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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 4

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?AGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL Sth., 1928 Easter SpecialsI Cherry Eggs, Rabbits, Roosters and Many Chocolate Novelties to Make the Children Happy. Kodaks &]1 Get aM jims With 25e pIj Moth Bag Free &g Red Cedar Flakes foi the Holiday New Stronglase Thermos $1.50 Genuine Thermos $1.00 Vacuum Bottles and Kit $1.29 Toilets For The Eastern Season Compacts, Rouge, Face Powd- ers, Perfumes, Talcs, Lotions, and a large assortisent of Aide to Beauty. - 8-H -our Service Developin-g eand Prining JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes t Is Done Properly- L* HOT + IBUNS FOR GOOD FRIDAY We always have a big dernand for our Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday so order early. Our delivery wagons will make delivery Thursday, or corne direct to store for your supply. EASTER EGGS, BUNNIES, CHICKS Are now on display. Make your purchases early and get best choice. ORDER EASTER LILIES EARLY We will have a limited supply of beautiful Easter Lilies for sale. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Willard's Ice Crearn for Sale. Eat Corbett's Wholesome Bread W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville "Power and sed asthil g as its rich Ï; T HOSE long, racy fintes and smart, new colorings of the New Series Pontiac Six give promise of unusual performance. The New Pontiac improved six-cylinder engmne with its GMR cylinder head anxply fulfils that promise. Ail the power you need . . . more speed than you care to use . . . and a deep, luxurious comfort at ail speeds, over ail roads (thanks ta Pontiacs Lovejay Sbock Absorbera) . . . A these came ta you in the New Series Pontiac Six. For i tiis amazing car Performance has met with Beauty; Strength with Comfort and Luxury with Low Price! P-2228-C .4sk your Dealer about the G.M.4.C. Deferred Payment Plan which makes buying easy LOVEJOy S13OCK ABSORBEE NEW FISHER BODI'ES NEW GMR CYLINDER HEAD NEW FUEL PUN? NEW CRANICCASE VENTILATION NEW CARBULR ETOR FOUR.- WHEEL DRAKE IEW CROSS. FLOW RADIATOI NEW THERMOSTAT NEW INSTRUMENT PANEL NEW COINCI. DENTAL [0(1 NEW DASII GASOLINE GAUGO NEW STOPLIGHT 7he Ne<w Seri« PONT!4C SIX CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO. Bowmanville Ont. PEODUCT 0FP GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIMITED SALEM Mr. T. H. Lockhart, Bowmanville, conducted the afternoon service on Sunday and seldom have we heard a more practical sermon. It was bas- &on the text "His mother made hini a little coat and brought it to hini from year to year". The speaker compared the little coat to the vest- ments of character that parent3 are weaving for their childien from day to day by their example and training i. the home. A short story given especially foi the childien at the be- gnning held an object lesson for grown ups as well as childen.... Young People's League meeting in the evening was in charge of lst Vice, Mi. L. Squair, with an attend- ance of 29. The program was a splendid one consistîng of readings and solos... .Next Sunday oui Past- or, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, will occupy the pulpit and deliver bis Easteî message. Y. P. L. meetinz in the evening wi14h 2ild Vite Piesident, Mrs. F. Honey, in charge, will also ENFIELD Miss Myrtie Hobbs, Toronto, Mrs. E. Vanstone, Wbitby, Mis. M. Pere- man, Columbus, and Mi. Frank Mul- len. Detroit, visited with Mis. John Hobbs during the iliness and death of her husband. . . Mr. Arthur Or- miston had a very satisfactory sale in spite of the inclement weatheî.. .About 50 neigbbon; and friends of Mr. Arthur and Miss Veina Ormiston met at their home last Tuesday.night and had a veiy enjoyable evening in games and dancing... Mi. Edwin Ormîston baving rented Mi. A. Or- miston's faim has moved and taken possession of bis new home .... Rev. W. S. Smart, Cherry Valley, preached a good practical sermon here last Sunday ...Mucb sympathy is felt for the family of the late John Hobbs who was favorably known i. Dar- Iington and East Whitby. An obituary appeaied in last week's Statesmaln. have an E.aster prograni.- - veryone -AL RV should attend and spiead the Easter-APEGRV j.... . Mies Savery and friend from Miss Aileen Graham, Newcastle, Oshawa attended service with Mi. spent the weekend with hier cousin, Savery and motored to Oshawa afteî Miss Evelyn Gimblett.. Mi. and Mis. Glad to welcome Mr. and Mis. Bit N. 1. Metcalf and daughter Helen, Dudley and family from Tyrone who and Miss Marion Fuller visited Mi. have come to reside in our neighbor- and Mis. J. L. Metcalf, Base Line, hood. on Sunday .... .Mr. and Mis. E. J.