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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1928, p. 4

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VAGEFOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH lSth., 1928 AUCTION SALE HAYDON MAPLE CLROVE Frida, PAMr. and Mrs. H. Scott, Orono, Miss Susie Laird, Grafton, spet FiaMrch 16tL--Auction Sale Sundayed at Mr. Sulas Trewin's.... the weekend at home .... Miss Hildat of 20 ho=e, the property of F. G. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Stainton, Hamp- Foley, Toronto, Mr. Raymond Snow- Darlc, Prka d the rth, sfJhna ton, visited at Mr. A. McNeil's. ... den, Toronto, spent Sunday at their Ont. Seeark ifa. Noth,0e a w Mr. Allan Stainton, Burketon, visit- respective homes... Congratulaton o'cl.ock sharp. Wm. Maw, Auction. ed his sister, Mrs. Wmn. Trewin. i. . to Mr. Lloyd Metcalf on pasig i eer. Mrs. Richard Ashton has returned, music exam with honors. Miss home after a pleasant visit with Tor- Helen Worden, Haydon, visEdMs Saturday, Mai l7th-A com- onto friends. . .. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mabel Stevens last week...Mr., nunity sale will bie held on above Mountjoy Sundayed with her mother,1 Lloyd Snowden wears a smile these î date ini Alan Williams' furniture Mrs. J. Rutledge. Salemn...Much 1 days that won't corne off-It's a boy! rooms, King St., Bowmanville, and. synipathy is extended to the relatives.-,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham will include parlor, dining-room, of the late Duncan McNeil who 1 and *daughter, Audrey, spent Sunday berom ktce ad terfun- passed away early on Sunday with his brother, Mr. S. Greenbam, ture and furnishings. This promises morning. The funeral was held Birchcliff. Mr. Clarence Ferguson, to bie a real good furnîture sale. Monday afternoon from the home of Victoria College, Toronto, will oc- Sale at 1 p. m. Theo. M. Siemon,: Rd. MNeil. Interment took place in cupy the pulpit here next Sunday Auctioneer.1 Bowmanville Cemetery...A sure af ternoon .... Messrs. George and Wcdneaday, March 21t-1 p. m. 1 indication that Spring is here. A1 Chester Power received word on thirty horses and harness at the barn! robin was seen early Tuesday morn- Wednesday morning that their of R. Gimblett, rear of 539 King St. ing in our vicinity. ... League Sun- brother, Mr. Willoughby Power, Tor- East, Oshawa. Auctioneers, George day evening was in charge of Mis- onto, had passed away on Tuesdayî and Ted Jackson. sionary Vice-President, Miss Annie evening. ... Miss Margaret Snowden Tlzuraday, Mardi Z2nd.,-Leslie, Trewin, about 40 being present. The, wýho has been visiting her grandpar-1 Hancock, Lot 3, Con. 5, East Whitby bible reading was read by Mr. Ar- ents for the last two weeks, has re- having rented bis farm will selI hi. thur Read; devotional was takén by turned home to Oshawa with hier farmn stock and implements. Every- j Mrs. E. Bradley; topic was well given m,ýther. thing offered must be sold. Wm. hy Mrs. H. Ashton from the book Flowered and Tailored Hats in the' Maw, Auctioneer. 11-1 entitled "~Drums in the Darkness"; newest colorîngs and latest styles Thuraday, March 22nd-Mrs rain a gvnby Ms Mblwîll feature the Millinery Openings Frank Stonhouse, Hampton, who has Beech ... . The play "Wanted-AIat Dingman & Edmondstone's, Sat- sold bier property will seil her bouse- W ife", given by the Maple Grove urday, March 17tb. hold furniture and furnishings. Sale; young people on Monday evening at 1 p. m. Tbeo. M. Slemon, Auction- was well attended. T he play was eer.much enjoyed by ahl, alsu the vocalI ENNISKiLLEN solo by Miss Mabel Stevens. Ai Tuesday, March 27th-Mr. Arthur comic number was given by a num- Mrs. Silas Ashton and babe have <rmiston, lot 30, Con. 8, Darlington, ber of our young men. Proceeds returned home from their visit in will sell aIl of bis farn stock, impIe- for the evening $23.55. T"oronto,.... Mrs. Stanley Aunger, nients, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See! Rimbey, Alberta, Mrs. J. E. Virtue,,r Bills. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer Heai' "The Mystery of the Third1 Toronto, visited with Mrs. J. W. I Gable" at Tyrone next Wednesday Virtue ...Congratulations to M r.J1 evening. -_ __ Francis Werry and Mr. Stacey on the I arrival of baby ginls...Mr. Roy1 ST lHAMPTON MNcGill and bride have returned frorna 1 nad the Flu Wo ns niutmeat their honeymoon trip. We welcomer Mrs. McGill to our community. r the home of Mrs. John Cowling on The play "What doth it Profit" wbich was given by Eldad young people wasa This is a very frequently heard Th ursday, March lstPresident, Mrs. a good success. The players al remark, and is generally followed Knox presiding. Meeting opened ft ook their parts well. Tbis was an h by "and I can't seem to sbake it by singing the Opening Ode. After interesting and helpful play. The off"y. the business session a: son g "Spread music between acts was furnished by u- ai ittle Gladness" was su ng. Af talent from Hampton, Mr. Billett,P This latter statement isun surprise prognam in charge of Mrs. Mr. Howard Cole and Mr. Herbert necessary if you will take A. Peters and Miss Knoix was very1 Stainton sang trios wbich were well much enjoyed by aIl. Mrs. A. B. nee;aslwsnilyugadu Blauda Laxtive ro reynds a pape aren e Miseague o pplauded by Mr. Billett, and Mrs. I RenlsaIpronte"egeo (Rev.) E. M. Cook favored us witb Tablets Nations"; Mrs. A Clemens gave an a iovely solo, Rev Mr. Cook nxaking (100 tablets 50c) interesting talk on "How to Rais. aal hima n e nsm Bab Chcks. Oe ers of"Jig-c ommunity singing, Mrs. Howard They ton. up the nerves8 and le Belîs" was sung, after which a Cole and Miss Elva Orchard acting stimulate the appetite. humorous dialogue entitled "How welIas accompanists. Proceeds over S The i acouh n 1 fooled the book Agent" was given by eei. .. .. We are sorry to report that cansurly et elin~ ~ng thre ldie. Aterthe~ Cliour teacher, Miss Margaret Dalton, a ca srey etrlif y sig "My Greatest Surprise" wih as a tknseriously iIl and bad to be Creophos ~responded to by a numbed of the lad-tae toBwnvilHoia. tes Aphoo ontstwssgîen Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson visited Dr. (Large bottle $1.00) each lady was supposed to bring a Harding, Oshawa.... Mr. William The cough remedy that removes photo of herself when young. The Herring i. visiting bis son, Elmer, the cause, photos were passed to groups wholOshawa .... Mr. and Mrs. James F. ivere to guess wbo the original of Bradley were in Cobourg over zhe Buy them at the photos were. The meeting weekend attending the funeraI of closed witb the Mizpab benediction, whi itri-aMs ila aften which a surprise lunch was Kirkland. served consisting of potato pies, K ER SLA K E'S AU enoy arocal te rin tega.Gable" at Tyrone next Wednesday The Dependable Drug Store very enjoyable afternoon to a close. evening. We Deliver Phone 49 Attendance sixty. Hear "The Mystery of the Third j COURTICE Gable" at Tyrone next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Florence Allun visited ltl What Dth it Profit" will b. pre- Miss Mabel Walter at Weston, on sented n Hampton on Thursday, Sunday Manch 22nd., by Solina Young Maple Grove young people wl People. present their play "Wanted-A Wife" in Ebenezer Cburch in con- Don't miss the annual St. Patrick nection with W. M. S. on Friday, ccert under auspices of Hampton March 23rd. G ay W 'alls WVomen's Institut. on Friday even- Miss Maude Squires, Trno a ing, ac 6hi the Sunday School guest of ber cousin, Mrs. Blake Room. Literary selections by Mrs. Countice, last week .... .Mr. and Mrs. Transform the Sombre f W. Adams, Bowmanville, Miss Mar- A. J. Gay are on a trip to Atlantic Room garet Scott, Solina; vocal solos by City and will visit otber places as Miss Margaret Allin, Bowmanville; well. ... Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks orchestra selections by Messrs. T. C. spent Sunday in Toronto... .On Oisen, Toronto, Oscar Jamieson, Tuesday evening, March 6, Rev. and Bowmanville, C. H. Wallace and Mrs. J. H. Stainton entertained those Add cheer to every roorn w1th Wal lace Horn, Hampton. Mrs. J. h kpr nte"elso o i A. Cole, Bowmanville, will alosso .f oto ati h Ble fF colorful Wallpaper. . ass de-rol" and some others. The finst Drink Bowmnanville's Dairy Pasteurized Milk and enjoy a farin product of whohesome pur- ity. There iz no substitut. for Pure Pasteurized Milk. BO*WAMVLLE DA.IRY Bf KING ST. PH-IONE 446 .~amssîn lc, nîîaen oc. IUZpart of the evening's entertainment t fwas an impromptu prograin, eacb one1 t ISALEM responding either with a sang, read- ________ ng on speech or anytbmng th.y wîsh- I ed. Several songs were sung the y Paston J. R. Trumpour occupied I ords of which were camposed by the b te plpi an Sunay. Hisdis singer and which caused a good deal course, anothen of the senies, dealtf of merriment. Then gaines were with the disciple ".Matthew"' and was enjayed and after-wands a bountiful listened ta with much interest. Rev. lunch was senved by Mrs. Stainton fMn. Trumpour also canducted a study and ber niece, Miss Verna Trewin. class in the Sunday School ...On Mrns. Slainton called the company ta Tuesday evening of ast week the order and presented Mrs. W. R. Maple Grave young people gave their Countice with a beautiful cyclamen papular play "Wanted-A Wife". plant in bloom, froin the young peop- This group of yaung people are cer- ..o h prta o e evcsa tainly ive wires and we wish them aeomh pist t wahesercmpalet eveny success. . . On Saturday even-asurpnis so mach s ta r.Courlt- ng last another cammunity gather- ice wa1iu od t xrs e ing met at "Rose Glen'", the beauti- thanks although she appreciated thel f ui home af Mr. and Mrs. W. L- But- giift veny much, indeed. The party tery, whene the kind hast and hastessi broke up evem-y one having enjoyed had everything in readines.s ta give 'a, mast pleasant evening. Rev. and everyone a good turne. The even- 'Mrs. Stainton and Miss Trewin were - ng was spent in euchre interspersed I most entertaining in their home and with sangs and music, and after a. thaughtful of thein guests......... dainty luncheon was served a heartY Thursday evening at the Young v ote of thanks was tender.d ta -Mr. People'.s meeting for the first partf and Mns. Buttery and family for a of the prognam a pageant an "Queen jaly fine evening. Mr. Butteny i'ê- Esther" was niceiy given by membens sponded with a few graciaus remarks of the League. Each one did his or assurinz everyone of their welcame bher part splendidly. Miss Frances and bidding all ta came agaîn qoïnc- Hancock as "Esther", Mr. Cea. F. turne. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Medndoo Annis, King; Mr. Kenneth Courtîce, and Mire.q Joqie and Ruby, Orono, Modci nir onHmn Sunday. Glad ta welcame the g'rlsi cock were attendants of the King. at the service.. Mn. and Mrs. W. S. The pageant was in charge of Mrs. Maffat and family, Orono, viqited at! Blake Courtice. The next part was Mn. F. L. Snuair's ..Miss Ella Ccl- lin charge of Aduît group and was lacott and Miss ladys Cann, Toron- i aeupbMr.V R Coti. fspent the weekend at home. The histary of several hymns and Mrs. C. Staples, Orono, is visiting Mr their writers was given by differenti and Mrs. E. Doidge. niembens, Mrs. Annis and Mrs. Han- Hear "The My-stery of the Third cock sang twa of the hymns and one Cable" at Tyran. next Wednesday or two were