PAGE IiiTUE GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 Care ofBabies This baby bas neyer had a day's1 that is why physicians tel] parents sickness and never a cross or fretful they may use it freely with children speli that lasted an hour. And what, of any age-the youngest :.nfant. do you suppose is responsible for And bow they love 'he taste!' this beattby, happy condition? Not One word of warning; get the diet, for bie bas eaten just abint, pure, real Castoria. Ftebcber's Castor- anytbîng and evenything a child lia la the original. It L-' the kind eould eat. Not drugs, for be has doctors gpecify. And with cvery flot been dosed with opiates; le bas bottie comes a book, on "Gare and never bad a drop of paregoric. Nor Feeding of Babies" that la worth its bas his sensible mother ever made weight in gold to any motber or him taste castor oul. Yet hiq nerves prospective mother. Sn, remember; are sound and bis littie howeis are tell youn druggist you wisb Fletcher's strong, and wben bce doem seem th,* Castoria. least restless or wakef nI, or out of sorts-or likety to be-bis mother hshmail serene a'ýain in ten or 1,,.,,(u ,fo fifteen minutes! C.,ildren CIV fo The secret of tbis complete free- dom from the many ilis and upsets so conimon to infants? Plain olri- fashioned Castoria. A million and moite mothers swear by Castoria, and no wonder! A few drops n'i. an IA approacbing fever, colic, diarrbea or constipation seems to vgnish in thn air. Gastoria ia purely vegL-tabte; rCattie May Be Scarce But We Are Stili Able To Give Our Customers The Best Beef Don't think because cattie are scarce we are unable to supply our customers with the best meats. That's where our long and practical experience proves very valuable to citizens who patronize our shop. Just to give you an idea of how well we are prepared to fil your meat orders for the next few weeks we give a list of the well known breeders who will supply us with young cattie, not one be- ing over three years old. They are: 18 steers from F. W. 'Bowen, M. P.; 12 heifers and steers from Carl Billhngs; 5 from M. J. Elliott; 4 from Arthur Welsh; 5 from John Allun; 6 from W. H. Gibson; 2 from Eber Crago; 1 from Geo. Lane. This Iist ils self evident that your wants will be well looked after at the Old Rehiable Purvey- ors. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 FOR YOUMMM Who Demand the Best Our stock of fresh and superior quality of igroceries will appeal to the rnost discrirninating buyer.j Long experience enables us to buy in the best mnarkets as well as to the advantage of the custom- ers. No matter how weil your cellar is stocked, a few cans of good things always corne in handy. There is no better way to provide for ernergencies 1 or running short, because food kept this way neyer spoils. Our canned vegetables and fruits are just like the fresh product. Stock up now for future c demands. When needing China, Glassware or Crockery t remember we have the largest stock in town.1 1 HOCKEY NOTES Sporting gossip in Mail & Empire of February 1Oth says: Bowmap- ville Juniors bave lived up to predic- tions of the S.P.A. senies, for last nigbt oaly a goal parted them froni the grnup cbanipinnship, heiag beld to a tie by Oshawa Shamrocks. The lads froni the rubber town made a favorable impression on the citica at the start of the year, when tbey play- ed their first game ia the pre-season Junior senies. In their debut they were minus even ordinary hockey equipment, only two or three of the unîforms being alike, while only a f ew of the players boasted of gloves; but they sbowed flashes of neat hock- ey ability and, although many laugb- ed at tbem in their humble attire, those that know hockey propbesied a good season for theni in the eastern group and some ofthe enthusiastic ones even made them contenders in the play-downs. "Fine feathers do not make a fine bird". THISTLE CAN SPREAD AT AN AMAZING RATE A Few Seeds With Clover Sown Now Means Millions Next Year. Analysis of seed farinera were about to sow, wben examined by Pro- fessor J. E. Howitt of the Ontario Agicultural College, reveal that much dangerous weed seed is going into the ground with dloyen and grain. When one reatizes the re- suita of this sowing of unclean seed one will agnee with Professor Ho- witt, wbo stated necently that the bass- es due to the spnead of weeds "are becoming enormous." Ha&s Numeraus Offspring Froin Wellington County came a sample of alfalfa aeed, one ounce of whicb coatained 72 seeds of Canada thistie, 45 curled dock. 666 sheep sor- rel, besides simaller quantities of seven other very bad weeds. Suppose the farmer sending this in for test bad sown the seed just as lie had ne- ceived it, atlowing 15 pounds to the acre, this would mean that 17,280 Canada thistie seed would have been sown on every acre, besides well over a million other weed seeda. Each seed of Canada