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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 5

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THE !rANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th., 1928 PAGE FIVI Wanted BIRTHS SCHOOL REPORT SELLERS-la Bowrnanville February WANTEO-Â capable woman or girl 24, ta Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sellers, a son. fer general houaework. Apply ta Mru. Honour Pupils During February BROWN-At Starkvlle nFbur i.utey, lgi StretBowmnylle. 0-t25, to Mr: and Mrs. Clinton Brown, a daughter. WANTED-GirI for general housework. Room 1-Entrance Claasa-Elsie MoKAY-In Starkville, on Tburaday, Umall famlly. Apply Mms. T., B.-011 February 9 ta Mr. andMrs. Wilfrharle- christ, Church St., phone 493, owman - Carruthes, Phye Mr.haandsCharleslfrid son ville. 9-tf Cawker, Marion Slemon, Donald Wil- aasnonTedy WANTED-A middle aged womnan o eau _ -_ liams, Gordon Jollow, Elford Cox, JFebruary 4. toltMm. vand Mrs. Stanley general house work on a tarm. Apply Dorothy Somerscales, Aleck Birks, Jones, a daughter. to Mrs. R. Colacott, or The Statesman, John lunt, Violet McFeeters, Ethel GIBSON-In Bowmanville, March lot., Bowmanville. 10-tf Henderson, Roy Neads, Hilda Bro5Wn, 1928, te Mm. and Mrs. James E. Gibson, fer mlED andary farm, m edre, Jock Hall, Albert Culley, Edward lnStNrhas. WANTD-Frm hndHUMBY-At Mount Hamilton Hospital, forferredan Sep y arat huse. io man Richards, Elizabeth Henderson, Ed- on Sunday, February 26, 1928, te Mr. and peerd eaaebueMitnTam- ward Bagnell. Mrs. H. T. Humby, a son. (Markus Lew- ....blyn, Orono, Ont. 9-2w , o~tntahr1) J.TIH.RFORD-n Maysiile, o., a WANTED-Experienced farm hand, un- UTEs RFObRDarI21, ayDr. andM.o inarrled, for mixed and daimy farming. Room 2I F. W. RutlihTueda erford , I Dagtr. andMry Apply to H. S. Barrie, phone 136-13, R. FeonarduthJr.ortha-Grace WelahMar IL. 4, Bowmanville. 1-. enr Wilson, Kari Smith, Bill Ele) WATE-Wntd---- Phillips, Bessie Gives, Mary Towns, i STEVENS-At Bowmanvilie Hospital, CORDWOOO ATD-atdan'v an hea, itnBgel February 24, ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. quantlty of Cordwood labs or bundleà an hea, Wno lgel Stevens, Maple Grave, a daughter. (Doria edglngs. Trent Valley Lumber Ca. Ltii. Hilda Simnick, Willie Wright. Consance.) 99 King St. East, Toronto, phone ElgiaC .Butotahr TUCK-In Toronto, February 29, 1928. ta 5754 or Elgin 7972. 7C3MrE.ndBruntonolE. teacher.ene WANTED-F'irst clan cook at Oshawa. Roomn 3--Jr. 4th-Ruby Hobbs Rvoad, the glft of a daughter-Mary Eli- Geod wages, three la family, other help and Louise Cole equal, Sidney Dillick, MUIRHEAD-At Oshawa Hsiao kept. Apply stating age. experience Hsitio etc., and forward copies of references te Madeline Jones, Harold Calmer, Fern Sunday, March 4, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. ~7 .',Draer , Bwmavlle.10- SmthRut Prdy Edth artrigtPercy A. Muirhead, (nee Catherine F.,Dae .Bwani.1- mtRacsutharice,Nedi tenartwigtCornwall), Walkerviile, a son. HELP WANTED-Experlenced single F- - __Clare,___ .. -er man wanted ta work on farm one mile Miss M. M. Jennings, teacher. west of Bowmanviile, 8 menthe or 1 year. AR GE Duties ta commence between now and Room 4-Sr. III--Joyce Aider,MRRAE April lst. Apply J. D. Stevens, R. R. 3AGAI-tte asn Bowmanville, phone 477-4. 