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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1928, p. 5

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t. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 15th., 1928 MOVIE 0F WORLD "ON WHEELS" MNISTERS AND CHURCHES (UWI'~~ UT10.30 a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. tA IS MADEL AND SHOi~WiN BY G. M. . Sermon and benediction 7 p. m. Rev ___________P. P. Butler. Motos C mer Me Trvelld 10,00 Mle. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Beet, General r C mr enTaele 0,00Ml$ D.D., Minister. il a. m.-The ShooingFil tobe Sown~i ~ .~îleMeaning of the Unn:ticed Days. 7 p. m.-Sunday School. Trafie amsin ingpore torin moe dts fr dstrbuton <»~ Rev. Charles E. Cragg, M.A., B.D., Traie jms n Sngaore torin moe dts or istibuion PoitsPastor of the Devine Street United through Boli'iVa; trucking in the and many more, some 4,000 in ai, Church, Sarnia, bas received a cali streets of Rekakavic, Iceland's Capit.. for dealers. The map la blackened f rom the congregation of King Street ai, are ainong the sights that meet by the dots in places, and speckled United Church, Oshawa, and bas de- and often startie the eye in "General throughout vast areas surrounding cided to accept. motors Around the World", a motion these centres. But dots on a mapiS.Ade' rsbtra hrh picture made by the export division remain unimaginative dots until they StAnrwsrsberaChc, of the General Motors Corporation. come to if e as scenes of cities and corner Temperance and Church Sts., tows, s tey o i th fim.Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., This wonderful and extremely. tonathyd inte im.Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor- tereeting picture will be sh5wn in The dot representing Osaka, Jail>. ship. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. Bowmanville in the very near future an, becames a busy street in the cen- 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Every- by the Corbett Motor Sales Co. tre of the city. Port Elizabeth, body welcome. Watch for date in next week's States- South Africa, is first indicated and Remember Salvation Army Anni- man. then actually seen. And s0 with vrayo udyadMna et Mebourne, Australia; Alexandria,SpéeasarvinsnyanMnday nt. Though designed to illustrate the EytSpécier;Sa auo a .adservices On Sunday at i wor]d-wide reach of General Motors, BEgyp; tockLima, CPeru; aa P, a.30pm. a 7 p m. On Monevdyt the film also shows the extent and Brandil; tockhof, othpenaesBr. .0p m uprwllb evdt greater possibilities of the automobile liwndhnresofohr lce. ail are cordially invited. En- indetr. I shws irtall evry Then there are scenes of native ertainment commences at 8 p. m. coduntry Ithw rld on beendlife, of East Indians, Japanese and tiet 0fobth cunadyinndh Amriaon wheels, at Sbutb Africans working in assemblyTikt50fo th Cplants, patting bodies and chassi1 St. John's Anglican Churcb, Rev. that. The spectator bas the feeling 1pte uther, e en es aey do i Ohawais R. J. Shires, Rector. Fourtb Sun- of touring the earth. And always There are showrooms that migbt be day in Lent, March 18, 1928. il a. m this ilusion of travel is over streetsI on Bay Street and sights of the load- -Holy Communion and Sermon. 