DENTAL THE EDITIOR TALKS iaway, like fire kindled in straw, bu. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY BONYCSTE t. on L C M S.Amry Sc-are smouldering and will develop i- 1i HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING "For a safe, sound investflen DR. G. C. BNYATF R.Hn .C .S mrSc to a great and steady blaze as the Jos. Webber, Greenway, Man:vle- uhsttigyrc Ronar graduate in Dentistry Toronto retary for Dominion Affaira in the years go on. And if we are still Enclosed find money order for The OvalueAi Releced o 928iNtERatinY eoN University. Graduate ai the Royal Baldwvin Cabinet, had a crowded itin- young and looking to a greater fut- Statesrnan ta end of 1928j I enjoy OfcesAlReetdfr12 INTERNATIONA College of Dental Surgeons ai On- erary in Toronto on Friday, January ure, that is true of every one of the reading My homne paper. Wishing A vryrereenatAegahein o tario. Office King St., Bownianvxlle. 2th. In the morning the British countries that compose the Empire, you and the staff a prosperous New members was present at the annual CAA1NC Office phone 40. Hause phone 22. Statesman and Mrs. Anoery motored and true of the Empire as a whole. Year. meeting of the West Durhami Agri-w have prepared a sPechiE X-Ray Equipment in Office. to Whitby, where the latter spent*** cultural, Society held in Council mie D....DE TTher girlhood days. They visited thel "The thing that strikes me most Mrs. Margaret A. Young, (nec Room, Friday afternoon, January 20. corp' of which ivill be ie DR. J C. DVITTformer home of hier father, the late1 about the British Empire is that while Maggie Neads), 211 Ruby St., Win- Col.* L. T. McLaughlin who presided, Graduate of Royal Dental Cllege, and met a number of old friends of go back into the past, it is the young-, please find a postal note for 1928 gave an interesting accen o h Toranto. Office, King St. East, Baw- MNrs. Amery. A wreath was laid i'est thing in the îorld-the youiigest subscription ta my home paper, actvities of the society .hi-.h showJe ea manville. Office haurs 9 a. m. to 6 UPOfl the monument erected to Whit- and most hopefol thing in the wý%hOle \hiCh kceps me in touch with eriend, onir. he orssdrn h 344 Bay SretA p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone hy men who fell in the Great War. world. Why, as a mere territorial, of past years. Wishing ail a pis- ScetrC.H ananTesitee 90. House phone 283. They arrived back in the city in complex it is younger than any of'perous New Year. X-Ray Equipment in Office time for a Canadian Club luncelion at the great states on this planez. One,_____ urer R.F. Aitchison algo gave very the King Edward, where Coy. Axnery is sometimes apt ta talk of the Unit- Mrs. Helen Moase, Unity. Sask- commendable reports which showed DR. R. E. DINNIWELL tefnne fteognzto na was guest of honor, and dellvercd ed States as if they were a young Enclosed ia renewal for The States- 1ste fiaces yofdti~orn. zton Honar graduate af Toronto Uni- an address devoted to "The Romance coun try. Young, perhaps, compared man, We are enjoying n'iid weath-_ versity and member of Royal College of the British Empire". Mrs. with some of the old European coun- er now but Christmas week was bit-1 Question of holding a Spring Show, qf Dental Surgeons. Licerised ta 1 Amery was entertained my Mrs. W. 1 tries, but old compared with the1 terly cold. created much discussion and although'ý practise in Ontario and the Domin- N. Tilley, f ormerly of Bovmanville- it~sh~ Empire._____ a show will not be put on this spring !on. Dentistry in ail its branches. Later the Minister proceeded ta When the United States were Mrs. Harry Quinney. R. R. 4, the secretary ivas instructed to get posite Bank af Mantreal. Phone 301.i spoke to the students, emiphasizing' Empire today? Here on the North my subscription account. rhe annual meeting. D the desirability of young men enter-: American continent a ittl ' handful1 Statesman is surely missed if 'it fails --ing public life. of French colonists on the River St. to come regularly as 1 have been a LEGAL Lawrence; a handful of Loyaiists shut in for over 10 years and spend We are most desirous that every' dumped down on the forest's edge, I much time in reading. M~. