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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1928, p. 1

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~br Ctate.maiu With Which Is lncorporated Tnt Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 12 THE STATESMAN A DAY LATE BOWMJ Owing to a bad break in our lino- Re-C S type machine on Wednesday the pap- er in a day late in being published On TI this week. Madill,1 OrderC B.owman organiza itors fr4 Choir Concert BielDL wil be given in highiy c( Lodge o Trinity riet United Church Fre B on the r Bo0wInauviilediii regi the Lodý by Port Hope United Church ing offici Choir under direction of Chief C Chief Co Mr. T. W. Stanley Counilli Thurs. March 2 9 at S. 15 p. m. Under auspices of Trinity Choir Solos, Quartets, Choruses, Organ and Piano Duets Admission 25c [ANVILLE COUNCIL C.O.F. 4rganize and Arrange for Monthly Meetings. rhursday, March 8, H. W. Field Stapervisor of Canadien Chosen Friends, met with zville Council No. 17 for re- mtion purposes. Other vis- rm out of town were Alex. District Supt., Ms. JA. W. istrict Inspector and Dr. C.- T, ail of Oshawa. Mr. Madill complimented the Bowmanville on the recent progress it had iaking and attributed great , the good work done by Mrs. iker, District Deputy of the By special dispensation and recommendation of H. W. Ma- ,ular monthly meetings for Ige are re-established. Follow- cers were appointed: Past Councilor--John T. Hooper; 'uncfllor-Russel Smith; Vice or-Mrs. Jessie Prout; Re- -Mrs. Fred Baker; Asst. Re- -Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn; rr-.-Gus Bounsail; Prelate- lra Cnlwell; Marshall-C. n; Warden-Mrs. C. Me- Inner Guard-Miss Elva Virt- itry-Mrs. W. S. Sheardown; ý-Arthur Baker, Mrs. Prout, McMann. Auditors-Russel Fred Baker. George Mason addressed the Service on Sunday afternoon. ,rion Pickard was the soloist Lnied by Miss Helen Argue. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES COMING EVENTS St. Joseph'sà R. C. Church-Maaa Reserve Thursday, April 12 th forli 8.30 a. m. Sunday Sehool 2.30 p. m. St. John's Church Easter Supper. Sermon and benediction 7 p. m. Rev Reserve F'riday March 30th for the P. P. Butler. indoor pîcnic to be given by the Can- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, adian Order of Choses Frienda in S. D. D., Minister. il a. m.-"Fac- 0 . E. HaL1 ing Toward The Sunrise". 7 p. m. Tennis Club members are reminded( "Our two kinds of Possessions". 2.30 of the annual meeting in the Gouncilc p. m.-Sunday School. Chamber, Tuesdy evening, March i Trinity United Church, Rev. J.. U. 27 th at 8 p. m. Important business.c Robins, Pastor. Sunday services The White Shield Club will holdt -11 a. m.-Subject "Why join the their regular meeting on Tuesday,c Church"; 7 p. m.-'Hymns that Help- March 27th in St. Paul's Lecturem ed"; Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Rooryn Good attendance hoped for. Special music by the choir under dir-j Strainer's Crucifixion will be sung ection of Mr. Francis Sutton. in St. John's Church on Tuesday, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, April 3rd., by the choir of HoIy Trin- corner Temperance and Church Sts., iry Church, Toronto. Silver col. Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., lection. Minister. Sunday services at il I bnzrCurho rdy a. mi. and 7 p. m. Communion at In Ebenerd Church on Fple roday, morning service. Sunday SchoolMac23dt p.nMplGrv at .3 p n. repraor srvceYoung People wil present 'Wanted1 intecuc hrdyat 8.3 p. m. prtysrvc -A Wife", under auspices of W. M. in he hurh Tursay 8p. . 1S. Admission 35e and 15c. St. John'a Anglican Church. Fifth Pr oeCor ne ieto Sunday in Lent, March 25, 1928. PotHp hi, ne ieto 8 a.m.