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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX FORGET THE "BLUES"!! LEAIRN Enineering. Auto Mechanics. liectri. cal Ignition, Bmt. ery or \Velding Wiriug. rBrlckiaying and Ilatering. P,ýo Barbering and Ladies' Flair. dressing. Earn $6 to $10 Per Day Few wveks required t0 learu. Expert lustructors, Iravlicai TraiIng B~< nd. tart NOW for b.Kgr-py an,'a blgt ftrWieor eau for Hermphill Trade Schools ici3 King Street West, Toronto LESSON No. 14 Question: Whyis emul- sified cod-liver odlso effi- cient and so beneficial a food-tonic ? Ànswer: Because it is so easily assimilated and quickly builds up strength. Multitudes use it every day as in SCOTT'S EMULSION YOUNG WOMEN SUFFERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound Aye'. ili, Qebec. - " I have beentechifgl for three years, and at the end of the =1ea Iaias feel trdand have no appetite. 1 was aful1 sick each untlsometimes I waobl gedto 8to , wrig. A frien recommended ~ LyiaE.Pink- « . ~ W hasVegetable Copudto me and 1 heard many women teiling how good it was so I thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles ever year and recommend it to Others'-DONALD& ANT'Eux, Ayer's Ciff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Sotia.-I had ir- regular peric ls and great suffering at those times, the pains causing vomitmng and fainting. 1 wastah * g school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement ini the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetabie Compound, and it has been 0f'geat benefit to me, the troblesbing cpete1y relieved." -LAUA J J!TON, anning, King'* County, Nova Scotia. c Dy I~MO R ALL THE COMMON s IT SHOULD ALWAYS EKP B2ji 3U) GLT A JT F CLARKE TOWNSHIP COIJNCIL At inaugural meeting of Clarkoe Couacil the fallawing persansaiter subscribing ta the declanatian of office before Clemk A. J. Staples, weme assigned seat a t the Board as follows: Reeve M. J. Holman; De- puty-Reeve, A. E. Mrton; Coixncil- lama: Fred J. Souci, L. A. Dent and F. B. Lavekin. Reeve Holman in the chair, con- gratulated the members an electian ta thein respective offices and intim- ated that one of the principal items whicb will engage the attention ai Council will be the maintenance and construction af aur roada, beieving that there shoulda far as possible, be an equal expediture iu the mev- eral divisions of the Township; asa refemence waa nmade ta the purcliase of lands by the Countias in the north east part of the Township for ref or- estation R. J. Rowe, J. Howard Walsh and Hartwell Lawery made application for the office ai Assessar, Mr. Rowe eceiving the appoîntment. Mr. Thas. Cowan made application ta cut and remave a tree on Park Street which was ganted. Receipts for the cument year were estimated as fallows; Township rate......... $13,300-00 Dog tax................ 900.00 Othem sources......4,200.00 $18,400.00 This amount was apportionedl as follaws: Salaries..............$ 2,200.00 Printing and stationemY. 425.00 Board of Health.......... 450.00 Shaep lasses............. 450.00 Grant C. A. Society.--- 100.00 Police Trustees, Orono. 600.00 Roada and bridges .. ....12,715.00 Miscellaneous and eserve 1,400.00 $18,400.00 The aboya mmi of $12,715.00 is apportioned for ouds sand bridges, as followa: Culvert pipe ........... $ 700.00 Cedun and lumber.... 600.00 Bau.ndary work.......... 500.00 Gravel................... 915.00 Permanent work ........ 10,000.00 $12,715.00 Council appointed Norman Allia, assistant, Clarence Allia, sheep valuators for the year 1928, at $3.00 per trip. Free u»e ai Town Hall fan a course in Fan Mechanica under the direction ai the Department ci Agriculture af Ontario was granted. [n conformity witb the requeat of Deputment of Agriculture the As- sessor was instructed ta take a cenani of the bulîs lin the Township, the De- partaient ta supply necessary forma. F. B. Lovekin will be representa- tive ta the Ontario Educatioal Con. vention at Toronto, April 10 ta 12. M. J. Holmun will represent Coun- cil ut Good Roads Asaociation Can- ventian at Toronto. Collector ai Rates and Taxes was autborized ta continue the collection af all unpaid taxes in the Munici- pality up ta Febmuary lat. Municipal World. election Bills were passed und paid, viz: W. D. Lune, stoing cedar supplies and subscription.