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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1928, p. 1

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*-"z~' 'wr **' ~ - .~ - x ~t~de~man With Which Is lncorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS. PublisherR PnRWrr&'Ig TTT1~r MT rPTTTbCn, A - 1. - OLD TIME SUPPER at St. Andrew's Church Wed. March 2 1 st The ladies of the congre- gation are serving a hot isupper in the Sunday School Room Hour: 5.30 p. m. Tickets 50c Public cordially invited MUSIC EXAMS Pupils of Mr. Francis Sutton Junior Harniony and Junior Ris ory-Mrs. Smith Ferguson, lira class honore. Primary Theory-Bernice Gilbanà first-class honore. The Three Act Play "Such Shannanigans" Adapted from 'Turning the Trick' under agreement with Walter H. Baker Co. OPERA HOUSE Bowmanville Thurs. March 22 unden auspices et St. Joseph's Church, Bawmanv4l. Curtain at 8.15 sharp Admission 35 Cents W-UAn Exquisite of Spring, Choose Your Spring Gi This store has made great preparal demands for Ladies' Wearing Appare] inspection is to your interests. The Dress of Youi STYLES HAVE A DECIDE New Trimming Effeets-Tuckings, les; new color effects, with contrastini shades appear-Lucerne, Almond, Cora] also Navy or Black. Materiais include Figured Crepes, ii Rayons, Crepe Romaines, Fiat Crepes,o enese is specially featured. NEWEST IN LADIES' SPRING C( We have such a variety that individual desi possible here. So corne and see first hand. 0 features in Cloth Coats are the satin trimmings for children, size 4 to ladies, size 46. coat. Beautiful assortment of Scarfs 'and Flower BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS MATEF In Dress Goods we are now showing Figui Rayons, Plain Georgettes, Crepe Rayons, Crepe E Crepes, Black and Colored Broadcloths, guarantei New laces for trimmings are'also featuredi LATEST IN MEN'S WEAR Men, it is not too soon to select your new Spr Suit. In suits we have an exceptionally large fi Made Suits from reliable makers. If you prE mea.9ure suit we have hundreds of samples from'i Large Size Knicker Suift for Boys at Haif Price Couch,Jiihflstof & Cryde Bowmanvllle Phtone 104 mý ý-- - 7ýer-, - ýý4- ý-. &"ÀmmkNý, A e-, -M e9 (la - xr ir- ýZ.UU a i ear In Aclvance 5c a Copy No. il MINSTRELS CANCELLED COMING EVENTS A NATIONAL LITERÂTURE SHORTHORN BREEDERS' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Owig t unortnat ereumstan- Reserve Thursday, April 12 th for1 Advocated by C&n&dia Author et _____ BAQE Dr. Fred W. Cryderman, Detroit, t- ces which the Tennis Club could flot St. John's Chiirch Easter Supper. JMen'& Canadien Club Banquet Senator Duncan Marshall Chief Mich., spent the weekend with bis t-. control the Executive have decided to Reserve Wednesday, March 2lstSpae.bohrM.J.H ydma an withdraw the Minstrel performance for the supper at St. Andrew's Another enjoyable and profitablepae.bohr r...H rdra n k, by Toronto Young Ladies. The Church. season of the Men's Canadian Club1 The Shorthrn Breeders o ur- MiHensb'er adM.sL- Stormn prevented the show as an- EnniskiUlen Young People wiIl lire- wasbrought to a successful close on hmofe hi ucesu ae0b f Dr MsO ntar nnerLanis' dll M it i- nouned nd he oun laieshav set "allyFrm"in ale ChrchT uesday evening at the BalmoralI March 8th, happily concluded the day by, spent the weekend ith Re. and futurebookigs whch mae it imoatMah Sdt Hotel. As is the custom frtewt a banquet at the Bowman House Mrs. J. W. BnnrCaW!leAvn. impossible for another date to be 1 ri a rch 3J>* m8 . inalorte satisfactorily arranged. Amission 35e and 20c.fia meeting Ladies' Night was ob- in ithe evening. Several of teema- wAcc o us arbersin s e outt Seeth HghSchol "Telthserved when about 160 niembers, bers of. the Association wee ac-week tsuarîbersin arsearout Purchasera of tickets will have SethHihSoo Play "wlt their wives and lady friends were companied by their wives, and a nuni- The Statesman. Your îndebtedneu their money refunded by membera Nigeht," at the Opera ousýe, Thura- present. 