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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 2

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PAGE WO E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS 1 WHAT ADVERTISING DOES- BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE We are encouraged from many1 Creates good will-better quality. FAUE GIUTR Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto sources to continue our weekly talks1 epsl mrhni-gan PcaeGuneyHdadFok University. Graduate of the Royal on this page. On the arrivai of teesssae mechnis-gaan P h rsie SHed ain College of Dental Surgeons of On- The Statesmnan in one farm home in IBigPeetd nMne hc tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. a western county we are told that Creates qualityin demand andc Office phone 40. House phone 22. the father of the family turns ta the quality reputation. IApast h os X-Ray Equipment in Office. editor's page first thing ta read The Editor's Talk. In a letter from a Creates public confidence in your A new dairy herd of twenty pure- DR. J. C. DEVITT western city reader las t. week the goods and confidence-in the manu- bred, fully accredited Guernsey cows Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson writer expressed appreciation of the facturer of it. have been purchased and placed at educational value of these talks and the Boys' Training School, Bownian- Graduate of Royal Dental College, surprise on the variety of subjects Establishes and standardizes ville. Cattle of this increasingiy Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- discussed; another writer said 'I ai- manufacturing, trade and consumer popular breed have as their native manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 ways read The Editor Talks with practice. home the islands of Guernsey and p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone rnuch interest and profit". So we Hlsslepouto rbes Alderney ,of the Channel Island 90. House phone 283. are continuinq: our weekly Talks for i Hlsslepouto rbe Group, ini the English Channel. X-Ray Equipment in Office the present at least. Helps solve buying problenis. i There are very f ew Guernsey herds A number of letters on business 1in thjs part of the province and for DR. R. E. DINNIWELL matters continue to corne addressed Has inspirationai effect on your this reason the bringing in of these Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- to the senior editor that should have sales staff cows is creating considerable interest vf etaldmmro Royal College been addressed to M. A. Jaines & opscmeiint etyu in the community. It takes quite a oDetlSren. Licensed to Sons, The Statesman Office, Bow- Cmescmeiint etyu quantity of inilk to supply the needs practise in Ontario and the Domin- manville, Ont. The senior editor standards of business and serve you of the School Dining Hall, and mnas- in etsrinalisbace.retired from active business on. much as the greater part of it is Office-King St., Bowmanville,op Decemnber 31, 1918-over nine years CORN BORER DECREASING ing-asroo i s toughth atys'hen posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. ago and very seldoin visits the office. _________asthuhttht h Only personal correspondence in- Nwiptsasbe vnth Guernsey breed would be quite suit- -tended for hlm should be addressed con eimpeu has beeyie the c able for this purpose. to him at Lorne Villa. conbrrda pwr ytefc1 One of the aims of the Agricult- LEGAL * *that the 1927 campaign was able ta Vegetarians 'vill bie encouraged to reduce hie borer damage by 50% in ural Department of the School is to M. G. V. GOULO, B. A., LL. D. nwfo neuae a h a the great corn county of Essex, interest boys in the care of farm - nwfo hedctd a h a animais. It 'vas felt that a breed Barrister, Solicitor, Notary speak with authority on food vaues hre farmers had almost given.up' vaishope of producing this crop . I ow of cows different from