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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1928, p. 1

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- - -.. - eobÎa rn With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928 HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY The fifteenth Birthday Paryo Bowmanville Hospital will be eld at the Nurses' Residence on the after- noon and evening of Thursday, March 29th. Ladies, show your interest in the Hospital by attending the Birthday Party. Ail donations wil be thank- fully received. 10-3w Woman's Guiid of St. John's Church will hold its Easter Supper on Thursday, April l2th. Reserve the date. Stainer's "Crucifixion" will be aung je St. John's Church BOWMAN VILLE General Insurance Including ail uines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT & DISABILITY, AUTOMOBILE and representing amongst other first-class companies the popular Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Ca., and the Sun Life Asa. Ca. of Canada. Private Funds ta Loan an Real Estate. Tawn & Farm Praperties far Sale. Edith V. Scobel Agent Bowmanville, Ont. Il- ______________________________________________________________ An Exquisite Display of Spring Attire Choose Your -Spring Garments Early This store has made great preparations to supply the Spring demands for Ladies' Wearing Apparel and trimmings. An early inspection is to your interests. The Dress of Your Choice STYLES HAVE A DECIDED CHANGE New Trimming Effets--Tuckings, pleats, buttons and buck- les; new color effects, with contrasting trimmings; new spring shades appear-Lucerne, Almond, Corai Rose, Sundown, Harvest, also Navy or Black. Materials include Figured Crepes, in Georgettes, Silk Crepes, Rayons, Crepe Romaines, Fiat Crepes, and the new tailored Cel- enese is speciaily featured. NEWEST IN LADIES' SPRING COATS We have such a variety that individual descriptions are im- possible here. So corne and see first hand. One of the newest features in Cloth Coats are the satin trimmings. Coats in stock for children, size 4 to ladies, size 46. Beautiful assortment of Scarfs and Flowers to match any coat. ALREADY FOR HOUSECLEANING We have placed on sale this week the finest stock of curtains and draperies it has been our privilege to show. They include nets in silk and cotton, plain and figured, also side draperies and cretonnes. More of those Linen Table Cloths arrived at wholesale prices. Silk Hose in aIl the newest shades. BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS MATERIALS Iin Dress Goods we are now showing Figured Georgettes, Rayons, Plain Georgettes, Crepe Rayons, Crepe Back Satins, Fiat. Crepes, Black and Colored Broadcloths, guaranteed fast colors. New laces for trimmings are also featured in great variety. LATEST IN MEN'S WEAR Men, it is not too soon to select your new Spring Overcoat or Suit. In suits we have an exceptionally large stock of Ready- Made Suits from reliable makers. If you prefer a made to measure suit we have hundreds of samples from which to choose Large Size Knicker Suite for Boys at Half Price $10.00 for $500 Couch, Jahrstonl & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104 Limiten COMING EVENTS Port Hope Choir, under direction of T. S. Stanley, will gîve a variod program in Trinity Churcli at 8.15 p. ni. Tbursday, March 29th, under aus- pices of Trînity Choir. Admission î 25c. Bowmauville Women's Instituts1 will meet Friday afteruoon, March 3Oth in the S. 0. E. hall. Irish pro. gramn in charge of Group 1. Come prepared to answor Roil Cali with an Irish story. Don't forget the "Chosen Friends" indoor picnic in S. 0. E. Hall, Friday, Marcb 30th at 8 p. mn. Prograni- niusic, novolty games, sports and prizes. Madani Noyade, palmist,, will be present. Music Study Club wiil meet in St. Paul's Lecture on Wednesday, April 4th. The prograni is in charge of Mrs. F. C. Palmer and Mrs. (Dr.) 