1 ber of local business men were alsomabesabuthtolmana who sold then, and those buying theli day and Friday, March 15th ad 6th. Frederick Philip Grove, authr of present. lot to malbu the totlahrs a eatsa tickets direct at Mitchell's DrugI Seats reserved at Mitchell's Drug "A Search for America," a native of The banquet menu ,consisting of Store will please caUl there for re- Store. Price 35c. Sweden and a resident of Western chicken pie, mashed potatoes, dessi- "a-pWe" fund. A St. Patrick's Tea, Prograni, sale Canada for thirty years, who is mak- iate carrots ad gen parola r.G PacM.Rm of Home-made faking and Flowers ing a lecture tour through Eastern1 mince pe and ice crani waG.hor Pearce, rîgo, a d Mr. A.oC You are cordially invitedi to will be held Saturday, March l7th at Canada under the auspices of the As- oughly enjoyed by al. ezlwod Trdonf atten eyth Dr. C. W. Slemon'a by two groupa of sociation ef Canadian Clubs, was the Mr. Russell Osborne, President of'J.funeralloon Ttehurourc. (Rev SPRING Trinity Ladies' Aid. speaker, his subject being "Canada- the Association, presided at the head J..p ollock ayof htechuy rmhwho 1In Ebenezer Church on Friday, The Spiritual Awakening of an In- table, accompanied by Mrs. Osborne paed ayoni Tedy rmpluo M ILLIL4LI¶ March 23rd at 8 P. nm., Maple Grove dividual." i and special guests of the evening. Miss Gwendolyn Williams leit on PE IN SYoung People will present "Wanted Mr. Grove took as his to'ic the1 Being a fully developed banquet Monday evening on the Canadian -A Wife", under auspices of W. M. theme of a national literature. In there were toasts and speeches and Concert tour organized by Canadian O E I G. S. Admission 35c and 15c. opening his address he spoke of hini- musical numbers by way of variety. Clubs as aecompanist for Mme. on The White Sbield Club wiîî meet self as a child and a Young man when President Osborne creditablyofi-JaneDsa.Thygta taw on ueda, arh 0,inSt. Paul's h ~e adrn iei uoe ated as chairman and toastanaster and Montreal previous to starting on Saturday, M ar. 1 7 Lecture Room. Members plae take At an early age he was impressed by througbout the progrant.1 the Western tour. FEATURING special note of date. Toronto Club the fact that the remains of al i Toast to the Department of Agri- M.LwsF rinadbie(e FEATRINGis visiting the local club. AIl mem- ancient mnaterial civilizations lay in cuiture was proposed by Mr. Aohn Ma.Lywia F.hompso nd iet orna br epeet un. Froni this impression srn J AmohnaThmsn fTrot) FLOWERED HATSbesb pren.ris th deretdog Baker, Solina, Secretary of Durhami j who were married in Toronto on TAILORED HATS Dingmnan & Edmondstone Millin- in hirnitedsr od sometbing1 Shorthorn Association, and reapond- Monday, March 5, spent part of their NEWEST CREATIONS ery Openings, Saturday, March 17 which could not decay. He turned1 ed to by Mr. J. Y. Kellough, County hnyxo ihM.adMs .G Ladies, attend Dingman & Edmond- to lite rture; andin the fied lit- Ag stone's ilnr erature, to the novol. A no'vel needs ictua Rersntie