PAE511TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FFEBRUTARY 23, 1928 Infant Care Mothers, you can't start too early Delicious tasting, and as good as it to establish a child's serene and tran- tastes. Just look for the Fletcher quil disposition. Even an infant signature on the package and yen will tan have a happy, fretiess state of know you have the genuine and pure uninterrupted health. What will Castoria. help do .this? A simple, purely SEILNTC iheeybt vegetable pooduet as old as you are: PEALNT: itevoyb- plain Castoria. tle o! genuine Fletcher's Cast'eria is AfewdrpofCsoi ilstI wrapped a book on "Care and Feed- aIl uneasiness in a jiffy. Will dîspel!ig of t "wot tswigti colic or ward off constipation; andIgl et every mother or prospective just as surely check diarrhea. mte In reai sickness, call aphsca But many physicians urge only Cas- toria fcr those littie childish disor- deo-s that need nothing mee- ou, h l r o neyer need be afo-aid to give pure Castoria. It is safe and penfectly harmless, for it contains no paregen-ý îc, no opiates, ne dope o! any kind,D At least, this is true o! the genuine r Castoria-and that is the kind docto's tell you always te buY. Fletchen's Castoria is fine for any9 child. All children love te take it. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatisrn Headache Colds Neuritis Pain Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package 5af~which contains proven directions. Ilandy "B3ayer" hoxes of 12 tablete -tYafeOýAise bottles of 24 and lO-Druggists. Auprln ly thé-t rafle mark (reffitered ln Canada) of Bayer Maaatfarîîîreor NMonnacetic- acideater 0 f SaliicyiMesacid (Acetyl Salicilie AcId, "À. S. A."). Wbil, It 19 well known that Aspirxu meanu Bayer manufacture.,10 ajiat the public againat imitations. the Tableta or Baer Compny ilUIb. ataMWdwth tbir gerai trnde mark, tl,- "Bayer Oroam.. ~~*1 Coal That Satisfies The reason the number of our customers is increasing rapidly is the fact that we deliver abso- lute satisfaction with every load of fuel we seil. In other words, we deliver ALL COAL, free from clinker-forniing siate and forming a mini- mum of ash. That's because of the careful screening and rigid inspection of every ton of coal we handie. Our customers' confidence is our most pre- cious asset and you get a certified weight receipt with every load. Quality Service McCleIIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 King St. East, Bowmanville G. G. Greig, Resident En-ir.eer, re- placing of tile entrance c'ulvents ln Newtonville. Cleo-k will write Chie! Engineer Muir. The Wookmen's Compensation Board negarding dlaim S. T.-15974 -Henr-y Randaîl D. Cieo-k insto-ucted te write the Board stating circum- stances and cause o! accident. Mn. John Henry was appointed delegate te conference on road con- struction for County andl Township Road Superintendents at Tononte) on Februao-y 20-21. Mo-. Green and Mn. Fnark J. Hall add.-esed couicil in nefenence to the sale o! steçI culvent pipes as supplied by thein respective finms. Met'ilflic Roofing Co. and Pedlar People. No action taken. Tenders for a supply o! cedlar was oeceîved fo-om Harry Austin, William McDonald, C. A. Carson and J. Whit- ney Boyd. First two pcrsonb' tend- ers accepted. By-laws were passed appointing Poundkeepers and Fencevieweo-s fer 1928; provide for expenditure on noads during 1928. Councillers Lovekin and Couch wene empoweo-ed te sorange for the1 cutting of brusb and timber on the sideroad between Lots 14 andl 15, Con. 3. Cotncil will communicate with J. D. McMillan, Divisional Road Supt. o! Canadian National Raîlway, nela- j tive te snow accumulating on lands owned by the eompany and interfer- ing with public toavel betweenLt 14 and 15, Con. B. F. $2500 was granted to Onono Pub- lic Libo-aoy Board for assistance i eaorying on their woo-k. Trustees o! Newtonville Cemeteo-y weo-e granted $200.00 te build fen- ces areund eemeteo-y and for general impoovements. Resolution No. 610 was rescinded and the book with regardl thereto be returned te the agniculturq.l repre- sentatiive fon Duo-bam, J. Y. Kel-ý leugh. Report of Messrs. C. A. Chapinan and J. C. Gamey, appointed s.nditors, was adopted and 100 copies oodened printed and circulated for the in- formation o! natepayers. Ondens weo-e drawn on Treasuren for $10.00 each as compensation in full for their services. Tenders, for cedan were accepted: Wm. McDonald, 60 pieces o! .