£HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, F'EBRUARY 9th., 1928 PAGE FIVI Congratulations to Thomas Perey who eelebrated bis 69th blrthday on Saturday, February 4th. Mr. and Mme. Harley Percy and daugter mot- ored down from Toronto to celebrate the event with bis father. Tii. meeting of the White Shield Club on Tueaday, February 14, 1928, will b. beld in St. Paul's Lecture Room will be a Valentine Party, so don't forget your valentine for the. box. All who possiboly can, come in in costume. Party to be held at the. *ême of Mrs. F. Clark, Lberty St., will be the. following week. On eading reports o! Maple Grove Sunday Sciiool at the. Congregational meeting lait Fiday evening, we arn pleased and proud to note that nine have been present every Sunday o! the. tbirty-eigbt of the. last nine montbs. They are: Mr, H. G. Free- man, the Supeintendent; Mr. C. H. Snowden, Bibls& lass teacher; Clif- ford Swallow, Secretary; Clarence Bell, Ass't. Librarian; Lyra, Thelma and May Freeman, Marion Snowden and lys Foley. Tii. average at- tendance was 89, ten above lait year. EXTRA SPECIAL) Altbough it is said we have one of the best equipped Optical Rooms between Toronto and Montreal, we are testing out a new instrument that is said to give resuits flot hitherto possible. We have engaged Dr. W. E. Fannon, one of the ]eading Optical College Professors in Canada to corne and denionstrate this instrument from Thurs. Feb. 9th to Sat. Feb. 11lth. Dr. Fannon will examine every case personally and tell you frankly if you DO NOT need glasses. If you require glagss we will supply thema at a very reas- onable price, as we have our own grinding and fitting plant and every pair will be fully guaranteed by us. We want about 100 cases covering ail kinds of obscure and complicated defects and there will be no charge whatever. for I Prof. .:nnon's service and advice. CONSULTATION FREE JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly BIRTHDAY SALE CONTINUED Cattie May Be' Scarce But We Are Stili Able To Give Our Customers The Best Beef Don't think because cattie are s9carce we are unable to supply our customners with the best meats. That's where our long and practical experience proves very valuable to citizens who patronize our shop. Just to give you an idea of how well we are prepared to. fil your meat orders for the next few weeks we give a list of the well known breeders who will supply us with young cattie, not one be- ing over three years old. They are: 18 steers from F. W. .Bowen, M. P.; 12 heifers and steers fromn Carl Billings; 5 from M. J. Elliott; 4 from Arthur Welsh; 5 from John Allun; 6 from W. H. Gibson; 2 from Eber Crago; 1 from Geo. Lane. This list is self evident that your wants will be well Iooked after at the Old Reliable Purvey- ors. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowinanville Phone 64 What Is A Home? HOME-bas ever been the. snbject nearest Man's heart. It is the kingdom that holda uocieti together. A-1l that la finet in life ia centered there. There the future of the nation la decided. Mdany have tried to find an answer to the question "What is Home?" Bere are some of the answers selected from various sources: HOME-A world of trife shut out, a world of love shut in." HOME-"Tbe place where the smali are great, and the great are amal." HOME-"ýThe father's kingdom, the mother'a home, and the, children's paradis." KOME-"Tbe place where we grumble mont, and are treated the. bet." HOME-"Tbe conter cf our affection, round which our heart's best wishes twine." HOME-"The place where our tomachs get three square meals daily and our heart's a thousand." HOME-"'Tbe only place on earth where the faulta and failings o! humanity are hidden under the nweet niantîs of charity." HOME-la very much wbat you make it. Good furnili helps wonder!ully in making your home attractive,a gives lating satisfaction to svery member cf yc household. Seo us when in need o! good furniture Moderato Pice.. F. F. Morris Cc Home Furnlishers and Funeral Service Bowmanville ATTEND POULTRY COURSE Bownianville ia te bee !avoured February 2lst to 23rd with a poultry course put on by the. Dept o! Agri- culture o! the Federal and Provin- cial Government. This short