PÂGE TWO ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCE 8th., 1928 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS STORY 0F THE BRITISH FLAG not be stirpassed by any other couin- NOT MANY 0F THEM DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE A good hearty laugh is real medi- Outlined in Historic Detail by Capt. Thirayen xmlfe in the wrd From an exchange we gleaned the' Rlonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto cine. Why do we not laugh more F. C. Palmier in lntensely Interestins words of Franklyn W. Lane, an following article that seems to apply University. Graduate of the Royal and eat less? Three or fou r good Addrest Amnerican, in an address upon the to any communîty. Thank goodness College of Dental Surgeons of On- laughs a day keep the doctor away. entry of America into the Great War there are few of them in any one tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. In "The Fragrant Minute for Everyl In the recent conference of Ontar- in 1917 hie said: "Why do we fight? place, else the Canada of the future, Office phone 40. House phone 22. Day" Wilhelmina Stitch wrtes: io Boy Scout Leaders held at Peter-! Because of England, from whence1 of which such a rosy picture was X-Ray Equipment in Office. "Let's smile and make the world boro, ne Of the chief speakers wasicame the laws, the traditions, the in- shoçt- at the oratorical contest, DR. J. C. DEVITT very fair. Let's smile and laugh Capt. OF. C. Palmer, Town Engineer herent love of liberty which we to-ý would neyer be. There is a certain Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson and crack a cheery .ioke. The smile for Bowmanville and Scoutmaster Of day caîl Anglo-Saxon cvlzto. type of man in every community who upon your lips w on't linger there, the First Bowmanville Troop. His Those words front a prominent Amer-! Poses as a good citizen. He breaks Graduate of Royal Dental College, but travel swiftly to sad-hearted folk. descriptive address on "The StorY ican citizen carry more weight in the no laws, lives morally, pays bis lion- foronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- [t brightens up their sky of dull drab of the British Flag," illustrated with valuation of our British Empire than est debts and is neyer tangled up with manville. Office bours 9 a. m. to 6 hue, more potent even than the ray charts, met witb such an overwbelm- odofur the law in any manner. But bie lives p. m daly ecep Sunay. Phone of sun. A smile! Wbo knows bow ing reception at the convention that1 The Flags of the Nations, wbicho isl.b isl n o isl 90. House phone 283. mucb t. it is due before its course he bas received many requests to l united for'm the Union Jack are the, exclusively. When the call is issued X-Ray Equipment in Office of bappiness is run?" give bis appealing and hgl inform- : St. George's Cross of England, the! for volunteers to put across a com- DR. . E DINIWLL "et' laghalto ou skes ookatie an hitorc hghl munity movement and give a boost, "Le's auh, lto or sie lok tiv an hstoiclecture in Tany lýSt Andrew's Cross of Scotland, and aa D.RE.DNIEL grey and we are feeling sure de- parts of the province. !the St. Patrick's Cross of lreland.1 he never answers. When caaity presed;andthe beore he los of Thrughthe indessof aptinhas befallen peuple in certain local-, vors raduaebof TRontl olUn- ess e; ad en befo sre, th lsif Trubteknns fCpan Al these Nation.s have records to'ities and cbarity flies to their rescue, verityandmemer f RyalColegedaywe'l fedI'msur, feshlie Palmer we are able to reproduce his be proud of, and separately have h snyro h it hnh #3f Dental Surgeons. Licetnsed to and 'zest. Let's laugh away the 1talk, replete witb traditional events, bogb otb rdioslhc iad~e s soee nhurstckin hen mud and on>în~gloomy face. Let's show we have no which unfolds a wealth of informa- F. th foids of our flag. Taking. heet our oaodb nfci Ion.c-ig tBwîavle cowardshat er eejs ionprann t eal ringing tbem consecutively we bave first the he stood on the sbore and saw a shipI posteBan o MntrankPone30. orMontttrsac, e1m.h wihhonabot 3econepio ofthcUioncrssofo t.Geogefo EnGaeorgoesatfsikrgbe oud eye ofe _____________ - -~fuflî or prt. "hebirs reJack. 