thistle, Professor Howitt points sout, ia capable of mut- tiplying at the rate of 3,500 în a single year. Ia other words 15 pounds of the alfalfa analysed, bad it been sown witbout cleaning up woutd bave been capable of produc- ing over 60,000,000 Canada thiattes in one year's time. But this fanmer took the precaution to bave bis seed tested by a Government expert be- f ore be put it in bis seed drill, and thus was made aware of the chance bie would nun if the supply was not propenly cleaned up. Sow Thistie Bad One-quarter ounce of Timotby seed submitted by another Western Ontario farmer showed six perennial s0w thistie, five Canada thistie, 38 curled dock, 41 mayseed, 47 lamba- quartera, and other weeds when put under the microscope. There were not nearly as many weed seeda in this sample, but it must be considered tbat it was only a quarter the size of the othen, and the six sow thistle seeds constituted a very serious men- ace in theinselves. This weed will multipiy at the rate of 2,000 per year, according to Pro- fesson Howitt, and once it gets a start, it is decidedly a nasty one to bandie. An ounce of alfalfa froni Eastern Ontario. wbicb was sbipped in to Professor Howitt for examina- tion, contained 692 twitcb grass seeds, 48 green fox trail, and four bladder campion, a nice mess to get in a crop on a clean farm. Sow Dirty Grain To Nor la the isk conflned to the pur- chasing of ungraded dloyen seed. The man who sows untested grain is tek- ing just as big a chance, according to Government oficials. T. G. Raynor of the Dominion Seed Branch, ex- amined 69 samples of grain taken from seed drills in Eastern Ontario andl Western Quebec, and of this number he found that 43 would have been rejected by the Governmcnt test bad they heen off ered for sale, on ac- eyunt of the number o! weed seeds they contained. The 69 samples showed an average of 1,56 weed seeds to the pound. Seedamen woutd not bave been allowed to sel! 43 lots of this seed grain tested hy Mr. Raynor, but the Government cannot pnotect the fariner froin himnself. Wbere standlard grade, tested seed either dloyen or grain is being used the farm- en knows exactly wbat he is sowing, but wbere be la using bis own seed or seme he bougbt frein a neighbn, the only safe plan is to bave tbe stuif tested at a Government laboratory WORK ON HONOR SYSTEN AT BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL "At the training school, a boy'u privileges are measured by his menit marks", said Dr. G. E. Reaman, Supt .of the Boys' Training School at B owmanville. speaking before the Toronto Lions Club at their luncheon in the King Edward on Thursday. "We work entirely on the honor system , we do not use the terza bad habits", the speaker continued. "We use words the boys are familiar with, tbey are 'Ptaythe game' and 'A square deal'." The results of this system, Dr. Rea- man pointed out, could be seen in the fact that of the 60 boys wbo were allowed to go home at Ghristmas, every one of tbem returned to the schoot of bis own free wilt, exactly on time. The speaker gave a detail- ed report of the progress made in the school duning the tbree years sitice its inception. LESSON No. 16 Question: Why do growing children, partic- ularly girls, need emul- sified cod-Iiver oïl? Answer: Grow"ing chil- drenand particular3y girls, need vitamnin-rich riourish- ment to help thcm through critical stages of extreme tax on their strength. Pleasantly flavored. esyto take, children like SCOTS EMULSION When You feel It Coming -Wben that old H-eadaclie senda its warning tbat you are going to suifer- take ZUTOO. When yen feel a CulId coming on take ZU f 00. At the lii st sign of a pain-at the first feeling ofsick. ness-take ZUTOO. You witl be ail riglht in 20 minutes if it's aheadache, or the next morniîig if it is a cotd. Pain aIl gone, and the whote boady refresltzd. Don't wait-don't take chances. Get ZUT<)()Tdllets to-day-and ha% e them ready totake at the first sign cf a Ilcad- ache or cold and TAKE TIIENI. 25c a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson& Co. Regd.,Coaticook, Q OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEAK Letter Telis of Wonderful Relief After Takting Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Coalaton, Ontario.