h v va. yIA. £1Z. J£IlDlbae3 IX.NbJVl, r uuistieis. With Which Is Incorporated The Bowrmnvile News Vol. LXYTU M A -TA UP'c 2. C 9 , O >1hlitla D itir A'TT , r. .1---&T -----à ttfl an n DUVVIVIAINILLI$2.00 a iYe'l In RAd)AYce 15PaTCAOV ia un7 CHURCH HOCKEY LEAGUE Owing ta uncertainty ai O. H. A. games the Church Hockey League has been unable to draw up a definite schedule. However, three games were played at Taylor's Arena, Monday nîght with these resulta: Trinity 6- St. John's 0; St. Andrews 6-Two T'a 0; St. Paiils 15-Baya' Training Schooi 2. Rotary Club Trophy whieh was won by St. Pauls teain last year is now on exhibition in R. M. Mitchell & Co's window. Providing there is nao0. H. A. gaine here Friday night three gainesi will be played starting at '7 p. m.1 Encourage the lads by your attend-ý ance-for this is how O. H. A. mat- erial is develaped. Adulte 5; chlldren 10c.1 FANCY DRESS CARNI VAL WilI be held under auspices of the HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. TAYLOR'S RINK, BWATVLL Prises WaiI Be Cayeu Fer: Best Dressed Lady-lst and 2nd Best Dressed Gent-lst and 2nd Best Coniic Gent-lst and 2nd Best Dressed Girl, 12 ta 16 years-lst and 2n.d Best Dressed Boy, 12 ta 16 years-lst and 2nd Best Garnie Girl, 12 to 16 years Best Comie Boy, 12 to 16 years Beat Dressed Girl, 9 to 12 years Best Dressed Boy, 9 ta 12 years Best Dressed Girl Under 9 years Best Dressed Boy under 9 years Best Dressed Couple, Lady and Gent SpiaL-Musical Keg Race-Prize for winner. (Boys under 16 years of age.) Only those in costume allowed an ice before 9 o'clock. Watch for hand bills. Admission-Adults 25c; School Children 15c BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission 25c Il'. Fi*rst Glimpse of- Spring New Dresses Decidedly Attractive Is being shown in Milady's Wardrobe in the delightful new colorings, varied and decidedly interesting styles in the New Dresses which arrived at our store this week. The styles are numerous with solid colors or in combinations with ornaments added for the finishing touch. Big Savings in Cold Weather Goods Ail Ladies' Coats At Half Price. Ail Wool Blankets, Reg. $10.00 For $8.00; Reg. $11.50 For $9.50. Boys' Union Blackc Hose., suitable for early spring wear, al izes, 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 Ladies' Jaegar Hose, Regular $1.50 for ..........................$1.0 Lstdies' Jaegar Hose, Regular $1.75 for ..........................$125 Silk and Wool Hose, Regular 75c for .............................50C Somne unes of hose, Regular $1.00 for .............................50C Albo great Bargains in Remnants of Dres, Goods White Quiîts, Regular $3.50 for ................................$2.50 White Quits, Regular $4.00 for ................................... $3.00 A lot of lovely Linen Table Cloths frum 2 to 3 yaM:s, at Regular Wholesale Prices. Mensa and Boys' Overcoats, 25% Off Regular Prices Large Size Knicker Suits for Boys at Half Price $10.()o for $5.00 Couch,Jihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104Lmte j ILLUSTRÀTED Travelogue See the Canadian Rackies,1 Angeles, Pasadena, Catalir Sait Lake City with Mr. W. O' Boyel, Mr. and i W. H. Carruthers as Guides Choice musical program i spersed. ST. PAUL'S LECTURE ROOI FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH at 8 P. iM ni Los na, PrieuL ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE VISIT WHITBY A. Y. P. A B BowmanviJe and Oshawa Youn aPeople's Associations were guesta DWhitby A.Y.P.A. Manday night. A runusually large number attended an ilive pragrain preceded dancing ani mconteste and a fine lunch. Aiter saine remarks by Rev. T. C A. Wright, rector ai Whitby Angi can Church, the chair was taken b. Mrs. F. Erskine. Program consist ed of piano solo by Miss Josephin4 Thomas, sangs by W. H. Keel,à quartette by Mr. Collins, Miss Col lins, Mrs. Erakine and Mr. Agg,à solo by Miss Sproule, reading by Misi J. Thomas, sangs by Sidney Erekine Rev. R. J. Shires mnade a few