1 BI G BANKRUPT SALE The Canadian Bankrupt Sales Co. of Toronto have been instructed to seli I Bankrupt Stock $i OOOOmoo of Boots & Shoes Formerly Belonging to W. Claude IveS, Bowmanville Hundreds of thrifty people have bought and are 28e You can buy Women's Rubbers, Brown, Higb Heeled Oxfords, aIso In- fant's Boots size 10, 1, 2, 3 Ladies' Spats $3.88 You can buy Men's Shoes in a variety cf styles, genuine Goodyear welts, ail sires 5 % te 11. AIse Boys 1 to 5. $2.78 48c You can buy Boys' Rub- bers, Kiddies RubbersM, Infant's Slippers and Boots, ail suzes. Ladies' Boots, size 21/-7 buying shoes with confidence in quality and service we give-bter stili they are saving rnoney as illustrated in these bargains below. Seeing is believing. Corne in and look around. 58e You can buy Wonien's Canvas Shees, Oxfords and Straps, 2M te 6Y2, aIse Womens Patent Slippers, Special, aIl izes $1.98 You can buy Men's Boots, Light Work Boots in Black and Brown,i te 10. Aiso Boys Black and Ta rs Boots, 69e You can buy Infants' Shees aires 2 te 5. AISO Womn- en's Shoes, sizes 2 14te 7. Aise Women's Boots, sizes 2% -ýte 7. Ladies' Boudoir Slippers, 3-7, different shades $2.88 You can u Black and' uy Men's Shees, Tan, Oxfords and Boots, sire 6% te 11- You can buy Cbildren's Shees, many styles, sies 5 te 7. Girls' sies 8 te $1.29 Misses, sizes il te 2 $1.49 .*38 buy Women's Satins, Patent and Kid. Latest Spring styles. $2.49 Yeu can buy Women'a Shoes, Strap, Pumpse nd Oxfords, beautiful pat- terns. Sizes 2 % te 7. Also Boys' Shees, sizes 11 te 13 and 1. te 5. $4.38 You can buy Womena Sboes, Regular $8.50, la arch support, cushion sol- ed, Oxford and Strape, sire 3 % te 7. Alse lateat Women's One Strap Spring Slipper, sme 2% to 7 $3 You can' $5.18 You en buy Men's Shoes Regular $8.00, Oxfords and Boots, English Makes. Everything put on racks-plamnly rnarked- Cafeteria style-self service- Corne in and look around There are too rnany values to mention in so0 sniall a space. Corne in and judge these values for yourself. Limited quantity îeft in Goloshes, Ladies' IBlack Regular $3.75 Bankrupt Prie $1.99 Ladies Colored, Reg. $4.60 Bankrupt Price.$2.28 Childr.n'a. ix. 6 to 10 Bankrupt Prie.*$1.28 Mon@, Regular $3.50 Bankrupt Price.$1.78 Every customer coming in store between 9 and 10 in the rnorning will receive a surprise package free. Everything Must Be Sold Regardless of Cost. $5.78 You can buy Men'a Hart tRoota and Oxfords. Al»e Engliah make shoea. Regular $10.00 a'%-' 99C You can buy Women'à Shoes, Straps, Pumps and Oxfords, sizes 2 % te 7. Also Infants' Shoes. pat- ent and kid. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5. Ladies' and Girls' Sandals, aIl sires. $1.78 You can buy Men's Patent Boots, size 5% te 10. Also Men's Oxfords. Lumit- ed quantity left. $2.78 You can buy Women'a Sheesl, Straps, Pumps and Oxfords, latest styles, sizes 2 % te 7. AIse Girls' Patent Slip- pers and Oxfords, sizes 1l te 2 $1.98 --.i PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSD4Y, MARCH 8th., 1928 PLA FO PENY ANK NEWASTE PBLI SCOOLLADIES AID OLDE TYME SUPPER church, the responsibility for which P L A NFO RiPE N N Y B A N K N E W C A S T L E P U B L I C S C H4 .Lr e s t e d u p o n M r s . E . C . F is h e r , c o i- Board of Education which has had Senior Roorm The A - M -< ~ ~ l . .,~ I . lU Quantity and quality were the twin vener of the program committee. unde cosidraton he nauuraion ebraryreprt. Exaine infeatures of the Old-Timie Tea and She was most happy in her choice o of a brancb of the Penny Bank inl Geography, History, Literature and TêACT 4. 