2.30 and roads that seem to invite rubber- n fatmblsit hpfl .m-udy Sho.7p . tirdweel torol onandon. lowed by their unloading thousands Evening Prayer. Lenten service This impression of a warld tour is of miles away. on Friday at 8 p. m. Confirmation strengthened by the carefully worked The picture is also ricb in trade in- Class each Thesday at 8 p. m. in Par- out continuity of the film. First,. formation. isb Hall. there in a map of the world, on which i The scenes were made by scven Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. dots appear in the 104 countries' camera crews, which travelled ~RbnPso. Sna evcsa served by General Motors. There aggregate of 100,000 miles in les ila.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School are dots for foreign assembly plants, than five months. at 2:30 p. m. Evening theme the sixth in the series of story sermons, _______________________________ -."How the Great Guest Came" and ____________________ _____________ -Scrip for the Journey". Good' musical services under direction ofi Mr. Francis Sutton, organist and WEEKLY STORE NEWS i choir leader. Mamch 15, 1928 Published in the Interenta cf the People cf Bowmnanvill. and distict by Hanry Allun, Editor & Grocer OBSERVATIONS This is going ta a busy week- end for the ladies with Millin- ery Openinge, Receptions, St Patrick's Tea and the like' Wefl, ail I can say is don't for- get when it's meal tims at hoine. Mn. Grave wbo spoke at thei Canadian Club sure bas travel- I led à powerfui distanee in bis "Searcb for America". Folks hereabouts la search o! fresb groceries do't have to step out of doors. Just phone 186. Cancellation o! Lady Min- strel Show was a big disappoint- ment ta saie. No disappaint- ment wben you order fiowers or plants at Harry Allin'e. New Yemr's Resolutions and Lent give lots of people an ex- euse ta break their good inten- tions. Can you tune out CKGW? Honest now! No. 4 MONTHLY ROSES Always in bloom, wbether kept in bouse or la garden, very hardy ,and very beauti- fuI in large pot, only $1.00 TULIPS Rich red colors, brightea up the home or a sick rooni witb one a! these ln pot. at 75C FREE DOLLS Witb two n packages a! ~,Kelloggs Corn 'Flakes we RoNi dandy you Doa Yul e mm -dadyCloth enjay the I 'a».Flakes and the get load of fun with doll, Roads are bad-but don't wrry-we deliver grocemies witbout extra charge. HARRY ALLUN, GROCER Phone 186 Bowmanvile Thursday - Friday - Saturday Men'a and Young Men's Fine Quality Navy Blue Double Breasted Serge Suite A Special Lîne We Are Featurins At $19.95 Men's Navy Blue Overcoats 5 Only, Regular up to $35.00, On Sale $19.95 Men's Fine Shirts $ 1.95 A new shipment just received, Travellers' Samp- les and broken lines, values that were up to $3.50 each, ON SALE $1.95 TO CLEAR MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 A Union Made Overail, Black, Blue Stripe and Plain Blue with bib and braces, worth $2.00 pair, ON SALE $1.39 PAIR WORK SHIRTS Navy Blue Work Shirts with white thread double stitched. A wonderful Work Shirt at 98c. Te B. GILCHRIST opposite Bank of Montreal Phone el Bowmanville Eunday wau a very fine dsy and motorista lu thousanda enjoyed it. Mail and Empin cf Monday co%- *ans photo of Miss NUs LYl Pst- tinsan, dmughter of Mn. and Mnm Jo.. Pattinson, Bowmanville, Dfreten o! Domestie Science at Centra Techni- eaI School, Toronto, whose work ilay- ed au Important part la the extensive bazamn utag.d by studenta ou Batur- day. Mn. John Cox, King St. Eat, has pachaied the residence on j3rown Street o! the late Frank Bundon. Congratulations to Hia Worship Mayor T. S. Holgate who celebrated bis bithday on March 13th. Mrs. Wm. Her ing hasn eturned to hon home lu Ennlskfllen mter spend- lng a week wlth hern ieom, xmlu Mini. and Ad& OBITUARY Willoughby