- edao- 16 ft. long, 7 inches at sinall end at $1.00 each, te Le delivered, jO0 pieces at Onono, 20 pieces at Kendai and 10 pieces at Leskand; and î2ndero- f H. Austin for 4000 ft. o fbridge coven- ing at 131.00 per thousand feet te be 16 ft. long and 6 no-rlies thick, dcliv- ened, 2000 ft. at Newtonville and 2000 ft. at Onono; aIl te Le sîibject te inspection and passing o! Road Supt. John Henry. Reeve and Cleo-k weo-e authonrized to sign and submit te the Minister o! Public Highways petition sbowing that from January lst, 1927, te De- cember, 31st, 1927, there has, been expended upon the Clarke Township noads $11,67-5.59, and oequesting the statutory grant on that amount as poovided by the Ontar-io Highway.s Act. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met on Febnuary 7th at Onono Town Hall, Deputy Reeve Morton pnesiding in the absence o! the Reeve. On assembling after the noon adjournment Reeve Holman oc- cupîed the chair. Communications were oeceived, read and disposed o! as follows: On- tarie Municipal Association;, Wo'od, Gundy & Company; Prof. C. B. Sis- sons and M. H. Staples, re Hydre Electric Power Com; Ontario De- patment o! Agriculture, Port Hope; Department e! Public Highways, o-e Road Superintendents; Countes' Clenk, re-Oshawa General Hospital. Filed. Canadian Pacific Railway and Can- adian National Railway each a notice in compliance with the provisions of the assessment act section 47 weo-e referred te assesser. Money Back if Moone'à Emerald Oil't Do Away With Ail Sore- berna Swehling and Distrena in 24 Houra. Two or three applications o! Moone's Emerald Oil and in fliteen minutes the pain and sooeness dis- appears. A !ew more applications at regular intervais and the swelling reduces. And best o! aIl any offensive odor is gene for good-It's a wonderful !ormula-this combination o! essen- tial oils with camphor and other an- tiseptics so marvelous that thousanda o! bottles are sold annually for re- ducing varicose or swollen veins. Jury & Lo'vell and eveo-y gorod dnuggist guarantees the very fsrt bottie o! Moon's Eunerald Oi to end youo- foot troubles or money 'back. LESSON No. 17 Question: Why is emulsifled cod- liver oilj so efficient a food for young children ? Answer: Rickets or w,%eak bories are evidencesI f lîime-deficiency. Emul- siied vitaniin-richcod-Iiver oil helpa Nature supply ihis deficiency. Pure, pleasantly flavored, noffhing quite surpas SUOTT'S EMULSION1 :Zutoo IM a~ to an7 headache in jone iites, 'wiluaip a cold in the bud, wilFrelieve the monthly pain. of women, aud in every case it Leaves you feeing Good EXPECTANT MOTHERS Read Mms Menard's Letter. Her ExperienceMay Help Chathamn, On tario. - "I want te tell you how much good youn medicine ba done me. Be- I-I fore my baby I..~came 1 fel tso Collecter cf ratp3 and taxes was down that i could authorized te continue the collection wonk. y dhead o! aIl unpand taxes up te Marcb 6tb ached eeMyinuadl Buils were passed and paid viz achd c w a ll is Divisirrn Registo-an, negistra- aed ha t i tien fees for 1927....... $ 16.50 cudcryfron Benvard Caires, oubbeo- stamb 1.05 morningtilinight John Henry, Road SUpt.,I a ante Januany ..................11.00 1babyjustoneyear Municipal World, d'og tag.. 20.87 and a bal! old ad a gave nie a lot to H. S. Britton, goods supplied do. So 1 thought I would to-y Lydia P. Geddes ....... 10.88 E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, John Henry, road acct., as I had read se much about it in the January................. 282.45 little bocks. [ found a difference right R. H. Wood, caretaken .. 26.00 away as my head was reieved and Geo. Quantnil, sh.iep damages "'0.00 my tired feelings gene. My sister Couciladjured c' eetagnnhad been doing my washing and she Tuesday, Mao-ch 6th., at 10 o'cloek. might set me hack if 1 started te do N. Allin, sbeep In.;pec'tie 6.00 it again. It sure did hclp me and I M. J. Holman, A. J. Staplea, had taken just twe botties when my Reeve. Clerk. baby came. HA is a fine big boy, ______now nearly five months eîd. 1 amn 1taking yorir medicine again and I amn TRY CALIFORNIA THIS WINTER 1 able odo mv workallby myself now ________1 always n rommend the Vegt-tahle Here Are Reaaona Why t ia ao Popu. 1 Compoundl t, women, and especially larfortheWiner acaion toe Ibpectant mothersl, as 1 believe _____for the itrVcto hyxnc'ed help ai these tines."