'Bell. Subi ect "Folk Sangs. Pro- grani begins at 8 p. m. sharp. A hesrty invitaton is extended ta aIl members and wivez of Ladgo Wellington, No. 19, Sans of En- land, B. S., ta an At Home to be hlis in the S. 0. E. Hall on Tuosday, April 3rd at 8.30 p. ni. Supremo Lodgo officers are expectod ta be prosont on this occasion, and a record attend- ance of ail members is hoped for to extend a royal welcame. Pastourized Mîik is a Real Sale Food for the. Baby As the. careful mother watch.u ber baby's weight-from week to week-so will she carefully guard his growth between ages of 6 to to 15 years. Balies cannot live without milk and growing child- ren grow the faster for it. Moth- ers should increase the quantity of pasteurized mlk in the grow- ing child's diet-a quart a day is none too much for hini. Order more mlk today. BOWHA VILE DAIRY KNG. ST. PHONE 446 I IL.KI Coming Prograni Presentations April 6-7 Marion Davies In '*The.Patay" April 9-10 John Crawford In "Rose Marie" April 11-12 Vera Reynolds In "'Almoat Hunian" April 13-14 "Under the. Black Eagle" Seme Wond.rful Attraction$ for Month of April haye boom cou- tracted for. Watch this. ase for thein. -' I - -- r $2.00 a Year Ini Advance 5c a Copy No. 13 TRINITY CHOIR ENTERTA1NED WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB VISITING DAY AT GOODYEAR Chuvch Board Banquets Choir- Delighted With Tall< By Mr.- Purser, Wednesday Afternoon, April 4th Presonts Clock to Organist and Bride "The Honiemaker" of Toronto A vry njoabl baque an IGlobe. By requsat of the Bowmanville A vey ejoyble anqet ndlCliamber of Commerce, the Goodyear social evening was spent at the Bal- The faine and popularity of the Tire é Rubber Company will hold moral Hotel, Friday, March 2ard, "Hormemaker" and ber page as con- anotiier Factory Visiting Day for the when members of.the Trustee Board ducted in the Toronto Globe was citizetu of Borwnxmvile and coni- of Trinity United Church entertained firmly attest-ed on Monday after- munity. as hei gus the menibers of thej noon by the exceptionally large aud- We reulize how mucb this was ap- choir and their husbandg or wives. ience wlxich assem'bled i Triîîity preciated let year by the visitors and Following the banquet a prograni School-room where the WoMen's Can- also the Goodyear staff and employ- of toasts and music followed with adian Club held its- meeting. ees.. We- were glad- to, see suris a Dr. J. C. Devitt as chairman and dir- Mrs. Purser did not attempt an ad- keen interegt shown l'y the visitora lu ector of ceremonies. The first toast dress but merely "talked ohop" as being escorted through the plant. to the churcb was very ably proposed she laughingiy styled it, giving firat al The process of mlxing the form- hy Mr. T. C. Jeweil and responded to collection of the various reqtiests re- ulae on huge mills, theu through the. by Rev. J. U. Robins. The toast to ceived and put inta hm b e calender for production purposes waa the choir was proposed by Mr. F. F. asssitant which caused mc ms-an înterestiug part of the trip, alo Morris and responded to by Dr. C. ment as she read it. MYrs9. Purser ithe nignufacture' of how beltiug, W. Siemon. also quoted froni numerous letters acking mat nud mat.