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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1928. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate ai the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeans oi On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanvilie. Office phone 40. Hause phone 22. X-Ray Equipnient in Office. DR. 3. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate oi Royal Dental Cllege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manvilie. Office hours 9 a. M. ta 6 p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phono 90. House phono 283. X-Ray Equipinent ini Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate ai Toronto Uni- veraity and member ai Rayai Coliege of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- Ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches, Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank ai Montreal. Phono 301. ÈEGAL PA. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LJL. D. Barrister, Solicitar, Natary Money ta boan on Farin and Town Property. Rayai Bank Building, Bowmanviiie. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Smceumor t» lat& D. B. Sinse, .. C. Barri8ter, Solilcitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money ta Loan Plioie 91 Bowmaovilie, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notau'y Money ta boan. Banda foruie. Offices-BIeakiey Block, King St., Bowmanviiie, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Moter or Horse Equipinent Al CaiLspromptly attended to. NI ' Private Ambulancej Bowmanviiie phono 10 andS34 j Branch Stores- 1 Orono & Newcastlei ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaimer and Funerai Director. Cails given prompt and persanai at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- iiie, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medicai College, Toronto, formeriy of Enniskilien. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanvilîe. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.93., .R.C.S., (Edin), O.P.H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; FeIlow ai the Royal College ai Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowrnanville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians andI Surgeons Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. Telephane 108 Offce-. Welington Street BowmanviJ1e, Ontario. VETERINARY DR.* F. ý. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day ort Night cails prornptiy attended ta. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S.. B. V. Se. Orono fanon Graduate ai University af THE EDITIOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS f WHAT OTHERS TOWNS DO0 WITH EXCELSIOR LIFE COMPANY This Talk is ta farm boys and girls. Cities and towns are heing en-j MNCPLAFISSO SECLETPORS We nover tire ai talking to thein. ricbed froin the country. ea get- Tbrough the exchange of newspap- Statements presented at the thirty- It is the aid achool-master in us. ting around it. The fariners are ers editors have a better opportunity eighth anuai meeting of the Excelsior That oxpenience ai ten happy years the "founders ai civilization" and than most people ai knowing what is Life Insurance Company hy the First clings ta us even now in aur 8th its ta he boped that the breed is't going on in ather towns. Whie read- Vice-President, Alex. Fasken, K. C., year. We have been reading Sain going ta rua out. The only thîng ing same ai the Ontaria weekiies dur- showed that excellent progress bad Brown's "Farta Chats" for some tha thas made the towns and the higr ing the pst couple ai weeks we clip- ennaei 97 years in "Farm and Dairy" ai centres ai humanîty possible is thlt ped a nuinher ai itemns pertaining ta mtlbuiess, issued and revived, Peterbaro and one oi his recent taîks they get the blood for their veins and town council and municipal affairs Ttl u was on the oft-recurring question: the air for their lungs continuaily te-1 which we pass on ta aur readers. 1'amounted ta $16,718,472.00 Insur- "Why do neariy ail the young folk newed tbrough their importations Oi These paragraphs should be ai par- lance in force now amounts ta $76.- want ta beave the farm?" young mon and women froin the ticular interest to the niembers oi the 386,829.70. Total incarne had grown in anticipation ai Sami Brown's country. And oi course that's ail!i tawn council who are calied upon ta ta $3,150,591.04, an increase for the answer ta bis question, here is a rigbt, so long as we do't overdo i4 discuss and act on many oi the saine! year of $167,635. 