Power, Toronto The death of Willoughby Power, in bis eigbty-second year, occurred suddenly Tuesday at the residence of bis daughter, Mme. W. E. Bishop, 47 Oakmount Road, Tomante. The late M. Power wae well known as a builder and contractor in Toronto' and had the distinction o! super- vising the woodwork constructo o the aId Union Station and theCn fedemation Life Building. Born in Dalington Township, soni o! the late Mm. and Mrs. John Power, Maple Grave, be came te Tomante in 1880, and bad resided since then at' 120 Dovercourt Road. He had been a member of the I.O.O.F. for more than fifty years, and was recog- nized as the oldest member o! the Prince of Wales Lodge. He was a Methodist in religion. A staunch Libemal, he had been a reader a! The Globe for many years. He is suiwived by four sons-John D., William C., George H., and Charles W, and two daughtems, Mns. W. E. Bishop and Mrs. H. J. S. Dennison, ahl o! Toronto. Also four brothers, Messrs. George and Chester Power, Maple Grave, Edward J. Power, Or- ana, and Wilson Power o! Ottawa, and twa sisters, Mm. F. N. Stevens and Miss Camre Power, Bowxnan- ville, The funeral service will be beld today (Thusday) freim 47 Oakmount Road. John Wonnacott, Bowmanville A respected, well-known and in- dustriaus citizen in the person of John Wannacott passed away an Fi- day, Marcb* 9th, fallowing a stroke of paralysis, aged 76 years. Deceased was born near Hals- worthy, Deon, England, being the second son o! the lato Francis and Elizabeth Won4acott, and came te Canada many years mgo. Mm. Won- nacott was employed for about sev- enteen yeams as manager cf the farm nwned by Squire Geo. Haines, now accupied by Mr. W. H. Argue, east1 of Bowmanville. Later he worked for sevemal years at the Caladoniani Mil owýned by the late John Mackmy, and later known as the Crearn of Barley Milîs. The funemal on Monday aitemnoon froni bis late residence, Brown St., was private owing ta the ilîness af Mme. Wannacott. Service was con- ducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, paster o! Tinîty United Cburch. The pal-bearers were four mein- bers of Court Pride o! Ontario No. 6000, A. O. F., of whîch deceased was a member-Messrs. Gea. Varcos, J. T. Hooper, G. A. Corden and John Stacey. Deceased was twice mnarried, fimt ta Jane Smeeze o! England, who passed away in Bowmanville saine years aga. To tbem was bora two) sons, Francis Edward, who was pres- ent at the funeral on Moaday, and William, bath o! New Ontario. His second wife was Miss Bessie Knight o! this town, wbo survives hum; also one brother James who lives in Eng- land. HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY The fifteenth Birthday Party of Bowmanville Hospital will b. beld at the Nurses' Residence an the atter- noon and evening of Thuraday, Mrch 29th. Ladies, show your interest in the Hospital by attending thbe Bîrthday Party. AIl donations wiul be tbank- fully receivod. itZ-3w The Statesmah la $2.00 a year or $1.50 for balance o! 1928. Motoristal Sunoco fBlue Ga& la now sold by Blake Wilkins, Wet- mount, King St. West, phono 340. Try Sunoco next filliag. 10-2 Thase soft liquid notes that came aven the radio these nigbts are fraze the new distillery broadcasting sta- tion t Bowranville.