$ 18.75 1927 ........ ............4.0< S. Cutteli, 100 copies state- mient....................25.00 J. Henry, mnud Supt. Dec 20.5fl R. H. Wood, caretuken....... 8.5c Jas. Moffat, del, ballot boxes 5.0< United Caunties, N. & D., In- temet an bal. Counties' J. Henry, oad acc. Dec 134.3C Rates ....................16.40 Council udjourned ta meet Tues. day, Februamy 7tb., at 10 o'ciocl a. M. A. J. Staples, M. J. Hohnan, Clerk. Reeve Miller's Worm Powders act sc thonougbly that stamachie and intes- tinal worma pass from the chld with- out beinz noticed and without incon. veniaice ta the auffener. Tbey anE painleas and perfect in action, aný at ail times will bc found a healtbi medicine, strengthening and infant. ilIe tomacli and maintaining it * ý vigorous operatioli, 80 that beside. being an effective vermifuge, they are tonical and belth-giving un thei effects. TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, -FEBRUARY 2, 1928. ORONO THE NEW WARDEN COUNTIES COUNCIL SESSION a( a(From The News of January 28th) Charle. H. Davidson, Reeve of Camp- Deputy-Reeve Davidson of Campbell- m r Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., is on beilford, Elected on Eighteenth ford El.cted Wardeu. f duty at Ottawa. Ballot.P Mr. David Galloway Toronto, is January session of the United t3 guest of Misses Waddeli. on the eighteenth ballot Charles H Counties of Northumberland and M Clake griuitralSocetyannalDavidson, deputy reeve of Campbell- Durham opened Tuesday evening,i Clake griultralSocetyannalford, was elected warden of the Unit- 24th uit when ail the members were meeting adjourned to Wednesday, ed Counties of Northumberland and presenit when council was convened February 8th at 2 p. m. Durham for 1928. It was his third by Counties Clerk McNachtan. Heite Miss Cassie Hallett is spending a attempt for the honor, and shows hua welcomed the new members to the a few weeks in Toronto with lier tenacity of idea. Mr. Davidson will council. and told of the miles gov- h brother, Mr. James Hallett. bc 57 years of age on March 8 next, Prning the election of warden. Vot- Pl S Mr. David Noble returned home and was bora in th village of Mano- ing was by open ballot, and in case t EMonday from Tyrone, and is report-. tick, near Ottawa. of a tic between two candidates the Pl 1ed to be somewhat improved in When a boy of 13 he started in to reeve of Darlington township, which a( rhealth. learn the baking business in Ottawa, township has the largest equali.ed Cf Mr. Robert Hancock, son of Mr. and 37 years ago removed to Camp- assessment, would have the casting Edgerton Hancock, Antioch, is work- bellford, where hie worked for a bak- vote. e ing in the Goodyear factory at Bow- er in that town for several years be- Nominations for warden were g manville. fore goîng into business for himself. Charles H. Davidson, deputy reeve Of d Mr. Arthur Maguire, Calgary, Twelve years ago when mnotors start- Campbellford, W. F. Elliott, reeve of r( Alta., and niother, Mrs. Maguire, ed to come in he went into the gar- Murray, W. J. Jibb, eeve of Hamil- p Bowmanville spent the weekend àt age business, and now is the agent ton township. and W. H. Nelson. c Mr. o. Scotts. for Genemal Motors in Campbellford. reeve of Percy. Mr. Sandy Somerville who under- As well as being deputy reeve01of The fnal vote was as follows: went an operation for intestinal oh- the town he is also chief of the fire, Davdson-J. M. Bygott, W. A. Cor- struction, January 18, la making fav- brigade ,and "blows the big drum" bett. C. H. Davidson, W. F. Elliott, orable progreas towards recovemy. in the Northumberland Regument F. S. Gray, W. S. Grills, F. A. Hy- L Band. He is also owner of the new land, G. H. Hooton, H. Morrow, J. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carscadden $12,000 rink put up this year in Mills, A. E. Morton, R. J. McKnight, of Creemore, who are visiting their Campbellfomd, and runs the hockey L. C. Murphy, 0. C. Morgan, Russell aunt, Miss J. Carscadden, spent Sun- team, as well as being manager of the Peake. Gordon Parker, . 3Hi. Ross, day with their cousin, Mrs. R. Fow- basebaîl club, which won the Nom- W. H. Thickson, A. R. Willmott, M. 1er.thumberîand County League champ- Wilson, W. E. Wilson-21. A special short course in Fammi ionship last summer. Fraternally lhe is Jibb-W. H. Carruthers, T. A. Day- Mechanics, under direction of Mr. a member of the A.F.