THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928. PG HE akes LowPnoce O F course, youreonz th. quality of th. New Series Pontiac Six the moment you sec t. In the rich color harmonies of its smart Fisher bodies you find ail the distinguisliing marks of the quality car. But Pontiac quality extends f ar beyond mure outward appearance. Get in the New Suries Pontiac and feel the power of that sturdy six-cylindur engine . .. the easy-riding comfort of the Lovejoy Sbock.Absorbers. . the. saf e, smooth a"ton of the Pontiac four.wheel brakes. Examine the car in detail. Here are refinements be- yond ail your expectations of a car at Pontiac price al h exra quality that makes Pontiac's Iow price ilte more am-anafg.p2a. Ailà your dealer about the G.M.A.C. Dcl erred Paymeis* Plaw which m.tker buyisg easy. 813OCK NEW FISHER BODIES NEW GMt CIVLINDER FHEAD NEW FUEL PUIP NEW CRANECASE VENILATION NEW CARUETOB N4EW STOPLIGHT ViREEL BRAKES NEW CROSSFLOW RADIATOR NEW THERMOSTA âL NEW INSTRU- MENT PANEL U" i NEW LOcC NEW DASH GASOLINE GAUGE 2he >wSei"c PONTC SIX CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO. Phone 248 Bowmanvi île PRODUCT CW OEAL M OTO U OUCANADA, LUTHD Artistic Wail Paper IN TASTEFUL NEW DESIGNS FOR EVERY TYPE 0F ROOM There are fashions in waIl paper as there are In apparel and other things, and the smart hostesa of today sees to it that the decorations of her home are just as tasteful and up to the minute as are her own frocks. We, have on display a wonderful assortment of beautiful and artistic wall papers for every type of room-smart, tasteful, yet inexpensive. MEMORIZING 0F BIBLE SHOULD CONVEY LESSON (From Toronto Mail & Empire> According to Rev. Robert J. Sbires, D.D., rector of Anglican Church, Bowmanville, who gave the special address at a meeting of the Sunday School Association of the Deanryo Toronto, in the parish hallo t Anne's Churcb, Monday night - the cardinal points to be rememb ered by the Sunday School teachers in order to be effective, is that they should interest, instruct and influence. In describing the best way to teach thel children the 'Bible, the speaker seid,' he did flot believe there was any par- ticular advantege in having the scbolars niemorize long passages of the Scriptures unless the lessons therein could at once be put into actual use in influencing the life of the child. VRe-rWothisYearwith RIB-ROLL the Permanent Rooffing for Barns, Houses, Sheds big ahmaenny sand quick to UY...Prnmet..leak-proof.. vetsfies. eaes vau of property. Made ef famous "Council Standard- galvanlzodl shoots. Give urus of roof for free estimate. Write ta;. PSEMSONT. r LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Dr. end Mrs. James Moore, Brook- lin, were recent gueets of Mrs. A. E. McCîeady. Mrs. F. Keener, Markham, is visit- ing ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mms. Herbert Bombard. Miss Zella Sleep, Pickeîing, bai returned efteî spending a month with Mms. W. Cîossey. Mr. and Mms. T. H. Knight and Mr and Mms. Merkus Mayer spent Sun- day witb their sister, Mrs. Fred Rob- lin, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Monney and daughteî, Miss Lela, recently spent a day witb Mr. and Mrs. Ehi Wilson, Liberty Place. The xneny friends of Mi. Herry W. Foster will be pleaaed to know bie la recovering nicely froni bis recent serious ilness. Miss Gladys Hutton, Kincardine, who is attending Toronto Normal School, spen tthe weekend with bier cousin, Miss Helen Argue. Messrs. Douglas Slater, Nelson Grandy and Harold Caverly, Toronto spent the weekend at the home o Mr. L. S. Caverly, Churcb St. Mr. Harry Gale, editor and pro- prietor of the Enterprise, Coîborne, who was in town last week on a busi- ness trip, gave us a friendly caîl on Saturday. Mis. J. Hamilton Bateman re- cently visited bier sisters, Mrs. Geo. Curtis and Mms. Wm. Graam, at Lindsay. She reports several feet of snow in the north country. Men do not become saints in their sleep.