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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 1

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Ian tateman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILL, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 14 F ______________________________ St. John's Easter Supper Thurs. April l2th Parish Hall Bowmanville Menu- Dressed Veal Dreased Ram Creamed Potatees Jelly Apple Pie Whippsd Creans Cii.... Tee or Coffes Supper served frem 5.30 p. m. Admission 50c Auspices Women's Guild RETURN ENGAGEMENT "Such Shannanigans" The 3-act play wifl again b. presented by young people of St. Michael's Churcb., Cobourg, in Opera House BOWMANVILLE .. on Thurs. April l2th at 8.15 p. mi. This pay was cleverly presented here several weeks ago and was admitted to be the best amateur play in years. Be sure to sees it this time. Adulte 35c; Children 25e Auspices St. Joseph's Church Mr. Chas. Hil and daughter of COMING EVENTS Buffalo, N. Y., are bere, called by the serious iliness of bis mother, Women's Hospital Auxlliary meet- Mrs. S. F. Hill. ing will be postponed te Friday, April pituedof Miand EMrs. _g. F. a 3th at 3.30 p. m. at Nurses iResi- piTuesdof'sMaiand Emps . iooper,'dence. 58 Charles St. West, Toronto, witb a i Everyone is invited te the sale of variety af borseahoes. Mr. Hooper i Home-Made Cooking in the S. 0, began his apprenticeship at Back- E. Hall on Saturday, April 14tb., smithing in Oshawa on April 9, 1878, under auspices of The. Eastern and is planning to mark the golden Star. 14-2 anniversary by coming to Oshawa Two groupe in the Ladies' Aid of and will shoe a horse at 1 P. m- Onl Trinity Church will serve a 15e lunch tbat date. Mr. Hooper is a brother and sel bome-made cooking, after of Mr. J. T. Heoper of this tewn and the regular meeting Tuesday, April lived here for some year8 before 10, 1928. Good program~. Come. inovng t Tornto.Without a doubt the. musical treat of the season will be Harmony Choir and Glee Club of Toronto in Trinity The Mission Band Church, Bowmanville, Tuesday, April 10th at p.m. uder esof of ~Jerusalem &dge, A.F. & A.cSee program page 5. Ticket.sOc. St. Andrew's Maunder's sacred cantata"Oie Presbyterian Church ity Choir in the auditorium of th church on Good Friday evening at will bold a sale of eight o'clock. Silver collection. Mr Francis Sutton, organist and choir Towels, Aprons & Candy leader. 14-1 on Mr. T. A. Dustan is back te regular Tusay prlloh duty again after bis srosiles Tuesay, pril10th During his enforced retirement Tom in tii. as developed inte a real peet if in thewe may judge from bis advertising Sunday School Room announcement els.where. Aft.rnoon Te& wiII be served 15e 3.30 te 5.30 p. m. Stainer's _____ ____ ____ -11 "Crucifixi*on" i iLadies' New Coats Arrive f I n Time for Easter AUl the Most Becoming Styles for Women, Misses and Juniors DeVeloped with Character, SUIl and Good Workmanship. Coats in strictly tailored models, fine tweeds, checks, poiret twill and tricotine for sport and street wear--dressy coats in the more elaborate styles in the junior Miss, Misses and Ladies' sizes. Also exceptional display of new Dresses, Dress Materials, Curtains and Draperies in great Varhety. Few Linen Table Cloths left at wholesale prices. MEN'S EASTER APPAREL DISPLAYED Well dressed men will view with approVal the new S p*ringTop Coats and accessories displayed in This Store For Mèen'.nHere men may select with assurance that quality, value, style and price will meet their highest expectations. Shop now to assure a place in the Easter Fashion Parade. SUITS Numerous shades and patteras in Englisb and Scotch Glea Umq- uhart Plaid Suite. Single breasted two-button models witii aoft moll- ing lapel, lined turougiiott with aut silk, vent and twe pairs of trousers At $15.00 up GLOVES Tsur Enter eutfit is net com- ihto without a pair of Chamois (loves in either plain or hand- sewa, in the natural color. One dome fastener. P. K. or outaewn »&ae. Wasbable. Sizes 