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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928. PAGE FIVI SPEED SKATING MEET Tke speed skating meet will be beld oi& Wednesdey, February lSth - This yeer tite meet will be itold on- tirely under the auspices cf the Boys' Training Sehool Physical De- partment and the proceeda will ho used te purchase athietie equipment for the boys. Lela Brooks Patter and thirteen ather outstanding per- formera have definitely agreed te skate. CANADA'S CHEERIO STATION WiII Broadeait-Frons Bowmauville Tbrough the kindeesa of Ex-Mayor AT-chie Tait we were pleased to meet Mn. F. W. R. Ford of Burlington, who bas cerne te Bowxeanville as a memben of the eperating and engin- eering staff cf tite Gooderham & Worts Radie Broadcasting Statin- CKGW-the largeat broedcasting station in Canada. Mn, Ford and Mn. W. A. Sitean. Tenante, are now j-LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Misa Gladys Dcwcey, Base Lino, visitod with fiecds in Toronto. Miss May Mentie, Toronto, visited ber cousins, Mn. W. H. Wood and family. ~Bawmanville Juniors defeated Pet- erboro here in 0. H. A. game on Mon- day 4-1. Miss Louise Osborne wes in Ton- onto lest week visiting her cousins, Mn. and Mns. A. E. Rundle. Z vrs;eàng the instaâllati-'o'f' the Miss Minore, Lindsay, is visiting HOCKEY TEAM WINS CROUP apparatus at this station located near her brother, Alderman M. H. Mie- The ocalLake Ontario about 1 % miles east of ore, C. P. R. Station Agent. Telclhigh sehool hockey team'the town which they hope will be Mr. Alpha Pinch left last week on defeated Oshawa Collegiate 5-1 in an ready to eperate in March. 1 is annuel trip ta Cleveland and Tex- Inter Scbolastic fixture here Wed- Many local radio fans will be glad as where ho will spend the winter. nesday. This game was the final ta know that wbile this station will Miss Annie Reddon, R. N., Osh- pof ate r ndwines Tsi the clad e operating on a very large scale awa, was a visitorlast week with ber platyeatrnfor seeralyTas tha the witb high powered frequency Mn. friend, Miss MaryWood, Base Line. B. HS tea wo n therl e group.Th hey Ford assures us that local reception Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Beckel, Castle-ý tamtrwond th roug. hefo froci other stations will not be hamp- ton, were called ta Oshawa last week a r the cupwhich i anow tlinug inrened in any way. owing ta the ilîness cf Mr. Beckel's P Deseronto. The game Wednesday The owners- of CKGW have adopt- mother. was quite rough in the second and ed the slogan or trade markt "Can- Big Bons were local headlines this thîrd periods and seemed more like ada's Cheerio Station". ýweek with "Ben Hur" at the Royal professional hockey the way the boys _____ Theatre acd Bec Speixce at Com- wero handing eut the body checks. munity Hall, Newcastle. MEMOIES F ROT. BRNS Miss Betty Sargeant, teacher in MEMOIES F ROT. BRNS the Central Public Sebool, who has REVIVED AT SCOTCH CONCERT been ill at hen home in Peterboro for Ro sTo Rent St nrwsPeb.ia four weeks has roturned to duty. TO RENT-Cosy 4-roometi cottage wltb nS.Ade' rsyeinCuc e.Mne curTrno 3 acres cf ]and, electrlc llght, conven- Thaniraroftebthc addnessed the Vesper Service at the Ver partîculars apply to W.F.Ward, Robent Burns, Solny TetetMs MGerain Sued voal Barriater, Bowmanvllle, phone 102. 4-tf lr poet, was commemorated b a solrs. MG rnee w oa deligbtful concert given in St. An- issMr n v hrad ________________________ d rew's Prosbyteniec Chunch Friday Miss aran Iy Shrad _______________________ Ievenicg before a large and appreci- Myrtle LeMay, Lena Pniestmen and ative audience. Rev. Robt. Mc- Agnes K. Heddy, Toronto, spent the - Dorment acted as chaintnac. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. -~ sProgram consisted of Scotch sel- O r -~ E~Y V * C ctions by the choir; short sketch on Ms D. olfreryMs - -~ -life cf Robert Burns and his poocis Pheoba Dorland, Castleton, died in, '~ ~~.'by Rev. Mn. McDermect; piano duet Regine on Sunday, Jacuary 22nd. - ~~by Misses Leta Bragg and H. Argue;Itemnin Csltn eetny ~ .