reniarki and thanked the Whitby organizatior for their invitation. Miss D. Ag gave a vocal numrber and L. Haine Cooke a reading. Reg. Hardin@ delighted all.as usual with a reading and sang. Pianists were Miss J. Thomas and Mrs. J. Guna. COMING EVENTS Reserve Thursday and Friday, March l5th and l6th, for the Higi School Shakespeareen play "Twelfth Night". 'Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold next meeting on Thursday aiternoon, Feb. 23rd, in the S. 0. E. Hall. Note change ai day. Bring your oldest 'photo and corne in cos- turne. Prograin in charge af Group 6. A sale ai honxp--made cooking, candy, -and aiternoon tes wiil be heid in the S. 0. E. Hall an Saturday, FebruLary l8th at 3 p. mn., under auspices ai two or three groupe of the Women's Institute. Proceeda are for a worthy cause. 5-3w The inter-schaol debate will take place at Oshawa on Monday, March 5th. Bownianville High Sehool de- baters are Miss Marion Rickard and Mfr. Ted Mason. Oshawa debaters are Jean Merritt and Geo. Campbell. Subject: "Resolved that Canada should adopt a quota system ofaImi- nigration upon non-British Europ- eans." 'ji ing meet at Taylor's Arena Bowman- ville, Monday, February 2Oth. Last year's meet gave the people just a ste o what speed skating really i;tefastest, cleanest and niost graceful ai aIl sports. Týhase wha have been fallowing i the resuits ai all the big meets thisi year nat anly in Toronto but at Chi- rago, Lake Placid, Pittsburf, Bost.în and Detroit, will notice tlîat the skat- ers comning ta Bowmanville this year are easily the outstanding performers ai the season and the skcaters who have carvîed aif the lion's share af the prizes at aIl the important meets this year. A revxew of the skaters Who wii ap- pear in Bowmnanviile Monday niglit may prove interes.ing; Lela Brooks, Cham- pionl of the Worid and holder of six worlds records; Geraldine Mackie Nation- ail Champion of Canada, under 18 years; hial)Id McCuilough Ontario and City C hampion; Jacqueline Belanger. National Champion of Canada, under 14 years; * ijitie Donaldson. Clas"B" Champion of Toronto; Roy Pendrai, Ontario Indoar Champion; Fred Brooks, National Cham- piion of Canada, 440 yds; Art Flack, On- tario Indoor Ciass "B" Champion, alsa Champion Barrel Jumper; Jimmy Good Ontario Outdoor Champion, under 1 years, Orel Duffy. National Champion of Canada, under 10 years; Doug. McQuar- rie, winner Star Silver Skaes Derby; I.Vilf. Flack, Albert Waiters and Herb. Flaack.« The classiest littie skater on the entire group o! fourteen listed above leJaue Uine Belanger. Here la a ekater Who combines ail the strength of Lela Brooks with the delighfuI gracefulness of Gladys Robinson. What a caobination; Watch this lîttie girl; she will some day be the greateat cnampon the world han ever known. A good program will be presented by the Toronto skaters including I3arrel Jumping by Art Flack; race agains*: fouri 0. H. A. players ln relaya o! ane-quarter mile each by Lela Brooks Who will skate the entire distance o! one mile; matched race by Roy Pendrel, Frred Brooks, Art Flack and Daug. MoQuarrie. Jacqueline Belanger will raes juat anyone at ail Who is willing to, meet her. Several novelty numbers and other raes vili be presented by the memrbers of the group. Local Events Pragram for local akaters is.practically the samne as last year. One event has been added. That ls the most graceful skating comrpetition for ladies and gents skating In couples. This competition bas been added for some Who are really fine skaters, but Who may nat wish ta enter the speed races. AIl conteétants will skate lu couples together at the start and will gradunlly ho elimlnated by the Judgee until 'he last cauple ta reniain will ha the winners. Dunn Racina Tube Skates au Prises Dunn Skate Co. of Toronto hais donatted six pairs o! tapered raoing tubesasa prizs in somae a! the events. Theue skates are valued et 18.00 per pair and will he, given as tiret prise in tiiese evente: 880 yards for boys under 18; 4 yds. open; 880 yds. open; 1 mile open. ladies 220 yds. open, and ladie 440 yds. open. Those who wish te enter any eventg are remiinded tl'at entri,88 Close Matur- day, February 1Sth. lCntry foime May b. obtained et Taylor's Areri& or froin J. E.