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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1928, p. 8

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"w PKJI-V P. rlSJLL Fi GALVJ We are making a vanized Ware includin GARBAGE CANS-TI BASKETS Mi&k and Strainq No.ButckUS Team 1% Inch Ha complote, wlthout colars, MASON Phone 145 Popular Har4 B yE ICT( D 0D G 5 to 2 5 Mile., 7 !/,'lSe 10 to 45 Milesi No othen car 1in TIc speed! . OC1' t h e c o ff at chcgo isi,îd / owners about îîts amaz There's a simple, 1h spectacular performai per pound o)f car u eighi in other wonds, a ne' engine with a new and The prohlem of wveig of design. The prohl.. simplicity of parts.i major body pieces) High power made fta consru~uu-A iîunc Have It Panelled This season is finding panelling becoming more popular daily so we bave an excellent line of new Wall Papena ready for you to make a selection froni. Let me show you how your room may be panelîed and bow lîttie extra it wiUl cost you. I will give you a definite pice on the job complete, no extras. Papers for aIl prices and al roonis; 8c and Up. Book your job at once to avoîd delays. J. H. Abernethy Painter and Decorator, phone 431 Concession st. Bowmanville Those Spectacles We Are Selling For $3.95 are mucb better value tban those so-called $10,00 and $15.00 glass- es sold by mail froni Toronto and Chicago Staong, well finished sheli franies fitted wîth giasses that we guarantee to give you satisfac- tion. Oun specialty is~ careful scien- tifie testing and gnînding the len- ses suited to your paticular de- fect and our charges for tbis ser- vice is modest and reasonable but if you prefer the "Ready to Wear" giasses do not waste your time and money sending mail orders. Come and secure much better value from us. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly High speed macle practical by a lowen gravi center and no body overhang. (Chassis full wi dth of body) This is V.tory Demonstration Month. Drive the ca-- ,v. our you please-and win one of Dodge Brothers big De'monstration Pnuzes. (Full details on request) $1525 4-DOOR SEDAN, DELIVERED Spare Tire Included Turne in for Dodgo Brothors Radio Pnogram oavery Thursday niglit, 8 to 8.30 (Eastern Standard Time) NBC Red Network. W. J. CHALLIS Authorized Dealer sales & Service: Hately's Garage Bowmsaui'e Cit y." We may adul that among the list o! guesta were the gnoomn's parents, Mn. and NIs. P. ONeil; bis sister and two s,,ns, MNIs. Ray Keech and Mfast- ers Kenneth and Jimmy, Brighton, 1*altbougb Jimmy ig now living bere fr company for bis gnandparents), and bis brother, Mr. Frank O'Neil, an(l lady friend of Philadelphia, also ne latives from Napanee and other points; wbilp by fan the langer num- I er wene relatives and fniends of the bride and groom in the city of Belle- Iville. SPRING TERM In each of Shaw's Twelve Sehools menges loto tbe Summen Terni witb no forced vacations. Enter any tîme. Booklet free. Write 1130 Ray St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw,_ SecretarY. 1 ONE For no two eyes present tbe samne problern to us. Our Registered Optometrist, R. M. Mitchell is completely equipped to examine your eyes after the most modern methods, to pregcnube the correction and as be also is an Optician, to furnish you with the lenses that wîll scientically cor- rect youn faulty vision. **Se. Mitchell and See Well", R. IN. Mitchell & Co._ Bowmanville Phone 92-Nighte auîd 280 Ont. Sundays THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 15th., 1928 - Mrs. J. Bentz received word on Friday of the death of her mother, IMrs. Parrnin Toronto, and on Sat The Nge wicaL t1le I rid peridfe rit i United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, THURSDAY, MARCH l5th., 1928 Pastor. Sunday, March 18. il -Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Evening- a. m.