7 te 9 %, Price $3.50 HOSIERY Men's Nevelty Socks cf fine silk and wool in smnart snappy tripe and chieck effeets. Color--Grey antd White, Grey and Blue, Heath- or and Blue, Blue and Fawn. Sizes 10 te 11%, Prie 65c Up NECKWEAR Exclusive importations together with leadingz Canadian styles, en- able us te offer on. of the. lamgest and most compréheasive selections obtainable. Priced froin 78Cta $1.50 TOP COATS Men's Tweed Top Coats for ear- ly Sping wear. In serviceable ehades cf Fawn or 'Blue Grey effeets with overcheck pattera, Single breasted slip-on modela, quarter lined with atilka. Sizea 35 te 44. Priced at $1650 Up SHIRTS These very pepular starched cllar-attached Sirts are bore ia the aew blue toes and stripe de- Long peli> collar attaci- :rïa shrt. Sizes 13 % te 16. At $1.95 Up HATS Your hat muet match y aur cent or suit to bs correct. Those fine quality Oxford feit bats in thse easo'a emarteet colore and pu lai- styles are home. Bound Dri, snap brm and welt edges. Sizes 6 % te 7 Sa, At $2.86 to $6.00 jr. wil b. Sung in St. John's Church 8 WM AN VILLE on Thuraday, April 5th at 8 P. M. by the maie choir of Holy Trinity Chnrch, Toronto Ortanist-NMw. Geofrey Hoit, M.A., Mus. Bac. Soloista-Basa, Mr. Emile Schiff; Tenor, Mr. George Cole&. Silver Collection Royal Th<'atre Presenting The Finest lu Photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, April 6-7 Special Holiday Attraction King Vidor presents "The Crowd" Featuring James Murray" and ..Eleanor Boardman" It took a year to make ths big atrction by King Vider the. mian who made The Big Parade, a fascinating cross-section of hf e the sweeping power, biending oï laughter and tears surging rom- ance that moved the world in The. Bik Parade are in "The Crowd" Special Holiday Matin.. Good Friday at 3 p. m. Roguiar Prograin. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. Chapter 2 of "Figltinr With Buffalo Bill" and regular prograin Monday-Tuesday, April 9.10 "Joan Crawford", "James Mur- ray" and "House Peters" In "ROSE MARIE" This romance of the Canadian wilds packed Broadway bouses as a musical comedy for two years. In it's screen form, it has been hailed as the greatest 'motion picture ever made the ice flood alone will make this an unforget- able drama. "Rose Marie" thie in- comparable motion pîcture wili make an evening of entertain- ment that will neyer be forgotten. Matinee Monday 2.30 p. m. Usual Prices. Wednesday-Thuraday, April 11-12 "Vers, Reynolds" In "Alniost Human" Drama-Romance--Suspense --Comedy. These elements are happily combined in tuis absorb- ing picture story of a rich young man and a waif hie loved, a acreen treat that will held yeu until the. final fadeout. Three wonder- fui dogs are featured in this won- derful presentatien. Coming Attractions April 13-14 Ralph Forbes-Marcelifle Day and Flash The Canine Marvel In "Under The. Black EagIe" April 16-17 "George O'Brien" In "Sharp Shooter&" April 18.19 "«Rod LaBocque" In "Stand and Deier" April 20421 'Marion Davies" Ia "The Patay" Plesae Ne-StrifiThe 8 o'lok Stu?àd7ury"au oliays, eontncos It 11P. IL WHAT COUNCIL DID Gave new Chief of Police Sydi Venten an official welcome. Received petitions for permiss to mastai gas tanks front John Hat and B. Furber. C. A. Bartlett nllowed toe e canopy in front of hîs service8 tien. Two more trees te corne down Silver Street. F. C. Pethick complained of1 ai'ossinr and water running off tr on bis property. Resîdents of Iligh Street car attention te impassable condition their street. Passed accounts for $1149.13. Scdugog Street and Manvers R( oreedrepaired. Report of Duke Street sewer cost $7200 was laid on table. Write Dept. of Highways re w er on Vanstone's bridge spiashîng pedestrians from passing cars. To put water main and sewer Wellington St. from Ontario to1 erty. Adopted Auditor's Report w' Finance Chairman claimed was of best reports they ever had. Passed by-]aws: extendîng time sale of lands for taxes; levy stat labor tax; appointed Chief Veni te enforce gevernment