ý Cunningham, PbYSlC$l Direotoe., Boys»'TrolingeSohool, Bownmufvile. Mr. Alex, Laekhart, Toronto, spent the weeknd with bhis brother, Mn. T. 11. Lockhart. Miss Maud Barner, Toronto, le now a visiter at the Lonkharte. Mn. Morley Cawker wbo bas beea enjoying a visit with bis parente, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker and other relatives here, bas returned ta bis home in Medicifte Hat, Alta. froinCarmen.--Mise &c-ntyre lo assisted at the piano. Despite the weater there was a very good at- tendance. The guesta were recelved by the committee wich consisted ai Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Sires and Ms. Campbell. On bth occasionz re- reshients were served, the table. being presided over by Mrs. D. Beitli Mrs. R. M. Cale and Mrs. J. W. Alex-' ander, assisted by other ladies af the. Guild. Glove Found. Enquire at States- APAY YOUR TAXES NOW Save 5 Per Cent Per Annum In arder that Taxpayers of 1.wmanville may know that a very material reduction in taxes is available, in any year, by paying yaur taxes in advance, By-Law No. 1150 is published herewith: BY-LAW NO. 1150 A By-Law of the Municipal Cauncil of the Town af Bow- maiv'ille autharizing the Treasurer or Coliector ta receive in any year payments an account af Taxes for that year in advance of the day fixed by By-Law for the peyment ai taxes. The Municipal Counceil of the Town ai-Bowxnanvîlle hereby enacts under the authority af the Assessment Amendgnent Act Sec. 9, Sub Section 3A, 1926, that the Treasurer or Collector are hereby autharized to receive in any year payrnents on account of the taxes for that year in advance of the day that may be flxed by By-Law for the payment ai any instalment ai such taxes and ta allow a discount off any taxes s0 paid in advance at a rate flot exceeding five per cent per annum, fltwthtandig that the taxes for such year have not been levied or that the Assesarnent RaIl an which said Taxes are ta be fixed and ievied lha& fot beem adopted by the Council when any such advance payment la made. Passed this 4th day ai April, 1927. JOUR LYLE, T. 3. HOLGATE, Clork. Mayor,. Full particulars may be had hy applying ta, Town Tree.uree or Collectai ai Taxes. Royal Thèatre Bowmanville's Home of Entertaining Attractions PHONE 589 Friday-Saturday, February 17-18 Ken Maynard In "The Devil'a Saddle"# A drarna that combines aîl the hardahipe and struggles ai the early West with the tendernesa ai father love. A different kind ai autdoor drama witb the ecreen's greateet Western star. An historice tary ai Indian days told with ail the daring rid- ing, hard fighting and tender roinancing. Matinee Saturday aiternoon at 2.30 p. mn. Children 5e. Chapter 5 of "The Silent Flyer" and regulan program Monday-Tuesday, February 20-21 Marion Davies In 'Quality Street" Make a date ta meet on Quality Street. You can't go wrong. It's the way ta perfect picture entertaininent. It's Marion Davies fineet film-a coin- edy of unending delighta, a ro- mance ai love and war. It's the sereen version ai Barrie's mast charming masterpiece. Paramount news and a good comedy attraction Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 22-23 -Sally O'Neill In "Becky" Oaly a shop girl. And then fate wbirled her along a dizzy path ta footlight fame. Ya.u'll roar at ber inisadventures, you'll suif e with Becky when lave plays ber a seurvy trick, and you'll feel genuinely glad when romance comne ber way at last. Also Larry Kent and Jean Arthur in chapter 3 ai aur new serial attraction Ilhe Masked Menace" Coniing Greater Movie Semas. Attractions February 24-25 Junior Coghlan In 'Let'ar Go Gallaglier" February 27-28 Colleen Maore In Feb~ru" 29 and Marck 1 ,etta Goudal In "The