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. young Canadian, maie or female, on the shores of Lake Ontario, an-1 UN Barrister, Solîcitar, Notary shouid read what Hion. Mr. Amnerylother handful in tlie Maritime Pro-. Mrs. V. A. Galbraith, 527 Bruns- Maney to boan on Farm anmd Town said at The Canadian Club luncheon 1 in,,,.wick Ave., Toronto: Am ieaving Property. Rayai Bank Building, so are puhlishing his address as re-1 What was there of Australia orf Monday for 1223 Hilcrest Avenue, BriishEmpre f tdayis theail the iength and breadth of Africa, Will be away probabiy three months W. R. STRIKE and most hopeful thmng in except one or two small traders' sta- and would like The Statesman sent...... Succasser tu latte D. B. Sipaob, i.C. the whole world" with a system of tions on the west coast? What was to me. Hope you and The States- Baristr, olcitr, otary self-government more flexible than there of the great Empire of India. man staff are weil and wishing you Soicto fr ak i anrel the 18th centurj constitution of the except just the very begfinnings ail a Happy New Year.Q u Solecitar La ank of o 91 Ut edeut oate whlen y eit asfrat Unitd Sate, "lreay hgmnîngaround Cacutta and Madras? WVhat Bawm t LanviiieOntaria eoRt C. M. wS r tolwas there of Malaya. Ceylan. many W. L. Law, 71 Abert St., Osh- BowmnvileOntrio d",Rt.Hon L. . M S.Amey t i nother part of the Britishi Empire? awa:-.-Enclosed find renewal for The teCanadian Club, speaking as guest! The whole thing is new, compared tii Statesman. We hope this finds you Barrister, Solicitor, Notary at the King Edward. As before fancy, wîth ail its future before it. proýspcrity and continued suc'cess in R e a so n a l W. F. WARD B. A.atdan he excetay lareDgohminon ntdSaes nisvr n alejyn h er eto elh Maney ta boan. Bonds for zala. saeteSceayfrDmno 1928. We also wish to he rememn- Offices-Bieakley Block, King : the ffara itish wmihe"TendRmanceda "And if it is young in that sense, bered to Mr. M. A. James by cxtend- S Office 102. Bouse 409. "an era more giorious than any bie-' view cof politicai development. The' future. fore, dawning soon, it may be, cer- greater heritage we aIl have in coin-! ______ _____ -Itainly before long, in Britain itself". mon, and of which we are îiroud Geo. W. McLaughlin, Oshawa- I FUNERAL DIRECTORS Cl mr sa t~ above al things, le our SYstêm cfi enclose my check te pay for heF ee M F. . ORIS o.sp aery hs a large fnd of oungif ree, responsible self-govern ment. Statesman up te the end of 1929. 1; F. F MORISCO. speaer nd as lare fnd f hm- Applause). That system ai gov-' hope in the intervai your business Col. Lamne T. McLaughlin Complete Moto,. or or and few statesmen in the British ernment, which while preserving the may grow and expand so mluch that Re-eiected President of W'1esit Dur- Home Furriishers Horse Equipment Empire are better posted on worîd ancie nt symbolism of the throne and, at the end of 1929 you wili be able ham Agricuitural Society. Ail call.s promiptly aff airs. A casual reference to the ail the moral forces it stands for. to increase your subscription rates. o mnil attended ta. Mayor of Chicago and his fea;7 of has contrived to give to the people- _____________ omnil S Private Ambulance British influence led up to the state-1 who live under it not only the fulle3t. David Morrison. Sen., Bowman- Bowmanville phone mnt by Col. Amery that altheOugh share of democratic liberty, but aise ville :-Dear Mr. Jame-I have just Sciteps will akjon te seo e ft. 10 and 34 sovereignty over the United States the fuilest share of true responsihil- read the interesting trio of hirth- Isccycnhl on hwnx Branch Stors- wsnteeyeotl nBiihk Criticism of an Opposition iTr., day events which took place on year with the Bay of Quinte Seed Oron & Nwcaale inds yetin fct he rPublccoud Prliament is,;aiways the criticism Of' Centre Street, of this town on Jali- Ir hw join the Empire wthout fr-igmen who may at any moment beluary 14th. Permit nie to offer you Society will as usual enter the one thread of its national independ- raled upon to take the place of their 1 on thîs your 79th birthday. my -in- Standing Field trop Competitions in ALAN M. WILLIAMS ence. On the other hand, what na- opponents and take themselves ihe 1 cere congratulations, with the %vish oats and corn. Embalmer and Funeral Director. Sttine ask ed, cold anthenad responsibîlity for saying how things' that y'ou May he spared to sec niany j D epartment judges wili be en- CallsgivStates and remain a nt, lmi ation , fth enYe nrgdr can be carried out.1 more with your famiiy and frienda gaged for- fair in various classes Cals gvenproptandperona a- uc lmittios f te reubics rgid5.