10 tf Vera Lonsbury, Lorraine Pickard, MGL ---Byron Vanstone, Chester Jury, Doris age, Hampton, on Saturday, March 3, STENOGRAPHER WANTED-Either - 1928, by Rev. J. R. Bick, Elsie Mary male or female. One witii experience Hall, Dora Wood, Alice Purdy, Mary Elizabeth Langmaid, daughter af Mrs. preferred, but not absolutely neoessary Thompson, Eileen Aider. Chas. T. Langmaid, Hampton, and if gond references can be given. Duties Mervyn Roy McGili, son of Mr. and Mrs. te commence March 15, or before If con- Miss Helen G. Morris, teacher. Thos. MeGiiI, Enniskillen. venient. Apply ln own hand writing, DAVIS-PINCH-At El Paso, Texas, on stating experience. age and salary ex- Rooni 5-Jr. III-Marjorie Jones, February 27, 1928, by 11ev. L. 0. Vermil- nected. Address Goodyear Tire & Rub - Fred Wood, Thomas Dustan, Grace lion, Mil<red H. Pinch, daughter of Mre. bser Compay, Bowmanville, Stenographic Mary E. Pinch and the late William B. Dept.lo-t unuie, Nli utnMra i-Pinch, formerly af Bowmanville, and Os- chell and Mary Mutton equal, Teddy M.C . ALSEcar D. Davis, only son af Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan, Alex. Lyle, Helen Pritchard M.C .CRIL C. G. Davis of El Paso, Texas. and Lawrence Rehder equal. President and General Manager of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. af - Miss Greta M. Wîckett, teacher. Canada, who addressed the Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting DEATHS M arcn Rooni 6-Sr. 111--Jean Morris, Tuesday night.McAT -tPotHpFruy Hilele asn ,J hnb b irs, Alx C. _______________________________________ 29, 1928, Jane Campbell, bEoved wife of ville Eilen Gbbsthe late Aexander MeMaster, ln ber 9lst R equisitesr. II-Marion Jewell, Audrey El- OA NOTE lS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE year.h ,12,Ms ileE hpli R e u s t s lot etieRcAfe liEd- ___ CHAPPLE-At Newcastle, on Frlday, ward Nikerson Miss rankie . Jewel is vsiting See the Lady Mînstrels Friday. îrd 11,128y iseitlar.hapl Miss Marjarie Robins, teacher. frienda in Toronto. Mrs. H. Ashlee and Miss Clara vis- VRUEA omnilo ac CreamBalm........25c--65CMiss Bea Devitt, Toronto, spent ie in Toronto recently. 3, 1928, John Wesley Virtue, Ennisklllen, CemBI.....2c6c Rooni 7-Sr. III-Eileen Hately, the wekend at home. TeSaemni 20 ero in his 80th year. for chafed hands and face BStatestanlis $200loa yacar or SOUCH-At the residence of hem son, Bob KeltnBie DnoJakCr Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent $1.50 for balance of 1928. Mm. Clarence N. Souch, 104 Wolveleigh Pinol ................. 25c-50c tranknd t Mi.lton Yeo.soatons ofwel oulevard, Toronto, on Sundaymrigt a reliable cougb remedy Jr. III-Herbert Yeo, Ada Clark, toweeda oe lvr ipraain fwl March 4, 1928, Mary Aile Blow, wldow Bernard Dilling, Harry Taylor, Mar- Mr. Russell Gilîson, is visiting known athietes is one of many feat- of the late Wesley John Souch, ln hem Mustardine............. ..35c garet Sellers. frîends and relatives in Toronto. ures in Lady Minstrels Show, March 9 17t e. nemtBo avilCm- Acts like a mustard pl«aster but Miss Leta L. Bragg, teacher. Reserve Tbursday, April l2th for Miss Barrett of Bowmaaville, was ey does not blister. St. John's Church Baster Supper. aguest of bier brother, Rev. C. W. -___________ Hot Water Bottiez $1.00 ta $350 Room 8-Sr. II-Mary Birks, Dor- Rev. H. S. Warren, Stouffville, is Barrette last week.-Stirling News-EgsFrH thn K. & S. Make and fully othy Richards, Grace Childs, Lîllîan visiting bis cousin, Mr. J. E. Elliott. Argus. gsFrH thn guaranteed. Morden and Georgina Someracales Mrs. T. H. Knight recently visited Mrs. S. W. Mason, Jr., will receive EGGS FOR HATCHING-Duck eggs-- PureCod iverOilequal, Alton Richards, Albert West- hier nie-ce, Mrs. H. T. Humby, Hamil- for the first time since bier marri.age Mammath White Pekin hatching eggu. Pue o Lve i1 pt.. . 