-Morning Worship. 2.30 p. m. Service. NEWCASTLE COUNTERFEITER INDENTIFIED OBITUARY Pastor and people alike appreciat- Mr. J. Anderson Smith had business1 R. W. and Earl Walton and Geo. Mr&. John Grieve, Newcastle ed the two very fine solos sung with .1 Toronto on Tuesday.i and Erie Gray were summoned to' such warmth of feeling and such true 1iifamn IntepsngoMryJeGl spiritual devotion by Mr. W. R. Mrs. Walter Quelch, Newtonville, Detroit last week to identfyamn nthpssnofMrJneG- Strike, Bowmanville, in the United recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie whom the police there believed to bie! braith, relict of the late John Grieve, Church on Sunday evening. Aldread. one of the gang who have been OP-1 Newcastle and vicinity loses a much St eogesChrch Rv. R Keep the l7th of April for the erating on a large scale in the cir- I esteemed lady, and George Street, St Gores huch ev E R Belles of Fol-eribyEnee culation of counterfeit American one of its long time residents. James, Rector. Sunday, Marchl18:~ Young People.1 treasury bills and who passed off a Death occurred on Thursday even- 11 a. m.-Morning Frayer and Holy i few of these bis Iast fall here in ing, March 8, foilowing an illness of ICommunion; 2.30 p. i.-Sunday Miss Clara Caswell has success-' Newcastle. tI wiil be remembered several months, during which time i School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. The fully finished her business course in!that Walton and Gray soon became her devoted daughter, Miss Eva story of Passion Week, illustratedOsaandinoreyfrapsi suspicious of these bis, chased the Grieve, who ils a trained nurse, has !with lantern slides, continued every tion. men to Newtonville and recovered cared for hier and nursed her, wi1lo Friday evening and every Sunday Miss Jennie Lawson, Toronto, wsS their mioney but let the gang go not another nurse assisting more recent- evening during Lent. Everyone in town Monday for the wedding Of' knowing that they had fleeced otherj ly. -weicome. Litany every Friday af- her f riend, Miss Eva Burk and Mr. merchants in the same way. Two of The funeral service at the hauLe ternoon at 4.30.Fnsuto. th e men were caught shortly afte-o Satura feno ihmn M rs. 1. E. Bowell and grand-i wards and it was actually true, what relatives and a large number of daughter, Miss Ida Parker, Toronto, 'th e Newcastle boys didn't believe at, residents of the village and neighbar- JUDICIAL NOTICE md a flying visit to ti.eir Newcast lh a ertr n tedne a~cn Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, spent source of the spurious buils. As soon manville, formerly pastor of the New- To the Creditors and Share- the weekend with hier parents, Mr. as the prisoner in the Detroit court castle Presbyterian Cburch of which holders of The Newcastle and Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, witb whomn saw the Newcastle bunch hie knew deceased was a. loyal anA faithful M rs. J. G. Rickard, Bowoanville th e game was up. It was, and he member. Harbour Company also spent part of Monday and Tues- got 10 years. Among the numer.-us and beauti- day. The quartet had their expenses offu floral tributes, atteýitng the 50 r- Pursuant to the windlng-up Order Mr. Kennetb Pearce, teller of the the trip fully paid. George and, row and sympatby of the ýoinor3 we re mad'e by the Supreme Court of OntaroN tovlebac ofhe tndr Eric Gray and Earl Walton returned pieces from the followi'ng: Mrs. n the matter of The Ontario ompaiocu .W aeaon elh otUin tf fMD Act being Chapter 218 of The Revlsed Bank since last summer, under the home arud esbPrtUi;SafofM o- Statutes of on arlo, 192-î, and in the mat- supervision of Manager Batty, -.e- by Cleveland and spenit a few daysiaId Brothers, Guelph; Guelph I.odge ter of the Ne~wcastle Harbour CompaYctlehsbenransrrd oPort visiting bis uncle, Mr. Russell Walt- A.F.