PAGE FOUR~ TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th.. 1928 OFFICERS ELECTED AT WINTER SCHOOL Bay of Quinte Winber School con- cluded its sessions at Cobourg by eleèting the following officer3: Mon. President&-.-President of Bay of Quinte Conference, and Pastor of the Convention Church, Rev. W. R. Tanton. ENFIELD Miss Dorothy Pascoe la visiting friends at Layton. Mr. Hoskin Smiith and Mrm. Harold Ormiston are steadily improvîng. Mr. and Mrs. H. James and famîly, Mrs. L. L. Guy, Columbus, and Mr. John Delve, Oshawa, visited at Mr. J Hepburn's. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Walter Gould, Uxbridge, spent the weekend with friends. Miss Mabel Cohen, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss Viola Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Miss Nora Werry, Sauina, Mrs. James A. Phillips, Mrs .(<Dr.) W. A. White, New York, visite.l the former's President-Rev. C. D. Daniels, Mm. John Moore whille cutting wood Gam=pbellford. for Mr. R. Smith, Colunîbis, on Mon- ody day, January 23, met with a serious Oigt h eyruhadcl Serear-ev H . unEn- accident. He and Mr. Whitney weather the hall was not quite terprise. felled a large tree and in falling filled ta capacity on Friday cveaing ' struck another tree causing a large last, but those wrio came out ta hear Registrar-To be appointed by 11mb ta bie thrawn back hitting Mr. and see the play "The Belles of Fol- jXCtv Moore an the head rendering hlm de-ml",' put on by Ebenezer young unconsciaus. Dr. Mor:re was callcd people, seen a very amusing aperetta Business Manager-Rev. A. Mc- ad dressed the wound which requir- rendered in a faultîcas manner. Lanchlin, Grafton. ia seven stitches. ýThose taking part showed that their Executive Com-nittee-Rev. R. T. ! training and ability was of very high Richards, Part Perry; Rcv. B. Hans-I order and aIl who wcrc present were ton, Campbcllforci; Rcv. W. R. Tan- '.Vell repatd for caming out and brav- ton, Miss Joy Nich.ila, ÇCobourg; Rev. GOOD BEEF AND ADVERTISING jing te storm. Mr. Cyril Weyrich, G. A. Brown, Kingaton Mns. Rasa Pearce, M-. Robertson put Nathing pleases a publisher mare on the firat part af the program with Rev. J. E. Todd. B.A., of George than ta know that a merchaat's ad- sang and story which was very much St. Church, Peterboro, was, the spe- vertising bas brought results. Sa appreciated by the audience. Rev. cial convention preacher and deliver- that it put the editor ia goad humor J. H. Stainton, Pastor. made a capi- cd excellent sermoas ini Trinity Un- Tuesday marning whdn Hamold M. tal chairnian. Praceeda $21 .50. ited Church on Sunldav cnducted by Jewell, who bought out Phare & Mc- the Pastar, Rev. TV. R. Tanton, as Coy, brought ia his change of advt sisted by Rev. C. D. Danel, Camp- for this week and told us how greatly CUTC bellford. pleased he was with the results frani ________ Certificates we'.e preserted at tie his advt in The Statesman last week.1 Mr. Walter Snider, Brantford, via- cloree of the achaol ta P. aum'er afI t brought xaany customers into Jie tM.W l ihl' young people who took the variaus my butcher shop for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, En- courses in trainîing and leadership, he said. Evideatly they were well niakillea, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack which formed a part of the excellent aife ihtemtansrvcSot nSudy satisfid with he mea aforsevice Sartt onSunday pmoramproidd fr te eleate. eceived for a aumber of theni have Miss Myrtle Montgomery, Toron-v -- _______________since favomed us with their meat or- ta, is guest of hem grandparcents, Mr. ders. He added further, "I was so and Mrs. W. H. Nichais. e incouragedwith this inerease of bus-! -- incas that went out oaturday an( bought three mare very choîce youni cattie £romi Orville Osborne, Pra'vi dence. son of J. F. Osborne, one o: the best known Shothorn breeders ir the county. I had a couple of theii cattle for Christmas trade and ther( was no better meat ta be had. I'nr 171! 