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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1928, p. 8

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HAYDON NEWCASTLE Msr.Les. Graham and Thos. Mrs. (Rev.) Bell who has been The INie e IACa t le Inride pge rlidert Greer were hume from Oshawa over spending the greater part of the past the weekend .... Mr. and Mns. J. tbree years with bier sister, Mrs.___ -_____ Wright visited friends in Oshawa. . Martha Rickard, returned ta Rochest- TH R D YF B U RY2d1928.lf .Miss Rema Bradley visited at hier er on Saturday to keep bouse tempor- uncle's, Mr. L. Bradley, Tyrone... arily for bier son, Mr. Roy Bell, whose - ---_ Mr. A. Beech and fami]y were in wife bas been called froin lier horne Toronto last week visiting Mrs. Beech to take care of lier aged and invalid NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE TEMPERANCE MASS MEETING in tbe General Hospital...Choir grandmother. Mrs. Rickar'l is at MisDmmn cotne ey Ms MagrtWmtlet n RpeettisofheC adn practice was held at Mrs. H. Ashton's1 present staying with hier daughter, MisDumn cotue ry isMage Wltlf n RpeettvsofheC adn last Thursday evening, after which a1 Mrs. Milton Wight and faniily, Provi- porly. Tuesday for an extended visit w~ith Prohibition Bureau wbo visited New- social evening was enjoyed. . . Sun- dence. Village of Newcastle vital stastis- relatives in London and Woodstock. castle on Sunday evening bad every da Sh___nd_____ex ýndy tics for 1927: Births 12; marriages 6; Mr .and Mrs. Horatio Hill, Tyrone, reason to be satisfied with their visit. afternoon at the usual hour...... **1 th . and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hoar, Betbesda, There was an attendance of nearly League service Sunday evening was NEWCASTLE BD. OF EDUCATIOi4 Miss Gertrude Ferguson, Bowman. were Sunday guest-s of Mr. and Mrs5 400 at the mass meeting in Coin- in charge of our 5th Vice President, ____ ville, spent Sunday with Miss Mar- J. W. Glenney. munity Hall and the financial rýýs- Miss Rema Bradley. Prugram in- Facts and figures gleaned from the jorie Clemence, Shaw's. Miss Ethel Allin wbo bas been ponse ta the Bureau's appeal for chided: Bible reading, Ruby Greer;ý Board's annual report to the Depant- The officiaIs of the Newcastle Unit- staying in Belleville for some weeks funds appeared to bc a generous one. devotional, Bert Ashton; tapie, Ar- ment of Education, Toronto, for the ed Church have appointed Mr. Robt. past with Mrs. Eric Toms and family, e.Be .Sence, Managing Ilir- thur Trewin; Two vocal numbers year ending December 31, 1927: Martin l-ay delegate to Presbytery returned home on Saturday. ector of the Bureau, was not present, I Islnil sn yGaeTr-wihmC1bein g detained in Toronto by a cleatb werespolenBridlysundbyiGacBeeTre- Total Public School receipts.$5277.56 whc eets in Whitby next week. The ladies of St. John's R. . 1 in the family of a friend just ivhen weain Vila radlie y Fdda Brah Received in grants and fees 1146.85 Miss Gladys Matchett bas been Chunch are holding a euchre in the the party were about ready to leave eyadngsandereogieny Fea Brad Local Municipal tax....... 2566.23 confined taoler bed the past week as Cormunity Hall on Wednesday even- the ity ohntheir trip to Newcastle. ey aSndRand Thompsoin. eage Balance from 1926....... 1564.48 a result 0f rupturing a blood vesse] ing, Febuary 8th. A cordial in- M O BucaaDmno o net S ndaye e idng i schare of______ hile ar anging s omne goods in the vitation is extended ta everyone t e. Jo n uc a anComno Wodn..Dntfre h ogeiTotal $5277.56 store window. attend. Admission 25c. RefreshmentslCoUne'tr. ia Templars )f Tem- gatonl metng ueday evnin, otl epeditre......