sang by aIl. . . Monday evening. evening the Slin. yaung people gave their play "What doth it Profit"? in Ren)ort of S. S. No. 9, Darlington. Ebenezer Church ta a good audience.j for February. fHonars 75%1 ; Passq Each actor did the part in the play' 8 60 17, Sr. 1V-Leslie Welsh 74. splendidly and it was a very inter-f 1-Telon McD)onald 71. Jr. TV-Mar- esting and enjoyabie eÈrening. Dur- ian Honey 79, Doris Collacott 75. ing the intervals between- acts vocal Sr.1-Lamne Fosten 70, Bert solos by Mrs. John, Baker in fFnsteir 68. Edgar Cator 61. Jr. music by Mrs. Hardy and readingsi 'T-AdryCnwling 69, Henry by little Miss Millson were also en- Francis 68,' Beatnire ('ator 65. Sr. jayed by ahi present. Proceeds lT-Maqrie Collacott 75. Jr. Il- about $4000. ITe1lm Wel'sh 79, Wilie Danch 75. IViola Franciq 59. John Foster 55. CARD 0F THANKS Primer and Pirst Classes in order of menit: Sr. 1-Charlie Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shortt, Courtice, Hariey Cowling. Jr. 1-Isobel desire ta tbank their rnany friends Rrown, Bervi Thonpson, Bert Fran- and neghbors for their very great Icis.' Jr. Pr-Margaret Irwin, E!- kindness in sending gift of flawers, ve Wright, Oscar Conlin, Frank fruit and messages during Mn. Conlin. Shortt's shutin period through his -Laurence Savery, teaeher. accident. TYRONE SOLINA Mrs. Beacock, Myrtle, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Col- at Mr. Edward Virtue's... Mr. and umbus, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe Mrs. Horatio Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John and baby, Kedron, Mr. and Mns. L Hill visited Mn. John Buckley at Mr. C. Pascoe, Miss Donothy, and Mr. Harvey Curtis', Oron..... Mr. Floyd Wallace Pascoe, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs Dudley bas returned borne froni Mil- itary School, Toronto. . Miss Edith L T. Pascoe, Hampton, visited at Mr Talo, ow, unayd it hrJ. T. Pastoe's ...Congratulations siTyornw, Mr. .. ak.MwissEliea to Misses Ileen Balson and May ite, To.WF. pnt theweekenat vaWestlake on the results of their ne- borne.MTwns Jo heLilirapp, a- cent musical examinations. ..* *Mr. .- z onhnviitedber ate, CMrsGeorge Pascoe lias been visiting F.gtn L. Byam . Mir. Dald Davey s.Drayton friends ...Mr. and Mrs.' anLd Ba .. Mr. BDenald M 11h Oh Loyd Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Char- _u.ugh, ence Tink visited at Mr. Edwiný awa, Sundayed at home. The Woods', Bowmanville ...Mr. and church service Sunday evening open- Mrs. Harvey Hardy visited at Mr. ed witb song service. Re'v. J. R. ae esn oubs... r Trumour reaced splndidser and Mrs. Leslie Snowden and family, mon on "The .Calling of Mattbew. MNiss Emm oMpeGoe tM .... League Thursday evening was Th na Cox, ..MerovatMr in charge of the Missionary Vice- ThoasRenoBar's... R utnd Mrs. President, Miss LoI. Richards. Pro- Jack ceyno sn ab th , Missn grain consisted of readings by Mr. Ruth Moeronto fpent theMweend s Clarence Goodman and Mn. Ivan wît oot red..M.adMs Smih; opic RolingBak te Mp"L. T. Pascoe and family, Hampton, by Mns. C. D. Hodgson; vocal duet viie tM.A .Ryod' by Miss Margaret Moore and Miss' Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and family Sspent Sunday at Mr. Howard Couch's, Hazel Turner..The sympathyoc Bethesda .... .Mns. Samuel Bush is the comniunity is extended to Mrs.iiigfensaStThms... W. J. Johnson and family in the visitngforiend t vSt Thom a.e deatb of a beloved husband and Do't oregu et u vt from M.apdle fathen. The interment took place Grs.AveL.ase et we. Mr. a'ond- 1 at Bobcaygeon. The Wide Awake jo'sA. L n.. Pc essr.Wil ont-!d Class gave the missionary pro aoy sucedron...nd Mssrs. Hn, iitad f at S. S. on Sunday afternoon. A B re ik ad MissEveln, sited.. splendid talk was given on our Can- ao' gtthMn.DWiviAsitn's eetiaw's. adian Missionaries; Mr. Clinton Bige- teDon oetepr Hl the iiinMe ingi lowgav th lfe istryon ortn;(Thursday> -night at 8 o'clock.. readings by Masters Gordon Brent, Women's Institut. meeting at the Lorne Annis, Jack Gibbs and Fran- home of Mrs. Silas Williams on cis Thompson; vocal duets by Masters Thrdy atno n wswl t Lloyd and Alden Ho.. .... Mr. Frank tended. Rall Caîl was well respond- E¶atherly, Town, spent the weekend'dtanthS. trcspogm Mesaftelasending as was in charge of Mrs. A. J. Balson. 