>* ---vocal solos by Miss Lighterness, Mr. JA.rth.l' erieSatol 7" ~ 7 /\ M lntosh, Mrs. C. H. Dudley; quar- AtCl' evc ttoKn )7'I t et numbens by Messrs. R. E. Logan, St. East, was broken into Friday (jC. H. Dudley, S. 1 eggett, Bort night by way cf a back door and ne- Bounsaîl; duet by Mrs. Hamilton and lievod the register cf $50. No ar- D. F. Henry; violin solo by Bradley rests have been made as yet. "People have been tlinldng toc Honeymn; piano instrumental by Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., who is long of ailk ais merely mre- Newton Hackney; charactor Scotch one cf the mont enthusiastie mem- thin tousein ea r cffe.y. reedings by D. F. Henry and Mrs. bers cf tho Canadien Club came up thig a seinte o cE. - Cameron. from Ottawa Friday nigbt te hear Pasteurized Milk is a food- At the close refroshments were Prof. J. B. Reynolds' address. net just somtbieg to be mixed served ta those taking part on th e Mr. Regieald Robinson, Ottawa, program. and Mr. Le Roy J. Taylor, Jr., Chat- with tea or coffee. It should b. hem, Ont., who are attending Gen- eaten-eot swallowed quickly. eral Matons Institute, Flint, Micb., To sip Pasteurized Milk, sîowîy Mr. L. W. Nelson, Oshawa, bas spent the weekend with the foriner's Ieased the store fonxnerly eccupied aunt, Mrs. George Banten, Liberty means te get the full value cf the by Brown & Bennett and will carry St. bealth building elemonts it con- an up-to-date stock cf Ladies' Dry With the death last week cf Mr. tains. As a heelth precaution Goods and Accessories. Watch fer Frank Burden three generatiens cf ordor Pasteurized Milk-there'a & annauncemeet next week. 5- the Burden family bas pased from difference. Bowmanville is ta have an up-to- the citizenship of Bowmenville. The the-minute Men's Store. Mn. A. J. brothers Samue land Thomas Burden BIY ell, Ottawa, who bas had years cf were prominent in the municipal if e '1IJt~UILLexperionce je the Clothîng Business cf this town for several years. ~- KING ST. adhnln iewoes1 pnn Mr. J. F. Anderson. District Exam- H O E446 upin the Horsey Block-2 deers east iner, Postal Service cf Moose Jaw, .PH NE44 i c Bowcian House. The store is flow Sask.. was a business visiter in Ot- beîng renovated and will be in shape tawa necently. Mr. Anderson re-1 n a short time. Mr. Bell intendq te turned via Bowmanville visiting with h. ake a specialty cf Men's Made-to- bis mother, Mns. H. M. Anderson, Measure Clothing and Fiee Furnish- and Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Amos after an ngs. Ho expects ta be open fur absence of fifteen years. ____________________ business about Februery 1Sth. 5-1 Fbur ani etn is us- ually cneecf the mont important ie; ___________________________________________________ the year. Business includes appoint-! ment cf town officiels, afflxing salar- ies, grents tc local institutions, etc. Citizens will find it a profitable even- RE X ALLing ta attend meeting cf town ceun- REXALLcil next Monday at 8 p. m. Rev. F. J. Horwood, Mus. Doc., wes conductor cf the Victcnian Col- EN1 W I'~F ~~ 7lege Choral Club and Orchestra was ]Birthday Sal assisted in the pageant, "United ta Serve," presented ie Massey Hall, TREMENDOUS BARGAINS FOR YOU Toronto, this week by Tooneto Young People's Council cf the United Cburch cf Canada. February lst to 25th Inclusive I ihnawe hrewl-nw ________________________and pipular educationists cf On- tarie County, aIl kncwn te us, have 25e Boos Melcids ......19ge 50c Milk cf Magnesia Toothpasdfoitetgecaton ol 75e A. S. A. Tablets . 49e Paste.............. 39e A. G. Henderson, former High School teachen, Whitby, Principal F. L Fane- (100 in bottle) 25cBromide ef Quinine . . 19c well cf Ontario Ladies' College, and $1.00 Peptona ........... ?9c 25e Georgia Rose Soap . .19c Mr. Lyman C. Smith, former High 50c Riker's Synup Tar and 35e Wbisks ............. 