courses wlll b.e interesting and instructive te every poultryinan in the community wiiether h. be a prof eselonal or an amateur. Tii. several phases o! poultry-raieing will be teated in a practical way and full discussion on eacii subject will be invited. It la an oppotunity for those intereeted in this profitable phase o! agricult- ure. It le hoped that a large num- ber will avail tiiemeelves o! tuis op- potunity and attend. TRINITY W. M. S. Tii. meeting of Tinity Chumch W. M. S. was iicld on Tuesday in the. S. S. oom witb Mme. Robins, presid- ing. The. attendance wae vemy large, numbeing about ninety-three. Tii. meeting opened witb a bymn and fol- lowed by prayer. The business was thon discussed. Mme. Slemon's goup, in charge of the program, took over the. devotional part of the meeting wiiicb was very inepiring and uplifting. Master Keitii Slemon and little Frances Rowe sang togetiier 'Jesus loves me tuis I Knew". Mme. C. A. Wighit and Mme. W. H. Argue aiso sang a duet "Wiiat is tby ill for Me", which was much appreciat- ed. Tii. reporte o! the Pesbytemial meeting wbich was beld in Port Hope weme read, Miss Peters reporting the. morning and afternoon sessions and Mme. J. E. Elliott the. evening session. These reports represented a great deal of time in peparing thernibt were well wortb while and much en-, joyed. Tii. meeting closed with the first verse o! "Take my 111e and let it Be", followed by the. benediction. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Tii. great transcontinental race isl on, the. starting gun was fired Mon- day nigiit at 8 p. m. and the racing car of eacii department was off in a oar o! engines tuned up for the bard grind ahead te Vancouver. Tii. pro- grami was in charge o! the Fellow- siiip Department and tiiey sped well into the lead wiien their speedomet- or at the close o! the program show- ed a mileage o! 605 miles. Tii. other departmnents were well bunched witb attendance mileage only, but they eacii have a chance te catch thie pace maker out in front, witii a pro- gram before it can start another big spurt. Tii. attendance was large on Mon-' day evening deepite sevemal counter attractions and the. interest very keen. The progmamn under the sup- ervision of Mies Haynes had to do with the. study o! the. place e! pleas- ure in life. Rev. J. U. Robins led tii. discussion witii a very practical and belpful talk stesing that al pleasure ehould be beneficial and that aIl our faculties ehould b.e timulated by it. Miss Armstrong gave a piano solo and the Misses Orchard and Kirkton took part in the. wemehip per- iod. Next Monday nigiit the. Mis- sionary Department are detemmined to ovenbaul the. leading Fellowship Department. The Young People are aîl welcome and these meetings are especially for them. HAMPTON Sehool report for Januamy. Names in order o! menit: IV-Florence Burns ,H, Ernest Hemn H, Fred Holwell. Sr. III- Elsie Moore H, Memwin Cryderman, Helen Knox, Elias Geenaway, El-1 wood Siiackelton, Ted Johns. Jr. III -Gordon Phîllips H, Austin Bar- men H, Jackson Wray H, Bloyd WiI- cox H, Jean Stainton B, Violet Pet- ley, Nelson Robbins. Sm. 11-John Virtue, Hary Wintemburn, Harold Martyn and Anna Wallace equal, Annie Stainton, Bruce Clarke, Pearl Cennaghan, Mandy Connaghan. Jr. II-Flossie Connagban, Katie Jones, Doris Crydemman. I-Betty Knox, Eva Johns, Jimmie Adanison, Muriel Scott, Thelma Robbine, Vera Martyn, Bemnice Rogers, Lena Novick, John Novick. Sm. Pr.-Walter Bolwell, Jack Cowling, Ruby Colwill, Ruth Colwill, Jemold Clarke, Isobel Rogers, Jack Jones. A-Gladys Chapmnan, Wanda Clarke. B-Nellie Armour. F. J. Great, I. Campbell, teachers. Mr. and Mme. Charles L. Mackey o! Bmeoklin, announce the engage- ment o! their second daughtem, Verna Rowena, to Samuel Nelson Griffen, son o! Mm. and the. late Mms. E. W. Griffen o! Toronto, the marriage te take place in February. Notice to Creditors1 urs InTh Surrogate Court of the United and Cou tet ofNorthumberland and Durham, 'our IN THE ESTATE 0F: Bessie Curtis, s at late et the Town of Bowmanville4 ln thî County of Durham, Spinster, deceaaed NOTICE 18 REREBY GIVEN that al! prions baving dlaims againut Bgasit Curtin, iste et the Town ot Bowmanville ln the Couny of