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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1928, p. 5

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f HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 An. aid tirne dance and card party LOCAL AND OTHERWISE wua held at the home of Mms. Byers, south of ourtice, Friday evening, Mrs. . W. E. Meath, Ottawa, is March l6th. Refreshmnents were visiting ber father, Mr. W. B. Cauch. served and a jolly gcad tifrne was the Miss Jennie Ballantyne, Toronto, popular verdict of ail present. Pro- spent the weekend with Miss Vivian ceeds go ta ladge of Daughters and Bunner, Liberty Place. Maids of England. Purpie Guards 2384 are represent. ed at Grand Lodge of Eastern On- tario at Lindsay this week by Messrs. , ,,..~-Thas. Sellers, F. H. Baunsail and A. G. Holliday. Bo'wmanville Women's Instituts will meet Friday afterno on, Marcb 3th in the S. O. E. hall. Irish pro- gram in charge af Graup 1. Corne MILK prepared ta answor Roil Cail with an Irish story. Mrs. Edwin Warden in campany with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Worden and 'CREAM party was in Toronto Monday even- L~ attending the Paderewski piano recital when Massey Hall was pack- iL ed ta the doars with a delighted audience. We invite an inspection of Our Rev. Robert J. Sbires, B. D., recto? madern sanitary methoda af Pa8t- of' St. John's Anglican Church, will eunized Milk. It safeguarded give the special address at a meet.- Our custamers. ing af the Sunday Schaal Association of the Deanery of Toronta, an Mjon- Learn the facts-Decrease in day evening. March 26, in the Parish death mortality af children in House ai the Church of St. Anne, many cities is attributed ta use af Gladstone Avenue. Pasteurized Milk. The Junior Misionary Auxilîary af Trinity United Church was held at You take na chances with Past- the home af Mrs. C. H. Mason, eurized Milk. Centre St., on Tuesday evening. The President, Miss Spargo, presided. I ~ Bible lesson was read by Miss Flor- BOWMANVILLEence Werry; devotional leaflet by Mrs BOWN M EDMU Elton Werry; the flrst chapter of the KING ST. study book "'New paths for aId PHONE 44G Purposes", taken by Miss Rilda G. Siemon; a missionary reading was given by Miss Leta Jackson and Mrs sweet solo. The Auxiliary will hold asupper meeting at the church on Tu esa y, p!17h FWEEKLY STORE NEWS Vol. 1 March 22, 1928 No, 5 Published in the Interests of the People of Bowmanville and district by Harry Allia, Edito,- & Grocer TOWN TOPICS Wish we could take time Off1 ta hear "T1he Homemnaker"o Monday aiternoan at the Can- adian Club. But maust ai the ladies wili be caming down this way afterwar ds, go we'll flnd out then How ta be happy though rnarried. EASTER UllES SCARCE Sa order early, 30c a blo'om. We could only get a limited number. Fi-euh fi-rn Sunny South- another shipment ai fi-euh green vegetables înluding tornatoes. Prunes fi-rn 3 lbu. far 25e up ta extra large oses at 2 lbs. far 35C. Bartlett Pears in syrup 2 tins 25e Anyway jt's no easy task _____________ getting 3 meals a day 365 days a year. Just kees Mas Last cali for 'Burford Peas at guessing, ta, keep Pas from 10e tin cussing. Mick Dilling aays tell the peop- StilI, being a grocer we 've le the~ "Little Garden af Eden" made a lufe study of "How ta wili be opuen soon with Shrubs Feed a Man for Best Resulta". and Plants for Spring planting. Many wives have long since solved the problern by buying their groceries a' Ilarry Allin's. ARALIGOE Such Shannanigans, yau say! Phone 186 Bowmanviii. EASTER NEWS Men's and Young Men's Top Coats at $18.95 A special purchase of a limited number of Fine Tweed To p Coats in shades of Grey and Brown Tweed effects enables us to clear out to you for Easter a coat worth ordinarily $22.50 for only $18.95 NEW EASTER SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN-3 BIG SPECIALS THIS WEEK LOT 