control lici act; te regulate traffie. Gave Chief Richard Jarvisn months' salary as a retiring alI anc.. Town Engineer was asked te br in report for cost of installing wal works to Cream of Barley Camp. Approved of permanent r building programi to pave th streets this year with concrete ai timated cost of $68,000: Welling and Church Streets froim Scugog Liberty; Silver Street; Tempera fromn King to Queen Scugog Ir King to C. P. R. tracLt; Queen fr Temperance to King. Petiti from residents of Wellingtonà Churcb have been approved; ot streets will be paved under sect 9 of Municipal Act. Twelve markers will be purcha for use at Cemetery. 500 copies of new Traffic By-: were ordered printed. COUNCIL IN SPENDING MOOE Favor Expenditixre $68,000 for P ed Road-To Extend Waterwo *and Sewer on Elgin St. and Il St.-Vote Chief Jarvis 9 mont Salary on Retirement. The council roomt on Monday ni was no place for ratepayers to l er around with weak bearts in se& of tax reductions. It was ar orgy of tbrowing wide open the f( gates of municipal expenditures wicb every man in the charn circle expressed bis approval. BRut before you condemn th civic representatives remember W a succesaful financier once saidf you have te spend money to ni money. Then anether student economica said you can't have ci improvemeuts witbout paying theni. So wbat's a council to do we down trodden taxpayers withe wide open insist on raîsing their rate by geinz deeper into the1 when tbey petition council for pa monts, waterworks, sewers, and1 modern improvements which mi if e really worth living? 0f course, if you stili want to back in the "good old days"v mud up to the ankies instead smooth paved streets bordered ' nice boulevards; take your wei bath Saturday night in the kite tub, as compared witb a dip or sbo any old niçht you feel like iti real porcelain bath tub; or patro ing outdoor buildings ini the gaz when with waterworks and seN you have sanitary conveniencesr in your home-then put this al te unadulterated extravagi Summing it up: Wbat one manc extravagance another considers modemn necessity. Another thing, if requests for tanks on the. streets continue cei n Millienaires' Row on King Iwill be converted into a Gasc Alley. Permitting shade trees te ha down is aise becomîng a publiec mity. le it any wonder people already advocating reforesting streets and demanding tree pl ing campaigns? We have thought for a longt (Continued on lait page) ST. PAUL'S CHOIR -BANQUE Lait Friday evening the Worr Association of St. Paul's Churc' tertained tii. members of the C at a complimentary banque' recognition of the excellent. sei wbich the choir has been givini unselfisbly and whicb is se mue' precinted by ail who attend c-hurcb services. The tables Couch,Jç?ihston &Cryderman, Howmanville Phone 104 Limitea LEGACY 0F $10,000 TO HOSPITAL TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ney Generous Bequest Froni Lat. Thomnas Honour Roll For March Montagne, Newcastle, to Bowman- Room 1-Entrance Class--Marion sien ianville Hospital. Siemon, Charles Cawker, Phyllis tely1 Challis, Elford Cox, Douglas Martin, Neyer since the South Park pro- Donald Williams Elsie Carruthers, ýreet perty was pucb 1e fifteen yeams Alan Williams, hhin Blunt, Violet sta- ago fromth e Beith Estate by Mr. MeFeeters, Dorothy Semerscales, J. W. Alexander, President ef the Maurice ffBooth, Edward Richards, 1on Dominion Organ & Piano Ce. Lim- Madeline Veale. îted, and presented by him te the. . H. Johnston, teacher. îew mn nicipality for hospital purposes R m2--Jr. 4th-Leonard Wil- retmunificent gift as that which the. Bessie Gives, Winton Bkgnell, Mary 'town will eceive by the will of the Towns, Jasper Smith, Hilda Sxmxsiclr. ledj late Thomas Montagne of Newcast- Francis Niekerson, Archie Wood. 2 of le. Cecil Bruaton, teacher. The unexpected yet welcome news Roon 3-Jr. 4th-Frances Clarke, of tuis generous gift was verîfied on Madeline Jones, Harold Colmer, Rutk oad Friday mest in a letter fromt the Tor- Purdy, Dorotby