&A.M. No. 258; Mr. F. W. and b-aring date the twenty-fifth day of .slbsbe rnfre o ' on and also bis wife's relatives. Mr. iMs K. Hugbton, Mr. and Mrs. Sider Augusi, A. D. 19927, the creditors of the Ferry. adMs aet.adM1adMr.Jh ree Ialove named company and al others who. Ms ukrCubetrandaladMsPretan Mad s.Jh Giv, have -am, ihr as shareholders or -fs ukrCuc netie oherise . Guelph; Miss Nora Coleman, .Irs. D I otewsagainst the sald company number of young people Friday ev- IRtefr n fml r n r formriycaryingon usiessin the ening. All wbo braved the storm1 LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE Wm TalrTont;MsMsn village of Newcastle, in the Cou nty ofWi.Tyoorn; s '%an D-,urha-m. are, on or before the seven- were rewarded by a pesn time, POUE WINR .adMsJonGri t,enth day o! Miardi, A. D. 1928, to send IadwhntI RDCE IN rS andHatti, Mr. an Mrs hnsar- l' le pst.,lrelalî, to S. W. Sutton, I iquld- somwsoe.prywsoe h _____rdadfmlM.adMs sa ator or the said Companly, at Cohorne, isoi wsoe.Sbaw's again takes the lead and once Seîby and family, Mr. and Mýrs. A.! Ontario, their Chris !an and sîîrnames, Regular meeting of C.G.I.T. was more proves that the Little Red A. Colwill, Mr. and Mrn John Scott, t cuar tecr imtos,an the nul are held Saturday. Each member Sc hool House continues to turn Out Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone, Mrs. J. E. 1,Vhemanuntho ecurdtes f u)hid present told a story of some biblei top-notchers. On Monday evening, wý. Fbilp, Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler,ý seedlrtiss, eerlf ed y vth n i e personage and each joined in the March 5, Miss Marion Rickard, '\rg. Floyd Butler, Mrs. W. Peline, fauir theerfl¶ey ivili h prandri de- n payr Plans were dis-! daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Miss E. Wade, Newcas;tle; MisIs M. ,xiuded1 front bnefl1 s o! the sald Act cussed for future action and for ser-! Rîckard, Shaw's, with ber Bowman-, Hlutchinson, Bowmaflvlle; Mr. and ïand "lwindinq-uîi Order. Thw undersigiied Local 'Master at Co- vice to others. ville High Scbool colleague, Mr. Ted îrs. Wm. Gieve, Montana, U. S. j bourz wili on the twenty-third day of Congratulations to Councillor J. H.1 Mason defeated a City of Oshawa A, and Miss Eva Grieve at nomie. noon,1.8 at :30Chambers in the outeroase Mrs. Gibson on the acquisition of team in an inter-school debate. Then Ràelatives present included Mr. nnat th o o Cbr, he the-CortHet nte grandson in Bowmanville on! on Wednesday evening at Green- and Mýrs. Lorne Giddy, Port Hope;1 of the Liquidator upon lhe dlaimts o! iMarcb lat., and to Councillor and: bank, Miss Lllian Clemence, Mr.GlieLnsa;Ms abad crlitors suhmitted to him psunat- tO Mrs. J. H. Jose on the birth of a son' daughter of M r. and Mrs. T. H. daughters, Mrs. J. M. Rowe, Mrs. J. thiis notice, and let ail parties', then at-leau tn.on Friday, March 9th., the storm-1 Clemence, Sbaw's ihhrclege Cox, Bowmanville; Mr. Rd. Haskin, tssiteenh day of February, iiest day of the season. Mr. Norman Hogg of Orono, defeat- Trn:M.W.TyoTnnî I 9tel ti i rne r ,1Tylr o t; 928. L. V.01CONNOR, A party was ie at the lsaacied an Ontario County teani in an Mr. A. T. Lawler, Witby; Mr. and, Local Master gîvenr. ebyhm o atrayee ing inter-county debate, a series of.which Mrs. John Barrie, Newtonville. W. A. F.Campbell, aCoor.iSbyhm onStry vlg, are being hield ail over Ontario un-ý Port Hope. Ontario. March 3, to celebrate Carl's birth- [der the auspices of the local agri-ý The paîl-bearers were-Messrs. -Soilcitor for the Liquldatol'. 