1 AT $19.95 " splendid Navy Blue Wool Suit, double breasted models at $19.95 LOT 2 " number of Men's and Young Men's Suits, double and single breasted ,broken lines, in prices that ranged up to $30.00, Clearing For $22-50 LOT 3-SNAPPY YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Real smart values, new models in the best makes, also the Spring's newest colorings and quality that is comparable with many suits at $35.00, Our Special For Easter $27-50 BIG SHIRT SALE AT $1.95 Wonderful values in broken lines and Travellers' Samples, values that ranged up to $3,50, On Sale $1-95 or 2 For $3.75 NAVY BLUE OVERCOATS 3 only, Navy Blue Overcoats left, wonderful quality, values to $35,00, Clearing For Only $19,95 T B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montral Phone 61 Bowmanvlll. IY i > mont, ail ai Toronto, and Mms. Rai-y Nanson, Town. The. out-.oi-town guesta were Mn. W. H. Wilson, Mm. Robert MeCor- mack, Mmi. Wm. ReIntzman, Mrs. George Hfl, Mis. Tom Beaumont and Mina Jeta iWlkins. BIRTHS MERCER-In Kendal, on March 1, 1928. t0 Mn. and Mn,. Wm. Mercer, a son. CARLETON-In OraflO, on March 3, 1928, ta Mn. and Mrs. Mac Carleton, a son. STORIE-On Wednesdlay, March 21, 1928, at Private Patients Pavilton, Gener- ai Hespital, Toronto, ta Mn. amd Mrs. Fred T. Stonie, Oshawa, the gift af a daughter. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE à The Statesman is $2.00 a year or 1$1.50 for balance ai 1928. Mru. E. Cale, Taranto, spent the rweekend with aid iriends here. Mrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. John Grigg. Mru. Gea. Biokîs was recent guest ofa Mr. and Mms. Ken J. Hodgert, Port Hope. Capt. W. W. Murray, M. C., Ot- b awa, spent the weekend witb CaL iLamne T. McLaughlin. Mrs. W. S. Roy and daughter Margaret, Orono, were guestuaifthie IMisses Stephens over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. St.aples end Miss Dorothy James, Toro4ta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Normnan S. B. James. Mr. Mel J. Hutchinson, Toronto, son of the late William Hutchinson ai this town, was recently elected ,Commodore af Parkdale Canoe Club. Miss Sissions, B. A., Tarants, a former teacher af B. H. S., was guest ai Miss J. E. Hicks, B. A., over the weelcend and attended "The Twelfth INight" on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. b. Haddy and Jack, Miss Lena Priestman and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toranto sp e n tth e Eweekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. LHaddy. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wright, Messrs. Douglas Slater and Harold Caverly, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Wel- lington St. Miss E. S. Tighe, B. A., Tarants, was weekend guest af Miss 1. K.- Smith, B. A., and attended the pi-e- sentatian of the "'Twelith Night" in the Opera bouse Friday night. Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., and Miss Helen Clarke, Belleville, were Sunday guests ai Mms. J. G. Rickard. Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Tod. Mr. R. D. Hughes, former manag- ing directar ai the Farnieru' Dairy, died March 18, at 6 bamewaod Drive, Tarante, in bis 56th year. bis wife wha survives bim was Misa Lela V. Hannah ai Manvers. Among the relatives attending the funerai ai the late Mr. Willoughby Power, Toronto, last week were Mr-. Gea. Pawer and Mr. Truman Power, Maple Grave; Miss Carie Power, Mr. J. H. Smith, Mms. M. F. Hoo'per and daughter Helen, Town; Mi-. Ed. J. Power, Orana; Mr. Wilson Power, Ottawa; and Mr. Harold Power, Osh- awa; Mr. I. Naylor, Fenelon Falla. About 20 mernbers ai Caniedera- tian True Blue Lodge attended a banquet i» Oshawa on March l7th when Victoria Orange Ladge cele- brated its 26th anniversary. A hap- py event an the prograni was the presentation oi a beautiful silk um- brella ta Mrs. Follest, District De- puty, by members ai Bowmanville