- '* ýlý.1i i'lr-- MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 15tb., 1928 PAGE TUEE Find The Misspelled Word-Win Free Bread Home-Baking and Corbett's Bread NOURISHMENT The body-building power, of the different ingredients in any article of food is what constitutes its claim as "nourishing". Tastiness or bulk or filling qualities do not necessarily mean that nourishment is also contained. Corbett's Bread is made from firet patent Western flour, milled from Manitoba No. 1 Hard, whîch is the world's finest jwheat; Fleischman's Yeast, in itself high in nutritive qualîties; pure malt, highly-refined sugar and purest of concentrated milk. Mixed by moddern machinery, the dough is worked to the point where each individual part la thoroughly combined and the grain made as fine as is possible, which is a real digestive aid. Pull, generous weight goes into every loaf, which la baked in ovens in which the temperature i_- not allowed to vary a degree. Wrapped in sanitary waxed paper, electrically sealed. Corbett's Bread la delivered to your home-a pure body building, deliciously palat- able, econoniical food. A free loaf of bread to the-first five persons presentîng this ad. Thursday with the nisspelled word marked and signed with name of sender. W. P, Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanvile LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satia fies There Is No Substitute For The Coal That Satisfies Lehigh Anthracite means dlean coal. All Lehigh Anthracite la given the most careful preparation and no effort i.s pared to maintain the highest standards obtainable. Every car passe the mot rigid inspection as to sizing and impuritiez before it is -ship- ped. The quality is uniform. Folks who are burning our coal have found that they are able to keep their homes at the LEHIGH VALLEYI proper temperature, no matter how severe the weatber. An order of Lehigh Valle Coal will convince you that it la the beat and MrHAIME hardest anthracite obtainable. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville BRIGHTER HOMES STORE THE PAINT AND WALL PAPER CENTRE tended ta the bride and groom the bin.de bates are ai great benefit ta those party repaired ta the dining-room takiag part, as they develop self. where a dainty dinner was aerved. In 1confidence, reliance and self con- the evening about 60 iriendsanad trol. relatives gathered as a surprise to The Agricultural Representatives, the bride*and groom bringing wlth W. M. Croskery, Uxbnidge, and J. them gits and gaod wishes. Ater a Y. Kellough, Part Hope, expressed very pleasant evening the. happy bhemselves as being delighted with couple departed for their home la their wark by tbe young people and Ohwthe bride wearlng a rose th response given ta this leature ai beige dress and coat wlth amal ape htpbiseaigndea. French hat te match. MI intmaY be expanded in.ach cony. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SALE 0F SHORTHORNSf BRINGS HIGH PRICES. Mr. Roy Webber's inany friends Resuits of January Examination, ____ will be pleased to learn that hie lB re- Eight Months' OId Bull Sella st Top covering nicely after bis second op- The namnes of students who obtain- Price of $600 eration in Bowmanville Hospital. ed at least 60% appear below, in or-____ Mrs. W. C. Lake, Newcastle, Mrs. der of meit: The increased demand for Short- Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Mfr. and Form V-8 papers, 75% to 100 horn cattle was evidenced at the Mrs. Lorne Butson, Newcastle, were % -Minnie Pearce; 7 papers, 60% seventh annual consignmnent sale of. recent guests of the Misses Webber. to 