Durham, spinster, de. coased wbo died en or &bout the levonti ot Noeomber A. D. 192q, are required t( mail or dliver tbe anie with tull par. ) iculars verifled by StatutorY Dolara teo t the undersigned on or beafore tbi twenty-fifth Say ot Febuary, atter whIcl date the Admnistrator wl istributg theasets et the Estate baving resar MnY te tbe daims thon led. Ont. Daed t BwmanvilleIis Ih da] W. P. WARD, a A Solicitoir fom the Admnl@tratom, ïiowmsa vile. Ont. SPEED SKATING MEET Postponed to Monday, Fehruary 2Oth To avoid conflicting with date, of the, play "Malte It Snappy", the. speed skating meet at Bowmanville bas been changed to Monday, Febru- ary 2th. Watch for full particu- lare next week. SALEM Mr. T. H. Lockhart gave a very impressive addresa front or pulpit on Sunday last, his subject being 'iBelief", taken from the text "If thou wouldest believe, thon wouldest see the glory o! God". The. sermon bought eut very clearly the. differ- ence between the world'e maxim, "eeeing le believing", and the teach- ings of Jesus, "beliving is eeeing". Mr. Lockhart's earnest pesonality lends much impressiveness te hie r.- marks. At three o'clock the hour set apart in Canada for memorial services te tth. late Earl Haig, Mr. Lockhart requested that we psy our tribut. te bis memory and accomding- Iy the congregation rose and sang the. hymn ueed nt the buial service, and remained' standing for short silent prayer...The Y. P. L. meeting, under the leadership of let Vice, Mr. Lawrence Squair, had an attendance of 35, and a splendid programt wae listened te with muich interest. Dcn't forget the. Valentine Social next Tuesday evening, those in charge are endeavoring to give yen a good time, botii in the. matter o! program and luncheon. Furtiier an- nouncement front the pulpit on Sun- day nex...... Glad te report Mre. F. Honey recovering after being indis- posed with a cold ...The home o! Mr. and Mms. Geo. Cornisii was the, scene of a jolly event on Friday even- ing last wiien about 50 of their friende and neighboms paid them a surprise visit. Being graciously given the freedom of the. bouse, the party spent an enjoyable evening. in euchre and other gamtes, after whicb amucb enjoyed luncheon was served by the ladies. Ail joined in tender- ing the host and bostess a hearty vote o! thanks, and returned home !ully convinced that thie evening bad been the best yet..Mr. William Cator, Oshawa, visited hie parents ber. on Sunday and motored tbem with hie brother John and sister Beatrice, to Newcastle where they visited Mr. Win. Parnell, who recently suffered a serious accident by !alling 'while putting up electric lights at the Cern- munity Hall skating rink. Big 2-days' Sale of Dry Go ode and wearing apparel this week at Couch, SJohnston & Crydernian's. 6-3 Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington, for montb of January. Honore 75%; Pase 60%: Sr. IV-Helen McDonald 72, Leslie Welsii 70. Jr. IV-Marian Honey 75, Doris Colla- cott 70. Sr. III-Edgar Cator 52, Bert roster, absent, Lorne Foster, absent. Jr. III-Beatrice Cator 69, Audrey Cowling 69, Henry Fran- cis 67. Sr. II-Marie Collacott 76. lJr. Il-Lela Welsh 79, Willie Darch 75, Viola Francis 51, John Foster, absent. (Jr. Pr. te Mr. I-Naines in order of menit.) Sr. I--Charlie Foster, Harley Cowling. Jr. Isobel Brown, Beryl Th6mpson, Bert Francis. Jr. Pr.-Margaret Irwin, Oscar Cenlin. Laurence Sav.ry, teacher. Loat or Found LOST-Baby's white rubbem, lest on King St. on Tuesday. inder place leave at Statesman Office. LOST-A toboggan (tiger) was taken trorm Higb Scbool bill on Friday, Febru- amy 3. Please lbave with Mr. H .Moyse. Higb School, BowmanviUe. 6-tf FOUND-In Bowmanville, on Sunday, Januamy 22. 1928, a lady'e gold brooch. Ownem may have same by proving Pro- pety and paying expenses. Apply to Stateeman Office, Bowmanville. 5-8 This Week AT Mitclil's Drug Store Wonderful Bargains Rn SOAP Old Colony Bath Tablet Tofiet Soap, Regular 15e cakes, ON SALE 3 FOR 25c Large Cakes Pure Castile Sc EACH OR 6 CAKES FOR 2&e 's Phone 92-Nights 1 280 andi Suadaysi Local Real Estate, îë Insurance or Sales Agent wantod to reprosent us locaily. ýh 1"uUy guaranteed Issues. Write for 10 -Information and Booklet. 