75e nutt, Harvey King and Fred Neal ton. at hem home, Kingston Road East, one I guarantee iertility and satlsfactamy EmlinCdLvrOl.. 1(( qaDean Bickle. hatch. Alvly L. C. Wilcacks, R. R. 4, Enslson odLivr .... $iO0 qulMiss Brock, Toronto, bas been mile east of Bowmanville, on Satur- Bowmanvle, phone 142-m3. 7-4* Builder and restarative. Miss Edna E. Jewell, teacher.getaihrcunMsB.HFir day, March 17tb, irom 4 ta 6 p. mi.EGSFR ATHN-ambeto Huaky'4..... ........ ne Roo 9-Jr. l B Joe Cavrly barn.Mrs. H. Holdroyd, Toronto, and Mrs. lay Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, Auske' -Joy avelyabarn Gea. R. Mason wjll receive with bier, ait from O. A. C. Registered stock. W. A peasntandefectvethrat Alfred Perfect, Donald Mitchell, Hel- The ladies ai St. Andrew's Cburcbh Rv H .Brwl bsaei E Todd, Liberty St., Bowinanville. Suc- table. enFoste, Godon Mrtyn Edit areservig a ot superWedneday, Rev. . B.Bcessorwh ta L. inH.sPeaton.,Hphanen phon 304 9-tf tablet. ~Le Woter Gardnl ary, dihar seriga o upeWdnsa Trinity and St. Paul's Chtîrches on These are just a few af the Lyre, Walterïall Scartt, st Sunday was guest af Dr. and Mrs. W - xnany tbings we bave for your us r.eAMrln ctt etty Miss Myrtle ýBeacock, Nestleton 18 H. iBirks over the weekeîîd. Rev. BS now. Pingle, Marlon Hamm, Dorotby Knox a guest of bier brother, Mr. J. C. Bea- Burwell and Dr. Birks weîît to China Buies For Sale CarWakonoMd. yds ar okPctn t the samne time and were privileged GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE- gaetWod.Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Senkler bave ta work together for several years Grocery business with cesidence a-,tach- Miss Florence E. Moore, teacher. returned fram a pleasant visit ta in that Eastern Land. edofor sale, at 213 Glebemouat Ave., K E S A E SSouth Carolina. 1 Toronto, just off Danforth. Easy termme. Room10-S. I-oroty BrdtThe Executive of the Vegetable APPly to the above addmess or Wm. Rohe 10-Sm. IDorothy Srade Give the radio a rest Friday nigbt Growerq' Association held a metn 3ock, Queen St., Bowmanvillie, phone The epedabe Dug tor Rub Ivs, eanMcMlle, BttyEd-and see a real show in Opera House- at G. B. Bickle's, Liberty St., Mon- We Deliver Phone 49 ger, Tommy Gatchell, Irene Jones. Lady Minstrels. day, March 5, ta consult and arrange - __________ Jr. I-Omery Mitchell, Mary Mc- Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss business for the caming nîiontbs.. ýt RohisersNomaqu aldRitnCrd Eemn Margaret Trebilcack are visiting Mr, the close Ms.Bickle served a dainty Articles For Sale RoGerseqavidson.rdera and Mrs. H. F. Hutchison, Toronto. lunch. Next meeting will b2 held MreoohnPercDba bee inTor in the Council Roora, an Friday, aFOR SALE-Cedar poste. Apply ta MissVivan . Bnner teche. M. Jon Preyhasbeenin or-, Jmes Davison, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 10-3 MissVivan . 'unnr, eacer.onto this week attending the Hîgb 'March 23rd. ___ Room 11-Sm. Primer-Edward Court of Independent Order ai For- Mr. J. E. Morrison, Principal HAN' FOR SALE-A quantity of hay frsale. Apply Miss Horney, P. O. Bigelow, Clarence Samis, Bill Brown. esters. Prince of Wales Public Scbool, Box 406, Bowmanvllle. 9-3w* Jr. Primer-James Crombie, Le- Miss Grace Rowley af Montreal, Barrie*,and Mr. Perey Morrison, Sud- HAN' FOR SALE-Quantity ai hay. Ap- - Roy Short, Kathleen Sissons and Miss Awdry Griffith, DunnvilIe, were b ury, were weekend guests ai their pîy to Chas, Z. Poilard, R. R. 5, Bow- Eileen Thonipson equal, Murray wîeekend guests ai Miss -Mary Mc- brother, Principal Morrison and ai manvilie, phone 139-13. 