the general Money to boan on Farm anid Town that the potato is the most valuable te eLz htb rprmto. u ntedsrc ol siti Property. Royal Bank Building, of al known *oos as, a source of tc eaie ha y r nr ehns r nes dtrit. Teousldoaiti BowTanville. Phone 351. alkaline saîts in combination with 1 corn su bble n uram Coun caily ail the milking and caring for citric and malic acids, the acids of 1Alcr tbl nDra on w. . SRIE te lmo an th aple Thsety mnust be plowed and careful culti- the stables. They also take special W. R STIKE he ema andtheappl. Tesevation followed in order to avoid pride in showving visitors any line of Sucesss e bt. . . Sinpom , LC. lts areimp otntimionte bîo stub ble being b rought to the surface stock about the farm that is different Sucesr o ae . .Sipsn, -the alklnecasto f h l in this case picking and burning from that generally kept in the coin- Berriater, Solicitor, Notary and in counteracting the acidity en- isnecessary. Farmers should getI munity. SolcI~orforBan o Motral endre bymea i dit.full information as to, most eff ective In order to increase the boys' in- Monoy to Loan Phoixe 91 A diet consistinLr iargely of pota-'methods to eradicate hie corn borer terest in live stock, plans have been1 Bowmanville, Ontario toes, combined with graham bread, froni D. J. Gibson, R. R. 4, Bow- made ta create a centre at the schooI butter beans, peas and inilk with manville, the, local inspector, and do uhere pure bred, breedng stock of W. F. WARD, B. A. saime eggs, will go far towards check- everythingý in their power to hold in, sheep and swine will be raised and ing the increase in chronic diseases check this new enemy of our modernsupplied to the farms of the other Barrister, Solicitor, Notary such as constipation, rheuniatisni agriculture. UJnited effort will institution, 'vithin the province. A Money tao ban. Bonds for suie. Brights' disease, hardening of the brin g success. j tart has been made in this direction Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., arteries, diabetes, biliousness. apop- I _____in lhe purchase of six high class Shrop- Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: lexy and anemia. 1Ishire breeding ewes. These have pIon- Office 102. House 409. A BEARING THE CROSS" (?) î ty of type and quality and sbould No doubt whatever but that the_____ make good foundation stock foir this _______________________ --decreased consumption of potatoesi The followinz comment from The purpose. FUNERAL DIRECTORS is due largely to modern dietingiLiterary Digest will be of particular What is being donc with live stocki fads, based on a misconception of interest to church workers who have it is hoped may eventually be donc F. F. MORRIS CO. the real xorth of the humble spud. had anythinor to do with canvassing i \vith f arm crop:.. The various types Comlet Mo.o~ ~ These atrtveacsre uld members or adherents to give regu of soul on the farta niake it possible orslee MEquimenr frorn an address by Dr. J. H. Kellgg larly to the upkeep of the church orlto grow a variety of crops and pro-1 calsprmtySuperintendent of the Battle Creek toward missionary anI other connex-i duce high quality seed. Part of the Ali cls rmto. Sanitarium, Michigan: ional fonds of the church. I o' farm i 5 ideally -uited for growving attended o Potatoes possess higher nutritive (10 a bit of harmi, cither, for people potatoes. A cýar load of Irish Cob- Private Ambulance I'values than is generally supposed. Po-i who have never f elt the urge to give j blets 'vas sippeî f roni the schoo! Bowmanville phone tatoes consist of over 18 per cent to church work to rend this article: I farni last fali. and they 'vere good, 10 and 34 of the most easily digestible forms i sound, dlean stock, suitable for seed. Branch Store- of starch. This starch is more easily "Ton cents a week, or the price of Other part, ftefm r qal Orono & Newcastle assimnilated than that in cereals a£da udi5cnough for the Lord in the well suited for growing grain crops ______________________ __has been found useful in diabetesi opini on of some of the families in a and the prodluction of registered treatment. 