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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1928, p. 7

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PAGE SEvm THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th., 19~28 Birthday or anniversary greetings -by telephone When a birthday or anniver- sary cornes around, and you want to congratulate a dis- tant relative or friend, what that you could buy would mean so muchi to the recipi- ent as the cheerful sound of your voice over the tele- phone? With the first words of your greeting by Long Distance, memories of days spent to- gether flash bcfore the mind and the moments glow- with these shared recollections of the pasti. Oue of the greatest blessings Long Distance confers is the opportunity for reuewing and strengtheuing the ties of frieudship and affection be- tween those wtho are separ- ated by dýstance. Try it. "Everij Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station." 7M7 For Youte Aching Headc Tae one ZUTOO TABLET end in 20 minutes, the pain le Joue rand you ledl ï1ne. ZUTOO wjlI stop eny Heedoche, Sick, Nervous, Dyspeptia or Monthly-in 20 gainutea by theo dock. 25o et dealers. JUNIORS LOSE STUBBORN HOCKEY GAME TOD OSHAWA Oshawa 4-Bowmanville 2 Well the local Junior hockey team received its first defeat of the season here Wednesciay ast when - Oshawa Juniors carricd off the honors by, 4-2. It v.-as c2rtainly a wonderful game considering condition of the ice. The local lads had almost three qu.arters of the play, but the visitors seemed to be ail goalies. The Owls would corne down the ice with their eyes wide open ,then they would shoot, but nine times out of ten the opposing forward hune or defense would intercept the shotý bef ore it reached the net. In the opening stages of the game befome the spectators could realize that this was going to be a real strug- gle Candler, the smart centre player of the homesters waltzed ýup the muck and pinned the first inger on* the adding machine, but the lead favour of the natives was not for long. Arundel took the puck on a cross off near the Owl net and slap- ped the speck of Goodyear cured past Hooper. The period went on fast and fur- loua. The ice was slushy, but neither team seemed to mind very much, and they ivent right into it. Candler be- came so worked up once that he tried to pass the puck to MeMullen, but it punctured a hole in window instead. There ivas no more scoring this per- iod. Black registered the only goal in the next period. This made the visitors one goal to the good but the locals hadl to be resigned to their fate and did not score again in this period. The game becanie a little rough and a couple of players were penali7ed, but the referee was quite generous and let plenty hard checks go owing to condition of ice. In the last period Candier scored final goal for the Owls in this period on a long shot. Herrington seemed to have ail the luck, however, and scored two counters before the per- iod was over. The boys worked hard but when the foumth goal was scored by the Shamrocks, the ntative crew lost heart and who could blame theni, don't ever think they gave up, though. They womked like troJans until the sat. Wait till these teams meet again on hard ice! Line-up:- Oshawa-Leveque, goal; Spanton and Harrington, defence; Arundel, centre; Rowden and Black, right and left wings and subs; Little and Whit- ten. Bowmanville --Hoopem, goal; Os- borne and Williams, defence; Cand.. 1er, centre; McMuIlen and Riandle, right and left winigs; Caverly, Jack- man and Grant, suba. "DTTCt.ThIA TT" Fr FARM, (ffleIJÂÂÂVI1NMINE C& CAMP Thiese work boots, Heavy Blacit Duck (water and cold proof) with Solid Rubber Sole and Heel, are made for service in rough Places. This style has 5 Eylet Lace with watertight tongue. Look for the. name. You will find the best choice of "Northern" work bootsirn JA. DILLICK, Bowmanville, HOW IS YOUR FUEL BIN ? If it requires refilling, why not let us have the pleasure of supplying the necessary Coal or Coke -and wvhy not you enjoy the burning of our High- grade Fuel? The benefits would be mutual- we would both be better off-It's up to you-Why not act to-day?, We can also fil your needs for bard or soft wood, rough or dressed lumber, etc. McCIellan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 W000,5PMOSPHODINE.1 nie Great English Prepartaf0 M Tone.'s ad r.igorates toeuhole n~».Jervous syhîem. maltes new BIeod 4 jin old Veins. Used for Ner'oias UDebalLty .1na oui rain Wb".