16 No obligation. Lh te ,d UARDIAN FINANCE CORPORATION L.TD., Royal Bankt building, Toronto.. Births, Marrilages and Deathe are charged for at the following rates: Birtha 60c; MarriageasOc; Deaths 50c; Memorial' Carda 60e 10c per line extra for poeme. BIRTHS RHINES-At Bowmanville Hospital, on January 21, 1928, te Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rhinea, a daughter. (Shirley Marie). MARRIAGES CROZI ER-OREW-On January 28, 1928, at Bowling Green, Ohio, Marie Vietta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Drew, Elgin St., Bowmanville, and Willia.m Francis, only son of Mr. and Mms. James Crozier, Detroit, Mich. DEATHS MANNING-In Bowmanville, on Feb- ruary 7, 1928, John G Manning, aged 73I years. Funeral froin the family residence, Concession St., on Thuraday, February th at 2 p. m. WILLIAMSON-On Tuesday, February 7, 1928, Anfle Jane Wiliiamson. late of Franklin Ave.. Toront.o, in ber 90th year. Funerai from the residence of her daugh.er, Mrs. R. Cain, 478 Symington Ave., on Thursday to Mount Pisasant Cemetery. HILL-In Bowmianville, on Friday, February 3, 1928, Katherine M. Po,ter, beloved wife of Herbert Hill, aged 22 years. PAGE-In Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, February 4th. 1928 Eva Beatrice Cord- en, beloved wlf e ol Harry Page, aged 25 years. LAIRD-.At Oshawa, on February 2nd, 1928, Elsie, eldeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laird, Maple Grove, Dar- lington, aged 26 years. ARMSTRONG-At Ayr, Ontario' on Sunday, January 26, 1928, Bargara Wat- son, beioved wife of Robert S. Am- strong, In ber 70th year. WIODEN-In Port Perry, January 26, 1928, Mrs. Widden, beloved wife of Mr. T. J. Widden, and daughter of the iate Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffery, Prince Abert. HEDOON-In East Whitby, on Mon- day, February 6, 1928, Frederick J. Hed- don, beloved husband of Elsie Orchard, In hie 53rd years. Interment In Bow- manville Cemetery. TRiCKEY-Suddenly at 1 RIverdale Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, February 4, 1928, Warren W. Trickey, beloved bus- band of Elizabeth >Trickey, In hie 80th year, formerly of Newcaatle. WESTINGTON---At Camborne, Hamil- ton township, on Saurday, February 4, 1928, Ann Jane McCleliand. beloved wife of Theophilus P. Westingten, In ber 61et year. lnterred at Welconie. TIL.LEY-On Feb)ruary 6, 1928 at the residence of hie brother-in-'law, br. Wal- lace Scott, 427 Sherbourne St., Toronto Herbert Rolph Tiiley, beloved husbando Loisa Renan TUlley. Son of Mrs. W. E. Tliey, and twin brother of Dr. A. S. Tilley, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM OSTERTOG-Memories loving tribute to my dear mother, Mrs. J. Ostertog, who died February S. 1915. r.CT.Rs In lovng rnemory of our dear father, Mr. Samuel H-earl, who died F'ebruary 7, 1927. In our lonely hours cf thinkIng, Tboughta of you are always near, We wbe loved you, sadly misa You As it dawns another year. How cftton be cornes before us, HMe dear face fond and true, For death can never take away Sweet meniories. dear father, cf you. Sadly Miseed by Daughters and Bons Articles For Sale COW FOR SALE-A Jersey Springr, 3 years old, $126.00. E. S. Roblin, New- castle. 6-1w* HAY FOR SALE-A quantity. cf hay for sale. Applr P. ), Bo0x,406, B- manville. 8-3w* PIGS FOR SALE -- pige, 7 weeks old, Tamworths. Appiy te Roy VanOamp, phone 183r2, Bowmanville. 6-1w WOOD FOR SALE-Cut dry wood for sale, stove length, $4 for box load, and 16 for stock rack. Delivered. N. P. 01- sen, phone 181-S. 6-tf INCUBATOR FOR SALE-240 asie Buckeye, tiret clasa condition, ne further use for marne. Great bargain. Alan Camnpbell, phone 279 or 32. Bowmanvllle. 6-t FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a flrat clasa Instrument. Can be seen on en- quiry at Statesman Office. Haa been weli taken cars of. In good condition. 29-tf, Hlous«s to Rent HOUSE FOR RENTr-"Hopeland", Queen Street, Bowmanville. Modem con- veniences. possession March 6th. Appîr to H. Gale, Coîborne, Ont. 6-tf Ws.nted MORSES WANTED-Any kind. Apply to C. R. Dean. Bowmanvilie, phone 559. 45-tf WAN1'ED-A married man for faim work. Apply to Clarence Woodley, R. R. 1, Tyrone. phono 320-6. 