-"After a se- vers operation and a three weezks' stay in a hospital 1 returned home no weak that 1 was unabte te move a chair. For four montha 1 was al- moat frantie with -~ pains and suifer- ing until I thought -sure there could for b ay help for*'me. 1 bad very Ssevere pa; inim IiUleftsieanSuf_ ered agony every montb. One day when t waa fot able te get up my mother begged me te try your mcd- icine. My husband got me a bottle of vegeteble Gompound at once and 1 took it. 1 started a second bottle, and te my surprise and joy the pains in my aide left me completely and I am able to do ail my work without help, 1 am a larmer'a wife so you ueel1can't be idle lon Inmal 1have taken six bottles of ¶.ydia Ë. Pink- ham's vegetable Compound, five boxes cf the Gompound Tableta two bottles o! Lydia E. Pinkbam's blood Medicine, and have aIse, used the San- etive Waah. "- Mrs. L LAJiwsuNz, a-z 108 cSwli oaOntaro. a The worms that inf est cbildrea froni their birth are o! two kinds, those that find lodgement in the , tomach and those that are found in the intestines. The latter are the moat destructive ,as they dling to the watts of the intestines and if not ia- terfered witb work havoc there. Mil- ler's Worm Powders dislodge botb kinds and wbile expelling thein froni the system serve to repair the dam- age they bave caused. Mrs. J. R. Cooper received a tele- j gram Satunday announcing the deatb of ber hrother-in-law, Mr. Robert Patterson at Leustand, Sask., follow- ing a brief ilînesa. Deceased withI Mrs. Patterson spent a week with ber sister here, a little over a year ago. On the Monday following another telegram was received by Mrs. Coop- er announcing the death of ber aunt, Mrs. McGiltvray, at Port Elgin. 'By recent changes of officens of Durham Regiment, Major Jobb of Oshawa, succeeds in the command, vice Colonel Snider, o! Port Hlope, Captain Smitb-Ferguson of Bowman- ville, takes over command of local company, Orono and Btackstock, and Captain J. C. Gamey becomes Adjut- ant. The above named officers, in company with a representative of the Ordinance Department, Kingston, in- spected stores at the Armoury bere, Saturday asat, and arranged transfer. A Foe to Asthma. Give asthma bat! a chance aad it gaina ground rapidly. But give it repeated treat- ments cf Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and it wil fail back even faster. There ta ne baîf way meas-; une about this remedy. It gees right to work and drives asthma eut. It! reaches the innicat bneathing pass- ages and leaves no place for the trouble to lurk. Have it by you for ready use. Millers Canadian Herb Juice Will absolutely and promptly re- lieve stomach, liver, bowel and kid- ney disorders. Unequalled for Sma pains, headache, constipation, Mte. Ask Jury & LovetI Ltd., druggia, about tbis wonderful herbaI r.m.dy. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB ln spite of iinfavorable weather. sliPpery atreets, etc., the Home and School Club beld a most enjoyable meeting on Wednesday evening, Feb- ruary 8, with a very good attend- îance. The President, Mrs. Harry Allia, presided. After business was transacted, a splendid program wam gîven and greatly appreciated by ait. Piano duet by Miss Leta Bragg and Miss Helen Argue; vocal solos by Miss Anderson and recitations by Mr. D. H. Henry, Miss Lilian Prit- chard and Mr. W. J. Berry. Rev. R. J. Sbires addressed the meeting on a most appropriate subjeet, "Moral training in home and Scbool". The Club is much indebted to Mr. Shines for this valuable talk. Refresbments were served and a social time spent. The singing of the National Anthem brougbt the meeting to a close. j ORONO (From The News of February 9th) Mrs. H. Ghisholm of Toronto, Te- cently visited her sister, Mrs. D. T. Allin. Orono Women's Institute St. Pat- rick's entertainment on Friday, March i 6tb. Mr. W. J. Watson succeeds Nor-1 man Hogg as manager of the Agri- cultural Park rink. Miss Hilda Gamsby and Miss Ettie Seymour have taken office positions witb the General Motors at Oshawa. Miss Giadys Tucker of the Ontario Ladies' Gallege, Whitby, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, over the weekend. Mis. William Waddetl was called to Yelverton, Manvers Township, on Friday, her daughter, Mrs. Golville Evans, being ill. Mrs. Bert Andrus and son Oscar, Bowmanvitle, and Mr. Chartie Brad- ley of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. IWilliam Gornish's. For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as a retiable worm preparation and it aiways maintains its reputation. Mr. A. A. Somervitte who under- went a serious operation recently at Oshawa Hospital, returned home and is making satisfactory recovery. Corbett Bakery of Orono, have en- gaged as their baker, Mr. Alfred Astridge, wbo for the past six years bas been in the Bryson Bakery at Lindsay. The ease with which corna and warts can be removed by Holtoway's Corn Remover is its strongest recom- mendation. It setdom faits. Mr. Joe Hoit wbo has been em- ployed as foremnan on the Howell Rowland farm, has decided on a change, and will seek emptoyment in the city- Mrs. N. J. Stanley of Nipigon is spending a few weeks with ber aunt, Mrs. James Hunter. Mrs. Stanley recentty returned from a trip to Brit- ish Golumbia. Mr. and Mrs. George Price at- tended the funeral of his mother at Bethany Saturday. Mr. Tobin of Smith Faits, was retieving agent at the C.N.R. during his absence. The Poor Man's Friend-Put up in small botties that are easily portable and sotd for a very small sumn, Dr. Thomnas' Eclectric Oul possesses pow- er in concentrated form. Ita cheap- ness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor man's friend. No dealer's stock is com- plete without it. A beautif ut vocal selection wasf rendered tast Sunday evening Ini Park Street Church by a quartette of young ladies: Misses Vateta Allun. Helen Powers, Dorothy Rowe and Eiieen Sterling. Dr. W. F. and Mrs. McElroy, Mar- garet and Keith, spent Sunday with ber parents here and were greatly pteased to find such an improvement in Mr. Noble's healtb since last they saw him, thrte weeks ago, in Ty- rone. The Oit for the Farmer.