-Fergus News- Record. Bouides St. Ptlck's Day belng celebrated on Saturday, March l7th., there'a another Important evont talc.. place on that date-Dlugman & Edmonditoe's Millluery Opeulagi. IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving emembrance of aur dear wife and mother, Editb Colacatt, who paased away March 17, 1927. One year aga today you left un, For that beautiful land cf the biet. God took you Home; He thought it best To giva you everiantiag rent. Oh. haw we miss the dear loved one, Sad and lonesome le our home, Life ta un la eflt the nains, Since she left us aIl alon.. It Io sweet ta tbink we'U ment again, Where partings are no more, And that tbe one wa loved no dear Has oaly gone before. Sbe le gons, but flot forgotten, Neyer wili ber memory fade, Fondent tboughte wiliiaiway linge Around the grave where as e laid Sadly mlnned by Huaband, and Child- rea, Sisters, Brothers. ENFIELD Mr. Norman Stinson ban been visting near Pontypool. .Mr. George Ormistan bas maved into bis new home in town...Mr. George Bray, Toronto, recently visited at bi& fat- her's, Mr. S. Bray. . .. Mr. Arthur Hubbard bas been under the doctar's came witb a sore knee .... Several fmonm bere attended the funeral of Mr. Herman Wotten. He waa bur- ied at Hampton Cemetery at Wed- neday .... The Ladies' Aid had their regular meeting at tbe home of Mns. Alex. Smith, Wednesday, when a very sociable time was spent mfter tbe business was tansactedL..... Mr.T. Henry la hauling loge to a âkidway where be intenda te bave a portable sawmill set next summer. 1. . ». , TONICS Worthy of Your ConI6dence At no seaon of the yean are you more likely ta "catch" dis- esses of one kind pr another than durng March and April. Maay troubles can be avolded by keepîng the system in prime condition. Rexail Remedies WMFr1, SQ' 1 Ia every -English speaking country these remedies are con- sidered the finest that akilI end money can -praduce. Sa nigh are they In quality that g ,ar money la returned wi-hout a ques- tion if you are not smtisfied. R.xail Beef Iron aad Wlae Remall Poptoua Rexail Cod Uver 011 (taetelots) AI]$1.00 fer. a big Jury & Loveli Safe, Satlmfactory Dru«Ultà a~i Opticians _________________________'I- DIRTUS KELLY-Ia Bowmanviiie Hospital, on March 2, 1928, ta Mm. and Mrs. Hugb Kelly, a daughtem. LAMBROS-Ia Bowmanviile Hoepital, on March 5, 19218, ta Mm. and Mrs. Peter Lambros. a daughter. STrARK-Ia Bowmanville, on Tuesday, March 13. 1928, ta Mm. and Mme. J. Stark, a son. (Jack Marehall). W ERRY-Near Enniskillen, on Monday, March 12, 1928,1 ta Mm. and Mme. W. F'raacis Warry, a daughter. COWLING-In Bewmanviile Haspital, March 8, 1928, to Mm. and Mme. Jo. Cowling, Salem, a daughter. SNOWDEN-lu Bowmnanviie Hospital March 8, 1928, ta Mr. and Mre. Uaoyd Snowdea, Mapie Grave, a son. BROOKS-At Oshawa General Haspit- ai, on March 10, 1928. to Mm. and Mme. L. Jack Brooks, 71 Riteon Road S., a son. MARRIAGES VATES-CRAGO-At Maple COuf", the home cf the bride's parents an WVedneBday, Mardi 7. 1928, by ltev. 1~. H. Stain ton. George Yates, Oshawa, and Elsie Viola, youngent daughtam o! Mm. and Mme. F. A. Crago. Dlmingtoa. SUTTrON-BURK-A*t St. Pauls Unit- ed Chumch, Bowmanviiie, on Maaday. Mamch 12, 1928, by Rev. Dm. D. W. Beet, assis-ed by Rev. J. U. Robins, Mr Francis Sutton, Organlet and Choir Directar of Tinity Church, and soni of Mr. and Mme. ('hmlstopher Sutton, Outlook, Sask., and Eva Kathleen Bumk, daughtem cf the late Mm. and Mme. 'Marvin Burk, bath of Bow- manvilie. DEATHS JAMES-Instantly kiiied a; St. Thomas, Mamch 8, 1928. William James, aged 68 years. zz McNEIL-In Damlington, on Sunday, blarch 10, 1928, Duncan MeNeil, aged 79 years. WONNACOTT-In l3owmanviiie. on Friday. Mamch 9, 1928. John Wonnacott, aged 76 yaars. JOHNSTON-Ia Darlingoûn, near Ty- mone, on Satumday, Mamch 10, 1928, Wil- liam James Johneton, aged 57 yaars. ln- terre(l at Bohcaygeon. CAMERON-At New Tomonto, Thora- ýday, Mamch 8, 1928, Danîi Camaman, ag- -i 44 yeams. Ia.emmed ai Bowmanviile Cenîitemy on Saturday. 