'Tis said St. George lived but in leg- to tbrow' out a line. And if aIl man- laughing 'neatb the leaves; the riveri In our opinion the Department of end and a mytb, tbat is not so. Thosei kind wast fasbiuned from tbis same LEGAL laugbing flows along. What flower Education would do well to print this wbo were interested made a study kind of cbar) what would bappen? L ALis there that sulks or grieves? The address in pamphlet forni and issuei and set about to discover the bistory, There would- be nu churches, no bus- N.G.V GULB.A, .1. D eart uf Nature's always strong. one to every pupil in the province,! of St. George. It bas been definite- pitals for the sick, no institution for Barrister, oLict, NtA., ry D Let's laugb-not frown, nor scowl, The historic and patriotic significance1 ly f ound that St. George was a the unf ortunate, nu progress. If j Money roictoaonFrm oad Tononr weep nor duIl each day with from reading this article shouldIChristian Knîgbt of dauntless cour- r ou are about to become a useless i roper t. oal o BFmand Buildn dreary fear. For we shall aIl be create a respect and loyalty in the! age and purest bonour wbo was b-ý 'good citizen' read this editorial Proprty Royl Bnk Bildnglong asleep-and laughter, then, we minds of the cildren toward the beaded for his Christian faith during; again". Bowmanville. Phone 351. shaîl not hear". Union Jack wbich sbould bave a lite ! the reign of the Roman despot, Dia-,'___ W. R STIKEAdamlivd, istry rcors, o ~long effect in their love and affection: cletion, on the 23rd of June A. D. W.CR930 ye A ars ld-due toyarcoerf o etoward the British Empire. Capt. r303. "CANADIAN STORIES" Successor to lste D. B. Silnpeob, KC93 erol dut aceful lifelp1 mer's address follows:Tremisnotaonth Md- Barriater, Solicitor, Notary and Nature's menu of fruit, ntsan 1Terr minean sor fro the MCitv o i rdt pas n e hp Solicitor for Bank of Montreal herbs. He was a cheerful man. AI The dictionary defines a 'flag' as altraensoefmth Ciy f Al edpas ndw hpl Moe oLa h~ 1troubled mind disturbs the beart and; piece ut bunting. It fs also defined: Beyruut still stands the Grotto glory and success will follow the en- vtlforces, impairs digestion, and asacidsgretu h eeig br îtr el . that St. George deavor uf Harry . Moore, edtr Bowmanville, Ontario vtl sie or wn fgo of reverence and sentiment which at-; engaged in combat and slew the of tbe Deseronto Post, wbo bas I organs sfe o ato od' ~.F.WRD . . blood-made from we.l-digested food1 taches us to our national emblem,i Dragon. This may not mean that launched on the bih!owy ea ut popu- I W. F.WARDB. A. and plenty of pure air and water. ! warrants a more appropriate mean-. an animal as depicted by artists ex- lar reading and literature witb "Can- f Barrister, Solicitor, Notasy Lubadb ery t:lveln; e ng, and the following may be said to isted, but is generally believed to be adian Stories". a brand new ail-! Money to boan. Bonds for sale.1 plenty of sleep. Self -preservation 'more adequately express what our' St. George's victory over wickedness Canadian monthly magazine. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,1 is the first la,, of Nature. For your Union Jack means to us: "The FIag and sin. Popular fiction-j.e., stories of ad- Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones eofbntn own good and the good of your is a pieceo bn ilited i0 the air The first Englisb representative tu xventuire, love and mystery-has Office 102. House 409. 