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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1928, p. 5

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THE CÂNADIAN STÂTESMAN, EOWMA24VILLE, THUR8DAY, JANUARY 2Oth,, 1928 PAGE NIVE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MUa. L. Cornish, Toronto, is vis iting Mns. R. H. Souch. Mr. and Mma W. Crossey spent Bunday witb relatives in Pickering. Radio dealers report a splendid season'a busines-and tbey are still geing trong. Miss Florence Jackson i. spending a few weeks with hier uncle, Mr. John T. Fee, Omomee. Mns. R. C. Symons, Welcome, has been visîting bier parents, Rer. and t W. A. Bunner. Mn. Annie Widdis, Garden Hill, in isiting fier sister, Mis. Thos. Brown, Centre Street. An evening of fun is promised ail who hoan "Make it Snappy"' an Feb- ruary l4th and l5th. Miss Jackson, Peterboro, bas been viiting lier niece, Mrs. L. R. Wood, (-and other triends bere. Dad says: Eat more fish. See how Harry Allun, the corner grocen, ex- presses bis views in potry on this subj oct. Mr. John Miller, Grano, N. Dakota, is visiting bis sisten-in-law, Mn.. Han- ry Allun, Division and King Sts., and othen relatves. Mr. Rd. Everson wbo bas heen vis- iting relatives in Ontario, returned to bi s home in Darlingford, Man., on Tbursday last. Mfr. Morley Cawker of Medicine Hat, Alta, i. enjoying a visit witb his parents, Mr. and Mn.. C. M. Cawker and other relatives% bore. Bawnianville Juniars heat Peter- bora in Peterbaro 6-1, Monday night in a very fast but rough game. Sev- oral ot the local. wene hurt, but flot Sseriously. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bragg et Win- nipeg. who bave been enjoying a vis- it with their numerous relatives bore, are spending this week with relatives in Port Hope and Ottawa. Every business or prof essianal man shauld bave a capy ot the 1928 Cana- dian Almanac. It i. in ~reality a National Directary which you refer te almost daîly. See page 3 for details. .The Port Hope Guide states that Mn. John Russell, who reside just nortb of Monkey Mountain, plougbed a portion et bis land on Wednesday of last weok, and reports the gnound free of frost. Ha. this established a recard for this lacality? Here's what the ladies bave been waiting for-the annauncement that Couch, Jahnston & Cryderman are new selling the balance of this ses- son'. Ladies' Cloth Coats at hall pnico. Only. 12 new coats loft s0 you had btter pick yours aut te- day-tamorrew snay be tae lato. As the result et a competition ho-. tween twe arganizod teams et Ce- bourg Women's Institute the lesing aide treated the winners to a banquet last week. The impromptu program consisted af cammunity singing, salas, etc., and each of the winners was giron a topic on which she was asked ta speak for twa minutes. The respansos were apt, witty and inter- ~fhree weeks ago F. J. Van Nest 411his advt. in The Statesman recam- mnended te his client. as a satle and sound investment International Nick- el, International Paper and Canadian Celanese. Theso stocks have ail ad- ipnced since thon and hoe predîct. Cey will eventually seil at $150 or btter. Fred reports business as gaod investments that ho is maring ta largor affices next month. A real treat, don't miss musical comedy "Make it Snappy" in Opera Hause, February t4th and l5th. Rer. W. E. Honey, >elcome. re- cently moved into the new Parsonage built by the circuit. A number et ex-residents of Welcame naw residing in Part Hope presented three beauti- fui pieces of turniture for the new parsonage. Mr. L. H. Martyn of Londun, rocently sont a check ta the Board te caver cost et equipping the church with lectric ligbts. These are ta be in use tan the fist timo on Sunday, January 29tb when Rer. Roy H. Rickand, B.A., et Belleville, will bie tjie speaker. Mn. Hanry Allin, Grocer, in Cam- pany with bis bnothen-in-law, Mn. John Miller of Grano, North Dakota, spent a couple days this week in Bellerille, guest of Mn. Wmn. Clare, C.N.R. Engineer, tanmorly ot this tawn. The mast remankable part of this incident is the tact that this was the fint time in 15 years that Mn. Allin had been away fnom bis :I~n fineside aven nigbt. It is ne- 4thted that Harry was as homesick as àJ-weeks old pup separated for the f'1¶._,time tram its mother. music Club pragrami will censist et vocal, piano and violin numbers, as well as a minuet. visiting artista include: Miss