-oly ommnion ila. 1 of T. S. Stanley, will give a varied 8-.mrnig Pryeroman ian; a2.01 program in Trinity Church at 8.15 p. p.M.-.nd ayerSanooL; 7 p. .E0 m. Thursday, March 29th, under aus- ening Prayer. Lenten service on piecfTiiyCor diso Wednesday instead of Friday this 25c.1 week. Confirmation Class each Under auspices of Jerusalem c Tuesday in Parish Hall at 8 p. m. Lodge No. 31 A.F.&A.M., a musical ________treat will be Siven by Harmony Masonic Choir of Toronto, Tuesday "Sorreil & Son" at Royal Theatre, evening, April iOth. The programa March 26-27 is a picture for YOU, will be given in Trinity Unitedr mother; and you, dad, and by aliChurch. Full particulars in nextf means a play for your sons and issue. 12-11 daughers.Vegetabie Growers' Association will meet in Council Room, Friday,t March 23rd at 8 o'clocIc. Mr. O. J. - j Robb, Vineland Station, will speak on i thecuture of tomatoes, ceiery, pota- Jtees and caulifiower. He will aiso Iillustrate wîth alides. A good at- ~ tendance la asked for. HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY The fifteenth Birthday Party of Bowmanville Hospital will be held et the Nurses' Residence on the after- noon and evening of Thursday, March 29th. Ladies, show your interest in the Hospital by attending the Birthday Party. Ail donations will be thank-1 fully received. 104w Royal Théatre Preenting The. Fist la Photopleya Phone 589 Friday.Saturday, Mardi 23-24 Ken Maynard In «The Wagon Show It is aaid that the life of a cir- cus star la like that of the sea- once tried it stays in the -blood forever. Ken Maynard, the King of *estern Stars, finds it s0 in bis latest picture, The Wag- on Show, hefore entering pict- ures Ken was a circus performer. Matmnee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p. mi Children 5c Final chapter of "'Tii. Slent FIyer" and regular programn Monday-Tueiday, Marci 26-Z7 H. B. Werner and an ail star cat In "Sorreli & Son" The epic struggle of a white col- lar man to escape the jugger- naut of despair. A magnilicent photoplay story of a man who laid down bis broken heart that he might make a man ef his only son. A brilliant novel of human strug- gle by "Warwick Deeping" trans- lated into the finest motion picture ever screened. Wednesday-Thursdoty, Mar. 28.29 Jacqueline Logan In "The Leopard Lady" Attacked by wild beasts she was saved by the man she had sworn to bring to justice. What was she to do? A tremendous &tory of circus life packed with thriUls, romance and coniedy and the most remarkable climax ever pict- ured on the screen. Stili Groator Attraction Presentations Mardi 30-31 Charlie Murray & George Sidney in "Flying Romeos" April 2-3 John Gilbert and Greta Garbo In *Love" April 4-5 Dolores Costelle ln "The Huart 0f Maryland'! April 6.7 Marion Davies In 'The.Patay" April 9-10 Joan Crawford lu "R... Marie" An Exquisite Display of Spring Attire Choose Your Spring Garments Early This store has made great preparations to supply the Spring demands for Ladies' Wearing Apparel and trimmings. An early inspection is to your interests. The Dress of Your Choice STYLES HAVE A DECIDED CHANGE New Trimining Effects-Tuckings, pleats, buttons and buck- les; new color effeets, with contrasting trimmings; new spring shades appear-Lucerne, Almond, Coral Rose, Sundown, Harvest, also Navy or Black. Materials include Figured Crepes, in Georgettes, Silk Crepes, Rayons, Crepe Romaines, Fiat Crepes, and the new tailored Cel- enese is specially featured. NEWEST IN LADIES' SPRING COATS We have such a variety that individual descriptions are im- possible here. So corne and see first