PAO~ Six TUE CANADIAN hTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR5~AY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 OVER A MILLION bottles of MILLERS HERB JUICE, th. real herbai remedy, were sold last yeaa-. It givea prompt, lasting relief in stoxnacb, liver, kidney and bowel disorders: - Ask Jury & LovelI Ltd., druggsts, about this rssnedy. Ambulance Service We now have a motor ambuiance fully equipped and heated which Inaures great. est comfort and safety. Emergency calis given spectal attention. Phones 58 or 159. Alan Williams, Bowmaflville. 9-t InfantCare Mothers, you can't start ton eariy Delicinus tasting, and as gond as it to establisb a child's serene and tran- tastes. Juat look for the Fletcher quil disposition. Even an infant signature on the package and you will can have a happy, fretlesas state ofi know you have the genuine and pure uninterrupted bealth. What will l Castoria. help do .this? A simple, pumely ý PCA OE iboeybt vegetable product as nid as you are:; SEILNT:riheeybt plain Castoria. tle ni gonuine Fletcher's Castroria is wrapped a book on "Came and Feed- A iew drops of Castoria will settle igo ais ot t egti ail uneasineas in a jiffy. WilI dispel [go Id to every mother or prospective colic or ward off constipation' and mthr juat as surely check diarrbea. ' rohr Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Pain Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism FDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acetonly "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Ilandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Awlrtn la i-tralne mark restered in Oanada) of Bayer Manufacture of bMaonacetie- edatr 01 SalicYlircd (AcetYl Salicilie Acid, "A.S. A."). Wbiie It la weil known os=~tt means Bayer mnuacture toe sait the ublie againat imltatio,,a. the Tablets etBao OuAnY wltI be tamped wih br "ritclmakth Br BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Last Wednesday might easily have been named Scouts day at the School. Mr. E. O'Callaghan, Chief Commis- sioner for Toronto and District spent the entime day with the achool staff, the Howard Ferguson Troop and the Wolf Cubs. Mr. O'Callaghan amrived nn the moning train, went into spe- cial consultation with vainus leaders in scouting, addressed the staff at the regular noon-hour luncheon, met with the troop committee and patrol leaders and seconds at 5.30 and at- tended the regular meeting of the troop and cub pack at 7 o'clock. At the troop meeting Mr. 0'Callagban jnvested sevemal boys who bad recent- ly passed their tests. The first football game nf the apring season was played last Friday morn- ing. The weather turued out cold over night an the boys went right back at hockey on the school rink on Saturday morning. Just imagine seventy-'boys taking part in a mammoth fox and hound chase. Well that is exactly wbat happened last Saturday aitemnoon. Practically the entire group romped ail afternoon out through the coun- try. 0f course the foolish foxes had to get caugbt, but it was time to go home anyway and everynne had had a whole day's £un packed in an afteruoon so it mattered not. The speaker for next Sunday will be Mr. Charters Sharpe of Normal MNodel School, Toronto. Mr. Sharpe bas ail his life been a leader in boys work and is a really outstanding speaker. The public is always in- vited to attend these one-hour ser- vices which are held every Sunday at 3 p. m. Will A Fire Find You Under Insuired? Have you added to your stock or done any building srnce your present policies were put on? If you have, better proteet yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this month. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & Sc:ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Fred Willan visited ber sis- ter, Mrs. T. Stinson, Janetville..- Misa Susie VanCamp, Miss Lauma Bailey and Mm. Percy Hamilton ni the Petembomo Normal Sehool, Miss Florence MeLaughliu and Miss Vera Farder ni Toronto, Mr.' Lawrence Monntjoy ni the Standard Bank, Port Ferry, were home recently... Wom- en's Auxiliamy ni St. John's Churcb beld their regular meeting at Mrs. S. Jeffery's on ThursdaY..