. (Dr-) Shinticif, of Coaticook, maye «'I nust have takenl 1000 Zutoo Tabletà. Alter tryng evMr rerndY withi.a reach, 1 discarded tîernailI four yearm ago for ZUJTuO, which 1 have taken ever ince. 1 find the tabIets aharimlesa and efficieat reu-dy for Il kinds of hieadache.", »Sct its per box-at aU deae. TUE CANADIAN STATESMLAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19th., 1928 GENERAL MOTORS DRAMATIC CHORAL SOCIETY OF OSHAW Bownianviile Boy Civez Interestir History of This Prominent Musica Organization. We were plcased ta receive tl follawing letter from Percy W. Me cer, 240 Ritsan Rd. South, 0sbawt who is a native of Bowrnanville, 1) ing son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Me cer. Percy bas develeped into musician of considerabie ability, h early musical training being receiv4 frorn Miss Regina Percy of this towi He is now pianist of the Gener Moters Chair and Orchestra of whic he gives seme interesting informi tien in his letter which follows: Fer same time Oshawa bas hada organizatien wbich bas been doiT very good werk in musical circl£ and wc feel sure its efforts sbeuldb of serne interest ta the people outsic of aur city. 1 wiil tbrefare outlir the werk of the General Motet Dramatic and Choral Society o Osbawa in the hope you will giv it some pubiicity. The Society was organizcd i: December, 1926, under the able con ducting of Mr. L. F. Unitt. The firs concert was given in February wît' Mme. Fi.hey as the assisting ai-tis and the two sacred concerts in th Regent Theatre Sunday evenings al ter the church services. 1927-2 seasen epened witb a membersbip o 80 which bas naw rcacbed a choir o 115 mixed voices. The choir is accampanied byj light syniphony orchestra of 3J pieces. Orchestra and chair are bot] conducted by Mr. L. F. Unitt wbo is genius in the art of directing an( obtaining results. A concert was given in the Regen Theatre on Sunday, Navember 20th Everyane felt well satisfied in spend ing an evening ictening ta the musi of sncb a weii-balanced and well conducted choir. The next concert is te be given ii the Regent Theatre an Sunday, Jan uary 22nd., wben an extensive pro gram bas been prcpared. Pregram wiil incînde these nunt bers: Choral numbers are:.-Vikin Sang-S. Coleridge-Taylor, (archesi rai accompaniment) ; (a), Gesu Bani bino-Pietro A Yen, (b), Blesse( Holy Night.-set ta Tales from Haff man by Offenbach, arranged by Job' Shepherd, bath accompanied by ai chestra; Ring Ont Wiid Bells-Percj E. Fletcher, accoxnpanied by arches tra; (a) Ynrn Ynm and (b) Madri gal-from the "Mikado" by Sullivar (a) number accompanied by arches tra and (b) number accompanied b3 piano; Hallcliab Chorus frorn thý "MYessiah" by Handel, accompanie( by orchestra; (a), Lnlaby-Johanne! Brahnms, and (b), Cbrale-J. S Bach, bath nnaccompanied. Or chestrai numbers will be: Selectioni from the "Pinaf are" by Sullivan A Galopade-Cafe Chantant-bý Percy E. Fletcher; Ligbt Cavair3 Ox'crture by Von Suppe. In addition ta the above, the pro gram will be angmentcd hy sore ne dividual entertaining. Anyone in Bo-wrýnanville wishini for fnrtber information regardin, the concert or tickets ta sarne sheul( appiy to Miss Regina Percy, Silvei Street. Oficers of the Society are: Hon Presidents-R. S. MeLaughlin, H. A Brown; Hon. Vic-Presidents-E W. Drew, G. W. Hezziewood, J. H Beaton, W. A. Coad, C. E. McTavisb. I_ Broomnfieid; President-W. D. Taylor; Vice-President-R. McCen- nelI; Secretary-R. L. Kelly; Treas- urer-E. Fleming; Conductor-L. F. Unitt; Pianist-P. W. Mercer. Mother Graves' Wormi Extermin- ator will drive worms tram the sy- stem without injnry