hand. One of the newest features in Cloth Coats are the satin trimmings. Coats in stock for children, size 4 to ladies, size 46. Beautiful assortment of Scarfs and Flowers to match any coat. ALREADY FOR HOUSECLEANING We have placed on sale this week the finest stock of curtains and draperies it has been our privilege to show. They include netà in silk and cotton, plain and figured, also side draperies and cretonnes. More of those Linen Table Cloths arrived at wholesale prices. Silk Hose in ail the newest shades. BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS MATERIALS I Dress Goods we are now showing Figured Georgettes, Rayons, Plain Georgettes, Crepe Rayons, Crepe Back Satins, Fiat Crepes, Black and Colored Broadcloths, guaranteed fast colors. New laces for trimmings are also featured in great variety. LATEST IN MEN'S WEAR Men, it is not too soon to select your new Spring Overcoat or Suit. In suits we have an exceptionally large stock of Ready- Made Suits from reliable makers. If you prefer a made to measure suit we have hundreds of samples from which to choose Large Size Knicker Suits for Boys at HaIE Price $10.(oO for $&WO Couch,Jlçhnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104 Limitea TORONTO DURHAM CLUB AMBITIOUS CIVIC PROGRAM THE TWELFTH NIGHT Accepta Invitation to Visit Boy$s uggested hy Chamber of Commerce Weil Pros.nted hy Higli Schoel Treining School in June. -Public Meetiug, March 261th Studisuts With the holding of the 3th an- It bas been said that a town's With the presentation of Shakes- nual meeting of the Durham Club at progress is often judged by the acti- peare's "Twelfth Night" in the Opera Mlargaret Eaton Club Roonis, Tor- vity shewn by ita Chamber of Com- Homse Thursday and Friday nights onto, on Friday, March 16th., it re- merce. So if Bowmanvlle wanta to by Bowmanville High Sehool studexits called to mind that this is the or- be classed as a live wide awake com- another leat was added to the ever ýigînal, and therefore the oldest, of munity it is up to the citizens gener- growing wreath of stage triumpbs by county old boys and girls organiza- ally, and merchanta and manufact- the pupils of this achool. tiens in Ainerica. Through the urers in particular, to give the C. of With flo'wers, froni the Broolidale club's regular gatheringa old friend- C. their whole-hearted support. Nurseries, beautiful costumes and ships have been endeared, friends If you are sincere in your desire appropriate stage scenery this play have renewed old acquaintances and to do your share to boost and de- was presented to two fairly good many sweet inenieries of the dear velop your tewn come out to the pub- audiences. The "Twelfth NighV" in aid Homeland of Duilham have oft lic meeting in the Town Hall, Mon- a great deal harder to present than L'een recalled in story, verse and day, March 26th at 8 p. m. You either "The Merchant of Venice" or Song. will hear something there that will i"MacBeth". Fridav's gathering of the clan was set you thinking and stir you to act- There were five acta and eigliteen juest anf',tj:er happy event which ion.- scenes which made a great deal of broue<t Durha;tiite.q together for a Here's a few topics suggested from changing of the stage. The credit sccial evening. There was thelthe executive for discussion: for ths la due John James and Ia dean cf chairman. Dr. James L. assistants who did not waste mach Hughes, still directing the activities Park as a beauty spot and pa ti in re-arranging. Not only waa if the club as its charter Prpsidpnt. grounds; more and better stage the stage made up well but the char- John D. Keachie, Treasurer, anotherý fixtures in Opera House; hardwo4od