29e School teecher, Oshawa. Ccd Liver Oil...... 39c Tbis is only a few cf the An interosting prograni will bo 50e Riker's Fnench Balm. .39e hundrede cf articles in this gîven by Oshawa talent at the Musiel 50e Klenze Shaving Cream 39e sale. Study Club which meets in St. Paul'" Lecture Roem, on We<lnesday, Feb. _____________________ 8th. Mrs. Grant Berry anI Mrs. J. 1 ThisSal gies ou n unrecdened ppotuniy t sae mney Smith, vccalists, Miss Helen John- ThisSal gies cu n unrecdened ppotuniy t sae mney ston and Miss Maioc flumnow, pian- on bath luxuries and necessitien, and in made pessible by the ist; Mn. Norman Moffatt, vielinist; benefits whicb we denive frem the puncbaaing, manufecturicg The young ladies takingpatite end istibuingpowrsof our Rexaîl partners in a world-wide minuet are Misses 'Lais J. Mundy, El- busiessaie Ross, Elina Stacey and Anc Stor- j JRY & LO(VELL enHur", onee cf the mont im-f preasive cf motion picture spectacles Whn e es EesItla Done Properly g resented at the Royal Theatre Mon- WhenWe estEye Itday and Tuesday drew ga)od crowds J at eacb show. The dnamatic tale with its religious asseciations la un- _________________________________________________ folded witb a colon and gengeouseesa wnrthy cf tho hgh theme. The chariot race is. of course, as in the stony, the stinninz climax cf the play. Mn. Ross is to be commended for meking it possible for a local aud- A T C OSTAt its woekly luncheon et Balmor- A T CO STal Hotel Friday noce, the formaI ad- dresa wes dispensod with on eccunt cf Canadien Club banquet the same evening as mont Rotanians are mem- bers of this club., a very enjoyable Having sold out ni garazge business I amn va- musical pnogramn made a pleasinz TUXIS & TRAIL RANGERS NEWS <Edited by Gregory Calmer) One cf the most succesaful Tuxis groupa in Bowmanville is operating undon the leadorshtip of Lance Jack- man. This group meete Mocday evenings at the Tuxis roacis. It la veny stncng in numbera, baving 16 membens with an average attendacce cf froci 12 to 14. Ail are intereat- ed and actively engaged le the work. Lcrne Jeckcian is a new mentor but is making a great aucceas as ho bas the tact and ability to handie a live buncb cf fellows. Just now the gnoup 18 engaged in helping ta put the Bond Selling Campaign acrosa. Sioux Tuxia Square, probably cnee cf the beat kncwn ted well organized group cf the town, bas again sterted active wonk. It boats cf having six cf the original Trail Ranger gnoup of fourteen stili working hard for the welfare cf the group. Sioux this year bas added sevenal new membens whom it is itoped will add stimulus toi the Fourfold prograci. Sioux meet le Tuxis rooma Tuesdey nighte. Raymond Colo bas the hanor cf being mentor cf Trinity Church's only Trail Ranger gnoup. They certainly have some lively and constructive meetings under bis able leadership. RLay bas1 elweys been populan witb the f ellows end this makes hici well fitted for leader. Oficers are :-Chief Ranger -Allen Osborne; Deputy Ranger- Gordon Adamis; Cache-George Wookes; Tally-Harold Slemnon. Thisý group bas chosen ides which are try- ing te beat the othen in attendacce et Church, Sundey School, mid-week meetings and sport. The Dakota Tuxîs meet Friday eight and bas prospecte cf becoming a strong organization. They aire meeting negularly and are planning to open e sonies cf very intenesting, and helpful meetings. There are 10 reguler attendants. Wedcesday nighte the only group St. Paul's United Church meets in the Sundey Scitool. This is a Treil Ranger group with 14 members, uni- der leadership of Wilfrid Cannuthens. They carry out a vanied progrem' each week and very seldom have a pon attendance. Boys cf Hampton are selling bonds this yean. Although net orgarized along the Tuxis prograci they ictend ta ie the near future. Tyrone Tuxis bays are working for the Bond Selling Campaige under the leadership cf their minister, Rev. J. R. Trumpour. They have been hold- ing some inspiring and interesting meetings from wb icit the