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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928. PG Ul Farin For Sale 10% CASH-BALANCE 25 YEARS The Sldier Settlement Board of Canada offers for sale by Publie Tender --80 ACRES-- EAST %~ LOT 5, CON. 3 TOWNSHIP DARLINGTON, COUNTY DURHAM The purchaser ef this property muet rely on bis own Inspection and knowledge of the farin and flot on the above or any verbally or in wltlng fiY empioyees Of the Soldier Settiement Board. Terme of sale are 10 per cent of tbA purchase price ln cash on acceptanofi of the tender, and the balance ln twenty- five equai, annual Instaimente, with ln- tereet at 6 per cent per annum on the amortization plan. Each tender muet be accompanled by an acceptQd chequq for $100. If tender ls accepted, this sum wifl be credited to the purchase price of the land. il tender la not accepted the money wlll be returned to the tenderer. Tenders will be opened at Toronto on February 2th., 1928. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. If the land la net eold on the date above mentioned, the Board wiil be prepared to receive off ers to pur- chase until such Urne as it le finaiiy dis. peeed of. Tenders should fie ln plain envelopes marked "Tender for the purchase o! E. % Lot 5, Con. 3, Township Dartingten, County Durham". Addrees tenders and enquies to: The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada C. M. Nixon, District Superintendent. Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 25th! day of January, 1928. - VALENTINESI We have a very large1 display of unique, novel and attractive Valentines, priced from le to 50c. W. T. Allen Big 20 Booletore Bownianville Ont. Where Quality CountsJ It is most important that your social function, whether it be Picnic, Afternoon Tea or Dinner Party, should be crowned with success and to make it such you can always rely upon Corbett's Bakery Product to give you the internai satisfac- tion and receive perfect endorsation from every guest. The high-class ingredients which are used in every recipe and the careful mixing and cooking of ail Corbett's Products, ensure a perfect product that few can equal and none can surpass. Why fuss and bother preparing your own baking, then> when you can obtain Corbett's High- Grade Bakery Products at such reasonable prices? Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville BRIGHTER HOMES STORE --The Paint Centre-- In future our store will be known as the "Brighter Homes Store" as we have inked up with hundreds of stores throughout Canada who seli GLIDDEN'S ENDURANCE PAINT We have a Glidden Paint for every purpose-and every can is guaranteed. STAUNTON'S SUNWORTHY SEMI-TRIMMED WALL PAPER Many people now express a preference for this famous wall paper. There's a reason. Buy Your School Suuplies Here GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville SKATES SHAkRPElED The mnew and btter prton. Prompt and satlstactory service. JAMIESON BROS. Stateoinan Bnck Bowmanvle Raîph Mange who was ast year's 110 pass and the sally went for nothîng. Ilb. champion. John Jury and Joe. Again the saine pair swooped in and Alexander ,two boys frein the towv again they were baffled. Bowrnan- class made a favourable impression ville's defence work and back-check- in their thnee round exhibition. ing was tee good. Their attack, en- The monotony of a long tourna- gineered by Meyse, Turner, Hooper ment was nicely broken by the two and Osborne, with relief frein Camn- clowns R. E. Usher and Jack Cusick eron and Freeman, was doing deadly when they pnesented a coinedy bout work in sallies inte terniteny which with the assistance of the referee. should have been sacred te Pniest- Cusick wone a catchen's face inask man. On several occasions they and hockey goal tender's pads wh:he wene allowed in tbree abreast, and Usher wore an overcoat and rubber more than once a two-man combina- boots.L tien landed thein within scoring dis-, OfficiaIs for the finals on Friday tance but Piestinan was able te fend night were as f o'lows: Referee, Jack off the attacks for seme turne. At Corcoran; professienal boxing pro- length the pressure told, and fast moter and referee frein Toronto; work by Moyse and Osborne enabhed Judges, Messrs. Allen and Smith of the latter te notch one past Pniest- the Ontario Athletic Commission and man. Fully ten minutes of the pen- Mn.E. . Bad; Tmer J J.Bron.iod bad gene and the speedy attack Mr.E. . Bad; Tmer J J.Bron.of the visitons showed ne igu of The entire tournament was a fitting lessening. Colville was hucky on climax te the training the boys have sevenal towands the end of the ageny, done for the past four montha under but the Hopens were net getting in the direction of Physical Director J. close enough, and frein-one of theiri E. Cunninghamn. salles Freeman got loose and beat' Following are the results of the Piestinan for another counter. The cbampionshîp finals: Under 60 Iba. Ontanios nerved theinsel'ves for a -Robinette defeated Montgomery, 3 bard attack and several turnes Col- rounds decision; 60 te 80 bs.