5-tf WANTEO-Horse, chAap, iuitable for delivemy. Write particulars, H. J. Davis, General Dlivery, BowmanvIlle. 6-1w5 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-200 acres, lot In the 7th Concession, East Whitby, 25 acrés jf beach and maple; 50 acres ploughed: hank barn 90 foot long; cernent silo 14 x 35; comfortahle dwelling bouse: bard and Rntt water; creek running îthmougb puro- New 6roomtwo torey brick vesser bouse. modern conveniences. Ove minutes walk froni 0P1ont ie. Fric. $3500. New 6 room brick veneer (witb pebble &ah finish) hous, modern conveienceu, 4 blocks trom Pont Monfc. Fie.14M0. Alo everal other proportion tu town. Aplply te Mise. I. V. Elcobeil, Inaurane. and RéalIfttate Ageat. Bowriavtll. 4.81 You'11 Like It Better BECAUSE IT'S HOME-COOKED This week we are featuring a variety of Home-Cooked Meats that we know our customers will thoroughly enjoy. It will be something different on the menu- and that's just what the cook likes to serve as a surprise occasionally. Another thing you will find the prices s0 reas- onable that it's real economy to serve our Home- Cooked Meats. Also try a pound of Home-Rendered Lard. Phone 518-We Deliver Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phono 518..Bowmanville HARD TO BEAT THIS BIG DJSPLAY 0F PURE ALUMINUM You are invited to visit our store and see the large and attractive display of Pure Aluminum Ware-a dish or pan for every need-not expen- sive, either. BRASSWARE ON EXHIBITION You will also be interested in the new and unique dîsplay of Brassware which lias just been opened-the very newest. Odd piece to give tone and quality to any home. No-Buoki. T.am 1% Inch Harnesa, Britohing and Bock Pade, complot@, w1thout collars, $74.50, Going At $64.5W. MASON & DALE Phone 146 Popular Hardware 'Store Bowmanville LAST CALL! Final Clearance Sale of Men's Overcoats and Suit& Here's your last chance to buy a fine quality over- coat at a tremendous price reduction. We do not want to carry these overcoats over to another season-therefore i order to move theni quickly we are price-slashing theni to such -an extent that even if you do not need an overcoat it will pay you to buy one now and hold it over yourself until next season. Many of the overcoats included in this sale have been cut to half their original price. 15 Men's Overcoats at Haîf Price These are Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy Grey and Brown Mixtures, broken sizes in the lot. This lime clearing at exactly Haif Price, as follows: Reg. $22.50 For $11.25 Reg. $27.50 For $13.75 Reg. $25-00 For $12.50 Reg. $30.00 For $15.OO Men's Navy Blue Over coats and all aLlier Fancy Tweed and Wor sted Coats in the store as follows: Reg. $20.00, $22.50 and Reg. $30.00 For $19.75 $25.QO For $14.95 Reg. $32.50 For $21.95 Reg. $28.50 For $18.45 Reg. $35.00 For $24.73 Reg. $27.50 For $17-45 Reg. $37.50 For $26.50 Lot 1 Men'& Suite In Fancy Tweeds and, Wor- steda, in shades o! Brown Mixtures, Grey Mixtures, Stripes and Small Checks, sing- le -and double breasted, Regu- lar values up te $22.50, your choice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $15.95 Lot 3 Men'& and Young Mon'. Suite This lot contains our very beat suita, in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, alzo plain Greyu in ataple and !ancy modela for men and young mes. The shades are Fawn, Lovat, Grey and and Brown Mixtures and ln this lot you will find aur $30.00, $82,60, $35 and $37.50 range o! suitaie, Tour Choie. OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $,24.95 EACH Lot 2 Men's Suits Fancy Tweeds, Fancy Worst.âs, made o! exceptional fabries lu the very new modela, and ail the. wanted shadea, smartly tail- ored and values ranging te $28.50, Your Choie OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $18.50 EACH Lot 4 Mon'. and Young Mon'. Navy Blue Suit. Heavy quality Serges insthe popular diamond weave pat- terna, also Herring Bons offets, modela, W. are grouping aB single and double 'breauW. values Up te $29.50 at OUR JANUART S3ALE PRICE $19.78 EACH T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Baak of Montroal Phono 61 Bowinanvill. 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIUM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th., 1928 PAGE PIVI