75 %-Lena, Dilling, Nellie Snow- the Durhanl, County Shorthorn As-J Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Fallis, Falla den, Greta Pollard, Rena Ceverly; 7 sociation held at Beith's Waverlyj Line, Cavan, celebrated the 25th an- papers, 60% to 75% -Estber Wal- Stables, Bowxnanville, Thursday, niversary of their marriage on Mon- lace, Edward Mason; 6 papers, 60% March 8th. day, March th. They received a to 75%-Mary Smith, Elsie Rowe. A larger crowd than usual was cabinet of silver. Form IV-6 papers, 60% ta 75% present including some of the most Mrs. <Dr.) Bowman, Hamilton, _Gordon Osborne; 9 paliers, 60% prominent Shorthorn breedens in On- and Misa Shirley Richmond, Batavia, to 75%/-Marlon Rickard, Lola tario, sucb as Duncan Camipbell of N. Y., were weekend guesta of their Welsh, Elgin Munday; 8 papers, 60% Moffat, owner of Thornham Min- gnandmother, Mrs. John Grigg and to 75%-Vera Wood; 7 paliers, 60 strel, the Grand Champion at Royal other relatives here. % to 75%-Fred Billett, 6 papera, Show and International Senior Mis Ma Caero, R N. ofla-60% to 75%-Nora Kerslake; 5 pap- Champion at Chicago, Senaton Dun- disps, ndamn, was hereonfSIt- ers, 60% to 75%-Harry Cowling; can Marshall, ex-Ministen of Agricult- udayattesndinthe funeralonfber 4 papers, 60% to 75%-Gertrude tire for Alberta, James Douglas & brother, Dnigel Cameaformer Ferguson. Sons, Caledonia, H. M. Gardhouse, ne Dn ftiel tow n Foformer1..-10 papers, 75% ta 100 Weston, Robt. Miller, Stouffville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Addinall, % -Herbert Colmer, Marie Vallesu, others. Blenheim, has been visiting bier par- Brenton Hazlewood; 60% to 75%- Top pnice of the sale waa $600, Jabez Vanstone; 9 papiers, 75% to paid by James Fuller, Stratford, for i enta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox, and 1007 -Ralph Wood; 60% to 75 Fairacres Minstrel, 8 nionths' oid I bier sister, Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl, for %-Edison Mitchell, Novelda Ber- bull, owned by C. H. Mumford, daywes i Cobourg it ber siser, rsry, Phyllia lemence. Laurence Ash- Hampton~. This young animal is a J.y D. Coukrg ihle itr r ton, Greta Munday, Arthur Simnick. son of Thornham Minstrel, as was J. D. luker.8 papiers, 60% to 75%-Wilfred also Minstrel Motion, year old bull, Mrs. Herbert Goddard bas return- Greengway, Muriel Henderson, Ber- owned by Joh« iaker, Hampton, for ed to bier home in New York CitY nice Bagnell, Charles Stainton; 7 which Everton White, Bowmanville, after spending ten weeks with bier papers. 60% to 75%-Nellie Kirk- paid $245, second highest price of parents, Mr. and Mia. Gus Bounsal, Iton, Evelyn Bickle, Vera Trimble. the day. Stockdale, another year and other relatives and friends. Heri mother accompanied bier home and Form 11-9 papers, 75% to 100% old bull by Cardona Regent, con- will spend a few weeks thene. 1 -Kenneth Osborne, John Jury, Har- igned by W. F. Riekard, Newcastle, Mr.andMrs J.J. unn Caanold Slemon, Winnifred Lancaster; brought $235 fromn William Rey- Mr.andMr. J J LunCavn,60% to 75%-Ada Allin, Beatrice nolds, Pantypool. Senator Duncan celeratd teir oldn Mr.diG.aB. Mollon, Kenneth Morris, Morley Marshall paid the highest price for a niversary on March 2nd.M.B. Vanstone, Muriel Moore, Ronald Ad- female, bidding $195 for a two year Winslow, of Winnipeg, was chairmni Robent Corbett; 8 papens, 60 oId heifer of J. R. Johnston, Ash- for the occasion and Miss S. AIams, un vrg rc o 1ai Mols rea a vry ompîmentny to 75%-Phyllis Darch; 7 pap-brn Aerepicfo31a- Moisead- ens 60 %too75%-Corsana admi10 mals sold was slightly over $140, 45 dress. The happy couple weepr-Marion Snowden, Gladys Jamieson. per cent better than pnices obtained jsented with a libnary table.1 at this sale a year ago. Requisite on the Fann.