36. tragedy in farm lufe very aitea re- as they say we are doing at present. questions and prohlems herewith pre-1 peaedof at yersmuc mreGive thein some, sure enough, but sented:I The rate ai interest earned in- frequentiy than during aur iarming keep the best at borne on farinsi crease tot 6.04%., notwitbstanding days 70 years ago. "A Female af where they'l1 do the most good. Carleton Place pays it Assessor hle prevailing lower returns on cur- the Species" in a recent nuinher ai * * 0' and Collector $600. rent investinents. Assets total $13.- The Rural New-Yorker brings the What we want ta know is, what has 327,152.95, ai wbich $5,903,792.3i tragedy enacted on 50 many farms brought on aur trouble, and what! Bramptoni increased the salary aif.'s In woll selected bonds and debent- ta attention oi the readers ai that remedy we cari supply? Thoe esies: its Chief ai Police ta $1500. 1 ures and $3,637,155.38 in First pser ai the fam weekiies as ioilows: way ta find the cure is ta fint dis- i____ arggso ia sae ***cu'ver the cause ai sickness. Ia thîs Simcoe pays its tax coilector 400;1 The mortality experience had con- case we bave been taid-iong aga, ai Assessor $400; Treasurer $600. tinued satisfactory and was well bo- We attondod an auction sale re- course-that the yaung people i la o the _________ centiy on the fatnioa an aid man aad'cauntry wouid nover stand for the Cobourg municipality barrowslo thepctd bis wiie at wbicb was sold their pet-: backward conditions on the average mnyu a$000a rt i5,1 oîyodoshdrcie npo sonal praperty hefore moving ta, the fari-for heing shut off frain the int erest. fits $290,986.25, or 30% mare than city, hecause their at child had; rest ai the world in pretty much the____ in 1926. leit tnemlnde. the caidarryonth jsaine waii as Robinson Crusoe was At Simcoe it has been suggested Surplus earnings were $1,45,357 famn no ange. Sh remrks: on bis ioneiy island. ta combine the offices ai Assessor andjor$241 maehn tep- Such a dean aid woman she is. She But that age in which farmers Collecton. ov$15,14usr yearn.hepr had came ta that bouse as a bride, lived the "simple lii e' is gane, nover _________r and ion 50 years it bad been ber ta retura, probabiy, and any young IjSrlsfud xlsvea pca home. Hem chiidren were bora there, Wihy ay areldialHonesofi- Supes uin xcthieof pria th irsha ee arid hre f olks harloem i ter cer $100; Sanitary Inspector $25; Resenve iunds naw amaunt ta $1,- th grl adhen arid h ,e country homes, naw-a-days, wauld ho!i Secretary Board of Health $25; 815,408.97. Ail ai bier married lufe had enlesm and dissatisfied unde the Aditors $325. M.W lk cutyi h it spent there. Day after day tbey had "hnigbt iights" ai the city. MrWBak______ s hedit toiied or nested thore together. AUl * Il* *Bri itzn'indwrt k rict representative ai the Exceisior the pleasume as swell as ail ai tbe Mn.BBroin compares owBaand Lue Company sarrow tbey bad known had counM lrowascoitais toay thus1ying for its annual grant ai $1,000Ota, ieCmay foun thre. It was a part of theiountrhavie jus t aboutvey thng ta pay the bandmaster's salary. The____ iey outh. Nw hy us ei[We hv utaot vr-hn oletter said the band was now on athstae "Rfnwllitit veysu. No bymstla ake lii e easy and pleasant and inter- souad basis and under a campeteat hstae Rnrwilf ih' **iesting, "back on tbe aid fanai", that leader. The usual summen concerts a Town Council composed af one This wortby aid couple had striçven h as heen thought ai up to the prsn were promised in returo. meaiber as the resuit ai furtber re- in vain ta keep their children wîth day, and mast ai the time we bave signatians yesterday as a rosuit ai tbem. Tbey bad instalied a gaod these tbings bere in greater peniec-. Several niembors ai the Barrie stanm which has been stirmed up in radia, furnace, modern machine ny af tion and among better surroundine 1-lrticultural Society, at its annual municipal affaira by the drastic econ- ail sorts and fine mator cars. îtI than thoy can ever hope ta have meeting voiced vigarous ca aplaint of amny policy adopted by the Council in seemed ajinost a crime ta see the thoin in the city. Tbe fariner nuns! ;raying dogs that play havoc withI cutting off the annual grant -ai $1,_ tbings that