00Cnetgie yteLde'Ad p rit ad the fadce speedaiaE connection witb the publie school, Spelling. Namnes in order of neit: THURSDAY, ±VÂLÂI,..JÂ OU., 1928 the United Churcb on Tuesday even- prlencia ited the a. eBowanv ofe and has witb the sympatbetiecCo0oP- S.1-rd Cwa 2 ae-talnotiue ag hr fa eraionof rinipa Rogercollected Ga 66, Marion Rincb 56, Bessie r sayadec v considerable information on the 56sileuenig4, em NEWCASTLE NWATEOIUR the feat of good tbings served in tbe some numbersa n uineee jet rslre t t as eeigto Brown 28. S. S. Rooms from 5.30 to 8 o'clock, listened to. Mr. W. R. Strike, Mz accpt he ff r o th Prvinial Jr. IV-Bilîie Toms 67, Adair La~dies' Aid of Unitd Church meets Mr. Allan Spencer is trappingi Lillian Chapple, Newcastle and of the program of elocution, MevleDlMssMrae'li hnsetr ihthesawpof ieeting Tusa fethe oa),e r.sunsaon hodwt ogand oratory that followed in and Miss Helen Argue, forming Insec wtortheaddess apbic eetingh Hancock 64, Florence Spencer 54, ThIsaSly'atron tdyatMs.knk rudthe neighborbood uatetewitbenord f parents and ratepayers in general. Jamies Wright 53, Dorotby Bonathan -sa eus considerable success and selling tbeir Miss Lillian Chapple who lied a the Church Auditorium. Roast o ach appearance, and each member PicplRodger was instructed to 52, Mary Brereton 52, Helene Hayes Mr. Arthur Bragg was in Bowman- skins for good prices. light stroke Iast faîl and who~ bas beef, roast pork, dressing of raothquteeas perd wiethe Inspector and arrange or 50, George uke 50, Gordon Gar- ville Hospital lst week aving his Mrs. W. H. Anderson wo is in >een gradually weakening ever since, 11 such a meeting in the near future' 8 L1 Wind4,sotorroî tnil emvu with ber mother, Mrs. Bar- passed away at Willowdale Rest sage and nos orcalpdpt-teponding to rounds of applause ald wben it isboped the parents and alI 36, Irene Brereton. 29. 'Miss Margaret Wilmot who bas rett, wbo bas been very ill with Homne, Friday, March 2iid. For the tocs, pickles of many varieties, je"'ies1 insistent demiands f.or more. mis otbers interested will be on band to1 Sr. III-Hubert Anderson 79, Aud- been visiti.ng at ber cousin's, Mr. pneumonia, reports the patient much past few weeks the lower part of bier of every flaver, cabbage salads and'Helen Morris was piano accompanit lean al aou th vauebnumerttheyl3vatanu7e arynhalan 7. AlanWimotlWodsoc, bs r- mprvhd Se wll eman itbl)Oy as eentotandpaalyedeitabetdslan, rea ad btte, lw an inths cpacty onribtedbe of tbe Penny Bank wbich bas now on Marie Henning 72, George Grabamý turned home. lier mother for seme time yet. the paralysis steadily creeping up- cakes, high cakes, round cakes, share to tbe feeling of pleasure tha depositoeamilo dolr be7,JenRcad6,BliBrn67 Sunday's bigb wind blew the open Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carvetb ar.Te odr a ta hesr square cakes, light cakes, dark cakes, obsessed the audience. Mrs. Wm. longing te the public scbool children Dorothy Trenwitb 61, Gwen Williams shed used for cars and horse vebicles haebe eesneCrsms vicriticlconditiOn berinbowMr medium cakes, tart faldsript- Adams, Bowmanville, elocutionist ' of Ontario wbo have accumulated 60, Alecia Williams 56, Margaret at Shaw's Scbool from tsfon avitingthersncnd Cdaugtmas-in-', (ihaplecorditChal n net ions, appMe.pies, cstofardesemo made a decided bit firt time up, ald this large sum by their small and 1Toms553, Mary VanDusen 54, Karl tiens and levelled it to the ground. M.adMs ei avtadr- daugbe, rs. ame e a fnm Kunetorapis, rainpesbrrpesadme cesdbrpetgeoecbs- ncsyemtic faiNwfcspers and en tz 33 5, VFrd oucb r 5, Hary M.Hwr erebsaddanwn ay od qanacs some weeks ago and remained to the Pies, tea and coffee; sucb were tecsieaperne e elcto nanny goat te bis ive stock assets left on Monday for their home at eddigalta vspsil satisfying and deliciousthings wbicb of bow tbe aged parents yearnefo bave not bad tbe opportunity of tbis old Brown 32. land thus fallen in line witb Mr. ýGrand Prairie, Alta. h n.ongaltatwspssbet the ladies placcd on the tables at thizsom eso hi ogas means of practicing thrift. Figures stand for per cent. W.Jye, r ri oliladIrigh ten the last days of their dyingodtieeand bib heget daugbter, and of the arrivai of a gift A horse Rowhe, hrheipaa. grr.emiN.lguaunt. 