THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th., 1928 PG UZ Il __________ I SAFETY FIRST 1 Use Pasteurized Milk 1 The Bowmanville Dairy supplies Pasteurized milk and Cream that bas notbing added, nothing taken away. It is whole milk, just as it cornez from the cow. AIl bottles are washed first in soda solution, then washed in clear water, after which they are sterilized with steami. No human hand touches the milk af- ter it is pasteurized. We are doing away witb the plain cap and will use one witb a tab an, wicb wil ho easily lifted from the bottle. Buy Protected M 11k! Why ? Pasteurization kilîs- 99% of the bacteria in milk. Pasteurization kilîs bacteria praducing septic sore tbroat. Pasteurization entirely destroys the germa of typboid. Pasteurization kilîs bacteria causing tuberculosis. Pasteurization is the only safle guarantee. No epidemic of disease bas ever been traced to pasteurized milk. Pasteurization improves the keeping qualities. Prices will be the same as they have been in the pat. W. would b., pleased to have patrons visit our plant. We solicit a generous share of your patronage. BOWMLLE DAH« PHONE 446 MILI Let Corbett Do Your Baking Why toil and trouble doing your own baking when you can get the best wholesome breads, Cakes and other good things in the way of baking jdone for you at prices which are lower than the cost of home baking.a You'll find the best home bakers in town vis- iting our store. The reason is quite obvious. They know good baking and that they will always be satisfied at our shop. Save your time and ail the trouble of home baking. It is more economical to let us do your baking for you. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville BRIGUIER HOMES STORE --The Paint Centre-- In future our store will be known as the "Brighter Homes Store" as we have linked up with hundreds of stores throughout Canada who seli GLIDDEN'S ENDURANCE PAINT We have a Glidden Paint for every purpose-and every can is guaranteed. STAUNTON'S SUNWORTHY SElPMi-TRIMMED WALL PAPER .WANTED "A reliable energetie man to handle Watkins Producta lu Durham and Northumnberland Counties. Over 150 Produets iu the lin. consisting of ex- tracts, splcee, medicinesansd tailet preparatiens, food products, soap sud seap preduets. Ahi year round proposition. Chance ta build up asting per- manent business. Protected territories. Write at once, giving age, to, J. R. Watkins Comnpany, 27 John St. S., Hamilton, Ont". Dr and Mrs. Norman J. Found and family wbo have been borne on furlougb for the past year, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Found, Ebenezer, and numerous relatives in Ontario left last week for Seattle, where they embark an their return jeurney to Seoul, Korea, where they are engaged in missionary work for the Methodiat Episcopal Cburcb of the United States. Bowmanville, generally speaking, is looked upofi as a town above the, average, but in its deposits tbrough, the public schools with the Penny Bank it just bits the exact aggregate for the province of 29 %. Cornwall as usual leads with 86%. Accordine ta officiai figures, jowever, local pup- ils are increasing their deposits. Tot- ai depasits end 1927 abawed $2959.04, while the year previous it waa $2670.89. Scores of copies of Tbe Statesman go every week ta regular subscribers in faraway places, al of wbom arel deeply interested in the borne news. Subseribers at home can help us make the paper mare interesting by sending in local news items. Every item of interest belps as it is the home news that makes the weekly newspaper wortb wbile. And those at borne alsa ike ta read any news of former townspeaple wbo bave mov- ed away. Send in the news early and often. He who would clirnb a tree must grasp its branches net its blossoms. -Thackeray. Only by reestablishlng the people's sense cf God can aur nation regain its moral, mental aud pysical health and masure the future cf the race- God and The Groceryman. Permanent Deauty at TrilIIng Cost!1 You'Il be delighted at the improvemnent a h a r d - wood floor wiIl make in the appearance of a roomn that's begun to look shabby. And better stili . . . . it costs so little!1 Let us measure it, show you samples, and give you an estimate. d McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phono 15 Bowmanville THEBES .HT. AD FATHER AND SON BANQUET Staged By Tyrou. Tuxis Square The Beaver Tuxis Square cf Ty-1 rone under the leadership of Alan McColl, taged a very successful banquet on Friday, Febmuary Srd. This was the fiast eveat of