Praises This Asthma Remedy. A ST0RY 0F THE BRITISH FLAG DAUGHTERS AND MAIDS 0F ORONO grateful user of Dr. J. Z. Kellog's ENG.LAND I ___ Asthma Remedy finds it the onlyî Outlined in Hiatoric Detail By Capt. (Promn The News of March 8tb) reniedy that will give relief, though F. C. Palmer, BovwmanviIle Under auspices of the Daughters Mr. Ralpb Stutt, Grafton is home. ~. RU~T~~ for thirteen years be had soa t____ and Maids of England, a very suc- Mr.amblTono svitn EtcrLc nt other belp. Years of needless auifer- (Continued fromt last week) cessful Whist Drive was held in thebesir Mrs. Oscall Tr ot sit. 0BIU B MN ing may be prevented by using thiz S. 0. E. Lodge Roomliron ThursdaycarSctt DY IE wonderful re medy at the first warn- St. Andrews Cr088 evening, March 8th., and the fol- Dr. LeMay who is at home in Lake- 23 ACKOM «r i ng of trouble. Its use is simple, Whilst England bas been working lowing ladies and gents were con- field for a rest, la improving. its cost is slight, and it can be pur- out, shahl I say lier destiny or salva- gratulated upon winning the very ap- Miss Jane Carscadden who ba& chased almost anywhere. tion, Scotland was existing and propriate prizes awarded: ist, been confined to ber bouse is out working towards bier present spbere. ladies, Miss Freda Perry; 2nd, ladies, again. There should for ahI time be a link Mrs. E. Dbowney; ist, gents, Mr. T. Mrs. Alf. Beal and son Grant of _______________________________________________ between Scotland and Ireland owing Clayton; 2nd, gents, Mr. A. B. Oshawa, are visiting at Mr. Lawrence to the fact that the Scots were Irish Lobb; Specia], Mrs. J. H. Swindells. Beal's. or inhabited Ireland before tbey emi- The local lodge was gratified by No surgical operation is necessary grated t. Scotland. the splendid response from their in removing corns if Holloway's Corn How the early Scots and Highland- Oshawa. Sisters and friends and a Remover be used. 1 es rpeled the trained Roman very enjoyable evening was rounded M trops hen ad te lw-off witb refresbments and a social M. John Miller bas suffered two W i1ll A ~Fire Find 1 ros wreP e a athe :lrof ______ bis. Mres.e:olnatnded aon lands were under Roman rule, ~is haif bour.dstokes mplese t ar hs on common hsoy n h alr fn r.Belnatne T 1TQthe Romans, ever to conquer the TUXIS & TRAIL RANGER NEWVS family dinner party at the home of Yo u ci r ns re~Highlanders of ________aalays Y o n d r In u e ?b een an admirable trait in Scotch Edited By Gregory Calmer I Mrs. Colville Evans, forrnerly Miss h tenctoyoer rce.n In the report of the Ontario Marion Waddell, Yelverton, who bas The stubbitofnRobrtingBpritcoftne Boys' Work Board for 1927 Bowman-, been very 111 is on the mend. Hamiltons, Douglases, McGregor ville is listed second in the province Mr-. and Mrs. R. T. Carscadden of Have you added to your stock or done any and many other houses bas been for largest percentage of Tuxis and Creemore, who bave been spending a haned ownthrugh th geera Tril angrsmembers according I few weeks with relatives in Orono srnceyotrhsen oice onpopulation. Port Coîborne heads tions and descendents of these fam- the lilt. ar Isiin friends at Kendal. i ilieshave stodCooriheleriash one If you have, better proteet yourself before 1le aesodfr h il~ci~n Orono is now diligently engaged of th (Dr.)cessfl cndidl ats atone disaster cornes. maintainedhler wbere she stands to- in its Bond Selling Campaign and Mid-winter music examinations pass- dayth gratst atonin the world several are out to win medals. 1 ing the Junior Viohin Examination Do it now. Delays are dangerous. The literary and inventive genius Loi-ne Jackman's re-organized 1ihhoos of the Scotch has been an inspiration group had a splendid turnout, all ex- Intercn lcin edb h A bad ire cused havy lss in ampto this and a boon to the wbole civilized;i cept one member being present. NewFautof etiryUnvsi fI month. zworlid ogt h e nknow- boors have be ne otndaIluremr- Toronto, Andrew A. Somierville was lecgeand brougwht the bestind beh rs. e will be interest itrepo elected President of the Students' We will be glad to advise you. That's our leeanlasheshjond~ gm. Tey ilbentrtngs Parliament for the year 12-9 iEngland and formed the greatunoi well as beneficial. Talk next weak Woscaefrtunsadrb business. British Empire,. *Iwlll be on "Tobacco". The bacIg, Wtbresin antufse fethe rea o HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL !.aThe Adec ross , wnable bxite ninre o pogmisging isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- sare crohss upth ton al lakofeauemeig.terminator wiîî clear the stomach and grond as eenthenatona flg o IBadminton is being started in sev- intestines and restore healthfulness. M ~~~~~~~Scotland silice 987. 