'nth ithrniensand r seativesa A pleasing part of the progrnm was mont wih frend an reltivs a a nicely worded address read by Mrs. Oshawa...Mrs. Herman Wotten J.T. Rundle and the presenta- and daugbter Wiima are visiting tion by Mrs. John Pascoe to Mrs. Sil- Mr1s. Elias Strutt and other relatives asWlim- faslvrtmt evr here. Mrs. William, who xvill be much A three-act draina "The Mystery xnissed in the Institute replied, thank- of the Third Gable", will b. given îng the Institute for their nice gift n the Community Hall, TYrone, on and wisbing them every success in Wednesday, March 2lst at 8 P. in., their work. Lunch was served and under auspices of the local Women's a pleasant time enjoyed .... The So- Instîtute and Ladies' Aid. Admission lina Young People gave their papu- 35c and 25c. Ian play "What doth it Profit" on Monday evening for the fourth time. They have received three more in- U. F. O. NOTICE vitations ta give it again. Corne and hear Bob Morrison and The nanie of Miss Ileen Balson not I. C Alin pea on he, Rasin Irene, should bave appeared among .t Shaw's School, Tusday, March 20, the successful pupils of Miss Marion .t 8 p. m. Refreshments. Orchard, in Elexnentary piano, in last 1week's report of the Music Exarns. prices on pair must and look ____________________ ~'1 Fine Furnishings CkeamIm & Pras.icg TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Good Clothes" Sure'n We re Irish And we're going to Celebrate the 1 7th --- Here's How We have picked out Fifty beautiful Spring fabrics-the kind you would expeet to see in $35.00 suits. Because we're Irish they go on sale Saturday the l7th. Coat Vest 2 Pair Pants Coat $2q5.50 2 Pai There will be a special measure man here dir- ect from the shop in Toronto to help us take meas- ures. Corne in and order your Easter Suit-It costs you nothing tili your clothes are delivered. King St. West Bowmanville "Bert" Bell (We do cleaning and pressing) PRICES HAVE AGAIN BEEN CUT $2.98 Size 21/2fto 7 Reg. $5.00, Bankrupt Price $2.98 Reg. $7.00, Bankrupt Price $378 $2.48 Reg. $4.95, Bankrupt Price $3.48 Reg. $5.95, Bankrupt Price $3.48 Reg. $4.», Bankrupt Price $1.95 $1.98 Men's Boots, Light Shoes Reg. $3.50, Bankrupt Price $1.98 Reg. $450, Bankrupt Price $2.48 $3.49 Men's Heavy Oxford& Size 2½/ to 7 Reg. $6.00, Bankrupt Price $.49 Reg. $7.00, Bankrupt Price $448 $2.95 Men's Reg. $5.00, Bankrupt Price $2.95 Reg. $6.00, Bankrupt Price $3.49 Reg. $7.00, Bankrupt Price $4.4 $3.49 Men'a Fine Boots Reg. $6.50, Bankrupt Price $3.49 Reg. $8.00, Bankrupt Price $4.98 N 4 our Shoes. Every be sold! Corne in around. Seeing is believing! j Newest, brightest and rnos charniing designs in the collec- tion this Spring. Their dainty patterns will enliven the duflest room. Corne in and see the latest de- signa and patterns at the "Big 20" Bookstore. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookatore B ow ian yille O nt. ,- 4 We have again cut down the $3.38 Black Satin, Patent and Velvet Pumps Reg. $5.50, Bankrupt Price $338 Reg. $7.00, Bankrupt Price $4.38 98C 100 Pairs Ladies' High Top Boots Reg. $7.00, Bankrupt Price 98c Reg. $6.00, Bankrupt Price 58c Reg. $5.00, Bankrupt Price 28c BIG BANKRUPT SHOE SALE FORMERLY CLAUDE IVES' SHOE STORE PAGE POUR i 1 0 BELL'S ÏMURRAYj

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