ta bbc chiid, because its action, w-hile fuliy effecb- ive, is milti. Astbma No Longer Dreadeti. The dreati of rencwed attacks tram as- tbma bas na holti upon those -who have learnedto te rcy upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthrna Remedy. Se saft do they teed that complote reliance it placed on tbis true specifie with the cerbainty that il wiih always do ai] that its makers dlaim. If yen have net yet learceti how safe yon are with this preparatian at hand got il today and know for yoursoif. r ___ -'i YEP! Groc eries Are A Bill of Expense, But You Can't Get Along Without Them. So we price our groceries as low as we pos- sibly- can, serve you with quality goods, and gen- erally (Io our very best to help you set an attractive table at a minimum cost. We are pleasing old customers and adding new every day. May we serve you. Don't forget we have the largest variety of Dishes., Glassware and Crockery in town. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 1> i >f>Wnlaflvij& v. e r- ,a is n. rai la- e te rs of 'e n n- th 'le - 'f a ai DO YOU REMEMBER? DURHAM RUBBER CO. BANI Back Row-Bob Lownes, Charlie Richards, Wm. Rowe, Tam with plug bat), Lew Hambiy, (Marshall of Parade, with plug bat), Bob Greenfield Second Row-Herb. Fletcher, Sam Trew, Andy Knox, Bill ThicI Greenfield, Roy Jackman, Bill Milis, Bill enetta, John Mollon, Ceci son, Sr., Bill Wilson, John MelIntyre. ,h ORONO STOCK-TMCING TIME id (From The News of January l3tb.) In many business institutions and Mr. P. Lunn bas been laid up, Bp- stores, January is stock-taking time. t pendicitis being tbreatened. The holiday season is over. The s oefo year's business is over with and pre- Oshawa Hospital for a couple of paration is made ta sec what bas ce becn carried over int the next year 1-weeks, recnperating from ber recent adwa adcp rhl h Mlncs.Roan agtrMisM - year's business starts off with. In I rnRyaddugtr isMr a sense it is a bothersome job, and garet returned this week fram a in anoîther sense il is a pleasure. plesan viit ithfrindsinCooks- Each stock taking will disclose many ville and Toronto. useful lines that have been stored cMr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph attend- away and perhaps tempararily for- ethe Haîl-Eiverson wedding at Osh- gotten. Linos that mean real mon- g- awa.. The bride, Miss Muriel Ever- oy on the balance sheet will be un- son, is a cousin of Mr. Rolph. ,oarthed and put ta use. This stock- d Mr. F. W. L. Tamblyn has sold his taking checks us up. It will show Royal prize winning Embden goase, many lines that passibiy should have Saise bis first prize Pekin drake te been sold in another season and can Hon. John Martin at a fancy price. be readily disposed of, now that tbey ýy Mr. David Noble was -taken iii on have been unoarthod. Bowmanviiie - Tuosday wbîle on a visit at bis sis stores seern te make il a time of ,i- ters, Mrs. James Storie, near Ty- clearance for the stock that bas been rrone. Giad ta learn he quîckly re- accnmuiated and lefb on hand by bbc covered. aid year. People have carne 10 look forward te the January clearances, ly Mrs. C. X. Cbapman and Mrs. H. and rnany profit by the purchaseoaf le J. Souch sIent tbc New Year bhl- needables dnring this time. It pro- ýd day wibh their mothor, Mrs. Rickaby, vides the nierchant with a more or ýs and other members efthte family at less busy season, if he decides te dis- . Toronto. pose of bis surplus and provides - Anniversary and Thank-Offering fnnds ta add fresh stock. More and is at Park Street United Church, Or-, mure eacb year this lime is iaakod a; na, Sunday, January 15th . Rev. A. forward ta by the careful shopper 'Y M. Irwin, BA., Whitby, will be the!i and the merchant who fails te take 'Y speaker. advantage and clear eut bis surplus M.