its kind ever attempted at Tyrone and was termed by everyone present a great succesa. About tweaty of the beys with their fathema gathemed la the United Churcli Vestry. This was a gaod trun-out and evernne tried te add sametbing te the interest of the pragram. The orchestra of the Tuxis Square and Sunday School Clasa aupplied seme delightful music wbicb livened thiaga up at intervals. Mr. Ivan Smith, a tuxis boy, gave an interesting address on "The kind of a Dad 1 would be were I somej boy'. Dad". Mr. Arthur W. Annis taok the opposite aide cf thîs tapie on "The kind of a Bey I would be. if I were a Bey Again". The group was very fortunate ia getting Mr. Annis fer the principle speaker of the evening. He gave a very enlightening talk and supported it by showing the great importance of Baya' Work. The meeting clesed with "God save the King" and bene- diction. WEDDING Scott-McFeeters Knox College Chapel, Toronto, st- tractive witb spring fiowers and palma, was the setting cf a pretty wedding on Saturday afteruoon, January 28tb, when Dorotby, enly daugliter of Mr. and Mra. J. A. Me- Feeters, Lonsdale Road, and Mr. William J. Scott, Wiarton, son cf Mrs. N. S. McEacbern, Owen Sound, weme married by Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry. The bride, wbo was accom- panied by ber father, wore a beauti- fui gown of white transparent vel- vet, inset witb Spanish lace. The court train was lined witb gold tissue, and ber tulle veil was arranged in a light cap effect, caugbt at the sides with orange blossoma. The brides- maida, Miss Darotby Burton, Misa Helen Mattbews and Misa Mabel Blanchard, made a cbarming gmaup in their period freeks ef orcbid transparent velvet, witb touches af goid tisaue, amalbats cf orchid georgette, witb tiny veils cf gald lace, and matcbing slippers. They carried yellow roses and violets, whiie tbe bride's bouquet wasararang- ed wîth lily ef the valiey and orchida. Mr. Poster Froom, Toronto, was beat man, and tbe ushers were Mr. Don McLaren and Mr. Dalton Wells. Mr. Franklin Legge presided at tbe argan, and during the signing cf the register Mis. Legge sang. Foliow- ing the ceremony a reception was beld at Ryan's Art Gallery, and later the bride and groom left for New York, the bride wearing beige crepe witb cent of natural Ruasian lamh, heaver trimrned, and amall bat in the sarne tones. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Scott will live ln Wiarton. Mrs. S. J. Honey, Mrs. H. B. Pos- ter, Mis Kate Foster, Mrs. R. T. Stephen:, Mr. aud Mrs. W. W. Hen- derson, Bowinanviile, Mia. A. W. An- nia, Tyrone, and Mr. snd Mr&. Gor- don Diew, Oshawa, wore amcng those frcm tuis distriot ettendlng the. weddîng. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE SHAW'S SCHOOL Miss Eva Bale, Oshawa, was recent Report for January: gueat of Mr. Win. Painton. Sr. IV-Garnett Riekard 71, New- Cash & Carry says: The poor are ton Asbton 62. unique in one particular. Tbey pay Sr. 11-Mary Ciemence 75, An- cash. nie Allun 74. Mr. Walter Elliott, Woodbridge is Jr. IlI-Allin Rowe 74, Thornton biiin is cousin, Mir. W. H. W'd Anderson 67, Ormsby Anderson 64, Basitin Wo Jean Clemence, (absent.) Base ine.Sr. Il-HéTen Rickard 82, Roy Messrs. Harold Caverly and Doug- Ashton 69, Ruth Cobhledick 65. las Slater, Toronto, spent tbe week- Jr. 1I-Murray Wight 68. end at Mr. L. S. Caverly's. Sr. 1-Elford Cobbledick, Pearl Mr. W. J. Milîs, a native cf Ennis- Hinds. killen, bas been elected Chairman of Sr. Pr.-Brenton Rickard, Harold the Collegiate Institute Board of St. Crook. Mary's, Ontario. Jr. Pr.-Gordon Allia. Watering the lawu once won't keep Win. L. Lycett, teacher. it green the rest cf the yenr. Adver- tising once won't make a noticeahie difference in your business. Hit DARLINGTON liard and bit often with advertiaing Rpr fS .N.3 alntn brina utadyreauta.for January: Miss Lottie Harnley, Red Deer, Sr* 1v-Bob Finnigan 66, Freda Alta., who bas been visiting bier sis- Attree 62, Lewis Rundle 61, tEthel tear and brothers in Oshawa and H s49, tDorothy Rundie 48. Petebor, bs been guest cf MisseHoirps îîî.L;,esaieBlackburn 84, Frankie M. Jewell and other old *Florence Foley 77, *Eileen Morp- friends in ber native town. b 6 Mrs. William A. White and Mra. Jr. III-Wianie Gibson 87, Jack James A. Pbillips after spending Finnigan 62, tEdith Daîziel 57, tbree weeks with their father, Mr. M. tKennetb Flint 29. A. James, and enjoying several social Sr. Il-Annle Kusb 68, tWilbur evenings lefE' for their homes in Blackburn 53, tAloysius Kush 52, New York City on Friday last. jifazel Ropps 47. Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Osborne, Oak- Jr. II-Grace Trull 66, Bobbie Gib- wood, announce the engagement of son 60, tEuaice Lane 56. their only daugbter, Olive Beatrice, Sr. I-Maurice Morphy 79. ta George C. C. Shier, youngest son Sr. Pr.-*vera Gibson 96, *Helen of Mr. and Mis. Adam Shier, Can- Rundie 94, *Sammy vancamp 85, nington. The marriage ta take Hazel TrulI 82, Douglas Happa 68, place the middle of February. tHazel Roberts 56, Bernice Roberts Grant us, O Lord, ta pass this day (absent>. in gladne«ss and pence, witbout *-Honours; f-Failure (below stumbling and witbout tain, that!6O9% on total.) reacbing the eventide victorieus over j Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. aIl temptatians, we rnay praise the Eternal God, Who la blesaed and dost1 TUXIS & TRAIL RANGERS NEWS gavernalal things world witbout end.;_____ -Roht. L. Stevenson. (Eie by Gregory C6lmer) Mr. D. J. Gibson, Town Line, aadi LoLane Jackman's tuxis group met Col. L. T. McLaughlin, Tyrone, are for a short meeting on Monday night. on the special committee ta make Officers: Mentor-Lamne Jackman; arrangement for tbe Seed Fair at Ca- Praetor-Stanton Caverly; Deputy bourg, Marcb 15-17. Besides this Praetor-Artbur Bell; Comptr- show it is expected five seed-leaning Robert Cale. demonstrations wiIl be beld in Dur- Sioux Tuxis officers. Mentr- ham and Northumberland. *Gregory W. Clmer; Praetor-James Mr. Ralpb Ames of Bowmaaville, Devitt; Deputy Praetor-Ernest travelling between West Hill and Brown; Comptr-John Minore. Trenton, in the interests of the Ped- Ray Cle's group turaed eut la ful mma People of Oshawa, called an the force and had short sessions of the Ensîgn this week. Incidentally Mr. devotional, social and intellectual Ames reports business good and pros- aides of their program. Later they pects better, whîcb, coasidering bis enjoyed a skate on tbe rink of one line of business means a goad repart of their members. Sides were chos- for many.-Brighton Ensign. en. and a goed game of hockey was enjoyed along witb other games and The mare I think of it, I find this stunts. Officers: Mentr-Raymond conclusion impressed upon me-that Cle; Chief Ranger-AIma Osborne; the greateat tbîng a buman seul does Deputy Ranger-Gardon Adams; in this world la te "see" semetbing, Cache-George Weekes; Taly-Har- and "tell" what it saw in a plain way. old Slemen. Hundreda of people can talk for Officers of Dakota Tuxis are: Men- one wbo can tbink; but thouesanda tor-Gould Tburston; Praetor-Ray- can think for one wbo can see. To moad Ives; Deputy Praetor-Eric see clearly la poetry, propbecy. and Colwill; Cemptor-Byron Cryderinan. religion-ail in one-Joha Ruskin. _____ Farm For Saàle 10% CASH-BALANCE 25 YEARS The Soidier Settiement Board of Canada affers for sale by Public Tender --80 ACRES.- EAST % LOT 5, CON. 3 TOWNSHIP DARLINCTON, COUNTY DURHAM The purchaser of this property muet rely on bis own inspection and knowledge ef the farm and net on the above or any other particulars or representations made verbaily or in wrltiog DY emploYee Of the Soldier Settiement Board. Terme of sale are 10 per cent of thp purchase price ln cash on acceptance of the tender, and the balance ln twenty- Olve equal. annualI nstaiments, witb ln- tereat at 6 per cent per annum an the. amortization plan. Each tender muet be accompanied by an accepted cheque for $100. If tender le accepted, thie eumn wiii be credited te the purchase prîce of the land. If tender le not accepted the. îoney wiil be returned te the tenderer. Tenders will be opened at Tarante on February 2th., 1928. The bigheet or any tender nat neces- sarlly accepted. If the land le not eoid on the date above mentioned, the Board wiii be prepared ta receive effers te pur- chaze until such trne as lt le finaiiy dis- poeed of. Tenders sbouid De ln plain envelopes marked "Tender for the purchase of E. % Lot 5, Con. 3, Townehip Darlingtan. County Durham". Addrees tenders and eoquinles ta: The Soldier Settîsment Board of Canada C. M. Nixon. District Superintendent. Dated et Taronte, Ontario. thie 25th day ef January, 1928. 