-Carlyle. STo be needed in other buman lives -is there anything greater or more beautiful in this world. -David Grayson. Rev. and Mis. oJhn Garbutt, Lon- don, announce the engagement of their daughter Helen, to Mr. Gordon Silverwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Silverwood of London, the nier- niage to take place early in April. Mr. Geo. C. Foster and femily who recently purchased Mr. F. G. Adams property King St. East, bas now completed moving bis household effcects here and will soon be com- fortab]y setthed. Before leaving Mariposa they weîe presented with a bridge lamp with the good wishes of aIl their old neighbors and friends. The editoîs of tbe weekly news- papers who can afford turne and the price, are Vo meet in Edmonton, Alta., next July for their annuel convention. After that, they will rVo Jasper Park, in the Rockies, oa couple o days. This la part of the plan to alhow the editors to gain as widc a knowledge of Canada as possible by holding the annual con- vention at various widely scattered points of interest. The meny friends in Bowmanville and els9where of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Watts, 297 Wentworth St., N. Hamilton, Ont., will regret -to bear of Mr. Watts' very serious illness. They weîe just getting nicely settled in their city residence when hie was taken iii with a serious internal ail- ment wbich a medicel doctor and a specialist were endeavoring to give him relief without a surgical opera-1 tion. We are sure ail wîhl hope for a speedy îecovery. Invitations have been received by relatives in Bowmanville and vicin- ity to the marrie ge of Mr. Herbert A. Van Nest on t he evening of April llth to Miss Marion, daughter of Mi. end Mms. Walter L King, 7109 Pen- nock Avenue, Bywood, Philadeiphia, Pa., the ceremony to take place in Mary C. Sellers Memoria] Church, SteVe Road and Sellers Avenue a o'clock and the reception will' takeji place et home of the bride's parents immediately after the ceremony. Dr. G. E. Reeman, Superintendent of Boys' Training School, lest week1 visited and addressed the Rotary Club of Woodstock and the Kiwanisj Clubs of Gaît, Windsor, and Sarnia.i He also visited severel of the gradu-1 etes of the School at Woodstock andg Windsor and found them making ex-1 cellent progress. The splendid co-1 operation of the Service Clubs of the province is meaning a great deel Vo- wards the re-esteblishment of the boys from the Training Scbool. A vîsit was paid to the Ford Repubhic School, a privete achool for unadjust- cd boys just out of Detroit. At this school the boys take cocnplete charge of discipline. The Stete Normali School et Ypsilanti was elso inciuded in the itinerary. 1T * WEDDINGS Nobbin-Hurlbuu.t A quiet wedding %vas solemnized Seturdey, March 2-4, 1928, at the King Street United Church, Oshawa, *with Rev. C. W. DeM 111e officiating, when Ina Leona, daughter of Mi. and Mis. Frede-rick W. Huribuit of Buiketon, becasme the bride of Mr. Sydney James Nobbin, son of Mi. and Mis. James W. Nobbin, late of Cla- ton, Enghend. The bridai coupIle weîe attended by Mr. and Mm Fred C. Palmer of Bowmanvihle. Coutu-Thorne A Montreal paper conteins the following: Wilfrid Arthur, "Billy"1 Coutu, captain of the New Haven professional hockey team, the Eaglee, of the Can.-Ainerican ïcague, wes married lest Saturday evening to Miss Ivy May Thorne, formerly of Bowmanville, Ont. A reception was held yesterday aftern-oon et the home of Mms. Coutu, 2988 Adanm St., et which a large number of friends were gusts includinjK Billy's team- mates, who were passing thiough Montreal on their way back to New Haven. Mis. Lea Bennet and Mrs. Len Porteous weîe bostesses et the' reception. Mi. and Mis. Coutu left lest night for New Haven where Mms. Coutu will sec bier first profes- sional hockey match, with her hu- band taking part in bis last gaine this season. Allin-Moor. (Frim Hollywood Daily Citizen) In the presence of only a few in- timate friends and meenbers of their familles, the marrie ge of Mus. Mary Ethel Moore Vo Dr. Ernest Allin was solesnnized Wednesday Merch l4th at 4.30 