they bad se recontiy pur-,! bis car on an iinpraved bighway' gardens and suggested that a by-iaw 200 ta the Renimew Band, pride ai chased at high prices "knocked whene lhe isn't contiauaily being beld holi sought ta bave local canines tied the tawn, the dismissai ai the night down" ta others at sucb ridiculously up hy a policeman and forced to lap for certain months of the year. constable ta save the amount ai bis low prices. wait until the rond is clear for hum _____ wages, and other reductions in ex- I an wadeingto-ig asi at ta move ahead for anothen 50 yards: St. Mary's pay.s these salaries* pend itures." in bier aid chair, what she, as she sirtashees u little fiun in Socretary-Treasurer $1400; Tax in bier new chair, perbaps mare coat-, driving a car through the husy streets, Collector $300; Assessùr $300; Chief M Nayor D. F. McCuaig oi Barrie, in lyniabe ar coiorahi, s tin ofa a city, l'il say thjat. ai Police $1000; Night Constable his inaugural addmesssid Te ing ai. Can they ever become ne- 1 S 1000; Solicitor $200; Auditbor $250; question ai arrears ai taxes is a ser- coaciied ta pavements, walled-in The radio, taa, works btter in the Dairy and Sanitary Inspecter $200; 1 icus one. This is perhaps net a fin- streets and 2 x 4 gardons? country than where it is intenfered Caretaker $300; Nurse $1600; Medi- lancial bass to the Town because large with hy big broadcastiag stations and cal Offilcer $200. percentage charges are added; but it **steel irame buildings and so on. Thon is not i ntbe intemest ai the citizens This practical and thoughtiul we have the mail-driver camiag According ta the minutes ai Or-, ta allow arrears ai taxes ta accumu- writer aiter considering this tragedy arouad te aur doors every day with , ,nzeville Cauncil, as printed in The late. It wil be the duty ai the writes: It seoins ta me that there is aur papers and letters, while the tele-'ý Sun. "Charlie Sing, who will shortiy Coýmmîttoe ai Finance and Assess- nothing big enougb in the city ta1 phono la igtat band for the pur-' open a second restaurant, applied [ment ta devise ways and menas ai hold them; tbey who were bora and pose ai gttîng inta touch with ev-: for a cigarette license. HoeIamy 'reducing the amaunt ai unpaîd taxes. bred ai the great outdloors; wbose eryhody witbin a thousand miles,' have it by paying theof ceoaf $75 per The expense ai lighting aur streets lives bave been speat amidst gment main aur milk-dealer in the city ta year". Wbh' shauldn't ýBowmaaville is aiso becaming a senicus question. thiaga, grent his, great trees and the aid cbap wha lives on the farmn impose a simlar license and thus Each light incurs an annuai expeadi- grant tasks. Not many years ne- just acroas the rond. There really have the sale of cigarettes under pro-1 ture ai $800 (in Bowmanville it's main for tbem on this eartb. It! isn't anythiag 1 can think ai that per supervision as is the case in many! $12.00). We have during the last would seoin that one ai those cbild- country people can't have for the ask- municipalities in Ontario? few. years been instaiiing ton new non cauld have remained with themin ig now-a-çlys-if thoy have thoe lights each yoar. The tawa is not until they bnd passa-d, that they pice! Tbat's where the sboe pinchos. Mr. John Caruthers. Mayor aOfItaa well lighted but there should, 1 could have been carnied ta thein final Out standard ai living bas gone away Lttle Current, was elected on a plat- icel, bo saine e-adjustinent ai the resting place through the door tbey up and wo bave't alwmys the money:,f orai ai ecaaamy. Sa in bis augurai present îighting systeai. bad eatered whon tbey started the tenbie us ta faliow it. address hoe pmaducod the paing kniie, jouraoy together. much ta thewismay ai town employ- When Omillia undertakes anythiag ***Sa the cure for ail these troubles! ees by advocating the cut ai mil sal- it bas earned the mputatian ofcding that caine main the youngstens got- aries witb the exception af one. It things, at least different as well ns If great or noble wonk had called ting ied up with the farmi lata ho appears that lst year's council voted botrta sdn nms lcs these children, I could look at it îudl bge n otr nans itself statutory fees, viz: $200 a ses- Fottr nthanes dpicure t leat.u differently. But a truck driver on: Itbas ta ho fixed so that the bard- sion ai eacb councillor and $3.00 for scene at the opening ai council