- 1 r Nîî~î IENARD, 24 Jlarvey St., Right now ('alifernians are efljoy- i (hatham. (lOntario,. ing a sumnmer climate. There areý 5000 miles o! moter reats. You are always near the heaches. You can visit dozens cf lot Springs-See the W OD'S PHOSPHODINE-. n Te Great English Preparatinm. old Missions o! the Spanish Padres- 2' e l otiesa acf .rvgorâtern the whole Sec Mfexicne in a to-sm or metor jour- 1 prvous %yterf,. makea new Blood ney o! a few heurs. ~in otri Vcns..--!-d for Nera'ous Canadian National openates con- D5rrd I)<ho intet, alpait Bain Wa/ venient day and night service te ('hi- the l je,..q eo F.nrep apitatbox.?. cage the g-iteway te Ualifernia.« Van- for 1I S lrugg'iai. or mal led in plain ious eptional routes te suit your de- c Jw?.niftmae sire. Popular itinerao-y is te ('alifornia - via Chirapro and back by way of i ook's Regulating Compound Vancouver and Victoria-or vice versa. In this way you eoyen more A #of@. rMsabL., regui"os# territorv and sece mono varied sght3 mediie. Sold mn three de- Any Agent o!f('anadian Nationa . 2 ~83; No 3' 85 per box. Railways will he glad te help you S. HId 1> aIl dru"sota. or matn plan your itineo-ary, furnish yeu with! Îepad' on receipt ao priS. cost an gie yo oter nforatf- 1pamphlet. Addreaa: cosi an gie yu oherin!rmaîcnHE COOK MEDICINtCO., you desine. 8-21 ~T.Oit'orn..y' IRemarkable, Wonderful The true herbai remedy, MILLER'S CANADIAN HERB JUICE has re- lieved thousands of sufferers o! stomach, liver bowel and kidney dis- orders, constipation. gas pains, etc. Do not delay any longer. Ask Jury & Loveil Ltd., douggists, about this nemedy. Here'8 A Chance at OUR risk, use Mo-s. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis. for Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Catao-rh, Wbooping-cough. Quinsy, Sore Throats and Tonsil troubles. Resuits good or money back. .7-2 Aching Swollen Feet The Oil o! Power.-lt is net cdaim- e(l for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil that it will nemc<ly every ili, but its uses anc so various that it may be looked upon as a genenal pain killer. It bas achicved that greatness for itsel! and its excellence is known te ail who have testcd its vintues and learned by experience. STROLL ALONG THE BOARDWALK Enjoy the Colorful Panorama of Spring Fathiona in Bright Array. Atlantic City is thnonged witb those Who deligbt in catching a pre-season, glimpse o! the season's vogue. Of course Atlantic City 'effens other attractions apart frein the world ef fashion. It is famous as a place te celeho-ate the passing o! winter. Right now you ec enjoy riding, golf, motening and the theat- r-es. Choice o! 55 hotels assures eveny accommodation and eveny confort. Canadian National effers o-apid ser- vice te Atlantic City via Phîladel- phia. Full information rates, hot- els etc., at any Canadian National Railways Ticket Office. 8-2 ORONO (From The News of February 16th) Miss Viola Gilfillan was home from Toronto over the weekend. No one need endure the agony of corns with Holioway's Corn Remover at hand to remove them. Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg and son, Wil- liam John of Providence, have been visiting hier parents, Mr. and Mns. R. H. Allen. Mr. E. J. Hainm and Mns. J. R. Cooper were delegates to the Provin- cial Horticuitural Convention in Toronto, last week. Master Earl Fowler of Oshawa, haa been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powler here and other relatives at Kendal. Mo-s. Patterson, Leusland, Sask., accompanied hbzlier cousin, Mrs. Mc- Donald of Moose Jaw, are visiting hier sister, Mo-s. J. R. Cooper. Visitors on Sunday at Mr. William Cornish's were: His brother Tom, sister Julia, and grandson William, and nephew, Charles Britton, ail of Os~hawa. Mr. F. J. Hall has bought five acres of heavily timbered land north part of lot 30, 9th con., aiso a bunch of tiynber froni Mr. William Wright, *ot 20, 9th Con., Clar-ke, cak and pine. As a vermifuge an effective pre- paration is Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of in- jury to the