~ etMn eS.OSOEe!, Palpitationl o for $5. Iod by Ml d gt. or mied psa 'a p&g. on reeip<of pC. e psO plI ie Iru&M WOoo.ocw O*mNer King St. East, Bowmanville .,oek's Rogulatlng Compound gllmbrA sce, reIiaUI eud .1 mWWs..Sod lainbre. e. &rem of Noath..Na 1, 818 lwsadon uàjt of Prims. VtPemphit.AdrU: I New Star-DurantMdlsfr12I ALL "FOURS" ARE STARS, %LL '"SIXES' lDURANTS Radical changes in design' with the seasonal motordom offerings. Pic- Durant 65 coupe. No. 5, the new many unique features added,. mk.ture No. 1 shows the new Star Four Durant 75 four-door sedan. No. 6, an w-doo sedan (coach). No. 2. the the new Durant 55 four-door sedan. thenewStr-Dran 128 odes. new tar four-door sedan. No. 3, the The Stars have freir.cvIirIers. the nounced to-da%, a smart addiint new Star Four coupe. No. 4. the new Durant are BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Steam heat as been installed in. the Fire Hall and Piump House. Rev. J. 13. Robins, Pastor of Trin-1 ity United Church, ,addressed the Vesper Service on Sunday aiternoon. Mr. W. Ross Strike was the solo lat. Ground flour of Manual Arts Building has been re-modelled, afford-1 ing more satisfactory accommodation for the Machine Shop and Motor Me. -hanics Department. Toronto Rotanians Visit School Twelve members of Toronto Rot- ary Club visitedthe School, January 19th. They were entertained at luncheon and spent part of the after- noon getting an insight into the1 activities of the SchooL. The fol- lowing vfere present: President, Wrn. Burgess, two Past Presidents, John Miller and Wilfred Kettlewell; Morden Neilson, George Hambly, Judge Mott, John Stronach, Messrs. Sykes and Blachford and W. J. Cairna. General Manager of the Bell Telephone Company, Toronto. After considerable time was spent in the buildings, the boys were asseinbled and Mr. W. J. Cairns addmessed them.. Rotarians of the Province anticipate making a contribution to the School, and choice lies between a Cottage and a Gymnasium. The visitinoe Rotaians expressed themselves as very much pleased with tlte progress of the Scbool. OId Boys' Club at Myrtie Another banch of the Old Beys' Association of the Boys' Training School was organized Thursday at Myrtle, Ontamio. A number of boys have graduated to farms within a radius of five or six miles of the vil- lage. Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month- at the home of Mr. and Mms. Roy Bright of Myrtle. Officers elected on Thurs- day night are: Hon. Pesident- Dr. G. E. Reaman; Hon. Vice'Presi- dent-M1r. H. R. Bright; President- James Poyntz; Secretary-Bert An- drews; Treasurer-Herbert Halstead. Following tihe business meeting, a motion pictume show and tasty re- freshments provided the evening's entertainment. President Sam Twinney. and Treasumer Leslie Fina of the Toronto Association, were .present along with these members nf the school staff-Dr. G. &. Resinan, E. P. Bradt, J. J. Brown,,Mrs. J. J. Bown, J. E, Cunningham and J. B. Seggie. Houte Hockey League House Hockey League was organ- ized last week and is eady to play seven games a week as long as the weather lasts. The fist. bit of real skating of the season was indulged in on Saturday afternoon when the achool ink was in grea.t shape. Five teams in the league are scheduled to play twenty games. Taems and captains are as f ollows :-Rangers-- Captain, Harold Usher; Muoons- Captain, General Gagnon;, Night Hawks--CaptiTI, "Bus" Bash; Glid- ers-Captain, Jack Roxborough; Rov- ers-Captain, Bennie Blasak. Boxing Tournarnent .Don't ovarlook the