10-1 - Tabb, Helen Williams, Russell Short. Clellan. their mother wba bas been enjayin* ARG FRSLEOft -i. Mis NelieE. ontomey, eacer. Mrs H.J. awr an Ms. Aniea few weeks' visit witb Mr. and Ms ul this summrer. Cheap for quick MisNli 12-S. M Pntimer-M tacrjoie MrelHand. Hamrytand spent th week .of. Morrison, and altho 0yassl.Apply ta Hamry Haoey, Duke St., e witdHathiritor, Ms. J. th. Cry- o age is vemy smart and bright for Iiowmanville, phone 182. 10-lw* 5.Morris, John Living, Leslie Phillips. deman. a woman ai ber years. FOR SALE-200 S. C. White Leghorn -MronMrtn Dr- ain puilets, mostly Morgan Taacmed Jr. Primer-Marlon Martinsow eer Dora- stain, cheap. Apply box 271, Bawman- thy Harnden, Louise Hobbs, Georeas .B Andrew, Toronta, has this district was staged by the Mator ville, phone 538. 1- McFeeters and Helen Rbsnben enjoying a visit witb Miss Ja City Service Limited, at tbe Osb- PISFR AL-rasodet "Do YOD know what you have a equal, Eileen MeMullen. GaraeditQuwn ., n te awa Armouries ]ast week. New farow ln March. Aise 80 lb. shoats, muan? Ha, ho adopted proper Miss Bertha M. Sargent, teacher. mdfmioendslcL Sle ndYrinieBao tpeawn. ec.A rigt o epet rom yur aiy-Mrs. O. Mardail and Mrs. F. W. Oldsmobile autos were greatly ad- Wight, phono 142-21, Bowmaaville. 10-2* safeguards in handling of milk? Roorns1 South Ward Kiknal ootsettewe- mired by the bundreds ai spectators. FOR SALE-Wagon, sleighsa nd ciel end witb Mrs. W. J. Bagnell and Andrew Moffatt, president ai the box. Reason for selling, no iurther use Jr. II-Lloyd Trimble, Annie Kil- other relatives heme.Co anitobcngtute r for thera. Apply ta Mmm. A. Turner, Our air buines isbeig co- Cmpay, i tebe ongrtultedforScugag St., or box 161, Bowmnanvhlle, Ou dir usnes sbengco- gannon, Frank Tighe, Keitb Wilson, Miss Gertrude Newman of the the success ai the show. phane 170.8t stantly impraved. Keeping pace Thelma Little. Pbi coltabn tf iOb is Hln Sae eertd FRSL-aais rle igr with pragress, bas installed manyPuleSho ecigsafo s- Ms ee tey clbae FO SAECnIsRarSnes appliances ta pratect the publi's Sr. 1-Irene Brookham, Grace Sel- awe, was guest ai Miss Carnie Latb- ber second birtbdp'y anniversary on and hens. mated pairs al yeiiow, single bealth. Our modern macbinery lers, Florence Shotter, Dorothy Bar- rap 'over the weekend. Wednesday, February 29, wben about a~nd breeding ctges. Selling out. liens an antkn ehd nue tan. Mtrss Sn0C.Blue GBi ite fhryoung fied adc 5eup; Singersa5ý.0 . pply ta B. Ben- andpaistaîngmetoda insre atoist! Sn--Ca Ga isfifeenof er rieda nd ernett, Elgin St. N., Bowinsrv'lle. 7-3* safe milk for your family. Order Jr. 1Ila Sutton, Kathleen Blunt, naw sold by Blake Wilkins, West- four grandparents were present and -- -- us ta suppl; you at once. There's Helen Bmoking, Charlie Samerscales. maunt, King St. West, phone 340. spent a very happy tîme. A real FEED MOLASSES FOR SALE-Caws, a diil'erence in milk. N. S. Stewart, teacher. Try Sun-O-Ca next flling. 10-2 birthday supper with a cake ilium- hOeas sheep orsthea erail mp opa Mrs. Marie-y Davison was in Col- inated by eigbt candles was served notch and reduces the ieedbil Tma South Wrd Roos Il . barrel. C. R. Carveth. Oran rNw Sout Wor Roo Ilborne over the weekend attending and geatly enjoyed, in addition ta ea.tor 74-* BOWMAN IILLE Jr.Y I -k~ Patricia Wlsn, Dorothy the funeral o a cousin, Miss Carke, gane f variaus ins. Helen also__________ BR NQ M L D If iceron an BbWodwrd wopassed aa nDtotafe eevdagreat vret fuse-fui and KING