wh Robbins, Elgin St. North. They MlieyOpenings, Satur- asetng. To find a rk be- a l) day, March 17th and, see the newest a1ot etn dp-soeo h aylnso apsngmoahennylne fwokb& ingsd i etot Ed in dsn e nfoee ndtioe&as ed to hi& ideas and emotional n carried on in the couny at the!ilIrside etr it. rce infoee n alrdbt. idiosyncracies, he traveled over the present time. fr M frs S W.Ma sn Jlr., w i ee Ed mo dsto e wold."I found that setting in Toast to the Visitors was proposed 1aorlte r tme inceto era agoe WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Western Canada," lhe said, "that is by Mr. W. F. Rickard, Newcastleï let ber ho oave, Kns on aESat en Bomnil why I became a Canadian." Among those replying to this n ex-,day March 7th romi 4 to 6 p. m. "«The Hoineiaker" of Tlhe Globe Toi Th e res of bis address consisted pressing approciation of the honor Mrs H. Hoidroyd, Toronto, and Mri. _____ AdressAn Oen Metin inan attmtt dfn1ha eIot being guests of the Shorthorn As- Geo. R. Mason will receive with her. found-a tSk, which he attacked sociation were: Mayor T. S. Holgate; Regular montbly meeting of Wom- fo aous points of view. Brîot-1 Mrs. F. W. Bowen. wife of Durham's Members of the Music Study Club en's Canadian Club will be held ly speakin*i is the Spirit ot the popular M. P., wbio was unable to 1 were privileged to enjoy anether I Mrc 26h nhtadet hel9t, ndPioneer istics-f h1popo bo ave Otta wa owing to the approach-1 real treat at their regular meeting jwill bie addressed by "The Homemak.. fiee fromn what we cal our great îgvt ntebde;M.J .Mc-lith S.Pa'sLtue oon er" from the Toronto Globe. material cîvilization. Clellan, Manager Bank of Montreal March 7th. Mra. (Dr.) G. E. Rea- As mny aveexprsse a eefe "Te mst triing hin I indMr. F. F. Morris, President of t>e. man, Who was convener of the meet- to earMrs Puger ithasbee de aongthee poner popls i thirRotr Club; and Mr. Jos. Johnston, 1 ing, gave a very excellent talât on cided to make this an open meeting devotion te art. In art they find Sceay o xrde Sotonte "itr fOea rn t witb a charge et 35c for non-mein- expression for their feelings, they Sale. earliest inception up te the present bers, and a nminal charge of 10c for find an outlet for the vague aspira- Senator Duncan Marshall, special tume. The address was most en- I)is l i knwn as ntrducd i th renia meber. Ma. urgr tonstha we.l p isid thir guest and speaker of the evening, lightening, being replete with inter- a% is l 4 s nw personally te soine of the In every one of these homes on the ectu pehetn nomto n at bu residents and a few wlfl recollect a borderland of cîvilization yo wi by Ex-Reeve Thos. Baker, Elmvale the varions eperas and their compia- delightful lecture given bore by her find some artistic tbîng, reverentîy Fan. Solina. The Senator who ers. father, the Rev. Cleavor on Les MWa guarded, sometimes it is an ancient was once a fanm boy on bis father's Addresses by menibers ef the Rot- erables. This will be an outatand.. saga of the old lands, or soine weal- tarn in Bruce County, and bas in ary Club on their own classification A t i eing meeting. 