&A.M., 1.0.0O*F., idson, T. A. Finnie, C. M. Fînkle. L. J. Y. Keliough, Agricultural Repre- L.O.L., Black Preceptory, and W.O. HI. Giddy. Z. llarnden, M. J. Holman, sentative Durham County, is being W. In poîitics he is a staunch Con- W J. Gibb. S. McBride, F. J. Rose- held in Town Hall, Orono. servative, one who is always working vear.*W. F. Rickard, W. A. Samons. Mr. Kenneth Gamsby, who has been for bis party, and in religion a mem- George Thompson, A. S. Williams. W the past two years employed in the ber of the Campbellford United T.- Wood, W. C. Wood, C. A. Wight grocery business with Mr. Harry Allun Church. He is a married man with -17. ' at Bowmanville, bas taken a position four children. Nelson-W. H. Nelson, J. A. Sy- with Arnold Bros., Toronto. He has been in municipal life since kes-2. At Park St. United Church, Sunday 1900, when hoe was first elected te the Counties finances showed $142.000 evening, Mrs. Alex. Colville, contralto council. In bis 28 years he was de- nntsdetebn tteedo soioist, Bowmanville, assisted the feated once for councillor and in esde the bar $052 nkahi the en o choir and contributed a couple of for reeve. He was first elected and owed $23,361-33 in debenturea, well rendered selections much appre- to the counties council in 1919, when on the gaol and house of refuge. the ciated by the congregation. A. J. Henderson, of Cavan Town- last of which would be paid off in Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., attended ship, was warden. He was five years 1936. the funeral at Bethany of the late reeve and three years as deputy The report on counties roads Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds bas reeve. showed an expenditure of $122,000 been an undertaker in that town for Friday evening when Warden Day- during the past year as follows: Road over 53 years, and during that time idson returned to bis home town hae construction $59,604.46-, bridge con- had conducted over one thousand was given a royal reception by thaestruction $12,686.70; machinery $5,- funerals. citizens. The regimental band, the 928.82; urban municipalities $4,136.- Mr. David Rutherford, accompan- lira brigade, membars of the Town 98; superintendence $4,216.37; les ied by ber daughters, Mrs. Patte and Counicil in a body joiaed in the pro- sales and rebates of $1,181.22; me- Mns. Chapman and Master Donald; cession fromn the station and what pairs for boundary bridges paid out also Mr. Patte and Mr. J. W. Stan- with irl rsan ofrsodtm of ganeral account S769.90, making toToronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. ers say it was the biggest night the a total of $122,769.90. a. M. Stutt's, bringing a radio with old town has had since the relief of Th e pharttof highways noti- a, Worms in children, if they be neot maintenance and construction by the attended te, cause convulsions, and COUNTIES' COUNCIL APPOINT counties for the provincial hîghway oftea deatb. Mother Graves' Worm STANDING COMMITTEES in these counties amounted te $55,- Exterminator will protect the child-_____ 552.66. of this $42,392.80 being for ren froin these distressing afflictions. List elt Standing Committees for construction and $13.159.86 for main- s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton of United Counties of Northumberland tenance. This amount bas to he paid Gardanhill, are spending a few daYa and Durham for 1928 are: within 6 monthi. witb bis cousin, Mm. Ed. Morton, and Roads and Bridgs-Bygott, El- W. T. Wood presented report of is now living retired, bis son, Reid, Harnden, Hyland, Holman, Hooton, mended that grants of $50,000 and working the homestead fanm. Robert Jibb, Milîs, Nelson, Peake, Parker, $25,000. respectively, be paid to worked for the late James Waddall, Rickard, Rosa, Samons, Thîckson, Campbeilford and Milibrook for the -"Hurricane Hall" farm, Antioch, 40 Thompson W. T. Wood, W. C. Wood. paving of connecting links in the years ago. Wight, W. E. Wilson. county roads systemn in those muni- Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Librarian e- Finance Bygott, Finkla, Giddy, cipalities, providing the Department nports, circulation of