-Miss Kate McLaugblin was guest nf Miss Mabel Argue over the wookend. . .The con- cert put on by tbe W. M. S. o! the United Chumch in the Town Hall on Tuesday eveniug week was a aplendid success. Mrs. Frank Stinson, the Fresident, paid a high tribute to one of the members .of the society when she stated that in the seven years they bad been organized and during which timo a meeting had been held eacb month, Mrs. Js. Marlow had nover missed a meeting. Progran in- clnded recitations by Misses Mabel VanCamp, Vemna McNally, Lomua Trewin and Master Ronald Trewin; readings by Mrs. Frank Stinson, Mrs. W. Archer and Miss Ella Fer- guson; soins by Misa M. Il. Abernethy ni Bowmanville; orchestra music by pupils ni the Higb Schooi. The play «"Soup, Sand and Sage Brush" was instructive along missinnary linos and alan very pieasing..Miss Dom- othy 'Belman and Misa Sybil Smith nf the High Schnol staff recently visited in Peterbomo. .On March 7, Victorian Woman's' Institute wasi held at the home nf Mrs. Osmond1 Wright. About 30 membera were in attendance. At the close oi the business session the foilowing pro- grami waa rendemed and lunch serv- ed: paper on St. Fatrick, Ireland's Patron Saint, by Mrs. Arthur Bailey; reading hy Miss Esther Strong, "How Fa Saved the Bacon"; readiug by Mrs. R. Mahood, "Op's Farnier's Trib- ute to bis beloved Housewife" ... At the progressive euchre beld onj Tbursday evening by Atbletic Society the preizes went to Mis FImorence Farri and Mr. (Cbas. Venning... Wo-r an's Mis3ionary Society nf the United ('hurch held March meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Galbraith. Death came suddenly to Mrs. Wm. Porter or Tuervday, March 6, while she was being- taken to a hospital in Port Perr 'v. The body was left at Me- Deryntt's undertaking parloma and was brought back to Cartwright -on Thurs;day for interment in Devitt'a cemeterv. She leaves to mourra her loss a hu.qband and one daughter... Miss Katlhleen Phoenix, our public 'ichool teacher, spent a weekend me- cently witb ber parents at Green- bank. You Run No Risk Just get Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Ton- silitis, use it for Sore Throats, Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Catarrh, Head Colds, and aIl Tbroat and Tonsil Diseases. Success or money back. Mitchell'a and Jury & Lovell's Drug Stores. 11-2 Magnesia Best For Your Indigestion Miot people who sufer, eiher o- casionally or chronically from 9?gas, sournesa and indigestion, have new diacontinued disagreeable diets, pat- ent foods and the use of harmful drugs. stomach tonica, medicines and artillcial digestants, and instead, fo- lowing the advice so often givenin these columnu, take a teaspoonful or four tablets of 'Bisurated Maguesia in a little water after meals with the reanît that their somach no longer troubles them, tbey are able to eat as they please and tbey enjoy unuch better health. Those wbo use Bis- urated Magnesia never dread the approach of meal time because they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can bie ob- tained frein any gond drug store, will instantly neutralise the stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach, prevent food fermentation, and make diges- tion easy. Try thia plan yourself, but be certain to get Bisurated Mag- nesia especially prepared for stoin- ach use. Assamn tes are known by experts as the finest teas grown-a fact which explains why Red Rose Orange Pekoe ha& beconie 80 deservedly popular in Canada. For Red Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly comnposed of Assamn teas, which accounts for its dis- tinctive quality and value. Every package guaranteed. 3-Eà LESSON No. 14 Question: Wbyis emul- sifiedcod-liver oiso effi- cient and so beneficial a food-tonic ? Anawe,': Because it is 80 easly assimilated and quickly bulds up strengthi. Multitudes use it every day as in SCOTT'S EMULSION EXPECTA NI MOTHERS ]Resd Mns. Menard's Letter. Her ExperienceMay HeIp Chathamn, Ontario. - "I want to tell Fou how much goyour medicine là. a done me. Be- fore my baby weak and mun- down that 1 could work. My head and I was no dia- couraged th at 1 moringtillnight. baby justoneyear andha oandît gave me alot to do. So 1 thought 1 would try Lydia 1E. Pikham 's Vegethie Compound, as 1 had read gn much about it in the littie books. I found a difference right away as my head was relieved and my tired feelings gone. My sister had heen doing my washing and she continued doing it, as she said it might set me back if 1 started ta do it again. It sure diti help me and I had taken just two bottles when my baby caine. He is a fine big boy. now nearly five months nId. 1 arn taking ynur medicinc again and I arn able to dPo my work aIl by myseif now. 1 aîways recommend the Vegetable Cnrnpound to women, and especially to expectant mothers, as I believe they need help at those times."