11-3' remembered folk-song. Otten it is turn been a school teacher, M.P.. have always proven very interestiug th ibe"for Alberta, Ministen of Agriculture1 and a strong feature with Rotariaits. Wbt, ten is art? Mn. Grove foon ai poic n the be ttehst classificatio tallka c iluded with a powerful statement the province bas ever bd, and for was given by W. Roma Strike at the Royal Théâtre o-fTwbatewconsidered art t e. many years a meet successfi fanm- club luncheon on Friday at Bloa arment&. Early The dde opened in an almoit er and Shortbonn breeder, was given1 Hotel when bie spoke on the "Hiatory Bowmanville's Hoine of .oner.:tid.nal tone, relieved bere a bearty reception on arising and alet La-" The subject of law la Entertaining Attraction& and there by humeorons touches. stili beartier expression et apprecia.. naturally looked upon as a more or tios t suplytheSprngPHONE 589 Graduaîîy be led bis audience to th tion of bis addrsswben ho sat down. less dry and beavy topic but Mr. Ltios tosuply te Spingmore rarified atmosphere et pure Comnienting on the afternoon's Strike preaented it in a most enter- andtrimins.An arl - thotigbt; and ho did so convincingly sale and the qualî,ty et the anhnjals1 taining and Informative style. in 1adti mnsAneryand powerfully. off ered he urged the fanera to psy tact, we ensdr it s0 interesting Friday.Saturday, March 16-17 A vote et appreciation to the more attention to their breeding and we hope to publis a sumimary of his 1 Ronald Colman and Vilma Banky speaker was aly moved by Rev. Dr. te put better stock in their sale. address in a future issue of The In Best and secended by Dr. G. E. Rea-' Some efthte animals sold during the Statesman. r'h Choicef arar Wort]6 115ma.n . MrieSertr tatternoon ougbt rather te have genee Probabiy telargeât house partiy, x C h i c eGret a a n vel Grate as a Mr W.J. orrson Secetay o tothebutc er' bl ck hanbe p t thaningtbe.oputf tagriniv motion picture. A tremendeus tbe Club, .paid a very fitting and de- breeding purpeges. Ris ad-vice W"s uchre, ever beld in town took place MD CHANGE setce lnesahee serving cempliment te Mr. A. J. te put good cattle in the sale, catl at the home et Mr. and Mrs. Barry pleas, uttos ad buk spenta. FAhlly depica iio Wdhm, rpieo e eB ofetgood breeding and good value, and Hooey, South Wand, on Thursday, struggle etuatousagndus group Hetel, for the satisfactory and cap- the sale would attract the big breed- March 8th. Over 150 tickets were ~ timmngs ne sping wbtught ofand uffraed us he alenane i wib h bnuesers, mon witb the money willing te sold there being 25 tables, and more gast dsertnwstesnmgbtshaturn- had been served during the pa >y big prices ton the night kind ot than enougb te filîl theni. Mra. E. 1Rose, Sundown, Harvest, ed into a fertile kingdem. A season. Membens concurredinptho st tuif. H pk rn xoine ag o h uk rs h Harold Bell Wright itery. felicitations by bearty hand clap'ping. In a fine eulogy et Shorthorns as was a beautiful silver platod bread Mr. C. Arthur Cawker, President a breed ho spoke etftthe recent nise 1 tray. Prize winnera at carda wers Matinee Saturday sfternoen at et the Club, pnesided. in prices, and et the prices realized Mr. Ceeul Mutton and Mrs. Cieol Georett3, 0ikp.rpe. Ch ren 5ce at the great Perth Sale in Scotland,1 Wiseman. Dainty zetreshments were Chaper 9of îas a fair barometer et the upward served and aIl report a real JeIIy n GThetes Sil t Flyer" Cheer up the home with a nice trend. Canadian farmera and breed- sociable evening. Great credit la "T he newftaloredCel- grate fine with Pluto Cannell Coal- ers on tour in the old land attended due Mrs. A. G. Bolliday fer mak- an h e alrdCl and rogular prograni does net spit or splutter. Sold bylthis sale and saw fifty bulls sel orn i aragmnsfrth atas J. A . Holgate & Son. an average price et $3,095. The Mrs. Hoooy who assisted. Proceeds IEastern Star Lodge held a suc- Sbortborns are tihe meat coseinpoli- are for