'IY' '!I1 'CI telliag the people in my advt thi VALII1II1I~Yweek that this good Osborne beef i We have a very large display of unique, novel and attractive Valentines, priced from le to 50c. W. T. Allen Bigr 20 Bookatore Bowmanville Ont. Better Work More Pep Less Fatigue These are some of the advan- tages that corne ta the wearer of properly fitted glasses. OnIy a thorough examination can show the truc condition of your eyes. Wby flot make an appointment to-day? Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyez It la Don. Properly M. JeweII believea in buying the beat cettle moaey can buy ad then telling the people about it through The Statesman-in other womds goo< beef and advertisiag pays. Notice to Creditors n thie Estate of Russell John Hobbe. AUl persoashavinng daimiaagainst the, estate or Russe]! John fHobbs. late of flowmanville, deceased, who died on ai abouitt he, ffh day of January. 1928, are hereby aotified to send Ia to the under- 9ILcned <Executar) on or befome the, eleventh day or February 1928, full par- ticulars or their dlaims. Immediately aftAr the said elèventh day of February 1928. the assPts of the <estator) will be distributefilaniongst the.' narties entitled, having regard only ta dlaims ai which the (Executar) shall then hav,. notice. Pa.ted at «Bewmanville this 23md day ai January 1928. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limitet 20 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario (Executors). Dy W. F. WARD, B. A. 4-3 Their Solicitor harein SPECIAL Vac uum Battie and Kit Complete $1.29 Guaranteed Hot Water Bottles 89C Kotex 57c Toilet Paper 4 large 8 oz. roUis Honey and Horehound Draps 29c Jury & Loveli Safe. Satisfactomy Duggists and Opticiens 1 ad Mr. nd Mms. Russel Gay and fain- ury17 1wenrevniadiioaltins. Progmam consisted of a v9ry g9 l'y we Sunday guests of Mrs. Gay's members ta Trustee and Cemetemyinice readiag "Mothem's Gla.sses'" by - father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Board were added. Miss Ruby Virtue; a good paper, )f Thos. Jackson, Bowmanville. "The Truc Way ta Happinesq" by ýn1- Mra. J. R. Trumpour; a reading by ir Sunday services as usual were Miss Viola Sbortt, "A New Ycar's -e good. Our Pastor, Rev. J. H. HAMPTON Resolution." Luacheon wss served p Stainton preached two excellent ser- 1a t the close and a sacial haîf-hour is mons and the Sunday School session Miss Lottie Hora visited with spent. is in the afternoon had a g iod attend- friends at Leskard Sunday. _____ ance. Mr. and Mmm. Harold Salter visited ae Our young people presented "The relatives at Orono recently.SAE nBelles of Fol-de-ral" at Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter speat Sun- OnJnaylt.acnraiol h laat Friday evenîng. On Tucsday day with Port Permy fricads. metng as alled th 7.30 p. m atio devening the 24th they present it la Mr. Percy Clark, Trenton, visited Salem Church for the combined pur- Oona and Friday, January 27th ln his sister, Mrs. Lewis Cryderman. pose of eviewing the work of the Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hrni made paat termi la church work also Sua- Abou twety-fve ldiesfroma business trip ta Toronto on Monday. day School and Young Pcople's Work, bout et y-f . .iliadienfda Mrs. W. Wilbum and Mr. John and ta elect aflicers for the camiag Couhe rbtic er..aulildiayPatend-e Cowling visited with relatives at year. Rev. J. R. Trumpour accu- od the reay teril hl n orgt he Stouffvillc. pied the chair, aad after a short de- weather pmaved most disegrecable, Hear the "Belles of Fol-de-roI" at vatianal periad, business was con- the sessians werc good and thase who Hampton an Tuesday, February 14, ducted. attededrepot aspledidday St.Valntin's ay.According ta the new church dis- attededreprt splndi da. ~ Valetin's ay.cipline, two members were elected by >f The Temperance prograni prepar- rotation plan ta the session, aamely ýr 1 cd by Misa Mary Katerson for the Mm. L. Buttcry for one yer, Mm. W. SOLNASunday School on Suaday last waa Wemry for two yeera; and -three mei-- Mrs. A. L. Pascoe visited with Tom- veny much eppreciated. bers as stewards Mr. K. Squair far yonto friends. Mm. James Curtis gave a birthday anc yeam, Mr. A. Welsh for two yeams, y Mr. Harvey Hardy visited Mrs. T. party on Thursday, Januery 19th. and Mm. W. Cana for threc years. p ' Election of Sunday School officers dE. Hardy, Whitby. AIl had a jolfy time and she reccivcd H1 rteBle o o-emle many congratulations on having rcsulted: Suprintendent-F. Cat- HeartheBeles f Fl-d-ro atreached the seventieth milestone in or; Asat. Supeintendnt-K. Squair; Hampton, Februemy l4th. h ler 1f c. Secretary-K. Werry; Asst. Secre- r Don't forget Hampton Leaguel epiIte nlmetw ite tary-P. Cana; Treas .-L. Squeim; dvisita us on Monday night. 1FrDayespi thc incofmen t weaher'Organit-MisWelsh; Asst. Orga- Dr. A. P. Bace, Toronto, was 1uters turned out. The meeting v.aa iTeachs-ile.Ctles-iaRt ýguest et Mr. R. J. McKessock's. la charge of the Citizenship group ledgc; Asst.-Miss lrwin; Inter- Mrs. Leonard Bradley with the 3rd Vice President, Mr. mediate-Mma. Welsh; Asst.-Mms. and family, Tyrane, wcme at Mr. W. Laverne Clemeas, :presiding. Bible Richards; Primry-Mîss Welsh. -N. Pescae's. lesson waa read by Miss Florence Asst.-Mms. Squeim; Missiaaary Vie Burns. Mr. Walace Horn fevomed -Mra. Hoaey; Tempemence Vice- Our Institute intend visiting Hamp.. with a violia selectian accoin- E. J. Doidgc, Credle Roll-Mms. I tan Institute on Tbursday aftcmnooa, paaied by Misa N. Horn. Mr. Welsh; Hame Department-Misp Fehmuary 2nd. L. H. Cooke, B.Sc., B.P"aed., Welsh; Gradiag Officer-Mrs. Squeîr Mm.andMrs J.T. unde wmeTeacher of Mathemetica af Bow- Election af officers for Y. P. L. me- Mr n rs .Tmunl eeanville High Scbool, spoke sutda olwsoradn.M macnTaguetaofnm H e Cos the Leaguers on the subjcect Of L. Savemy; lat Vice-Mm. L. Squalr; ma, auto."World Brotierhood". Mm. Conke's 2nd Vicc-Mrs. F. Honey; 3md Vice Mm. andl Mrs. Ernest Larmer. talk was vemy in-spiing and helpful -Mma. E. J. Doidge; 4tb Vice-Mm, Ralph and Lois, Blackstock, visited and the Leaguers apprcciated Mm. Coombes; 5tb Vice-Mrs. A. Welsb: at Mm. W. T. Taylom's. 1 Cooke'à comîng. Mm. Wilfrid Smalc Organist-Mrs. F. Honey; Ast.- gave a readiag. A conteat on Mrs. Irwin; Secretary-Tmcasume-E. Mms. A. Gibbons, Toronto, visited "What do you know about Canada" J. Doidze. hiem father, Mm. H. G. Argue, who %vas very much enjoyed and meeting A few items af business weme dis- continues quite pooly. eîosed with "Blest Be Thc Tic Thati cussed and meeting wes closed by Binds"ad benediction. Mm. Rosa Rev, J. R. Trumpour. Congratulations ta Mm. Clarence Strike of Bowmanville, will address On Sunday eveniag, Janusry 22, Tink and Misa Ruth White, Hampton, 1 the Leaguers on Fiday, February 3. the Y. P .hl t ia etn on teir ecet ma-nag. iander the new management witb an Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Wemmy and, i atteadance of 23. Mr. L. Savery, Master ý7illiani, Miss Nana Wemmy, HAYDC>Ni the new President, opened the meet- Kedmon, visitcd Solina frienda. iag and made a fcw fitting rmamks Mm. Allen Stainton vîsited et Mm. as he assumed bis aew office. The Mm. Nelson Reynolds and Howard, C. Avery's. ýprogram was la charge of 4th Vice. Toronto,, Mm. Joe Reynolds, Hespler, 'Mr. C oombes who occupied the chair visited with Mm. J. W. Reynolds. Coagegational meeting wilU be Iand a gaod pragram followed. meet- held Februamy 7th. ing closed witb League beniediction. Mm. and Mms. Thos Baker and Misa Monday evening, January 23, the J. H. Wery visitcd at Mm. Leslie Miss Rilda G. Sleman, Bowman Y. P. L. Executive met at the home Saowden's, Maple Grave, on Monday. ville, is speading a few weeks et of Mrs. A. Welsh to foi-m conimittees ir.