*a athered about you, as on this occa- where decmed advisable. r tentian. No extra charge for dis- constitufion'based upon'those (if an- "tWe sometimes are inclimed te'sien. Membership wili be continued in tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman- cient European countries and framed: think of that great system cffire-ite____adEhiiin soiain 'ile, nt ata imewhn te frmor eson-I overnment as having always ')een T. H. McCready, Phmi.B., Managing thesie and SEhibtnAssocieaon sible- self-government now prevailing, part cf our British entity, but, in' Director of McCreadys Liitecd. Dis- Prned et S ceta tiowre ip MEDICAL in the British Empire was at its very fact it le only the iatest and most' pensing Chemists, Lethbridge, Aiber- poionto ed elgtes ta oveton C.W LMN .DC . beginnimig. 1 supreme deveiopment ai British Poli- ta:-Dear George-I am 'enclosing'A Torot netémoth nswa c C. . LEON M.D. C M . ticai genios. It hadl net come into' express order te pay my subscrip- corded Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, Osh- Grauat aiTriityMedcalColege Maor . C Noswothy Prsidntexistence when the United Sae tion te Statesman for the year. It awa. for his kindncss and generosity Trauteofarmriity aiEnica kllen. cfajothe Cb, winth charietStte Toffcr ndRsono fr e, Dr. Bnikieth. on.tholuwaFusn the hileit fseparatcd itself from the parent reaches me reçrularly and is aiways 1 in providing the main attraction at Offie an Reidene, r. Biths Ho. HwardFerusonat is lftstem. The framers ai the American wcelcoume, for it is a rare issue in last year's fair by giving an exhibitio)n former residence on Church Street, and Rev. Dr. H. J. Cody te right ai constitution Wcre men who wiii ai- which I do not fin<I seme items of real of jumping with his Irish hunters. It Bowmnvile. hon 26te44 th .Aeristiguishdviitga ertec h ar- ways be held in high honer for the interest ta me. Give my regards te is * hopcd to repeat this attraction J. CLARK BELLd isto, hechir originality of their theught ia creat-ý Norman and Miss Haycraft and best next ycar. manasedhl t cove asoth ing a great fcd cration, an o h: wîshes ta you *11 fer the New Ycar. AUls ero M.D., Ch.B., .R.C.S., <Edin), D.P.H. Club's sincere wclcome te Mrs. Ain-!' AIl lant year's officcreand directo, caei____________________are elected for 1928 as follows: (Successor t r .S ily r. O hi ortecara h fact remains that they hail before - President-Col. L. T. McLaughliiae t I Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- said: 'Leaving London in July last.! themn when they werc framing their c f view, in the British Empire as it' lst Vice-Lieut.-Coi. R .J. CiiiGe deen University; Feilow ai the Royal Col a1 r.Aer aT u constitution no other models but* ,xist today, there je no nation, net' 2)nd Vice-Geo. F. Annis Colee iSugen, dibrg. vry state of SothAfrica ..nd osAcoutris ai ancient timesad: xR ad.iuthio Coleg o Sugens Ednbrg. ee hoe cunr' even a mighty empire natien like the' Trcasurer-R.F icîo Office and Residence, Queen St., tralia, aIea New Zealaad and the Fiief the British system as it w.s before UidSttswchift ondha'ertryC risI Mson ac Bowmanviile, Phone 89 Islands, and have visited or will visit j epnsible self-government camne in- Epr ol have tofoeoone orayDecrsFW Bw-Irdisinl th i DRS. HAZEWOOD AN BIRKSIexerypineunn of Cnawon e a toteexistence; or rather, its beginniags thread ef ite national indepeadence,, e, M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mayr nrioasnalotr DRS HZLWOD AD IRS xcetin etrnig o ngandafý- 1were there at the very moment thelIone