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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928. Even Rice Hurt Girl's Stomach '«I had indigestion ao bad 1 wast afraid ta et even rice. Adierika1 kas done me s0 mlxch good that now1 1 «t anything.-Ardenia Howard.5 Adierika relieves stomach gas and' soArness in TEN minutes. Acting oIFBOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you neyer1 thought was in your system. Let Adierika give your stomach and bow- eli a REAL cleansing and see how much better you will f eel. It wil surprise you. Jury & Loveil, Ltd..1 Druge. SSimple Home Recipe For Bad Stomach' Gives Swif t Relief Hf you are a vigtim of Stomach Troubls-Gas ' Sourness, Pain or Bloating-you may have quick and certain relief by foliowing this good advice. Artificial digestants and starvation diets are seidom naeded. Within rea- son, most folks may eat what they like, if they will keep their stomach free from souring acids that hinder or paralyza the work of digestion. And the hast and easiast way ta do Sthis is to f ollow avary meai with a littie Bisurated b4sgnesia-a pleas- ant, harmless form of Magnasia that swiftly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and dlean. A few days' trial of Bisurated Magnasia (powder or tablets), whieh any good druggist can supply at trifling cost, should quîckly con- vince you that fully 90% of or- dinary stamach distresses is abso- Iutely unnecassary. Try Bisurated Magnesia today! Aching Swollen Feet Moaey Back if Moone's Emerald Oil Doent Do Away With AUl Sore- se" Swellbng aad Distreas in 24 Heurs. Two or thrae applications of Moone'e Emerald Oil and in fiftaan mninutes the pain and soreness dis- appears. A few more applications at regular intervals and the sweling reducese. And best of ail any offensive odor is gone for good-It's a wonderfui forinula-this combination of essen- tial ils with campiior and other an- tiseptics sa marvelous that thousands mf bottles are sold annuaiiy for re-, 11cing varicose or swollen vains. Jury & Loveil and avery goad druggist guarantees the very firat bttis of Moone's Emerald 011 ta end your foot troubles or money back. Give it Fair Play Why not decide NOW ta give ZUTOO Tablets, the remedy so general- ly used for headache, a fair and square If there is ny daubt in your mind sete, the worth of these tablets Or of their barmiesaesu try themn and KNOW the truth. Dwet sacrifice your caMfort on c- ceo tprejudice or skepticism. Try the tabletsanad know. 25c at. deaers or by Msail real.B. N.Robinso &Co, Ie'daticoak, Quebc. Zutoo? - HOW Phone 15 PHOSPHODINk.1 Th le Great Engfigh >eparatilà. Tomdfnes and invigorates the whole nerd~JfCvous lystessi. mîke new Blood in laad Veins. Used for Ngrs'oul ~Debilty. Mnta eMd Drain Worry DWmdnc. Lomof Enr, ppitatiEon &We Had,FaoiUiM.Ne". ric* St rjbox. 3 for $5.9 Sod by --il drugglsis, or masi ed i plain Plis. on reept or prilu. Ne.Pkw "w uiil I-lW Waie.<.c C BJOUOUTOAOIr. "EXILES IN CANADA" Written By a Clever Lady in the Cornish Dialect. Very f ew Statesmua readers in this country wa fancy, have sean the pure Cornish dialact in Canadian f publications, sa this week we are pre- senting ana of the real simon pure articles entitled "Exiles in Canada" written by a claver Cri ladya who signs barsaif "Sarah Ann Big-1 gens" but har real address is Miss or Mrs. Fanuy K. Huntley, 4563-7th W. Vancouvar, B. C. We have neyer sean lu print a purer piace of real Cornish dialeet than har con-N tribution which appears as Christ- mas Graetings in a copy of The Cornish and Devon Post of Decem- ber 24, 1927, sent ta us by Miss M. M. Treleven, Strattan, Cornwall,t Eugland. Canadians may find it a tnifle difficuit ta raad, but practise raading alond a paragraph aven and over for a f aw minutas and they wlli soon get an ta the run of it. We should much like ta hear a native Cornish lady read it, giving it in clean, srnaoth infiection sa natural and easy to the Cornish f amala voica. Anywsy, kind readar, giva it a trial yonrseif. My