-Rox- ville was called on te go the liait te borough defeated Blasak, 3 rounds save on shcts wbich were net easy. decision; 80 te 95 lbs.-Spanis de- On sevenal of these hie surely had feated Cusick, 3 rounds decision; 95 horseshoes aIl around the nets, and to 110 lbs.-Calegiore defeated the cnowvd gave vent te gasps as what Stneet, 3 rounds decision; 110 te 12r ooe like sure scores were amother- lbs.-Aiken defcated Mange 4 rounds cd or turned aside. See-saw attacks decision. Unlimited cla,.ss-Smith prevaxîcd tilI the end of the period. defeated Aiken 1 -round and 80_sec- onds by a knock-out. Third Period Each champion will have bis naine Within two minutes in the third engraved on the V. H. Sorey Trop- peri£d Port Hope bad made several hy, donated by Dr. V. H. Storey of desperate attacks on the Bowman- Bowmanvil'e. Gold medals donat- ville nets, and, off froin a face near a ed by the Ontario Athletic Comins corner "Deed" Hiuis shot oe which sion were pnsented by Refcee Cor- as labelled for a goal and it eluded coran dircctly folloiwng the last bout. Colvilie. This spruced up the crowd The School is indebtcd te the Ontanto for it looked as if there was a Port Regiment of Oshawa, for the use of Hope rally ccmaing. Port Hope their boxing ring and equipnaent pressed hard, and the Gunnites were whicb was loaned for the occasion. -11- nf aQm g.-ioi GOOD GAME WITH OSHAWA The Intermediates played Osbawa bene Wednesday night and almost dnubbed thein. But for the excellent work of Dick Smith in the visitons net. the fans believe that the locals would have finished on top. Score finished 4-1 for Oshawa. They re- ceived 3 of their goals in the finst period and then the locals woke Up and oh boy, didn't they go! Their combination became superb and Smith was hopping aIl over the net te get in the road of the shots. New Tirm open ol Jan. SI4AW's TWP2LVU . BTTSTMPiAA SCHOOILS In Toronto Write for Ch endar. W. R. Shaw. Regltrar. By & Charlea, Toront. 4M- around their nets, but the attacit waa net productive of goals, and that was wbat Port Hope nequired at that juncture. Witb everybody on the firing line, good tactics with the score three te one for the enemy, three of the Bowmanville phayera broke leose and drove down the ice. The Port Hope defence was up tee fan, tbe for- wards could net back-cbeck quickly enougb, and Priestinan, at the mercy of tbree, blocked the ahot, went te the ice to smother the rebound but missed and another goal was notcbed up for the visitons. t was now four te one and the minutes were fast alipping away. A slashing attack, wbich was more or lesa a scramble, kept Bowrnanville defending. At lengtb, after Bowrnanvihle had ne- lieved Somewbat, the old reliable "Finnegan" Hilla grabbed the puck at rnid-ice and made the "Id dogs" carry hum te the Bowinanville de- tence where he did not loue any tume slamming a fast one past Colville fer Port Hope's eqond counter. There was atilsomes minutes to, go and the BAND Taylor's Rink Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ADVERTISING THE COMMUNITY BOWMANVILLE INTERMEDIATES SPRING SURPRISE 0F SEASON Those who read their weekly news-____ papers and carelessly throw thein Double the Score on Port Hope Richt aside, cwerlook the fact that they are on Their Own 1ce not doing ail for their t)wn and dis- trict that they can. If those news- The local Interinediates have loat papers instead of being destroyed, their jinx. They won their first were placed in wrappers and snailed gaine of the season by 4 to 2 in Port from inure to turne to friends and Hope Friday night. What a game! relatives at a distance, the good that There were a couple of newcorners could be accomplished would soon be on the teain, "Red" Hooper, thel reflected in local growth, says The goalie for the juniors, who took his Carleton Place Canadian. brother's place on the defense andi Chambers of Commerce are fre- he gave a very commendable exhibi- quently blarned for flot getting out tion of hockey. "Shinny" Moyse, more "boost literature" to be sent the old reliable, also was back wîth abroad. Those who raîse these coin- the teain and although he is a bit plaints could do a great deal thern- overweight will soon be in the best selves by sending out the literature of condition. that cornes into their own hands in 'Bownianville put up sonie real fast the forin of local peiodicals. hockey and the Port Hope lads were Probably no other one thing is a alrnost overwhelmed with surprise better index to a town than its week- when the gaine ended with their ly publication. Very