acters looked their parts. They lied of the -'orilzinals", was as cf vore floors, removeable seats, kitchen and fine costumes made of beautiful lace gay with liughter anid song. -It lavatories in Town Hall so that ban- and frills, and was the style of -might go on ntaniin2 a score )r more quets and assemblies may be held, Shakespeare's gallant tumes. The of the old brignde who were present, there-, town planning for pavements' make-up was put on well, and looked but he igtwhich follows tel19 ;i and cement walks; keep in dloser ntrloe h otihs own stci-y. t touch with school boards and muni- OsnteDk fIlral el A~~~ elgtuprga apret-cipal council; efficient law enforce- I îy o e-scke fIlrai e tment; straighten eut question of* l eteaa ly ed consisting cf 5polos by Mis ah water supply to Cream cf Bariev ed by Jini Devitt. Hia handling of een McGill and Mrs. R. A. atn ak1rfi adprigrgltos this part was done exceedingly well. readings by Mrs. R. G. Smythe and induce Provincial Highway Board te Viola or Cesario, his page who la four entertair.'ng reels of movingj straighten dangerous curve at Stan- diseuised, was played by Miss Marion pictures of ruggtd andi teautiful lev's Hill; Clean up crossing and en- Rickard. She had a very diffleuit scencry cf the Canadian Rockies by trance te church shed which ic oenn part, but sa played it in an exper- the Canadian Pac'fic Railway official, 1 te public; war on weeds; Public park- ienced manner, her memory wonk be- Mr. C. ClciîferjIing space te relieve traffi eon King ie epecially fine. During the evening Dr. G. E. Rea- St; public lavatory; advocate wrap-! Olivia was played by Miss Esthier man, Super*ntendent of Boys' Train- iped bread; better telephone service; Wallace. At the beginning of the itilg School. in,,itei the club to hoU. and common battery system; clC5e3r lplay she mourned for her brother. its June meeting at the -chool farm.check on transient traders; puhlicity Then ahe passed through ail the at Bowmanville. The invitation inet1 featuring Bowmanvilie as a mnfu- moods that a girl lias from when with unanimous approval and the facturing town: garbage collection; ahe falîs in love, iii her new huaband follewing committee was appointed f ree sehool bocks :co-operative buying ,dîsowns ber. Miss Wallace looks te make arrangements froni the Tor- bv. merchants with view te lowering and fits this part exceilently well, ente end: Dr. J. L. Hughes, J. D. iurices: rezular flushing of naved and carnies herself with a queen-like Keachie, E. T. Brittain, Chas. Ruse, 'treets:' police protection at B3al- grace. Dr. Geo. W. M-cGi!l, Wallace Ms as. 'nirai corner for sehooi childr-n- Sebastien, twin brother of Viola, 13cwmanvillé eccmmitts"2 wil. consist ¾eautifv Vacant and unsiehtiv lots H. lydb lgnMna. R cf Dr. Reanian, etherq froni town -i coniiunction with Hortîcultural certeiniy played the. hero and galiant riresent with power te add. qceit-v, hptfpr fire alav'n svstAm, when the denouncement of the play Following the prograni dainty 1ki Dretr4*lbe"in ininrve hýr'bh-i, came. and delicious refreshments were -+ T.qlc"- sp thit ;q innn11 1"" Malvolia, steward te Clivia, waa qerved and a social heur spent in "*ilwnv and Svernni""t mans» en- Iplayed by Morgan Lunney, a lisugU~y meeting and chatting with old "";ý~"'~*,<'~h~VC" supercilious fellow. Mr. Lunney pida friends. The customarv parting After you have read these you 1f. in Vhs part, by every aetin snd ceremeny of forminz Into -one large may think of other questions equally tone of voice. circle and sinrine Old Lare Syne led as important. Enclose thein in an Sir Toby Belch la bis dfrect o>- liv Mr. 