ST. equal, Dorothy Buttonshaw. ' brief illness. !ancy gifts in renlembrance af this Rooms To Rent PHONE 44G Sr. Primer--Joyce Large, Ralpb Mrs. Jas. Brignall, Toronto, was important occasion. Cale, Jack Colville and Madeline buried in Salemi Cemetery, Kinsale, Lady Minstrels scaning big suc- ROOMS TO LET-Two southmrooras Calver equal. on Saturday, February 25tb. She was cess. furîiished. Good tocsa ion. 6 minutes from Post Office. Apply box 207, Bow- Jr. Primer-Louise Wilson, Flor. an auat ai Mr. Mark Brignal of t is sometbing different-Lady nanvîlle. 10-tf enc Caver Ome uttnJea LRie e: Eternal Triangle, enlivened A sweeping success where ever TO RN-0acs-:t _______________________F. M. Galbraith, teacher. by Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and tbe shown is comment of one crtîc an Farma To Rent -_________________________Clown._________ is the plot ai Shake- Lady Minstrels Show. speare's "Twelftb Nigbt," at the Op- FR ORN-0 ce-ot Xx--t.1 ll--11 &l.f.1. Dr llngA .abut 0£are FOR A SPRING TONJC _____________ mondstone's Une up ai sweaters by vides for thse foolisis as well sasthseAm lac Se ie We have Caliiomnia Head 1-0, Emn Rehder scanlng the wlnnlng wiiê. Wayu for it to accumulate AmbuancSevic Letuc, loidaCeer, exa HRR AUNGRCE Igoal. the surplus funds have been provided We new have a mater ambulance fully LettceFloidaCelryTez HARY LLI, GOCI on al sides and the Monteith Budgets equipt)ed and heal -ed whlch insures great- Spinacis and New Carrots. Phone. 186 Bowmassville Most folks have »ever seen a Lady wlll uonn b. doomed ta as muceh pPU- est comfort and saiety. Emerzenry Minstrel Show-here's one you wlll larity as the Robb Sugtak-=&toalla g. nIallamnt. honesl. remiember and enjcy Frlday nlght. PrsY roe 9eC-t len ca atnin. Poe Don't be a "penny wise and a pound foolish". A good article is neyer a dear one. WHITE ROSE GASOLINE 1may cost a littie more than other grades, but is twice the value to the motorist. You get more mile- age, smoother running, more power, Iess engine trouble and greater satisfaction in every way. Intelligent motorists are using White Rose Gasoline. It is an all-purpose gasoline, and a trial will convince you of its superior qualities. Oils--Tires--Batteries--Accessories FRESH GROCERIES Brand new stock of groceries await your selection. Phone your order or cal White Rose Service' Itation Pronê430 Fred W. Nelles Bowmanville You Are Invited To an Unusually Interesting Dis- play of Fine Custom Woollens. as Shown in the New .Spring Samples TJfOSE WHO BUY SPECTACLES FROM US ARE BOTH Satisfied and Gratified They save money They s'sve worr They isave their eyes JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly This Is Kodak Week AT JURY & LOVELL'S Get ready for Spring-buy a. Camera now and get acquainted with it so you can take pictures properIy by Spring. We Show You How JURY & LOVELL 1 To men who prefer their clothes made to. individ- ual measurements our So- ciety Brand customn tailor- ing service enables us to give you a distinctîvely styled suit-strictly cust- om tailored-that xviii sur- pass a fine merchant tail- ored suit costing consider- ably more. For Society Brand has that distin- guished character or cor- rect cut which makes them .the flnest and smartest clothes in Canada. And itfs easy to select a becom- ing style to your iiking. A visit to this display xviii be weli worth while Te -B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bow' THE eANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th., 1928 PAGE PIVI L-

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