p. m. in the home of the bride's cousin, Mu. D. Stanley Todd, et 957 North Fairfax Avenue, Hol- lywood. The mons were messed with pink and white sweet peas and carnations end ai the coxnpany assembled, ana the pair stood beneeth a beautiful canopy of flowem eand greenery, the wedding merch was played softly by Miss Dorrs Todd. Mu. John R. Todd, the bride's near relative, gave lieu in marriage, end the Rev. Alfred Inweod, D.D., of Pacific Paliades, officiated. T'he bride was attired in a modisb beige silk kaiha ensemble, and in- troduced the traditionel orange blos- somns into ber costume in a pretty M&ssVictoria Faterw>n of Win- nipeg, Manitoba, eiranged the detaihs cf the wedding, and of the supper served following the ceîemony. Three y2oung cousins of the bride assisted lass Paterson in serving-tbe Misses ýEileen, Fiances and Dorris Todd. Mms. Allun bas corne to Hollywood only recently froua Newcastle, On- tario. Lait evening Dr. and Mms. Aillin heft on e motor trip expecting :o be et home Vo their friendsaieter April lst et 2032 Pennsylvania Avenue, Léos Angeles, Cehifornia. That Flnfthlng Touch No amount of furnlture, however carefully select- ed, can of itself give a room that "well-furnish- ed " look. It needi the background ...the atmnosphere ..* that only colorful lus- trous hardwood can pro- Svide. nhe floor makes such a difference. l McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowinanvile THE EST HAT* MAD WHY YOU SHOULD BELONG TO CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Because the Chamber of Com- merce is the only agency equipped to analyse and supply the community's needs. Because it is engaged in a con- structive prograxu for the bout inter- este of the comlnunity, industrilly and- civically. Because the tixne bas come when business muet take an active interest in civic growtb and direct its activi- ties. Because the Chamber of Coin- merce la the logical organizetion to lead ini community development. Because no orgenization is perfect. Defects can be more readily reme- died by persuasion from within, rat- ber than criticism without. Because the Obambeî's pust record shows that it 15 interested in the complete, well rounded developinent of tbe wbole community and is wor- tby of support. Because there is need of concen- trated and unified action in t'ivic betternient that demnands the vigor- ous support of every intelligent citi- zen. Because affiliation with the organi- zetion operates to personal advant- age, presenting opportunities to meet other business men and estatlish contacts for tbe present and future. Because it is an organization pos- sessing potential powers for concen- tîated ectivity. ROYAL TEMPLARS HEAR GOOD ADDRESS Excelsior Council, No. 48, Royal Templars of Temperance, had a very interesting meeting on Wednesday evening last when Mr. Tomn Robert- son, the General Manager of the Ord er, was present and gave an ex- cellent address on the work of the order, and stressing very strongly the necessity of aggressive texuper- anc work in view of the rapid in- crease in drinking with ail the ap- palling consequences. The speaker pointed out t he special danger of the fact thet there was only one place where liquor could be legally used as a beverage and that is in the home. The home has been interpreted to mean wherever the individuel is dom- iciled, either the room or rooms in a hotel, boarding bhouse or rooming bouse. He elso stated that this fact bas removed many of the objec- tions formerly urged by tbe wives and families of drinking men who fre- quenting the bar rooms and other p laces spent not only their money but their time in these places instead of their homes and indulged more freely and made more trouble tban they would if the drinking was donc at home. Mr. Robertson contended thet for these reasons the present Liquor Control Act was a greater menace than any other law tbat had preceded it, and therefore, required more watchful and diligent effort for its repeal. The Royal Templars hs the only purely Temperance