1SNOWDEN-Ia Bownanviile Hospital, on Mamch 8, 1928, Mary Lorraine, infant daughter of Mr. and Mme. W. Eber Snow- den, Oshawa, aged 14 days. GRIEVE-In Newcastle, on Mamch 8. 1928, Mary Jane Galbraith, widow o! the late John Gieve, aged U7 years. Inter- ment ia Bond Head Cemetery. KIRKLAND>-At Cobourg, on Saturday March 10, 1928, Lila Mabel Trew, beioved wlfe of William Klrkland. la ber 48ih yeam. Intermeat at Port Hope Ceins- tery. POWER-Suddaaiy. Tujesdiay, Mardi 13. 1928. at the home of hie daugbter, Mrs. W. E. Bishop, 47 Oakmount Road. Tomonto, Willoughby Power, late of 120 Dovercoumt ltoad, la hie 82nd year. CRAGO-On March 8, 1928, at tbe resi- danoe of hem daughter. Mre. A. E. Giles, 89 Hudson Drive, Toronto, Ehoda A. Lyoa, widow cf the late John Craga. Bowmanville. Interred at Bowmanville. JACKSON-On Monday, Mardi 12, 1128, at the residence of Mr. and Mme. Lakeman, 127 Ossiagton Avenue, Toron- ta. Eliz.a Jackson. farmamiy of Neatleton, Cartwright Township. Intemmeat at Neet- ie-,on. PARTLOW-1a Danville, Illinois, on February 27, Edwin Reuben Pamtlow, 1202 N. Vermillon Street, agad 61 years, beloved husband of Lomene Fanson. daughtar cf the lata Albert Fanson, form- amiy of Bowmanviile and Toronto. POLLOCK-At Whltachumch, Ont., on Tuasday March 13, 1928, Mabal Mar- garet Walch, belaved wife of eav. J. T. Pollack and daughter of the late Ed- ward a~nd Ailces Oke Welch, Bowmanville. Intamred at Wingharn on Thureday. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE The Trustee Board odered mare chairs for the Sund.ay School Audi- torium just in time as far as the Young Peaple's attendance is con- cerned. Manday night the main auditorium was well filled and the memnbers were rewarded by another fine progmam put on by the Mission- amy Departinent. The prograi mileage is being shattered by each Department an successive nigbts 80 that despite ougb roads the speed maintained la remarkable. No., 2 car at the close of the program wast sbown ta bave passed bath No. 4 and4 No. 1 and ta have a comfortable lead but next week will be anather dayf and No. 3 car whicb le trailing a short distance may bave sometbing te say as to wbo la going ta lead the proces- sion. This Department were laying deep plans after Monday nigbt's meeting. Mm. Percy Cowling presided very capably on bebaîf of the Missionary Department and the f ollowing toak part in an outstaading pragrain, Misses Jean Bell, A. Purdy, F. Ives,' E. Wood, M. Dawson, F. E. Moore, M. Warder, M. Robins and Mm. Ray- mond Cale, aisa quintettes and a quartette. A. splendid recrelation period losed a fine meeting. Next Monday night the Citizenship Departuient (Na. 3) will throw cau- tion ta the winds and attempt ta bump their way, bad roads or not, by everyhody in the race for Vancouver. Baby Chicks For Sale SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS We have "Reliabie 3E,- the wiaaing hea la 1927 Ontarto Egg L.ayia g Coateet i -record of 262 aggs, 26 oz. ta doz: aiea IFoumih hlghest Pan la sixty as to numbar of egis'ered birds. A bird ta ragister; must lay 200 or over of 24 oz. ta dozea eges. This provas that we hava num- bers as well as size- la eggs. iOur pullet flock is tender traps ia R.i tion, wle haviag missad oaiy14dyg Lace Nov ember. Orders arc- being booked now. Get youms la before 1t is toa late. 10% de- pasit