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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1928, p. 4

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l'ÂGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STILTESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDÂY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE As predicted last week Ne. 3 De- partment (Citizensbip) under the leadership of Gregory Clmer and Smith Ferguson made their large car fairly hum ta overtake the others and despite the bard going No. 3 car is no langer lsst. The prograrn was quite up ta the bigh standard of previaus performances and thqrough- ]y enjoyed by a large attendance. Mr. Gregory Clmer was in charge and the following were arnong those tak- ing part, Misses F. Werry, A. Bragg, L. Hatbway, R. Siernon, Mesdames Albert Gaole and G. E. Pritchard and Messrs. Smitb Ferguson, L. Sinmpson snd Jack Emerson. The Literary or Social Department (No. 4) are ahl ready ta make a try for the suburbs of Vancouver next Monday nigbt... They broadcasted MAPLE GROVE Miss Hilda Foley bas accepted a position as tenographer in the Good- year Office, Ton.... Mrs. Gib. Cros- by and daughter Helen, Uxbridge, wbo have been visiting Mrs. R. R. Stevens and other friends, bas re- turned home ...Miss Vers Power, Newcastle, spent the weekend at home.. . Between 40 and 50 of aur young people journeyed ta Slins on Monday evening of this week and enjoyed a social tirne. .Mr. Clar- ence Ferguson, Victoria College, Tor- onto, occupied the pulpit very ac- ceptably here Sunday atterneoon ta a large audience . . ..Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, Westmount, visited ber brother, Mr. C. H. Snowden, on Tuesday . ,,Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Pastor of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, will be tbe preacher SALEM Satina Young People will preseni their play "What Doth it Profit"? in Salem Cburch on Friday, March 23rd at 8 p. rn. Admission 35e and 20C. Rev. J. W. Bunner occupied the pulpit on Sunday and delivemed a very interesting discourse,. ... Don't forget the Y. P. L. meeting this even- ing (Thursday), under the leadership of Citizenship department. Mr. G. A Stephens will give a talk an his recent trip ta the Southern Stae..... On Saturday evening the young people of the neigbborboad were entertain- ed right royally by Mr. and Mrs. Luke Buttery and family at "Rose Glen". ... Sorry ta report Mrs. G. Cornish on the sick liat, and wish ber a speedy reoovery. Reserve Friday 5vening for Solina play at Salem their program last time and cs. bel for our i 1ILty onLaaLyVS.y~I4, .jun Church .... Mr. Neil Stewart and Mr oounted upon for furtbem innovations. 1711h. Bert Bounsaîl were Sundsry guests at The only tbing that can bappen now "The Maples". ta for same of the contestants ta be- TRICKEY'S CORNERS came bast in the mauntain trails or_____ the engines ta sbimk the steep grades. (From a ncw correspondent) COURTICE iTurner Brothers and Howard HAYDON r lnny disposed of valuable borses Mms. Johnson, Wbitby, spent a tew _____!__ta T. H. Clemence, Shaw's and ta days with hem daugbter, Mrs. (Rev.) Mrs. Kennedy, Toronto, is visiting; Russell Robinson, Elizabethville, me- J. H. Stainton .... Rev. J. H. Stain- beraiserMr. H Aston M spectively... The sawing machine is ton was in Toronto several days and Elmer Bradley visited at Mr. L.* hunminz in our vicinity. We are returned home Monday evening. ... Badley'a, Tyrone... Mm. and Mr,. not going ta let Jack Fmost catch us Mr. and Mms. Eltan Werry, Bowman- Elmer Beech and daugbter Blanche,1 unprctected next winter........ Our ville, were witb Mm. and Mrs. A. B. Miss Myrtle Brunt, Enniskillen, vi. school bas been closed for the pastljWerry on Sunday ...The Misses ited at Mr. A. Beech's.Mr. and 1 w weeks, due ta epidernic of meas- Thompson, Tbedford, are visiting Mrs. arryCrosrnanTaunon lvsit but bas re-opened... Mm. Wel.