membens bave benefitted a good des].' OSHAWA A.Y.P.A. GUESTS 0F ST. JOHN'S ASSOCIATION Births, Marrliagea and Deaths are charged for at the following rate@: Birtha 60c; MarriageasO6c; Deathe 60c; Memorlal' Carda 50c 10e per line extra for poems. BIRTHS BUNNER-At Brampton, on January, 23, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. Ewart Bun- ner, a daughter. (Helen Jean.) SMITH-At 409 Rutger Street, Utica, N. Y., on January 25, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Smith, (nee Sadie Rob- Inson, Newcasle,) a son. MARRIAGES SCOTT-McFEETERS-On Saturday, January 28, at Knox College Chapel. Tor- onto, by Rey. Dr. E. A. Henry, Dcrothy, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Me- Feeers, Toronto, and William J. Scott. Wiarton, son of Mrs. N. S. McEachera, Owen Sound. DEATHS BURDEN-In Bowmanville, on Thura- day, January 26th., 1928, Frank Burden. aged 60 years. FIKE-In New York City, January 25, 1928, Howard Fike, brother cf Mr. Fred Rosevear, Pot Hope. SITH-Suddenly at hie home ln Osh- awa, on Monday, January 30 1928, Ly- man C. Smith, in hie 78th year. OGDEN-In Pontiac, Micb., Tuesday, January 24, 1928, William Henry Ogden, formeryoOsaa nemnetsh awa, yc aaa nemn t0b MALONE-In Kingston, January 27th., 1928. (apt. A. Malone, aged 85 years. Falher cf Mrs. J. S. Moorcraft, formerly of Ilowmanville. BARTLETT-In Monteagle Valley, on Friday. January .17, 1928. Arthur W. Bart- lett. in hie 87th year. Father of C. A. Bartlett, Bowmanville. VANSTON E-At Toronto, January 27, 1928, Fanny AllUn, bdloved wife of Wil- liam VansLone, Whitby, ageti 60 years. Ini erment Union Cemetery. McCORMICK-At Mount Vernon, N. Y., on Thursday, January 19th., 1928, Mary Wright, widow of the late James Me- Cormick, formerly o! Orono. HENDERSON-At hie home, 687 Spa- dina Avenue Toronto, on Sunday, Janu- ary 29, 1928, Lieut.-Col. A.. G. H-endersan. Interment Groveside Cemetery Brocklin. INGLES-Suddenly on Januaury 26th. 1928, William Roy Ingles, in hie 4th1 month, beloved son o! William Charles1 Ingles, 81 Donlande Avenue, Toronto. In-1 terment Scarboro Lawn Cemetery. FAREWELL-Suddenly Thursday ev- ening, January 26th., 1928, Rev. Francia L, Farewell B A, Principal and gavernor cf Ontario Laciea' College, Whitby, Ont., son of the lete W. W. Farewell. Interreu ai Osbawa. HOUGH--- -On January 24, 1929, at Van- couver, B. C., Annle Hough, widow of the late Henry Hough, LL.D., formerly cf Cobourg, and cf Taronte, Ont., in ber 83rd year. Interment ln Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Taronto. IN MEMORIAM BALL-In loving memory cf a dear mather, who passed away January 30th., 1927. Nothing but memanies as I journey along, Longing for amiles of a face that ls gene, No one knows the depth of my regret For 1 remember when others forget. Sadly missed by daugbter Blanche. SANDERSON-In loving memory 0of a dear husband and fa.ber, William Chaire- ers Sandersen, whe passed away Febru- ary 1, 1927. While the mldnight stars are gloamieg, A pleasing social event teck place On a lone and allent grave. Monday eveeing et St. John's Pariait Beneatb lit eleepa our father Hall when about 60 members cf St. The cee we laved but couid ntBae GeresA.Y.P.A. cf Oshawa, visited Hlm weary bours b is days cf pain, George'sHlm treubled » lits are passeS, Cie local members making a total Hlm even patient, wornout trame of over cee hundred and twecty. Hem foued sweot reat at lait. Lýong days, long nlgb.m ho bore bis pain. The prognam consisted of a selec- Te wait for cure, but ail le vain tion by the Agony Quartot; recita- Till God himself keew wbat was ibout, tion by Miss Doris Taylor; character Ho tcok hlm borne anS gave hlm reat. reading by Norman Merrick, Osht- Wife and Pareil>'. awa; a comie sketch by Harding _ __ and Roland Bate; sangs by Reg Ter- rett; readings by L. H. Cooke; recita- Lost or Found tice by Miss Marltt; club singîng FUOI owav1e o udy exhibition by Mrs. J. Taylor, Mns. J. jsFJaNr'22, ly elSnbreocli. A. Guen, accompenist. Owner May' bave smre by provlng pro- Contesta follcwod wit t tiese win- pentiy anti paying expenses. Appt>'tte Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 6-3 cenrs GuesingC. nton, Kng LOT-SmaU round black leather purse Morri; Smllin conest- . Kingcontaining sinaîl smro f money andsomre Miss I. Petley; Blowing competitice stampo le Bowmanvilie lait Thuraday or -R. Terrett, Misa IL. Pawsen. Re- Pnlday. Iteward for neturn ta Statesman fresitments were thon served. Office. 