e4U4bII1n c ~ t 4 t ~m r n With Which Is Incorporated Tie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1,28 $2.00 a Year lIn Advance 5c a, Copy No. 8 Decorate Now WHEN YOU CAN Rr~ Wallpaper AT Clearance Prices There la no better time ta de- comate than now. Papembangens are now plentitully available. At the Big 20 Bookstome you ean get the finest end most ex- clusive impoted papens at greatly reduced prices. Bighten up ton the coming sea- son!1 Came in and choose tram the colonful new Spring pat- terns just received. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstone Bowzamville Ont. a i a Mrs. F. A. Haddy spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Haddy, Toronto. 1 Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Rob- ins spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. COME AND HEAR "What Doth It Profit? ta be presented by Solina Young People on Wednesday, February 29 in Trinity School Room Bowmanville Under auspices of Mission Circle ADMISSION 25c ILLUSTRATED Travelogue See the Canadian Rockies, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Gatalina, Sait Lake City with Mr. W. op Boyel, Mr. and Mr&. W. H. Carruthers as Guides Choice musical program inter- spersed. ST. PAUL'S LECTURE ROOM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH at 8 p. m Admission 25ec COMING EVENTS Do not miss the play "Twelfth Nigbt" gîven by the High School in the Opera House, March 15 and 16. Price 50c. "What doth it Profit" by Solina young pople will b. given in Tinity Scbaol-moom on Wednesday, Febru- ary 29th at 8 p. m., under auspices of Mission Circle. Admission 25c. Bowmanville Women's Institute will hald next meeting on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 23rd, in the S. O. E. Hall. Note change of day. Bring your oldeat épboto and came in cos- tume. Program in charge of Croup 6. The White Shield Club's regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, Febmuamy 2Sth in St. Paul's Lecture Room at 8 p. m. Good attendance boped for. Don't forget mothers, the social evening ta lie spent at the home of Mns. F. Clarke, L.iberty St., on Thursday 23rd. The regular monthly meeting ci the Wcomen's Ganadian Club will be beld in St. John's Parish Hall, oh Tuesday, Februery 28, at 3.30 p. in., when E. J. Pratt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, Victoria Col- lege, will give an addmess on "'New- foundland Sea-faring Lif e". Dm. Pratt will read selectiona tram bis es and wiIl describe the life of th e fIsh- ermen in that little known colony of whicbh le was fommerly a native. Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in St. Paul's Lecture Roam yau bave an oppotunity of taking an imagin- amy trip with pictures thraugh the Canadian Rockies on ta Los Angeles witb M. O'Boyle who will explain ail views of interest enroute. Arriv- ing there Mns. Garruthers will tel about the Ostrich, Alligator and fruit farmis and many other interesting things. Will return by way of Sait Lake Gity. Admission ]oc. Underl auspices of Women's Associati,)n. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER The World Day of Prayer-a fel- lowsbip of Intercesion of every woxn- an of every land la on Friday. Feb- muary 24tb. The merting for Eow- manville is in Trinity SunIay School Room at 3 p. mi. AU ladies cordially invited. Royal Theatre Bowmanville's Home of Entertaining Attractions PHONE 589 Friday-Saturday, February 24-25 "Junior Goghlan" In "'L.t'er Go Gallogher" The enthralling stomy of a cour- ageous boy who, solved the my- stery of a murder, saved the repu- tation of bla friend and pave hi& newspajer the greatest scoop of the decade-that was Gallegher. Genuine drama, thmills galore, youth triumphant-all this and more in this tremendous attrac- tion. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Çhildren 5c. Chapter No. 6 of The Silent Flyer" and regular prograna Monday.Tuesday F-ebruary 27-28 "Golleen Moore" In "Hon WiId Oat" A rollicking comedy-drama of a little waitress who bitches ber lunch-wagon ta a star and takes a wild ride into society. This is Colleens funniest pictume and a bumper cop of laughs awaits you when this dainty little star ap- pears here in "Her Wild Oat" Paramount News and Comedy Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 29 and March ist "Jetta Goudal" Ini "The Fonbidden Woman" In her prison ceil, facing cruel death, she prayed that the nman she loved and had betrayed might forgive ber-an amazing picture of love and intrigua on the arid wastes of Momocco. and in the gilded halls of Paris. Stili Paving The Way With Per- fect Attractidns March 2-à Tom Mix In "The Daredevil's Reward" March 7-S Marie Prevost In "The Rush Hour" Manci 9-10 Tim McCoy In "The Law of the Range" Manci 12-13 Gretta Garbo In "The Divin. Woman" For An Evening of Perfect Enter- talnment Look Over The Above Greater Movie Season Programu That Are Being Preaent.d at The Rayal. mmmiima MMMUMisai DONATIONS TO HOSPITAL R. M. Hollingshead Go. Ltd.. *500.00 Corbett Motor Sales........ 25.00 F. J. Cale, barber.......... 10.00 Churuch St. Friend..... .... 10.001 Beaver Laundry Go., Toronto 6.00 A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto. 5.00 Mrs. C. Johns, Hampton . ... 1.001 W. Kirkton................ 2.00 J. J. Spicer................ 2.00 David Keith............... 5.00 Miss 1. K. Smith............ 10.00 Lucius N. vanstone, Toronto 10.00 A supporter of Residence.. 25.00 Wm. Painton.............. 2.00 W. K. Sampson, Bagot, Man 2.00 J. E. Rinch. Newcastle....... 5.00 Mns. J. G. vanatone, Toronto 15.00 Miss May vanstane, Toronto 10.00 Mr. and Mns. B. S. vanstane, Toronto .................25.00 F. J. Manning............. 5.00 M. A. Jamea & Sons.,...... 100.00 E. Smith Fergusun.......... 2.00 Gaud Brothers............. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne 5.00 R. F. Aitchison............. 10.00 W. Rosa Strike............ 20.00 F. J. Borne ............... 10.00 Miss Eva Burk............. 1.001 W. G. Robinson............. .25 Perey Williams............. 1.00 Wm. Hyslop.........1.00 T. H. Lockhart............. 5.00 Geo. varcoe and family .. 3.00 S. Edgar Wemry, Solina .. 5.00 Sulas Williams, Hampton.. 5.00 Dr. J. M. Baldwin, (correc- te),(T o .be .contin ue d) 5.0 "SUCCESS IN BUSINESS LIFE" Members of the Men's Canadian Club bave seldom listened ta a more belpful, constructive and inspiring message than that brought ta them last Friday evening by Rev. Walter M. Loucks of Holy Trinity Ghurch, Toronto, which chumcb la right in the heart of the business section ef the down tawn area, nestling close to and over-shadowed by one of the T. Eaton Gompany's newest buildings. Rev. Loucks substîtuted at tbla meet- ing of the Ganadian Cbib in the Bamoral Hatel for the scheduled speaker, Provoat F. H. Oosgrave of Tinity Gollege, whose subject was ta have been "Samuel Pepys and his Time". The Provost, a few days'l bef are the meeting, found that it would not be possible for him ta came ta Bowmanville, and so, although the Ganadian Club failed for the time ta hear wbat would undoubtediy have been a most interesting address on Pepys, that educated, industriaus, pleasure laving gentleman of the 1 7th century, and bis amazing diary s0 revealing of biniself, his associat- es and bla time, it was rewarded by an addmess on a different subject, ai- ways an apportune subject, which made a deep impression on evemy bearer. Rev. Louck's la a pleasant faced,' affable, k'ndly appearing clergyman of the Anglican Cbumcb, and a per-1 sonal friend of Rev. R. J. Sbire-b whom he was introduced ta the club. One cauld guage froni bis addmess that be has had a wide ex- peience in bis ministerial 1f e, that he bas mingled with ma ny m;en in LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Olive Muttan, Toronto, spent Sanday at home. Mr. and Mrn. James Wilson, Ed- monton, Alta., are visiting bis sister, Mrs. David Mutton. There will be no Infant Welfare Gonference held in the Gouneil Rooms on Friday of this week. Miss Edna H. Bottrell, Toronto, spent Sanday with ber parents, Mr. and Mns. Thos. B&ttrell.' Messrs. G. Cerswell and B. Brod- erick of Bond Head, visited Mns. Col- well and family, Carlisle Ave., on Sunday.1 Mns. Albert Martin and Jiughter Dwelle, Seagrave, were recent guesta of ber sister, Mrs. Orville Buoe, Gar- lisle Ave. Miss Elva Bradley, Tottenham, and Miss Alicia Noble of Bond Head, visited Miss Ver& Golwell, Carlisle Avenue, this week. Mrs. A. E. Garner of Ontario Hoa- pital, Whitby, was in Toronto attend- ing the Civil Service Annual At Home at the