elament of the fulenese and rich- T. S. Holgate, J. A. MceClellan, R. F. -Westinghouse. JIust as th Physicians and Surgeons an absence of seven months. As, Anerican constitution wvas devised, esofisntional lufe, or wbich Aitchison, F. F. Morris.a eit uvrngqlty OfieHours: 1 ta 4 and 7 te 8.30. Canadians we greatly appreciate hsibtw alhrl e bishmor vudntgini ttsi h ae ietos alntn-- onBk-crie h suac fm Telephone 108 haig nerae such a trip, in or-'selîves. and the f arnera of the great of the world and in power te do good er, S. Chas. Allia, Alan Campbell, Model 57 iliustratd bc Ofie.Wllnto tie der te obtain first-hnnd knowiedge jAmerican constitution had not realiz-: te ol y joining such a fellow- L. C. Snowden, Harold Skinner, H. E. Offie. ellngto Steet and discuss Iniperial probleifla with cd them nnd were working upon the' hip. (Applause). i Tnk K. Squair, J. F. Osborne, H. G Contains aIl the features of BowmanvOile, Ontario. public men". * experiences of prevîous generatioris.*** Mackiin, Cee. A. Stepheas; Clarke- liial contraI maires it the sir Upo nsig* j* *"Yet on the other hand, what na- W.~ F. Rickard, Norman Allia, Rus- perfected UX-201-B radiair VETERINRY hiepleasre atl.hAvimyet the har- fContiauiag Coi. Amery said: So intien couîd jein that great Republic as saieQabrnenHoard GibrntRobt VETEINAY hs peasre t haingmetthechar-n sense it is truc ta say the Amerîcan a nation? It could enter as a state Cray; Bowmanville-James Nokes, T taretnar for tona DR . ~ TGEmani, who came fro-i the samie part constitution was aiready beginniiig ta inta that framework ahl carved up W,. Cawker, Neil Mutton, W. H. Car- DR. F. M. TIGHcekof rev in an eus h e d m that in i c b out of date whcn it was fram ed; inta a series af states, or possibiy ac- ruthers, H. C. Cave ly, M . J. Elliott,Th rc , wt o ub s s Night cails promptiy attended o. ef the Crown in Newv Z2aand, of the fand certaiaiv m aur pint af viW coipnyait s a satllitebut thre E.JPohnadt are reoadcasing ta millati POffc:nogS3. E ciBimavll.e ecan be glad ta ei aa is no position la that lSth century arLady Directors-Meedames Joh Offie: ingSt.Ese, Bwmavile.samne name and from th-e samne placeI Empire have a more mdoera, more constitution for a nation as a nation Spencer. Aian Campbell. M. J. El.- O.W ilgal -"a ilusraio ofan ofth jflexible systcm of go'vernmeat, One ia the fulness ai national lufe te jain!' iott, W. F. Rickard, R. T. Stephens. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. S.. mente ini that crimeson f*iiread cf k n- which brings every man in a grant it. A Drectors' meeting immediately without coat or obligation. Oronoship which binds us ail ttogether, and ý.tusttoc-wt the "Wht thefuturaio our Como f ollowed the general meeting at whichmnt which basiobecato50tdeeplyt cally oes athese appoi:îtments were made: MU whie ba bee sodeely ipre fedwbole goveramet-that ell oles weaith may be no man can foreteli. President-R. F. Aitchison; Secre- Elonor Graduate ai University of upon the mind in this long tour". make geverameat by the polWa ain iy ntefleso Toronto. Ahl cases given prompt1 "Yeu may nsk, me", lie contiaued, itbrough the people and Wfuinhsa aryC .Maf;AdiosG and careful attention. Ofc "waarthimrsinIhaed-pol.paue. time, wish ta join it, are things not Lay. H e. EMCaseui.s-e.H R T Dr cio' omr ofi Poe-s: taete mrsin hv e epe.(plue.for practical politicians but for spcc- HrldSine adNomn li Dr Clarke3921orroffice. h nes ived frem this tour. l ould net, "Again, while la its f ederai aspect ulatons and dreamers ta think ai.' aodSinradNra li Clarke 3921; Orolattempt te give tbem aIl te you, but the American constitution is a great But what I can forese la continu- cuedoaponsdfarcammite t avigse- t W s there is one impression tronger than ilandmnark in bistony. and provided cure onatinshforpurpoeeaincviagfing Stu'Wes an teri y id and that is the efi x.' ls both ai what weI nc f h antnneaiacrt new roof put aven sheep peas. anyeter md jUse feapis or ourselves; the exercise of an evea n xctv omtc ponc AUCTIONEERS impression of the wonderful romance should fellow and in cerne cases we nreatrinlece on preserving the'f for1928 ae: Col. L.T. McLpnghia THEO M. SLEMON of the British Empire-the roniatice shouil aveid, teCnd;n t e ece ai the world, inutuai co-apera- iu-o.RJ.Gle.F.Ans Auctioneer 1 cf its past, and perbaps lever more great Dominions, yet a federal con- tic n ta enhance our ewn deveiopment LtC. o. R .CiCa .Ans Autoer'the romance of its future. s. uton y is vry character, by f for C .Msn W Q :sfustutiiv al mr Farm and House Sales a Specialty. 