PAGE 811 YOU CAN RARN $6 to $ 10 ' I...o and E.r mese Battery, Welding. Vulennizing and Honse Wirinq. alan Brichlainfl and Pastering Barer- and BeaZt Culture ork. Be Prosperous and Happy Good positions now o0=.mWrieo ra teistcte oroCa Hexnphill Chartered Scbools 163 King Street West - - Tornto Free Empinyment Service-_Cost to Coagt LESSON No. 20 Question: Why is emul- sifled cai-liver oil so very help fui as a vitamnin- food for expectant and nursing mothers ? Answer: Because it provides an easily assimi- lated food rich in the essential vitamnin that aids in building strong bones and good teeth. Take pure, wholesome, pleasantly flavored SCOT'S EBlIONi EXPECTANT MOTHERS Read Mm. Menard'a Letter. Her ExperienceMay Help Chatham, Ontari. - "I want ta tel you how much godyour medicine ba done me. Be- _ fore my baby Came 1fits weak and run- down that 1 could 4 hardly do my work. My head ached continually and 1 was so dis- couraged th at I couldcpry from morn4igtillni¶ ht baby justone year and a haif old and it gave me a lot to do. Sa I thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Compound, as I had read so much about it in the littie books. 1 found a di ff erence right away as my head was relieved and my tired feelings gone. My sister had been doing my washing and she continued doing it, as she said it xight set me bac k if 1 started to do it again. It sure did help me and I had taken just two botties when my baby came. He is a fine big boy, now nearly five rnonths old. 1 am taking your medicine again and I am able to do my work ai] by myseif now. I always recommend the Vegetable Compqund to women, and especially to expectant mothers, as I believe they need help at those times. "- Mrs. OLIVER MEN-ARD, 24 Harvey St., Chatham, Ontario. Robert9s.3 yrupj *for COUGHSCOLDS: *and BRONCHITIS ... Una.muno TIIE CANADIAN bTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JAN1JARY 26th., 1928 WEDDING CELEBRATION ORONO WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY HIGH SCHOOL NOTES HOLDS CONVENTION IN Surprise and Presentation to Mr. and (From The News of January l9th> iB. H. S. Literary Society met Mra. F. 0. James, Oshawa. Miss Cassie Hallett is spending a PORT HOPE Thursday afternaon when an inter- a hnded reltiesfew weeks in Toronto with ber bro- The third annual meeting of Co- esting program was given by pupils Nearly haîfa ude rltis ther, Mr. James llallett. bourg Presbyterial of the Women'a of Form lIA. President Tom Sykeé and friends assembled at the cosy Mrs. W .F. Roîph and brother, Mr. Missonary Society of the United was chairman. home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. John Pa1ýterson, visited their sister, Church of Canada was hel in the Under the direction of their teach- James, 40 Royal Street, Oshawa, on Mrs. J. F. McMillan, at Cobourg. United Church at Port Hope onl er. Miss Hlicks, these pupils presented Saturday evening, January 14, 1928, ta spend,a social few hours with them Clarke Agricultural Society annual Thursday, January l9th. the play "The Dispeptic Ogre": and send them rejaicing on their mat- meeting adjourned ta Wednesday, The apening services were con- George Ives, Ruth Tuerk, Gardon rimonial way as thy entered on the February 8th., at 2 p. m., in the Town ducted by the sectional conveners. Adams, May Freeman, Betty Flax- fifteenth lap of the jaurney. Owing Hall, Orono. Mrs. F. J. Maxwell, Oshawa, made man, Etelka Trimble, Marian Legatt, ta stormy weather some Bowmanville Hard and soft corns bath yield ta the invocation. Mrs. J. U. Robins, Evelyn Goddard, Annie Gardiner, relatives were prevented fromn attend- Halloway's Corn Remover, which is' Bowmanville, made a splendid prayer Bernice St4intan, Lyle Hamm, Bruce ance also Mrs. William A. White and entirely safe ta use, and certain and asking for God's blessing on our de- Cameron, Ken Wood, Stanley Dunn, Mrs. James