Foriddez Womaa" Marck 2-3 Daroevil'a Reward-Tons Mlx SÛRl continulng aur palicy ai Greater Attractions st Popular d 1% MINISTERS AND CHURCHES iORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR LOCAL AND OTHERWISE A. St. Joseph'e R. C. Church, Sunday Chapter Instituted at BowmanviIle Mr. Earl Foster, Oshawa, spent 1service. Mass at 10.30 a. nm. P. P. the weekend at Mr. G. C. Poster'. ofBte.pastor. Durham Chapter No. 181, ai the Miss Emma Alcumbrack, New Ln St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Order ai the Eastern Star was in- Toronto, spent the weekend with d Beat, D.D., Minister. il a. m.- stituted in Bawnianville, Saturday, Mr. and Mms. P. E. Greenfield. A "Evolution and Religion". 7 p. in.IFebruary llth., by Mr. Archie Sin- Mis. E. Rablin, Hamilton, Mis. R. id -"Rampant Lawlessness-Ils ît an clair, W.G.P., Mis. Ethel Malcolmn, W. Conklin, Kingsville, are visiting Accident"? 2.30 p. i.-Sunday Grand Secretary and Mrs. Anna Mrs. T. H. Knight, "Westmount." *School. Boyd ai Belleville, Grand Marsbal, Ms di on M.Rse Rev. C. W. Barrett, Stirling, Iaet assisted by officers ai Harmony Chsp- OliveEdwmDawý, MO.huael I). Moderatar of the United Churcl for ter, No. il and Corinthian Chapter, and Miss OieDwOhwwr the Bay ai Quinte Conference, has No. 12, Toronto. Sunday guests ai Mr. and Miru. Or- le accepted a eall ta Princesa Street ýOfficers elected :-W.M.--Mrs. L. vleObre a United Church, Kingston. They God dard; W.P.-Mr. F. Goddard; Mrs. James Trimble and son Jos- 1will inove ta Kingston in June. Assoc. M.-Mrs. M. Edger; Secretary ephi ai Gainsborough, Saskatchewan, a St. Andrew's Preebyterian Churcb; -Mis. E. Alldread; Treasurer-Mrs. are vsiting at the home of lier tiater, 38 corner Temperance and Church Sts., E. Edger; Con-Mns. M. Garton; Mrs. William Maynard. . Rev. Robert MeDerment, M. A., Aseoc. Cond.-Mrs. L. Miller; Chap. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Trebilcock, Mr. m Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor- -Mrs. G. Bowdler; Mar.-Mrs. H. Arthur J. Trebilcock and Mr. and Mrs n ship. 7 p. m,-Evening Worship. Gibbs; Organist-Mrs V. Fergusan; Esil Lawson, Toronto, were Saday '2.30 p. m--Sunday School. Every- Adah-Mrs. M. Mainprmze; Rut- gueste ai Mis. P. C. Trebilcock. q1 body weîcome. Mrs. M. Searle; Esther-Mrs. E. An- g St. John's (Anglican> Church- derson; Matha-Mrs. A. Logan; Mis. T. B. Gilebrist who ba& been g Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Quiqa Electa-Mrs. R. Dudley; Warder- in Wellesley Hospital for seeral rgesima, February 19, 1928: 11 a m Mis. V. Smith; Sentinel-Mrs. M. weeks was aperated an Monday -Holy Communion' and Se*in Roach. marning and reporte are mont en- 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Schaol; 7 p m.y At the completion ai the aiter- couraging now for a quick recofvery. -Evening Prayer. Confirmationinioon sion550 the visitais and inei- Dr. J. M. Baldwin and Mr. J. H. classes commence on Tuesday, Febru- bers were entertained ta a banquet H. jury attended Ontairio H[orticuult ary 2lst, at 8 p. mn. in Parisb Hall. catered by W. P. Corbett at whicb ural Association Convention in Taor- Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. 85 were present. During the even- ontoanad will give an accaunt ai the Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at ing session the degrees were exein- meeting later. Many matters afimu- il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scbooî plified by the officers ai Harmony partance were decided on euch as at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Robins' Chapter No. 11, Toronto. About steps ta prevent destruction ai trees subject Seinday eveniag will be "The 40 menbers ai Sunbeam Chapter ai on streets by ionpraper pruning, con- Juggler ai Tauraine", the second in the 0. E. L., Oshawa, were present servation ai wild fiawers, planting the series. Gaad music by the choir at this session ta witness the work the bigbways with nut beariag