-EveryI Form 1 B-9 paPers, 75 % to 100 Lisat of animaIs, recnies farmer and stock-raiser should keep %ý-George Weekes. Jessie Knox, ances, consignee a supply of Dr. Thomias' Eclectrie 011 Maurice Rose, Newton Hackney, Min- n uesae on hand, not only ns a neady nemedy etta Shortridge, Marjorie Bradt, Bet- Comet, male, $105, Fred Parker, for ilîs in the family, but because it ty Morris; 60% to 75%-Manion Cobourg, to J. L. Pansons, Bowman- is a horse and cattie medicine of Battle, lIa Valleau, Reta Billett, ville. great potency. As a substitute for Clara Asblee, Annie Wilkins, Norah Royal Comet, maIe, $135, J. F. sweet oil for horses and cattle affect- Hayward, Charles Clenience, Joseph Osborne, Bowmanville, to Alan Ed- ed by colic it far surpasses anything Alexander, Alice Jackman. 8 pap- wards, Warsaw. that can be admîniatered. ers, 75% ta 100%Iva Foley; 7 pap.. Fainacres Mînstrel, male $600, C. Miss Minnie Webber's Sunday ers, 60% to 75%-Lîllian Jebson, H. Mumford, Hampton, to James I School Class held a social evenmng at Dorothy Holbnook. Fuller, Stratf ord. bier home on Satunday, March 3rd, Forni 1 A-8 papers, 75% to 100 Augusta King, maie, $110, C. H. when the losing ide treated the win- % -Evelyn Goddard; 60% to 75, Mumiord, to Robt. Miller, StouffviIie. ners. A jolly time was spent in[ %-Kennetb Wood, Annie Gardiner, Minstrel Motion, male, $245, John games, music, etc. At the close Ruth Tuerk, Betty Flaxman, May Baker, Hampton, ta Everton White, Miss Evelyn Oke expressed the Freeman, Gordon Adains. 7 papens 75 Bowmanville. thanks of aIl for the good time en-I % to 100%-Bernice Stainton; 60 Clementine Duke, maie, $85, Jas. joyed and before departing for their % to 75%-Stanley Dunn, Albert Leask & Son, Taunton, ta Gaud homes ail joined in singing "For* Rundile, Roy Mitchell, Clarence Os- Bros., Bowmanvile. She's a Jolly Good Fellow." borne, Howard Bickle, Bruce Cam- Lind Duke, maie, $95, J. Leask & The Toranto Star last week gave enon. Son, ta John KiveIl, Hampton. an extended report of the death on j W. J. Morrison, Principal. Lînd Prince, maie, $135, J. Leaak Febnuany 27th of William George - & Son, to J. H. Davidson, Cam- Earl, aged 27 years, a wireless oper- T boumne. atar at Belle Ile, Labrador, from TORONTO DURHAM CLUB Beauty's Pnide, male, $145, W. F. heart trouble. The Star also con- Rickard, Newcastle, ta Win. Dean, tained a fine tnibute paid him by The 30th annual meeting af The Orono. Capt. J. E. ýBernien, a man of wîde Durhami Club of Toronto, will be Stock Dale, maie, $235, W. F. expeience in the Anctic voyagea. Mn. held Friday, March 16, at 8 o'clock Rickard, ta W. Reynolds, Ponty- Earl la a son af Mr. William Earî ai in the Margaret Eston Club Roonis, pol Scarbono, being bora at Tynone, Dan- 415 Yonge St. AIl Durbamites are1 MacKenzie King, male, $135, S. lington township. Hia mothen was invited to meet their fnienda froni Chas. Allun, Bowmanville, ta Rcbt. Miss Mary Byers, sisten of Mn. Jas. the Hameland on this occasion when Miller. Byens, BowmanNeille, also of North an interesting programn wiil b. rend- Rothes Dairyman, maie, $180, J. Dariington. The date George Earl ened and election ai afficers take PL Johnstan, Ashburn, ta IL White, grandiather ai deceased, formeniy place. Elizabethvxlle. lived north east ai Tynone but passed -- Kinsman, maIe, $110, W. S. Btagg, away in the State ai Illinois a iew Bowmanville, ta James Pratt, Part years ago. Deceased