as hepri arg a ee iesr!temayor. Generausly hsthe e beper l a araer' aob, nver masuro rking "son ai the soul" gets as mythe be o aieas newi t repomted in the Packet-Tiaies: The up a frme'sjo, l m i in mch as the city man doos, taking:a odcdetawveilam a inaugural meeting ai tho 1928 Coun- The py perday may lho mare in into consdenatian the qntt n this maney. "In past yeams, members Iclwacmidotwt i h sa actual cash, but the farin givea ta its, quality ai bis labor. Wof evea the council have acted gratis", ceremay. eCucil Chambtens cbosen ones tbat whîcb inoney caiinot . accom'plished that, it'a about as cor- Mayor Carruthers painted out, "and wsdcmtdwt an a îas buyor ord exres. nlyrea Itain as anything can be that the ide ifustaxe S ar t homeuce, oane ai eacb ai the plants being pro- farmera knaw and feel it and I take ai humanity wiil noV continuaily homl tdieta sented ta the Council and the press it that none ai tboae wuide ebav oig arste Cit. W. nrepresente.tives preseat, by Mn. Jobn relfres lethey wu I hvemoney is nghtly used, it brings us M*bd *o orTh wnth .. eil w I Witton, Superintendent ai Parka, felt it. power, possessions and, on the. whole, oare tue cwî e spmni ordha eo- who vms ta ho credited for the tro- Now, I ask you, why woeenono quite an amaunt ai happinesa. Do amycas thecivic oftcherdmeedibet aif thoin nemi farinera? I will yen- m and y what you like, you ca't tnnttk hmle e eiul ia etn itemeig tue a nythat there norer liVad maakind frein gaing whene they judging main what la happening la In ecent yeams relief ta citizens btuetr faiea n ksead epewl fn tee hng. SabreyuRenfnew. Sovenal despatches ap-freni Town Council bas been at a better farers than heserold lalisat weeke ts dailiesheandouap-minimuni, but often this pivilege bas wene or farinera more contentdwt have the cause ai our "country sick- pardi atwe'dilsanonmiSm on hv thein work. Why did tbey raise no nsa",. lit isn't bard ta ocate when M oadaye thocntorsbarece hen bue. Srapin ton dsphavo farinera? la there sometbing wrang a feiiow just site down and thinka ____ evercate ovenapping tin dies in home on achool training? Like lho- about it. 1ing ai cnty by bavjing wthtRele gets like, ordinarily. Thon why do à*eal fan each" bas been in aperatian cergtmen orthejonly witb the farinera bear city parasites? Weil, naw, what's the cure? lVit or saie little tinie. The city would aclertamen a ivten towndbeioe nny sure takes a mian with eome nonvehaels its pull!zes 1 wonder, if as they go along ýta say ho kaows ai a sure remedy.ze. frein day ta day, thoy place too muchi But I 've hoard about one. In a very St- - -Juna-rgs-dtril n- nfi ý ffrie ABo htms fu a e d Iv enniments: No departinent oai Toronto. Ail cases given promnpt:o the ncbes and pains that came ta a litle says soniething lîke this: "Do' and careful attention. Office-O1 Dr. McEbnay's fariner office. tined muscles main physical labor,! unto others as ye wouid that tbay, Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. and not enougb an whnt mny ho seor i shoubd do te you". Thon. you have f rom the top ai the bibi wben yau go the idea that would bing btter for the cowa, or frein your favorite 1tumes and prospority and bappins AUCTIOEERS jwindow as yau reat mter a day well . ta everybody, city folksanad counry THEO SEMON apent. Perbaps the yauagsters' nt- 1 people alike. It's heen tnied eut THEOM. SEMO tention was tea aiton cailed ta the' homo and thora, occaaonaiby, and Auctioneer I mot that the pigs were nat ied yet, thao who know most about it amy Fanm and House Sales a Speciaity 1 instead ai ta the benuty ai the set- that it warks liko a charm! It's a sort Ternis moderato. Enniskibben p. o0* ting sun. Or did tbey, in the enrly ai a last word ini the great ideal af Phone 197r3 1 tf, years, wbile "gettiag a stnrt" place! co-operation. where every man works tee much value on the dollar, giviag1 with and for every other man, and; ____.......the child mind the impression that1 where everybody bas ail ho neoda of e 1- A11- .intpdmre han an , ths word's zods 4, hcause norl CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS tac uollar cuL.IIL oe nn ay,.........ou ... THEROPY other thing. * , grabbed mare than their ahane! DURWIN E. STECKLEY If chibdren cauld ho taaght ta ap-' Mr. Brown cancludes that there's; honor graduate oi Tarante Caiege preciate the beauties ai Nature, the nao neain ion any argument about