Dear Frens,-Simth ta, me evar since 1 wrot that theer latter last Xmas tailin' 0v 'aa ail 'bout my orna along journay bsck ta the Hem- pire, soaes a 'ave bin a pastearh- tha live out ov me fer ta send an- other wau, 's if I ant got nawthin aIse fer tu do but ta squatty down and clap pane ta paaper. Ef you wuz owniy ta knaw 'ow us 'as ta work out yur yar'd 'aid yen bal, wat 1mittins sud Chapel an lika that theer witb th' aId chares an visiters, tay a-body ha a living lu a wisht par. But 1 niver don't forgit ee, xny dears, altho' whan I told a faymala fren 1that 1 lives 'sîf in Englaud and 'aif out yur, 'er said, "StilI?" 's if by .this turne I ought ta forgit 'orne along. 'Et neyer shaint ha *sed that Sarah Ann Biggens ba a turncoat like sha. 1Weil us 'ave 'ad sorne fine gwains on out yur sauce 1 wrote, an' "lIl just tell ea somethings that I'va a-seed and dood. Fust ta begin wi the Rayai Fauily; us ad a visit troni the Prince of Wale an'aenbrother Garge, au a great rasapshun tbey 'ad. The Cana- dians be vary loyal sud tbay turnnd ont eau thain thounandn ta weicoma tbay young tallas, and yau rnay ha sure yen fran Sarah Aun wuz eau a fanemnost place. Thay zeerned ta enjiy thair -visit an' un 'opan ta sac arn again vora long. Tien us 'ad bnaava domns salyhratin th' Diam- ond Jubilea of Cofedaratioii of Canada sud Vaucouver wuz "an feet" (as the Franchies nay) wot wi' di- coratiaus, paradas, bauds playin, 'in singiug; thear wuz ane callad "0 Canada", an' thay sing'd ee tili I got tired ov the tune, an' tbaar's a lUne wot nez, "'Tby woth wc praine ail other lands aboya" (nit fer Sarah Aun!). But no wondae us wuz ail na 'appy sud proud, do ce kuaw that varty yur agana whaar this yun gmrt city af Vancouven now stans wuz not but fanats wi bears an' wild Injuns runnin about wi'out da- cent ciothas ta theer backs, an' uow yur it ha a 'ausoin place sure nuff, bîgge'n dean aId Lanson wi Camai- van and Dinnybowl thawed sen. Can ce blaye ut? 'tes gospel truth I tell 'ee. Now I waut ta dascnîbe a wannan- fuI denner I want ta a whilc back. John 'Enary sed 'ced rathan bide. rna 5so fer waust 1 let un lave ea 's awn way an stap 'orne with Jeshurun (thp.ts aur tom cat) callad antan a Eh. rew in anciant tixues wot "waxed fat ,rd kicked". an' sa do aur cat, es bustin' wi fat. 'ae aits mnostly 'oie mail braid an' quaker oats which Dluins un ont, and when e's tampan's riz ce kicktb lita a mool, an us clapa un outside back doar tili 'e coolth down lika. I reekon many a pore nawl wid like ta du the saine i 'an IS YOUR King St. East, Bowrnanville Zook's R.gulating Compound A.. a le. vaan mi S.. old in Ibrea de- geof etrenzth-No. 1, Ul s 6l ili d lot@. or sen " efon =tp o ris BoId bet Addrm 'ushin. they bant al liike John 'En- ery. Well off I sot ta ts -yr "Progressive Denner", wot mainth yu got ta kip traipsin from 'anse ta 'ouse, an us 'ad tu visit fower places fer that bleasd mail oiv mait. 'Pon our teckets which wuz shaped like ai fower leafad clover was wrote ."Scat- land. Ireland, England, Canada", an' us paid up 50 cents, which is. twa shellun fer the tecket, plenty monay fer wot us 'ad. Fust us waut to "Scotiand", an' 1 when us gat ean th' 'anse the table 1 wuz flxad wi a bowei of aathen an 1 wishals (the Scotch ambiim) et look- ed purty an' us' 'opad fer a guda stant fer aur 50 cents teets. A I basin of Scotch bratb was brot eau an' sot avare aich wau ov us, waîkish traade simmin' ta me, nart but 'at watter wl a fao grains 0v puni bar- lay ta liven et up. I'd raythar 'ave gude thick pay soup mysel, tis a'l wattary lîkker dadn sun ta ciib to~ yen innards, kittia brath's a king to et Wail, while us wuz clunkin' this yen at watten an pretanden fer man- nams us wuz enjayin et braava af 'twaddn sa ricb. Ail on a suddiut us ynrd a purty a' scritch ont in thi' 'aIl like 's if twenty tomcats wuz a limmin ov aich Cher. Whau un gat ovver the f ust shack us naelized that 'twaddin cats but mussic, an us wuz listanin' ta the bagpipes bain' blawed by a girt strappin' faila in full 'Igh- land costoom.