'friends consider your own health and but it speaks sublimity and every part adopt the St. George's Cru'.s, ;as proven an important part uf the ___________________ pursue that course which will hest se-. has a voice. This is remarkably true Richard I, the Lion Heartcd, as he reading of millions ut peuple in the cure it. Laugh heartily and oten- of our British Flag, to seek its hist- was called. He adopted the Red past. and wiil continue to be read by FUNERAL DIRECTORS continued cheertulness will preserve ory is to hear the voices of the past, Cross with a white background dur- thr, generations that are tu cume. ha rmniuus action of bodily organs, and realize the sublime motives wbicb ing the 3rd Crusade in 1194. He Storie-. ut the popu7ar type bave F. F. MORRIS CO. and itheir functions willbcb regularly have made Great Britain the nation adopted it as the distinguishing em- aîbvax*s been a part of the contents Complete MotOi. Or and well perf ormed and thus will it is to-day. blem of the Englisb Crusaders, but ot everv Cm inatiman magazine publish- 1 Horse Equipment your physical health be secured and 'Flags, according to bistoryar not as representing the Englisb d n coi euntry, but nu une maga- i Ali caîhs promptly maintained su that many years of very old, exploration bas discovered Nation (in the firs- and second cru- zine hs 'i_ (r attempted t pruvdle its attended to. usefulness will be added to your spani the existence of fiags and national sades the Englisb Knigbts wore red . reader' . w-h an all-fieti )n make-up. Private Ambulance r uof lite and a beautiful spirituality emblems before history had a written with a white cross.) The contents ot Canadian Stories i yBowmanville phonle 1xi deveiop that neyer cana bc enjoy- record. The St. George's Cross wvas adopt- l wiii be nmade up entirelY nutf the work 10 and 34 cd to morose, frettul and despondent! We reati in the Bible ot the Stand- ed by the Engish Nation in 1274 dur- ut Canadian wri-ters. Ex ery stry- Branch Stores- individuals. Look f or a moment at lard ut the Akssyrians, and in the Book ing thereign of Edwvard 1. It was wt h xetonu n nec Orono & Newcastle tbe beautiful flowers. Color changes ut Numbers, second Chapter, second adopted to distinguisb the English issue-wiil bc Canadian in settin g 1 with every blossom and their delicate verse we read an order froni Moses Knights and their troops from their 1 and treatntent. The exception mu st perfumes linger on every breeze tu tu the Children ut Israel while jor-1 nemies in battle. It can be read- bc p'acer1 in sume other part o h ALAN M. WILLIAMS gratify the senses and make the neyîng from Egypt tu the promnised ily understood that when Knights i British Commonwealth. u Embalmer and Funeral Director. isoul glad. How cala man tail tu be iand be says: Every man ut the cbiid-! were enclosed in armour and the oi Calîs given prompt and personal at- cheerful ,vhen God bas created su 'ren ut Israel shahl pitcb by bis own distinguisbing mark being the crest' tention. No extra charge for disma, many things for his comforti Standard with the Ensign of bis upon the helmet and shield, both ut' tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- land is continually asking him tu be fatber's bouse. whicb could soon be lost in battle,' JUDICIAL NOTICE vile, Ont. 3-tf. happy. "Smihe and the world smiles Our Museums hold emblems and and the retainers ut the Knigbts wore _________________________ with you". *** standards ut the Pharauha and also 'nu distinctive uniform it was neces- To the Creditors and Share- 'standards and emblemns ot the Greeks I ary to assume means ut easy identîfi-, MEDICAL Do yuu, dear reader, desire a and Romans ut later times. But~ cation. For that reason a whitei holders of The Newcastle C. W SLMONM. ., C M. cheerful, happy and bealthtul lite? the oldest and only universal flag, jacket with a large red cross, front Harbour Company C. W.SLEMO, M. ., C.M. f su, keep as mucb in Nature's ine frum which aIl flags and embiems or-! and back, was introduced. The same _____ Graduate of Trinity Medical College, as you can. No sane individual will iginated andi which periodicaliy weldifficubty being found in recugnizing i uatath mdn-~Orr Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. deny