(r)W .Wie r a home. iand consider sevemal items of busi- A. Phillips, New York City, Mm.Jo! Mrs. A. Beach was la Toronto last ness for the comiag terni, when a James, Bowmanville, visited at Mm. weck consulting a specialist. She very intemesting aad profitable time S. E. Werry's. 'la now la the General Hospital having was spent. At the close the hostaus teatment. We hope for a spee-dy served a dainty luncheon when a Sormy ta report that Mrs. Narval recavery. social period was vcmy muc], eajoycd Wotten hes gone ta Toronto Genemel by al. after which a hearty vote of Hospital for an aperation. Hem! League meeting on Suaday even- thanka was accorded the hast and manv frienda wish lhem a aueedv mc- in as inlachamre af the 4th Vicq bosta-s.i. jcovery. Mm. Wotten accoipaidie esdet, Mbeleèh"%Bibe red- Ihem. iag by Lamna Thonipson; devotional C. . I T.meeingwesbel onby Ben Fîaxington ;topic was spîca- C. . 1 T.meeingwashel ondidly givea by Mm. J. Wright; a -Saturday afternoan when Mms. Hem-1 vocal quartet was nicely reademed by vey Hardy eatertaiacd the girls. A aur youag men; readinga by Anale short business prograni was beld after Tewinaend Renia Bradley Meet- i %%hich NIrs. Hardy semved a vemy dain- iag clased with the Mizpah beaedic- ty lunch. tien. Newly elected League officers are-Pmesidet-Mr. C. Avery; lat %Ir. and Mrs. DoadYla]civc-Miss Helen Wardea; 2nd Vice Jean and Helen, Columbus, Mm. aadl- Mlissý Anale Trewin; 3rd Vice- Mrs. George Gibson and Marina, -MS. E. Mouatjav; ith Vice-Mm. B. son and Dorothy. Brookla, visited et Beach; Secetay-Miss Meta Asb- Mm. Walter Vice's. i ton; Treasurer-Ir. Themua Mount- metng.oy; Organist-Mrs. Theron Mount- was eeaiagwithFlower (ammittee-Mra. E. Bradley, Rev. J. R. Bick presidiag lanthe ab- iMi, e~iAhtn Reynolds 10(1 la the rcadinig af the Nfwly elected Suaday School offi- bile lesson, Misa Jeân Milîson gav.e cars: Superintendent-Mrm Cecil et recitation. Mr. A. L. Pascoe la a Sýenion; Assistant -Mma. H. Ashton; few w~ell choýPn womds introduced Secrûtarv Mrs. R. Croasman; As- the speaker of the eveaing, Dr. A. sistent-Mebel Beach; Treasurer- P. Brace af Toronto. Organizer for~ Mrs. T. Mouatjoy; Organit-Mahel the Sons of Temperance. Dr. Bace Beach; Assistat-Meta Ashton; Lib- then dlýliverrdl a splendid addross, rarian-Harry Mills; Assistant-Car- ity a!ong tamperance lines if we are Mrs. A. Beech; Home Dept. Supt.-trsii h edo rae civll stn rdeRl ut- to go fbrwxard in the work. After Mrs. D. Graham; Missioaary Supt - sanie discussion n plan wa formulet-; Mrs. H. Ashton: Tempenance Sunt- qd o r-oganzethe Saline Sons af Mms. E. Bradley; Gadiag Officers- Tet erne NO. 4., ta work in con- Mm. J. Wright, Mrs. D. Graham., Mms nectian with the Citizeaship Dcpart- A. Beech; Crrmesponding Sccretary. ment af the Lpague. A special -M'ss Phoabe Beach. Teaclher.s: meeting la ta ha held ia the church Aduit Bible Class-Rev. Mm. Trumpour on Thursday P.veninz, Fehruary 2ad.. Asst.