'Tis said that1 eral groups and intergroup contests M- n r.RcadCrcde J . J . M A S O N & IS) 0 Nwben St. Andrew was sentenced to be' Miland soonicabe Estate ad Insurace Brokes crucifed he fet that h was no For mentors to get best results rsEgeo, rnovitd ter RealENtateadISO rnceBoesworthy to be xecuted u:on the saiej tn gs r îogld start ontim si rsceatly JaOrnos taxnbln an Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville pattern cross as the Saviour, solei nsagn. Every meigadohrrltvsi otHp e upona atr cross, that is with arms part be ready in their turn otherwise and legs extended. Ithe interesgt is not kept up. oMra OtroGmsbMrs.n J. cer- A Greek monk in 370 dreamed ofaot__rm____._. acr - -that he was ordered to leave the thur, nee Addie Moulton, witb whom Holy Land and take witb hlm aIll re- An Oil that is Famous-Tbougb 1 many of our citizens are acquainted. mains and relics of the long dead, Canada was flot the birthplace of Dr. She is spending tbe. winter at Hon- apostle St. Andrew. He complie Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the bomne olulu witb ber son Donald. and took ship off the Caladonian' fta aoscmon. Fo Mr. George Rogers, tenant on the coast the ship was wrecked and the hee t good name was spread to .,erfam(omrlFxpac) Monk nd hi relia wer wa entaland South America, the Ace am frel o lc) ashore. When the inhabitants found West Indies, Australia and NewCare nihsrnedteAtr him and bie tohd his story, they built Iealad. Tat infar fiel en. Saunders famfimryo n-b him a cburch, now understood to bei to attest its excellence, for ina i-. Jnd i Conn To ro. Sudr n the Parish of St. Andrew.1 these countries it is on sale and in tnsrsdn nTrno It is also said that when Hungus demand. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan an- King of the Pects and Acbîus of th1________ ______ nounce the engagement of their Scots were confronted by Athehtane daughter, Hattie May, to Mr. Charles I th Wet Saon ingand is i-mVirtle Wilson, eldest son of Mr. they feit that defea.t was certain. But AYou Run No Risk Chre i'oof ecate te upon the eve of the battie Acbius ming otk lc nArl M._prayed to God and St. Andrew and Just get Mis. Sybflla Spahis Ton- Mrs. Herb. Cameron, Tyrone, wbo 'tis said that the white clouds drift- silitis, use it for Sore Throats, Congh, has been afficted witb eye trouble ed into the foi-m of a saîtire cross1 Bronchitis, Croup, Catarrb, Head for some time past, bas now suffered .. and with the blue sky for a bac k- Claan I Tra n oul amost total loss of vision. Mrs. ground St. Andrew's Cross was form- Diseases. Suce,a or money back. fameron is a daughter of the late ed in the heavens this gave King ___________ 11-2 William KivelI, a former resident of Hunzus fresh heart and lie wn he1-- -_______ _- 1 Clarke Township. battle, and from that the time adopt- 1 Jf Young People's League of Ne.w- ied St. Andrew's Jack as the Scotch W Ofluerful atesetWdnsa vnn National Flag.cate set W nsdyeein là L.-, with the League of Park St. United IThe first combination of the two Fo flags, the St. Gog' of Egad F r In~digestion! Chui-cb and presented a good pro- andGerges nglndgram. Those taking part were : adSt. Andrew's of Scotland, took When yeur stomach feels bad; Mi-. Roszel, Principal of the Higb rplace in 1606 when James VI of SunsNue ratr eol isE accC lny 0 Scotland upon the death of Elizabeth IWheiI Gas, SunsNue ratr c(>l isE accC lny became heir to the throne of England eating pains makre you feel miserable and solos by Mi-s. Hurlburt. Miss j i s ame I Th two outrisa single dose of pure Bisurated Clemnence occupied the chair. Their asJmsI h ocuire Magnesia wi]l bring you Instant Re-. chief mission was to present the C a e o al scame under the samne royal rule but lief Visiting Banner" to tbe League bei-e __________ ~had separate parliaments. History FrIdgsiotepop fet the presentation being