Orono Public Gray, Grills, Hyiand, Holman, Jibb, of Highways approved the contract j- Library for 1927 as follows: Meni- iMorow, Mills, McKnight, McBnide. betiveen the Counties andthe munici- bersbip: Adulta 91, juvenile 13. No. Murphy, Morganý, Nelson, ýParkem, pality; that no action be taken in of books taken out, 2924 made up Rickard, Thickson, W. T. Wood, connection with the application of as follows: Fiction 2610; Literat- Wight, Willmott, M. Wilson, W. E. the village of Hastings for an addi- ure 133; History 80; Religion 7; Arts Wilson.I tional paving grant of $2,000 which 57; Biograpby 9; Genaral Works 58;1 Schols-Bygott, Carruthers, Cor- was not included in the original con- 0 Sociology 1; Naturai Science 8; bett, T. A. Davidson, Finnia Finkie, tract for paving. Grants of various Philosophy 1; Traval 10-Totai 2924. Hooton, Hyland, Holman, M4orrow, amounts were made to the hospitals 0 Jackson J1. Blake ,broker, Claver- Milîs, McBride, Murphy, Morgan, and charitable institutions of thei lawn Avenue, Toronto, with an office'Peake, RosavearRcad yeicutes1plctosfrgat un the Confedaration Life Building, Williams, W. T. Wood, W. C. Wood,!from the Trent Waterways Associa-1 0was takea into custody Tuesgday, by Willmott, M. Wilson, W. E. Wilson. 1tion, the National Institute for the, Provincial Inapectors Etringer and County Property-Carruthers, Cor- Blnd and to assist in the maintenancei Gurntt ad Dtecive-erg. L~ttbett, T. A. Davidson, Elliott, Grills, of the provincial laboratory at Pet- of beadquarters, on a charge of theft. Mils, Morton, McKnigbt, McBride, ýserboro were not acted upon. t 3The coniplainant is Peter Galbraith Morgan. Parker, Rosevear, Samons, was recommended that the Counties ;of Onono. Blake wîll he taken to Sykes. Thompson, Williams, W. C. take a $15 membersbip ia the Ontario k1Orono'for trial. t la alleged that Wood. M. Wilson. Gond Ro)adq Association but thst no iBlake obtained securities to the value Agiculture-Carruthers. Corbett, ',-,tion be taken rezardiner affiliation of over $3,000 f rom Galbraith for1 Elliott. Finnia. Harndea, Jibb, Mort- %vith the Ontario Municipal Associa- whe emade no ratura.i on, McKnight, Peake, Parker, Rosa, tion. Samons, Sykes, Thompson, Williams, Increase of salary amounting to t Has Many Qualities.-The man W. C. Wood. $200 per year was granted to Miss 0who possesses a bottla of Dr. Thom-' Legisiation and By-laws--T. A. IMcMahon, ceki h fieo h as' Eclectric Ou is .armed against Davidson, Gray, Grills, 1Haraden, County cark pintenofienof the many ilîs. t will relieva g cough. Holman, Hooton, Murphy, Nelson: Assistant Counties' Clark and Treas- -break a cold. pravent some throat; it Rosevear, Rosa. Thickson, Wight.i urer E. L. MacNachtan was given an -will reduca the swelling fromn a Willmott. increase from $800 per annum to s prain, ralieve the most persistent Contingencies, .Carruthers, Giddy, $1.200. sones and will speedily heal cuts and Haraden, Morrow, Morton, Rosi,! od n rdesCmite e y contusions. t ila amedicîne che9t Samons, Sykes, Thompson, Williams, comeuaded rit esat the e, W.eF n ite .Wlo.Eiliott and F. S. Gray ba dalegates ýs The oparetta 'The Balles of Fol-de- t nai odRasAscain yro ", givan in the Town Hall hera oOtroGo RasAscain r Tuesday evening by the Young people las.-Many teitimonials could be Committea urgad Council to strongly of Ebenazer Churcli was not as well presented showing the great efficacy endorse action takan by Hastings atteaded, owing chiefiy to the dang- of Dr. Thomas' Eclactric Oil in cor- County Council for more drastic *erous condition of'the roads, as the rectiag disorders of tha respimatory egulations probibiting the overload- oparetta warranted, but it was an processes, but the best testimonial is ing of trucks on County roada during appreciativa audience. The program aexperienca and the Oil is recommend- wet weatber. was dividad into two parts, the first ed toalal who sufer fmom tbese dis- Legislative and By-law Committee haîf consisting of specially good e-; ordars witb the certainty that they1 recommended resolution passed by citations by Mr. Robinson, Mrn. R. will find relief. t will allay inflam- jEsxconycucl togyug Pearcea aid Miss Louise Courtice, and1 mation in the bronchial tubes. 