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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SiX TISE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH lst., 1928. Wby do Sa many ,many babies of boday escape aIl the littie fmetful spelîs and infantile ailments that us- ed ta worry mothers thraugh the day, and keep them up baîf the night? If yau don't know the answer, you haven't discovered pure, harmnless Castoria. It is sweet ta the taste, and sweet in the little stomacb. And its gentle influence seems felt al tbrough the tiny aystem. Not even a distasteful dose of castor ail does so mnuch good. And it is so pleasant ta take. Taste it yourself, and you'Il know why "Cbiîdren Cry for It". Fletcher's Castoria is purely vege- table, so you may give it freely, at firat sign of colic; or wben you even suspect the approach of constipation; or diarrhea. Or those many times when you just don't know wbat is the mnatter. For real sickness, caîl the doctor, always. At other times, a few draps of Fletcher's Castaria. See how quickly aIl fretfulnesa of wake- fulness will cease! Only one word of warning: the above advice is true of genuine Cas-, We will be glad to advise you. business. toria.* The kind called. Fletcher's, bearing Fletcher's signature is gen- uine-and does flot contain opiates or any other drug that can harm your baby. Other preparations may be just as free from harm; the writer does flot know as to that, but does know one family whose children wil neyer make the experiment! *SPECIAL NOTE: With every bot- tie of genuine Fletcher's Castoria is wrapped a book on "Care and Feed- ing of Babies" worth it.s weight in golld to every mother or prospective mother. Children Cry o That's our HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & %SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Pone 50 King St. E. Bowinanville Dan gerous Varicose Veins Reduced or Money Back This Simple Home Treatment is Giving Amazing Resuits Rob Gently and Upward Toward the (full strength) and apply as dir- Heart as Blood in Veina Flow& ected nîght and morning to the swol- That Way. len, enlarged veins. Soon you will notice that they are growing smaller If you or any relative or friend is and the treatment should be contin- worried because of varicose veina, or ued until the veins are of normal bunches, the best advice that anyone size. So penetrating and powerful in thia world can give you is to ask is Emerald Oui that even Piles are your druggist for an original two- quickly relieved. Jury & Loveli ounce bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil sella lots9 of it. Proved safe by millions and prescribed Colds Headache Neuritis 'IRIN by physicians for Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism [DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEARTj I*Acept qnM1 "Ber'1 package which contains proven dir~etins. 5afefHandy *Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Alsobottles of 24 and 100-Dnugglsts. tsli sf5u&d s <stu a na4t> or Bayea Msnnfaetur !msoSmetie- seldutser t sllasdd um(AtyI l uUc Ant. ".aU. A").WbilIe st la vel I kacn t0t sfb AsaU ms =sWoe .mntst. o aatMh.=U=t i*it mttr s tTable e94Myo OumPtwII ouamu iS Si 'w rdemsf5 Byr O*e... t Care of Babies At the annual vestry meeting of! St. John's Cburch, Blackstock, thel following reports were presented: Cenu'ral fund, $2202.09; Women's Auxiliary, $570.82; A.Y.P.A., $297.-ý 12: S.S., $135.63; Cenietery Fund, $215.82; Little Helpens, $7.08. The Rectory Building Fund from sale of nId Rectary, suhacriptions and grant, $4102.11. Wardens elected for the Ansuuing year-Rector's-Geo. Nes- 'iitt: Peole's-Robt Hamiltcn, Sec- ri4aryr-Howard Bailey; Treasurer- S. Jc'ffery; Lay delegates ta Synaod- R. Hamilton, S. Jeffery, C. O. Lucas. Officers for the A.Y.P A: Patron -Rev. P. G. Powell; President-Fred Haumilton; Vice Preident-Jack Sith; Secretary-Ivy Wall, Treas- uî'pr--Hirry McLangblin; Pianit- Olive Bailey. O'!lems for W. A.: Hon. President - Miis Prout; President-Mrs. Pow- 11' . l"t Vice Preqident-Mrs. R. M-hnod:- 2nd Vice Pregi<lnt-Mrs. S '15c1atiighlin; Cor. Secretary-Mrs. T. e';th: Rec. Seertrv-Mrg. A. Rt;lev: Treasurer-Mrs. C Parr-. Liv- !