A. Phillips of New York. satisfactory in its action. liberations -for a deep realization of Vernon Trimble, Ro; Lunney, Clar- The company soon settled down ta Mr. Jim Gilfillan who learned ta aur responsibility for home and for- ence Osborne. enjoy themslves after the hast and play the game in the home town, laeg missions. Gatn te Fourth Formi pupils will arrange the hostess had zot over their surprise, on the regular line-up of VarsityIn Mrs. J. W. Robertsa, tn te After the guests had enjoyed var- termediate hockey team. declared the session open for busi-Iprogram for the next meeting an iaus games and had sampled the Miss Jo Armstrong wha has, been ness.' The Press Committee, Mrs. February 16th. host's excellent Spy apples, the coin- in Philadelphia, Pa., is returning to H. Thompson. Whitby, and Mrs. E. A shieldi will bc awarded by the pany was called ta order by the her former position wîth the "Y" at Martin, Welcome and Courtesy Coi- Literary Society ta the Form present- strains of. Lohengrin's Wedding Syracuse, N. Y., at an advanced salp mttee, Mrs. J. E. Ellhott, Bawman- in- the best program during the March played by Mrs. Orville Heard, ary. ville, Mrs. Chapman, Pickering, Mrs. vear. Teachers are the judges. sistr ofthegroo. Ter Mse Russell, Cobourg. were appointed.' siser f he roo. hen '~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy withj The Corresponding Secretary read High School hockey sextet won Gertrude C. Hamley addressed the their sons, Ted and Don, and Miss numerous resolutions and amend- thecir first game at Taylar's Arena, bride and groom as follows: Darotby Richards, were weekend vis- ments ta the constitution and new by- Friday afternoan by defeatingWhit- Fourteen years have passed orsoi, itars with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. îaws alsO memorials. b:ý High School 5-0. The locaîs were When high and deep was piled t he J. E. Richards. Mrs. J. T. Daly was made carres- gaing fine and are ail prepared ta bat- 'Tesnowfapster Worms sap the strength and un- ponding member of the Cobourg tie for the glary with their next rival Temercury droppedfa stzr dermine the vitality of children. Presbyterial. The game was very dlean, only one But that ne'er daunted our brave Strengthen them by using Mother Mrs. George Jackson, Part Ferry, penalty being inflicted for a ininor hemo. Graves' Worm Exterminator ta drive Cor. Sec. of Presbyterial gave a offense. Maundreil and Irwin w.ere out the parasites. splendid resume of the past year's! among the best of the vsiting teain, There had came a time in his young A two-tan gasoline engine, about work, striking a very optimistic note while the home brews were fairly vell life dsrdaW f~;forty horse power, was unlaaded at for future outlaok. Seventy aux-I balanced, it being hard ta select any When he, foraooth, eidawf; the station last week for the Forest- iliaries reported during the year, two,1 one star. This wise young man had chosen Dell ry Farm. Allan Hall, we under- Dunbartan and Centennial, were add- cec wlspoeie1eemc Sa erilyrag he edingbel. stand, will be in charge. ed ta Toronto East District. The, the better ail the way and could have The knot was tied the pair was wed, Orono Lodge, L.O.L., No. 409, beldi group systein was used more exten-i laid in several more goals if it had And then the radiant brîdegroom said an enjoyable social evening, January sively also if e membership gi-oupsI been necessary. Date of return Unto the preacher, shal1 pay 118th in their 'hall. Euchre and did gaad work. King St. Cobourg,j gamne in Whitby has nat been definite- The usual fee ta you ta-day? o ther contesta were heartily enjayed. raised largest amount per capita ini 1 ly decided. Line up: i An excellent lunch was served. Coun- the.Presbyterial. Annual members Or, will you wait one year ty meeting and banquet in February, 2302; Life members 