constitution. A cheque for $3,446.07 was receiv- ed by the School Board, Orono Con- tinuation Sc4ool, for Uounties' Treas- urer's Grant, re county pupils for 1927, being an increase over previous year of approximately $100.00. Mo-. John Edwards who has held a good position as Tester with the Gen- eral Motors, has been advanced to the head of that department. Mo-. Edwards, who is an oid Orono boy, has been with the Generai Motors since the family ieft this town. In the Hollenbeck Presby-terian Church, Calendar, Los Angeles, Cal., Sunday, December 18th., under the heading of "Wedding Beils" is the announcement of Miss Beer and Mr. Riddle. The bride is a daughter of former Orono citizens Mr. jand Mrs. Her-bert E. Beer. A joliy company of young people to the number of about 150, gathered at the Dewell honiestead farm, resi- dence, Sixth Line, guests of the Misses McCutcheon on Wednesday evening of last week. Music was furonished by Messrs. C. Morris and C. Cooper, harp and vieolin, and danc- ing was indulged in until the shalll heurs of the morning. A splendid lunch was served during the evening. With so thorough a preparation at hand as Miller's Worm Powders the mother who ailows hier childo-en to suifer from the ravages of worms is unwise and culpably careiess. A child subjected te the attacks of worms is aiways unhealthy and will be stunted in its growth. It is a merciful act to rid it of these de- structive parasites, especialiy when it oan be done without difficuity. Wýolverhanipton Lodge, S. 0. E. B. S., had a very interesting meetingý on Monday evening, the Supo-emel Grand Treasurer being the guest of hrionr Reeve M. J. Holman,' Secre- :ao-y of Lodge Newton, was present and was presented with a special Jewel of Merit and Certificate in o-e- cognition of his 28 years service in.I office was made by the Grand Treas- Jo-er, Bro. Green. Brethren were present from Newtonville, Newcastle, Bowmanvilie. Tyrone. Speeches wene made by the distinguished visitors, visiting brethren and others. An ex- cellent supper was served. Astbma Cannot Last when the greatest of ail asthma specifics is us- ed. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy assuredly deserves this exaît- ed titie. It has to its credit thous- ands of cases which other po-epara-1 ions had failed to benefit. It brings ieip te even the most severe cases and brings the patient to a condition f blessed relief. Surely suffering nrom asthma is neediess when a rem- dy like this is se easily secured. The death o! Mrs. Chas. Wade which tooûk place suddenly at Peter- oro, Febo-uary 8, renioves a one-time weil known resident of Orono dist-. ict. Deceased, who a daughter o! the late James Bellwood, was f-ormer- [Mrs. James Poliard, and for many Vears iived on the Pollard fao-m, west, )f the town, now occupied by hier' laughter-in-law, Mo-s. Milton Pollard. ore time afte- the death of Mr. Wade, she went to Peterboro te re- de with her sister, Mo-s. Marshall *crteo-, and Inter they were joined )y another sister, Mo-s. Chalmers. The For a genuiune treat try our daily. baking-fresh The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery BowýmanvilleI An Inside Tip on Coal do you want the most coal value for your money, donot buy cheap, rusty coal. Coal mined near the surface is generally water soaked and heavy, and has a very low heat value. For greater economy order Lehigh Anthracite- a rich, black coal that's deep mined, double screened and hand picked from the finest mines in the country. Play safe-order Lehigh and keep your home warm and comfortable. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies iJ. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial wiIl convince you. Batteries Chargred C. A. ]Bartlett Phone 110 *hwwn Label Quality, 38e a-b. Orange Pekoe Blend, 43e YWlb. Blue Label Quallty, 43e Wlb. Red Label Quellty, 48c Y-lb. Gold Label Quallty (Finegt Procurable), 53e 1/2-1lb. Four grades nid Un Black, Green end MIxd Blends. Lowest Prices ln Canada For Fine Teas Big Demand for Our Baking Our policy is plenty of butter and eggs- plenty of everything good-plus the knack of the experienced housewife in finishing off the baking with that touch of satisfaction and quality which every good cook prizes. [ King St. East, Bowmanville PAGE SIX -i ' - 1