the tact ut the heneficial effectisee, ifted in the air, higber than shpajce a na mrecy ri adhi' the. 5upreme Court uf Ontario Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's ut joyaus, hearty augter, not only earthby flag staff can raise it and placed upon a pike pole and tastened rin the matter of The Ontario Companies former residence on Cburcb Street, upon the general health but on the spread out beyond the size ut earthly upon the bow of an English sbip, i Statut-s of On aria. 1527, snd In the mat- Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. physical assimilation. What about bunting, and with colours wbich dety tram this also çlame to us the word ter of thc Newcastle ilarbour Company. CLR BL ur usual way ut Iaugbing? Here, correct imitation by man is the Bain- meaning Jaclitke'- eArg te D.127ihe wetrsdyofh J. CAKBL is an example: A thin, dyspeptic bow-that emblemi between God and During the **r wîth Scotland in abotust.A. eD. 1927,the cd tlor the h M.D., Ch.8., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P * M young woman is being entertained byj Man. the Reign of Richard Il, 1836, an have claims, either as shareholders or (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tub7e) a fat jolby young man-not in Bow-I Many nations bave followed thelorder was îssued to> the English 'otherwlse, agains: the said company Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- manville. Watch themt tho. He Romans and Greeks in tbeir emblems. troups, readîng as tollows: "That '"illîage of Newcastle, in the County of deen University; Fellow o! the Royal is telling a funny story and ashle Although the Romans predomiînated every man ut what estate, condicion Durham, are. on or betore the seven- College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. reaches the climax bis head is ele- amst tbe wbole ot Europe and their or nation thei be of, su that hie be teenth day uf March. A. D. 1928, to send Office and Residence, Queen St., vated, back straigbt and wbole body1 embleni, the Imperial Eagle, must joftOur partie bere the signe ut the; ator ut the sald Company, at Colborne, Bowmanviîle, Phone 89 receiving a jolly good shaking by bis bave been a sign ut oppression, yet, armes ot St. George, large, both be- Oario,? aidechripos tn endfulIare DR. AZEWO AD IRS laugter-his sides and abdomen re- when the many states and countries fo re and behind upon parrebl, that yt ticulars ot their claimrs. and the nature DRS.HAZEWOD AD BRKS spond to the agitation ut bis d iapb- threw off the Roman yoke, five adop- lie be sîsyne or wounded ta deth, he' and amount or securities (if any) held Physicians and Surgeons ragm. Now observe the young girledteRmn mbmheGln that has su done to hym sball not be by themn and the specitied value of such 'Fl heRoanem-', heGode isecurities. verlied by uath, and lu de- ,Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 ta 8.30. for contrast-sbe gives a sort ut hy- Eagle ut the Frencb, the Black Eagle Put to deatfl for uaiult oftne tauît thereot they wîîî he peremptorily Tebephone 108 strclsra n ed e odyu Prussia, the White Eagle ot Pol-lcrosse that lie lacketb, and that non trclsea anbndliroy excluded trom beneits ut the Baid Act Office-. Wellington Street torward, crampîng bier stomach, and, the double-beaded Eagle ut enemy do bere the same token or anThe ndrigue oa Mse o Boma~i1, ntri. diaphragm and abdomen, su that the Austria and the double-headed Eagle crosse ot St. George notwithstanding Thourg w i n teed tcal-atiray uo- onyparts ut ber body that show utRsiOteful-eddege th epîoe pn pye u March, 1928, at 2:3il o'clock in the atter- ______..._______arlir_______ andface. man'oue s n rl et'fon at his Chambers In the Court Hous _______________'I_ eotion areaerdsIouldes and îngdeth". St the Town ut Cobourg, hear the report VEERNAYShoulders are cramped torward and Eight nations show the Greek It ia said that the English troopa j[ut the Liquidator upon the