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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1928, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928. Choice Beef for Easter We want our eustomers to know that their requirements in beef are being well looked after by us. During the l)ast week we have bought a lot of exceptionaliy choice young cattie which is al- ready heing eut up--and it certainly is very select, tender and juicy. Good cattie are getting scarce, but we have bought well ahead to insure our customers of the best beef that is to be had. Orders Delivered Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518 .. Bowmanville -. - . -~ WUTHAN Sheraton caia Coloniaesgn wlntor finish, ' M. d, ~bfrflded. j~ 3 6" by19" by 2W'. 37"4x 371, for recrda.Auto. Automatie Stop. Stop. * - - i eae.Capadty Woadoful vlu.,for 72 - - - records. $115. 4 Model - -- 4-46 $2 rauc zzi. JThe Easiest of at Our store The woxld's best ~ Ternis are avail- lO music-just what % able to you at i&eS- you want when One of the pieasant features of our business i that every Or- jthophonie victrola that la sold brings more pleamfure into a 4 Bowmanville home. i j F. F. MORRISi COMPANY Bowmanvile , Speclal Tea Anther op ruity o, secooîg .-P your favornue Domýinion S-ove lb Eeod it TEA au a ver y 1- lb poun- Prî..i 1 'h-,who 're D S-.r-1 -jRi i, q-lri o.vovu,! i n ,..z ý !? uis½Wg or Iodized 2 pkts. 170 ~- ~.-~.Iigr-gIr 10c b.g 2 bags 13e - £ 49C JeIly Powders R,g,I., 4 f-, 25o 5 for 25c S on every idof Tea R-~. 9r - Domino R.g. 963 % English BekfoStyle b J?2 R~cmell- 73-. Quîck or Plain 2cLarge Guest Ivory Soap It Floata 6 f- 25c Basce iris Graham Wafers MSl. Pure Kipper Snacks 2îe.I3c"ASY Quebec NTASTCd,.. Ma~1e ilk Ti cBread Syrup Walnuts..--. 39b. Whîteoal 9 tn .0~~ pinac'h in 15 *rad 14C B-ttle ÇÇ Cffee tin 4 9c Bread se Keen's C. & B. Canada Herrings IDS.F. Tangerine orCon i rat Mlustard Pineapple Cr nTmt Marmalade Starch sauce trnTin 27c 23 CJar 1Ocg.2 SC Weno Gilliette Razor Blades 35c 221-C-!' S 5.d. P..k.t. R. Oi t 9 TheNe c teIrdp det TIIURSDAY, MARCH 29th., 1928 OBITUARY NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Thomas Montagne, Newcastle Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Carveth spent Report of Allin-Moore wedding the weekend at their summer home, whicb took place at Hollywood, By the death of *Mr. Thomas Mon- N ewcastle-o n-th e-Lake. Calif., is on page 3. tague on Saturday, March 24, New- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin, Ida, "Ben Hur", the world's greatest casie loses one if its most proflinient visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo motion picture, will be presented in and public spirited citizens, a man P. Rickard, on Monday. the Community Hall, Newcastle, on of genuine worth and certain excep- Miss Clara Caswell recently grad- Friday, April 6th. Mati-nee at 2.30 isna taeanydar aofreidnce bedr basuated fromn Oshawa Business College, P. nm. Evening presentation at his-eny disîneresdan verprac- has taken a position with Barrister 7.3 0 p. m. Tickets for qfte'rnoon tical assinrstaedtoard te er ral W. F. Würd, Bowmanville. or evening: Adults 50c and tax; tiadascommunaltware o the village. Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cowanville, wbo hildren 25c. Orchestra in attend- Rewa anaie f ono, nganhas been i11 in Toronto for soine ance.* This is your last chance to see R anatihvfthe nMonn pana months past, but is now much im- Ben Hur. 1:3-1 home ivas at Grantham, Lincoln- proved in health, has been vistirig Last Friday's Star showed a pen shire. Hle came to Canada as a boy hier mother, Mrs. James Stapletm)n, tnd ink sketch of Sir Harry Lauder, with his parents and sisters who North St., the past week. the famous Scotch comedian, the ori- settled in Newcastle. Thomas went St. George's Cburch, Rev. E. R. ginal of whicb he made himself and to school in the brick cottage on James, Rector. Sunday, April 1, presented to Mrs. Stella Anderson, Cburch Street, now occupied by Miss Palm Sunday. il a. m.