the True Blue Lodge. C)TSI Monday-Tu.eday, March 19-20 cestul euchre party in the lodge tan cattle in the world and practical- OATSAnothar famions Harold Bell rooni Monday. evening. Musical lY the only dual purpose breed, geed cptosae m-Wright Story.nubHUIs" cntibte b r ilkers and god beefers. Nthing WEDDING AlerTolhe. .H.DulyhndipteheldhsddesomoffoSttu 'ne to the ewest OThttSh paes othheHrill" Mrs. J. E. Andersn. keep people on the fanm as a feiltt ,ur )ne Coa theinestkt of ght's gs ha hvet . l-cattle, espocially Sbertborns. Tey A very quiet wedding wasssoleuni- s . C a t s i n t o c kW r i h t ' f a m u s h a r c t e r - - L vj o b . z e d o n M o n d a y , M a r c b l 2 t h e t 8 wn-ondenl sory tin thOak S. e The latter part et the Sonater's a. ni. in St. Paul's United Cu.. wondrfu stoy o th Ozak S . P tric s T a speech might b. termed, "The lune. when Mn. Francis Sutton, Choir Dir- rst athayHills. Sammy-Dad Howitt, of the fam and the bord," wherein Peton and Organist et Trinity United Il to mtch anyYoung Matt, Old Matt Wash By two gnoups et Trinity Ladies' he spoke with wamth and eloquence Church, was united in marriage with -mGibsng aloung etllethat 'll Aid of the importance, the dignity, the Miss Eva Kathleen Bunk, daugbter -movng lon th "t ailtha isglory et agriculture and stock rais- et t ho late Mn. and M rs. M avin nobody knows how old" te the will be beld at nesidence et ing. More education, more ability, B unk et Bowmanville, Rev. Dr. D. W. RJAJ.S ~~peak et thrill-packod adventune.D .c.w. LMO more scientifie knowledge et an in- Seat, Minister et St. Paul sofficiating, RIAL DR.C. . SL MON tnicate chanacter is required te fa assisted by Rev. J. U. Robins, Paster than te tollow any ethen occuatoetTnînity Church. red Georgettes, Wednesday-Thursday, Mar. 21-22 Church St., Bowmanville Education is ossential, a prime essei-' The ceremony was witnesaed by a 1 FraklinPangorn ad Mior 1tial. Ne man if ho is te fan tfc- ew intimate friends et the centralt. 3ack Satins, Fiat Faki agonad Eie SATURDAY, MARCH 17, ientîy can have tee much et it. The ing parties. ed as clos.Fair In speaker spoko with fervent admira- Immediately atter the ceremozy ýed ast olor. .My Friand Fron India" First Prograni and Tes 3 te 4.30 tien et such eanly pioneens in Short- the happy couple left by Canadian [n~~~ gra ait.AHindu Prince? Well, it talces Aos Cbrueickhans ThmaWillam Ntn eBalo, Clevelanr a ndether in grat vaiety.more than one bottle et iodine Second Prograni and Tea 4.30 to 6 hemobneedin.g ans Thom WilBatespNtonBfaloaile eton ahndyoe Indiaws e ne an, hi enda rl Sale of Home-Made Duthie and ceunselled bis heanera ta Amnenican cities. I ndi w as to earn wh n a irltake a le nt fro n th eir b ok as ne - M n. and M r . S u tten w ill reaid e in amamýtook s band in the gamne. An Balcing and Flowers garda their ideals, their efficiency and Bowmanville. exquisite coedy pscked with1 hiprd inte eds Te d r in , t ____an____ er e& an ro r m 5 S enator's address w anm ed the heart s E T U E O jR C i n g O v e r c o a t o r e to a l p r s e n t a n d g a v e t h e S o r th o r nL E T E O N A R C r i n g O v e r o a t r A n t h e B i g L i n o U p o G r e t e rw o n k a n d a n e w v i s i o n e t t h e i n b u s i - A s p e c i a l l e c t u r e e t g r e a t i n t e r e s t stock of Ready- AAtth r aitin£ pofGetrna.wsbl tS.Jh' brhPnu - er a a e t aa 32 e rM. H . K ib n r. J h al o o d y e eig o pe c7m %,P c r gb Inn 1 1'.tiUUbl)AY, MARCH 15th-- l-q23ý

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