Lodge. The addreus was read by Mr. Ernest Mitchell and Mrs. A. G. Holliday made the presentatian. It was a mast enjayable event. St. Paul's Scbaal-raamn was gay witb sharrcks and other green de- coratians in honaor ai St. Patrick on Tuesday, Mai-ch 13, when the White Shield Club held their Ir-ish meeting. A goadly number were present to hear the reports for the past six mantbs aiter which officers were elected as ialiows: President-Mi-.. C. Gatchell; Secietary-Mms. W. Clar-ke; Treasurer-Mms. T. Brown; Cor. Secretaiy-Mrs. iBlunt. A social tirne was enjoyed at the close. At the conclusion ai Trinity Choir pi-actice an Friday evening, Mai-ch 16, Dr. C. W. Slemon, President ai the Chair, in a few well-chasenwaords expressed the gaod wishes ai the choir ta Mi-. and Mrs. Francis Suttan, an the occasion ai their marriage, and Mr. W. Rasa Strike preseeted them witb a beautful floar larnp fi-rn the memberu ai the chair. Mr. Sutton made a suitabie reply expresaing ap- preciatian for the git. Rev. J. U. Robins added some very tirnely re- marks, aiter whlch the ladies served a dainty lunch and evei-yone enjayed a sacial hour. Trînîty Ladies' Aid granfis who put on an aiternoan tea, home-made baking sale, and a very pleasing musical and literai-y pi-agi-arn at thie home ai Mms. (Dr.) C. W. Slemon an Saturday aiternoon ai-e ta b. congratulated an the splendid suc- cesai their undertaking. Those contributing ta the program were Mi-. Francis Sutton, Miss Phyllis Chalis, Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Miss Helen Bunner, Miss Leask ai Ontario Ladies' College, Misa Gladys Jackson, Mrs. A. Cal- ville, and the sextette Mesdames Moi-risa», Fauter, Anderson, Dudley, Beut and Neai, with Mrs. D. R. Mai-- i-son accampanist. Mrs. Slernan was DEATHS MoKNIGHT-Jn Oshawa, March 18, 11928, William McKnight, aged 92 years. BROWN-In Clarke, an Monday, Mgrch 12, Isabella Hooey, beloved wlfe of Mr. William Brown, ln her 791h year. WARRINER-In Montreal, Manch 20th. 1928, Jessle Eva Wariner, daughter of the late Rev. W. H. Warriner, former Moderator of the Montreal Presbytery of the United Churcb of Canada, and a former beloved pastor of Tinity Con- gregational Cbuncb, Bawmanville. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of dur ticar wîfe and mothar, Eli zabeth Jane ILýynolds, wha passedl away Marcb 26, 1927. Husband, Sons and Daughters. SEYMOUR-In loving mnemary of Lena Luxton Seymour wbo passed away March l2th, 1925. Daarest Lena how wa miss you, Miss you ln a thousand ways, Only thosa wbo truly lave you, Think of you dear Lena, to-day. Sadly missedl by Sister Mildrid. SEYMOURt-In loving rnemory of Lena Luxton Seymour who papssa away March 121h. 1925. In our hearts your marnory lingers,, Thene Is 001 a day, dear Lena, That we dIo not think of yen. Sadly miesad by Sit. anti Denelda. SEYMOUR-In loving mnrory of Lena Luxton Seymour, Who pasqed away March 12, 1925. Tlwt rolling streams of 11f,' pasaon But still the vacant chair, lleüalls the smile, the love, the voice 0f one who once sat thera. Threa liltltI words, forget-me-nioî They dont seem much, but mean a lot Just a memary fond andi trua To show dean Lena we tîtink of you. Sadly missed by Mthar, F'ather, Sisters and Brothers. LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kinds of laundry work done prompt- y, satisfactorily and at reasenable prices Write Post Office Box 12, or cali Mrs. W. Marjoram. King St. E. owmanviile. TAKE NOTICE Public please take notice that I wlI only lie raspansibla for debts contracted by mysaîf. Lawrence L. Cain. Bowmanvilla, March 17, 1928. Lost or Found FOUND-A gale belangistg ta a truck. Ownen may have samne by preving pro- pety and paying expenses. Richard PooleY, SCUg0g St., Bowmanville, phone 38J. 12-1w Rooms To Rent ROOMS TO LET-Two south rooms furnished. Good location. 6 minute. froni Pont Office. Appiy box 207, Baw- manville. 