PAGE FOUR MLAPLE GROVE Miss Eteika Trimble spent the veekend with Miss Geraldine Wil- lama, Bowxnanville .. .. Mina Sui. Laird, Grafton, Mr. Ernie Laird, Tor- onto, spent the weekend at home.... Miss Elsie Laird, Manitoba, is spend- Ing some time et home .... Miss Hilda Poley, Toronto. spent the weekend et home.... Miss Vera Power, New- éastle, spent the weekend at home. . Rev. J .R. Trumpour, Tyrone, will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday, February 5th .... Maple Grave ean- gregational meeting will be held an Frxday evening, February Srd in the hall at 8 p. .Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster and family, Toronto, Miss Mary Cale, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jack- iman and two children, town, were Eunday visitors with her sister, Mrm. M. Samis ... . The many friends of Miss Elsie Laird are glad ta learn that she is daing as well as can be expected after ber recent aperatian i Oshawa Hospital ........ Mr. Ray Enowden, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends .... Miss Gladys Weese, Toranto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Rass Stevens. Line of 15 Men's Overcoats at price at Gilchrist's Store. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink recent- ly visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warner, Hastings. .Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Cale visited relatives in Toronto on Tuesday... Young People's meeting, Friday evening was in charge of the social group with the 4th Vice-Presi- dent, Mr. Harry Cowling, presiding. Bible lesson was read by Leonard Russell. Miss Jessie Knox favored with a piano solo. The devational period was in charge of Mr. T. Salt- er. The group favored with a chor- us. Topic "What shall we read in 1928", was very ably taken by Miss L. Reynolds. Miss Ruth Johns gave a humomous reading. A contest was enjoyed after which candy and pop corn were served by the social group ...Corne ta League Friday night, Mr. W. Ross Strike of Bowmanville, will give an address an "The place of pleasure in Life". . .. About forty of sur Leaguers had a jolly sleighing party ta Solina on Monday night when they were royally entertained by the Eldad young people..Mrs. L. T. Pascoe visited at Mr. R. E. Os- borne's. ,Bowmanville .... Miss Mar- janie Pascoe visited friends near Or- eno on Sunday. Line of 15 Men's Overcoatzaet% price at Gilchrist's Store. SOLINA Mn. and Mrs. John Wannacott vere called to Lambeth owing ta the illness of their daughter, Mms. Wii- fred Wannacot t. We wish ber a speedy recovery ... . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor visited at Mr. Ernest Lar- mer's, Blackstock.... Mm. Narval Watten visited bis wife at the Toron- ta Genemal Hospital, wbere she is pro- gressing favorably. .Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie visited at Mr. James MacKenzie's, Columbus.. Mrs. John Challis, Bowmanville, visited hem mieces, the Misses Hockaday ... Mns. W. H. Westlake is still unden the doctom's came with Miss Lena Tay- lor attending ber.. Hampton League visited aur League an Monday night. The President, M. Chas. Sbortidge, opened the meeting and then called en the Fresident of the Hampton League, M. Harold Salter, ta take charge. We were aIl deligbted witit the splendid pmogam given by the Hampton Leaguers, evemy number of wbicb was excellent. A social time wax enjoyed witb a contest and lunch Meeting ciosed witb "Blest be the Tie that Binds". Our Young People are putting an their play "Wbat doth it Profit", in the cbumcb on Friday evenîng, Febru- amy 1 Otb. Admission 35c and 20c. Came and help the League along. Line of 15 Men's Overcoats at ~ price at Gilcbists Store. SALE M Our Pastor, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, accupied the pulpit on Sunday, de- Iiveing a splendid sermon, the sec- ond in a series of tweive deaiing with the life and character of the twelve Disciples, Nathaniel being the Dis- ciple chosen. The beautiful tboughts expessed in sucb fine lang-j sage, drawing the word-picture af the surroundings of Nazareth wene ceetainiy a poem, and wouid prove* the st.atement that theme la often more reai poetry in the composition of some prose than in many of the verses we read witb their rhyme and measured lines. Theme