leaves besides Red Rose Orange Peko. Hope. bis father, thnee sisters, Mia. J W. cornes as near to perfection Marathon, maIe, $155, L. Richard- Penkins and Mra. Bert Beacack,*Un- as any tea can. Everything son & Son, Aahburn, ta M. H. Pimi- lonville, and Mrs. H. Earl, Detroit. ta e xet a ot mett, Keene. thatteaexpets an d to Victor Ramsden, maie, $90, W. C. mnake Red Rose Orange PekoO Ashton, Bowmanville, to Sam5x1<>w- ESTATE 0F PROF. JOHN SQUAR' superlDr inl quality, flavor den, Bowmanville. and value is done ina tLhe great Andy Gump, maie, $77.50, S. J. An estate valued at $205,794 la Red Rose blending roorne. Gray, Port Hope, to Geo. Henderson, disposed of by the will ai the late Try it to-day. Put up ina the Onono. John Squair, Professon Emeritus oaighcen au iu Miss Lind, female, $100, J. Leask Modern Languages at the Universitybrgt eaIau nu a & Son, ta J. L. Parsons. ai Toronto, who died Octaber lSth. packages.*- Helen 64th, feinale, $175, W. J. The personal estate, entered at _______________ Leask, Taunton, ta R. Richardson, $193,794, includes $146,289 secur- Ashbbini. ed by 76 mortgages; $1,600 in house- Lavender Rosebud l2tb, female, hold goada, books, pictunes, plates; a NO LONGER $125, Samuel Rickard, ta W. P. balance ai $900 with Harrup and Ca;. X AFAILuRE Rickard. $38in uncashed cheques; $2,796J Mina Lass, femnale, $90, J. R. $38 Bfomedlikeonetllfes Johntn oSmSodn due iroin the Carnegie Fund; $1,470 if1 ws a bump on a 10u- hsot Sodn in stock in D. C. Heath and Ca; withaut purpose tu lie- Anale Stamiord Snd, femâle, $5,90 as; $7,17 n bnd an aoft.nt.lmes witbaut & Jb. $195, J. R. Johnston, to Senator ba$5 ,7cs; 27n 17an agneemen on the Is dIffren, and Du ncan Marshall, Toronto. publication ai High School text Assistanit Manager witi' a Victoria 2nd. female. $90, C. H. books, valued at $9,500. I argummefir.outacsa1 Mumnfard, ta Robt. Miller. The only realty owned by the test- otrmcais Duchesai Gloster H 7th, female, sta ws is om a 38 Plmnsonweling. blcklai ig.O $25, John Baker, ta James Douglas atorwashishom be 68talcrstnre wo rkay. ba &Sons, Caledonia. entened at $12,000. . îuanga ndw auen. VLnabîe wOck. od To iswidwMrs LuraC qu ir, i n owoe.aual okhfe..WritO Duchess ai Gloster H 9tht, female, To is ido, Ma. aur C quar, Hemphii Trade schoos, ijmited $95, John Baker, ta S. Chas. Allin. who is sole executnix, hie leit bis real 19]n tetWs oot isrlsLsfml,$3,Jh esae untrbokpcue n Baker, ta C. H. Mumford. plates. Legacies ai $500 eacb are - Snowball Jilt 7th, female, $140, provided for bis siters, Catharine ________________ W. S. Brag ta John Baker. Rose Pollard and Chistina G. Step- Painlawne Jean, female, $75,, Fred hieas, bath ai Bowmanville, and Anne Parker, ta Sam Snowden. Mangach Craig, Deloraine, Manitoba. , a Katie 2lst, female, $55, Fred The nesidue goes n equal ahanes ta 7 ê.11 . Parker, ta L. Squair, Bawmanville. Marion Rase Squair, daughten, and 5Ii Jilt Beauty, female, $95, T. J. T.' Mrs. Squair. -ColSP Vwe & Sans, Bowmanville, ta J. M4. Mina Git llth, ferae 10 WEDDING Jh Bkr t . ikrd ewat Nelson's Store sgae Jam 0F BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES 40-orz. Jar ...,=39e Strawberry 490 *iBrBrunick I Keillees Dundee Sardines Ready Cnt aRniaad 4t,. 5c Macaroni REDEE I"16-o Stem Jar I jcsfRplr33Cj A UutDinah I""..t ce 23c1j are in18C -lue2z9 IAylmer Beans with Por3 29tin Igo.H2 finn29C Ayl.t SBrand Api»e 15%. sauce SOlives Chocolate Bars 3 for'14c ttTASTY" Bread Wropped __ Our owO aking- rith a flavor 7 Iaf .0di s own 1 Fruit Loart F., th .... oh. lk. Froit Br..d Prodlucta NuiIellJy Powders 3 for 25c Custard le.o.tàn 29e Aylrner Spirmach 15C tin ChipsoSmaliI9: IRiaso suail 3 fo, 2O QLckO SsLarge 23 0 Jug sak-4u «risse Lage 23c Coffee Richueflo Bhad A , ki h £ . o i e 1 1h. ti n5c Yi lb. tin 33C SpecW B lend 43c 'b. rr'.Beef Noin 25c Clark'. 