** Theen tuis strappen piper wuz traipsin' forth and back droo the front 'ail, hiawin" 's if ee'd bust ea- self pou that theer ai bag ' weend. Ave e ead wanl' 'Tis like a vac- oam cleanen napped up in a piad bag anged roua' ees nîddick, wî, wan toob ta blaw droo an' another fer eas fingars ta twiddia pan, an' ribbous angin' from long taobs stickin' ont behind. The noize wuz samathin' crool but nit wnss than this yur aid jazz us yurs, wat makes ea mast addie aidad. 'Be wot piayed et wnz drassad up ansom'n a picksher, wi' a short skirt like the maîdens (an' shame ta 'ern, theer inothars too) ha wearin', awiniy ee's did coma ta e'sî £,n~opq;nd 'iq ezs wu s.rat. whih---- 1 an' wimmin). 'Tather centypeed wus 97, ce wuz a stoadint. Sa theer they wuz vower aid blids an' theer f otygrafs wuz a toaked by this yur fleslita, made me prapperiy jump. 1 'ates tih' ol' bangs, and clappe me 'andi awver me yurs saama as I usad fer ta du 'pan 'orne show nigbts in Castie Green. Theer wuz a girt birthday cake 3 voot long, sugared ail ovver and pink leeteirs traced 'pan et, "Uncle Dick, agad 107"1, like a gravestone. 'Pon tap wuz 107 little candies, lookin' so purty. Th' ai' vitaran cut the first slice lookin' sa proud's Lucifer, an' then some ladies want vore an' cut the cake up in amail pieces an' littie maids carried it round in baskits, an' us ail 'ad a tasta ,an' 1 'ad wan ov th' little candles givad to me ta kip in memoriam. mare than can ha nad fer thay braz- Ee wuz a 'appy ol' man, awnly an ussies! 1 fuir biush as 1 writes wan thing ta mar e's enjaymnt- of 'arn. 'Twas cheerin' ta 'ear this ee's dear aid mather were't thear man biawing away, but us 'ad 'ad fer to see 'an tara boy. Perbaps 'r aur bason of brath an' 'ad ta move wuz lookin' down froin 'er starry ou ta next place which was "Ireland". throna an' langi' ver a taste ov that * .hhaar cake. I racken 'er stapped To aich 'anse us 'ad a 'oie punchad piaying 'pou 'ar goiding 'arp ta lust- een aur tickets no us cudden flip hack an ta the gwains-ou ta the party. unheknownist fer a second noun'. "Uncie Dick" wuz the lifa 0v the Weil, us wuz welcomad eau by a proceedina an 'ee kip every babdy ln purty young faymale eau Irish cos- aCritchas 0v litUna wx e s nonsans,' tocsin an' whan us sot down to table biawin kissas ta the ladies an' tell- us 'ad a plate ov Irish stew, tint wuz ing up ich a' truck. A purty young mare filin' an' us fait uphaivad.Th maid av eighty viive prasentad an tables ta thus 'onse wuz dicorated wi' wath a bowkay oVviowars an' when baskets of tittias an' littia pige and ceeriz fer ta make a spaich ea put sick like, while soma boys an' maids ,'eau down pou aa's chear and f orgot playad Irish jigs in the next roam fan thay wuz theer an sat dowu pan arn ta giva the carneck atmosfea. Wail, aud venywan scritciad agin. from thear us fippad quite a long *iti n *h sitaar e 1n ways off ta "England". Yur tic Sti ntesataoem u dicorations wnz 'ansain, ned, white a young ciap vname 'orne ta Lanson sud bine straimars 'engin' from th' wot servad e's turne awver Tneleav- 'lectric lights an' fastened ta tha cor- ense's, by naine Frank Andrew, with riders ov the table, an' un 'opad fer ee's wifeanau ittle son. Thare wnz a suice ov guda ai roast beef and othars vrom Boskîstle, Saltasb, Pen- viggy duff, but false 'opas, thear wor zauce, Newiyn, an ail awven the awny a plate of salid an' braid au' plasca, ana wuniman told me ar came butter tto napraysent "England". vnom daoun Redrowth (an wnz prap- But theen wuz sootiiin' moosia siekper Caruisb> au whan I ups an toid as "Death o'-Nelson" an' 'Rule Brit- an I wuz theer last yun er mont cried annia" 'pan the grammytone, whieh an sed on wisied er'd s bin theen, an 1 eled o ceerus a uset e' oldfelti s bit 'orne sick tan Cornwall, 'aliid t ha sa u ttecl lots of 'em wid like ta go back an salid. * * *sec the dean aId West Cauntrea, but Then us moved on agen, next stop it taketh tua rnuch maney s0 thcy've "Canada", thus 'anse wuz