weme many tessons pointed out in the character of Nathaniel, one in pamticulam, bis denunciation of wrong ather than resomt ta fiattery and untmuthfu]nees. ...The Y. P. L met on Sunday ev- ening under the leadership of the 5th Vice, Mms. Weish, with an attend- ance of 44. A splendid progmaîn was rendemed consisting of soioE, violin music and several readings and a fine talk by Mm. G. A. Stephens )n bis recent trip down tbmough 'iart of tbe U. S. A. was mucb enjoyed by ail. At tbe close of tbe meeting it was decided that the 2nd and 3rd Vice-Presidents unite their Februamy meetings and have one meeting an Valentine nigbt witb some social featume at the close. Particulars later. Next Sunday evening the Vice, Mm. L. Squair and bis commît-I tee will bave charge of the meeting. O yes! Salem bas a real live Y. P. L. and if you are nat attending these meetings you are surely ion someting. . .. Glad ta see Mn. and Mmr. Fred Foster and famiiy out again after being shut in for some time past, with scarlet fever. .. . Miss Edith Cator was a weekend visitor et homne ... . Gaod wisbes for a long :cnd happy wedded life ta Miss Dorothy Isabell MeFeeters af Toronto, whose wedding taok place on Satunday last. Miss McFeeters is a daughter of Mn. J. A. McFeeters, a cne-time Salem boy and one who always shows a friendly interest in the old hnme bu...... . If lif. lacks adventure, join thse Salem hockey tean. THE CANADIAN STATECSMAN, BOWMgANVILLE, THURSDAy, P'EBRUARY 2, 1928. SW. MASON & SON'S CLEAN SWEEP s LE The Sale of a Thousand Pheinomenal Bargains After inventory we now offer a huge sale of seasonable goods at new low bargain prices. Cases and cases of Ginghams, Cottons, Underwear, Hosiery, Lin- ens, Blankets-ali new fresh goods bought at close cash prices and marked on a Clean Sweep Sale basis to insure rapid, free selliing. We promise you this Sale is noteworthy. Neyer befote bave we been able to offer such a large variety of underpriced seasonable goods as is listed here. Share in these Bargains- shop often. If unable to attend yourself-use the mail and telephone-Remember we deliver and prepay aIl delivery charges to any destination. A Seven Day Sale Starting Saturday, Feb. 4th, at 9 a. m. Extra Special 20 dozen only, Women's Dresses, made of Broadcloth and Victoria Suitings which is a printed cotton adapted for dresses. These dresses are positively worth $3.50 and more. We were singularly fortunate to be able to buy a quantity for the Clean Sweep Sale at $1.69 - REMNANTS - Owing to the numerous ends of all materials caught in the Clean Sweep we are not this year putting out remnant counters, but in reality are leaving the goods in their respective departments at very substantial reductions on remnants. lb ex Blankets 200 pairs only, "Ibex" Brand Flannelette Blankets, the largest and best quality procur- able, White or Grey, with either blue or pink borders, priced Regularly at $2.69, Clean Sweep Sale $2 .39 Pair Mn _________________________________________________ lil * URTAIN MATERIALS-NOTE THE SAVINGS We have a lot of comparatively small ends in curtain materials. Perhaps one of them would suit your odd pair of windows, some are counter soiled but are priced ridiculously low. Scrim, Regularly 25e yd, Clean Sweep Sale 19c Curtain Net, Reg. 40c, Clean Sweep Sale 25c yd rFive only, pieces of fine nets, priced ordinarily at $1.25 ..............Clean Sweep Sale 79c Yard Huge savings in Wc SUnderwear. Buya less than 1/2 in most, Children's Drawers, SChildren's Combinat. wool, Regular $ 1.501 Ladies' Combinatior wool finished,....... Ladies' Vests and B' wool and cotton and -Ladies' Bloomers wi girdie,.............. Special Children's V( ularly to 85e,........ 4- JI~ omen 's and Children's Winter at these savings for next year cases. regularly priced to $1.25, Clean Sweep Sale 35c Each tions, some fleece-lined, others to $1.75, Clean Sweep Sale $1 is, Woods Lavender Line, ..Clean Sweep Sale 79c Each l1oomers, of silk and wool, 1wool, Regular to $1.75, On Sale 79c Each ith elastie at the knee and Clean Sweep Sale 69c Each 'ests and Drawers, priced reg- ........Clean Sweep Sale 49c HUGE SAVINGS ON SMALLWARES, READ THIS. EVERY ITEM. Purchase of White Table Oilcloth, either 11¼ or 1½/: yards wide. TIi't merchandise is stamped (seconds) which means that they have slight im- perfections here and there, Regularly priced at 55e and 65e,........Clean Sweep Sale 39c Yard Bloomer Elastie, White or Black,....4 yards 10c Safety Pins ................................3 Cards 10c Domes.................................... 