- their cousin, Misa Sadie Muir.. Mrs. eds a M m Elg nMunton,'sit' lington Brunt bas invested in a new Agnes Harris, Toronto, is witb ber Churchservie Sundy .......onChevrolet truck. . . . Mms. F. W. Bow- daughtem, Mrs. Jas. Sbortt .. . .Mr. wasnatas arelyattndd a usalen is visiting friends at Ottawa. and Mrs. Archie Muir visited Mrs. on account of inclement weatber.r r- Downing is looking after the Muir's people at Thedtord asat week Rev. J. R. Trumpour preached a housebold in ber absence .... Little.. Mms. A. F. Rundle was in Tom- splendid sermon, dealing witb the Mary Robinson, Elizabethville, bas onto moat of the week. .Miss An- disciple "Matthew" ..League rneet- been visiting ber grandtather, Mm. nie Allun, Bowinanville, was guest of ing on Sunday evening was in charge William Brunt. ... A number of aur Mm. and Mrs. G. F. Annis, on Sunday et the 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. El- young me. are leaving the farmi and . .. . Messrs. S. S. Brooks and Blake gin Mountjoy; bible reading by Miss securing w~oî-k in the General Mot- Courtice visited the chicken farm at Rerna Bradley; devotional reading by ors, wben tbey expect more money Port Credit where Mm. Brooks pur- Mrs. Theron Mountjoy; topic was and less work. Farmers, boost the chased sorne fine eggs. Tbey are desît witb by Mm. C. Avery; book farm and see if we can't do some- bath gaing into chicken raising pretty "J. Cote" was read by Mm. Theron thing ta tomn the tide the other way. strong... . Mm. and Mrs. Marshal Mountjoy.Saules and famity spent Sunday witb Mounjoy'Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks .... Mr. If ou ee tal ellw aeadot heENNISKILLEN iClarence Ferguson, Victoria College, If yu se a allfellw aead f te îToronto, preached twice on Sunday crowd, iMms. J. Trimmer, Toronto, witb ber i. the absence of aur Pastor, and lie A leader of men, marcbing tearless mother, Mrs. J. W. Virtue. . Glad ta gave us two fine addresses .... At the and proud; report aur teacher, Miss M. Dalton, at temnoon S. S. session special music And you knaw of a tale, wbose mere is improving nicely and able ta eturn was given by Mms. Walter Snidem witb telling aloud, trm the hospital... Miss Marion accardian and Mm Marshall with viol- Would cause bis praud head ta be Warder, Bowrnanville, is taking Miss in.... . Monday evening aur yaung maiimnfully bowed, Dalton's place as teacher bere. -.....people presented "The Belles of Fol- It's a pretty good plan ta torget it. The new store is i. tull swing, bav- de-raI" in St. Paul's Chumcb ta a very -Selected. ing opened on Monday. . Mr. Milt- appreciative audience. The people on.Stainton bas been sufering tram there gave thein a rigbt royal recep- quinsy. Hope be will soan be around tion and entemtained ta a beautitul R. . (L VA again ... . Rev. E. M. Cook delivered lunch atter the performance. Atter R . J. R O V N a goodmessage udyenigo the lunch aur people presented Mrs. the text, "Making the aIl important A. E. ¶Rundle witb a lovely rase plant formerly of the Canada Choice". The cboim was under the for ber taithtul services in training Bankrupt Sales Co. will be leadership of Mrs. Floyd Ashton. the 'Belles of Fol-de-roI'. Mrs. sbowîng a full line ai League meeting Marcb 9th was in Rundle tbanked the members in a few S in Go ds charge ot John Slemon, lst Vice worda. Spig o President. Rev. E. M. Cook gave alGrv yon pele wl the devotional talk. A vocal duet MaeGrv yun pope wl in the store tormerly occupied wvas sang by Miss May Werry and present their play "Wanted-A byMmEda WigtToiwatke Wife" in Ebenezer Cburcb in con- bv Frank Dorland. A piano solo nection with W. M. S. on Friday, Ives' Shoe~Store was nicely rendered by Audrey Dam-,Mrh3d upcsa on Bownmanville land; a reading was given by Mrl h )i(ie ne upcso on Brunt. Terd ee .temjr- A ura shorne, Secretary of Forward ity for this week .... The League con-: emn, and Mr. B. 0. Young, 5r. tetMl end the tourth week in Ap- of Social Depsrtment. b-,. Surtday I i. The Blues are in the lead us, S 4W'a rn lIe'. Tables were spread for avec one hun- ItsLikely MoeT e More Enniakillen on page 6) !dred people and were decarated prettily 1rh many candles and shamrock.. Tihe mnenu conslsting af potato salad, eh ~C~kpn vp1ptt2rtrIh. ,, au t t,, u tet Oviereily a HEADACHE"Y If you sufer from frequent headaches, your eyes are very likely ta be the cause. Have aur Registered Optom- etrist, R. M. Mitchell settle that question for you by examining your eyes. Good glasses if you need tbem -gaad advice if you dan't. Parcels tram aur store de- livered toalal parts of the town. "See Mitchell and Sec Well"' R. M1. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Telephane Number- Week Days, Nights and Sundays 92 New Designs in Fine Wall Paper We have just received aur new spring line of attractive and ar- tistic wall paper in new designs. THE MODERN TREND E VIDENT The asaortment is large and re- veals quite definitely the modemn trend in color and design. We i invite you ta vîew it. For Every Type of Room op" Evenlage W. J. Berry pbone 207 De1 avle e SOLINA étt.. ansi cake, andI tacts for second course was very tasty. anti was enjoypd by al. Afir ail were satisfieti. Mr. R. E. Os- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and borne a6e e as chairman antI several iStanley spent the weekend with Uànd- toasts wcre proposesi The first toast ra friends. . .. Mrs. H. E. Tink vis- "as ta th, tKing. A toast ta our count- syt ry hy Mcr Marshall was nicely proposed ited at Mr. Will Warner's, Hastings ansi resisontîed ta by Miss Arnoldi speak- . ...Deputy Reeve S. E. and Mma.- ing of th,- hartiships af aur ploneers anti Williamns attended the funeral of Mr. theoptportunl1tics of the present day. Rssv. J. Il. Stainton praposeti a toast ta Johns at Cartwright ...Miss Ida the Chssrc~h telling of his work anti how Jones, Toronto, visited at Mm. Roy li hciOrll lke ta se it ttrosrter. Mr. Langaids.. Mr.W. has Wery, W. . Ctiricprepiedta this toast teli- Uangaida.Mm W.Chas Wemy, g of tht. chances for the yastng peoptle Oshawa, visited at Mm. S. E. Werry'si to tais,.iuis their rt-sponslltilities in son- 1.Mrs. Frank Westlake returned n,-ction w 11h church work. Mrs itRoss hom frni ellsle Hopitl, om-Pearce proposed a toast ta aur MIinisrer'1 homefrot Welesey Hspial, or-in which she said some very compliment- onto, on Saturday rnuch irmproved in ary thsngs. msntioning bis being a frieri health. ... . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tay- ta cvry one, ni,] antiYoutng, antI always reasly te tend a hinsl. andsi ie raunsied lom entertained their tamily ta an up ly saying "he Is a jally goosl fellaw.1 oyster supper Friday evening, it be- Mr. Stainton re-plis-si very moslestly. mtr. ýingther wddig anivesar, asolhert Rstndis, praîsosed a toast ta 'he ing teir wddin anniemsar, a outng Peofflp anti spoke Particitlarly ar Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Balson's ...... the work the Young are doing in con- Mr. Jim Reynolds 'spent the wek n ection with the chucch. M!ss tiattie weeked Osbrne. replies iIn a fsw well chosen in Toronto. Mrs. Roy Langrnaid ortds. amang the rest telllng Mr. Runcîle en tertained ta a shower on St. Pst- sui- woulti like ta sec hlm at the Young rick's attemnoon in bonor af ber ais- Peoples meetings. Mrs. Russe]lCGay Mrs.RoyMcGll, nni- Irottosed ai toast t0 the men, in which ter-in-law, Ms o il ni-she s9ta t edtitat 8shs-ehad neyer done this killen, (nee Miss Elsie Langmaid.) kintl ai thing heroreso aMc. Young boan- hslir a boo0k on toasts. She lookesl A very dainty lunch was served by it throstgh and faunsi toasts for eve-ry Mrs. Langnid and a good tîrne en- aons- but 'men' ansi decldePd ta compose joyd b aI. . . eaue eetng n tOflttverse-s andI make al toast herseif joyd y al .. Legu weatned on chshe sd drt-mairkably well ans madIe Mondy eenig ws sme real amusemnent. Mr. Ranaltî when we enjoyed a visit tram Maple ('outîce replis-i ta this toast ansi while Grave League. A good programn e saisi hs disi noý know what lie was gng ta say intil lie was an is tee, was presented by the visitors. We is remarks wsre s0 fsînny 1w flied thtý are looking torward ta aur next viSit roam witit laughts-r. Mr. Gea. Annisl from hem ... eagu proram extraops a toast ta the ladies in m-lcb lit- gave them Iraise for the place tisey week will be in charge ot th e Sans ai hoi in aur conuntr-y to-dav. miss Temperance wben a good time W...l Tha msson reliiesi in a few Woartls. Mss. be enjoyed. Evemybady carne -.Mr.