'Keachie brouglit tt a close a envelo,.ie and mail to D. RX. Morri- posite in everythlng. la voice, fozu, mest enjoyable evening. son, Secretary. thouglits, idealsansd Î%l Toby and Among those reglstering on hs 'here's nobody can taire your place Marv'elis cilb ever7tis*and us- '0th anniversary were- Dr. and Mms. at this meeting, so be on hand Mon- nally Sir Toby'a fiachlng wit and r.- James L. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs-. J. day evening ready te do your part. pente. bnlng hlm eut on top. Tis D. Keache, Mr. and Mms W. F. Mass, Every merchant should be there to Part la played, and WaI llsy.7d, ta- Mr. and Mms. Robert W. King. S. R. answer tie lis name. deed by Kemiotit Morrne. Wickete, Miss Ida Wickett, Joseph B Sir Andrew Aguecheeli played by Watson, Dr. D. J. Goggln, Controller Mr. Morley Vamîtone chah.. w»t W. D. ïlebbins, Mr. and Mms. John botli tii...gentlemen. NIalediaguhe, Wickett. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wash- TRJITY LAYMEN'S BANQUET Xetlon and speech w. igeod snd ington, Misa Stella Washington, Mn. cauaed many a laugli and Mms. Sol. H. Jeffery, Mr. and Mms Prof. R. 0. joiIWe, Qneeu's Univer- ?*Mlan caumes a lot ef mernimeat J. C. Truli, Mms. Fred R. Heal, Mms sity, WiII Be Chef Speaker. t,0 lie ho %lpe 8r Toby hait Ob W. R. Clemens, Mm. John MeGill, Andrew and IMalvollo. Gregon Col- Misa Clara Windatt, Chas. Ruse, A get-together gathermng of lay- me« play ti.part w'011. O(he weud Miss Cora M. Scott, Misa Florence men wiil be inl held inl 'flfit3' Sun- &,Most thtnlih.olied lied ouperleue Belîman, Mr. and Mms. J. T. Coombs, day School Rooni, Tuesday, March la ei ii sagebier.. Mr. and Mms. N. B. Cobbledick, Geo. 27tb et 7.15 p. m. Prof. R. Orlendo Pollard, D. G. M. Galbraith, E. T. Jolliffe of Queen's University, and Fete,. a clown te 011,1., WUa ai- llrittain, Mms. C. McGill, Dr. Gee. W. formenly of Bowmanviile, will give eeptlily well ten by Aleu MeGni, Misses Eva and Kathleen an address on "A Laymnan's View Kniglit whu per9oneted the qpar McGill, A. J. Hock, Mrs. H. Doii, K. cf the Church". This wiIl be a cîev'sniy, in action, word and moue. L. Doli, Mms. H. Gloodman. Mms. E.E. memorable event whieh every in n riae, Olvia'é gentlewomsa ,tek. Meek. (Regia, Sask.,l Mms. R. Trinity Cburch should attenîd. by Mis& Lena DUlhng euld hrd1l Stuart. R. C. V. Stuart, Mms. C. Gard- Ladies' Aid wili serve the banqueti hav, hean lmproved on. M % iner, Mms. R. A. Haltin, N. F. Cas- 1et 50e each. Secure your ticket bylth&pr li rejay well, Mmq. J. B. Watson, Mms. R.G. Saturday froin Dr. J. C. Devitt, metrdtaY Smyhe.Mis Gady MRce j~maR. Strike or Geo. W. James. jAtonle, a »« caPtai.t friend t. Jessie Fallas, Miss Jean Kennedy, and asea captaiu, fnlend te Viola, Miss Eva C. Moore, Mms. Orpha G. by Leon Moore were bothl Commesid- Smith, al cf Toronto; Prom Bow-abe nianvile-Mr. and Mms. F. F. Morris, EBENEZER MUSICIANS SCORE aomhI. , as Valentine, and or- Mr. and Mms. N. S. B. James, Dr. and SUCCESS IN OPERETTA don Osborne, as Curie, were thse Mms. G. E. Reamnan, Mms. E. P. BredtI, Dulce's Attendants, John Alexander Mr. and Mms. Geo. W. James. Enjoyable Program aet St. Paul'a and John Minore, Officers, and Vers St.Pal'sSeoolRoni asfiledWood and Marie Valleau, Attend- DURHAM COUNTY WINS AGAIN on Monday evening with a very happy se t VOivia l did Ve ara u _____ccmpany who enjoyed the progrmIgneThe ispltaenidy.Pe II In he oy' Jdgig omptitonso splendidly put on by Ebenezer TePistknb rdBUt In te Bys'JudgingCogpettionfrinds ýwas well personated and created lots qt Cobourg, March 16, et the f laugliten as he appeared on the. Seed Association Show, Durhami Mr. R. E. Osborne was chairman,1 stage in hla clerical