3 Cards 10c Common Pearl Buttons,.............3 Cards loc Princess Pat Hair Nets ................4 f or 27c Bias Fold or Rick Rack Braid ....5 Yards for 13c Pearl Cottons, any number or shade ...2 For 25c Spool Cottons ................................3 for 20c Grannys Own Wool ......................3 For 43c 4 dozen only, Ladies' Silk and Wool Sweater Coats, sizes 34 to 46 in the lot, imagine the price $2.98 Each Look for the Rummage Counters containing varieties of odds and ends at Gift Prices. WOMEN'S HATS One dozen only, Women's Hats .......5c Each Children's Hats, Regular to $2.25, Clean Sweep Sale 79c Each Phone 106 se. LADIES* COATS Ten only, Coats, a rare bargain for ten women, sizes 16 to 44,....Clean Sweep Sale $10.00 Each A few Black Coats in large sizes, Clearing 1/? Price.... Jersey, Flannel and Twill Dresses, Clean Sweep Sale $3.98 Silk Dresses, only a few left to clear at ....$10.00 Hosiery Bargains For Cold Weather Requirements Silk and WooI Hosiery, elastie or garter top, many shades, any size, Regular $1.25 Clean Sweep Sale 89c Pair Flesh Underhose .............................54c Pair Full Fashioned Orient. Service Weight Stockings, Regular $2.00 quality, Clean Sweep Sale $1.69 Pr. The lighter weight in the same hose, Reg. price $1.50,...............Clean Sweep Sale $1.39 Pair Our Puritan Maid 89e Hose, not reduced but ever the finest hose on the market at any where this price. GLOVES Gloves grouped for quick clearance, broken lines, fancy cuifs, plain cuifs, double and single weights, price to $1.25,........Clean Sweep Sale 69c Pair Cloth and fur-lined Cape Kid Gloves reduced in price. RUMMAGE COUNTERS, Look for the Rummage Counters with the assort- ment of odds and ends at gift prices. Bargains in Ladies' Ready-To-Wear on the Second Floor. Women's Corselettes, ahl size. .s.............98C 1 Brasseries of Pink Cotton, well brocaded and serviceable weight .................................49c Chintz Quilt Coverings, one yard wide, in a nice pattern assortment ..........................29c Yard Fancy Jacquard Bath Towels, fast colored bord- ers in Pink, Mauve and Rose, Regular 69c, Clean Sweep Sale 49c Each 1 Cotton Eiderdownis priced $1.25, To Clear 69c yd W. MASON ENGLISH GINGHAMS 2000 yards of English Ginghams, in many of the newer checks and plaid designs, guaranteed wash- able, Regularly 35e yard, Clean Sweep Sale 19c Yard PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS A quantity of Pure Linen Tea Towels, really a lib- eral size and splendid quality, Clean Sweep Sale Each 25c PILLOW COTTONS Pillow Cottons, 4Oin, 42in or 44 in Circular, even firm weave, free from any dressing, 59e quality, Clean Sweep Sale 33c Yard II - 111111 FACTORY COTTON 111h1 Splendid values in Factory Cottons. There are several qualities from which to choose. Six qualities alI reduced substantially for the Clean Sweep Sale: 10 Pieces, 5 Pieces, 5 Pieces, 5 Pieces, 4 Pieces,1 Regularly 15e yard, Sale Price lc yd. Regularly 20c yard, Sale Price 15c yd. Regularly 25e yard, Sale Price 19c yd. Regularly 30e yard, Sale Price 23c yd. Regularly 85e yard, Sale Price 29c yd. HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES Hemstitched Pillow Cases, made of circular seam- less cotton, 40, 42 or 44 inches wide, only a limit- ed quantity,..........Clean Sweep Sale 69c Pair Linen Roller Towelling, guaranteed pure, 22 in- ches wide,............................7 Yards For 98c WHITE FLANNELETTI White Flannelettes bear huge savin housewives: Obtained from the 1 in Canada wvho buys in colossal qu duced prices and passed along to y Sweep Basis. 27 inch, 36 inch, 36 inch, 36 inch, 36 inch, LARGE Just enough in, ularly priced ai Regular Regular Regular Regular, Regular, 25e, 29e9 35e, 40e, 45c, Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price -Ml 'ES îgs to thrifty biggest jobber antities at re- ou at a Clean Dl9c Yard c23c Yard e25c Yard e29c Yard D35c Yard a SIZED COTTON BATTS one for a comforter or quit., Reg- t $1.35, Clean Sweep Sale 89c Each F Bowinanville e &SON Fwý: - . 1