(Rev,,) Stain'on gave a mast intoresting "tory af st. Patricks lufe, ant IrM. t etîric Silas Williams bas purcbased nwParsons Propose4] a toast ta st. Patriekas car. r da y, ____________ rMr. <Cltrence i'enfaunti proposed s toast ta the speaker af the evc-ning, Cpt. F. C. Palmner, Totwn Engineer, AUCTION SALE Bowmanville, w-ho gave a sîi asiiliîadî. tî an the Biish Flag. Mr. Palmer ihowssi the <ifferent fiags anti explainesi Tuesday, March 27th-Mr. Arthur them in a very lnterestlng rnanner. Ormiston, lot 30, Con. 8, Dartington, Dutring the evening a pianaolus-t lsy willsdIaIlet is arm toc, ipIe Mtssliazel Runsile andi Lotuise 08 mentlsetc. o hS ale a tockp. m Sec borne, vocal salas by Mrs. (Rev.) Stain- ment, ec. Sle t 1 . Z Seeton tntd Mr. Fratnk<Walterss. Bills. Thea. M. Stemon, Auctioneerl The~ whoie evEning was a unditue af- fair ansi great praise shouid bie given Wed,daIy, Mardi 2th-Mr. John Miss Aura Osborne ansi Mr, Yasîng for Dick, (Newtonville Village), Clarke, tht-' sîlentids way everythIng was arrang- slsiliroeesis $25 I laid 'tf Ferwarsi baving sold bis fat-m will seI owmovement. hens, rubber-tired buggy, sleighs, fat-m tools, also bousebald turniture. Sec buils. Sale at 2 p. m. Theron Mountjoy, Clerk. Tbe.o. M. Stemon, H v tP n le Auctioneer. Ha e t P1ele Friday, Marci at th-h masCon- This season is finding panelling Nei, ot 2,rear o h r o- becmn moepulrdiys cession, Clarke, who bas sold bis farm oigmr oplrdiys will seîl by auction al et bis vaînabe we bave an excellent lineofo new tarrn stock and implements witbout Wall Papers ready fer you te reserve, aIea quantity of bay and make a selection tram. fiewoad, together with bousebald Let me show you bow your fumniture and effects. Sale at 1 P. M. room may be panelled and bow Terms.%-Sums af $10.00 and under, little extra it wilrl cost you. cash; aver that amaunt 6 mantha' I will give you a definite prie credit an negotiable bank notes with on tbe job complete, no extras. interest at 6 per cent. Thos. Caw- Papers for alI prices and al an, Auctioneer. 12-2 ooms; 8c and up. Weatb- Book your job at once to avaid Thuraday, April th-W. J. delays. erilt, Osaca, Lot 25, Con. 5, Hope,* . baving sold bis tarin will seIl by J H A L public audtion 30 bead et goad cows J.i.uA erneiiiy and Alvada the Percheron stallian, Painter and Decorator, phone 431 tagether wlth tbe reat of bis tarm stock and implementï and bousebold 1Cmcceeion St. Bowmanvill. effeets. Gee. Caldwell, Auctioneer. NESTLETON Mmr. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson bas returned home after spending the major part of the winter with tbeir daugbter, Mrs. Hlenry Sheffield, in Detroit... . Mms. R. H. Suggitt and Mrs. Stanley H. Malcolm and Miss Jean visited Toronto friends recently *-The ladies of the Women's In- stitute gave a play entitled "The Strike of tbe Ladies' Aid" whicb wasi TUXIS & TRAIL RANGERS NEWS Wilfrid Carruthers group ai 10 members indulged in an bour's run and bike around town and later finished off with some gymnastic stunts at the Public Schaotl gym. Lamne Jackman's group turned out 100%7c trong to bear the address on "Tobacco". This was the first of a series of taîks an probterna and difficulties of boy life. The mentor b ot. amusing and instructive, show- unpmessed the evil effects of tobacco ing how tbe ladies in order ta build on boys before tbey eacb the age of a Sunday Scbool room brougbt the 21. me. ta their way of tbinking. After Inter-group Bachington games the play baskets were sold and the have started. Finals will be played company bad a sociable time. Friday night when H. Calmer and B. Cryderman met in singles; 1>0w- - j son and Joint meet Cryderman and Tudor in doubles. Badge books TYRONEhave been purcbased and eacb is now TYRONEan owner af ane. Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, Mms. T. Barr. New groupa should study the mean- and baby Douglas are visiting Mrs. ing and significance of the four aides John Hendricks, Trenton. .Mrs. W. of Tuxis prograrn: St. Cutbbert, the Little bas returned home atter spend- student is sbown ta epresent the ing a week *ith ber daubhter, Mrs. Intellectual or Sapientia; Pbeidip-1 D. K. Fraser, Bethesda ... . Mr. and dwhra te fs M aho Mms. Howard Findley, Unionville, course and used bis strengtb in ser- visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. vice, 's pictured under the Statura or Richards. We welcome Mrs. Laura Physical; The Knight as painted by Virtue and famiîy ta aur village.. Pettie who spent bis lite in prayer Mms. Viola Smnith is with ber daugh_ and devatian ably represents tbe De- ter, Miss Edith Smith, who bas been votional aide; Sir Galabad whose life quite ili at Mr. M. A. James', Bow- was spent in service for others me- manville. Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Byers, presents tbe social side. Bowrnanville, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Byers and family, Toronto, Mrs. Robt. Fal- lis, Toronto, Mr. T. Findley at Mr. CARD 0F THANKS Ed. Virtue's. Glad ta know Mrs. Virtue is imprving .... Glad ta mee Mrs. John Wonnacatt, Messrs. F. Mr. Willis Stewart out ta cburcb and E. and W. H. Wonnacott wish ta Sunday Scbool oan Sunday. .. Mr. thank their many friends for kind- Levi Annis is borne tram Toronto nesses sbown during the illness and wîth the murnps. Mr. Chas. Stan- destb of husband and father. bouse and Mr. J. J. Virtue, Hainp-' ton, visited at Mr. Wrn. Staples'. . .. Mr. Joe Mabood, Neatleton, wizbes Church service Sunday morning was ta tbank the Superintendent and well attended. Mr. A. H. Brent Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for gave a splendid report an the Tem- their inany kîndnesses and gaod at- perance Convention be]d in Tarante tention show. bim whiie a patient in ...League Thursday evening was in. the hospital. 12-1 charge ot 2nd Vice-President, Mr. Fred Goodmnan. Program-Mr. A. "Sorrell & Son" is a sang of lave W. Annis gave a splendid topic on that will vibrate the beart-strings ot "What are the real values af Cburcb the world-wbose music is a gloriaus Mernbemhip?" Piano sala by Miss K. drarnatic sympbany. You will neyer McCullougb and reading, Miss Viola fre hs n ttegeta it Sbort.Mr.Fred Goodman bas iures ever produced. Royal Theatre, accepted a pasitiion in Bowmanville. IMarcb 26-27. HAMPTON "What Doth it Profit" will be pre- sented in Hampton on Tbursday, Marcb 22nd., by Salina Young People. Mr. C. J. Mountjoy, Miss Annie ,Mountjoy, Toronto, Mrs. R. Slemon, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Haydon, visited at Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy's. Reserve Wednesday, Marcb 28th for a basket social under auspices of tbe Mission Circle. A good prograrn wiIl be put on by the public sehool. Everybody corne and bring a basket. (More Hampton on page 3) In the Best Families Emergencies Arise Accidents will happen, and at the most unexpected times. It, therefore, behooves us to have at hand such articles ae we all know how ta use. These may be had at small cost, and shoiild be kept in the "medicine chest". Absorbent Cotton..lOc-40c Adbesive Plaster ...lOc-35c Tincture of lodine 20c-1 oz. Gauze Bandages..15C UP Zinc Ointment...25e tube Peroxide ............ 25c-60c Cotolia (Liq Court Plaster) 25e Bomacic Acid ..........5c-25c Rubbing Alcobot ....25c-75c KERSLAKE'S Amomatic Ammonia... . .15c-loz Acetophen <aspirin) 25c-50c-$1 Epsomn Saîts ......... 1Oc-25c Laxacold ................25e Castor Oil ........... 15c-25o Pain Relief............. 25e White Liniment ...25c-50c Sterlized Gauzes...25e yd PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- I SPRING COATS and DRESSES Smart Styles New Ideas Attractive Price. 2.