Edger, Sidney Dii- tonto General Trusts Corporation lick, Ned Rehder, Jack Roach, Liha r owhich stated tint Bowmanville Gen- Brown, Muriel Taylor. waeral Hospital will receive $10,000 Miss Minai. M. Jeuniaga, teacher. ra-and one-third of the residue of the Room 4-8r. 3rd-Vera Lonaberry, 9oui estate which is estimated at about Chester Jury, :Byron Vanstene, Joyce $5,000. -Aider, Robert Hayes, Lorraine Pick- r on The paragrapb referming to Bew- ard, Ernest Perfect, Dora Wood, Lib manville reads: Betty Tamblyn, Jean Brough. -Tstaside the sum of Ten thousand Miss Helen G. Morris, teacher. ,hih olao,,and to hold saine and interest Rom 5-Jr. 3rd-Grace Rnundle, onc tihe.reon. iflany, for the purpeses of the To>mmy Dustan, Selma Bartlett, Bowrnanville General Hospital, and to Ralpb Ames and Fred Wood, qu1 t f he said Hospital in such arnounits and at Helen Pritchard, Mary Mutton, N eh- itute such fîmes as the Board of Trustees or lie Mutton and Ernest Barnes, equai, ntoni the Board of Mangement of the said M quor I Hospital shall b> resolution froin timei Mrray Mitchell. t iedirect.A copy of such resolu- Miss Greta M. Wickett, teacher. tien from time te turne 80 pass3et,. certi-l, oom 6--Sr. 3rd-Jean Morris, nine fied by the proper Officiai or Officiais e tow- sa0id Board ef Trustees or acanage- IHelen Masen, Aileen Gibbs, Gertrude Io mnshall lie suificient authority to my Hooper, Alex. Colvihle. Trustees te make such payment or pay Sr. 2nd-Audrey Elliott, Bert ring 1 ment, and the recept of such Oflicial or Dean, Violet Osborne, Marion Jew- ter- discharge te my Trustees whe are net ehl, Muriel Theme. L further called upen teosee te the appli- Miss Marjorie M. Robins, teacher. road cation thereof'.. Room 7-Sr. 3rd-Russell Hayes, ;hese eThe xvili aise prevides for the residujeenHtlMlo eHbr fteestate te lie divitied Inb o he ienHtlMtoY ubr t e- 1parts. one et which Is te lie paid te your Heoper, Billie Dunlop, Jack Curran. gton Hospital for the objecte and purpeses of Jr. 3rd-Ada Clark, Herbert Yeo, g te i aid Hespital. Margaret Sellers, John Morrison. ane W are infermed on reliable Miss Leta L Bragg, teacher Fotauehrîty that the provisions cf the Room 8--Sr. 2nd-Bert Johnston, rom9 will dispose of Mm. Mentague's es- Dorothy Richards, Ian Bell, Harvey ions tnt. as follows: King, Marjorie Holbrock, Fred Nea, and $10,000.00 te Newcastle Council, Joe Chiids, Donald Sanders and AI- ther as an endowment fer maintenance ton Richards and Dean Biekeli, equal. tien of Community Hall; $5,000.00 te Miss Edna E. Jewell, teacher. Newcastle High Scbool fer twe an- Boom 9--Jr. 2nd (B)--Joey Cav- ased1 nual scholarships, one te maie stu- erly, Harold Bennett, Jack Dunit, dent, on. te, female student; Donald Mitchell, Alfred Perfect, Ruth Law $4,000.00 te St. George's Chumch, Logan, Helen Foster. Newcastle; $2,000.00 te St. George's Jr. 2nd (A)-Marien Scott Betty Cemetery, Newcnstle; $ 10,000.00 te Pingle, Erie Swindells, dordthy Bowrnanville Hospital; $10,0 00.00 to Knox, Dorotby Jones, Marion Hammn, DToronto General Hospital; House, iClaire Wakehin. land, car and money bequests te I Miss Florenece E. Moore, teacher. Pav Mrs. (Rev.) Scett Howard and child- 1 oom 10-Jr. 2nd-.Ruth Ives, orks .ren, Newcastle; Residue, of apprex- Dorothy Bradt. uke imnteîy $15,000.00, te bc divided Sr. lst-William Weekes, Melville th"' equally between Newcastle Council, Burns, George Burns and Lillian Bowmanville Hospital and Toi-ente Naylor and Norman Baldwin, equal, lt 1 General Hospital John Taylor. lt The bequest te Bowmanville Hos- Jr. lit-Donald Carneroru, Omery îrch pital is of course greatly appreciated Mitell, Mary McAllister, Ruth Cry- real oporun time when the Board ig Miss Vinia. H. Baimiesteaeler. 