Helen Johnston, MSa. ed -an 1the .Oshawa -net -guandian- -but ho haro a charmed lite and ho muet have had a hucket ful et hanse shoos. Hewever Lunney slippod one ln. Then Oshawa wskened up, but wene tnustrated ln ther attempts ta score, the game ending a draw. (Continued on page 6) Presbyterans Buy Disciples Church In future this church wilI be known as St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. . At the annual meeting of St. Andrew's congregation held on Wednesday evening, Januaury 19, the announcement was given out that they had purchased the church in ýwhich they have been worshipping since withdrawing from the United Church. LEAGUERS VISIT OSHAWA King St. Seciety Royally Entertain A jally crowd at Trinity Leaguers matored te Oshawa Menday evoning and were royally ententained by thie members et King St. United Church Leaguers. On arrivaI the President, Mn. Meredith Moffatt, welcomed the visitors atter which Bewmanville Leaguers took change et the prognam The devotienal part was in charge et Miss Marion Belîman. A piano trie was nicely rendered by Mns. H. D. Clemens and Misses Gladys and Danis Jamiesan, who respanded ta an encare; sales were splendidly sung hy Miss Margaret Allun and Mn. Mol- ville Dale atten wbicb Mn. W. Ross Stnike, the President, gare a splendid addness on "Playing the Game Fair". This was tollowed by a'sole by Miss Helen Argue. The Oshawa Leaguens entertained with games and ethen so- cial activities atten wbicb ail enjoyed the lunch, se generously served. TREADING ON "CORNS" Eveny publicatian, serving the best intonest of its field, must pertorce tread once in a while on "the corna"I et seme roatier, ani lose as a resuIt, temponarily Pat lenet, a valued sub- sciber ,says the Printer & Publisher, which adds: "The real power of a publication rests on it.s tacilities for the disseminatien etfsvrtlî-while in- formation and newi te rendors, its abilty ta expose e'xtravag-ance and corruption, tear et publicity in its columns alone otten preventing wrong-doing. Itascruptîlous mon in, public lite dread the "limeligbt", wilst hanest and stnaighttarward citizens pize the publcaiaot tofacts that otten influence and shape a country's destiny. Be it daily, weckly on monthly, truth alone must hc its guiding star if it seeks te shed it.3 ligbt success- fully on civic, provincial or îîaticnal prablems. All right-mirided people' agnee that the ideals et jaurnalism sbould ne mare' be sacrificed te the bigat an the naraw-minded than to the advetising pufan circulation stunt. Yet haw mach easior it is ta pursue a "wait and sce" palicy, ta pander toa ah shades of opinion by sidestepping the vital questiaons et the day, than ta bring te light. fnankly and eannestly by tacts and figures, the trath on situations affecting the whale Dominien. Few papens can affend ta lase ane subscriber, and still fewen can afford ta please every readen. To ha. wantb while, te bave no tear et the.estim-1 ate et the world matter5 and news dealing with the welfare cf a cam- munity must ho discussed without tear or tarer, if the influence af the papen is ta gnaw. In the long rnn it will ho tound that lavons et tain play, the banest and tan-seeixîg, w-111 continue ta rally round, jast as the "easily peeved" will zantinue ta han- row tram their tniendb a capy et the papen, that, in thein heants, they ad- mire an tear. Hean the nasical comedy "Make it Snappy " ,Opera Hause. Tuesda n Wednesday, February lith and Sb DO YOU KNOW- Hew te get early Tomatoea betone iyonr neigbbons? How te plant Sweet Peas se they will bloom- tneely through the bot weather? Haw ta have Gladioli in bloom tram the oarliest blooming time up until trost cames? How te make Dahlias bloom? The time eto the year te, plant Iris? Haow te gnow best Peonies? If yeu cannot answer these ques- tiens, on if you bave any garden prob- lems et youn own that yeu ,would like answered, write thema down and send them te J. H. H. Jury, Secre- tary et the Hoticultural Society. This Society i. making arrange- ment. ton two noted lecturers te gire addnesses in Bowmanrille within the next six weeks. Funther particu- lars will ho givon abortly, but In tbe meantime, watch ton the dates and send in a list et question. te the sec- retany se tbey can ah hoe taken up the evening efthte lecture. It is the ambition cf the Horti- cultural Society of this tawn ta gire the best possible service te the public and