'Baked potato puip haschurch in Montclair, New Jersey. seed. ALAN M. WILLIAMS been found especially adapted ta in- There are other famnilies who attend At somne future date it is hoped Embalmer and Funeral Director. fants and invalids. The potato has -he chur-ch, and think it can get along that a Seed Cleaning Fiant may bo Cals gvenproptand personal at- balanced elements. it is therefore, w i1thoiut any financial belp from theni installed at the school. Such a Cals ivn ropta balanced food. at ail. The chumch budget is $35,- tention. No extra charge for dis- 000. Thplr 48fmllsad ant would proi'ide useful employ- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- Potatoes are an aid to the diges- 145 fanîliies contribute nothing, îeav- im ent for th e ysenda the same- ~iîle, Ont. 3-tf. tion of other foods if well cooked ing the total burden to the others. iamr oldb bet and weli chewed. Thorough masti- Il is equaliy înteresting to learn that urngit Famnerainoud bhabveit MEICLcation is important as the starch is there are 431 automobiles in the 408 iengin theirsnomgin andchaepit EDCLdigested by the action of the saliva families, or more than one automobile c leane heat a ntinal chare mpe C. W. SLEMON, M. D.. C. M. of hie nouth and not by the gastric oec lf-supportinz by thîs method and juices of the stomach, Weil masti- Graduate of Trinity Medical College, cated potatoes cannot cause fermen-ý Her< are sonie other intemestiog would enable the boys to be trained Tornto foniely f Enisilln. atin.items. which may have a familiar to go out and take jobs in the var- Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's The potato, milk and oatmeal diet.iring to the real womkems i n some î Sse laîg lnstruhu former residence on Church Street, diet of the Irish has developed one other churches: "40 familles pledge ithe province. A demand already Bowznanviile. Phone 259. 44-t. of the most sturdy races to be found .e'yarls ha h'cs f o f wxst or tandhepi hi il anywhere, as witniess the large pro- tire. 119 more famille5 pledge per o ok J. CLARK BELL prino centenarians 'n vlnd ear less than the cost of two tires.1 The Superintendent of the Schoo!,ý M.D., Ch.B.portion of (10nreand. H.fanîilies pledge per week just the Dr. G. E. Reaman, believes in carry- M.D, h.B, .R..S, (di), .PH. "If the consumption of potatoes Co't of two packages of 'life--savelis'. Ing o projects with the boys that (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) in this country could be quadrupl- 7 'more familles are happy to con-1deflnitely %vork toward fitting them Haons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- ed", says Dr. Kellogg, "the resuit trîbute per week the cost of onefor the jobs they -will assume after deen University; Fellow of the Royal would undoubtedly be the sav ing of soda. 28 more familles estimiate the leaig hs h ok otie College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. many thousands of lives arnnual ly" churc'h's blessings per week equal to above witli Live Stock and Field Ofic ad*ei*neQIe S.,1ne admission to a Montclair movie Crops first of aIl challenges the boy's Offcean Rsienc, uen t~ The editor knew an Irish family (iesa in th"acoy. 46itrcta< then, in carrying out Bomavil, hoe 9 one section where hie was teachînq more famiilles prize their religion in the pojeot. provides a splendid DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS school in his youth, the father 01 ternis per week less than haîf a train ing for his future life on the Physicians and Surgeons which was able to find work oniy lpound of candy. 