-Morning the social hostess of the King Edward Fligg. In those days his father, as Prayer and Holy Communion; 2.30 Hotel, Toronto, where he was stay- a contractor, was engaged in building p. mn.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.- ing. Mrs. Anderson is a daugbter the new Grank Trunk Railway tbru Evening Prayer, lantern slides show-lof Mrs. R. P. Butler and sister of ibis district, but wbile stili a young ing scenes of Passion Week. , 1 Dr. J. A. and Miss Cora Butler of man at the age of thirty-eeven he Every Friday evening findsî goo d this village. t ook ili and died. On leaving school, attendance at the Lenteîî s.rvices in The accident at his home last [Thomas ivent to the United States, St. George's Church, the lantern Thursday afternoon which bas de- 1and following his father's profession, sldes depicting the scenes of Passion prived Mr. Wilbur Baskerville, )nly became a successful contractor and Week, and the accompanying story son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baskerville, railway builder. He also became î-ead by Rev. E. R. James, proving of bis rigbt ax-m for some inches beavily interested in iron mining at intenesting and spiritually uplifting above bis elbow, bas deeply distressed Crown Point, Penasylvania, and prs- to ail who follow tbem. the wbole community. Rarely bas ipered in bis business. During ah x.Go rgt aitr ni-a curnc ntenihoho j is time be was living in the States eer. wbo.bas htbee nirkin ngcon- asoccencetbetpeoplefbo villag but came back to Newcastle nearly er h a en ok ncn oafetdtepol fbt ilg ver sumertovist bs othr aidtracts up at Kapuskasing is %ack fron iand countryside as this. While at- wbr ume o vin imtheranud the nontb and ast week joined Mr-.. tempting to tbrow the drive beit. sisters wh ie i h raehueWrigbt at Mr. and 'Mrs. J. R. Fish- from the gasoline engine and circollar R.w nemodelled and owned byDr er's with whom h bas been stay- saw which was at the farmn for the stoodLo tbeistb-e hias t fthme ng during ber busband's absence. purpose of saxing the season's supiply stod o th sotheas conerof heThey will again make their home in of w-ood bis arm was wbipped into now enlarged grounds pertaining to Toronto. the fiy wbeel of tbe engine witb tter- the new attractive and commodious brick bouse. Mr. Montague builtIMNr. Howard Allun and Nlr. XVin.rific force and ivas sa tor a-id this house when be came back toi Hanna each purchased a borsc ati mangled tbat it bad to be amputated Newcastle ta retire after finall,,, ci!- The Reposito-y, Toronto, last Tueý...above the elbow. He was rusbedi ing bis mining interests to the bi-eer day week, the' former, an unbroken l in a car imnîediately after tIhe ýacci- concerns. ctzno western ranch horst'. and the latter,' dent to Bowmanville Hosl be As actzno Newcastle lie a seasoned work animal. M r. R the ope ration xvas performel, bis served for several years on the Boarni C- Pearce, South Dailington I mo(tbCi accompanying bini and stay-- of Education. As the purchaser of hrought themn down from the cit-y ing at bis bedaide. Shacking as the, niuch of tbe former Jacobs' estati, truck the same eveniinp-. -i unfortunate casualty was t(' Wilbur's , he ivas instrumental in making it United Cburch, ztev. E. B. CookeI-parents and bis sister. Mrs. Gooni possible for a numiber of local citi- Pastor. Sunday April ls~: il a. be.Cli of Toronto, who wa- visiting i zens to become smiall land ownirs -Morning W.hip ad Coiu; paens h.tieitwa n by dvidng he roprtyup nd eli Sevic; 230 . n.-Snda Sc'; . ls o to bis sister, Miss Maron, by dvidng te popery u an sel- Srvic; 230 . ni-Suday ?ho]; nurse-in-training at the Bownmanville ing it in two, three or five acre lots,. 7 p. m.