often that ip score at the lower level. After the about aIl the stranger has to go by Port Hope teain cleaned the Oshawa in makîng up his mind about a coin- speed fiends the other night they rnunity. If the newspaper that falls thought they were aIl set for the into his hands is a bright-looking group honors, but our local home- sheet, full of news and has a pros- brews sure did bring them down to perous air, the stranger is certain to earth. judge that it was published in a live, After devoting about haîf a col- progressive town. umn to alabis explaining the defeat of the hilîside teain Port Hope Times ends up by saying the visitors were BOXING TOURNAMENT a good teain in these words: On top cf this disorganization, by Every Bout K.enly Conteted at Port Hope, this îack of teain play in Boys' Training School the attack and of back-checking on the part of the forward line, there Friday night's boxing show at the wvas always that desperate, driving Boys' Training Schooî by far exceed- attack on the part of the Bowlnan- ed the expectations of even the most ville players which knew no îet-up, optimistic. t required no great fast breaking, a leech-like checking stretching of the imagination to fig- systein which worried the Ontarios, ure some of the performers as the[ and a constant pressure goal-wards coming Dempseys and Tunneys of which was always dangerous. Thrust the next generation. In ahl, six after thrust was launched into Port championship finals and five exhibi- Hope territory by a teain which had tion bouts were boxed on Friday speed and condition and cohesion to night. always drive it to the danger line. To select outstanding performan- This pressure, on top of the lack of ces would bc difficult although the co-ordination on the part of the On- Aiken-Mango bout for the 125 lb. tarios was the story of the Bowman- championship provided some good ville win and the Port Hope loss. solid action and îvas close enough to Tireless skating, close and hard be ordered an extra round when the checking, fast breaking and good de- judges disagreed. Aiken won the fence work, on top of sorne of the extra round and the charnpionship. best, and also sorne of the huckiest Ted Srith's work was decidedhy goaling, spelled the def eat of the clean-cut and pretty to watch as he Port Hopers, and no one knows that disposed of this saine Aiken thirty today better than the members of the minutes ater in just one round and defeated teain. Jack Gunn and his eighty seconds. They were boxing Benedicts deserve credit f-or being for the heavyweight championship able so effectually to take advantage and it wouhd have been a treat to of the disorganization of the enerny watch had Aiken not been worn down and to drive home such a terrific at- s0 much in his bout with Mango. tack. Ted Usher won the Harry Price First Period gold medal for the most scientific ex- Ten minutes of end-to-end play hibition of boxing when he went in whîch each tearn was feeling the three rounds with Stanley Campbell, other out ended in a score by Moyse, another fine little lad. Both boysI who, froin a' corner, backhanded one were light for their class and were past Piestinan on which the latter defeated in the prelirninaries oni did not have a chance. Several at- Wednesday but they showed so rnuch tacks by Port Hopers gave Colville a science that their bout was repeated chance to save briliantly, but the on Friday night as an exhibition on- attacks by the Ontarios lacked tears ly. It is interesting to note that work, and the Bowmnanville defence while neither won a championship, was stopping thein fast. Ware and nor did they even get as far as the Wakely showed a little combination finals, yet Ushen won the medal for which nearhy beat Colville, and Bow- the rnost scientific boxer in the tour- manville retaliated with a savage at- nament. tack which swept thein in on Priest- Harold Waters who is easihy the man who stood thein off by several greatest mit artist that the Schooh daring dives after the puck. has yet turned out, carne alh the waySeodPro £romn Woodstock as did alzo ErnieScodPrd Sutherland, for the sole purpose of Port Hope carne to life early in the seeing the boxing exhibition. Waltera second period and "Deed" Hilîs gave a wondenf ul d rnonstration in1 worrned bis way through to the de- his bout with Clifford Brandridge. ifene and passed out. Ware was Sutherland bnxed two rounds withI close but not close enough to oet the LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j Miss Edith Peardon, Oshawa, spent the weekend with town fniends. See what other towns are doing by reading coîomn on "Municipal Problenis" in this issue. East %~ of lot 5, con. 3, Darling- ton, is advertised for sale by tender on very easy terins in this issue. Rev. E. A. Tonkin has retunned froin a