-"" Messqge Sec.-Mrs J. Jefery-, Y ;c'rnture Secetarv-Mrs. J. R. Mc- T -umlin: Dorcas Secretai-y-M,-;g F Parr:, Little Helpers-Mrs. W Craw- I te d; Social Service-Mns. Maha cd. J NESTLETON A play was given in the Foresters' Hall last Wednesday evening by the young people of South Nestleton, in aid of Presbyterian Church. which was very amusing .... Mr. and Mrs. Annett from near London who were on their wedding tour, visited her aunts, Mns. Sam McLaughlin and Mrs John Watson .... We congratulate Master Wray Edwards on winning a prize at the judging contest in Tor- onto...Week evening meeting last Thursday evening in charge of Presi- dent, when Mr. John Emerson from North Dakota, wbo la visiting friends around here gave a good description of conditions in that country when be flrst went there 45 years ago. Some incidents were very amusing as well as some sbowing the difficulties en- countered by the pioneer resident. . .Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., again oc- cupied the pulpit in North Nestleton Church on Sunday and gave a good discourse on the benefits of religion, taking for his text, .'And what shell we Receive"? . .Mr. Fred R. Philp sold several of his pure-bred Short- borns recently at remunerative prices some being shipped to John Miller .Mr. Gordon Wilson of Saskatche- wan has joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. William Port- eous visited in 1Bethany and attend- ed bis bratber's sale asat week. BLACKSTOCK Miss Gertie Montgomery, Solina, is visiting Cartwright frienda. Mr. T. Samelîs is visitiag friends un Bobcaygeon over the weeicend. Mr. and Mns. S. A. Devitt spent Sunday afternoon witb Mr. and Mns. J. G. Marlow. Mr. James Marlow who was quite ili is improving. Hope he will soon be in perfect bealth. Glad ta bear that Mrs. Griffith is much better and Rev. J. E. Griffith was able to return to bis work on Sunday. W. M. S. of the United Church are putting on their play "Soup, Sand and Sagebrush". on March 6., beaides the play there will be solos, duets, monologues and instrumentaIs by lo- cal talent. Admission 25c and 15c. Blackstock Athletic Society had a large crowd at the Progressive Euch- re on Thursday evening, Mrs. Luther Mountjoy being the winning lady, while Mr. O. Wright and Mr. R. WUl- Ian were ties and on playing it out Mr. O. Wright won. United Cburch League visited Port Perry on Tuesday evening week. The meeting was conducted by Blackstock members, the topic "Success" being taken by Miss S. Smith, one of the High School teachers. Port Perry members concluded a very pleasant evening witb a social time and re- freshments. Miss Laura Hambly, returned Mis- sionary f rom China, took the services for Rev. Mr. Griffith on Sunday, speaking in Cadmus, Nestleton and Blackstock. She also gave an ad- dress in the United Cburcb Monday evening 2O1th. Miss Hambly is a former Cartwright girl, baving been born at Purpie Hill, a daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hambîy. At the losing business meeting of St. John's Church for the year 1927, Miss Jennie Prout was presented with a purse of $50, in grateful a.pprecia- tion of ber efforts in belping to save the church when it was struck by ligbtning during a violent storm in the summer. United Church villag- ers worked as beroically as the Ang- licans and their united efforts saved the church. Damages amounted to $100. Mr. Perey Hamilton, Peterboro Normal School, visited at home .. Anglicans are busy drawing gravel for the new Rectory . .. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton and Miss Olive Bail- ey visited in Toronto ...Mr. John Hamilton visited in Brantford.. Miss Ivy Wall was in Oakville recent- Iy. . Women's Day of Prayer was ob- served Friday afternoon in St. John's Church... . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar- mer recentiy entertained a party of friend ..St. John's Woman's As- sociation met at the home of Mns. John Forder on Tbursday, Feb. l6th with a splendid attendance. A let- 1er was read from Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Marlow of Toronto, thanking the members for their gift of flowers to Dr. Marlow who bas been confined ta his bed for the past six months. His many Cartwright> relatives and frienda will be pleased to know that he is surely if slowly recovering. Dr. Marlow made for himself a lastingl LESSON No. 18 IQuestion: Why is emnu!- sified cod-liver oil s'. needful for a child who i pale and losing weight? Anawer: It is food and tonic rich in vitLn;À..-s and other nourishing facters tliat are particularc., helpful to a weakened child. Foryourchild-old reliahie jSCOTT'S EIUL!!",d YOUNG WOMEN SUFFERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia F. Plnkham'a Vegetabi._Compound Aye's lii, Qeb.. -I'Jhave been~ ~ ~~en tecin o ttyerand ;t the edfthe 1always feel u iedand have no &Ppetite. I was amul1 uick each month,too,having cmin myack witisoretues I w»'olge tostop wokn.A friend recoMmended heLydi&VPink- ha sVgetable àýnd 1 heard many women telling how good it wssso 1 thought it would help me. And it did. NowI1 take six bottles ever,T year and recommend it to others.' - DONALDA FANTEUX, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.-"I had ir- regular peric la and great suffering at those tîmes, the pains causing vomiting and fainting.1 was teach- ing school and often for sanie hour8 1 would be unable to attend to My work. Through an advertisement in the papers 1 knew of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the troubles heing completely relieved." -LAURA J. IATON, Canninig, King'» County, Nova Scotia. c 10sPMOSPHOD1NEý im "The Great English Preparatiînn * JTone. and u,.rugorates the whole nervous systera maties new Blood Sin oid Veins. Usm.d for Nervous im Debi'uity. Mental and Brain Warry, tlesondency. Lou of Eserv, palpitation <al #bc Heart, Failing Memor. ri" $2 pe. box. 3y for 15 ait druggis. or maled in plain pkg. on receipl o! Sice Nov >.upit maied "-.Tm w WOO EDICIN C.mýo»NToorr ZSok's Regulatlng Compound à9% Pý A a.!.. '.liablé r.guSdis modiemot.8old-in tht.. de- f "Moistrenatb-No. 1. lis o 2 3* o. 3 88par box. "e d £ i druaite. orment mPrepsdo iceiPt of prios.' Frc pahpbt. Addru: TI4tg COOK MEDICINE C«. TOEIfîe.os11. i omeîiyNindame' Men, Women, Children by thousands, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis for Head Colds, Catarrh, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Quinsy, Sore Throat and Tonsil troubles. Try, its guar- anteed. 9-2 Stomach Cas Drives Man From Bed "I had gas so bad I had to get up nights on account of the pressure on my heart. I used Adierika and have been entirely relieved".-R. F. Krueger. Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas and often removes astonishing amount of old waste mat- ter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerikal will surprise you. Jury & Loveil, Lt., Druga. Try Magnesia For Indigestion People who suifer from indigestion usually have tried pepsin, charcoal, drugs and variaus digestive aids andj got little mare than slight temporary relief--sometimes fot even that. But before giving up to chronic dyspepsia, just try the effect of a lit- tie ýBisurated Magnesia-not the or- dinary commercial corb onate citrate or milk, but pure Bisurated Magnesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist in either powder or tab- let form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder or four tablets with a lit.tle water after your next meal and see what a difference this makes. It will instant- ly neutralize the dangerous, harmful acid in the stomach which uow