Parliament Building on Friday. William Hazlitt says that "Twelfth Night" is one of the most delightfül of Shakespeame's comedies. Se. it at Opera House, March 15 and 16. Mrs. Frank Goard and daugh,ýer Phyllis, Edmonton, Alta., are visiting hem aunt, Mns. Geo. B. Bickle, Lîb- erty Street. Mm. lemens Percy, Belleville, who bas been relieving at The Standard Bank wbile Manager D. L. Weese bas been enjoying a holiday has re- tumned ta duty at Bellevile. SHORTHORNS IN GREAT 'the bigber planes of service, has rend Mm. H. E. Reynolds, South Roxton, DEMND mu ch, studied nauch and bas a broad Que,. who bas recentiy retumned outlook upon ail tbings. It was froni Fiomida, is visiting his parents, Durham County Breedens Report especially interesting ta the members IMm. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, Queen Splendid Sales and Good Future ta leama that the speaker wss asso- St., and ralling on aid friends. for Beef Cattl. ciated witb H. P. Hill and W. L. Mac- Ms .SalyElotadcid Kenze Kng i th foratin oftheren, St. Catharines, are spendinga The seventb annual sale af Durhami first Canadian Club i9 Ottawa. week witb ber parents, Mn. and Mns. County Sborthora breeders ta be Rey. Louck's subject was "SuccesS. J. Henry, while Mr. Elliott la in held at Beitb's Stables on Thursday, in Business Lif e" and he enriched Pittsburg, having been sent there by Marcb 9tb, presents pobably a high- and ill'uminated it witb many striking the Board of Education ta observe er class ot breeding and individuality anecdotes, chaice quotations, penaon- their school systems and industries. ini its entries tban any 'preceding sale. ai experiences and nefemences ta suc- Mm. J. E. L. Cole, Town, Mr. Fred £bhis is as it should be, at a time when cessfui lîves. The f ollowng is a Lee, Kedran, Messrs. Leslie Snowden the Sbomtbomn business bas turned brie£ outline of the addmess: and H. Foley and Mrs. Lola Freemiàn the corner froni low prices and when Four necessary elements ta suc- Mapie Grove, attended the funema1 breedema are beginning ta look for cess in if e are, Gharactem, Courage, of their cousin, Mm. George R. Pas- goad foundatÏon stock ta re-establish Bard Wonk and Religion. cae, at Toronto. The b.ody was ahip- tbeir bemds for the period of prosper- Chaacter must fbe based oný real, ped ta Oakwood-his boyhood home ity now in store for the breeder and not fictitiaus values. It la devéloped -for interment. feeder of good beef cattie. finst, by heredity wbich is the first Men!I Bobbrlin % Expert Tailor la Durham Gounty, througlh recent. predisposing cause towamd character coming ta Gouch, Johnstoa & Cry- show records and sales, la now me- -traits af character are handed derman's. store Momday, February garded as a field for purchases »f down froni father ta son; second, by 27, witb the ist spring siowing of prospective sbowyard prospecta. education wbich is not primarily the1 Men's Suits and Overcoats. It'. an Notable among these bas been the acquiring of book knowledge, but opportunity to see the new styles winnings of Tborn'bam Minstrel, the the drawing of oneself out, tbe learn-i and materials which places yog*under bull sold last July by John Baker, ing ta play the game faim and squ1are Ino obligation to buy. Hampton, ta Duncan Campbell of through school and through lite; _____ Moffat, Ont. This great bull was third, by tbe use of the experiences of Grand Champion at the last Toronto life, and here the speaker efered TRAIL RANGERS & TUXIS NEWS Royal Shiow and then Senior Cham- ta the present Prime Minister of pion at the International Show at Great Britain and present Premier Bond Sefling Camp.ign Objective Chicago. Four of bis get reof Manitoba who bad mnade such good Reatied-Bo>ys Awarded Silver and presented in this sale, use of their experiences of if e and Bronze Medals. Mr. 