10-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Apartment to ent an highway, haîf mile West ef Bowman- ville. Land for gardon If requirecl. Âp- ply ta The StatessnanaOffie. il-tf Farms To Rent FARM TO RENT-150 acres good dlay loarn, good buildings, 2 acres archard- baaring trees, fail plowing dons, 35 acre. saaded, 8 acres fali wheat, well-watered. For further part iculars apply ta W. R. Lamb, Enikillen. 11-2we FARM TO RENT-200 acres--8auth halves lots 31 and 32, 4th concesgbon, Township of Darlington about 50 acres fail pioughed. ImmQdate Possession. Apply ta Canant & Annis, Barrnster., &c. Oshawa, Ontario. S-tf BURKE FARM To RENT-This farm situated immediately south weno ?ow- manville la for rentaI. Possession April 1st. Plawing after March lot. For termes apply ta W. R. Striko, Bowman- ville. S-tf Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR MATCH ING-Duck egga-- Mammoth White Pakin hatcbing eggs. 1 guamantee fertility and satinfactary hatch. Apply L. C. Wilcocke, IR. R. 4. Bowmanviile, phone 142-r3. 7-80 EGOS FOR I4ATCHI4NG-From bred-ta- iay Plymouth Rocks and White Loahorne. aIl from O. A. C. Pedigroed stock. W. E. Todd, Liberty St., Bowmnanville. SUC- cessor ta L. H. Pearn. phone 304. 9-tf EGOS FOR MATCH ING-Barred Rock, and White Leghorns-A special .pen of Barred Rocks Including my imported liens and headed by my Imported cack, $300 par 15 eggs; eggs front imported lians. $1.00 each; dlock matinge, 15c per 15; White Leghorn dlock mating, headed by a splendid British Columbia cokerel, 75e par 15 eggs. George Jamieson, New- castie, Ont. 12 If. 13ABY CHICKS & HATCHING EGGS -The damant! for aur baby chicks this season bas been beavy whicb proves Ibair popullurity. We give you strang, wel-hatched chicks-every chick produc- Pd from aur own stock-whicli ouca rely' on for quantlty and quality afeg. Cot'karels of S. C. Wbhite Leghorn frgr R.O.P. stock and White Wyandotte are extra choice matings this year. Caîl on Us. Phone 38-2. W. H. Carruthers, 13owmu-nvilîa, Ont. 12-tf Baby Chicks For Sale SINGLE C0MB WHITE LEGHORNS WVe havae'"Reiabla 3F," the winning lien In 1927 Ontario Egg Laying Contest -record of 262 eggs, 26 oz. to doz; aIma Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Â quantity of straw and a stack of hay. Apply W. L. Barton, Bowmanville, Ont. 12-1' FOR SALE-white Blosisom Sweet Claver, $3.00 bushel. Luther Hooper, Tyrane R. R. 1, Phone 194r3. 12-3 FOR SALE-Two grey geese and one white goose, grey gandier. Alan Camp- bell, Bowmanviile, phone 32 or 279. 12-tf FOR SALE--Good Clydesdale flly, 10 meonthe old. Apply ta H. S. Barrie, R. R. 4, Bowmianville, phone 136-13. 12-1' PIGS FOR SALE-8 silx-weeke' aid Pigs. Improved Yorkshires. Appiy ta J D. Stevens, phone 477r4, Bowmanviile. 12-1 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE-Apply te H. Davis, R. R. 6, Bownanville, phone 160-23. 12-3w' BULL FOR SALE-Fine registered Ayrshire Bull, 15 monthe aId, for imme- diate sale $85.00. R. D. Whitmee, Os- acis, Ont. 12-2w' FOR SALE-Four young cattle risiing 2 years. aimo general purpose biorne. Ap- î,ly Wm. Simpson, R. R. 4, Bowmanvllle. ihone 142-5. 12-1' FOR SALE-One black walnut parlor suite, one baby carniage, will oeil cheap. APrItet Mr@. S. McAlIfster, Scugag St., flawmanville. 12-1W FOR SALE-Yorkshlre, sow and seven voung pigs, 3 weeks ohl. Aise four pigo, 7 week9 Oaid. H. T{oîweIl R. R. 1, Hamr- ton, phone 379-4. 12-tf GRAIN FOR SALE-Marcpîis whent, Noa. 21 BarlAy and Biickwheat: aise 5- voar ofId hanse hetween 1900 and 12n0 lhs: house te rent $1() per month. .3. L. Metcaf, R. R. 2, Bowmanvillp, phone IS3-5. _ ROOFINO "MILL ENDS"-Practory rtnrk god MInds' Rooflor and AhatShinizlei cleaIng at sacrifice rie.SIt Isfaction giiranteed. Write direct te Rastern Factories Limitedl. P,()\ 2310, Hamîlton. Ont. 12-1 FOR SALE-Fordqon Tracter ln first- clu,, condition, Ploughed and worked about 125 acres. Cliutch pllley for e, "(1w, never heen tused. Also Oliver plow anti double dise for tractor use. Alani Campbell, llowmanville, phone 32 or 279. 