Boxing Champ- ionship Tournament, Friday, January 27th. Somo great action was pro- vided in the praliminaries on Wed- nesday. Those who have weathered the storni and earued a place In thie finals have proven themaelves real mit artiste. Boxing * is taught at the school au "The Manly Art" and the gentiemanly condujçt of the boys in the ring bas fuiy demaànstrated that, If handled propemly, boxing in not only splendid exorcise and sport but la also decidedly uplifting mentuilly and morally. Commenclng at ' p. m there will be six finals la the. Champ- ionshlp Tounament and two or three exhibition bouta. The public lu ln. CARTWRIaHT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HAVE GOOD YEAR C. Wright Elected President. The 62nd annual meeting of Cart- wright Agricultural Society was held in Town Hall, Blackstock, Jauuamy l7th. President Creighton Devitt members weme present. The Treas- urer's reported that 1927 Faim had been one-of the best the. society ever held* both fiuancially and otherwise with receipta$1246.08; expeuditure $1007.62; balance $238.46; and a' paid up membership of 70. Election of officers s as follows: President-C. Wright let Vice President-Roy Ferguson 2nd Vice President-R. R. Byems Directors-I. Whitfield, C. Devitt, Wes. Campbell, J. Jobb, N. H. Mar- low, W.- B. Ferguson, R. Hamilton, R. Parr, F. Taylor, W. A. VanCamp, J. R. McLaughlin: J. G. Marlow, J. ,H. Forder, E. Dorrell, L. C. Mount- joy, N. Taylor, A. L. Byers and A. Wright. Lady Directors-Mesdames S. Jeff- ery, Jas. Byems. R. J. Crozier, J. Jobb, 1. Whitfield, R. Ferguson, P. VanCaýnp. F. Stinson, Miss A. Swain, Miss F. Parr. Sep tember 25 and 26 ware chos- en as dates for 1928 faîl faim. It la hoped no other Society in No. 4 Dis- trict will take these dates.. The meeting adjourned and formed into a Directors' meeting when Ed. Mountjoy waa appoint'ed Treasurer and Jas. Byems, Secretamy. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Substantiel Balance Shown on Year'a Operations For 1927 Receipts Balance from 1926...... $ 802.13 Moving pictures.......... 1196.85 Casual renta.............. 204.25 Library ental ............300.00 Masonic ental ............125.00 Post Office............... 75.00 Community dances......228.28 Concerts ........... 37.25 War Tax collecte*d......22.80 $2991.56 Expenditures Stmoipi...................8.005 Reapis.................. 7.0 Electic i.h.. nd.p.. e...... 1730 Fuee l............ ...43.75 Exesas.a.d.da.c.s....... 229368 Expenses ofdconcet.......2.64.2 Amuesemeo nte..........125 PAintinmend tad...........10.5 Came eipmad et........85.0 Camoaelion............ .5.2 Cauoiin wood.f.....enda. 1.00 Rev. R. J.Wlon, Jubienl 1.0 SundaR.J....l.o.,....10.9 Sursfo al............ 37.43 Balance.................. 711.99 $2991.56 W. F. Riekard, Chaimman. See'y.-Treas. vited free of charge to the show, which will be held in the new school building. Town Boys Learu The Manly Art It may be newB to smre that thir- teen boys and young men from town are receiving Instruction ln boxing at the chool every Friday nlght. Six one-hour leusonm Ilive been given in the pamt month or more. Two or poslbly four of the lads in thia clama wlll box exhibition bouta on flday nlght. AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETFER My Dear Niece :-To ead letters not intended for your perusal lsaa great breach of ghonom, like spyin and eavesdropping-"listening in", to a private conversation flot intended for your ears-but when a letter la pasaed to you to ead it is impolite on your part ne~ to read it, in fact it would be rude to 'refuse. It should be accounted as an hon- or to be asked to read another's letter, and whatevem youm principles may be egading the matter you should not so loudly poclaim them as to appear to rebuke your friand for desiing you to ead hem letter. It is an acti of great friendliness and confidence-a wish to shame the con- tents of a letter, and your refusai showed want of courtesy. 