739; AssociateI Bowmanville-Goal, James; de- And then 'IlU give one hundred clear at whieh the L.O.B.A. will be the helpers 3196; Band members 1002; fence, Devitf and Candler;* contre, If I should find thîs marriage state hostesses. Baby Band 378; Circle members 511; Jamieso n; wings. H. Jamieson a±nd As happy as 1 contemplate? Brethren of Wolverhampton Lodge, C.G.I.T. groups 76; Mrs. Pringle re- Lunney; subs, Hazlewaod, Osboriîe The preacher lost na time in thought S.O.E., journeyed ta Newtonville an ported the year's givings as follows: and Calmer. The quetin t hm n sudy Monday evening. It was Lodge' Au'tiliaries $13,102.69; Young Wom- broughty Newton's annual installation of offi- en's Auxiliaries $36310; Circles $1,. Wht-oaBsm;dfne Thee erenowrikls o hs bow cers. An interesting an enjoyable 793.35; Baby Bands $57.66; C.G.I.T. 1 Maundrell and Irwin; centre, Clark; Thee erenowrnkls n hs ro tie asspetsumtuuslunh nd$8.15; Total $16,860.43. %vings, Northein and Bradley, sub, As lie said, "I'll take three dollarstm assets tuu unhadRass. Referee-"Mike" Osborne. now". a splendid prograin ta which mem- Miss Spargo, Young Women's Cir- bers contributed generously. dles, reviewed briefly hier year's work ________ Though fouurteen years have passed Public Library, officers and dir- -4 Young Women's Associations; 17Prs e.M .W.Citeot away ectars were re-elected, with the ex. Circles of which il reported; 4 newPrs e-r.W.Cite, or We find this couple just as gay ceptian of Mrs. Sherwin, resigned. C.G.I.T. groupa making 10 in aIL Perry. As on the day that nated preacher Miss Flora Cobbledick being elected The Band Secretary, Mrs. D. 0., nne-r.H . hmen Lost that hundred-foolish creature! in her stead. The financial report Scott, reported 42 Bands in alI. 42 FnneMs .T hmsn showed a very satisfactory year. Be- having been heard from. il1 Baby con) ; Mrs. W. M. Pringle, Whîtbjy; Sa we have came ta yaur home ta- sides the 500 new baoks ofthe past Bands reported. Mrs. Crozier, Mrs. Gee; Mrs. R. Sher- night . year, an order for a further supplyi Reports were given as follows wn Ooo To make this occasion shine 8 ha, been sent in. Associated Helpers-Mrs. J. F. Wil- Nom. Com.-Mrs. E. B. Cooke. bright, In memrys gallery may this time Internal parasites in the shape of' son, Coîborne; Finance and Steward- (con) ; Miss V. Spargo, Bownian- be placed Worms in the stomach and bowels of ship-Mrs. J. F. Mears, Port Hope; ville; Mrs. H. Arnold, Pickering; Mr.« With visions which yeara may ne'er children sap their vitality and retard Supply Secretary-Mrs. J. S. McKin- B. J. Gay, Simcae St., Oshawa; Mrs. affce pysialdeelomet. They keep non, Cobourg; Strýangers' SecretarY H. J. Werry, Enniskîflen. afface.and, if ndeot atend ta, endanger -Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Grafton; tit-1 We're asking you ta accept this token the child in a constant state of unrest, erature Secretarv-Miss Alice Hen- Delegates ta Conference Branch- With hopes that it never inay be life. >h hl a esae uhr woad, Part Hope; Missionary Mon- Mrs. J. R. Bick, Hampton; Mrs. T. broken, suff ering and the mther much an,- thly Secretary-Mrs. J. C. Young,j Henderson, Oshawa; Miss Bunting, And as you view your images clear ieyby using a reliable worm rem- Oshawa. Pickering; Miss H. Osborne. Court- Please think of friends now as- edy, such as Mller's Worm Powders, Dinner was servedthe delegates by ie sembled here. which are sure death ta Worms. the local branch in the Sunday The Oshawa Pesbyterial includes DDGM oean i ereSchodl hall. ail Auxiliaries, Young~ Women's Aux- Mr. Theodore Wilkins, brother of DDGM. oesadhs ege The afternoon session opened with Iia,,,,s. Mission Circles and Bands in the groom, presented on behaîf ofi team from Cobourg, installed the M . . Blackstock. Bowmanvlle (Trinity), I~~~~~~~~~ th1eaie n rins h ap officers of Orona Lodgp, I.O.O.F., No. an