%, Wiugfoot During the evening a very hand- froni correspondents to her page giv- el nd soles, fa beitas îd molded some Wstminister Abbey Chumes ing a faint idea of the large variet goos Clock was presented to Mr. Francis or requesta received includiug legal, Visitingr hours will be from 1.30 Sutton, organist, and bis bride, by advertising, matrimonial, household, to 4.30 p. =, Wedneday, A p il 4th. members of the Cburch Board. Mr. family affaira, trousseaus, etc.,- etc., Visitors will kîndly enter Wingfoot Gea. W. James made the address to ail of which she strives to give as- Hall and aftor idoutificatici%, aud while Mr. F. C. Vanstone made the sistance and when unable refers theni 1 signing the register wili hoe formod presentation. The gift was suitably to others for attention. In this way into groupa of twelve and escortod acknowledged in a happy speech by ,niany needy, lonely and troubled ones tbrough the plant by guides. We Mr. Sutton.j have been aupplied, caniforted or cannot, however, at this tume acconi- One of the outstanding featuresî helped. modate chiidren under fourteen years of the evening was the delightful Mrs. Purser bas a pleasing person- of age. We wou.ld suggest that as vocal numbers rendered between ality and bas the happy knack of many as can make it conveniont ta speeches by Mr. Frank Oldfieid, as-1 giving ber audience an insight into visit between the hours of 1.30 ta sisted by Mrs. Oldfield at the piano.ithe great work ahe and hier depart- 3.30. in order to shlow Higb Sciioël Mr. Oldfield's rich baritone voice, ment are doing. The splendid sud- pupils by f ornis, sccornpanied by his plessing manner and the happy ience present showed their apprecia-1teachers, to go through froni 3.30 ta faculty of selecting nuinbers which tion of ber talk by a hearty handclap. 4.30. meet With popular approval niakes Mrs. E. S. Senkier, the President,1 Those wbo visited the plant last bum a general favorite wherever hie presided snd in expressing the club'siyear are again invited, as welI as al appears as an entertainer. appreciation of Mrs. Purser's visit others who may be interested. sztid niong ther things "Wheni A.M . ardy Thursday, April 5th at 8 P. ni. by the maie choir of HoIy Trinity Church, Toronto Oranist-Mr. Geoff rey Hoit, M.A., Mus. Bac. Solosts-Bass, Mr- Emile S.hiff; Tenor, Mr. George Coles. Silver Collection ST1JHNS .Y.P.A. I obt ask the 'HonmaÇk'er". "Mee11t- -i, __.____ ST.JOH'S_._Y_ P.A. ng cloaed with a verse of "0 Can-1 A buines an lierar metin ada". Mrs. D. R. Morrison presidodi DON'T OGT of the Anglican Young Poople's As-Itth piano. SPCI SRtE sociation was held on Monday in St. I!ln Salvation Army Sueday, April 1 John's Parish Hall. Prosident C.o. TRIN ITY LAYMEN'S BANQUET occupie-d the chair. It xvas decided, il a. m.-Dedication Service. to give the Wardens $50 towards the Canvasa, Plaened for Church Statastici 7 p. m.-Enromot Service. Theae funds of the church. Mrs. J. A. aed Financial Purposes services wîll be conducted by Major Gunn was delegated to ask Wone' and Mrs. Harold Ritchie whamt we Auxiliary to cater for the annual Well on to one bundred nmen of will welcome as our new Divisional A. Y. P. A. supper. A social even- Trinity United Cbnrch congregation Commandera. ing wîll be beld on April l6th. Ajassemb led in the Sunday School room These Officers are of a wide ex- short discussion was held ro the play Tuesd ay evening where one of the perience in Salvation Warfare and shortly to ho staged. President most enjoyabie and profitable lay- niusicaily inclined. They will be Cook asked members ta speak on men's banquet in the bistory of the greatly enjoyefi by ail who hear theni. their best-liked character, literary, cburch was held. You are hesrtiiy invited. history or biblical as follows: Miss A very appetîzing and aumptuona G. Potley favored John Wesley; Mrs dinner was served b'ý the Ladies'I J. A. Gunn, Jack and Jili; Miss BOY- Aid Society. The tab es wero very I MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Ian named s nunibor of authors; Miss attractively decarated witbh lles, Turner, Longfellow; J. A. Gunn, no carnations, daff odils and sweet pesu. St. Joseph's R. C. Chureh-Uma special author; Mr. R. Harding, T. E. W. J. Morrisan was chairman and 10.30 a. mi. Sunday Schaol 2.30 p. lu. Lawrence of Aria, author Of the àfter explaining the abject of the Sermon and hoeniction 7 p. m. 1ev "Seven Pillars of Wisdom"; Miss banquet which was ta get a proper P. P. Butler. Ty,May Siesser; Mr. R. Bates, vision. of the church he called on Trinity United Church, Bev. J. U. Sn anas; Miss A. Lamb, Martin W.B. Couch to introduce thixetedker RbnPso. Sna evcs Luther; Mr. H. Cooke Ffrstly Kin of the oveniug, Prof. R. 0. J olliffe RbmPsa. Sua eve. Arthur, and secondly, NiceCnsort of Queen's University, and son of the subjects: il a. x.