1 ing that maintenance of pisoners musical numbers then came the playi The Women's Instituta at egular omte t ony'il ne h i r1 hih ta tant niput Ebnezepr on meeting, Friday, January 20. bald a Li;_or 'ntrol Act of Ontanlo ha s'tr r W-a fT-ôronto; KellnL-i's A Rthmna Remedy cornes like Qeto frnvtn h ob Milsa K. Wright and Miss Margaret a helping hand ta a sinking swim- Qeto frnvtn h ob Wright of Witby; and a brother and mer. It givez new lie and hope- of thp Town Hall and Counties Build- daugbten-in-law. Mrs. JOShua MC- something be bas corne ta believe im- ing with the undenstanding cast was Cormick and ber tsister accomranied possible Its beniefit ln tan evident to be divided equally between tow n the emaina. Mr. McCormick's health ta be questioned-it in its own argu- of Cobourg and -the caunties creaýted rot penmitin, hini to le,,ve 1,i1 ment-its nwfl best advertisement. sn mieh discussion that the motter, home, alzo Mr. and Mn,. C. M. Hors. Il you suif er from asthma get thus was left over Until Jane Boumoa for well. Toronto. time-triad nemedy and find help like action. A Correctan of Palmonary Troub- thousanda af others. 1 Property Committee supported the; action af Carleton Caunty Council, shich la asking the Ontario Govern- ment ta establiah convalescent homes for senile patients tbroughaut the Province. Purchase of a twelve-inch ;ypewritem for the use af County Mfagistrate W. H. Floyd was mecom- nended. Reeve C. A. Wight of the Refores- tation conimittee, stated that 790 acres of land in Clarke Towvnship had been purcbased for reforestation urposes at the tax sale and asked tha sanction of the council for the purchase af an additionai 200' acres, Ldjoining the new tract, at a later date. This was given. A resolution was passed af sincer- est coadolence to Mrs. Richard Ed- gerton and family upan the recent leath of Richard Edgerton, former reeve of Cartwright Township and a populam meniber of last yeam's can- ci]. How about the January 1 resolui- tion o1 yours? Kept it? Over 6 inches of snow has fallen the last week on the level. Many have been relieved of corm by Holloway's Corn Remover. it has a power of ita own that wM 1»b found effective. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage: The ào« of every working man may rime to heights of intellectual and moral pow- er if he will only trust God and keei busy. You' re Not So Dumb to suifer from Sors Throat, Brox- chitis, Cough, Bronchial Authma, Cat- arrh, Head Coids, Adenoids and Tox- ail troubles. when GOOD resulte a" guaranteed by using lirs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis. Try it. The Bread 01 To -DayU THE QUALITY IS UNIFORMLY RIGHT [ The conditions of its making and baking are wefl-nigh ideal. Tt is more satisfying than infer-j ior makes. It is so crammed full of home-made virtues that mother may safely buy instead of bake which means less work for her, and the flavor is delightful. Get it at The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville [Are They Happy Or Chilled To The Bone? No nced to keep a house like a refrigerator- why spend miserable hours every morning wait- ing for the "heat to corne up". Buy Lehigh Anthracite Coal-the dlean, long Iasting coal that is so full of heat-fire up good at night-bank it down-and in the morning- there's comfort! You dress or shave without freezing-the children are happy-no winter colds in a well heated bouse. Order a load of Lehigh today-you can buy no better coal. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville RtEI>]ROSE 'Tl EAs ood teac' Red Rose Orange Pekoe -Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum Ai 7 q I { YEPI1 Groceries Are A Bill of Expense, But You Can't Get Along Without Them., So we price our groceries as low as we pos- sibly can, serve you with quality goods, and gen- erally do our very best to help you set an attractive table at a minimum cost. We are pleasing old customers and adding new every day. May we serve you. Don't forget we have the largest variety of Dishes,. Glassware and Crockery in town. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville jAviation Gasollir The gas that helps you to a quick start du in cold weather. A trial wiIl convince you. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville ie luring

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