22 more families farn. Work of this kind niakes a part time, -consequently bis large are content with a weekly gift of the direct appeal and boys get to see Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 ta 8.30. faniily of boys and girls grew up on cost of 212 gallons of gas. How famming front a new angle and real- Telephone 108 la daily diet chiefly of bread and far 'vilI the car go on that? 51 ize there is more to it than .iust hard Office. Wellington Street potatoes and the children looked more familles count it a joy to sub- work. It attracts them because it Bowmanvijle, Ontario. thrifty and well-nourished and aIl scribe per week a sum equal to what offers a variety of endeavor that calls were bright scholars. They grew niany men spend for smoking in one forth their best abilities and when up to be successful men and women, day. 49 more familles are satisfied they sec it froin this angle more will quite as good as the average young- îith a weekly pledge of the amount choose Agriculture than any other VETERINARY sters in that section. .lewol spent for one luncheon at a moderato vocational training offered at the DR. F. «'*. TIGHE We fancy Mm. J. L. Morden of the priced Aêostaurant. Why go fur- School.I Da rCaledonia Mill in Bowmanviewol ther" Oh yes. 145 more familles Mm. E. P. Bradt, B. S. A., well- VETERINARY SURGEON. Dyo reconinend the addition of his fani- have pledged nothing. Their chumch known among agriculturists, is Agri- Night calîs promptly attended to. ous Creani of Barley to the famiîy's membership beinL, totally carried, cultural Dicector for the School and Office: King St. East, Bownianville. ration in case any of our readers their church dues entirely paid by ls respon.sible for the great interest Phone 243. should decide to adopt the bread and others". evinced in this department. E. G KESLAK, V S.,B. . 3 potato menu, for it is cimed that E. . KRSLKEV. ., . V cS- the finest men and horses in the world Orono have been raised on oats and barloy. wre ogtoto or vr Honor Graduate of University of Zt h y**. Do not t.lpoefrgoe- Toronto. Al cases given prompt, . Atte present peiod in this Dtnm- ieveehn frgoe- and careful attention. Offie toton t is probable that ptte r e or meat-walk to the shop and the cheapest food on th e market. make your own selection and you will Dr. McEîroy's former office. Fhanes: Why is it nîany people have quit eat- be better pleased with your pur- Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. Iig hn? Wewr eym ch chses if perso nally selected-be- j surprised when told the othor day cause every houseworker needs the t~f that people are eating less potatoes pure, fresh air, the invigorating sun- - AUCTIONEERS 1 ow than formerly and this at a time shine. the out of door exercise and 1 . Auton SeerI1 when they are still very cheap. atdcheangeeode ealthivnorexinsrne,' THE M.SLEONAn economist says that at prea no matter how active does not give' Fari and H ouseSaes r Seia ent prices it cao be saon c alculgg, pg e Il_ Fari ndHoseSaesa peiaty. froni reliable - feeding standards, exercise. Home oe nt do not îi iI~ Teris nioderate. a.noîskillen r.-O. 1 that a pouud of potatoes costing oné,seh e art to LUpouUttitg andthueO Phone 197r3. 1-tf. i and a haîf cents is equal i0 food 'sweat glands to acting. value tii ten cents wortb of beef orj Good, smart out-of-door akn milk or twenty cents worth of eggs w ili do far more for you than the CHIROPRACTIC AND DRU(,LESSIjor milk, or twenty cents worth of :ýame tume suent on your foot ib THEROPY c ggs or four cents worth of bread or your own home. The *in%,igor-atingl DURWIN E. STECKLEY ride. of the out-of-door air stîi- honr gadateof orntoCole fBWha l ana but that Cream o lates the skin, cflis the blood to the of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- f aly, bread and applesauce and s urfa ce andi sets the heart to thump- 'nanville Office Tuesday, Tharzdayj the wholesome potatoes may not be- ing. Ànd Saturday evenings, phone 141J. come the popular fanîily menu? In Don't tire y<useif out lîy too long case they do, we fear the doctors a. ak, hbut a reasonable amount Residential calîs made during fore- ivill ftnd their