causes your food to ferment and sour, mak- ing gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloated or heavy, lumpy feel- in'F that seems to follow moat every- thîng you eat. You can enjoy your meals without a f ear of indigestion. The cello solo rendered by Miss Dorothy Rowe in Park St. Churcb, Sunday morning, was very creditably given, particularly the latter baîf wben the full rich tone of this splen- did instrument was brought out in great musical cancord, as the young musician gained in confidence. Misa Rowe is a member of> the Sunday School Orchestra of whicb Mr. A. J. Knox is director. An 011 of Merit.-Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil ia not a jumble of medi- cinal substances thrown together and pusbed by advertising, but the result of the careful investigation of the healing qualities of certain ails as ap- plied ta the human body. It is a rare cambination and bas won and kept public favor fram the first. A trial of it will carry conviction ýo any wha doubt its power ta repair and heal. Members af Wolverhampton Lodge S.O.E.B.S., apent an enjoyable "At Home" with their wives and sweet- hearta in the baàement of the Town Hall, February 15th. The firat part of the evening was devoted ta pro- gressive eucbre, Mrs. George Mitchell being the winne raf the prize. An oyster supper and program followed the games. The lodge la much in- debted toalal who assisted witb the program, particularly Miss Buchanan, whose remarkable ability as a singer is equalled by ber graciaus willing- ness ta belp at al times. Ready-made Medicine.-You need no physîcian for ordinary ills when you have at band a bottle af Dr. Thomas.' Eclectric Oil. For coughs. colds, sore throat, branchial troubles, it is invaluable: for scalds, burns, bruises, apraina it is unsurpassed; while for cuts, sores and the like it is an unquestionable healer. It needa no testimonial other than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as ta its effectivenesa. ,h SAFE AND SiMPL% S ~6OULALWAY'I BE K VICEABLE PEIt Aa ORONO (Fromn The News of February 23rd) Miss Kathleen Staples was home fromn Port Hope overSunday. Mns. Lena Fralick, Port Perry, is visiting bier aunt, Mrs. Halliday. Miss Bernice Tucker, Ottawa, was home at ber father's, Dr. M. M. Tuck- er. Dr. John Chester of Toronto, spent the weekend with bis family at Mr. T Smith's. Miss Marjorie Tamblyn spent the past two weeks with relatives in Bow- manville and Salins. Orono Publicity Association are opening out a club room in the build- ing owned by Mr. H. G. MacDonald. Mr. and *Mrs. John S. Smith have returned home after spending the greate rpart of the winter in Tor- onto. Friday nigbt Kirby and Leskard hockey teams battled for supremacy, at which the former won the third straight victory. Miss Helene Waddell, Toronto, ac- companied by Mrs. Coulter and Mr. Dave Galloway, visited ber aisters, the Misses Waddell. Many mothera can testify ta the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, because tbey know from experience how useful it la. Friends of Mns. (Dr.) Herb. Alex- ander, Vis count, Sask., will be glad ta learn that she is reported recov- ering from bier recent serious opera- tion. Junior Department of the Public School bas been closed owing ta the illness of the teacher, Miss M. Adams, re-opened Monday with Miss Mabe] Dowson supplying. Mr. Frank V. Morris and wife who have been residents of this town a year or more past, disposed of their furniture and lef t Tuesday for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, their former home, wbere lie bas secured a position. The George Skelding farm, 85 acres bas cbanged ownership, Mr. Robert Rainey being the purchaser for bis son, Neil, who takes possession on April lst. This was originally the Peter and Archie McConnachie farm. No need to suifer with corns, or to mun the risk of paring tbem. Remove then sumely and painlessly with Hol- loway's Corn Remover. The