InlMemoriam Service for bven Bwavle<t Pu') roln the theltbeautfiulbuffe mirror 436, on Tuesday evening. The worlk ty-flve warkers who have passed on omnil(S.Pu')Brki, cou pl i habatflbfe irr The allocation for 1928 is $241- Brougham. Cadmous. Union. Clamc- and Glendon James showered them was put on in splendid farm and a 4.5Rshw .sytra en mont. Columbus, Courtice, Enniskii- l ith flowers. Iodnme wr u.Anielnhln. Greenwoodl, Hampton, Manchest-i i was provided and a smoker brought' $12,333.84. er. Maple Grave, Myrtle, Nestieton, rMisses Mabel Colon, May Griersan, ta a close a very happy event. off- Greetingg tram the Baptist Circle, anti Cosarea, Newcas;tle. Newtonvilie, Nettie McConnell andi Florence cers: N.G.-Milton Wannan, V.G. and the Presbytery were gratefuIlyiOoo ikrng(t alsPck-ý Green, friends of the bride, serveti -Ervin Rainey; Secretary-S. G. extended anti kindly received, tao ring (St Andrew's), Port Perry, a very dainty lunch ta the guests. Cowan, BA.; Financial Secretary-J which Mrs. Jones eplie i r.ost feel- l 0iýw (St . Antirew's), Oshawa E. Richards; Treasurer-Wm. Riti- iiigly. (King St., Oshawa (Simcoe St.), A large and very beautiful wed- dli; Chaplain-Howard Walsh.. Mrn. Gea. Kingston gave a verY Tyrone, Whitby, Whitevale. ding cake artistically decorated, the stimulating paper on the Responsilîl- 1 vork of Mrs. Orville Heard, was cut Rub it on for Lame Back.-A brisk tofheHmin elngheMs Teevizssinwaprid by the bride, and the repast was rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric iyo h oei epn h i- Tteeiessinwspeii thoroughly enjoyeti by the company. Oul will relieve lamîe bock. The skin sion Band. depictîng the wonderful ieIl over hy Rev' F. W. Anderson, It ws aver deîghful uncionwil imîrdatel ahorbtheailandinfluence of a home where Gril is andi Postor of the' Unitedi Chumch in Port throughout and will continue a bright it will penetrate the tissues and bring oatn fet n hs ruh f Cobourg and Oshawa Presyterials memory ta Mr. and Mrs. James while speedy relief. Try it and be con- therein. cle ote rn n h n lif shil as. Tey haket thirvinced. As the liniment sinks in, In the paper, "What shoulti th erocheit h'fotat h n miea fiensfortheir grneatkidtt ' an oweiuradthr re Churceh expect fmom the W. M. S."s tallation service xvas conducted by thyre beaufr git n their akid ample grounds for saying that it is by Mrs. E. B. Cooke, Newcastle. Rev- E. B. Cooke. Newcastle, and Rev flC5, mane points of contactdwere de- 1R. T. Richards. Port Pemry. Mms. kind andi highly appreciated wards.aexlearie. duceti. Unlimited opportunit3' for MeClintocl, actiar Secretay o 1The relatives present includeti the ILarge congregations attendeti the service present themselves. Conse- Yiunü, People's work on theliDom.i n- r bride's people from Whitby and vic- special Thank-Offering services at crateti Christian women, an intelli- il Board for tht' next six mnonths inity, some members of lhaa ark Street Church on Sunday. Rev. g~ent inissionary atmosphere, accept- spi, c h wr nt~ iso teaching staff and athers, Mrs. John A, M. Irwin, BA., Whitby, preached ance of iesponsibility for nîissionarv Circles. Young Women's Auxiliaries James anti Mrs. Guy, Mr. and Mrs. forceful serinons anti were listened Suntiay in the Sunday Soh.)ol. loyal* id offliated C.G.T.T'g. She ad-i H. T. James and famiiy, Columbus; Ita with elope attention. Choir singing support or ban on any morl ques- mires greatly the' C.G.I.T. prormi Mr. anti Mrs. R. H. Hamley and farn: reflects credit upon the choristers tion, co-operotion with the pastor. and covets these girls for the-W.M.S. ily, M. and Mrs. T Hircoclç Bowman- anti their leader andi organist, Mrs. helping the strangers, are a fev out- Often the matter of affiliation rests ville; Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkin.s Brown. A beautiful solo, appro- cornes of true înissionary