wlil secume your dates. - Eggn for hatching also for sale. RELIABLE POULTRV FARM Dr. E. W. Sisson, Owner Phone 39 Bowmanviiie P. O. Box 581; 3000 yards Superior Quality Fugi Silk (Silk Broadcloth) Dollar Days 2 Yards $1.00 1000 yards Roller Towelling, Pure Linen, Dollar Day. 8 Yards $1.00 500 only, Dress and Coat Flowers, New and Fresh, Dollar Day. 25c each or 4 for $1 600 pairs Women's Silk Stockings, Regular $1.25, Dollar Day. 89c Pair 1000 yards Fine Grade Cotton Broadcloth, ail shades, Dollar Day. 3 Yards $1.00 500 yards Superior Quality Celin- ese (Silk and Cotton) Dress Mat- erial, Regular $1.50, Dollar Day. $1.00 Yard DOLLAR DAYS NOTIONS SALE Silk Elastic, 5 yards ..........14c Bloomer Ela.tic, 4 yards.... 10c Safety Pins, 6 dozen ...........1c Pearl Buttons, 3 dozen ........10 Emb. Cottons, 3 skeins ........1Oc. Rubber Aprons, each ..........25c Clark'. Mercer Crochet .......9c Baby's Rubber Paint., pair ...19c Dres. Buckles....1 Sc and 25c ea Silk Bloomers, a Clearance Special Dollar Day. $123 Silk Vest. 98c Printed Broadcloth Street Dresses Dollar Day. $1.49 50 dozen Women's Cotton Hose, Sand, Black and White only, Sizes 81/2 to 10, Dollar Day. 4 Pair $1.00 Phono IOe Articles For Sale FOR SALE--Cedar poste. Apply ta James flavinon,_ R. R. 2, Newcastle. 10-3 HAY FOR SALE-A quantaty of hay for sale. Appiy Miss Horney, P. O. Box 406, Bowmanviile. 9-3w' PIGS FOR SALE-il pige 6 monthe' aid. Apply ta Michael Burns, Lot 14, Con. 2, Bowmanville, phone 476r33. 11-1' FOR SALE-200 S. C. White L.eghorn laying puilets, moatUy Morgan Tancred strain, cheap. Appiy box 271, Bowman- ville, phone 638. 10-2 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Homne grown red claver .eed and two-rowed bariey. Apply ta Howard Coucb, R. R. 4, Bowmanviile, phone 146-13. 11-1 PiGS FOR SALE-Brood sowl due ta farrow la March. Aiso 80 lb. h.ot., Yorkshire Bacon type. Apply to C. A. Wight, phone 142-21, Bowmanville. 10-2' FOR SALE-Quebec Heater, nearly new, $5.00; Child*s brown wicker Jo- cart and high cW~r. Appiy ta lir. H. M.' Foster, R. R. 5, BowxnanviUe, phone 205J. 11-1 CAR FOR SALE-1927 Chevrolet Sed- an, used only 5 months, good as new; spare tire and complete equipmnent. For particulars appiy ta Mrs. R. J. Hobbe. Liberty Street, Bowmanville, or W. F. Ward, Solicitor, phone 102. il-tf LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kind. of iaundy work dans prompt- y. satisfactori3y and ai reasonable prices Wrie Post Ottice Box 12. or cail Mrs. W. Mlarjoramn. King St. E. Bowmanviiie. Wanted WANTED-Young lad about 18 years. Must be good penaman. Apply R. M. Hol-1 iingshead Co., Bowmanville. 11-1 WANTED-A capable wornan or girl for generai bousework. Appiy to Mmm. Southey, Elgin Street, Bowmanvllle. 10-t WANTED-Hear from owner good farmn for sale. Cash price, partîculars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. 11-41 WANTD-A iddl age woman for generai bouse work on a farm. Apply ta 'tirs. R. Collacott, or The Statennman, Bowmanvilie. 10-tf WANTED-First clans cook at Oshawa. Good wages. three In famnily, other belp Apply stating age, experlence, etc., and forward copies of references ta ." rawer B, Bownianville. 10-3 Be prompt. Unfaîthfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You May as well borrow a peson'a money aq bis time.