'Baker aiso aold the bighest were men of sucb integrity of char- priced heifer in the Royal sale at acter that in time of need theyi were Ia the recent Bond Selling Cama- Toronto in Navember and purchased called upon ta fil their respective paign condnucted under auspices of the bighest priced bull in the same high positions although flot tmained Boys Older Parliament of Ontario the sale. This bull was second in bis for theni especially and not aspining boys in Bownaanville went over the class ta the reserve junior champion ta theni. top handsomely in reacbing their cb- Sborthorn bull in a class of 20 Courage is a second factor ci jective of $125.00. bulîs. Four of the females in this success, courage of beamt and cour- i Boys *inning silver medals for se!l- sale are bred ta this promising age of mind. Some of the marks iag $15 wortb of bondi3 are: Herbert you'ng bull. Within the past f ew of courage are, dogged perseverance,i Calmer, Allan Osborne, Arthur 'Bell, days Jack bas sold a yearling bull ta ability to ga slow, and a willimgneàss Gregory Calmer, Lyle Wood, Winton J. L. Walters, Clive, Alta., at the sat- 1ta do small things. Bagnell. isfactory price of $650.00. J. F. 1.Bard womk la necessary ta succeas, Bronze medals for $5.00 sale of Osborne also sold one ta the sanie 1and under this beading the speaker bonds are awarded ta Harold Slemon, buyem and a young cow witb caîf at commended early rising, concentra- Morley Vanstone, James Pickard, foot ta Jas. 'B. Davidson, Carmen, tion and tboroughness. Arohie Wooý', Stuart Gandler, Donald Man. williams. Ma.Religion: men attain no eal suc- West Durhami ural sections are The recent sale of Sborthorns at cess witbout a vital religion, and the still below their objective of $65.00, Toronto wben 40 bead mostly calves spirit of sacrifice and the spirit of witb $53.00 neported and Orono, made a genemal average of over $330 service _are the autward manifesta- Blackstock and dLunketon ta heur also goes ta show tbat Sbomthorns tions the visible fruits of true ne- froni. are again la demand and that now is ligion. The man in the street cames Courtice contributed its share and the tume ta purchase in the face of notbing for creeds or dogmas but b. James Hancock wins a silver medal. rising values. does look for the practice ot Christ.- Hampton as usual measured up ta The Bowmanville sale presents a ian virtues on the part af Christian, its allotment witb Wallace Borne, good oppotunity with breeding sucb mon and wamen. Tbe higbest pur- getting a silver medal and Frank as mentinned ahove and others just pose of lite is not tp make money Bastings and Tom Sykes each a~s good f romi the berds of W. F. Rick- nom ta bave a goad tume, but ta bronze medals. Ivan Smith gets ard who bas an outstaading sire, Jas. glorif y Ccd. iTymone into the limelight 'y eceiv- Leask & Son ,breeders fan tbree gela- At the conclusion of the address,i ing a bronze modal. eations. S. C. Allia also reared witb Rev. J. U. Robins, foilowed by Mr. T Sbomthomn cattle, S. Rickard & Son C. Jewell, vaiced the feelings of ali with their nated Lavendens, W. G. preseat la a bearty vote of thanks TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Ashton and C. B. Muniford new ta the speaker.1 breedens, T. J. T. Cale and W. S. Ia rospoase ta a letter read by Mr. tTbe Third Department on Moaday Bragg & Son have alsa broken inta J. B. B. Jury, re-social welfame work, ngtpoue acrsmwa the field with sanie of the great the members signified their approval smaller than the othens whicb had Browndale blood. Their present sen- of a praposai ta appoint two meni- taken the rond but it laved up ta ad- ior herd sire is a son of Browndale bers of the club as its representa- vance notices la regard ta sustained Count, the greatest breeding Short- tives in the new Social Welfare Sa- speed. In other words this Depart- bora bull in the United States, he.be- ciety. nment hung up the mileage record for iag the sire of more champions aince Before sitting .lown ta tbe tables one prograni and is naw cowding the 1925 and high priced calves than any PeietC .Cw-r aldte edr bull on the continent to-day. Two PresidnryC. . CawkandcaSmdithe eader. of this buils get are in the sale. S. I embers ta order and asked theni ta Gn reorycame and SthFergu-h J. Gray, Part Hope, bas two entries i stand for two minutes lin ience in son ere r i charen and they had The and sanie choies offering have been meniory of the late Field Marshal aeeao ieoe I h a.Ti accetedfru J.R. ohaton andEarl Haig, and alsa of the late Earl prograni was put on with neatness Lceew Rchrdon &.R.Sonsbun, f xoand ndAqut.and despatcb and Mn. Smith Ferguison Lew ichrdso & on, shbrn ad o Oxfrd nd Aquih.bandled the topic "The