veatmenta. County team stood at the top. Teani and introduced the following pro- Fletcher's Orchestra with Mn. J. was composed of Howard Pair, Mill- grami: Piano dueta by Misses Hazel E. Anderson aV the piano, furnislied brook; George McKnîght, Milbreok; Rundle and Louise Osborne; vocal ae fine progreni cf music between acta. Archie Matchett. Fraserville; Ilarry quartet-Mesdames W. R. Courtice, The achool accompanisa were Miss Cryderman, Bowmanville; and Earle K. E. Courtice, J. H .Stainton and. Helen Argue, piane, and Wallace Kellougi, Hamipton. Howard Fair, A. E. Rundle; recitations-Miss' Hr n oadBclvbi was high man of the cempetitien. The Louise Courtice, Mms. Rosa Pearce jRm adHwr ihvais competition was keen, 25 boys plac- and Mr. Robertson; solo, Miss Fran- The succesa ef the play, next Vothse ing and giving their ressens on class- ces Hancock, al cf which were w1el tudents theniselves, la due Miss I. es of grain, smali seeda and potatoes. given and equally enjoyed. K. Smith, B. A., anid Misa Hicks. B. Cobuorg Rotary Club denated gen- A. who arent much tume and tlsought erous pnizes te the boys. Previqus to the second part of the in preparation, direction and pneeeu- progran< Rev. Dr. Best, minister of tation. ___________ Ithe Church, introduced Mr. Wilfred______ WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Carruthers, manager of St. Paul's Junior Hockey teeni, who in turn "The. Homenialer" of Tiié Globe To introduced each member cf the tearni "SUCH SHANNANIGANS" Address An Open Meeting with their coach Morgan Lunney who Apasi pr o& oNg6 won the silver trophy given b y the Apasi pr o. oNgi Regeuler monthly meetingr of Wom. Rotary Club te the winners in the by "The Homemaker" froyn the Ton- ente Globe. As many bave expressed a deaire te hear Mms. Purser, It has been de- cided to make this an open meeting witli a charge of 35e for non-mern- bers, and a nominal charge of 10Oc for the regular members. Mms. Pursen is known personally to some cf the residents and a f ew wil necolleet a deligbtfui lecture given hors by lier father, the Rev. Dr. Cleaver en Les Miaerables. This will be an Ont- standing meeting. 11-2 Ms bUs,1 ~Im !ItIYes m. Clarence M. Hayes, Colusa- vlslted ber unci., Mn. M. A. es, Lorne Vfls su other rela- suad Moinde e The second part of the prograni consisted of the operetta "The Belles of Fol-de-roi". This is an entirely musical play and la one of the most charniing and delightful presenta- tiens we have witnessed for sanie time. The. dliracters in dainty cas- tumes cf the long ago held the rapt attention cf the audience as they unraveiied in aong their intensely ini- teresting story. Mr. Frank Walter, and bis six courtiers, Mr. George F. Annis, the family physician, Mms. An- nis aud ber six charmlug dauglitera sustained their parts exceptionally Weil. Mms. W. R. Courtice, to whem belonga mach credit fer the succesa of Vida play wua tihe scos- panlat. House To-nigbt (Tbumsday), by members cof St. Michaei's Parish, Co- bourg, and under auspices ef St. Joseph's Churcli, Bowmanville. In a very iengthy and excepticnally complimentary 2-colunin review in the Port Hope Times we pick these f ew commenta: "The play scored a- splendid bit ........ mucl of its suc- cesa was due Dr. E. T. Lajole and Father P. :Butler, the directors and te the Sgisters -of St. Joseph's Couvent who traiued chidren in folk dancing which was warmly epplauded and en- cored ........ freni gaat te finish the. play wsbnimful wltli humoreus Incidents, aide splittixg situations that convulaed Vth. audience wlth meniment consblned wftth alaensd dramta". b IF. 44 eoýana lait

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