$49893 St. George's Churich, Rev. E. R. will be served. perance too charge of aff airs and de- gatona metig Tesdy eenng, 10al xpndiure ..... $19893liverd a vious temperance ad- Fehruary 7th.. Reserve Vaientine's Total No. of enrolled pupils... .118 James, Rector, Sunday, February 6, Richard Cowan of the Newcastle dresadpeeve"h am n night, February 14th for concert and Average attendance for year go 9 Septuagesima. il a. i.-Morning High School is neceiving congratula- dlaims of the Prohibition B3ureau. Mr basket social. Cost of education per enrolled Prayer and Holy Communion. 2.30 tions on every hand for having out- Buchanan wbo is as stundy a champ- pupil.................... $35.58 P. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Ev- skated every male competitor in the i on of total prohibition as hie ;s a TYRONE Cost per pupil on basis of av- ening Prayen. main speed event at the carnival cf ltype of Canadian manhood is a Dur- erage ttndance.......... 46.65 Three high scbool students are aOoosidorsaigrikls e- ham Old Boy, born near Cnooked Mn. and Mrs. Russel Hubbell, Hiît- Cost per pupil to municipality piring to represent Newca-le High nesday evening. Although in com- Creek, Clarke Township, and is a onviitd t r. m.More's on basis of average attend- School in tbis year's oratoricai con- Petition with many of Orono's first cousin of the Reids of Clarke, one of Mnon 'vtd Ms.ank. .McLaghln sh- ac............... tss Te r Ae.Dm.o o skaters who have had a much longer the township's most prominent fami- awa, visited aI Mr. C. D. Hodgson's Boys enrolled duringyear.....64 lJones and Jessie VanDusen. Tbree season Ihan the Newcastle boys, Dick lies. Mr. Buchanan was accompan- ..Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser, Be- G irls enrolled during year ...54 judges will cheose between these easily ouîclassed tbem and won firsî ied on the platfeorm hy Prof. Hume thesda, was recent guest of Mr. Robt. Values of Public School equipment: Ihree entrants at a local contest prize. Ainley Butler was alsO who belds a chair in philosophy in McCullough. .Mn. Floyd Dudley bas Lbrary $132.00; Maps, Globes, etc., somelime this month. among the front rank speeders. Toronto University, and wbo is gone to Toronto tô attend Military $90-00; Miscellaneous $169.00- Newcastle United Church, Rev. E. Mn. Wm. Parnaîl, sexton of the President of the Prohibition Bureau, School.... .Mr. Joe Byers, Mn. Rus-i Total $391.00. B Cooke, Pastor. Sunday, Febru- United Churcb and local electrician, and by Mn. Litle, one of Toronto's sel Byers, Mn. Albert Gilders, Town,1 High School receipts: 1 ary 5-11 a. m.-Morning worshilîî susîained very painful and serious leading architects and huilders. BoIh Mn. and Mrs. T. Findley, Thonnhill,1 Governmenî grant..... 939.341I2.30 p. m-Sunday Scbool. 7 p. m. injuries last Friday afternoon when of Ihese gentlemen gave întenesting visited at Mn. Ed. Virtue's.... Mn. Counlies' grant........... 1412.01 -Evening service in charge of Wel- hfeItIeicfrmteadehe re tsseond he rset ever- and Mrs. Wilbent Dudley, Bowman- Local tax................. 3433.77 corne Young Men's Clasa. Singi ng wapsîgin itnhIenel fred mcentaeiand Proe.resenteper- ville, visited his parents, Mn. and- by the Young men's choir and drssktnricuhngi i heamad' Mrs. James Dudley..Mn. and Mrs. "Total $5785.12 by the ex-boy mayor of Toronto. oit In fall, fracturing an elbuw jita i ms aobjecta of the Bureau Jabez Moore, Enniskiîîen ,visited aI 1Totlepniue $5-.8svrl bruising his head. Ho is in a nutshell when hie said that the Mn. Byron Mooe's.. .. Mn. and Mrs ioa xpniues....