16c Chicken Soup Soap Chips 2 -23c Palmolive Soap 3 't..23c ffice 2l-125c T'ea Fora sooâ, up D.S.L. Bulk Blend 1t!. ..a b.8 5910b I Don't be a "penny wise and a pound foolish". A good article is neyer a dear one. WHITE ROSE CASOLINE may cost a littie more than other grades, but is twice the value to the motorist. You get more mile- age, smoother running, more power, less engine trouble and greater satisfaction in every way. Intelligent motorists are using White Rose Gasoline. It is an ali-purpose gasoline, and a trial will convince you of its superior qualities. Qils-Tires-Batterie--Accessories FRESH GROCERIES Brand new stock of groceries await your selection. Phone your order or cal White Rose Service Station Bowmianville Fred W. Nelles Phone 430 1 DURHAM COUNTY JUNIORS Public, Speaking Contests for West Durham at Town Hall, Orono Tuesday Evening, March 2Oth. at 8 P. M. and East Durham at Town Hall, Millbrook Friday Evenmng, March 23rd. at 8 P. M. These conteuts are being put on by the Junior Farmers and Junior Institute Girls with the co-operation of the Ontario Dq.~ of Agriculture, Port Hope. We still have room for two more boys and two more girls to speak at Orono and for two girls at Millbrook. Substantial cash prizes are being awarded and a handsom silver trophy at eacb contest will be given to the best speaker, boy or girl. These will be two evenings very well spent with our young peop e.- Admission 25 cents J. Y. KELLOUGH, Agricultural Representative Durham County. Staunton "SUNWORTHY" Wallpaper wiIl nat fade, whethhr designs are bright- Iy colounful on ai pastel delicacy. They will not fade. Added ta this, ail "SUNWORTHY" Papers are Semi-Tnimmed. Our stock is moat complete witb new season's designa. Look them aven now, before the selection in narrowed. Buy Your School Supplies Here QEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of -F. F. Morris Co. Bownmnville Phone 489 ~- -. X 7--bd Your Easter Outfit With Esater less than a month ahead it ia time you were planning your new outfit. We have assembled a beautiful au- ray of New Spring Merchandise-up to the minute in style and values that cannot bie excelled. We Invite Your Inspection and Comparison NEW SILKS-Lovely gleaming lks, imported from the woiVd' best miarkets in the newest weaves and colorings, some of the most popular showing are: Flat Crepes, Satin Faced Crepes, Georgettes, Crepe Romaine, Printed Fiat Crepes, Printed Celanesse, Printed Tussor, Plain Celanesse, Silk Fugi, Etc. WOOLLENS-Among the most favored are the sott draping San Toys, French Foule, F'rench Botany Serges, Plain and Fancy - Flannels, Wool Georgettes, Etc. GLOVES-Shipnients just arrived of New Spring Gloves in Chamoisette, Pure Silk and the noted Perrin's French Kid. HOSIERY-We off er exceptional value in Women's, Misses' and Children's Hose in Pure Thread Silk and also in Silk and Wool, in all the New Spring Tones. BRASSIERES-To suit the Misses' and also Matrons' figure in qualities, styles and prices to meet ail requirements. SILK LINGERIE-We pride ourselves on carrying the best value obtainable in our Silk Lingerie and we guarantee it to give goodJ wear and guaranteed in lock-stitched -Vesta--Bloomers and Slips to match. UMBRELLAS-It may be a wet Easter, don't take a chance of having your new outfit ruined. We have a fine silk and wool cover for $2.75 in ail the wanted colors.