zeai. nîîUîll with the' leader and the auxil- anti family, Mr. J. A. Biekeil and priate ta the sermoni, was given at Miss Shipley, returned frani North ary*~ could do much ta bring it about. tiaughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. James, the evening service by Miss L. Buch- Hoinan, China, show'ed howv elf sup W etiter ep Mr. John Delve. andi others, Oshawa -anan. Mr. M. H. Staples, Chair-, porting and self govemning nativo Tht audience was favoreti with a' Mm. uthr SainonBroolin Arhiemanof the Church Boarti, directetiý Christian bodies were being develop- beautiful dlut verv pleasinzly rend- James, Orville Hearti and many;t heattention cf the people ta the fln-, cd in parts of North Honan. Aggres- rtbvM.DA.haan Mrs. Van- others. Y, oncial neetis of the chumch.' About sive cvangelism is the hackbone Of Alstine. $4 50.00 was contributeti. the Chinese church. The church in anî, feSn.uinar Nonrth ilonan is going on anda aggms- Miss S.pey gave. *th .gli , s. YEP 1 Groceries Are Aý Bill of Expense, But You Can't Get Along Without Them. So we price our groceries as low as we pos- sibly can, serve you with quality goods, and gen- erally (Io our very best to help you set an attractive table at a minimum cost. We are pleasing old customers and adding new every day. May we serve you. Dcn't forget we have the Iargest variety of Dishes,, Glassware and Crockery in town. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 fowmanville *It .Will Prevent Ulcerateti Throat. sîve progress being made. "The gos- tif tht' work iii- North Honan, China -At the first symptoms of sort p)el has set the Orient singing", saiti She spoke of the point of contact throat, which presages ulceration and Dr. Gandier on bis visit there. often mode between the ife of the inflammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Add a littît Mrs. Robrerts, Presitient, in bei' ad- rissionory and the native womcn, sugar to it ta make it palatable. it dress stressed the importance of tht because bath are' mothers. She took will allay the irritation andi prervent 'luxilare circles anti bands as the u niaiaino h uso the ulceration anti swelling that are %working material necessamy for thewhinae othe sra missiony ilorkgi s o painful. 'Phase who werei period, very successful outcome of thý, year'sweete elosinaywrtL j clysubject ta quinsy have thus o <Irk. "Only ane thîrd of the vomencearrieti an. Here we finti the women mcadetel sle mmn oatak are engaged in this work. what woud living in mutl bouses and many still mate hesevesimun t atac. ý theo resuit if ail weme itoestd hIiod,'ng their girls feet. Occasionaliy Durham Regiment Bandi of this Pray deflnittcy, earnestîy and st.tted- a girl whose feet were not bount inl town helti an enjoyable social aven- ly. that ail mav became înissionarv bbyothrin-lw Ii havoe t oby lier ng, Friday, January 13th.,' in the women. also pray for ail missiona,,ie.s, mothrin-.Aw tarhavemi donch aft i Coucil Chamber, which was attend- haine anti foreign andi native w.îrk- sar iia n A grl rens sb ttl by their wice.s and familles anti a Prs. We must study anti pray and 1hr ieinhi w oeta h i fe frend ineresed n bnd us. e wllig- t al ties o d asHeis cans7id<riîl only a guest there, hem. ic A spfri nditereste in bond ma- ils"n. t aIlRtbers taldo spe rèalilife 'for weal or woe" tiepentis r c A piotîli aste superwaisk mi'. r~.Roh-rt a~a sîkeuiîn the family in ta whceh she i sýmivvd, the'tue being set for about fveliiniy regarding the division o f . 