$150 Mrs. S. S. Bragg, Mn. Arthur and still at home and unden Dr. Butlen's people generally could be classified S. T. Hoar and family, Mn. and Mns. 1 Values of High School equipment: Miss Rowena Bragg, Mn. and Mrs. E. cane being boath to accept the doct- unden tbree beadings as regards Horalio Hilîs spent Sunday at Mr. 1 Librany $427.89; Scientific appan- C. Hoar and family, were pleasantly cr's earnest advice to go ta hospital. temperance maîters and the use of L. uckey', ewcstl, nd tted-atuS $341; Maps, Charts, Globes ententained on Tuesday evening at Mr. Ed. Powell is acting sexton n o alcohoelic liquorsasa everage-the Bu key', e c meti n d a..Ted- .60;1 Art Models $4915; Biologi- the home of M . and Mrs. T. C. United Church and giving satisfact- ifor e, Ie n nifr e n h ted teTeance a mtein er cal Specimens $53.84; for Physical Bragg, Saw's, wen Mr. and Ms. ory service. mis-inforred, and ths last was a attda vne assmabu t the concw s ert Cultr 5 .0-Total $1 201.19. S. E. Bragg, Winnipeg, and a number O d P obs and Jack Fros'ý have at ben esalsed t ate5ela; given by Ebenezer people. .;. The Total insunance on property and of othen relatives were present andtea othYunlidt gter eibe Tril f JhnBareyornwa spen eqipnen $0,oo.o.enjoyed the neunion and the sumpt-ls on eteado h on information on these matters and to didly given last Thursday evening aI Merkley Clark, H. R. Pearce, uous supper se bountifully senved.-pepeadnbedte teornn give it eut to the people, in short ta outdooir skating rink on the ground.3 carry on a carnpaign of temperance League. There was a good at- Chairman. Seýc'y.-Treas. A number from the village and wetsde of Community Hall. The educaîion. tendance. m îîîyaeatnîgdxytesotnnk wh icb is being officialy looked Mn. W. F. Rickard, Chairman of Don't fonget the annual Tbank-! - course being held in Orono this week aftr by Ainle ulradLvnn h emiteofMngmnat offering services te be held here on i On Farrn Mechanics, sometbing en- Marliný,e.ployed by the Sports ed as chairman hy request, and a Sundy. ev.J. . S~inonEb-YOUNG LADîrýr-UNITY CLASS tinely new in the line of short cour- Cornmi îee was in condition forchi le byM.WJ.SRcar enezer, will be the ministen for thei The Young ladies of Unity Class of ses for farmers and others interested. sktngtefinal time lasI Thursday with Mrs. Laura Fisher at the piano day. Services at 10.30 a. m n The course includes talks and demoi,- eveningand he beys and girls and led in the singing of selecled hymns. 7ecsl p.te m. Tyrne chir wil t7 pm. Trnchi ilfurnish Nech tlme en tt Chechomendaystralions on nope splicing, sharpening rany eIderflk, tee, bave been mak-_____ meteetya he homeiof and cane of tools, cane of farm ma- ing good use of il ever since. Friday's _______ the Secretry, Mss Ann Wrag, andchinery, m os, paints and pantin, sn w te frs oj he ea n, f an At hea ua m eigof C ad n elected off1cers for the ensuing yean concrete wonk, etc. A Ihree days' censequence, bas aise resulted in Piano Tuners' Association C. E. Tait, ENNISILLed);s fVices President-njon id e- course in poultry will be beld in farinera and ethers getting eut Iheir Toronto, fonmerly of this town, was MissElv Gnffin Toonl, isvîsl- Vi e rery -n ioie Cgg res Bowmanville, beginning February 21. sleighs and cutters. elected President. ing bier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wil-1 urer-ldsSa;Foe omt liamn Griffin ...Mr. Ch1 nie a I.-Glays haw .Fo.eComî- Woodbridge, viited bis sisters, Mrs.