-"ýThe Kimgship of Germany, Queen Victoria's hua- lato Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, a formner ai Jseiess. 7 i.m.-"IMe" band; W. H. Keel, Harry Lauder beovd pastar af Trinity Ch bath2servics. Pulieodialy Seol a and Billy Williams. A social tume Mr Coucix apoke in very eourc 30 P. nerie. Pbi odal ecm with pop corn completed an evcellent n affectionate ternis of telarn-oal evcs _________ acteran evcrnde b Rev. St. Paul's Church, Bey. D. W. Mr. Jalliffe wbile a resident o this Best. D.D., Minîster. 11 a. mn.- WHYCHABE 0FCO MEREtown. The Holy Communio-"ýThe Peace WHY HAMBR OFCOMMRCE? Prof. Jolliff e gave a very able af Christ". 7 p. m.--."The Difficuit As a feanr ta ry ontthe intreat on the church, Golden Age". 2.30 p. m.--Suuday th at busines and routeinlntee *zars'mto of thoteaching adteSehool. Thursday, March 29th a ta tusnesake thoesactiviten organizai oftechurch. 8 p. m.-Prepaibory service. are likely totk n tea aiiiesof Ho said we are becoming larger St. Audrew's Preabyterian Churela, a Chamber of Commerce the execu- ad roader in aur views, and are corner Teniperauce sud Church Bta., Cieise nati osm ora spdi gettîng truer and mare statistical in Bey. Robert McDerment, M. A., meeting in Coni omfrMnday aur philoaopby of lii e. Religion is Minster. Suuday services at 1l evening. About one-third ai the nat aloof, not a thing sot apart, but a. m.. aud 7 p. m. Communion et "linvited guosta" respouded in persan. is a part of every-day liiie as it us. moraing service. Sunday Sehool whicb was considered fsirly oncaur- twspitdotta al ea 23p.m Praaoysrvc aging considering the usual indiffer- l was ointed iesont ther ho once shown these days by the vast hiatory, took the word "Ecclesia ta ithecuc hrdye .m majonity af citizeus in any co-opera- men the assembly, a part ai their Rev. Ernest Haraton, LL.B., han tive or public mavement for the bet- gavernment. It thus came, thore- jbeen choaen as the uew paatr>r of terment af a cammnuity. Thenon ftore, that the church was an "Eccles- Simcoe Street United Chnrchi, Oish- course the lnmp-sugar citizen hsal a us" of God, an assembly ao peol1 awa. Ho is at the presout tume dandy excuse for staying home Mon- Who gathered to worship God. Tehe'pastar of St. John's Unitel Chureix, day night because it was raiuing a Kingdom of Heaven la a divine so- Canipbeilford, and goes there July little. ciety, and like other sacietios needa 1, 1928, ta succeed R ov. H. 9. Dont- One does get ied up a bit when yatm organization. Anarchy, Bolshevism 1 ail, D.D., wha la retinlng fromn active bear a iellow grumbling about buis- simply cause an internai strifo snd I ninisterial work. ness being bad, that the tawn'a gomng these two things are an instance in1 St. John's (Anglican) Churh- ta the doge, and a lot ai other calain- life today. The church bas also its'Palm Sunday, April let, 1928: il ity fodder. And when this sanie outside dangers which it is ail the a. m.-Holy Communion sud Sermon; merchant la asked ta came ont ta a tume working ta keep away. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. ni. meeting af business mien ta hold a Organization, on the~ other hand. thel-Evoning Prayor. Confirmnation round-table conference with a vioW speaker said. leas a means, flot an end, Ciasso usasa .m nPr ta iniprovîng local conditions ho isn't but the mneans to an end. The church aso neast8p.t.inP- ds-is the humnant side of a Divine institution. ish Hall. Leuten Service ou Fridaya there. No, ho's home washiug ds-I t was stated that Christ said littie at 8 p. ni Holy Week:-Wedues- es or listening in on a jazz radio or nothing on organizationin his methods Id Ay pril 4thýevc 8 m program. Then the noxt marninz or t.-achlngs. The chNet quallty o f these y -evc . ~'estrts owntow an gretsbistéachings was simi'licity, ciearness and, Tburaday, April 5th-Stainer'aCel- We trutisupose the C. d Fidn'tîm' id Hs. ut therels to be attched 1 fxion 8 p. m. Goad Friday, April business associate next door with: sm importance t raia oatoi6th--Services 10.30 a. ni. and 8 p. mn. "IVll,1 sppoe he . o C.did'trit' rul-e were firmiy- avolded in, do muh isa nigh." îirists m.thods.- do muh lat niht."i %va-, satedl that Christ scorned thei la it any Wonder that the Chamber rizuai of the- Pharîsees, and wlîh this ast of omere aes'taconplisb its ,in rnd h, motive is the thng AUCT ION SALE etnsadntthe externat iews.!_________ wvell planned progrant of prosperity Ï ?h ehurh shoutd be exalted above nri*,- eay when there'a about 87 business mien ual Th, emptiasîs is generaltv mis- Wdedy April 4th-William R. in every 100 have not learnied- the piaceid and carnies with it a false idea Lamib, Lot 17, Con. 8, Darlington, irit f comunit ca-oeratof uttla should in reallty go on m-ithinadanuEnikloilsohre, ri fcmunt oo the heurts of the individuals whomae dongEniklnwlsl h e, They are so short sighted that thev' J.sus "hrist tlîeir divine upliftment. cattie, pigs, implements, harneas, cant sc astthestre ouneror t X heartv vote of thanks was accorded Wood, feed, etc. Sale at 2 p. mn. See ca'tse at h soe ontrora 1lrit JTo1rffe, on motiofl cf Dr. J.Iki(7.'Te.M imn ntaer beat the inside of their sbcip front I ivîtand P . P Morris. 1bls ho lmn utoer door. If these fellows wvere segre- Foilo ving the address %V. R. Strike~ Thursday, April Sth-W. 3. Woath- gated ta theniselves lu less than six ý'ut1ined the need of a thorough canvas. itOaaLt2,Co.5Hp, ethe congregation to seclîre statlsticserlOaLo25Cn.,Hp, months they wauld bave their shaps fo r c hutreli records and aiso ta ralse!baving sold uis farmn will soul by as itviting as a morgue and the towu înoney for the getieral fonds of the pbi uto 0 e1o odcw as lifeles5 sud barren as a dosent.- church as well as, the. Maintenance fundpulcatin3hadigodcw %t h .ankGodwe have other cîti- of the, Uni>.ed Ch irch. Details of the whicb have passed the T. B. Test, Buptak odc nilaeure utlin,.d, the tw sadAvd h eceo tlin zens, with rod blood runuing through1 di ided into districts and willîlng ndAlad hePechrn talin their veins, who are unselfish. public r secured among the taymer who tgte ihtora ihefr spîrtedsudwiîlng a gve o thîr1il ii canvase the entire district by Friday stock and implements sud houaehold spirtedand illng t gie oftherjniht.eff ec ts. Sale at 1 p. ni. George ability sud money ta work with other g______Clwl,,utaor mon and womon af like minds lu a Cadeljutoer public way through the town council, TENNIS CLUB MEETING Friday, April 6th-Mr. A. A. Soms- Chamber ai Commerce, achool erville, Lot 19, Con. 5, Clarke, two boards, service clubs and other or- W. R. Strike Re-Elected Pretideet. miles eust ai Orono, who la giving ganizatians who are not paid lnuah up farminq, will selu withont reserve for servciea rendered, but have the A well attended meeting ai Bow- bis splendid offeriug of homses, ac- satisfaction af kuowing that they are nianville Tennis Club was held lat credited herd ai Shortiioru dual pur- rendering a service ta hunianity Council Rooni, Tnesday evening, poe cattie, pnrebred Leicester wbicb la mci appreciated by mauy vhen plans were discnssed for coini-asep, Yorkshire hogsandsud lliUn. oi their ieilow citîzens. ing seasan. Adulte fees are sanie af fanm implements and househald Mark yau, sncb conditions as ont- as last year; Junior girls and boys iuniture, amnong hihlsanau lined above do nat apply aniy ta fees wil Je balf senior girls' ice. tique pieces. Wae or posters for Bowmanville but are characteristic Course wfll ho draiued sud surface complote list sud terms. Sale at of many towns whose citizens are improved as soon as irost is ont of il a'clock. Geo. Jackson & Sous, void ai that gaod aid Carnish motta, grounds. Auctianeera. 