-Mr. C. Avery-, Young Mc', for the purpose af e-organizatian Class-Mr. J. Wrirht; Intermediate and ai making flzrthcn plans. AIl 1B ovq-Mrs. D. Grahamn; Intermediate pat members ai the Order aday' fîrs--Mrs. T. Mountjoy; Jr. CIe,- wha wish ta becr'me members are re- j1Mr. H. Ashton; Beginners-Mrs. E. qucsted ta be preseat. Bradley.' Eye Examinationbik,. Ail mode rn methods with ut the use of drugs are employed in thp Optometric aye examinations givn in aur office. Tf.e entire time u~nd attention of this department are directed toward one end- THE CONSERVATION AND IMPROVEMENT 0F HUMAN VISION Fron. the beginning of the ex- aminati>n ta the final adjustment of your glasses the sole airn of this department is ta render y)u the best Optometric Service. Have yoiir eyez .xamined to-day SEE MITCHELL & SEE WELL R. MI. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bownianville Ont. Phone 92,-,iights and Sundays 280 ENNISKILLEN jTYRONE Mi"s MYrtle Brunt is visiting rela-1 Mrs. Edward Virtue is stîll confin- tives in Rochiester. cd to hier bed. Mrs. William Herrîng has returncd Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, home fromn visiting frienda in 'Bow- spent Sunday with Miss Margaret manville. Moore. Mr. and Mn. J. A. Werry enter- Miss Mae Cameron bas gone to t.ained a number of fricnds to tea o Toronto where she has acccpted a Thurdiiyeiénng.position. Mhussa eenng Mr. and Mra. Lionel Byam, Doreen MsMargaret Dalton and Miss and Yvonne, visited, hier parents et Maudie A htg visited Mrs. Stewart Cannington on Sunday. Rodman, Port Pcrry, over the weck- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright and end. Miss Hazel Turner visited at Mr. Mcl- Ladies' Aid are holding an At baune Wight's, Providence. Home in the basement of the church Mr. David Noble, Orono, who has on Monday, January 30th. It be- been seriously iii at Mr. James Stor- ing leap year the ladies are ta pay ie's was taken home on Monday. for their escorta. The gentlemen Youn People's League on Thurs- are ta give the program and ladies day evening as usual when the Mock are serving lunch. Caine and have Trial of John Barleyoorn will be a jolly time. given. __________Miss Florence Gardiner has re- turaed home after spending two BETHESDA weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Hend- ricks, Trenton. Miss Winnifred Cale, Toronto, has Mrs. A. W. Annis and Miss Viola been spending a few weeks at home. Shortt attended the annual meeting f Cobourg Presbyterial held at Port Mr. and Mrs. Lcrne McCoy recent- Hope last Thursday.1 ly visited lier sister, Mrs. Fred Moore, Teana hn-feigsrie rvidce. S .Bag, a f the United Church will be held Mr.andMrs S.E. rag, inni- Sunday, February 5th., Rev. J. Ham- peg, Man., were recent guests of their old Stainton. Courtice, will be the niece, Mrs. Howarcd Couch. - speaker. Mr. and Mrs Hernian Gray of Rev. J. R. Trumpour preachéd a Hamilton, and Me~ Herbert Gray of splendid sermon Sunday morning, Peterboro, recently visited Mr. and his text being "Keep thy heart with M4rs. Everton White. aIl diligence for out of it are the ia- Mr. Kenneth Fraser accompanied sues of life". Prav. 4:23. by his uncle, Mr. John Fraser, mot- The monthly meeting of the Ty- ored fram Toi-ont, and spent the rane Women's Institute and Ladies' weekend with Mr. aad Mrs. D. K. Aid met at the home of Mrs. C. D. Fraser. Hodgson on Wedneaday, Jnnuary A cangregational nmaeti,~ waa held l9th. Meeting opened with Ral For Stock Use Epsomn SaIts, 21 Ibs...81.00 Epsomn Salts, 9 lbs ........ 50e Sulphur <ground) 21 lbo. $1.00 Sulphur (sublimed) 14 Ibs. $1.00 Saltpetme, 3 lbs ........... 50C Glauber Saîts, 18 Ibmo.. . .81.00 Nux Vomica, 1 lb ......... 