organization in the town and will beartily welconie into its membersbip any and ah wbho have the real interest of temperance and prohibition of the liquor traffic at heart. A sbort social intercourse with light lunch bîougbt the meeting to a close. Here is a high school student's parody on "The Barefooted Boy" which 15 ratbeî good: Blessings on thee, little dame, Bare-backed girl with knees the Mame With tby bobbd hir's jaunty grace, And tby muchly-powdered face; With thy rolled-down. silken hose, And thy short transparent clothes, Witb thy red lipa--reddened more Witb the hip-stick from the store". Cheer Up The Homne WITH NICE GRATE FIRE Use Pluto Canneil Coal for grate fires--does not spit or splutter. No better canneil coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a fariner attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Cail and get the facts. It's worth while. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE "a .Coal M9 tSaiafle J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville The Faim TACO Line PLOWS HARROWS 108 CULTIVATOR8 MOWJERS RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURIESPREADICRS SCTJFFLERS CREAM SIEPARATORB GASOLINE ENGINE» S=EEL WIEEL8 BLEIGH5S WAGONS AND GRAMS RANGES ANID STOVES FURNACES Write for h.. hIdoeý tingusthepothmda lb. la whchyuanlato-m à - - I Mlore Profits IncreaueidProduction-Lower Cos Quaker Dairy Ration is scientifically belanced TO PRO- DUCE MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. Stimu- letes ta capacity the milk producing orgens and constantly rebuilds tissues. Kceps the cow in good condition by restoring ta her the minerais and fats she puts into the nial. The protein, the carbohydrates and minerais being in exact balance, there is no waste. Quaker Deiry Ration is easily digested and quickly assimilated. You need not experiment with dairy feeds. Thousands of deirymen have pioved that Quaker Dairy Ration increases the milk flow. FoIlow their experience. Low moisture con- tent, because kiln dried. Most economical, because it PRODUCES MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. You could not mix so good a feed even if you had ail the ingre- dients. Write us about your feeding problems. The advice of oui experts is fiee. The Quaker Oets Company, Peter- boroughi, Ontario. Quakcer DAIRY RATION Also Quaker Schumnacher Feed for cattie, hogs and hoises, and Quaker Ful-O-Pep Feeds for Poultry. SOLD BY HARRY ÀLLIN, DoWn.aVille GC««« DR2 BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACK TO HELP YOU withYOUR INCOME TAX RETURN' T 0O asfit the income tax payera of this commu- lnity in preparing their returns for the year 1927, due on April 3th next, the Bank of Montreal bau isued a new edition of its boo-iet on THE CANADJAN INCOME TAX ACT Tis booklet contains the full text of the law as t now appears in the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927. AUl the changes to date are ncorporated. It also gives clear interpretations and exainpies. Copies may be obtained witbout charge on application to oui nearest branch. BANKOFMONTREAL Established -1817 'Iai AIu*" in m o.sof i8j.7.o.oo. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 BookstoreBomnie T ACO s a new name and mark in the agricultural unplement field. It stands for qualityr and sat- isfaction. It tells the farmer that here is an impie- ment on which he can irnplicitly rely, as one that is made of the best possible inaterials and ini the best possible way,-finished ta insure long life and protection from weather conditions and to give an eppearance that any fariner may be glad ta own it and ta use it. Better goods buiht in a better way, combining the best and latest ideas ini agricultural ixnplements with the finest mnaterials that money cen buy. The result is a ine of imple- mmts evMr fariner is proud ta own and ta use. TUDHOPE-ANDERSON CO., LIMITED Mahues et Good Faim Implement. offla OnmswI r BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN - Manager Fa PAGE TIIM v q* Bowmanville