this year an extra large quantity et fiawers and seeds will be distnibot- ed apd substantial pnizes giron at a Mid-Summer Flower Show. Erery citizen sbeuld be interested in the weltare et this Society and especially when you are getting tram $1.50 to $2.00 wortb et plants for $1.00. GIVE THE BOYS GENEROUS SUPPORT The Tuxis and Trail Ranger boys stant their band sefling campaign Satunday ta raise $125.00 in Bow- manrille and $65.00 in West Durham. These amaunts wene raised last yeari and the bays say they intend to do it again this year.1 Somo may ho untamilian witb the' woark of tbe Tuxis and Trail Ranger prognam and wonden te what use this maney is put. Thene are in Ontario aven 15,000 boys tollowing this pro- gram. It i. not limited ta any de- nominatians but is epen te any tellow wvho can get alang witb the members ot any gnoup. The boy in this work i. develaped alang a tour-told way af lite, namely: the Physical, Social, Devational and Intellectual. This pragram raises Canadian citizenship higher and is an assot te any cem- munity. Under the Ontario Baya' Wank Board last yean there were twen- ty-tour sommer boys' camps at whicb 1,125 attended. It is a work worthy et the tullest sup- port of everyono. ResuIt et this înaney is highen and btter citizen- ship, greaten churcb-aperative werk and relîgieus education. This is a worthy cause. Yau are urged te give the boys nat aniy en- couragement but a generaus purchase of bonds ta belp in tbis wonk. Nowr you may buy that Orerceat tan dad and the bays-Gilchnist i. cancluding bis very successful Jan- uary Sale by placing on sale this week 15 Men's and Baya' New Ov- ercoats at exactly haîf their ariginal pnice. Mn. Gilchrist says ho is de- termined not ta carry aven one cent -se eut these cents go at hait price. Good Bee f and Advertising -BROUGHT US MANY NEW CUSTOMERS LAST WEEK The announcement we made in The States- man last week-that we had some exceptionally choice beef-brought us many customers wlîo bought here for the first time. They have been coming back for more of that good beef-and we have it. Bought it from the Osborne family again. This time we purchased two young fat steers and 1 choice heif er from Orville Osborne. We have start- ed to use this beef and it certainly cuts'niee and tender. You will make no mistake in ordering some of this beet. Phone 518-We Deliver Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phono 518..Bowmsanville Birtba, Marriiages and Diàths are charged for at the foliowing rate@: Births 60c; MarrlageesOc; Deatbs 60c; Memori&l Carde60oc 10e per lin. extqa for poems. BIRTHS MUTTON-In BOWmnanville Hospital, January 14, 1928, te Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Mutton, a son. The Greatest Picture the World Has Ever Seen MAMRAGES BROAD-ODIXON-At the United Church Parsonage, Rednersville, Satur- daJanuary 7, by Rev. S. F. Dixon, father Of the bride, Mr. Howard Keith Broad. Oshawa, and Mie Liilian Flor- ence Stapies Dixon, Rednersville. WINDATTr-SMITH-At the residence cf the bride'e mother, Mne. John f3mitb, Beaverton, on WednesdaysJanuary 18. > 1928, by Rev. C. D. Meteilan, Irene, youngest daughter of Mrs. an~d the latê JOh Sth f Beaverton and ounie Winat, oungest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt of Thorah. DEATHS DOWN EV-At Myrtie, January 22, 1928, T1homnas Dow ney, ln his 871h year. LETHANGUE-In Manvers, an Thurs- day. January 19, 1928, Ann Lethangue, ln ber 76th year. H4ENRY-On Sunday, January 22, 1928 at Winnipeg, Man., Chartes Argue Henry beloved husband of Grace MeLean, and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henry, Newcastle, Ont., aged 46 years. LAILNDRY W NE Ail kinds of laundry work donse prompt- iy, satisfactoriiy and at reasonabie prices Write Post Office Box 12. or cali Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmanvilie. 39-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A reai good cutter, cheap. Apply te T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville. 3-tf FOR SALE--Driving herse. Guaranteed sound. Lloyd Williams, Hampton, phone 350-23. 4-tf BASY BUGGY FOR SALE-FIrnst-cIassý condition. Apply 22, Carlisle Ave., Bow- manville. 1-tf COW FOR SALE-Holstein cow, to ne- new Fcbruary 2nd. Apply F. B. Rond- le, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phonoe M-21. 4-2w' STRAW FOR SALE-dCean quallty, liited quantity et barn. Apply C. R. Levekin, Newcastle. Phone: Clarke 1211. 