8-4 day. Among the gifts of the occa- cultural depantments and the associa- Isaac Selby, A. A. CoIwilI, Jus. -coul- -- sion was an elegant Pontiac Six , ions. of Junior Farmers and Junior[ son, Geo. Joli, Wmn. Henry and Jo)hn fromn his father, Mr. R. C. hOýo'. .n, ýSot nemn ok paea - iloma, vs arey nsrmeta arm Women. Sot ntreitok pae a i ffctimng ths arle tinstcrmentab Both Miss Clemence and Miss Rick- Bond Head Cemetery. basleady ig hs eofthit car bi c rd who are firat cousins, received The late Mrs. Grieve was born, miles an hour as smootb as silk. Mr. the wbole of their public scbool edu- lnCvntwsiwti e j jj j, 1 JGeorge Robinson sticks to Fonds, cation at Sbaw's. Newcastle feels miles of Peterboro, hier parents hav-, having recently purchased hîs third a tinge of pride in the fact that both ing come to Canada from Cavan, Ire- tbogbteIgnyZfErD.,ei young ladies have since early child- land, and settled in Durbam's thogbasheaîreyti so n M. assite hod been actively identified with var- sbip of the same name. Her b--othens în s afyngea r rhs equien st louis phases of the church and social have predeceased hier but two sisters, inbafa ozn fmlso the ca eurmneigb-.f e of the village. Congratulations. Mrs. Fred Marks, Tyrone, and Mrs. haorabood. amle o h ni h W elsh of Fort Huron are stîll liv- MLEbrso. H .Mls ootrcnl .H ILVST L OE ing. Her three cbildren are: Mrs H.P. ill, Trono, ecetly C. . HLL ISIS OD HME Mr. Win. Grieve who married( is visited bier sister, Mrs. Elgin Wight. Annie Gnose of this village and who A very successful tea and musicale A welI known former 'local boy in is a druggist out in Montana; Mr.ý was held at the home of Mrs. Alan tbe person of Cale H. Hill of Troy, John Grieve of Guelpb, and Miss ,special showing of Gai- M. Williams, Queen Street, on Sat- Ohio, is spending a few days witb Eva, at home. Mr. F. W. Gal- g a varied assortment of iurday afternoon, Manch 10, under bis brother, Fred S. Hill of Finkie braith, prominent business, man, of auspices of the Women's Association Street. Mr. Hill was born in this Pont Hope, is a cousin of ee..Caed. I 'UBS-PAILS-BUSHEL of St. PauI's Church. Those con- city and spent a great part of his tributing to the programi during the if e bere and will lie well known to , ETC., ETC. afternoon and evening were Mes- many. Mn. Hill was a telegraph dames Cawker, Colville and Hall, operator and manager of the C. P. R. Young Feople's League held a ier Pails in Tinware Misses Yelîowlees and Ramsay, ticket and express office in this city, very successful meeting Monday I Messrs. Knight and Chase. Also an and at present is the manager of evening. Meeting was in charge _____instrumental number by Miss Phyllis the Postal Teîegraph in Troy. Mr. of Gordon Ashton. A new pan i Challis. Miss Gwendoïyn Williams Hill bas been very successful in this was adopted for future prognams. arneas, Britching and Back Pade, as accompani'lt and in some sololcapacity winning a gold medal given Five leaders wene elected, u.îd- 1 74.50, Golng At $M.50. numbers added a very rare treat to for greatest increase in busines whom the League is to be divicled the occasion. lthree times in succession. He arrives into five groups, each to give the i at the time of the celebnating of the programn one night next month. T pic anniversary of Central United "Social Standards and Ideala" 'vas & D A L E ~~WEDDING Chrha bc ewsa se o aken in a very capable marin r by i ~~~~~~~~25 years. Incidentally the ticketsCaeneAnadwafooedb rdware Store Bowmanville ONeil.-Taubnîau for the opening of the Central a lively discussion. Other members I Mr. Fercy O'Neil and bride, wbo Churcb in 1876 were printed by hini. wene, a vocal duet by Mrs. George were recently married in Belleville, His mother was one of the fit Wright and Miss Elizabeth Hancock, teachers in the Central Suaday a reading by Farewell Blackburn, bave been spending a prt of their -coi n iIepesd~j and a maie quartet by Wilbur Ballk-' boneymoon witb his paretsMr. and Sho. M.Hllepesd e rvlls une in being back in the city and bas eril, amry Cryderman, Gordon Mns. F. O'Neil, and receiving the greatly enjoyed meeting bis old time Asbton and Laurence Crydenman. congatuatins f nmerus ew-fiends.