12-tf Wanted BOY WANTEO-For delivery service ln tawn. APPlY in witing anly ta J.H"c!o The Statesmnan. 12-t WANrE-Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapalis, Minn. 11-4 POSITION WANTrE--Girl 17, ane year in H-igh School, wants work in office, store or factary. ExPerlenced. Box 496, Bowmanville. 12-tf APPLES WANTED-Aîî kbnds of ap- ples. Write ta us the kInd yau have and number of barrels. J. Pollock, 1Box 263, Whitby. 12-3w' WANTrEO.-Frt as cook at Oshawa. Good wages, three ln fasnily, other help kept. ApplY stating age. experience, ne., and forward copies of references ta "C. W.". Drawer B, BOwmanvllle. 10-3 ]Businesa For Sale GROCERV BUSINESS FOR SALE- Gracery business with reffidence attach- ed for sale, at 273 Glebeniaunt Ave., Taranto, JUst off Danforth. Jasy tornna. Apyta the above address or Wn,. Broc. Queen 8t., Bowmûanvîllo, phone 114. 9-3w* Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY UN HAMPTON FOR SALE -The ]and and buildings occuplsd by thie underulgned, will be sold at a, roal bar- gain for cash. ApplY R. B. Croft, Hampton. 11-3we PROPERTY FOR S$ALE-2 six-roomed_ ed brick bouses wlth ail moderncaon- lances; alsa farm for sale In township iar. Good buildings.B Apply ta Jas. B. Flett, Centre St., Bowmanvîule phone 384. Î ii And receive- YOU BUY 2 Packages i KELLOGG'S ]FLAORN FLAKE FOR 25c absolutely free one of these beautiful dolls. ARC.qHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville iii EASTER MILLINERY 200 SAMPLE HATS in countless styles and colora specially purchased and paased on at less than HALF PRICE W. have purchased from two of the leading hat manufacturera, their entire range of early Spring Sample Hats& No two bats a"e alike in this collection and each bas a fashionable chiarm to smart- ness and individuality. The Style Trend for Spring are narrow brimmed hats and close- fitting models, styles with tam crowns and crown drapinga. Thei New Materials-Railroad braid, a lustrous flexible visca; hand crochet visca, faille silk in combination with braids, taffeta and braid, etc. Colora Featured-Monkey-Skin, Wild-Honey, Rose-Beige, Rose- wood, Delph Blue, Chantilly, Honeydew and Oak Buif and many others equally lovely. Shape. to fit the small, medium or large head on styles to suit Misses, Women or Matrons. We have grouped the entire collec- tion into two groups as follows: LIDS FOR KIDS 75 Sample Hats--No two alike-a charming array of dainty hats in all kinds of styles and fabrics for the wee girlies, in ail the most popular colors, all priced away below their regular value and off ered at one price $1.98 OF BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES BowmanvMle - Immm PAGE FLVU r- J- 100 bats wortb resularly .from $2.95 to $4.50, at the.. one price $1.98 100 bats worth regularly from $4.50 to $5.95, at the one price j $2.98 NELSON'S STORE King St. W. 1 1 1 PAGM IPLVA THIS 15 First Aid Week Thousands of lives are saved every year in those homes where a littie medicine cabinet is kept containing such remedies as Adhesive Tape, Band- ages, Jodine, Peroxide, Ab sorbent Cotton, Aspirin, Diarrhoea Remedy, Cold Preventives, Liniments, Tooth Ache Remedy, Tonics, etc., etc. A simple scratch may cause blood-poisoning. A neglected cold may lead to serious troubles. If taken in. time a cold can be broken up in 24 hours. These illustrations prove how important it is to keep suitable remedies in the house. Our stock is complete and prices are fair. Consuit us and we will help you select a good serviceable list at very littie cost. JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly FREE DOLLS MEET THE KELLOGG DOLL FAMILY 4 BEAUTIFUL CLOTH DOLLS There's Goldilocks-Daddy Bear-Mama Bear- Johnny Bear

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