%rs. James Tamblyn and nicce, 1 ares at tbis time is losing a splen- Mrs. John Noden and Miss Viola, at- did eppertunity of turning dulI Ltended tbc funeral of ber aunt, Mrs. months mbt times of real good busi- Wcood at Miiibrook, on Saturday, De- ness. ýg cember 3lst. ig A nunîber of men frem the Forest-____i_ cry farm have begun clearing the land 1! randi getting the big Forostry reservei which the Counties purchased in thej north part of tbc Township, in shape' UjEO Ïfor reforestation le the spring. 1 (Intendeti for last week.) Mr. W. S. Stinson attended the' Golden wodding of Mr. and Mrs. G,, A large and enthusiasbic company -Berry at Centreville, South Mena- gathcred in the Unitedi Church, Jan- -ghan, January 9th. Mr. Stinson uary 5, for the annual meetings of -was guest at the mnarriage of this the Young Peaple's League and Sun- - much esteemeti couple, fifby vears 1 day School. Eari Byanî the retiring ago. president of the League, reviewed ago.,the work during the short berm o, Clarke IDistrict L. O. L. new ofi- his presidency andi thanked ail for cers ai-e: W.D.M.-Bro. C. A. their kindiy co-operation. Dnring -Br-own; D.D.M.-Bro. John Patton;, a very short period the yaung people Cbaplain-Bro. Thos. i'atterson; Recc have raised $20 for Missions, kept Secretary-Bro. A. E. Morton-, Fin. up a gooti attendance andi rendereti -Secretary-Bro. Howard Walsh; interesting prograrna. One interest- Treasurr-Bre. I. T. Cbapman; D. ing feature of this Young Peapie's e of C.-Bro. Bert Reidi; Lecturers-1 Society is that the membership -Bt-os. George Morton, Lyai Lawery. range., in aid froni ten ta sevcnty Orono Women's Institute wiîl mccl years. A keen intercst was mani- le n Friday evening, January 20th at fested in halioting for the new offi- S8 P. M. Subject-"Entert-aining the cers andi as each was elected, was eMcn Folk". Each member ta bring greeted witb hearty appianse. The a getlemn. f yo haen'toneelection resulted as 'foiiows:-Presi- a getlean. f yn bacn' on den-Miss G. McFarland; 151 Vice e borrow onc for tbc evening. Gaod 1 eprogramn, music, games, etc. Program! -Elsie Abbott ;2nd Vice-George t Commiittee-Mr-s. Dickson. Mrs. T * MoCutcheon; 3rd Vice-Andrew -Cowan, Mrs. Honeywell, Miss A. Cut- i Fleming; 4th Vice-Eari Byam; 5tb tell, Mrs. A. A. Ralph. 'Vice-Leona McLaughlîn; Secretary -Florence Avery; Treasurer-Allan Horticuiturai Society new officers 1Stainton; Organist-Roberb Wilson. are: Presidenb-Mr. E. J. Hamm-.' Anwitrs a aieti h lst Vice-Mrs. J. R. Cooper; 2nd Anwitrswamnfe nth Vice-Mrs. A. Henry; Scrtary- l S. S. meeting which resuited in un- To b)0 Hpp cinteti; Treasurer-Miss M expecbed developments. Mr. Robert Davy; Directors Mr. I. T. Chapman, Philp, bbe much respecteti and popu- Mrs. R. H. Allin, Mrs. MacDonald. l lar S. S. Superintendent for the past Mrs. J. N. Powers, INrs. M.%cKay, Mrs seventeen years was an the point of A. A Roph. rs.A. . Kex, rs.bcing unanimeusly rc-appointed, but F.A.Hail, Ms. AksnMJ. K oney safter a statemont made by himself tveii; Auditor-sMs Ctel Miss Mà was aiowcd ta, retire with general Walsb. regret. He led those present ta sel that ultimabe y they must face the P'ark Street W. NI. S. new-% officers issue of carrying on witbout birn. As are: President-Mrs. R. Sherwin;, a resuit, Mr. Allan Stainton, by an ist Vice- Miss 'M. Davcv; 2nd Vice unanimous standing vote, was electeti -Mrs. M. H. Staples; 3rd Vice-Mrs stperintendent. Mr. Byam was elect- W. Sterling; Ilec .Serea ecd assistant. The incarne of $80 J. A. Green; C'or. Secretary--Mis.s let a balance on band cf $10. Ail I-. tCobiîlic-k; Treasurer-Mrs. W. ý the new officers agreed te bake up M.SLutt; Sec. cf Finance andi (oni. their xverk which tbey assume irn- Mnr. Ccc. Mitchell, Mrs. R. Sher- ni-diately. w,.