made by Mi-. shows James* to bave been most ai--j iveness of this special non-laxative W. R. Strike, Bowmanvllle, and now This baby bas neyer bad a day's that is wby physicians tell parents i rogant and bais ambition appeared to1 BISURATED foi-m of Magnesia is it 15 the duty of Orono to pass it on. sickness and neyer a cross or fretful they may use it freely 'vith c hildi-en be the Ki ng of Gi-eat Britain and re odru. Ee h otEneGlakla na neetn spell that lasted an hour. And wbat of any age-the youngest :nfant. IFrance. He ordered his heralds to oreally caesful. ven tespnm o r Erniesila ed ianluneresn do you suppose is responsible for. And how they love 'Àie tasté! join the two fiags as tbey tbought Pleasant and inexpensive to use. Ask served. this bealthy, happy condition? Notl One word of warinng; get the best. As far as is known no personyorrugs.pealy ttciv srieswe ditfo b bseaen jut batpure, i-al Castaria. F'letcher's Castor- rbd a oslewt -- held in Park Street Cburch, Sunday, anything and everything a child l a is the original. It i:- the kind suIt that few if any acknowledged Mai-ch 4th. In tbe morning tbe could eat. Not drugs, for lie bas; doctors specify. And with every the additional Jack of James I as it t'U I u r I pulpt was occupued by the Pastor, not been dosed witb opiates; 0 bas:bottle comnes a book on "Care and was called, and the Scotch and En g IU u uumi Rev. William Sterling, and at the neyer bad a drop of paregorir. Nor Feeding of Babies" that is wortb its, ish Navies appear to bave ignored O[LI1IIIIN LEFI I evening service by Mr. Wesley Stap- bas his sensible mother ever made weight in gold to any mother r it. There was also dissatisfactio n les of Lindsay, both of whom were bim taste castor oi]. Yet hia ner-.ýes îretv ohr o eebr among the Scotch concerning the'u n ir v I III eid ibmc asato. A are sound and bis ittle howc-îs arc tell your druggist you wisb Fletcher's jmd aer in ofhachothenfiagsweeion 1flEH ILflI hEM the morning service the boy scholars strong, and when lie does seem the ('astoria.edaacoyoacmunaton of the Sunday Sebool occupied the least i-estless or wakefîîl, or out of__________ from the Scottisb Prlvy Council dat- 1 choir loft, and sang witb splendid sorts-or likely to he-his mother e d August 7tb, 1606, shows:TeSna cho rhs bas hlm aIl serene a'ean ;n ten or "The foi-mme and patrone of the! Letter Telis of Wonderful effect. TeSudySboOres Ch l r n C lggso cips edtr er'Rle fe Tin yi a also in their usual good form, fifteen minutes! for 1f -J.Vfagso chpl eddwnhi!Rle ftrTkn yi contributed mucb to the song service. The secret of this complete frece- land command it to be ressavit and1 E. Pinkha.ins Vegetable In the evening the men took the song dom from the niany ills and upsets us.ed he the subjectis of bothe king- j o n nderie ad cuted tmevs so common to infants? Plain ol'i- domes is ver-le prejudicial to thel omoudstvceadayagain demsratin fashioned Castoria. A million and,' fredonie and dignitie of ths estate tefc htfw on h ieo more inothers swear by Castoria, and1 and xil gif accosion to reprotche-, Comiton, Ontario.--After a se- trono can produe bt te aleoc- no wonder! A few drops in î ani because as your Sacred Majestie may vr prto n a tbree weeks' ahornothe rise Me' bnertat the apohigfever, colic, dianibea or; praeth oti Coc alit aprocin ees oyaih nt1in £ esae heSot1 ric ali tay ièa hospital Armouries, MNondeiy evening was constipation sem oJns nin Sanctandrois Croice, is troyse dividit, returned homted40 air. Castoria is purey aec.'c nd the Englisb Croice called ant ïo weak that 1 was îreya n vr poee George, drawn througb the Scottis . unable to'move a n etda nc. Teafi a _____________________________________________________ Croice which is thereby obseurit". chair. For four exclusîvely under the control of the This protest by the Scotch Privy months 1 was al- men wbo arranged and decoi-ated the Counicil was not wari-anted, as thel most frantic with tables with artistie taste, served a combination of the flags were glving pais and suifer- sumptuous supper, and rendered an everything in favor of the St. An- jing until thought excellent program, at wbich Mr. W. drc's ros. heRedCros f ~ .