1 eiite fpwr e aho s u bv Imr Members' fees paid ia advance for Ternis madenate. Enniskillen P. O. 'l **'he rigid eitaonfpwrsb- important than any materiai devel- 11928 are 115. Phone 197r8. ~14f::i 1nbed o say mucb about the ta-cen n central executive and a cen- oinet w h e can aciev-and1 At the fair last September $1562.- B-rRL Phono 197r3. Iromance cf England's pnst, or Bnit-ý trai legisiature and local executives i ceomn fyingetr75wspi n npie o h _____ - - - ain's past-of the grent story by; and legisiatures. la net applicable te neighbbr can give us oniy an inkliang iîolîoîî'ing entries: herses 133, cnt- R D O a which Britain's freedoîn vas luilt ,ef 1overy kind of circumetances. ef that greater dcvelopneet which ticd 150, sheep 143, swine 32, poultry CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS the tale ai hcroism by land and cea * THEROPY with which you are ns familiar ns I. Many ef us in the past, under the' wbutd aeve ient of -opeation-- 451 , gain and6 seutede1, ot sn DURWIN E. STECKLEY and which is your heritage bere as' glamor oi the Amnerican example, Sut in n de t cfoaIlthat mes eeals16 ri and flocr ai Tornto ' mulein theOld Cutr .-nd.wha t. flnders-ue.f-er-a.dbette for0te men ad anddairmnnd dmcsti produte33. WE will loaa you manies on i nbtn otepnee h fans ape,5 ope ening. Music was jrovided by Mn. fSpecial1attractions........ 462.60 your motor car, or if yau ana not I helieve that juat as in pnst age hensive, can'lend itself ta far greater George Corke's Orthophanie Viet- Rpi rudec....193 meet your preseat payments we every grent effort and gtrugcgle has1 developments than any mare rigid rnan. Paid off loan .............00.00 will psy off the dlaims and renew lîcen succeeded by anenw efflorescence and limited structure. faditrs ......125 yaur payments for any term up of tbeugbt, cf science and art and f "There le a gentleman in Chicagoa ---Secretary's salary .....150.00 ta 12 montha and masure your car. plitical deveiopment la Bitain, s0 it 1(Inughter) who lives la continuaI TASI IKTIsrne ....... 25 hR Swasonwill be la the future. I believe a fear becauqe hc thinks that Great STASJLIKT nanc ...................71.50 German & MacKenzie fore, is dawning. soon it may be, ty aven the United States. Well, no To Furope-Canadiati Pacifie, White 1 Sundries................. 54.8o f C certainly before long, la Britain it- sucb wiah le even nemotely at the Star Dominion, Cunard, American4 2 King St. East Oshawa, Ont. self; that the moral forces kindled hack ai aur minds, but 1 will say that Aak for infarmatiait. Phono 59 8 '492.90 B&wanile Branch __________in_______ l the Great War have not passedj from the purely canstitutional point Statesman Office, Bownianville. 1 j ci .................. 1 118.85 .t, and one that wli appreciate ix ,mmend the purchase aif 4AL NICKEL 4AL PAPER, ELANESE Co. LIMITED, al circular on these Companie., a ed ta you upan nequest". -Nest & Co. ààdel. 3296R Toronto he Most aValue things there is an accepted standard the word "'Sterh;ng" on silver deRine y, nu, "Westinghouse" on a radio set mont radio value. a..e is the biggest value in radio. f any set at double the price. Oise simplest ta operate. Uses the. newiy varns, cansaquently operating cosit 1qualities, volume and selectivity, it ecivers in the moderato, prîce class& in ornIy $78.00. tdeal of life if the great artiste whe bon this wintsr are nat being Izoard demanstrate, the 57 in your home î.Phone us to-diay for an appoint- (C. ALLIN Bowmanviile ~ghouse -ES ANID BATTERY id RAD!OLAS pi, vyal ]Banlk ,anada L . KF Aitchison, Manager IDABLE IITURE 0F ality ,bly Priced iold By lorris Co., and Funeral Serviee Ont. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th., 1928 PAGE TWO ý i