diconatcd gat ta bide yuT and n'ow ef I do't1 in mapie leaves an' ivy and littie stap this yur long latter, Mn. Editori laokad 'ansoin an' 'ad a cake an koff y say'Aw that cbittering of s wurn- an moosie. au' then ns gived eau aur Mun, an s 80 bad as aven". er ws aan' sumd din landStne ten I' veandviug 'olidy n xo the luvaiy munutains ta a camp hy the sida ov a lîttia lake calied "Lu- cille". Theer haut no noad ta it, awnly a littie trail, an' the in wot kip the camp mit me ta the station wi e's littie cayuse ( a Iudian pouy, part wild, but s pnrty creeten), sud aa put my bag 'pou sglied which ee guidad vrom b'ind sud I tnaipaed on avare sud se aud the 'osa tolaey- ed droo the vonant. 'Twan a luvly walk, but part was bunud noms yurs agone eau a varest rvira, an lots ov ai black tulmps wuz litterd lu th' groun'. Wan gude thing tho' antan a vire ave blackanad the luviy green vorent up spingth nama 'ansoin tal crimson viowara, they calis et vire- waad, a' it caovera np thay ngly OP' roaius tili vou can't 'andiy seacarn. Sornetimas I vaucy ta myseif when I sea thay dear vlowera tryiig ta cav- er up thay temhirs-Wail, 'tis lika lite, mot 0v ns saine tiina gits Our vonant vire, some git nonnow, pnaps us lonas someone ns lovas mon'n lita itself, or aur 'easti ail'th, an us lasas aur manay, an' ns fada "uaw my lite e haal letarad an' scocied", but arterasturne punty vlawera begin ta show theinsalvas aboya the black roon, par'ap5saioe ne ata lave an' cane tan ce or a dean littia gnandcieel ta chear 'as, or a bit a' moucy left by a ai' sut on unkie ta 'dp e along, a' th' aid tronble, tho' stilI tiser lieti 'iddeu awayunuden tic iuvly new gnowth 0v 'appînans. So wan tronhles coie-rememben tie vorest vine weed. * * de An' uow I'va a got somethin' aise to tell ta se of sa ha yu ban't sick a' tired a'rsndy. 'Totier aivnii' 1 weut laug wi Mr. Will Sqnance an' ee's wite ta a birtiday party gived in 'onner av aunai' talla up s undarad au' neveu yura aid (s ceutypesd they calis 'em when they ranches the 'un- dard mark). The panty wuz fixad up by the Devon, Cornwall au' Somreset Association, cas thiek aid cantypeed comsd vrom Taunton when as wuz a boy. Ee'n a sadien by traade a' stili wonk'th ta cas busi- nasa, an' ee's sa spry an' keen as s yonng chsp round' the igitias. Wheu us gat ta ths party (which was 'aid in a big 'ail, an' crawds ov Weat Country volk vuz tiser) aur 'ena wuz the centre of adxiriug tirnog au' wath u drea otiar loosebirda' wan wuz a 'nuderd au' elght, mn' e cama a day an' a 'ai's jannney by train by easaiftot talnd the part y. Another wnz 99 sud yathen ta a cil seveu yur aid (ce, pore chiai, munt b. great une!. ta a prttY lot of MOB But 1 wanta uow ta wisi ce ail a 'appy Xmas wanst again vans I stap, an 1 'opas ya're ail weil au 'arty. One fren wnot vnomainal ont long ta Australia sud sad an a an insun ad raid mnajast wan an 'ad a gude iaff (I dunua wot thean wnz ta laff bout, nhawed thean iggarauce, sun. te me!l) John 'Euary nez praps un'I1 came 'aine again vara long fer ta sas dean aid Englsnd ,au al aur trans, but 1 can'tý 'dp f einn piaived wbeu so be's I thinks iv that teinpeschns oceaii roi- lin betwean us, wot I suffaned commn 'oain soug liigerth cen my mmnd. Sornethin crool. Howsomedever us shahl sea. An now rny dears, good- bye to ae aIl, Froin yen faithfui tran, "SARAH ANN BIGGENS". W"After strenuous exercise, a hard day'swork, a long motor trip, or any hard physical effort try a mus- tard bath. Just drop three table- spoonfuls of Keen's Mustard into the hot water, swirl around, and then get in and soak. You will be surprised at the new vigur which wiUreWt AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER1 My Dean Niece: Not ana of us can bear being humiliated hefona aur tailown with equauimity. Wa hava a certain pnide vithin ourselvas, a self-nespect, sud it meaus inuch ta us sud aur compiaceucy if wa cau kaap this. Wa wou~d not wilfully dacaiva an- other, but whau it means humiliation we aveu atoap ta lies! We do't mind