of Chiropractic wili be ia the Baw- gloriaus fireedoin ai the open spaces this matter af ca-operation. There manvible Office Tuesday, Thnniday and the najesty ai the bis and troos, is pionty ai staff in the wald to and Ssturday evenings, phono 141J. thon the "movies", cbeap vaudeville! give evory mari ail ho noa-ds ta iako Reidential calis imade during fore- shows, night clubs and cabarets'hiai happy and coatented. Ail wo noone., wouid nover mena as mach ta thein have ta figure on is the way ta work as the rohin's firat sang, the aew together 50 that each one ai us wili ACHIEVMENTnoon over the bili, the first violet or get bis share. Saine people stili CHEEETthe heaaty ai sanabine on snow-clnd quate the aid saying: "Competi-1 Are you seeking a connection bibs, and the radiant aunsots. Cat i tion là the lite ai trade", but where, tint wiil be permanent, one with they ho taught these things? Mustlhas conipetition ever got aqe" e cpt whicb you can. an the fouadation it ho bora ia thain? I am not sure. inta war and trouble ai ail kinds ai Qumity nerchandise, at a reai But ai this I amn sure: The beati with aur neigbbors and the nations smving ta your customors9, buiid farinera are the ones wha do approei ai the world? Up ta the present a repent business, that gib i- ite these things, whetber they ad- comptition has put the kingdims sure you success? Whetbe ya mit it or nat, and more aiten they and empires and repuhlici oi the ho ai. proseat a saiesman or la-j are silent cancerniag their feelings; earth sn deeply la debt that sanie ai1 tond te ho one, if you are a mari aise that the future ai nations de- thon have just about last ail hope. with genuino dogmre ta estabiish ponds upan the happinoas and con- af even getting out agairi. youraeif in a grawiag independ- tontinent ai the farmors ofai linan- C-pra *neuinthaed ont business. oaa la whucb intel- [tins. * o* orsetan at. If ild t haed be ligent and conscientiaus effort to os hnta. I thdae plense the public wili ho hacked At this point wo introduce Mn. given hait a chance we ail know that up by the House. We hava for 'Sain Brown who begins by nsking, it; wouid have donce a lot botter. itI you a proposition witb reai i a- j "Wby shnuld any young persan witb encourages production: it cats )ut teet. Our lineofa Mea'a Wear pep and push in thorn ho satisfied on, waste; it strengthens good-wibl among which is sold direct ta the cuton- the fanai?" If the hest place in this imon, and, in thoead, leads thein ta or through honest and ambiti- aid warld in which ta manufacture' prosperity and 3uccess. It simply oua salesmen. is the outstandiag reai mon and wornen is "gaing -ta ean't bel-p bringing about this resait. ACHIEVEMENT ai thia yenr. It seed", as you migbt sny, and hs It lbas heon triad out, onan nsiali will pny yau ta investigate. In towns and the cities ara oirig hut scaie, and bas shown us what it can, answering please state age, ex- up at the expense ai the country, accomplish! perionco, if any, and other info- there shouldn't he any law ta provent What's the matter with doing aur- mation about yourseii that might us takiag stops that wiib rause up the salves a gond tamn in 1928 and giving help us determina your qualifica- people and the govamament and sa the Golden Raie ai Co-openation a tions. AUl applications shouid bring about some change for Vie bet- real ty-nut fan Vhe first timo in aur bo addressed ta te. We'll sure go ta the bad, an-j lives? Take it tram me, iV will help MR. EDGAR MALLARD, îrely, if we can't keop onougi gond us o a solution ai one ai aur pnob- Oepartmêiit of Sales, Laurentlan Ltd. oys and girls on the land ta take theIleins, anyway. You woa'V even see Oopt. C 4510 Dearoche St., Montreal place ai the aId f ellows and their Itie boys and girls breaklng thoir -1 wives who are quitting, la one way neeka to geV away main the fari or anotier every year. where the nule af ".«ch for ail, and 4î How one mother keeps young "How splendid, that wo can run am-ay for a few days ta visit yaur mather! Withaut Long Distance it %vauld hc of course quite out of the ques- tion, but it is sa easy ta cal up aur homes by Long Dis- tance anid make sure ail is weil that, really, there is no excuse for denying oneseif." "I suppose you use Station- to-Station cails. 