4-tf 39-tfWanted NESTLETON HORSES WANTED-Any kinS. Apply ta C. R. Dean, Bowmanvllbe, phono 559. Mrs. Will Rôbinson, Cartwright, __________ 48-tf Man., and Mrs. Isaac Heaslip, Lied- WANTEO-A marrieS man for farm say, visited their brother, Mn. Lewis work. Apply ta Clarence Wacdley, R. R. Fallia of Nestîeton and Chtarles Fal- 1, Tyrone, phono 320-S. 5-tf lis cf Cadmus and other friends. .. . WANTrED-Watch:Man tram 7 a. M. ta Mesans. Wray Edwands and Harold 6 P. m. for Sundays only. Apply R. M. Nesbitt and Misa Mabel Camipbell et- Hollingshead Ca., Bowmanville. 5-1 tended Agicultural Scitool et Janet- WANTED>-A reliable waman for ville the lest few weeks. . Mrn. John general houmewcrk at once. AppI>' ta Burn, Toronto, visited ber motiter, Mm .S ily hn Io 7 Mns. R. H. Suggitt.... Mn. Jameo 1 WANTED-A local reprementative want- Gardon ettended the marketing school ed lmmediately b>' a Toronto established in te W Y.A. hadqartrs, business bouse. Appiy Boom 609, C. P je heW.Y. . eaquatesTon- R. Building, Toronto. 5-1w' acta. James will hoea proficient _______________ manketier now .... Mn. R. W. Philp is going thte rounds heving been ap- rilsFrSl peieted Township Assessor ...Mn. ArilsFrS e John Veele celebneted bis ninety-se- FOR SALE--Dniving borse. Guaranteed cond birthday on Monday and is hale sounti. UoyS Williams. Hampton, phone and beanty. . Rev. J. E. Griffith gave 350-23. 4-tf a good diacourse on Sunday in United; àABV BUGGY FOR SALE-Pirst-ciaos Churcit on thte "Transfiguration" condition. AppI>' 22, Carlile Ave., Bow- stressing the point "They saw no oee manvillo. , -t seve Jesus Only".... Mrs. Wilford; FOR SALE-Double seated cutter on Jackson who underwent an operation baba for two hones. Great bargain for for eppeedicitis recently is progreSS- quick sale. Apply Box V.,liowmanvllle. ing faorablI COW FOR SALE-Holstein 00w, te ne-e îîow Februar>' 2nd. Apply P. B. Rund- FARMERS, ATTENTION I Plenty cf good ceal et C. N. Sta- tion, Tyrene. Delivery made promptly te mny customer. Order et once. R. H. Coflacott, Phone 181r12. LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kînda cf laundry work dons prompt- Iy. satiafnctorlly and ai reasceable priées Write Post Office lias 12, on cRIIiMn. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bawrnville. For Sale In Bowmanville 7 room malSd brick houSe, 2 tcreya. modern convenlences, quarter acre IonS;1 garage, cernent walke te front and rean; six blooke frein Poet Office. Pnice $4200. 7 room sclîd brick bungalow, modern convenlencea. Quarter acre land; 4 blocks tram Poo' Office. Prîce $2800. 5 room trame bungalow, goad well and age; haIt acre good land with several frplt trees: ton minutes walk frore Pont Office,. Pnîce $1800. New 6 raom two etorey brick veneen house, modern canvenlences,five minutes wAlk tram Post Offce. Prlce $8500. N'ew 8 reom brick veceen <wlth pebble ash fInish> hoîtie. molern coevenienceu, 4 blocks tram Pont Office. Price $460. Mac oseveral othen propenr le@ le town. Apply to Mr.E. V. Scobeli, Insunance anS Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville. 1 4-3 le, Ri. R. 2, Duwluanville,_ pnone 176-21.1 STRAW FOR SALE-dOean quallty, limited quantlty et barnc. Apply C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle. Phone: Clarke 1211. 