Choosing of tbmee tram Fred Parker, Cobourg. Proprietor A. J. WaJlhanas semved a Life Partner" with consummnate anather of bis famed clicken dinners sil i eak eebt n -with fruits, apple pie and (not an) sil i eak eebt n raisin pie and strawberry pie and tetaining and instructive and it wus Mrs. (Dr.) John Spencer bas gone blueberry pie and ice creani for des- vemy evident be had bath a pactical on an exteaded trip ta New York, sort. and techaical knowledge of nasaub- jeu,.. ".nth-- akia.5 par. inm . at Time to Choose Your New Spring Wardrobe With the mode definitely established, there is no reason why you should delay selecting your new Spring Coat. Early shopping has special Advantages Among first Spring shipments now can display are rnany in- dividual models that will not appear later in the season. Early assortments also have an inviting air of newness and freshness-sometimes lacking later in the season. Visit our store this week whether you buy or not, you will find much to interest you in the varied collections. New Dresses Decidedly Attractive More new dresses have been placed on display this week which are notable for style and value. Rayon Dress Goodâ, Special line at ..............60e yard. Broadcloths, silk finish, better qualities are fast color, special values from ............................................ 45c to '75e yard Every Item Reduced For Quick Sale Ail Ladies' Coats At Haif- Price. Ail WooI Blankets, Reg. $10.00 For $8.00; Reg. $11.50- For $9.50. Boys' Union Black Hose, suitable for early spring wear, ail sizes, 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 Ladies' Jaegar Hose, Regular $1.50 for ...........................$1.00 Ladies' Jaegar Hose, Regular $1.75 for ......................... $1.25 Silk and Wool Hose, Regular 75c for ..............................soc Also great Bargains in Remnants cf Dress Goods White Quilts, Regular $3.50 for .................................$250. White Quits, Regular $4.00 for................................... $3.00 A lot of Iovely Linen Table Cloths frum 2 te 3 yards, at Regular Wholesale Prices. Men's and Boys' Overcoats, 25% Off Regular Prices Large Size Knicker Suits for Boys at Half Price $10.00 for $5.00 Hobberlin Expert Tailor Coming He will be at our store ahl day Monday, February 27th, with the newest materials in Men's Suits and Spring Overcoats. Corne in and see what the styles are even if you are not ready to buy just yet. Couch,Jtihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Phono 104 Limiteci pleasii)g prograni were, Gregory Col- ALFRED SHRUBB COMING BACK mer, Miss Montgamery, Misa Wemry, Miss Hathway, Miss Argue, Misa To Take Change of Cream of Barîey Bragg, Miss Sargent, Miss Rilda Sic- Camp mon. The recreation committaie, ________Percy Gowling, Lama. Plummer and Mm. Alfred Shmubb, whio bas bien Cecil Belîman again made thingu coaching at Oxford University for lively lu their period at the clos, of the past seven years, salis today for the meeting, Bowmanville ta take charge of The. Fourth Department anr rady Cream of Barley Park. and anxlous to get under way %ext Be will instruct the. children of Monday night, they have b.., put- the tawn la sports, football, basebaîl, tlng up a splendid attendance mielaBu cricket, vamvtng and rununn. TiNs and their program ahounld carry 4bem Is a great opportunity for our girls Up la front. and boys and w. fiel sure they wlll We are off for Hamipton on Prlday look farward to thie oming summumr night, bus leaves the cbureh at 7.49 wlth pheasure.1 p. m., room for iverybody. Do You Care For "Your Eyes" As You Should? 'The eye la the most delicte or- gan of the body. It takes a ter- rible toli for neglect but pay enormous dividends for care. YOUR CASE IS A SPECIAL ONE For no two eyes present the same problem ta us. Our Registered Optametrist, R. M. Mitchell la completely equipped to examine your eyes after the most modern methods, to prescribe the correction and as he also is an Optician, ta fumnisb you with the lenses that will scientically cor- rect your faulty vision. "Sec Mitchell and Se. WeII"' R. Ml. Mitchell & co.1 THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sundy 280 I C,ýe"p Wasingt-on -and virginia. CARN IVAL TO-N IGHT Thurs., Feb. 23 Taylor's Arena * ~1 k 1. i v I.