6-2 BOWMANVILLE FIRM LOCATES FACTORY IN OSHAWA Peter Martin & Sono to Manufacture Suparior Windows-Wil? Continue Manufacture Imitation Stone, etc. Superior Window Contracting Company witb wbich bas been incor- porated the Peter Martin & Sons Limited, jBowmanville, bas loeated permanently in Oshawa. This new company la in reality an extension of Peter Martin & Sons of Bowmnanville, but this firm has purchased the sole rigbts of the manufacture and sale of the new "Superior Window" just recently released by the inventera in Toronto for the counities of Durham and Ontario over a period of 16 years. Thomas Martin, one of the new directors of the cornpany which bas its factory and offices on the Ritson Road on the property of A. F. Me- Cullougb, Oshawa, states that the equipment and operations of the firm are of the latest type and that orders for the new window alone are guaranteed at not less than 20,000 for a period of ten montha. Describing the window itself, Mr. Martin explained that it waa burg- lar proof. That is, however, as far as the sash was concerned, and that the window mnay be opened and still be locked to sucb an extent that it could not be opened from the outside. He also made a point of saying that the saab was weatberproof in the ex- treme and that the new reversible process made cleaning tbe window a very simple matter. The metal weatber stripping used in it.s con- struction was a decided asset to the elimination with rattles. Praper ventilation by means this window is assured. Jt bas been tali- en up witb authorities an the inatter and found that saf e and healthful conditions are established by the adoption of a window wbicb utilizes these new details. The new factory and offices in Oshawa are ta bcesetablisbed at an apprexirnate cast of $30,000 and ho- sides the manufacturing of windows, the firm will turn out imitation atone work, lawn vases, bird bath.s, and the like. On the wbole, the Com- pany will carry on a mucb more ex- tensive business, and wil.l ceuse mak- ing amaller items wbicb tbey had hitherto been manufacturing in Bow- manville. For the present tbe Peter Martin Company will continue their operations in Bowmanville, as well as Oshawa. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laird of Maple Grove, wish to tbank ahl the friends and neighbors of the cam- rnunity for their kindness and sym- patby on the occasion of the death of their beloved daugliter Eisie. Ladies Do the Shopping SQ THIS MESSAGE IS FOR THEM Every week we offer suggestions in our advt. wbich will flot only appeal to your good tante but in many cases is réal economy. A fresh lot of Crown Brand Corn Syrup was unpaeked Monday. It's in 2, 5, 10, 201h. palse. Goes mighty good on pancakes and lots of other things mother makes. Serve DeLux Jelliez to brighten up the menu and sharpen the appetites. 5 pkgs. for 25c. Macaroni and Cheese makes a mighty nice dish for sup- per. We have ready-cut Macaroni-S lbn. for 25c. Tasty Cheese, too. Robin Hood Oats certainly make nourishing porridge: Plain package 30c; with chinaware preniium 40c. Aylmer Pork & Beans served plain or smothered on toast is a very popular dish in many homes. Large tins 2 for 35t; medium tins 3 for 35c. Last but flot least-Try a pound of our special blend cf Coffee, rich and mellow and 80 satiafying-65e lb. Cut Fîowers and Plants for St. Valentino Day HARRY ALLIN, Oroce PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE Radio Business Good SOLD SIX SETS RECENTLY This Expiains Why-4By special arrangements with the. Fada Radio Co. they have allotted me a limited number of sets which originally sold stripped at $150, wbich I amn in.talling with speaker, inlaid cabinet, batteries, everything complete, aul ready to operate for a cash price of only $110. Act quickly as this offer may be cancelled any time. 4-TUBE RADIO SET COMPLETE-50 Just the one set, ail complet., good working order, a reai bargain for some one-$50.00.' RADIO ACCESSORIES-RECHARGE BATTERES-FADA AND WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS-SL4TES SHARpENED -BICYCLES REPAIRED Batteries CalIed For and Delivered 1 amn now devoting ail my titu. to my own shop- O0p.n ail day and haîf the niglit. HARRY.C. ALUIN Phonos: Shop 337; Hou.. 575. King St. W. Bownîanvinh Special Course in Poultry TO BE HELD IN Council Room, Town Hall BOWMANVILLE ON February 2lst, 22nd and 23rd. Mr. T. A. Benson of the Poultry Division, Dominion Deépt. of Agriculture, and Mr. F. W. Clark, Poultry Judge, Cainsville, wifl bcethe principal speakers. Full discussion on Breeds, Houslng adRearing of Chiekens and Poultry; Judging, Culling, ifn an aktno hces Incubation, Fe:ds and Feedfiagand discuussed. We want every interested poultryman and farmer in the County of Durhamn to attend and join ini the discussion. Couru. begins Tuesday rnorning at 10 o'clock. J. Y. KELLOUGH Agricultural Representative, Durham County. / "si *1 I i I 1 1 PAGE VEM