1could feast upon to their pleasure. gramaphone witb a record of Home, Ths . egrPicpa.M. .N Bc:y kicked Mr. Ho\vell Rowland in bis left bu h optlt fteod Sweet Home, as sung by tbeir daug- InemdaeRonReports from Mrs. Ricbard Allun'band îast week and broke a bone, in The funeral service at ber late Talk abottebsiaiyo h l-tri a f ad etrgtt TRAIL RANGERS & TUXIS NEWS! Itreit omi wo went to Bowmanville Hospital shc b again in- home, Mill Street, was conducted byý en days and the wonderful mnealsteinafrofldw t gh _____IPupils examined in Spellîng, Geo- 'last Monday week te undergo treat- capacitated from doing mucb of b ler pastor, Rev. E. B. Cooke, whe I serv ed onurmgreatgtandmotber the eat ovry linge tapea On account of the large member - aphy, Composition, Writing and ment for heart trouble indicate.a gen- is eua amwr. Hwl spoke with much feeling of the they were raie nemr tti f te str en fetvl shpi on aka' i ru rtmte raI improvement, but sbe wl e right ini saying bie does net cov n y gentle, kindly and amiable character festive revival on Tuesday evening.stngeedbtepioan cl fbir in Lore Jal ckmantsr op rt. tc sucb violet bandsaolhlishoekers. jhr wek of deceased. A number of relatives Althougb arranged and managed by accompaniment of Mrs. T. W. Ca- four membersdwi]lebeltansferredstenJr.riendEe in AlenL86ieHaroldbphome forlanother week ante ru.Deline 86, Marjory Lycett 80, Jeaix Mr. A. O. Parker and Mrs. J. R. St. George's Church, Rev. E. R.thanille ernegbrs ndfiens n he Laistio ed, ratcal te wfoler. Ray Cle's Trail Rangers held a1 Brereton 72, Vera Brown CS', 2*Jack tending the Provincial Convention of 8Ja.m,-Hco Comunion; il a11 . i h alharr eeW .N the supper tables, and the event w8. eut the program with bis solo social veningat the axis r8 a. m.Holy Cmmunio; 11 a.ni.! uniquel inretbatreit.wa.suthue inrstt ofwitsth AwakeofiMy Seul,,MyAwake,"wa and a ed - sh ol etniogaso dvteis oomlS r. oms5,2îebbai Dck4.th OtaitPrbiitonUnon M.-Merning Frayer; 2.30 p. m.-Sun-1 Buckley witb wb'om Mr. and Mrs.1 kind in connection with the New- core "Sylvia." Rev. E. R. James Teobtes metorna shortheienal Sr -foHrin84 ut onParker is chairman and Mrs. Fisher day School; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. m i. Cbapple and son have been castle United Churcb. Not since ovyd te geigs f pkeriod tnaeurne te the ink ferg ey 80. Gertrude Bonathan 75, Nor- i as a ofcer of the local brancb. Litany wilI be said at 4.30 every Fni- staying, Wm. Bemnan, Fred Fligg, the Centenary of Metbodism supperGeresCucbtianrgm - nis ng' tat, oisivnc,,! 7, e ade'ss o chburcbinon spoke a sktt om i tnCwn7,Lus ac'ffwith a good feed in the real termi Katie Clark 67, 1*Muriel Shsaw 66, Mr. J. D. Stevenson, Toronto, is day afternoon during lent.' At 8 Fred Hancock, Thos. Moff at and Col. in the falof 1924 bas an entertarn- ttv drs ncuc no p of tbe word and greup games. 1*Dorotby A'dread 65, Ilean Clak nov,, moving on t', the farm hie "e- P. m., every Friday the Rector wvilI Neil F. MacNachtan, Cobourg, first ment of a similar cbaracter been beld of the difficulties of union betwee I64, 1TJobn VanDusen 64, 1*Kathleefl cently purchased east of the village,j conduct a service in the church and cousin of deceased. Interment xvas within the saine walls. 