-cîÇ (I J --rý -S. W. MASON & SON- Announcing a Crusade of Early Spring Values in the Newest Style Coats,. Drwesses and Millinery Teprcqtigeofti store rests on the fact that in ail of our merchandising activities we have always been ,nindful of aur responsibility to the public as regards Guardians of Quality-Crusaders of Value in the full- est sense of the term. This announcement is your special invitation ta attend this sale and share in the exceptianal savings that its extraordinary values make possible. You will find them more wonderful than ever. This is your invitation. The Smartest Tweed Coats in plain tailar- flfI , The New Prince Ge rg e and box styles witb novelty trimminga S ~L IAL I Ge rge of velvet, scarf collars and pouch pokets SPECI LT ailored Tweed Coat colors, beige, blue and sand tweed mixtures. 11 7 Sizes 13 to 44. Fuît length lining. Wonderful values. The New Tweed Ooats in smart styles with A LG reat Coat t$argaint velvet piping, patch pocketsan oet buttons. Full length ing Cors Smart Style Tailored Tweed blue, grey, beige and sand mixtures. Coats at Only $9.75 ary Speciai Value at$9 7 3 Remarkable Values in Ultra-Style Spring Coats NEW SPRING COATS A splendid sssortment of individuai crepe BROADCLOTH COATS 0f Poiret Twill and Kasha Cloth, with sat- in insets, novelty braids, the unusual cuif ]îned Navy Blue Coats, no two alike-the In Grey, Rîch Brown and Black with mole and steeve, the scarf collar or satin or the fur cuifs ta the elbow the unusual split collars, silk linings and Style-the most fur collar of fur. Mostly Navy Blue, of collar and the tbrow scarfs, sizee 14 to 46, reastf ona priced a n evr course and black. raoal rcda Special Value $25.00 Special Value $33.50 and $35-0 $45.0 Beautiful Spring Dresses THESE NEW STYLES ARE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENTDRSE MUCHUND R-PICE OF DRESESTwelvc styles in Silk Crepe, 2,piece effect. Smart style dresses in Silk Faille, Geor- New Silk Crepe and Georgette Dresses in get and Crepe, one and two-piece styles. with dainty trimmings -of cantraiting the smart one and two-piece styles, fancy Nove]ty cut etrbroidery and applique add foîds and braid. Colors, Claret, Wood- silk braid, bias lds and novelty button the new toucb for Spring. Colors, Dawn, trimig. olor Wod-os, eie, Misty Morn, Rose, Green, (Beige, Lake rose, Green, Lake Blue, Navy and Black. trimin. oloa oodros, Beie, Blue, Navy and Black. Sizes 16 teo 44 Sizes 14 to 44. Green, Navy and Black. Sizes 16 ta 46. bust. Special Value $13.50 Special Values $12.75 ta $37-50 Special Value $9.50 Your Easter Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear and Flowers New French Silk Gloves, in Beige, Rose The new Orient and Puritan Maid $1.50 and Silk Underwear that ta guaranteed-fîrom $2.00 guaranteed Silk Stockings, in shades the Woods Lavender Line Milla. Vets $1.75; Bloomners $2.50 and $2.î5, in £117 Blonde, Midnigbt Grey, Black, trimmed that will match those smart shoes tram shade andi every eize. with wbite and white with black saddle- Fred Knox. We enjoy a large patronage stitching, priced at $1.2., $1.50 and of ladies who fully appreciate the wearing Your foundation gsrment-your corset or $1.75, in ail sizea and wrist lengths. qualities and fit af these unsurpassable Silk girdle. We hava your requireme-nts and Our stock is always fresh and new witih ail Stockings. the 1928 modela Ensemble Suits J Spring Hats Individual, inexpenaive and serviceable. S . W . MaYAL o nJ New Spring Hats in Crochet Straw and These Ensemble Suita with the printed sflk FeIt, the smartest close fittîng style. wlth dresses and the long tailored eoat made ot novelty trimniings ofi rbbono fiowers and Kaaba or Tweed or plain Navy Tricotine. ornaments. Colors, Misty Morn, LAke Tbey serve in a double role and are lined & Bleo noselaw , e reRd 4 so the coat may be worn separately. A- and Black. Specially IPriced apecial ebawlng this week, ail sizes at Dry Gooei and Ladieé' Re.dy4-t>Wea $2.95 and $3.95 and $5.00Oand $25.00 And Mare Phono 106 Bowmanville 79 1 Mum Z--- 1 PAGEFOUR t ri

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