- Hart and family, Oshawa, visited at TYOEMr. R. R. Steve.s, on Sunday.. TYRONEMiss Vera Power, Newcastle, spent the weekend at home. . .. Services on Mi. Brenton McCullough, Oshawa, Sunday were well attended, Pastor Sundayed at home..Miss Edythe Stainton pieacbing. a splendid ser- Taylor, Bowmanville, Sundayed with mon. Services next Sunday will bier sister, Mis. W. F. ýPark..Miss be along the Easter line .... .Dr. W. Elva Virtue, iBowmanville, and Mr. H. Birks, Bowinanville, wilî address Charlie Emberley, Oshawa, visited the congiegation on Sunday, April the formeî's mother, Mis. Laura l5tb., service being in charge of the Virtue... Mi. and Mis. F. L. flyam W. M. S.. .Congratulations to Mi. S. and family visited bier parents, Mr. Charles Rundle on bis recent mai- and Mis. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington. - nage to Mies Florence L. Pointon, Mi. .F.Grdne ndMs. T. Oshawa .... .About 30 relatives and Barr and baby Douglas have returned friends assembled at the home of! home after spending a few weeks Mi. and Mie. Roy VanCamp to cele- with the foîmeî's daughter, Mr5. J. brate their eighth wedding anniver-1 Hendricks, Trenton...League on sary. Mi. and Mis. VanCamp b.- 1 Thursday evening was in charge Of !ng away they found on their returi-n 5tb Vice President, Mise Lever.. the friends and relatives had takenU Burgess. Readings weie given by possession and the tables laden Miss Lola Richards and Mi. Floyd witb good things, such as roast cbic.k- Dudley; solo by Mi. William Staples. en, mashed pot.atoes and gravy, lemi- Contest was enjoyed by aIl. This on and raisin pie, fruit, nuts, cand- (Tbuisday) evening the Y. P. L. are ies, and one of the best wedding starting a "Corne to League" con- cakes that had eveî been tasted test wbicb will last for six weeks. wvhicb was made and iced by Mis. W. Mi. Floyd Dudley and Miss Ruby S. Bragg, mother of Miss Ruby Virtue are the captains..Rev. J. Bragg, teacher, decor-ated with 8 R. Trumpour preacbed a splendid candles. Afteî eveîyone had don. sermon Sunday morning on "Thomas, ample justice to the good things, the tbe Doubter," the choir îendering guests repaired to the dining room excellent music.....W. M. S. aie and parlor when Mi. Samuel Snow- boldinZ annual thank-offering service dlen was chosen chairman. Afteî a Sunday at 10.30 a. mi. Dr. W. H. few well chosen remarks h. c.ailed on Birks of Bowmanville will he the Mi. Cyril Luke, Oshnawa, wbo gave a speaker. Maie choir wili furnish f ew pleasing îemarks about the bride1 music. Sunday eveninoe Rev. J. R. and groom. At tbe pioper tume andj Trumpour will present bis Eastei on behaîf of fîiends and relatives message. Regular choir will fuinish assembled, Mis. Noble Metcalf pie- the music..Mi. C. D. Hodgson and sented tb.e bride and rroom with a Mi. J. C. Alldread are sporting new niecavn st 9 ibberapo 1 o trucks. ..The Mystery of the Thfrd the bride and a rubber belt for thel Gable." a mystery drama in three gom fe hc l ond i acte was givon in the community hall sngromrate hihal joined i.d on Friday evening, March 23rd. It'Fellows", with Mis. Hedley Oke at was a drama of a slightly differentI the piano. The groom on behaîf of character froni those given bere bis wife and biniself, thanked the ~reviously. Judge Sheiwood, who friende for the kind woîds and gif ta ad een an ardent worker for theafewicthrstoteeein O.T.A. bad developed "nerves" and was pieasantly spent with a prograni îented an isolated country home, put on by different membeis prese nt "Gray with Three Gables," for a consisting of speech, song, rec ita-I îest cure. On the night bie and his tion, mouth organ and piano music. family arrive and also during tbe On departine for their homes every- following day and evening many one wisbed the bride and groom niany strange and startling evente occurlmore years of happy wedded if e. which "get on the judge 's nerves." _____ Finaily on tbe second evening the judge mysteriously disappears and SLN excitement reaches a high pitch. t'SLN is aIl finally explained by the fact Ms uaObrnEeeei that tbe bousekeepeî's son, a boot-iTguest of Mis. A. L. Pascoe. . .. Mr. legger, was occupying the third 1 and Mis. Haiiy Rabin, Buiketonvis- gable of the bouse and endeavouring ited at Mi. Frank Westlake's. Mri to discourage the judtge from remnain- adMs ly ilas i n ing on the piemisesb y giving the Mis. Clarence