4-2* FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a fIrst cians instrument. Can be seen on en- quiry at Statesmnan Office Han been wefl taken cars of. ln giod condition. 29-tf. HORSES FOR SALE-Suitable for farro work. Aise wagon, sleighs and ceai box. Reaeon for seUling, no further use for team. Appl.y to Mmm. A . Turner, Scugog St. or box 161. Bowmanville, phone 170. 3-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Frame bouse and five ac- res more or less near Orono. with goed stable, cement foundation aie driving shed. Apply te 1Statesman Office, Bow- manvffie. 3-2w BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of the finest building lots ln Bowmanville. on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for quick sale. Appiy te. Norman S. B. Jawes at Statesman Office. Wanted MORSES WANTED-Any kind. Apply to C. R. Dean. Bowmanviile, phone 659. 48-tf WANTED-A reliabie woman as gen- eral servant by February Jet. Apply te, Mme. A. S. Tilley, phone 51 after 6 p. m. POSITION WANrEt--Toung- girl wants position ln Bowmnanville, fer gen-1 eral bousework. Apply box 175, Bow-' manville. 3-tf WANTED-Experienced man or woman for Bowmanviile and vicinity te represent Canadian Life Assurance Co., Appiy H. W. W., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 3-10 $100 WEEKLY EASV-EITHER SE selling aur cleaners. Works like Magic. UTnusual hlgh commission. F'ree samp- les. P. A. LEFEBVRE & CO., Alexan- dria, Ont. 4-1 Rooma To Rent ROOMS TO LET-Convenient te Boys' Training Schoi. 15 minutes walk frem Post office. Reasonable terme. Apply to Arthur Beliman, phone 139-12, Baw- manvilie. 61-tf TO RENT-Cosy 4-reomed cottage with 3 acres cf land, electric ligbt. cenven- iently located. Possession February 1. For particulars apply te W. F. Ward Barister, Bawmanville. phone 102. 4-tf1 For Sale In Bowmanville 7 rom nsolld brick bouse, 2 storeys, modemn convenieZes, quarter acre land; garage, cernent ~ alks to front and rear, six blocks from Peut Office. Prias $4200. 7 rnom svlid brick bungalow, modern cenveniences, quarter acre land; 4 blocks from Pos Office. Price $2800. 5 room frame bungalow, goad well and soft water cistern, electric ligbts, gar- age; hall acre good land with severalý fruit trees; ton minutes walk frem Peut Office. Price $1800. New 6 romr two storey brick veneer house. modern conveniences, five minutes îwalk fromn Post Office. Price $3500. New 6 brick veneer (wlth pebble mit finish) house. molemn conveniences, 6 blocks tram Post«Office. Price $4600. Ai.a several other praper les ln tawn. Appiy to Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, Insurance and Real Etate Agent, Bowmanviile. 4-3 Use This Clubbing List The Canadiau Statesman wlll be clubbed with any ef the f ollowing publications for 1928 at the follow- ing pricos: Globe........... ..........$6.50 Ma-l &Em- r.........8.5 Royal Theatre, Bowmanville Monday and Tuesday, January 30-31. Matinee each day at 3 p. m. sharp. Adults 50e and tax; children 25 Evening Performances start at 8 p. m.--one performance each night. Ail seats reserved. 75e and tax. Seats on Sale at the Theatre daily 12 noon to P. rM., 3 to 6 p.m. and during evening performances. The biggest and mort thrilling picture ever made. at a cost of millions with thousands in the cast. The World may neyer see'its equal gn Positively the Final, Cie an-Up Sale 0F Ail Women's Cloth Coats Entir8 balance of about 20 beautilul Coats, ail this season's styles, value to $3 7.50 On Sale any Coat $10.00 Owing to the mild weather we are forced to make this drastie cut in the prices of 'our winter coats. Nothing ever before offer- ed so ridicuously low in price. Wonderful Values in Dresses Forty only, beautiful Silk Dresses, values to $35.00, size 16 to 46 ini the lot, feâturing a large assortment of blacks, and newer fali bhiades. ON SALE $1 5.00 Final clearance of Women's Poiret Twill, Charmnene, Jersey and Silknit dresses, values to $29.75. ON SALE $11.95 A few dresses of Flannel and Jersey Cloth, formerly priced to $11.75. ON 'SALE $3.98 Many woinen are taking advantage of these super bargains. Make thisS.our opportunity. This is positively a Cash Sale. S. W. Mason & Son, Dry Goocis and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanyille THE CANAD.IAN STATUMAN, BOWMAXVILLIC, -THUP«SDAY, JANUARi 24th., 1928 PAGM ipivi

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