claimrs ot VETERINARYinstead ut lungs and blood receîvîng Cross upon their emblems varying in at the batthe ut Antioch, being bard 'creditora submitted ta hlm pursuant ta DR. F. M. TIGHE the benefit ot the tull, deep insia position and colour. pressed and upon ths point ut de- thia notice. aud let ail parties then at- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or tion and a good shaking up by the Every naton bas a Flag, wbsther teat, saw a great body ut horsemen Daýted tbis slxteen:h day of February, Night calîs prompthy atteoded ta. jumping ut the diaphragma, tbey are Monarcby, LmtdMnrhR- m u fthe lus edb a198L.V0CNOR Offce Kig t. as, Bwmnvile son eprve ofwht ltte ar aspublic or Soviet, and to ail National Knîgbt wearîng the Arms ut St. Local Master at Cobourg. Phone 243. in reserve and tbe girl grows re d in Flags respect is due from other George. This is saîd to have su heart- W. A. F. Campbell, face, coughing ensues and distress Nain. I aIteFagltteened the Englisb that they foughtl Port Hope, Ontario. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. more than offsets the good d onc.i Nations ufthte world were placed side with sucb determination as carried Soiia o h iudtr - Orono Notice the absence ut the bearty, by ide une çould point to tbe Union them to victory, and subsequently 1 - EFonor Graduate ot University of1 happy, contageous, heaîth-pruvoking, Jack. the Union FIag ut Great Brit- adopted the St. George's Jack asý Toronto. Al cases given prompt, sou-nspîring outburat ut pleasure nd say:-Thm. and~~~~~~~ caeu teto.Ofc- nsepeso ntefatrain, andsy Tat Fhag means more terebtr otrb-~ ijj and carefl attenton. Offi tht fnsepeso ntefut and stands for mure than any other England bas played a great part,! Dr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S jclo' omrofc.Poe:ing up and down ut the diapbragi fl in the world, by reason ut the ifnoohegeatt 0ibu Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. !ibyusei tejbyplm fact, that man agmrknepc ting to the present success and person whose augh is worth more in the bistory ut the nation, or mark standing in the world ut the 'Britisb than ail the drugs ho Christendoni. a great event in a nation or i-pi-e- Empire. AUCIONERS"Laugh and grow fat". 'otaproaeadmn omm Alfred the Great flrst conceived THEO SEMON *sent ate rev on, butd fly o s te-the idea that the detence ut England' THO . LEONCbeertuhness dues assuredly con- Unt avouion TeutnoJacktre- coaid only be efficienthy carried out' Auctioneer tribute to lengtb ut ite. Also the cnod n ak.T odhe soneadvkandupon the sea. Theretore a navy was Farm and Hous Sales a Specialty. rpcrson who naturally laugbs beartiiy.porssv ' - fa ra iain an absolute necessity. H e bai lt,' Ters mderte. Ennsklle P.0. nd fte, , ocason ccusgives and h y the union ut the nations equipped and maintained an English Phone 197r3. 1-tf.1 an expression that adds tu the at- aywihpoere h hrso tractivenes utfeatues an --w-buse flags constitute the Union Jack nv bc rtce h hrso - - - . eidncegîesa systcm ut cunstitutionai ovrn- the British 1,4es. His successors; utntghod beaithtforu thewvary-e tui owed in bis footsteps until King! - CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUtsLESS inz degree., ut emution play upon the meteî nrdct vibcn Harold ascended the throne. He - THEROPY te Itires, the corners ut the mouth 1 Incgiected the ships, be did flot pro- i r DURWIN E. STECKLEY txirn upwards, nu wrinkles appear on__________________ vide for tbem the necessities ut ite i The happy ~o'j gauae tToonoCole te îr0a.: tis hat is aiglid"a- 1evco, witb the result that they were1 rd o-othes n.erves, allays lathirstaids *digeao n.'IWO The Stitesman appreciates very mach the splendid respunse wbicb oui- readers bave made the past tew weeks to our appeal to psy up their .ubscriptions. The more generous' the support we receive from the rublic. the hetter are we ho a posi- tion to serve our readers and the commun ity. The scores ot kind