men of Park Street Church at a well attended meeting decided ta observe March 4tb and 5th as a Men'a special weekend. Men's choir and special services on Sunday, Marcb 4tb. Monday evening a sup- per, hasidled solely by the men. Miller's Worm Powdens destroy worma without any inconvenience ta the child, and so effectually that they pasa from the body unperceived. Tbey thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels and leave themn in a con- dition not favorable to worms, and there will be no revival of the pesta. Women's Institute meeting was well attended on Friday, February l7th. A very excellent paper was prepared by Mms. O. W. Rolph on "The Efficient Homemaker"l. Musi- cal numbers were given by Misa Rosa- line Gamsby and Miss Marlon Green. A dainty lunch waa served. Strangled with Asthma is the only expression that seema to convey what la endured from an attack of thîs trouble. The relief from Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy ia beyond measure. Where aIl was suffering there cames comfort and test. Breathîng becamea normal and the branchial tubes completely cleared. This unequalled remedy is worth many times its price toalal who use it. EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Ta blets and are frft of the Grlping Pain and Sick Headacbes. Road what Mrs. Wrlght say s «I recelvcd your *ample of Zutoo Tab- jets, and took them for evere pain (moniblyl and headache. At the end of 3o minutes, 1 vas entlrely fret cf pain and exp.renced no more throughout the perlod. Isuffer a great deal atthese trnet and feel grateful that 1 have a remedy whlch aftords qulck relief. Every womnan in th. land abould know about Zutoo Tableft.and what they vIll dc," Mnr. ALLEN WRIGHT. Pulford, Que. TAKE ZUTOO - v»USONÂtSfIwIc, Comfort Iod So p bars i ~Arm and Hammner ~Waabing 2 kg. Lux.:. 1, Soda 1C L. Ainnonla Powdev :i::) Babbitt' 1Clmuser i octin 'P . Bo m 9 Claisic Cleanser 8c tin & . Bro ss'n39 Charm- 9c pkt. Wite Naptha Extra Strong 69c Soa chWashboardsa Stove Pohsih 18C I. o p Ztc3cGas 9 CIap ... .i17c i1o .-r 39c S. O. S. 14c,,. Clothes Pins 3 dos. 10c Pickled Red AyIniei J0eYGZd c.. î.. %.auag Pneapple Butter Pickles c No.2 6 ~ C 10boule tin 23c «GI 15 cl M... Fih ardines 2 Tins 290 SChristie's 1-1b. pkg. Dasi tTASTYpeArrowroot Basd W. W.pp.d Biscuits 33 Brand Bread Stelna inest ra« Th und oed Beef 25c of J. ndredaedTin u t of thousande of families i *3c 2b Frut6a . Shirriff's Orange .F.,.ily ma6 Ild Jelly Rolis 15...,h Marmajade -,j., 49c ,Bran.d 401eb Keen's Golden Hallowj Finest Smyrna Milk Nut Mustard Dates Cooking Bsut F- M Fig Bssùt %-btin 27c 21lb.. 15C 2 lba. 15c 25c ib.Su- F viation Gasolinei STROLL ALONG THE BOARDWALK Enjoy the Colorful Panorama cf Spring Fashions in Bright Array. Atlantic City is thronged with those wha delight in catching a pre-season glimpse of the aeason's vague. 0f course Atlantic City toffets other attractions apart from the world of fashion. It is famous as a place ta celebrate the passing of winter. Right now you can enjoy riding, golf, motoring and the theat- res. Choice of 55 batela assures every accommodation and every comfort. Canadian National offera rapid ser- vice ta Atlantic City via Philadel- phia. Full information rates, bat- ela etc., at any Canadian National Railways Ticket Office. 8-2 OnIy teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level are used Un 1"SALADA"F Orange Pekoe Blend- the flavour Us therefore rUcher, more fragrant and much more deliclous than other teas. Only 43c per J-1b.-Buy t at any grocery store. ORANGEA PEKOE ~BL D T eIAÀ à, Will A Fire Find You Under Insuired? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better protect yourself before disaster cornes. Do it no w, Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this month. The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH ist., 1928. PAGE SIX

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