vîsît to bis daughter in New York State, and is now visiting an- other daughter in Dundalk. Widow of Dr. Henry Hough, M.A., former editor and proprietor of Co- bourg Wonîd. died in Vancouver on January 24, in hen 83rd year. Mr. J. H. Alîdread, The Trucker of Bowmanville, has purchased Mr. M. Samis dwelling bouse and ten acres of land just west of Maphe Grove. Principal F. A. Farewel's sudden death at Ontario Ladies' Coîlege, Whitby, wihî cause very widespread regret as the college has neyer been more popuhan than under bis regime. Miss E. E. Haycraft had very pleasant visits recenthy with Mrs. Richard Blight, Whitby, Mrs. W. J. Haycnaft. Brooklin, and Mns. Harold A. Greene, Toronto. Excellent suggestion: When you have read this paper enclose it in a wrapper addressed to an out-of-town friend-a 1-cent stamp wihI carry it to almoat any country. Mns. William A. White and Mrs. James A. Phillipa of New York City, spent the weekend with Dr. White's sisters, Mns. Geo. A. Fair, and Miss Margaret White, Milhbrook. Mns. Geo. W. James returned ast week froin Owen Sound where she was summoned because of her moth- en's illness and nemoval to the gener- ah hospital. Mrs. Woods was progreas- ing towards recovery when she came home. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENJOY SCOTCH PROGRAM Bowmanville Women's Institute met in the S. 0. E. Hall Friday after- noon with a splendid attendance, Mrs. Frank Jackman, President, pre- siding. Arnong the business items it was decided to furnish mihk for 10 un- dernourished childnen attending the Public Schools; decided not to have a summer speaker on account of hav- ing a speaker at Annual meeting; in- stead of a play the groups decided to have a euchne and a sale of home- made ecoking. Secretary reported acknowledginent froin Haliburton of neceipt of clothing sent to needy children there. The five bales were valued at $135. The prograin which was in charge of No. 5 group, Mrs. W. L. Buttery, Convener, was ail Scotch numbers. The first sehection wss a recitation on "Life of Robert Burns" given by Mn. F. L. Squair; Mns. A. Colvihle aang "The wee hoose on the Hill", and as an encore "Annie Laurie"; Mns. W. Adarns necited "Courtiig of the Widow" and as an encore "Cud- dle Doon"; Miss Marguerite Arm- strong gave a piano sehection and also responded to an encore; Rol Caîl was answered almoat entirely by Scotch songs or jokes; Mn. F. IL. Squair recited selections froin IBurns "Cotter's Saturday Night", al of which were rnuch enjoyed. At the close a very hearty vote of thanks rnoved by Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl, seconded by Miss E. E. Haycraft and supported by Mns. A. L. Nichohls and Mrs. Adams was accorded Mn. Squair and ahI others who so kindhy assisted on the prognain. Refreshinents were senved and a social hour enjoyed at the close. Next meeting wilI be in charge of No. 6 group. Look up your prograin and be ready. Ontario rooters hoped for another 'Pont Hope rally. But it did not corne, though the players tried des- penately withi the ateain which was left in thein, but always there was a Bowxnanville player to interrupt their goal-ward way. The gaine end- ed with the visitons on the long end. Bowinanville Port Hope Colville goal Priestinan Cameron defence Crossett Freeman defence Wakely Osborne centre Higbfield Turner wing Ware Moyse wing A. Hilîs Hooper spare W. HIS Rundle spare Hagerman Referee, Ernie Collett, Toronto ~DAD SAYS: Eat More Fish Appetites gone all to smash Don't want turkey, veal or hash Won't be happy till the skillet Simmers with a "Beacon Fillet". * For dinner to-morrow serve some of this tasty Beacon Fillet, only 23e lb. Or maybe you would prefer British Columbia Salmon, very choice, just received at 18e IL Only a few bushels of Table Carrots clearing at 25e peck. Folks are coming back this week for more of those new Santa Claire Prunes" lbs. for 25c. Free Delivery Service. and Sel HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 e e' BOWMAN VILL L i DEPEN DABLE FURNITURE Quality Reasonably Priced Sold By F. Fe. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service Bowmanv'ille ont. Wofld you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, email, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it coste little more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangement"-uarterly pay- Tnents. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. PIANOS F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 5000 Hens Wantedj I have an order for 5000 Hens which rmust be filled during January. Alzo al kinds of fowl wanted. Wilh psy hughest cash pnices for good fat hens. APPLES WANTED If interested phono 81, Whitby and reverse charges. 1. Stein WHITBY Bowmanyfle PAGI limm

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