\r.W .M. Stubt, ,Mr.. Ker->i lake, Mlrs. H. MacDonail; Sec, for Shtange(rs-.Mrs. A. Rolph; Sec Sup- pl ' s.Ktrslake; Sec. Missi.;nary Mýot ,hIy andi Lit.-Mrs. R. Riiney; Sit Mission lianti-Mýr5;. R. Best; i'ac-t-.-Ms.M. IH. Staples. Mrs. i. Sherw,%in, Mrs. George Mitchell anti Miss F. (obiedick were appointt.d to attend the Preshyterial at Port licp( on January l9bh. 'Mr. John Anderson cf Maner, Sask., is spcnding a few weeks in Or- rno and Kential. Wbile in Orono ho i s a gue-st cf Mrs. Hlaliday, tbe ite S-. Ilaiiiday having hecn an uncle. The Anderson famiiy reqided in Kn dl ifor many years, and in that vil- lage he was hen. Ilis tather, the l ata J. R. Anderson, in bbc olti days conductetl a generai store in Kcndal for cerne years. at which time ho was Presonter at Lawrence's Cburch Sbh Lice. and aise for n time at Okrona atter bbe building et the churcb hare. HAl was aise a popular singer of Scotch sanzs and was in mucb de- mand at entertainments througbont bbc County. In thte Western pro- vince, Mr. John Anderson bas as his îi.-arest n.ighbor, Mr. John Thorn- 't on, son of Mr. C. J. Thornton of this tawn. Corn, are painful growths. liai- loway'sCo('rn Remover wili remove thern. Wolverhampton Lodge S. O. E., 'No. 1 26, hud an intcresting meeting Monday, January 9tb., when officers elected for the current yeiîr were in- stalled l)y D.D.G.Mý., Bro. Bateman of Lodgî- Welington, Bowmanvilie. Visting lrrthren were present fromn Bowmanvilie, Newcastle and New- tonville. for the latter town being heatled by Reeve M. J. Holman. Af- ter the business of the evening a lunch was served, followved. by a pro- gram inciuding speeches by promi- grient members, sangs. recitations, 1costume dances, choruses and corn- munity singing. Officers installed were-W. President-F. J. Hall; W. Vice Pres.-F. J. Saunders; Secre- tary-George Cooper; Treasurer- LGeorge Mitchell; Inner Guard-Jos- I eph W. Hall; Outer Guard-Mat Har- i rison. ID iHughes, (Band Marshall, , Wm. Riding, Tom Veale, ,kaon, Pat Cowan, Fred cil Greenfield, Dave Marri- REV. D ROGERS IN LONDON, ONT The Statesman pnblisbed in its Jan. 5 number a sketch of a ministry of 53 ycars by Rev. David Ragers, a Darlington Old Boy, naw residing in St. Thomas. Tbrough the kind- nesa of Mr. John Elliott, B. A., foarm- er popular Principal of Bowman- ville Higb School, we are enabled ta say that Rev. Mr. Rogers celebrated the event by preacbing in London Snnday morning week and The Daily Ativertiser of tbat city publisbed an Monday a summary of tbe sermon accampanied by twa portraita-.-one et Mr. Rogers wben hie began bis ministry 53 years ago and one as he appears today. The London Advertiser report says: Celebrating 53 years in the Christian ministry, during the course of whicbh le bas preached 6,300 ser- mons, married 350 couples and baptized 825 cbildren, Rev. David Rogers one time connected with the former Fîrst Methodist Church, Lon- don, as associate pastor, occiipied the pulpit of Metropolitan United Churcb yasterday marning. Thaugh past tbc allotbed span of tbree score years and ten, Mr. Rogers delivered a message ta a cangregation which neariy filled bhc large cburch, dis- playing pawers of elaquence which might easily be envied by many a preacher of today. Mr. Rogers spoke tram bbe same