1 8. After supper the' ga thering tho Prî.sbytemy. The offeing was Marries She is a slave al ber life, i 1nos cailoti ta order by the' President 'bon tiken anti tedicateti by Mrs. %. ta her littlt' brother, thon lhem w 'if tht band. Mr. John Tamblyn, antid Ntol1,Dmn tt at >ni sn. Fromi such as these,Bil n amen are ma<le, anti xve wore tolti a short program ensueti: o brief hum- Mmrs. F. W . Anderson rendereti o solo f tenjarcthadcoas nd ther oidn 1 1ous~i.e hv Rzev. Win. Sterýling,. v't'v aceccptably. o h o htcmsit hi w a history of banda in Orono from the Mrs. J. T. Daley. President Ba,. lives as tiefictedin l their chanzeti tiays of the Freemnan Bandti t the ,f Quinto Rrqnnh of the' W- M. S " countenances anti af the service that prisent. splendid Rç»giîniental Bond stoan the division o! tho Preshv- they rentier la the' churches; there. under loailership o! Mr. M. J. Tamn- teriril. What naw le known as Co- She thon sooke further of tht' build- blyn was given by Mr. S. Cutteîl; 1boum? li>roshytemial wilî behi' homeftom thgere ani iesraioina com-ion sr- lien foliiiwîui community singing led knîrwn as the Oshawa anti Coboumg t. e ndiuctei bydacmnnsr bv Mis. R. Il. Bro-%vi, a story andi Prt',Iivtoriils. vice cenutdb a nativP pastor sý*)g Iy M. Jhn . Bown 'goup Oshawa Pesbytemial officers are:--:and i bi helpers. Ont' feIt that beme singing hy the boys sboxing promis-. rshit r.J. Tl Robins. Bow- t~he onn.f ht puhfCresn ietav ing talent la vocal linos, anti progres- mlnvle(: I1-t Vica-Mrs. F. J. Max-1.Hn: bpretim ma sive iames.weIl. 0O*ihJîn'a 2nd Vice-Mrs. E. B. e' termeti "The day of the Lord" in Cook, N(wcaqle;Recordinz Secre-( bina, anti the tiuestion is not. "Isj Cause of Asthma. No nne con 'v f îs.Gn rn,.Brolî;tIe young cburcb stranz enough to I soy with certainty exactly what Treaqurer-Mrs. W. M. Prinzle, ce rry on"? We believe it is, but causies tht' estahlishing of astbmatic "hitby rtayY . -is tb, question for us is, 'Are %ve strongi conitins. Dmst from the street, Sar.Bwavlc Secretary C en)ngh ta stand bhbinti thoem and j fmom flowers, from groin anti vorîous c 1I. T.-Mrs. F. M. Tait. Oshawa reiider help?" 5ie' Christ loveti other irritants may sot up a trouble 9-c. CirrIes, Bands-Mrs. D. A 'th( churcb anti gave Hlmself9 for it, impossible ta oradicate except thru Frott. Claemont; Sec. As. Helpers- car we who iive in Hlmi fail? a sure preparation such as Dr. J. D.Mrq W. W. Horn. Hamnton: Sec,-r hanks was expressed ta the offi- Kelogg's Asthma Remedy. UIn-1 Phristlan Stewardship-Mrs H. T. cers. church officiais, the local W. M. cerýtainty niay txist as ta cause, but'ý Thnnipsan. Whithy; Straneers' Sec. S. n embers anti ahi others who help- there can ho no uncertainty regard-; -Miss AP-e Oliver. Brooklin: Sun-'oti nuake the meeting a success. inL a remdy which bas freeti a gen- nIv Spc.-Mrs. W. Adams, Bowmnan- eration a! asthmatic victims fmam this' ville: Litprature Sec.-Mis% H. Os- I Meeting closeti by singing "'Jesus scourge of tht branchial tubes. It Ib1rnùe, Courtice; Missîonary Monthiy ha1 Rein n*h bndcinb le solti veywheTe. -Mms. A. L. Nicholîs, Bowmnanvile; Rev. J.F. Mears. The -Bread 01 To -Day b THE QUALITY IS UNIFORMLY RIGHT The conditions of its makn n akingare well-nigh ideal. Tt is more=tifyngthan infer« ior makes. Tt is so crammed full of home-made virtues that mother may safely buy instead of bake which means less work for her, and the flavor is delightful. G5et it at The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Are They Happy Or Chilled To The Bone?. il No need to keep a house like a refrigerator- why spend miserable hours every morning wait- ing for the "heat to corne up". Buy Lehigh Anthracite Coal-the clean, long lasting coal that is so full of heat-fire up good at night-bank it down-and in the nxorning- there's cornfort! You dress or shave without freezing-the children are happy-no winter colds in a well heated bouse. Order a load of Lehigh today-you can buy no better coal. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville TEAsg( )odteai' The Orange Pekoe i18 8omething extra-a special tea In clean, bright Aluminum Aviation Gasoline.I The gas that hclps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville 'I .1 :1 J, 1-. I t' A.