30e These are just a f ew examples of the values we give you. Any other requirements you wilI find equally as good value at KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Lot 1 Men's Suits la Fancy Tweeds and Wor- steda, ln. shades of Brown Mixtures, Grey Mixtures, Stripes and Smell Checks, sing- le and double bmcasted, Pegu- lar values up ta $22.50, your choice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $15.95 Lot 3 Men'a and Young Men's Suits This lot contains aur very beat suits, la Facy Tweeds and Worsteds, also plain Greys la staple and fancy modela frm mca and youag nien. ]he shades are Fawa, Lavat, Grey and and Brown Mixtures and la this lot You will fiad dur $30.00, $32.50, $35 and $37.50 range of suitss, Youm Choice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $24.95 EACH UNDERWEAR Penman's WoI Shirts and Drawems, beavy ribbed quality, also Acadia mnakp and Regular $1.50. Out they go at OUR JANUARY SALE 98c EA Ail Winter Underwear Must Go 2 place gemmants, elso Combina- tion Suits, aay size, llatchway & Watsoa's an(] Ppaman's make as follows: REGULAR $1.50 FOR $1.19 REGLJLAR $1.75 FOR $1.39 REGULAR $2.00 FOR $1.59 REGULAR $2.50 FOR $1.98 REGULAR $3,00 FOR $2.39 ]EGULAR $4.00 FOR $3.19 Men's Sweaters, Sweat- er Coats and Pullovers All smashed la prices ta clear et this sale as fn)llaws: REGULAR $2.00 FOR $1.49 REGULAR $2.5f1 rOR $1.88 REGULAR $3.00 FOR $2,25 REGULAR $4.00 FOR $2.98 REGULAR $5,00 FOR $3.75 Lot 2 Men's Suits Faacy Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, made af exceptional fabrics flu the very aew modela, and al the wanted shades, snisrtly tail- ared and values ranging to $28.50, Your Chùi2,e OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $18,50 EACH Lot 4 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suit3 Heavy queîity Serges la the popular diamoad wxvae pat- teras, also Hemriag Banc effects, modela. We are grouping al single aad doubla breested values up ta $29.50 et OUR JANUARY SALE PRICIE $19,75 EACI-I Men's Overails A splendid lina with bib in Blue Stripe and Plain Black and vath $2.00*pair, OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $1.39 PAIR Men's Work Pants The bast guamantaeed Womk Pant on the market. R-z. $2.50, ON SALE AT $1.89 PAIR Men's Fine Shirts 7 5 Mea's Flae Shirts with sep- e r at c o l a r t o m a tc h , a lso c o l- -arsa ttachad, la Broadcloths, Percales, Hair Lina Stripes, Derby Cords, etc., valuas rang- ing to $3.00 each ON SALE $1,49 EACH WooI Work Sox IAny heavy wool work sox la the atome, Regular 50c for 39c PAIR T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanvjlle jYour GOOD MONEY WILL GET YOU GOOD VALUE WHEN YOU BUY AT KERSLAKE'S Feed Them Well WJTH ROYAL PURPLE STOCK FOOD It pays to feed your stock wefl. Best resuits are obtained with the government tested Royal Purple Stock Feed and Poultry Supplies, also the Famous Royal Purpie Calf Meal. Many farmers tell us it can't be beaten. Then we have Royal Purpie Remedies for Coughs, Roupe and Lice Killer. No.Buckle Team 13/ Inch Harness, Brltching and Back Pade, complete, wItIiout collara, $74.50, Golng At $64.60. MASON & DALE Phono 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville For Family Use Epsomn Saîts, 1 lb ........ 20e (Howards) Rochelle Saîts, 1 lb. ..40e Rochelle Saîts, % lb. .25e Tr. lodine, 1 oz ......... 20e Tr. Iodine, 3 ozs ......... 50e Russian 011, 16 ozs ....... 75e Russian Oil, 40 oza. .*1.50 Pure Cod Liver Oil, 16 ozn. 75e PAGE FOUR, THE CANADIAN STATESM", BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY# JANUARY 26th., 1928 ý 1 Clean Sweep Sale BROKEN UINES LEFT OVER FROM OUR BIG JANUARY SALE 15 Only Men's Overcoats at Haif Price These are Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy Grey and Brown Mixtures, brokçen sizes in the lot. This line clearing at exactly Haif Price, as follows: Reg. $22.50 For $11.25 Reg. $27.50 For $13.75 Reg. $25-00 For $12.50 Reg. $30.00 For $15.00 Men's Navy Blue Overcoats and ail other Fancy Tweed and Worsted Coats in the store as follows: Reg. $20.00, $22.50 and Reg. $30.00 For $19.75 $25.00 For $14.95 Reg. $32.50 For $21.95 Reg. $28.50 For $18.45 Reg. $35.00 For $24.75 Reg. $27.50 For $1 7.45 Reg. $37.50 For $26.50