text , I Corinthians, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, 'We preacb Christ and Him Crucified' as bie nsed in bis first sermon at Arthur in 1875 and the smre hymna were sung and George C: Carrne, sang "The land af Beuiab", the solo on that now long ago occasion. Assisting Mr. Rogers in conducting the marning service were Rev. J. Bruce Hunter. Paster of Mebropehi- tan Cburcb, and Rev. S. Saîbon, hospitai chaplain for the United Cburch in tbe city, a man who bas spent 56 years in tbc Christian min- istry. Conveying ta Mr. Rogers felicitations of bbc congregabion up- Dn bis enviable record, Mr. Hunter said hie toit Mr. Rogers te be a fine example of Brewning's quetatien: "Grow aId ahong wibb me, the bast is yebta be'. Rev. Mr. Rogers was presented wibh a purse of gold et more than $115 by a few friencis at tbc close of the service as many et bbc con- gregation gathered around bim te voice bheir appreciation, net only of bis beiptul sermon ef the morning,E bub for the wondertuh ministry for more than hait a century. This splendid gifb is an unmistak- able evidence ot Mr. Rogers' effect- ive services and personal pop niar-M ity among the people et the Foreetb City with whom be labored. i Dont negiect a chest coldl Apply a homemade mus- tard plaster to your chest the moment you notice the coid. This is the remedy which doctors recommend as quick and sure and there is probably a tin of Keen's Mustard in your pantry. To Make a Plaster mix two tablespoonfuis of the dry mustard with six of Linseed meal or flour into a paste with coid water, spread on brown paper and cover with The Bread 0f To -Day THE QUALITY IS UNIFORMLY RIGHT The conditions of its m =kn adbaking are well-nigh ideal. Tt is more stsfigthan nfer- ior makes. Tt is so crammed full of home-made virtues that mother may safely buy instead of bake which means Iess work for her, and the flavor is delightful. Get it at The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bownianville TEAis go od ted' Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest 13 tea i the best package-AIumi.m Dangerous Varicose Veins Reduced or Money Back This Simple Home Treatment is Giving Amazing Resuits Rub Gently and Upward Towarc the! (full strength) and apply as dir- Heart as Blood in Veins Fiows ected night and merning te the swol- That Way. Ion, enlarged veins. Soan you wifl ________notice that they are growing smaller If you or any relative or friend is and the treatrnent shauld be contink- worried because of varicose veins, or tied until the veins are of normal bunches, the best advice that anyonelsize. Sa penetrating and powerful in this world can give yau is te ask is Ernerald 011 that even Piles are your druggist for an original two- quickly relieved. Jury & Lovel) aunce bottle of Moone's Ernerald 0il -cils lotsl of it. Aviation Gasoline,~ The gas that holps you to a quick cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged start during C. A.Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowianville .3 "i Are They Happy Or Chilled To The Bone? No nced to keep a house like a refrigerator- why spend miserable hours every morning wait- ing for the "heat to corne up". Buy Lehigh Anthracite Coal-the clean, long lasting coal that is so full of heat-fire up good at night-bank it down-and in the morning- there's comfort! You dress or shave without freezing-the children are happy-no Winter colds in a wefl heated house. Order a Ioad of Lehigh today-you can buy no better coal. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville

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