Tink visited Peterboror residence the weird atmospbere of a friends..Remember the Women's haunted bouse. The actois took Institut. meetine at the home of s their several parts weli and are to be Mis. S. Bush on TFhureday afternoon,c commended on the fine manner "i April 12tb at haîf past two o'clock.t wbich the play was p resented. Those 1 Roîl Ca11, "Housecleaning hints". takig prt wre:J ude Srprise prograni in charge of Mis: 1 Arthur Richards; Mis. Sherwood, Cordon Leask and an excbange of -- Miss Viola Shortt; Sallie, their Cen cent parcels. Ail ladies weicome h daughter, Miss Kathleen McCullough; . .We weîe pleased to see so manyr Tom, tbeiî son, Mi. Dean Hodgson; out îast Sunday moining for sacra-ç Mis. La.., the housekeeper, Mis. mnt service and Sunday Scbool. Spe-s Dean Hodgson; Roy La.., lber sonial Easteî service next Sunday after-t Mi. Fred Goodman; Janet Morgan, noon wben oui maie chour will havea the judge's secretary, Miss Ruby charge of the singing A goode Virtue; Jane Morgan, wbo takes ber time was enjoyed hDy ail on Saturday place, Miss Rena Farrell; Roger evening, March 31, when the memi- Hadley, the stranger, Mr. Ivan Smith-br fte oiaC . .T îu Simpson, bis assistant, Mi. Floyd entertaimed their mothera at the Dudley. home of their leader, Mrs. John Biak- ci, with about 30 present. A splendid ICE TO-DAY LADJES? piograni of choruses, duets, instru- mentais and readinga was given and W. will bave plenty of pur Arti- three conteste weîe enioyed. Lunch ficial and Natua-al Ice for aIl old consisting of cold meat, lettuce, pick- customers and as many new ans as les, jelly, salade, biead and butter,ý we can secure. Williams Ice Co., ice creani, cakes, cookies and candy phone 58, Bowmanville. was served on emaîl tables by the ______________________ - girls; after which the meeting closed LAUNDRY WANTED with "Taps", and aIl went home feel- ing gFrateful to Mis. Baker for op en- AUl kinda of Iaundry work done prompt. iniz ber home and for hier kind hos- ly, satisfactorlly and at reasonable prices pitality. C.G.I.T. are looking forward Pnt orm ineSB. 2owavi re. to making this an annual affair. ... W. arjran, in Si E Bomavile.Remember the Sunday Scho>ol meet- ing at the church this <Thuieday) night when arrangements will be Take Boxmade for oui anniversary services as Takea ]ox omne well as the pioposed improvement on oui chuîch. Everybody come.. For Easter Leaguenmeeting Monday night was Neilson's De Luxe President, tokchar of the open- Chocolates by Frank Westlake and Mis. Isaac A delicious assortment of Cara- Hardy, lst Vice, gave the devotional meis, Chipe, Combination Creames and Rev. J. R. Bick led in prayer. and other fancy centres. The program wss given by members itcell Drg Sore of the Sons of Temperance, Mi. A. 60clb._etMitchell'&______Stor L. Pascoe, W. P., gave a short ad- drese on the aime, object and woîk An Ideal Spring Medicine of the Sons of Temperance and made a tîong appeal for membersbip. A Wampole's Grape Salta 4uartet was nicely sun by Mis. J A pleasant effervescent saline Baker and Messie. S. E.Wýerry, J that relieves Rheumatism, coola Baker and Ernest DeiBai. Mi. AI- ithe blood and cleanses the systemn an McKessock gave a ten-minute froni all impurities. talk on "How Alcohol is made" and Rev. J. R. Bick "Why peopîe drink For sale in boules at Alcohol". Mr. B. G. Stevens gave a soc and $1.00 at fine reading witb a temperance moi- Mitchell'& Drug Stor.e aI and a vocal duet by Mis. J. Baker and Mr. S. E. Weriy ended thisp art OuiOptcalDsartentis n- of the prograni. The Piesident Or hepersoal c rtenof R.uM. called on Miss Aura Osborne, Eben- drtenspplr yoeerneed M ENNISKILLEN Easter Monday at 2.30 p. m. the local W. M. S. will entertain Tyrone W. M. S. who wili give the program. Miss Nora Weiry la witb ber nep- hew, Mr. Fian cis erW.,.... Mi. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick and family have moved into Mi. Burgmaster's new bouse.... W . M. S. are having their annual Thank-Offering service on Easter Sunday at 7 p. m. Dr. W. H. Birks of Bowmanville, will be the speaker. Ladies choir . . ..A good congregation greeted Rev. W. S. Smart, Cherry Valley, Sunday even- ing who delivered a fine sermon and took foi hie text "le the young man Absaloni safe"? He directed the at- tention of the young people to honor their father and mother and to par- ents, "provoke not your childien to wrath". The choir was out in good numbeis and sang nicely .... Regulai League meeting was opened with 3rd Vice-President, John Slemon, in charge. Rev. J. R. tBick led in short prayer. Bible lesson was read by Au drey Dorland. Devotional part was taken by Miss May Weri. A duet was rendered by Misses Alice Ashton and Annie 0ke. Rev. Mr. Bick of Hampton, gave an excellent topic. A short resding was given by Mies Mildred Avery and Miss Maudie Ashton favored with a solo; Myrtle Brunt gave a reading after which a reading was given by Teddy Thornet. Meeting closed with League benediction. COURTICE Mr. and Mis. Foster Snowden, Miss Bessie and Master Joe of Zion, were Sunday guests of her sister, Mis. Ross Pearce.... Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pickell, Detroit, visited relatives ber. over the week- end ... . Miss Aura Osborne has been in Solina for a week, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pascoe. Reeve Wight, Mrs. Wight, Misses Jean, Eul- een and Ellinor, Providence, were with Mr. and Mis. Blake Courtice on Sunday. .On Monday evening, March 26, about thirty friends frois Oshawa gave a real surprise to Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, it being their thirty- eighth wedding anniversary. They were presented with beautiful silver candlesticks and a pleasant time spent together. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks made everyone most welcome to their home..Congratulations to Mr. and Mis Hugh Fitzsimmons (nee Doîothy Brooks), Detroit, on the arrival of a son .... Thursday last was an ideal day and it was also a gala day at the church where the Ladies' Berean Class held the annual qui]ting be.. About forty-five ladies -and children assembled at noon and a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by ail. The four different groups were each re- sponsible for one quilt and the quilt- ing was the next part of the day's program. About 3 p. nm., the Presi- dent, Mis. W. R. Courtice, asked the ladies to rest from quilting for a littie and a short meeting of the Iclass was held. Community sing- ing froni the song sheets was the first item on the pîogram. A hynn was sunz and the Lord's Prayer re- peated altogether. The bible lesson was the Easter story found in St. Mark which was read responsively by Mrs. Clarence Penfound's group and the iest of the ladies. After the business part of the meeting a short program consisting of a pretty îead- ing on "Spring" by Mis. Frank Rundle, and an Easter solo by Mrs. Geo. Annis. The meeting closed wvith the Mizpah benediction and the ladies again resumned their quilt- ing. The whole day was a most pleasant one and among the guests were Mis. R. E. Osborne and Mi.3s 1iouise, Mrs. Edwin Word.. and Mrs. Geo. H. Bickell, Bowmanville. . .. Mi. Cedric Parsons occupied the pulpit Sunday morninE in the ab- sence of oui Pastor and preached very acceptably. In the evening our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton con- tinued his series on "What shaîl I do i o be Saved" in No. 8 school house. Hlis sermons on this subject are most impiessive and inviting to those who have not yet soueht Christ. The rooni was filled to its capacity. Rev Stainton will continue his series in the school next Sunday evening . Glad to have oui pastor and his wife home againw after their icuple week.;' va- cation. Farmers Attention WANTED --- A f ew more acres of Peas and Corn. Canadian Canners Co. Ltd. Phone 82 SSOCIETY BRAND CLOT BES- MADE IN CANADA l w Easter Men's Navy Blue Suits at $19.95 Our bifi Special for Easter. Popular styles. Exceptional Value at $19-95 Men's Top Coats at $18.95 A new model coat in .qhades of Grey and Brown effects, a coat worth $22.50 Our Easter Special $18-95 NEW EASTER SUITS Society Brand, Cambridge Cloths, Harts and Warren J. Cook's Clothes. Four of the best makee in Canada. Prices fromn $1 5.00 to $35.00 NEW EASTER TOP COATS Values unsurp)asaed, new patterns, new fabrics, dres up for Easter in one of these coate. Prices from $15-00 to $30.00 T. B. Gilchrist Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanvulle Accessories NELSON'S STORE King St. West Bowrnanville Phone 3 WTe are showing the newest productions and offering the beet values in town on all lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Scarves, Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, Flowers, Brassieres, Silk Lingerie, Etc. EAST ER HATS Another shipment of model Hats just in time for the Easter trade in ail head sizes, colora and styles at prices that cannet be duplicated. Corne Early For Best Choice OF BIGQER AND BETTER VALuES Bowrnnville I 999=n= - -1 m- PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928

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