-Evening ser-vice. *T ho ia,'e helando e He %vas a charter member of the Pastor witb the co-operation >of- Hospthrsaval nsea atient nofbe Northumberland and Durhami Anynh- A. O. Par-ker is planning t<) present the misfoi-tune that bad befallen iGrowers' Association and for sn o',ea set of slide-s of scenes in the Holy hlini Srasastel o ih yeai-s w-as the treasurer of the As- Land ait this evening's or sonie fut- arm is toase lsoun nan, cnsîd sociation. 1He also took --nar eeein ermng everyaspiect ofitm, is, nye- înterest n the oranizatio of tht'g's .ovc. The view-s inewcstli e oLaiaio ffh were perso nally taken and prep-tred the less, to be boped that modern NwateHorticulturîal Soeieiy and by Rev. S. T. Baîtlett, Toronto, and scec and skîll in the matter of0it shortly after was elected to thelsbould prove of special interesttisîncea treasurership of this too. He bas Re% ,. D. W., Best, Bowmanvile, a-d:tg atificial limbs may hc depended served the public interest in still an- dres1sed the Preparatory Service and on to largely overcome chis loss. other capacity as a trustee of the Prayer Meeting in the United Churcb Bond Head and St. George's Ceme- on Wednesday evening of zhis week.I_________ teri os. I _______ ________ As tbe donor of the four large ed for Mr. Montague mn Pennsylvania UT D stone tablets in the entrance of thel Among the many beautifil florali! IBEN HIIIJA Community Hall, on wbicb are en- tributes fromn friends near and far gîaved the namnes of thoso f rom thisiwas a wreatb fnom the NewvcastleNecsl community who served in the Greati Municipal Council in meqnory of de-Necse War bie earned tbe lasting gratitude 1ceased's xany valued services in the C m uiyH l of bis fellow citizens. H1e was a mem-. interests of the municipality. Cm uiyHl ber of the local building committee Tepalbaeswr:erg -Frdy A ri6t wbic coopentedwit thelat C.beck, Wellington Fostex-, D. J. Gal- D. Massey and bis representatoves in braith, D. J. Gibson, W. H. Gibson Matinee at 2.30 p. m. the building of the Community Hall, and W. C. Lake. and bis expert knowledge along such Internient was made in St. Evening at 7.30 o'clock lines was invalutable at the time. George's Cemetery and while the Amsin dleScpu a Wbetber it was planning a home and funeral cortege proceeded thither tax;ssion ldult 5c.u grounds, making a lawn, plarting and the Union Jack fiew at balf-inast tx hlrn2c dressing a flower bed, laying out a from the municipal flag pole as it had 6-Piece Orchestra in Attendance. tennis court, levelling a bowling fiown since early morning. green, gnading a street or sidewalk, surveying for a drain or csewcr, etc.,- etc., nobody la Newcastle knew so well how it ougbt to be done and _______________________ bow to do it as Mr. Montague. His __ own home and grounds at ail seasons of tbe year wex-e the admiration of i citizens and visitors alike, a model (-f l f goodtaste rerie- san efn G oldSeat ..ongoieums. the character of their owner. His companions la bis home for tbe past few yeax-s bave been Rev. and Mrs. Scott Howard and aLso thpin This week we have son and daugbtex- wben at home for rcie the weekends and bolidays, and as he rcie large was practically alone la the world la shiprnent of new respect of relatives, be founfi theix-Cnorr usi companionship a great camfort to oglu Rgsi bim in bis declining years. H e was many attractive eigbty-tbree at the tinie of bis deatb. The funeral service on Tuesday in patterns and sizes. St. George's Cburcb, the cburcb'CnglumRg where ho always worshipped and r cnmcl wbicb he loved so well, was largely r cnmcl attended by bath citizens and countrywaepof ni folk. It w-as conducted by the Rector, Rev. E. R. James, assi.sted tr n bv by the' cburch choir with Mrs. (Dr.)e e y h n ai f c Farncomb at the organ. Among those present fromt a Jist- tion urned ance were Mn. Keyes, manager of a mine at Sudbury, wbose father work- No-Buckle