- Mrs. OLIVER M ENARD, 24 Harvey St., Chatham, Ontario. Anly Ileadache -Siok -Nervous Relleved by Z"lo ORONO (Frnm The News of March l5th) Mr. Harold Barnard o! Bailieboro, spent a f ew days with his cousin, Mrs E. R. Rainey. Misses Hilda and Oda Gamaby, Mr. Garnet Gamsby, Oshawa, were i home over Sunday. Mr. T. Smith's office which is alan the office nf the Township Clerk, is undergoing repaira. Master Carrian White is spending a iew days with his grand-m0ther, Mrs. Amelia Bradley. Misa Bell Allin, Oshawa, was home over the weekend, also Mr. Harold Allun, Newcastle. Pleased tu see Mr. David Noble up town looking in gond forin consider- ing his several weeks' llness. Mr. Harry Houper spent a fer- daYs st week in Toronto with his daugh- ters, Mrs. Barstead and Mrs. Little. There la no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn Remover, and it can be uaed without danger or in- jury. Misa Dorothy Richards, Toronto, who was tbreatened with pneumonia is recovering. Little Donald Duffy and mother are improving. Mr. Alex. Welsh, Port Hope, after attending Trinity College School lire was taken ili on his return home and bad tu undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Junker and littie son Frederick of Oshawa, were visitors Sunday at Mm. James Cnt- tell'8, Miss Lillian Cutteil accompany- ing thein home for a week's visit. Worms ieed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective remedy is Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Messrs. F. Walker and sons, form- ery ni McCrea's section, who nnw tenant the Naylor farra at Solina, deliver daily tu the Oshawa Dairy, five 8 gallon cana of milk £romn 17 cows. Mr. David Moffat, Oshawa, a form- er resident of Orono, sold bis proper- ty on Albert Street of that city re- cently, receiviug a big figure. Mr. Moffatt bougbt this property about twenty yeama ago for something like S2.500. Asthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone. Do not make the mistake nif;vaiting for asthma to wear away by itself. While you are waiting the disease la surely gathering a stronger foothold and you live in danger of stronger and yet stronger attacks. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken ear- ly, will prevent incipient condition from hecoming chronic and saves bouma ni awiul suffering. Mr. R. M. Work of Winnipeg, Man., in partuership with twn other gentuc- men, have recently bought twelve fulIl mining dlaims ni what ;s known as the Aster Croup, English Brook District, Manitoba. Mra. Wnrk was- formerly Miss Alice Hammnnf Orono. Euchre and dance under auspices ni Memorial Park Management, was well attended. Miss M. Adams car- riod off the ladies' prise for greatest nuniber nf points in fivo bundrod and Mr. 0. W. Rolph the gents Mrs King won the first prise for ladies lu% euchre, and Mr. Thos. Co'wan, the gents. Thore passed away in ber sixtieth year, aiter a long illness, Elizabeth Fleming, beloveil wife of G. H. Conkhite, of Kimbail, Alta. Mm. G. H. Cronkhite was iormerly ni Or- ono, a son ni the late Thomas Conk- hite, poprietor ni the nId Carding Mill here destroyed by fime nearly fifty years agn. Millers Worm Pwders can do fn injury to the most delicate child. Any child, or infant in the state of adoles- cence, who is infested with worms can take this preparation without a qualm of the stomach, and will find in it a sure relief and a fulil protection frcm these destructive pesta, which are responsible for much sickness and great suffering to legions of little ones. The wedding took place Friday eveuing, Mamch 9th., at th home ni the bride's father, 97 Ingham Ave., Toronto, ni an nid Omono boy, Mr. Harold Seymurmtn Miss Crarce George. Rev. J. J. Coulter, United Cbnmcb, tied tbe nuptial knot, onlyl the immediate relatives of the con-' tracting parties being present. Aiter a buffet luncheon the happy couple left on a short wedding tour. Rela- tives irom this totvn attendiug the wedding were bis mother, Mmi. Cen. Seymour, sister. Misa Ettie Seymour, and aunt. Mrs. William Seymour. Nation-Wide Fame.