words o! apDraciation that accompanied tha remittances, moat o! tbem we tsar ton flattering, are also deeply appre- ciated. Did you tackbe that trouble that cama your way Witb a resolute heurt and cheertul? Or- bide your face from the lght of day Witb a ci-avensou! and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce, Or a troubla in what you muke IL. Tt isn't the tact that you're hurt that cou ots But only, how did you talc. it. -8.eew. happy mai-chanta in somne townis. Don't overlook it. great possibilitiea. FARMERS, ATTENTION 1 There will be a series of meetings in connection with the. Btter Seed Campaign, held under the auspices of the Agricultural Scieties and the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Following is time, place and date of meeting- Milbrok-ounilChamber, Town Hall, 2 p. m. Tuesday, Ij March 6th. Orono-Town Hall, 2 p. m. Wednesday, March 7th. Port Hope-Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, 2 p. m. Thursday, March Sth. Bowmanville-Council Chamber, Town Hall, 2 p. m. Friday, March 9th. Every farmer growing grain should be present as fuil dis- cussion will be given to the weed situation and the us" of better quality grain and seeds. J. Y. KELLOUGH, Agricultural Representative, Durham Gonnty. The Annual Convention of the Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Association will be held at ITown Hall, BRIGHTON Friday, March 9th, 1928 Meetings will open at 10.30 a. m. Po.Speakers wvîll be: Prof. J. E. Howitt, O. A. C., Guelph;I Po.L. Coesar, O.A.C.; W. A. Ross, Vineland Station; Jas. A Neilson, Port Hope; A. Fulton, Fruit Division, Ottawa; and P. W Hodgetts, Toronto. A banquet will be served at the Clarendon Hotel, Brighton, at 12.15. Speakers at the banquet will be W. Bert Roadhouse, Toronto, Deputy-Minister of Agriculture, and H. T. Foster, Bur- lington. President Ontario Fruit Growers Association. E. H. MARTYN, President. H. SIRETT, Secretary. Fid The Misapelled Word-Win Free Bread I-ome-Baking and Corbett's Bread PRICE Making home-inade bread during the months when tiresamar kept going bas been considered a saving on buying bread, for a great many years. Ten years ago it was probably true. Bt today the case is different. Contracting for our Flour in carload lots, direct from the milis we buy at a price very far below what the average household- er pays who buys 100 lbs. or at most a barre] at a time. Yeast, malt, sugar, in fact everything is bought in quantities, and tke bread is nmade in such large quantities, by the most efficient modern machinery, that the cost per loaf is much below that of bread made by hand, in small batcbess in the home. We ask you to consider this and test it. Figure every bit of iuaterial that goes into your batcb of bread and compae your bread bill witb what you would pay us. entgtb A loaf of bread Free to the first five people preetn u ad. Thursday with the misspelled word marked and signed bW jsender. Hot X Buns During Lent W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Special Furniture Sale Offers Exceptional Values 1Buy Your Beds, Springs and Matresses Now And Save Money A Walnut Finish Steel Bed with two inch continuous post for .....................$1 0.0w See our Special Layer Feit Mattress .......$12.00 A Pure White Layer Feit Mattress in best ticking ........................................$80 Ail Bedroom Furniture Specially Reduced For February Special Dresser, $17.00, Reduced to ........$50 Also Special Dresser $25.00, Reduced to .... $21.00 Real Walnut Dresser and Chiffonier in high- lighted finish, just new in, regular price $125.00 for ..................................$100.00 Several Odd Dressers and Wood Beds at Haif Price Special Iow price on ail Dining Room Suitesg For February F. F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Seriice BowmanvilleOn 1 f- - 4 e F. J. Van Nest & Co. Investment Bankers, 350 Bay Street, Toronto 2 0" PAGE TWO ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th., 1928