î5Social Committee-Lîllian Clem- H. J. Werny and Mrs. Wiii Stainton enc e, Minnie Selby, Rowcna ....Dr. Fergusbon bas installed a new Bragg, Ethel Allin, Marion Allun, Marconi radie. ... Glad le repent Mrs Nora Cowan and Mrs. Wellington Harold Ormiston able to be removed BrunI; Outiook Committee-Marjorie from the Hospital te the home of ber Clemence, AIba Coiwiil and Bernice parents, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith Gilbank; Teacher-Mr. W. D. Bragg; ...About sixty people gathered in AssI. Teacher-Mias Robinson, wbo the bassinent of the church on Mon- I as been taking charge of the clasa day nigbt te the Ladies' Aid Leap1 since Mn. Bragg's ilînesa and opera- Yean social, Rev. E. M. Cook mak-1 lion. ing a goed chainnian. The men gave _____ an excellent pregrain consislîng of solos, duels, orchestra music and PROVIDENCE FARMERS' CLUB readings, each one taking bis part well. The reat of the evening was Providence Farmers' 'Club will spent in games and social lime. Lad- Imeet et Shaw's Schooi on Tuesday les served lunch and aIl enjoyed a evening, February 7th. Good pro- good lime. ýgram and nefreshments. An inleresting League pregram _____ was given Friday nigbl in charge of Mn. Ernest Werry, Social Vice Presi- EUCHRE AND DANCE dent. Scriplure Lessen was read by_____ Arthur Carringlon. Rev. E. M. Yo re? inviîed le attend a Euchre Cooke gave a splendid address on and anc ne upcs o "Wbe.lte read duing 1928'. Wil- Cowanville L. O. L. No. 265. in Alex- bur Dickinson rendered moutb ergan andria Hall on Friday evening, Feb. nmusic which was enjeyed. A read- 101h. Admission 50c; ladies bring- ing was given by Edgar Wright. ling rfehet re vrbd -_--welcome. 5-1 Notice to Creditorsi COURTICE In the Estate of Russell John Hobbs. 1Mns. (Rev.> Stainton spent Sunday Ail persons having dlairrs aqain t the lin Wbiîby witb ber mother, Mrs. estate of Rusqeli John Hlobbs, laite ef I Johnson ... . Miss Mabeile Walter was BowmaniviIi,é, deceased, who died on or in Oshw vdy us fMs about the flfh day eof.fanuary, 1928, are saaS~dy us fMs hereby nntified to send in te the undéor- Birdie Dean... Ms. A. E. Rundle signed <,Executor) on or before the is in Toronto attending the funeral eleventh day of February 1928, fu par- I fMs ayHnesn istro ticulars ef thdý-r caim. ImmeditteiyofMsMayHneos trf atter the said eleventh day ef February - nrs. EmrRnle. . .. On Thunsday 1928, the assets of the cestator) wili e evening or Young People's meeting distributed lanongt the parties enttled thereto, having regard only te dlaims et I was quite a success. Meeting opened which the (xcîr shahl thc-n have witb the President, Miss Hattie Os- notice.b npeiig uigted Dated at Bowmanvllie tiis lIrd day ofrne pesdîg Dnig hedvo- .anuary 1928. onnI part of the meeting Miss Arn- NATIONAL TRUST COMPANYLmie old tcok the chair and the bible les- 20) King St. East, Toronto, Ontario son was rend by oun Pasîer, Rev. J. (Executors). i H. Stainton, followed by an interest-' B- y W. F. WARD,* B. A. jing discussion. The pregram was Ther oilitr charge of Miss Frances Hancock, leader of Young People's group, and was presented as follows: Mrs. lifev Stainton gave a Ialk on the e fPauline Johnson ani aIso rend QuteNauro ne ofher poems; two readings wr Q uite atur l given l)y Mn. ian Robertson; piano jAda .Annis.. . The C.G.I.T. beld ils regolar meeting on Saturday aften- People front fonty te fifty n>na h home of Mrs. L. J. years of age are cornîng te us (Cortice. Miss Louise Osborne, each day quite worried because President, was in the chair. Rev. they cannot focus the lettens J. H. Stainton gave a most inspiring cleanly wbiîe reading. and helpful talk le the girls on "This house cf Mine". His talk was THEN beauliful and should be a great belp afler tbey have been scientiflcally le the girls in Irying te live