Tesm l1% Inch Harness, Brltchlng and Uacek Pade, complet., wlthout collars, *74.50, Golng At M.450. KII0 hn MASON & DALE W O RNMPon 145 Populan Hardware Store Bowmanville WITII-7 NEMA WORM CAPSULES ROUNDWORMS, HOOKWORMS STOMACH WORMS la Hogs, Sheop, Goats, Poultry, Dogs and Foxes The resulr of 20 yeans' searcb for a worm destroyer that really does the work. EFFECTIVE - SAFI! INEXPENSIVE md fer a fris booklet ail aout th. maso f NEA ULESuu. WE BELL NEMA WORM CAPSULES Jury & Loveli BOWMANVILLE Timely- Sale For Easter BIG MONEY SAVING EVENT Men's and Young Men',. Eastex- Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords, Suits, newest materials, double Black or Brown, bxeasted styles, ON SALE $2.69, $2.98 ON SALE $14.95, $19.50 _____________ Men's Work Trousens, real snap ......... ON SALE $1.89 Men'q Overalîs, Black or blue ON SALE $1.49 Pure Linen Roller Towe.hling, ON SALE 15c YARD: Factory Cotton,- good quality, ON SALE 10c YARD Cet some of these beautiful Curtain Panels, ON SALE 98c EACH Men's Work Boots ON SALE $2.98, $3.98 Men's High Grade Dress Ox- fords, newest style, ON SALE V3.9a Ladies Shoes, Aeveral styles, includiîîg Straps, Ties. Buckles and Oxfords, higb, medium and low beels, ON SALE $2.49, $2.89, $3.35, $3.98 Ladies' Rubbers, ON SALE 69c A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowrnanville Holstein Sale Durham County Holstein Club Announces its seventh annual consignment sale of High Class Holsteins to be held at Beith's Stables, Bowmanville Tuesday, April 3, 1928 This sale includes the entire herd of R. H. Brown, Orono, as well as a number of entries froin the leading Holstein herds in the county. A special feature of this sale will be the large number of fresh cows and springers. Ail herds under acreditation. For catalogues write J. H. Jose, Secretary, Newcastle, Ont. SPRING TERM In each of Sbaw's Twelve Schoolu merges into the Sumnmer Tex-m witb no fox-ced vacations. Enter any time. Booklet free. Write 1130 Ray St., Toronto, W. P. jShaw, Secretany. ]BUSH HORSES 4 Carloade by Auction EVERV TUESDAV until end of April. AiU bought at high prIces last fail and in excellent wonklng conditilon. SALES START 11 a. m. No Reserve COULTER BROS., THE REPOSITORV 10.28 Nelson St. Toronto --7- - Spring Opening Sale i R. J. ROVAN Formerly of the Canadian Bankrupt Shoe & Sales Co., is showing a fulll une of Latest Spring Shoes. These shoes corne direct from Factory and will be sold at real reasonable prices. A Shoe To Fit Any Purse And Foot New Leathers New Fabrics New Styles For The New Season Strollers Tan Honey Beige Raven Black Satin Brillio Paient Chic Velvet Colours-AI of Themrn-and you rnay choose the strap slipper-the pump-thej Oxford in clever toe and smnart heel effects Footwear for any Day Tirne or Evening Function Men's Shoes in Black Calk-Tan Caf- Patent and Scotch Grain Leathers The prices on these shoes will be moder- ately low, cornpared to the prices you have been in the habit of paying. A Pair of Hose WiIl Be Given FREE To Every Purchaser of Men's and Ladies' Shoes Visit Our Bargain Room .Aroorn has been set aside for Bargain Priced Shoe. Shoes are ail on racks corne in and look aroumd-, pick out that every day shoe or work boot. A Few Examples of the Many Bargains Wornen's Strap Slippers Real Value $1 .98 Ladies' one-strap low heel black slipper, Reg- ular $2.75, Bargain Roorn $1.78 Special Boys' Boots Lirnited quantity left Wornen's Oxfords Special Cuban Heel, Sizes 212 to 7, $1.98 Growing Girls' Shoes Regular $3.50, Real Value at $1.98 A Pair of Hose Will Be Given Away FREE for every Purchase of Men'a and Ladies' Shoes Limited quantity left- Rubber Boots Black Sole $2.98 White Sole $3.88 Men's Work Boots Panco & Leather Sole. $2.98 Men's Oxfords and Boots Black and Tan $2.98 Rovan's Quality Shoes Fornierly Claude Ives 1 PAGE EIGHT

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