13-2 "One for al sud ail for one." Offices olected are: Hon. President Friday, March 3th-Thomas Me- Somebody said at the meeting --J. W. iAlexander; Presidnt-W. R Neil, Lot 32, rear oi the Svd Con- Mouday night that the C. ai C. ahould Strike; Vice-President-Alan Camp- cession, Clarke, who as .nad hie farse promote an educati anal camipaig bell; Ca ptain-M. A. Neal; Treasurer will soul by auction aIl af bis valuabe bei are gaing aiter new member_ Bort -B auntasl; Secretary-Herman farm stock sud implements without WelI, iiere's the editor's firat lesson Lap; Executive-Wreford Souch, reserve, also quautlty ai hay aud lu the educationsl canipaigu. Who L. &; Cooke, Cecul Dudley, E. C. flrewood, together wlth household will seud lu the second consigient? Southey Stuart R James bMisse.untr ndefcs W6e .u Not mare than a coinnin, thauk you. Helen ôbarne, Gertrude çarris. initrsuds offsets.00Sand t np. Mm. Charlotte Bandera went te Mr. A. D. McDonald, Kingston, euh; aver that amouat 6 months' Wlartau laut week ta 'riait hon bro- neceutly vlsited wlthbis fathen-in- credit on negotiable bank notes witu then, Mn. Wm. Wardn, who hatebeen law, Mr. Thos. Spry, sud othen Inteneat et 0 psy cent Thou. Gev- in." fionda bkm. an, Auctlonoer. '- 1" HARMONY GLEE CLUB COMING Harmony Choir and Gise Club at Bowmanville, Tuesday, April lOth in Trinity United Church. Arrangements have now been coni- 1pleted by Jerusalemx Lodge A.F.&A. M., Bowmanville, for a concert to be given by the above fine musical organizatinn on Tuesday evening April lOth. The choir of 50 niatle voices is one of the fineat in Toronto and last Tuesday evening gave a con- cert in Riverdale Presbyterian Church, Toronto, for which the entire seating capacity of the church was sold out. The local Masonic Lodge are ex- pecting this wiil bc a real treat for the community. A full announce-i ment of the programn will be given1 next week. Secure your tickets1 froni any member of the Lodge. Ad-1 mission is 50 cents. No reserved seats. Royal Théâtre Prem.nting The. Fineat la Photoplays Phono 589 Friday-Saturday, Mardi 30-31 Charlie Murray & George Sidney In "Flying Romeos" A non-stop flight of fun that is setting long distance laugh re- corda. Two Flying Romeos try- ing to out Lindy Lindbergh to win the village .uliet, Charlie and George will carry you to the high- est point of rolicking entertain- ment. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.3 0 p. mi. Chldren 5c. Starting at Saturday Matinee, Marcb 31. The one and only great Western Serial "Wallace Me- Donald ln "Fighting With Buffalo Bil" Monday-Tuesday, April 2-3 John Gilbert and Grela Garbo In 'Love" She made the greatest sacrifice for love-only to bc dogged by a strange and sinister doom. A thrilling screen story of a pas- sionate heart anxd a great l ove that played it into tragedy, with two of the greatest lovera on the screen. Wednesday.Thursday, March 4-5 Dolores Costello In *'The Heart of Maryland" The girl who loved the Gray-But risked al for the Blue. The tranquil beauty of the oid South, then the flash and roar of the mighty event.s that made the Civil War. .Historic-Spectacular and thrilling. Froni the story by David elasco. -5 q 1 la

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