the beal examined andI glasses correctîy kind cf life. A vocal duel was fitted, lhey go away happy in the nicely sung hy Misses Eva and Elsie knowledge Ibat it was quite a Courtine and a story nead by Misa natural condition wbich cernes te Lorna Barber. MrÉ. Ceunlice and evenyene ai thal age and which Miss Ljuise were most entertaining causes the eyes te need Optical and gracios te their guests. n assistance for ail close work. Monday evening or young people , vîsited Simcoe St., Oshawa, and were ARE YOU HEEDING NATURE'S jight royally entertained. Our WARNING IN THIS REGARD? j Pe(ople preseoted the pnegram and Simncoe people entertained wiîb Have our yes xamind today games and a fine lunch and everyone Haveyoureye exaine to.iay had a good lime . ... There will be ne Young People's meeting Ibis week on oIThuneday evpning ..exI Sunday R. M.Mitcell C 1ev. J. R. Trompeur, Tyrone, will R. M.Mitc ell Co. occupy tbc pulpit morninçr and even- THE UALIY DUG SORE ing and oun Pastor will be wilh Ty- THE UALIY DUG SORE rans people. Bowmanvillo Ont. Among local breeds who beughl Phone 92-Nights and Sundayos stock at the necent sale of Cobourg 280 Holstein Breeders' Club are: J. D Stevens, M. Munday, Chas. Stephen- son. Bowmanviîîe, M. J. & A. J. Tamblyn, Orono.' Ranging from $26 to $50 on each Model Iflerels the best radio news yet broadcast! Just study the new priCes and specifications of these 1928 Models of the famous Rogers Batteryless Radios. These new priCes mean that real, proven, dependable "Batteryless" radio is now within the reaCh of ail. No more need to fuss around with batteries, chemiCals, Chargers or unsightly wiring, to save a few dollars; no more need to try and make an ordinary battery set into an "electrified" set. No more need to experiment with a new and unproven electric radio -for now you can get a genuine Rogers Ba, l1r yless Radio Complete in one cabinet- with tlzree years of Proven performance behind it; ail ready to "Just plug in then tune in"; with no extras to buy-at the same Price as an ordinary, reputable, battery-operated set. Think of it! The set which has outsoId ail other electric sets coin bined - the set that has proven its vorth in thousiin(I upon thousands of Canadian homes from (ia;t to coast-t.he set which operates equally well on C ýLier ?5 or 60 cycle A/C current-the only set which affords absolute regulation and control of voltages-the S" t whIi iofl can offer the Rogers guarantced A/C 't;ýus-Ihc s:et which delivers coast to coast reception ender lnormal conditions-the set which gives equal power the year 'round-always uniform-which costs lens than 5c a wveek for power-the set which requires no batteries, chemicals, chargers, attachments (and in many cases no aerial)-and, most important, the set with a power and tone quality ail its own-offered at lese money than unproven eleCtrie sets. Special Course in Poultry TO BE HELD IN Council Room, Town Hall BOWMANVILLE ON February 2lst, 22nd and 23rd. Mn. T. A. Bensen of the Poulîny Division, Dominion Dept. of Agriculture, and Mn. F. W. Clark, Poultry Judge, Cainsville, wîUl he the principal speakers. Full discussion on Bneeds, Housing and Rearing of Chickens and Poullry; Judging, Culling, Killing j and Market;ng of Chickens; Incubation, Feeds and Feeding and Raising of Chickens; Egg Grading and Marketing will aIse be discuussed. We want every interested pouitryrnan and fariner in thé beginstouraym onin an o'ic nthkisusinCus Couinstouamrte gated1ndjen n hedicusin.Cors J. Y. KELLOUGH Agricultural Representative, Durbamn County. MID-WINTER- CLEARING With Stili Further Reductions Compare These Prices jMen's or Young Men's Overcoats, Reg. te $35.00, iess ta % -pnîce .......................................139 Boys' Al .Wooi Pullover Sweaters, Mid Winter Clearing 1.19 Men's Winten Weight Work Shirts, large make, Mid Winter Clearing ........... ............................ .... Men's Black or Blue Ovenalîs, Mid Winter Clearing........ 1.39 Men's Fine Rubbens, Mid Winten Clearing, pair.......... 1.00 Women"s Fine Rubbers, Mid Winlen Clearing........... .69 Men's Military Work Boots, Clearing................... 3.69 Growing Girls' Cotton Flannel Dresses, size S te 14, Clearing .........................................1.29 A. DILLICK King & Division Sta Bowmanville No other radio bas ever been able te offer ail the advantages aad features found in the Rogers. And now they do net even compare ini price. To get the best for the least money is a rare experinc -made possible only by the fact that the Rogers bas a two-yw lead in production, experience and distribution of Batterylew Radios. There might be some excuse for "Igambling" with a unproven radie if you saved enough-there certainly is not whoa Get a ROGERS-And Be Sure! Every Rogers Set and every tube in these sets is guaranheed te function and give proper service. You lake no chance. Let us prove, by aclual demonstratjon in your home, what the Rogers "Two-Fif ty" A S-Tube Rogers- Batteryless Receivcr, with dual-dial con- tre!. Completcly sbielded audio amplification system. Attrac- tive walnut-finished cabinet with power switcb outside. Price, complete <without loud speaker), $189.00. Rogersa "Tuo-Twentyl, A handsome, portable table mode!, equipped with Rogers patentcd A/C tubes, includ- ing tbe Rogers Power Tube. Single-dial centrai. Illumin- ated dia!. Power switch eut- side of cabinet. Finely finished genuine walnut cabinet witb matched butt veneer aval panel. Complete (without loud speaker), $225.00. [ODEL 200-A" 5 '3142O Reception is better now* than at âw other timne, and sbould continue s. w mnonths. Nigbtly programns, that womMu cost you many dollars ta attend in pet- son, are yours at the turn of a dial. De net longer deny yourself, your famly, your friends, the boundless pleaswse wbicb a few dollars invested in a Rqesn will bring ta your home. 10 Months To a If you decide le purchase, paymg can be spread over ten minath- or more. Take advanîage of Ihese new lew prices and order a' Rogers 10d*71 To those owning a balîery rajae and wishing te get a Rogers, a âb- eral ameunt will be allowed Mr their set. NOW is the time te change a baîîery set, which wiII net be worth much next FalN. Rogers "Two-Hundrad..A" Same set as Mode! 220, but equipped with Regers Symphony Speaker, using a special de- sign, long air column born combined witb the special Rogers Output Filter Unit-reproduc- ing the finer shadles of tone witb greater clanity and fidelity. Encloscd in genuine walaut cab- inet of beautiful design. Price, complete, ready to UJ>ug l-thea tune ia", $7.e SoId In Bowmanvlle By W. J. BAGNELL REMEMBU 1 that the Rogers la am exclusively Canadlaa Product; ConceivedS Creatcd, Developed anuS Perfected right in Caa- ada-and sold ian» other country in the world. AND IT LEAI J, s' Phone 152 King St. W. fEconomies in purchasing, production and distribution, due to ' the tremendous increase in sales of Rogers Batteryless RadiosJ during the past two years, have made it possible to inaugurate an entirely new lower price level, thus passing on to the public j these savings in the form of drastic On the 1928 Models of Rlogers (BATTERYLESSjRadio0 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIUP-qDAY. PERRITARV 9 1092

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