ti-ces, under direction of Mr. Francis Sut- put on by Harmony Chapter. At the weed contrai act, juvenile work with tan. coeo h evening session a social ,wr etc. An nestg meet- Tb isio Sd i t au'sim a spent when reireshments ing is expected . See next week's Churcb attended worship at the I n ttsanfrdt. Mr.. Jurywas ing service on Sunday last. Aiter ______ again elected a director for Nozthum- their regular meeting the previaus berland, DuTham, Peterboro and week the Band enjoyed a play hour NEW ASSESSOR APPOINTED Victoria Couaties. led by Miss Peardon and then sat M.Wn aeOoo h eu down ta a hot supper prepared by To Advertise For Chef of Police Mi. Wm. letdae, Orohpebu-e their leaders. Needless ta say a tOo TwHalSurysih good turne is reported. Special meeting ai Town Cauncil a rn onHl audyagi Splendid congregations were in was held Monday evening ta ill when hie entertained about 1000 ai attendance at Trinity United Church vacancy ai assessor owing te death his neds. Bil anoved teb. a-u at aîl services an Sunday. Pastor ai J. G. Manning. Mayar Holgatewndruhatndgeabagp J. U. Robins' morning sermon was a presîded and mexabers were ail pies- pragrain ai moving pictures, demon- continuation ai the therne the Wild- ent with exception ai Couacillor A. stration ai Chevrolet chassie, motai ernese Jaurney and as on the previaus J. Wadbams who was absent through show ai new Ohevrolet modela, wind- Sunday contained very helpiul sug- iîînegs. ing up with a dance which waasnoe n- joyable that many ai the -partici- gestions. In the evening hie presented There were twelve applicante for pants regretted that Bill pikedB the firet address in the series using the position: Wm. T. Haigli, Jee urday night for has big- show-as as a text "Wboso trustetb in the E. Cale, R. A. Petitt, J. T. MalIen, GC the music was se good they ceuld Lord, Happy ie He". He quated W. Humipage, W. J Martyn, H. j.- dance till it was turne ta do the char.. Markam's poem "Shoes ai Happi- Knight, A. B. Cryderman F. O next marning. Prize winneru were: nese", giving helpful interpretations Mason, W. B. McMurtry, T. H. Lock- Mrs. Gea. A. Laing, a spore tire; and wholesome lestons which ail ap- hart, A. H Bounsal.l. Miss E. Burgess, inotor rug; H. G. preeiated. The musical numbers n- The process ai elirnination ai can- MacKay, matommeter. cluded antheins by the chair, a very didates was evidently carried en in pretty quartet by Misses Margaret comiittee as only one namne was An excellent Musicale was preseut. Allin and Helen Argue and Mesrs. braught up in open council, that ai ed at the home ai Mrs. J. Spencer an W. R. Strike and M. S. Dale in the A. H. Bounsaîl, wha was appainted Tbursday last, under the auspices ai morning; solo by Miss Helen Caverly. at $300 a year,! ($50 legs than faim- the St. Jobn's Wamen's Guild. Dur- at the Sunday School session and a erly>. Bert is one ai the. popular ing the aiternoon selections ai great sala by Mis. R. Thompeon in the yoy.ý-g men ai the tawn and shauld menit were given by Miss !¶aylor, evening. f111 the duties, wbich se aten require Mrs. Mundy, Mns. Tod Gray, Mms ability and diplamacy, with satin- Sinith and Mrs. Farrell. Accompani- faction and good judgrnent. Ia mente were played by Mis. GLnii, SPEED SKATING MEET filing this office no doubt the fact Miss Frît and Mise Casselman, and Lela Brooks and Thirteen Other was not overlooked that Bert was the latter delighted bier audience by Stars of the Steel Blades at Taylor'& a veteran ai the world war. hier charining violin pieces. la the Arena Monday Niglit. At the samne meeting it waa de- evening, in addition ta the ather art- cided ta advertise for a Chief Con- esî r rni utngv Moîè than usual interest is being stable owing ta resignatian ai Chief splendid impersonation ai the Taer- shawn ln the 2nd annual speed skat- aif Police R. Jarvis. eador and sang twa ai the songe 1 -7 L- abc) fbi% - T-- à 1 inn (5% tee, 7 ta man 1 BOWMANVIILLE. ONT.- THURSDAY. FERRITARV lA lQ9Q