0f course, the episcopal and non-episcopa An ideal number for a group will ,pne 4 RlbGbo 3,Mro omrly the Sam Henry farm. He' give a talk illustratcd with lantern nmade in Bond Head Cemetery beside there have been many social events churches. run about ten and sbould net lbe'Fd 0 *ie rc 9 as was a heavy purchaser at the Valleau slides, on the events of Passion the remains of lber mother and step- 1 by varieus churcb departmnents, but above twelve. With eight te ten .6 auction sale, at Bowmanviîîe, on Fni- Week, leading up te the crucifixion, father. this was the first real big supper on Rev. Thos. Wallace, Newtonville tuxis boys a mentor can give efficient ;dyartîn ad56. Icio o Crit a congregational scale. Every helped in a doube capy rs service along the fourfold develop- Jr. 11-Talbot Aldread 54. Derotbyda.braan rsurcinoChst The late 'Miss Chapples father, member of the Ladies' Aid fromn Mrs. leading those who congregated in 1h Henning 49, Hazel MeManus 29. Ms m ennsbsrtre At the monthly meeting of the who died while she wvas a child, was Percy Hare, tbe president, wbo work- cuc ihrbfr ratrt me nt e each idivup a. Wherist f Less than 50',l in any st. iject. from Toronto where -she has been vis-' Horticultural Society on Friday ev- a British military officer who saw led with untiring zeal from first te crhad et hr eforer afer tbey ior neesgrupsthema si ofh Hattie A. Mason, teacher.; iting ber daughter, Mrs. Lawrence ening last, Mrs. J. E. Matchett, service in many lands.* She caMIe îst te bring the affair te a successful tadetatlen, ie omthswestil at meto i agratdalbadeoomes and Mrs. Rowe. She intends next' President, gave a very full report Li Canada Nvith bier mother, fermerly1 culmination, right down the roll tei while away the time; and second, i mooetio sagea elhrdruls Pia eek to go te Shannonville to stay, of the Provincial Convention recently: Miss Eutychia Randaîl McNaugbton'the last miember, is deserving in somne a soul-stirring story later in the pro th bysgvethi batatetin .n Sir. 1-Clarence Clarke, Reta Pow-, for a while with bier daughter, Mrs. held in the King Edward Hotel, Tor- Nwho afterwards nrried Mr. Duncan measore of the many pleased and gram, in whieh he turned bis Este ce-operation. e. nte. She dealt with every phase Arnot. M.Antde n10 n complimentary remarks that have ers' tboughts te the need of an Eter cil, Arcie Martn, Lloy Hancoc, Ross hetler.of the programi in an interesting and, ber inother in 1907. About forty-Isinceheneadradngtevn.naKep. Re.EB.okeofc Beaver Tuxis Square of Tyrone,1 Lois Rowe, Victor Garrod, Helen M.Antde n10 n enhadrgrigteeet met March 2nd. Meeting opened Roiinson, Frances Brereton, Helen Enoaeprtswrerctl comprehensive nianner, not even five years ago they lived on the farmn There were Mrs. J. E. Matcbett, con- iated as chairman and expressedte with regular Tuxis epening ceremeny, (;ibson, Stanley Brown, Jack Bent7,1 held at the Lake Shore homes cf Mr omitting the jckeý cf the speakers in Clarke now owned by '%r. Isaac vener cf the managng cominittee, sentiments of aUl present in bis werd and prayer led by the mentor. The Lloyd Aldread. and Mrs. John Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Wi or the suggestive fact (for local con- Seiby. They then moved te the and bier ladies; Mrs. J. C. Haneock, cf appreciation cf the fine characte feature cf the evening was a ýtaik by Jr. I-Ethel Spenc-r, Alfred Grayl C. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington sideration) that at the close of the'bouse on Mill St., Newcastle, where convener cf the table committee and of the entertainment. Rev. J. R. Trumpouron Crc'Hie Eddy, Harold Ho'n, Johni Adams and Mr. Bill Reids. The one four course banquet plates were pass- the daughteir continued to live after iber ladies; Mrs. W. H. Pearce, cf the Membership". wbich was very.iner- Ary. 1 at Lake's was a real birthday surprs ed around the tables for tips forthe death cf lber stepfather and kitchéen committee and ber ladies; Later in the S. S. Rooms, Mr. T esting and thougbtful. Pretor Alan Nmsinodr fthie atyfrBîI waiters an(l cooks. Her report inother. Deceased was a sister cf Mrs. J. R. Fisher and the pantry coi- 'W. Jackson occupied the centre o MeCoîl gave a talk on "Older Boys' G. Elizabeth Hancock, teacher.1 Ladies' Aid group, under the lead- of the paper deaiing with the pre- the late Judge Chapple of Kenora, mittee wvho worked in a sea cf ever the stage as he genially auctionedof Problems", a subject in wicb every I ership cf Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, metI paration cf prize lists afforded much' who frequently visited ber. Before disappearing provisions while the a number cf unconsunied pies ai boy bad an interest. The rest cf rRap S.owndWiieg for quilting and a social tea at Mrs food for thought in view of the fact coming into the United Church at the supper was in progress. Witbout cakes. Total proceeds of the evea the ~ ~ ~ ~ Ir evnn a pn n icsincm alhSt.RatendanduaWmeetig Walter Couch's Friday afternoon. that the local society's annual Spring time of local union sbe was a meiri- attempting te mention ail the ladies ing, $150.00. aattoatnd games. They' spent a profitable and pleasant ifiower show is again close te hand ber cf the Presbyterian Church and and their several activities it was in- cof Sun Life Assurance Company in t ime and incidentally considerably and many members making prepara- was a teacher in the Sunday Scbool teresting te note that the younger ,Mon treal, and on Monday on bis way increased the contents cf the grcup's tions for it. The date is Friday,' there for many years. Her mother,1 folk as they entered were ail direct-- Mr. ranis M Soerwho was 1 home called on bis brother Howell on purse. The "Sunshine Bags" as March l6th. At this meeting Mrs. Col. Neil M. MacNachtan's father, ed te the primary class roomi where born in Bowmanville 73 years age, the old homestead. agreed upon at the last meeting were R. W." Walton was elected Secretary' and the late Mrs. James Pbilp were a table was specially laid and decor- P I G TR died on January 18tb following an* Fire that started early Saturday opened and the majority cf theni in succession te Mrs. C .A. Cowan,! children cf the samie parentage. The ated for tbem and where Mrs. J. C. In eacb cf Shaw's Twelve Sehools operation in Pennsyîvania State afternoon in the skating rink cf were found te contain 25 coppers, as resigned. Mr. W. F. Rickard, l.st varices branches cf the family enigin- 1 Hancock, Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, Mrs. mre noteSme es Hospital at Philadeiphia. He was Trinity College, Port Hope, spread many as the days the sun bad shone Vice President, occupied the chair. ally spelled their namne MeNaughton, Clarence Batty and Miss Odie War- witb s n oe vcaios.E ter familiarly called "Deleware's Apple unil the whole main building wvas d oring February. ýBut . one Lake A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. 1 but owing to frequent confusion ini ren attended te their needs. ain time Booaetifone. Writ King" having conducted an appl e- destroyed, valu cd at $75,000. I t is Shore lady bad 29 coppers and an- Matchett for bier very able report,!, their mail matter, Col. MacNachtan's aytm. Boltfe.Wi rongbsns at"Red Apple1reported the building was well ini- other 301 showing that the Lae oved by Mn. Thomas Moffat and father adopted the present spelling And now came the eofaue 1130 Ray St., Toronte, W. 1. Farnis", Dover, Deleware. sured and will be re-built. Shore climate is especially sunny. seconded by Mr. Fred Fligg. o o i aîy f the evening, the pregrani in the Shaw, Secretary.