-Horace Mann. 2000 yards 32 in. Canadian Ging- hams, new assortment of patterns, Dollar Day. 5 Yards $1.00 Blazer Flannels, ail colora, Dollar Day. $1.00 Yard 500 yards Unbleached Factory Cotton, 29e quality, Dollar Day. 5 Yards For $1.00 New Curtain Nets, Pretty Designe Dollar Day. 4 Yards $1.00 Kitchen Towels, extra large size, Dollar Day. 2 Pair. $1.00 Clearance Women's Cotton Veste and Knickers, Spring and Summer weight, Dollar Day. 2 Garments $1.00 Brassieres, well tailored, in a pink brocaded material, Dollar Day. 49c Each 100 only, pair large size Ibex Flan- nelette Blankets, Dollar Days $2.09 Pair 480 pairs Chamoisette Gloves, plain or fancy cuifs, Dollar Days 2 Pair $100 40 inch, 42 inch and 44 inch Cir- cular Pillow Cottons, Dollar Day. 2 Yard. $1.00 Huge range of Peter Pan Cloth, ou aranteed absolutely sun fast and ou proof, many patterns and plain colors, Dollar Day. 2 Yards For $1.00 1000 yards Victorian Suiting, for House and Street Dresses, yard wide, Dollar Day. 3 Yards $1.00 PAGE FIVUC Vol. 1 And Now S. W. Mason & Son's Biggest Double Day Dollar Day Friday and Saturday, March 16 and 17 With'a Huge Array of Bargains to Suit Your Requirements A huge purchase of Women's Spring Hat., clever individual styles, no two bat. alike embracing every detail of the newer mode for Spriug. Just arrived, ail fresb and new just out of the bat shçps thi. week. DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL-ONE PRICE WHILE THEY LAST $1.00 See our First Showing of Spring Coat. and Dresses, especially underpriced FOR DOLLAR DAYS S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goodsi and Ladies' Rady-to-Wear Bowmanville 1 2222mmm -, - 1 - ý lý .-7 Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR IATCIING-Duck eggg-- Mammoth White Pekin hatchlng egge. 1 guarantes fertiiity and eatlarfaltr hatcb. Apply L. C. Wilcoeks, R R. 07 Bowmanville, phone 142-r3. 7-8' EGGS FOR HATCHINO3-.Frm brd-to- iay Plymouth Rocks and White Legborna, ail from O. A. C. Pedigreed stock. W E. Todd. Liberty St., Bowmanvllle. Suc- cessor ta L. H. Pearn, phone 304. g-tf Business For Sale GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALEB- Grocery business with residence attach- ed for sale, at 273 Glebemount Ave., Toronto, just off Danforth. Eaay terme. Apply ta the above addreaa or Wu. Brock, Queen St., Bowmanville, phone 114. 9-3V' Rooms To Reut ROOMS TO LET-Two south racina furnished. Good locaAon. 6 minute. from Post Office. Apply box 207, Bow- manvîlie. 10-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Apartinent te refit on highway, half mile went of Bowmazi- ville. Land for garden If requlred. AV- ply ta The Statesinan Office. il-tf Real Estate'For Sale PROPERTV IN HAMPTON FOR SALE -The land and buildings occupled by the undersigned, wiil be sold at a mcml bar- gain for cash. Apply R. 8. Croft. iHampton. . 11.4w' PROPERTV FOR SALE-E4 two-romn- ed brick houses with aIl modern couvert- lences: aiea farmn for sale ln township> Clarke, Good buildings. Appiy tW Jas. E. Fiait, Centre St., Bowmianfle, phone 384. fl-ii Farms To Rent FARM TO RENT-150 acres god d"y loay, good buildings, 2 acres orchard- b earlng tracs, fail plowlng dons, 35 acres seeded. 8 acres faîl wheat, we lwatered. IFor further part iculars apply ta W. B. L.amb, Enniskiilen. 11-1w' FARM TO RENT-200 acre&--South haives lots 31 and 32, 4th concession, Township of Darlington , about 60 acres faîl ploughed. Immediate p>oessinf. Apply ta Canant & Annis, Barri.tern &o. Oshawa, Ontario. S-tr BURKE FARM TO RIENT-This tari sltuated Immadiately south west cf Bow- manville la for rentai. Possession April lot. Plowlng after March lot. For ternas apply ta, W. R. Strike, Bowaa- ville. S-tf , 1 f#

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