1 do. By asking for the number I got the cheaper rate, and the Evening rate aiter 8.80 in reaiiy rnast reasonable." The rates ta noarby towns, within a radius of say 25 miles, are so low that It in now possible ta keep Up a wtde circle ai inoenda at ve«7 allght exponse. Lomg Dita StOMO* criticized the pnst yean ns that ai thenéuelwr a ens-mc police. The new Town Council bas stamted eut by re-appointing Nigh;t Watchrnan Dan Rass, who showed himnseli quite active in his duties the past year and by ne-appointin he_ ('bief ifor one month only, apparently intonding ta make a change. We understand that there will ho a nuai- ber af applicants for the position oi ('bief Constable. Whoever redoives the permnanent appointinent for the cnrning yeam sboulcl ho made.ta un- demstand that ho job is no sinocure but demands earnest effort ta pro-. vide strict law enforcement. The statement was made at ('ouncil that the Provincial police asserted that the council was net interested un law enfoncement. li sounds like a ather sweeping assertion. The council can prove ta the public that there is ne truth in the tateaient by show- ing theaiselves vigilant in handiing the police situation for the caming year. We clip this timely suggestion irom part ai Mayor Brown's splendid inaugural address ta Onillia Council: Goodwill is one ai the grenteat fact- ors in the progress and prasperity ai the Vown. It accurs ta me that it wouid ho a good thing if the meaihers ai the council were mare famliar witb the industries, and whmt tbey are doing. Why sbould nat the In- dustnial ('omuittee get together oc- cmsionaliy ,and visit the factories? They wouid 1 arn sure, get n wel- came main the managers ,and wouid kcep in tnuch with thoir views and needs. and with what is going on. Al Oilians cari belp the factories by speaking well ai thon, uepcially when nway fron bomne. It croates a gond impression wben people are enthusiastic about the gooda nmade la Orillia ,and just the opposite if tbey take a citicai attitude. Our people cari alan help tea, hy buying goods mado la Orillia inctonies wben they needaything la thein uine. Lot us do everything we can ta dd ta the prosponity ai Orilia's facto-r ies. Prosperity fon the fcols means pnasperity fNr the workîng mon, and ion evenybody else. Aw 1EA&LY BAN&2KO QFM0NTRýEAL, ""ToKEN" OUNDED before Canada 4Ç had any currency of its « own, the Bank of Montreal tG early obtained authorization / from the Government to is- ' . sue copper tokens for small i change. Reproduced herewith are the two sides of the "Bouquet" token, ane of the earliest coins issued by the Bank. The inter- mingling of the rose, shamrock and thistie indicates the three branches of the British people-the English, Scotch and Irish-while the use of English on one side of the coin and French on the other is significant of the mingling of the two races in this country. -Trade and Agriculture" indicates the early connection of the Bank with both urban and rural life in Canada. Throughout its long history the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving thz- financial needs of ail the peop.e. BANKOF MONTRE AD Established 191^ Total Assets i r exceas of $83t,êjOO,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN - Manageoe Good News for Excelsior Policyholders ¶20 '/ more paid to policyholders in 1927 E than in the previous yearM ifAn exceedingly favorable mortality ex- perience-practically the same as 19 26 ifSurplus funds, (flot including specialà reserves) amount to $1,815,408.97* The Steady Growth ofI "A Strong Canadwan Company"I 1927 1924 1921 Policies in force $76,386,829 $57,782,440 $46,000,506 Total Assets .... 13,327,153 10,063,408 7,180,176 Incane ............. 3,157,625 2,427,491 1,756,468 Paid ta Policyholders 1,157,252 783,761 500,571 - EXCELSIOR INSURANCE LF COMPANY Head Ofice-Excelsior Life Building - Toronto Complete Report mnailed upon request to:- W. BLAKE MCMURTRY District Agent Bowmanville, Ont. PAGE TWO I "For a safe, souad inv«tment, and one that will appreciate la n th pur ha]o dC L value, we unhesitatingly recommend the purchase of e that re ON ER, L AeNp INTERNATIONAL NICKEL MITED St n AN Po L E C INTERNATIONAL PAPER, e of 1 . 0 on 0 E Li il' appr'eia e 'a CANADIAN CELANESE Co. LIMITED, 7Ï O a Coý panit", ta We have prepared a special circular on these Coinpanien, à copy of which will be mailed to you upon request". co F. Je Van Nest & Co* 344 Bay Street Adel. 3296 Toronto ý- m am - 1 4ý - * 1

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