'a i abote wind up the campnign te Boom 11--Sm. Primer-Rtie Drew, med wp off the. debt on the Nurses' New -Murray Tabb, Philip Latimer, Eddie Residence. Like mest hospitals this Biglow, Lionel Parker, Billh Brown, pepular local institution bas been LeRoy Short, Helen Williams, Edna tese handicapped fer capital te enake Sheeban, Terry Dustan. wint needed repairs, improvements and MiesnoBqlle Montgomaery, teaciier. that additions. Se tint receiving this Reom 12-Jr. lst--Charlie Chur- inke money will greatly facilitate tue chilI, Leslie 'Phillipe, Theodore Lan- c f hespital in its financing. broc. Asvc many of our rendors, outside Sr Primer-Marion Martin, Mary frof Newcastle, knew very little, if Irin, Eileen MeMulhen and Domothy v nanything, about the Inte Mr. Mont- Harnden, equal, George Me-Feeters. ~hn ague we would direct yeur attention1 Jr. Pr.-Maud Woelner, Charles eyes te a very interesting and informative Camtwight, Billie Tenihinson. tax biography of Mm. Montague in ast Miss Bertha M. Sargent, teacher bols week's Statesman written by our Souths Ward )ave- vesa-tile Newcastle cemrespondent. R<»> -m.2di na Ttie like I oi -r u-Fn ie inke lAnnie Kilgannon, Tiielma Làttie TRLNITY YOUNG PEOPLE Greta Baby, Lloyd Trimble. live Sr. lat-Florence Shotiter, Leons- with Vancouver will soon bie deluged ard Somersesies, Edith Rewe, Tielma ofI with a large number of Triait v Harris, Ross Rîce. witb Young People as the cars of each Jr. let-fla Sutton, Kathleen ekly group are now getting vemy close. Bitant, Leon Connors, Cliarhie Rice.. :chen' Felhowship Department, (Car No. 1) Neil S. Stewart, teacher. cwer. witb one program mors than theý Room 2-Jr. lot-Patricia Wilson un a others developed eaough speed on and Dorothy Niekerson, equal, Lewis eniz- Monday night te carry it right into Wiseman, Bobbie Woodward, Velma îrden the city but was held at the. barrierI Woodward, Veda Purdy. wers 4nd its mileage ecorded.[ Primer A-Joyce Large, RaipIs right Tii. pregrani was in keeping with Cole, JaJc Colville, Madeline Curver. ,entue atruosphere of Holy W.. and P-ne -ois WloOm ance. was quit. up te tth. high standard of autn, Rice Lttle, Lena Brooks, enli progrant set by alhiei.depatments Ja ie 's a during this race. Amen g those tak- Miss F. M. Galbraith. teacher. ing part were: Miss Nellie Kîrkton, Penny Bank deposits $220.96; No. r gas in chprge, and Mesdames A. Colvihle deposits 548; Highest rom, Miss ýmîng and E. Cox, and Misses ýÉ. Haines, Moore-$29.43; ;Percentage of pu- rSt. Greta Oke, E. Miekle, S. Behrnar, pis depositing-28. 5oia G. Pollard, Maiion Allia ,H. Curtis, D.Jamieson, G. Jamieson, M. Arm- ICWE NTLSMDR tr nnd V. Bunner. ICWE NTLSMDR eu,-Thsr~e members wers aIl asked te REFRIGERATION PLANT L, are brin g in suggestions in writing as te -u bow th raiatien mgit function n the 75 yenrs the Cawker faunily bave tubrgnzin tebutcher bsns nBow- lant- better in being of some use te the maeznvi le there was utever a more adi churcb and to ths community. These -ance step or radical change madie In the. suggestions will b. considemed by thie01101) for the benefit ef their cuatornors that completeti this week. t xctie 'i, modern refrigerater tOxlml'.ft. and also ta o cold storage sanitary display Rev. C. R. Carecallen, M. A., coIunt.ezjs e oew rpleglass anà D. D., recently re'turned from China, els. mianufactured b y Eurka Refriger ET bas been appointed Princip ai of On- ator Ce. of Owen Sound, are the. now tarie Ladies' College Whitby, suc- nd attractive equipinent which meets the, xsen's ceedinir Rev. F. L. Farewell, deceas- stre.a h u:nr tp noti j5 e-ed. The real lieart of the lant ia the e~i______________________.~~.Autonîatic Brunsw4ck Refrlm'rton or Choirceolîng sestern suppleti by J.L. Wilson ýt In SPECIAL EASTER DINNERS & Sons efrigerating Engineers. Toronto. t-vice M_____r. Harry Brackett has been bore for the e at ton tisys instahhing the .ystemt ig 5 Balmoral Hotel Offers Attractive -hioh le ver>' complets and fted proof, ap- Meu or unayandModa as Brckttexplaineti. Wthts he- Mn o udyadMna equent It lapossible te koeep the teeolosoti countora anti hugo retrigorator a t weeHpw in the world A. J. Wadhams a unif(àrm temperature et 35 doge, or de- f h .lm - otlca.sre.1-e1rt-praur esro. Pr- -1

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