-There la scamcely a corner ni this great Do- minion where the merits of Dm. Thomas' Eclectric 011 bave not been tried and pmoved. It la one of the world's moat efficient remedies for sore thrnat, lame back and many other alments aisîng imom inflamma- tion. Rubbed on tbe akin its beaiing power la readiiy absorbed, and it can alan be taken internaily. The W. M. S. ni Park St. United Cburch began their series ni group meetings, Tuesday afternoon, with a gond attendance. Mrs. R. Rainey. convener ni grnup 1, bad charge nf the meeting. Scriptume was read and spoken on very iorcibly by Mrs. (Rev.) Sterling. The delegates, Mrs. George Mitchell and Miss F. Cobbledick gave a splendid report of the Preibyterial held at Port Hope, Jauuary l9tb. Devotinnal leaflet read by Mrs. Dean; reading by Mrs. Ervin Rainey; piano solo by Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mrs. T. - W. Cawker, Bowmanvillo, also favomed witb a solo. The study book, "New Path.a for nId Fuposes" was taken by Mmi. Rainey, and the meeting ciosed. Useiulinl Camp.-Explorers, sur- veyors, pospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomnas' Eclectric Oi very useful in camp. When the foot and legs are wet and cold it la welI to rab thent freely with the Oji and the resuit wlli b. the prevention of pains in the muscles, and shouId a cnt, or contusion, or apraîn be sustamned, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. A,,N""IDEA4L" POLICY The "Ideal" Policy has been designed for those who desire the greatest amnount of protection for the smallest premiurn pos- sible and yet do flot Specimen rates wish to be paying pre- g for $2 ,500 Rate miums after age sixty. 20...........$87 If under 45, no medical 25 ......... 44.90 30 .......... 53.25 exaniinatiofl is required 35.......... 65.40 for amounts up to $2,500. 40 ......... 83.75 EXCELSIOR INSURANCE LU FEMAN r MAIL THIS TODAY W. BLAKE MeMURTRY District Acent Bowmanvllle, ont. EXC9.11011UI sent! me fuliformation about youv 'IDEAL" Poflcy. à%iii Y aetc... Nom . ...... . .. . .. . .-. . . PIANOS Wuu.lld you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Ahnost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspectiGn. Prices are reasonable and it cos littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville IAviation GasolineO The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill- are preparing to move into the nid par- snnage prperty purcbased by theni some time ago. .Mr. Arthur Or-, miston, Enfield, whn is having a sale on March 27, intenda moviug into this village and will occupy one of Mr. D. Burgmaster's houses .... Mr. Fred Mountjoy having rented his farm in East Wbitby bas decided to remain in the village. Young People'a League on Wed- nesday took the fnrm nf a debate. subject, "Resolved that India Will Produce a Better Type of Christian than Canada." The affirmative was 'upheld by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton snd Miss May Werry, and the negative by John Siemon and Samuel Moore. The affirmative won. 1On Friday evening a St. Patrîck's Social was beld under the auspices of t.he W. M. S. when about eighty! were present. A gond programn was rendered and a jolly timo spent. Vocal numbers were given by mem- bers ni the W. M. S. sud Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Cook. A humorous nom- ber entitled "Poor Old Maida" called forth great applause. Excellent piano numbers were given by Miss May Werry, Miss Elva Orchard, and 'Miss Mabol Beech of Haydon. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson gave a reading which was a gond character study of the Irish. Mrs. Arthur Brunt gave "Ten Commandinents for the Home." Mrs. Sidney Trewin, the president, in well chosen words, brougbt the concert program to a close by thanking those who had helped, and invited aIl to remain for a social hour, whîcb closed Iwith lunch. Ir i TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 PAGE $11 -1-