tne rDw, the ather'a indignation sud luger. It is the feeling within us thiat we are not np ta standard, we have slipped sud lost a hold. What a lot of thingn we do within the privacy of aur own home; wben we are alone; or perhaps what wa neglect ta do that ws woul'i not have others kuow for untold gold! Not that what wa do, or leave unu- doua, is wnong or sint ni, but because it wonld humiliate us ware it ta ha known. Even thos neareat ta us, we wonld nat have thain know. Tus paculiar feeling navaz us tram becomiug callous aud unsensitive ta the feelings of othars, or onn own. Wa crave the respect sud lova of aur friands, thair faith lnusu, and wara we ta lace that lite wouîd ha barren sud wratchad. Mont of us liva for what othens dernand froin un sud what they tbiuk of un. We dasins thein good opinion aud thair respect. If we don't, wa wil not cane what wa do, nothiug humiliatas un ha- cause wa hava toa gaod an opinion of ourselves ta cane snything ot what o)thers tbink, sa wa wiil becoma cruel sud hard; uotbing will touch ns. Wa will ha straigbt sud hard snd truthful bacause uothing matters. Don't mistake, my dean niece, tbat iyiug in ight-it neyer is-but tha excusas iva make are often ninali lies that sw usan othars tram wors hurt. 0f course, if wa always did evary- thing juat ight, neyer made mis- takas, neyer tongot, and always acted as if thase wa cane for aud whosa go&ad opinion we mnnat havae vene preseut, we shonld neyer ueed to lie to sava us tram humiliation. It is oten thase others wio are too strict on their own pnincipies and milen that canne ns ta dnsad thair finding out our weakuasses. Your loviug AUNT SUSÂLN. DEATH 0F ANl AGED FRIEND By Rosella Mercier Montgoinery You araeflot dead-Life bas but set you treal Yonr yeans of lita vene like a lovely sang, The last swcet, poignant notes of which, held long, Pasned inta silence while wc iistaued, we Who loved you, liitened still axpeet- antly 1 And we about yon whom you were snraly vnong- Yau hava but passed beyoud vian. va dan &ses! Fan ns who kuew yan, draad of Age la pastl You taok lite, tiptoe, ta the vsry sat; It neyer lost for you its îaveiy lookc; Yan kept yaur intanesn t u t tiliing book; To you Death came, no conqueror, ln tic end- Yan merely amllad ta gree anotb»r friend1 Some people stlili use bulk teo-They thlnk ft che!aper-Ut Isnt-for they are paylng for dust and slftlngs and for wanlng flavour-They have not discovered "SALADAy-dust-fre, fresh, full- flavoured-seaied ln metal. -C 1 1 FUEL BIN ? If it requires refilling, why not let us have the pleasure of supplying the necessary Coal or Coke -and why not you enjoy the burning of our High- grade Fuel? The benefits would be mutual- we would both be better off-It's up to you-Why not act to-day? *We can also fil your needs for hard or soft wood, rough or dressed lumber, etc. McClelIan & Co. Ltd. '14 1 GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. amad Ur. Robeut S. Armstrong, Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Riobert S. Armstrong of Ayr, celebrated the fiftiatb at- versary of their wedding, on Monday, January 23rd. They ware rnarriad at Newcastle, Ont., on January 23, 1878. Mr. Armstrong was born ln West Flamabaro' Township, near Dun- das, 77 yaars ago. Mns. Armnstrong, whose maiden name was Barbara 1Watson, is 69 years of age and was born at Orono . Both are of Scot- tish parantaga. They went to Ayr 34 years &go and for 33 yeara Mr. Armstrong was in business there. He was for rnany years a member of Our Village Council, Reevé for three years and Warden of Waterloo County in 192.1. Ha has bean a membe raf Waterloo Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Gaît, for 53 years. Although The Globe bas been bis daily nawspapar for over 60 years ha bas beau a very active inamber of the Conservativa party in South Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong have one son and two daughtars, al residing at Ayr, Ont.-Globe. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. E. J. Hanford, (nee Edna Muir), 1311-3rd St. N. W., Calgary, Alta :-The Statesman reaches me regularly each week and I would not want to be without it. Dr. Walton-Ball, 22 College Street, Toronto :-Enclosed please find cheque to cover subscription to your valuable paper. We enjoy reading The Statesman very much. In renewing his paper for another year Samuel Webb, R. R. 3, Ponty- pool, wrote on the back of the sub- scription forrn these encouraging and much appreciated words: "Thank you for the news I get in your pap- er'f Mrs. P. S. Servos, (nee Melissai Phillips Clemens, St. Catharines: -1 arn enclosing renewal of The States- man. 1 arn like so many of your subscribers--enjoy the home paper, every issue, for it keeps me in touch witb the old, friends of days gone by and now of their sons and daugh- tec~frs. Kndest regards to senior "lSALADA"I TEA » Rev. E. W. Tînk. 4417 N. Kostner Avenue. Chicago, Ill: Enclased please fine fiva dollars for your excellent paper. 'It kaeps us in toucb with home naws and avoids tha question- able practice of sorne Canadian pap- ars of inserting clippings from yei- low dailies of Chicago and elsewhere. Kind regards ta your staff lu' generai and ta Mr. James, sr., in particular. Mns. A. Gandin, Stattlar, Aita., forrnarly Katrina Argua, Salins, writas: In renewing for my bouse- hold friand, The Statesman, which keeps me in touch with xny many friands in West Durhamn, I dasire ta send Naw Year's graetiugs; may they al have a yaar of peaca, prosperity and happiness. Since rny visit a year ago ta Durhamn a numbar of my aid friands and acquaintances bas passed away. They are nat dead who liva in hearts tbey leave behind; in those whom they hava blassed tbey liveaa if e again ;and shaîl liva through the years, eternal life a'nd grow each day mare beautiful as Tima daclaras their gaod, fargets the rast, and proves thair imnortality." Mr. Heatan Evenz5, Bowmanvilîe, speut New Yaars wîtb us. We have had an exceedingly cold wintar but recently the waathar has been mare like Apil-a regular Chinook. "Best wishas for the future, Find memories of the pant, Remembrance in the Prenant And friandsbip ta the last". Manager, Bowmanvlle Branch Neecatie. Newtouvi5e. Oroao O"a é& Fancy Blue Rose Positively no dealers supplied Reg. 3 Ibo. 25e Pork and Beans "tinO PSPECIAL p .a Wht Ivory S a p ickled Red ?'aptha GuestCabbage Soap sîze2 for9c 6-oz. cake 2 f-, 15c i1 chte1~ 10 cales 39c S myrna Table* 1 9c lb. Specia F ig /rI-b. Packets 3 for 25C Dried Coice Golden HJ::c ookA.tan2 lb.21 Fruit Dates 2 Ib. 19c Raisins 5cîb. Sale Fietrnest Mi.Size 2 Ibs. 23c There i. nl Clara Lre2ls 7 limited supply of 33 lb Rasin LIe tame of these P CT3cIRasn 2,-5 articles. Buy IIow suninaid Puffed Seeded Nt(Wil. eh.y I1-1> a n d y a u w ill a v e -u t f f. 5 considerably. Raisin 15c -b. Dates7 2pkbs2 Chriatle'a c-ownor Inhive Catelli'. Club Rouse Cocoanut Puaf Corn Macaroni ee DisCUit@ SyruP Spaghetti M» a ,350 b. t;.in 17c. 2 kt. 23c..39C Thaff Breadt ttTASTY" Bread Thce Wax Wrapped foi Your Protection 19 la Perecio 1Damno Blý1end Fresh Millied Pefetin ngli.h e .k.t Rolled Oats8 Floor 29el Tea 69, . r lb.25 ,W a z 1 1 b . f n j . ..n . . Will A Fire Find You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better protect yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy losa ini Hampton this month. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND) PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville A Joint Saving AccountlIs a Real Convenience Particuiarly as a matter of family convenieuce doas the joint account demoustrate its vaine. Ail funds dapasitel are subi ect ta withdrawai at any time by aither of the persoa in whose names the joint accaunt is openad. In case of the decease of ana of the parties holding a joint account, ail money may ha withdrawn by the othar. A joint savings ac- count in the Standard Bank in a neai convenience whera two people deaine access ta the naine funds.

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