annuai incomes large- every day 'vilI do won(lers for the non.I v reduced. housexvife. The change of environ- I - nent andl the interchange of ideas The icyce-2th cntuy flingwith the neighbors you meet on your machine-we have ead in a medical lîl uin v1 ep i la h 'va orknwreiossurman necbe- from the brain. This ad- _ k owregn spr e a ocevice applies to ail itdoor %orkers. SAlways have the magic 0 WRIGLEY package ini r» your pocket. gl Soothes nerves, allays ra of transportation, an exhilarating means of exorcise, an encourager of outuloor life and a dress-refommer for women of the best and most radical kind. Indeed, the bicycle stands pre-eminent as one of the greatest of modern blessings for both sexes. From a city or tow'n viewpoint, a weary girl leaves the crovded, over- heated, ili ventilated shop, mouints ber bicycle and rapidly flics homne- ward. in the exhilaration of activity,ý friP<lom and mastemy sherink i deep uraughts of pure, fresh air, e- vîta.iziog sncb revivifyIng hem timed body anîd bhi the tme she rides a mile or more to bei' home hem blood bas3 gone froni its congested centre in ber tired brain and is buildin muscle in her legs and circulating1 rapiilly tbrough the lo)wer portion of the body, the headache is gone and the rider is ready for a good meal. Physicians agree that daily judi- cious cycling-gliding along at a moderate pace on a smooth moad-is an exhilarting exorcise. Royal S. Copeland, former com- missioner of Heaith in New York City, su gests walkinz for women who do %ousework or other indoor work for promotion and preservation of heaith. He advifes every such1 RIB-ROLL/, House roofs -Lasting,Înexpnsîve RoOF your houseorcottaire look et ... increuseu Value of Froperty. . u*in. .c lects Clean aiW.transe leaks - . ideal for houss barne sheds. warehouses: achoelc hurches. publie buildings. Cuveaizeo f rof for free Write PRESTON, ONT. Successor to Mitai hin&& SIdlng Co. lIt seerns lardý..y fail- Fathei id A ' suý-cd ta look foi,. id lc ' iy, but not al\va lt, . ,:. et. tint wvlî'n i. an,!I gill 4 a'vay l'a ...,inl a d.ntc:ty. It sý often nicatit a b'in iithe' halit of home i !fc-a icore trial. Tlianks to Long Distance-. the by anmi gîls at school or rieecao still ho kept Nvithiîî the family circle. But don't oxpect them ta pay for Lonig Distance calls out of tlr .,ider afllouvances. That seins hardly fair. The demands upon their none too fat purses are too frequent and too insistent. Fix a day and heour when you will caîl theni, and youfl find therni ager to, talk with you and welcoming the voico that cao best cheer theni on their îvay. "elvm Boal Tolophom e a Long Diatance Station.»"0 JJI]ErnEBROETHERS &/nnounce A DASHING COMPANION T0 THE BRILLIANT VICTOKY AND SENIOR SUCES4'-1"' the STAN DARD OL3T-PERFORMS ANY CAR IN MT PRICE CLASS ANI) MANY CARS PRICED HIGHER On display throughyout Canada April i4th COUPE.... .. ... 4-DOOR SEDAN CABRIOLET. DELUXE SEDAN Deliv ered S"pa;rt ire inclî.'ded .$1255 $1350 The Vici'ory Six $1475 to $1595 The Senior Six $2255 to $2485 De/et -ered Spare lire eîîduded W. J. CHALLIS Authorized Dealer Sales and Service at Hately's Garage, Bowmanville Phone 44 or 290 CANNED FRUIT Dominion Stores GRAPE FRUIT, ..' ..'*o27c dIWHE, PEACHES '- ,-i ,- ,19c Hot + 25~ C MUFF Delmonte A PRICOTS -r. 23c .~~doz. CMR T SS8i A1 r«jc'Bn s i 1do zen carton$s .-W4 PEAS,,~.Ti,, . 25c Bsked in Our Own Modern Bakerie. Domi RASPBERRIES TIW 29c POST Delmo>nte TASTYWhite Loat qc PUFF Sli,cd PINEAPPLE'l~,-,-2c TRIS FRUITS for SALAD " 29c Bread Fruit Loaf 14cea.S '- j~ Toddy MLaren' Kraft Lb Malt Drink Peanut Cheese Pe oyrup 1-lb. Tin Butt r b. -- Mus LreSPECIAL Bttr 5., . 0« 37 Botl 5 el'-qc k N. 1 Pil,..dpi -2 e 9j'oe n $O 1-79 490 al2* ..,n2C .s 3--nd-Ows u. k-, Cake Flour 38c k, I1Laster ccresrn "eEGGS 2 for 9Ce IIIui:~i>- CadyEaster Prp:,nd JeIIy Beans l9C,,b IlIlV>Fýrvn&4\ CndAssorted Chocolates 29e lb. six PAGE TWO

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