4-20 WOOD FOR SALE-dCut dry wôod-for sale, stove length, $4 for box load, and $6 for stock rack. Deilverefi. N. P. 01- sen, phone 181-S. S-tf FOR SALE-I set weed chaîna te fit 31 x 4 tire $3.50; 8 white Leghorn becs and 1 cockerel, the lot for $10.00 .George C. Wright, Newcastle. Ont, 6-1* FOR SALE-Piano at a hargain, a flrat clansa Instrument. Can be seen an on- qulry at B ateaman Office. Han been well taIton cane of. In good condition. 29-tf MORSES FOR SA.E--Suitable for farci work. klo wagon, sleighe and coa box. Rosacen for selling, no further use for tearn Apply to line. A. Turner, Scugog St. or box 161. Bowmanville, phono 170. 8-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Frare bouse and five ac- res mare on leu nean Onano, with gcod salcernent toundation ,alwo drlvlng sheýd'." Apply ta Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 3-2w FARM FOR SALE-OO aoa'e4,' lot le the 7th Cncesion. East Wbltby, 25 acres cf beach and maple: 50 acres plougbed. bank barn90 test lonig: cernent aillo 14 x 35; oornfotable dwelling bous;bard and boltt aten; oree.k ruannng tbrough pro- perty. Farci about 7 miles frore oit>' of Oshawa ,Possession at once. A 1i( ta Frred Mounitjo>'. Enniskillen, . PLlEI If ao«. solS ma>' rent. We know as well as you do what a problem it is to feed the farnily. That is why we put forth such an effort to sup- ply you with the best quallty of meats, full weight and at reasonable prices. Maybe you haven't tried our meats and ser- vice yet. Why not send us your meat order just to see how well we serve you. Phone 518-We Deliver Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville WHAT YOU NEED Just at a time when they are most needed we corne along with these suggestions which we are featuring this week: HAND SLEIGHS TOBOGGANS SNOW SHOES SKATES HOCKEY STICKS Corne here where varuiety is large and prices right. No.Buckl. Team 1%4 lnch Harnes, BrItching and, Back Pais, complet@, wlthout collare, 874M, Golng At $64. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Pop&iar Hardware Store Bowmanville BARGMINS IN Overcoats and Suits 1 WEEK MORE 0F SENSATIONAL BARGAINS Big Clearance Sale of Broken Lines Left Over From Our January Sale 15 Men's Overcoats at Haif Price These are Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy Grey and Brown Mixtures, broken sizes ini the lot. This line clearing at exactly Hailf Price, as follows: Reg. $22.50 For $11.25 Reg. $25-00 For $12.50 Reg. $27.50 For $13.75 Reg. $30.00 For $15.00 Men's Navy Blue Over- coats and ail other Fancy Tweed and Wor- sted Coats in the store as follows: Reg. $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 For $14.95 Reg. $28.50 For $18.45 Reg. $27.50 For $17-45 Reg. $30.00 For $19.75 Reg. $32.50 For $21.95 Reg. $35.00 For $24.75 Reg. $37.50 For $26:50 Lot 1 Mens& Suits In Fancy Tweeds and Vlan- steds, in shades cf Brown Mixtures, Grey Mixtures, Stnipes and Small Checks, sing- le aed double breasted, Regu- ian 'values up te $22,50, yeur cheice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $15.95 Lot 3 Men's and Young Men,& Suit& This lot contains cur very beat suite, in Fangy Tweeds and Wcrsteds, alze plain Greys in staple aed fancy modela for men and young men. The shades are Fawn, Lovat, Grey and and Brown Mixtures and jenttis lot yen will fied aur $30.00, $32.60, $35 and $37.50 range cf suits, Tour Cboie OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE e24.95 EACH Lot 2 Men's Suits Fancy Tweeds, Fency Worsted., made cf exceptienal fabries la the very new modela, end&Il the wanted shades, amartly th11- ored and values rangiug te $28.50, Your Choie OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $18.50 EACH Lot 4 Men's and Young Mensa Navy Blue Suits Heavy quality Serges lu the popular diamond weave pat- terns, aIse Herring Bone effeets, modela. We are inouping al single and double breaat.d values up to $29.50 et OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $19.75 EACH T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montrmal Phone el Bowinanville It's Quite A Pro blem THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928. PAGE IPIVI 1

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