-A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ectectric Oil in the farm bouse witt save many a journey for the doctor. It is not onty good for the children when taken wîth colds and croup, and for the mature who sufer £rom pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick cattie. There sbould always be a bottie of it in the house. Miss Reta Carvetb. formerly of Orono, daugbter of Mn. A. W. Gar- veth, who betd a sptendid position the past two years as dietitian with the Eaton Go., at Winnipeg, Man.. has gone to her home in Peace River for a rest. Mr. Peter Galbraith was taken sudd enly Il at the Rolph House Sun- day. He is now at bis brother's, Mn. D. J. Galbraith, Newcastle, with a nurse in attendance, and his f;iends 'witl be gtad to tearn bis condition is much improved. REDIROSIE TRAis good tea< If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe 3 In clean, bright Aluminum rAviation Gas olinei The gas that helps you to a quick cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged start during C. A.Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bownmanville L -Il ,W.DS PI-OSPIHOOINE. 'àbg@ Thc (,realt rgli</i Poeparatnr, IW *S onts aii ,c..".soratest he w"oi rervouq %", lem ,makes new lool i old Veins. 1'-d for ter:'ous ljehilîty. Mental at,.1 Brai n 14ou-v, DepnecLoss of Energ-v. Palpitation of th eartle Fadiing Memor. Prece $2 pe. box, j. loi $5.9 Sod by allidrugaists. or mailed in plain p&g. on rcetptof pice Ne,,pbi.mphle ..ild ,ook's Regulating CompounsdL agoP. A a#44. ,iabLo re*da -mdiuin.Sold in throete f'oOf .trcntb--No. 1. SI& Ç02L8a; No. 3, 85 per bon. Id .1idi agita, ormet rppaa Phon l ai1pr-e( Ze j ai l mAâ.d THE COO MIIfl IF 'ff ogiNTO'.o. mdyw=041 Internal aandExternal Pains DTHM SEC EC RCOare promiptly reli.v.d by THAT IT HAS SEIN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIF7rVUMAR AND 18 TOWDAY A RATER SELLER THAN EVE UEFORI 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT PAKa O T NIRUICURATIVE MORAIIS Big Demand for Our Baking Our policy is plenty of butter and eggs plenty of everything good-plus the knack of Phe experienced housewife in finishing off the baking with that touch of satisfaction and quality which Severy good cook prizes. For a genuiune treat try our baking-fresh daily. The Bowmanvilie Bakery SSuccessors to Christie's Bakery Bowrnanville An Inside Tip on Coal If you want the most coal value for your money, do not buy cheap, rusty coal. Coal mined near the surface is generally water soaked and heavy, and bas a very low heat value. For greater economy order Lehigh Anthracite- a rich, black coal that's deep mined, double screened and hand picked from the finest mines in the country. Play safe-order Lehigh and keep your home warm and comfortable. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville SCOTCH NIGHT AT WHITE SHIELD CLUB A most delightful evening was, spent by the "White Shield Club" on Tuesday, January 3lst in commeni- oration of the birtbday of Bobbie Burns. A nice crowd was in at- tendance, and after tbe business was disposed of, a splendid program in charge of the Scotch members was tboroughly enjoyed. Goninunity singing of Scotch songa started the evening's entertainment. A vocal solo "Annie Launie", by Mrs. G. Mason received bearty appiause. Two recitations by Mrs. (Dr.) Bell were exceptionally well rendered and greatty appreciated, as also was the instrumental selection contributed by the sanie artîst later in tbe pro- grami. A Scotch'duet by Mrs. Best and Mrs. Wiseman, also additional solos by Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Beat and Mrs. Wiseman kept everyone in a happy mood; violin solo by Miss S. Grabami and recitations by Miss Hil- da Hall and Mrs. Hall, entirely Scotch, were mucb enjoyed. A nuni- ber by Miss Jean Wiseman concluded the prograni. Mrs. M. A. Neal was accompanist for tbe evening. Miss Peardon tben took charge and kept1 ail in high spirit toeing the line in exercises and gaines, after wbicb al were quite ready to do justice to the1 refreshments of sandwiches, cakes, oatmean cookies and short cake that were served. Tbe singing of tbe Goodnigbt song and National An- tbem brougbt another very jolly meeting to a close. Mun PAGIE six v