1 quite see your point of view that to read a letter not addressed to you seams to show a want of respect to the writem-but the one to, whorn the letter la addressed la the ýright one to judge that, she or ha has the right; to keep their correspoudence strict- ly private or ta inake it publi-the letter la their property. Whatevem you may think you can- not but agree that a person may do as they like wîth their owu. You say you fear you were rude; it would be just the manner of refus- ing which would show whether you were really rude, or not. It has often been remarked that rudeneas is inexcusable, and that only booms, and the ill-bread are rude. But I think that judgment ie rat- her hash, because we are often unin- tentionally rude. We can also often be rude with- out beiug aware of it. Real rudenesla a disregard for tihe feelings of others; abruptness and impoliteness; tactlass emamks and unkind personalities; and incom- plete selfishness whîch encloses us al around like a thick wall, 80 impene- trable that we cannot look through it to find out how others are faring, thinking or feeling. It is not eally rudeneas when you have hurt anobher's feelings uninten- tionally, because if you are meaning to be kind you will be unselfish en- ough to se. your blunder and will at once apologize-that will clear up evemything and make things warm and pleasant again. Read rudenass la cold and icy and hard, and thare'are vemy few who make a habit of such a horrid nat- ure. Youm loving, AUNT SUSAN. Soft Corns Money 1Beck Say& Jury & Loveil If Moone'à Emeraid Oit Doemn't Do Away With Ail Soreness and Pain in 24 Houra. Get a bottle of Moones Enamead Oiu with the understanding that if it does not put an end to the pain and sorenes your money will b. pomptly retumned. Don't wommy about how long you've had it or how many other prepara- tions you have tied. Thiaspowerf nI penatrating ou la one prepamation that wilf help to make youm paînful aching feot mo healthy and fres, from cora and bunion soeneas that you'Il be able to go anywhare and do any- thing la absolute foot comfort. *5o marwelously powerful là Moomes Emerald Oit that thousanda have found it gives wonderful e- multa in the treatment of dangerous mwollen or varicome veina. Jury à L.ovell ia selllng 1lt. of ItL "dOrange Pekoe" UIs only the name given to a size of leaf-Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoos are sold-The most économical and yet the flnest flavoured is "SALADAI" Orange Pekoe--Sealed In ,netaI-pure-~fresh-dIicious--43C per J-Ib. F. J. MITCHELL DOMINION PIANOS-UPRIGHT, GRAND, REPRODUCING AND PLAYER PIANOS The BALKITE Radio Power Urit will make your old radio a power set. They are wonderful. Use power only when your set is working. No batteries. Pianos and Radio Supplies sold on easy terma. Make the farnily happy by calling Tel. 105 Bowrnanville. HAPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO AL v~USON~~ eSIRVÎ - 'I 9 N I REAL VALUES Santa Cara EXTRA SPECIAL VALUI rc Prunes Choice Smoked ECrsc PrunesCanaan s For Shorteaiug sMied 2 Ibs. 23c 5KEC17Ibs 1lb.tIt large 2 'b-. 27e each MIl. 1270 Fancy .25 c .F byS au e 2 cbt Blue Rose ie 3 lb,.2cCe aue2ebt Chief Sb COUi Brable MY 1a Swand.ri Tom, Quaker piafeg r hrimps 23C ti Fancy LoItr haîv«,43 14-Losti43 ,d Cr 431 b. Corn Starach P-- 5 andpcked 4 b & "Hn u es Doul Ce, Beans19e Cstard'.s.an25c 1,d Qiuaity T Pase I5 . 90. - Do q lb. 7 0 b. ps. 1S k' luicus Chrtstle Qurne mate lives up No. 8 botue 921..230 Baked Deaus medium. 16. Aasoted ]Biscuits 1-lb. - 5 pkg.35 ide Brand ~A~ Flour 38c - Et aim-t- 23 Aunt Jemima 1lRc 7o< Pancake Flour 19". Wili A Fire Find You Under Insureëd? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better protect yourself bQ4ore disaster cornes. Do it now. A bad fire caused heavy losa in Hampton ti month. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW MEAR TOALL J. J.. MASON& SON Real Estate and Inisurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville kt L im ýi lm 8 1 Delays are dangerous.

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