~sure there could Staples acted as chairman. Rev, drews Coss Th RedCros o St not be any help) Thos. Walîace rave an exceptoal IGeorge wvas laid over the St. Andr-ews! o and nlytho hlnest ai-in f th fome. hadery fine after dinner speech, Mr. Frank 4<repansn :i Walter of ('ourtice, delighted the white of St.Geore w.. s.ow- hile .f -l e, t 2nl, "Ba er" package whichi contains proven directions. S4e~Handy 'P.avtr" boxes of 12 tablets Also tiott!es* <f 24 andl îÛ-Drug,-gista. Aspîrin in the traie mark <"g.qtered in Canadat nf TBayer Nfanqlfic.tur" of Mnctc acideater of SsIeicim i Actyl sancliicA-id. *A. s. A". whilie it ta weii kiowf that Auprin oeeaas BaYs-r nanutact,r. a,, o ni t tihe ibl. gaiat i mtations,.thse rabîeU et lgayer Compuany will In tamî.ed witis their griserai tracte mark, tse "Bayer Crus$." Interni-and trnlPains are promptly relieved by DrtioMAS 'ECLECTRIC IL MHAT I7 MAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AN 5TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER DLlPFOE U TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS F~OR ITI NUMEROU8 CURATIVE QUALITIES. on the -sr and f saUna of infants& Write TH& E LcopN - -- - à cou% n<Iys, rounLati l'rubIUles, or iII&lU- mu ~ O mation of the Bladder Urinary Tract, you ~should try tbe amazing value of; ýZ U 0 0 Syrol Tablets at once! ISyrol Tablets, which any good Endfls Headaclie ! druggist can now unsinead Mir. 9. P. Tomkfns, Ex-Mayor of Coai packages containing 2 weeks' sup- Cook. Que, proves it. ply, ai-e especially degigned by a 'yOur Tablets are a saie and effectivî world famous chemist to bring quick reinedy for hendache" i relief and comfort to those folks near Mir. Gea. Leçge, Eiator 01fthe "Granby nr past middle life wbo are almost Leader-Mail poe t romqtantly troubled by Backaches, aym Zutea 'I'ablets deserve to be wide- Bladder Weakness, Irritation and Iy known s a remedy thiat wuîî go rp'tless troublesome nigbts. beadache.", On a strict guarantee of money A.. C. HanSon, B. A., K. C., Colonel oRi back on first box purcbased, if &at- the Husaars, proves it. isfactory results are not obtained- **I us Zutoo TaLilets and find them a you are invited to try and enjoy the. v"f satiafactory rezuaedy for lIeadache.»0 wonderful value of Syrol Tablets te- 23 cents per box-at anldaes day. Any good druggist can uupply YOD- li fl8*'in au, 2 C-2 Adv.rtising uniess true is wasted-We te 1 yoia "SALADA"l Oranige Pekoe is the best Orange Pekoe you can buy-and the most economical. A haif-pound package is only 43c-Soid by al good grooers. Make a test in your own home. r BRINGING THE LOAF WITH THE BEST- LIKED FLAVOR- When you see our delivery men servin the homes of so many of your neighbors, it is evidence of the widespread appreciation of the better flavor of our bread. The thin tempting tasty crust is just right--every time. The creamy flavor is so good that our Bread, Ispread with good butter or jam, is ail you need for a delightful treat. As toast, it is simply "scruxnp- tious?. The Bowmanville Bakery rSuccessors to Christie'.9 Bakery o anil Something INew BiatcAod ClkkMMh' contsning Buttermilk and rich iIn the viunamî n aul Juao f n Bread.(St Josu r o eadct St Is now rnanufactured by a new Iand apcm rcs omake *avahaeail the nouriahment in *this wonder mash.I SoId aadr IT PROMOTEs Rapid Growth, Ragg.d H..Ith, EarIy Ma*uriy. rocwamnd.d ôy W. E. TODD Liberty St, Bowmanville LESSON No. 20 Question: Why is ernul- s'ied cod-liver oil so very help fui as a vitamin- food for expectant and nursing mothers ? Answer: Because it provides an eas'ly assimi- lated food rich in the essential vitami1n that aids in building strong bones and goodl teeth. Take pure, wholesome, pleasantly flavored SSCOTT'S EMIUISIMiN PERFERTSLICKER BOOT Tailored to Fit." A Northern Rubber Product Designed of light weight pTImble ru bbei- in Colors and Contrasts to hai-monize with the vogue ti Spuing attire. Fashioned in Red, Green, Fawn, Blue and Grey i-ubber with Black jersey Cuifs and trim to match. I trange of "Northern" erfor men, boyswme 7Amiues and chlsdren. A.DILLICK, Bowmanville.I Aviation Gasoline The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial wilI convince you. Batteries Charged Ce A. Barlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville -as-' :ais'~1~jé~' ~ -e FUR '9 OTE BABY S U UCCEEDS V WHERE OTHER FOODS FAI L ;mý PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 15th., 1928 1 1