-Woodstock Sentinel Review League contest is proving very suc-1 castle friends. M.C .Hl sasni-a fcsfl he e ebr onn RN' I ~~Belleville Daily Ontario, March ., MrMC.H.Hil i.a onin-awof esfutbeene rembers oînî I'%1 'i I bhas ti con ftewding: Mn. S. Baskerville, North St.. New-Mody Vitnsae elme E L OT H E FLs "A very pretty wedding took place csl.Bill says: "Enthusîasm makes mlany! at Christ Cburch this afternoon when a bard job easy". Miss Mona Taubmnan, eldest daugb- iMn. John Grieve of Guelph, and Use Niagara Lime Stone to s Per IOur jin ter of Mrs. A. Taubman, 59 Albion wife, wbo attended the funenal of bis sweeten the soul. SoId by J. A. St., became the bride of Mn. Pency mother on Saturday, remained oven Holgzate & Son. O'Neil, also of this city, son of Mn. for a few days and on their return an r.P. ONi Newcastle. The home were accompanîed by Miss Eva i in 31/ S con s!cenemony was penformed at 1.30 P. Grieve who bas losed bier home for &n 13/2 S con-i--e!m. by Pev. C. E. Clarke. The bride a wbile to take a much needed rest. wh was rgipric in marrca e, by heO Their cousin, Mfrs. Gillies ofLindsay, Our Spring -trcks Il ;bîr.g ýý-away igures! cbanming in a frock of wbite crepe- tbo emneol.fw as fe I~~~~~~~~~~~ th rng ls Are Completed and Ready briaI ouqe of Amenianeaut IYo 'l fnduale 2 Packages KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES FOR 25c And receive absolutely free one of these beautitul dolls. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville1 Mrthananyother LowPriced Carhas everu(ffered T H "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. For this arnazing car presents the rnost i- posing array of high-quality features and fine- car attributes ever assembled in any Iow- priced automobile. Long wheelbase, 107", 4 inches longer than before. New, more beautiful, noomier Fisher bodies. Impressive new radiaton and hood. Newly improved, 34 pet cent. more powerful engune. Newly designed shock-absorben springs. Tried and proven four-wheel brakes (non- locking. New luxunjous intenior appointrnents. Scores of advanced featunes and refinements. aIl at NEW and LOWER PRICES Corne and see the car with which Chevrolet again pioneens new heights of quality at low cost. The G.M..4.C. . . . Genera) Motors' own dcl erred payment plan afl ords the most convenient and econ- omical way of buying your Chevrolet on time. New and Lower Prie« Roaditer $ 625.00 ImperiasiSedan . $890.0 Touring.. 625.00 Cabriolet - - - 835.00 Coupe - 740.00 Commercial Chassis 470.00 Coach 740.00 Roadsier Deliv&îry - 625.00 Sedan - 835.00 Ton Truck Chassis.- 635.00 Roadater Express . $650.00 AUl prices ai Factory, Osliasua-Govýernment Taxes extra. Ready for Prompt Delivery CH EvROLET ONTARIO MOTOR SALES C-2ASi-C Oshawa, ont Wm. Davey, Orono PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIMITD A s.- - Ladies' Spring Shoes, large variety to choose from, Special $2.49, $2.98 White Cambric, real fine quality, Regular 30e yd., for 19c Men's Work Shirts, large make, Blue or Khaki, Special 79c A. DILLICK Kirng and Division St.. Dowsnvill. nt -.--i i Wholesome Meats For Better Meals Good meat is the foundation of every meal. Every housewife knows how impossible it in to plan a meal without it. At our Meat Shop you receive only the fineit cuts-at the most economical prices. Our meats are received in best condition and kept in a most sanitary way-thereby assuring you of the best at ahl times. Try us once-and be convinced. Prompt Delivery Service HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy, Phone 518. Bowmanville FREE DOLLS MEET THE KELLOGG DOLL FAMlLY 4 BEAUTIFUL CLOTH DOLLS There's Goldilocks-Daddy Bear-Mama Bear- Johnny Bear Jrý-" 4ý It.

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