THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5ti., 1928PAEFZ E - CONCERT THE HARMONY CHOIR A"D GLEE CLUB Memersof heAssociated Glee Clubs of America AT Trinity United Church, Bowinanville Under the Auspices of Jerusalem Lodge, A.F.&A.M. No. 31, G.R.C. Tuesday Evening, Apnl 1 Oth 1928 PROGRAMME 1. A Border Ballad- - Maunder The Harmony Choir 2. (a) Sweet and Low -- Bainby (b) A Prayer of Thanksgiving - Arianged by Kieniser MissJea D.The Harmoay Choir 3. An Italian Street Song - - Herbert MissJea D.Grahami and The Harmony Choir 4. Piano Duet Rapsodie Mignonne Misses A. Kinsman and I. Thompai 5. (a) Volga Boatme's Sang (b) On Vie Sea 6. Miss Lillian IButt 7. (a) Nottinghami Hunt- (b) Liza Lady (c) The Belîs et St. Maiy's- The Harmony Choir 8. solo Easter Tide Miss Jean D. Grahami 9. (a) John Peel - A (b) The Lost Chord- The Harmnony Choir .rranged by Ai 10. Miss Lillian Butt. 11. Came ta Vhe Fair-- Miss Jean D. Grahami and The Harniony Choir 12. In Memory of The Old Brigade- The Harmony Choir on - Buck - fullard Adamis Liddle Sullivan Martin Parkas Fred R. Beatty, Conductor Miss Lillian Butt, Miss Adie Kinsman, A.T.C.M., Miss Irene Tionipson, Acconipanista ADMISSION 50e E. H. BRÔWN, W.M., T. ANNISON, Socrotary. Jerusaleni Lodge No. 31, A.F.&.A.M. House Cleaning1 Spriag bas corne and go bave 1 Te sanieliard taak et days gone by, To wallop Vie rugs and polisi tie floors To bang i curtains and varnisi Vie doors My obint soit you ug and strain From main tilI eve, suni or rain There ain't ne) stops an aIl day grind The wlf a is cross and bear in mmnd Whan dianer la ieady do net ha laVe And wipe your boots at Via gardan gaVe I'm a tough aid job but afttaial IV only lats until Vie Fal A hrand new brooni for Vie fiast &ay's rush Muresco tia walla witi a nice new binai You will need new nopa, a carpet beater A quart et paint or electric heater Then varnish Vie floor and lacquar Vhe chairs And Vie aId ioont looks like a millionairas Sa every roo is la a ashine And aIl you women and your kine Neglecte your duty every tume Uns youa aeak otfnia as part of Spring. Apologies o "The Tramp". Dustan's Cash Hardware "IWE SERVE YOU WELL', Having eompleted tie refrigeration plant wo Invite intorntInl and unique outflt w.ek, IV is a =out up-o-date la a sanltary condition. installation of a cold storage citizens Vo cail and inspeet Vils Tiursday and Saturday Vils arrangement for keeping =oat jWE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU EXPECT TO FIND IN A MODERN BUTCHER SHOP Baby Beef Smoked Hama Beef Boned Smoked Rama IlPork Picnic Ranis Veas Boston Butta Lamb Sparo Riha Bacon Park Teaderloin Choice Variety of Cookad Meats Sornething- Special in Price in Our Refrigerator Counter For Everybody. Wh.ther yon need mest or noV it w-il ho a révlation to anyone o see, thé advantago. of koeplng méat tn a réfrigéra- tion plant. C, M. CAWEc.R & SON Phono 64Bowniauffll i l REAL ESTATE FORSALE Two gjood brick bouses on Scugog St. near C. P. R. Station. Threa brick houses on Conces- sion St., twa nearly new. Two new brick irouses iaad of Carlisle Avenue. Six bouses on King Street. Two housses on Ontario Street. One bouse on Wellington St. Two bouses on Churci Street. One house on Carlisle Avenue. Appîr Wm. Brock Phone 114 Queen St. 18-4w* BENNETT-On -April 2, 198, .atihie. i laie residenca._ 227 vuna Avenue, Tor- ente Francis lBennett. formerly o eNw- caute. Ont., la bis 66th year. Interment' Ia Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. IN MEMORIAM JAMES-Ia aveu iovlng mamary oet Mary Jane Jamnes, beiev'ed wfe ot M. A. James, w-ho passed peaoofully ta reat on April Snd, 1927. Qed bas ber la Hie keepng now-, Angèes attend ber throtIgt the day, Neveu ber foot shall astray Neyer shall animb s O eheu ,row-, Nieveu a bittai tbought shall dnd Harsb iodgmeat ilaber g antei. md. Her loveiy womanbood slal romain, Bat. tram the huit of Umne and &ain. Husband and 0h11 ion.c STEWART-la ioving memory et Charles E. Stewart w-be depautad th. lite on April 6, 1927. Net aow- but in the comning yoars, Tt may b. la the btter land, We'li read the moaninc ef our teu, lAnd thon up there well undou.tand. Well kaow wby cieudu iMaesd of sua Weueoer niany a erishod plan '1% gonghad oeB*Od when souce obeju Bem th u thore weU u lnderatn Roemb.rd wdau hier Marset and grandaorhPhem4 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Mrs. John Mutton recently visited St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Beet, her daugliter, Mrs. Wallace Battie, D.D., Mnister. il a. m.-"-«Theg Oshawa. Meaninoe of Eater". 7 p. m.- Mr. and Mms. J. Cassina, Toronto, "Imm-ortality"-Special Easter mus- were iecent guesta of Mr. and MN: .e 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. T. F. Leach. St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Easter Mis. McGill, Nestieton, la viiting Sunday. Mass 10 a. ri. Special her daughter, Mis. Smith Ferguson, Easter music by choir and organist1 Concession St. of St. Michael's Church, Cobourg. Mrs.Agne Wrnn hs bSunday School at 2.30 p. m. Sermon itinz her daughter, Mis. ennvse ndthdito 7p . e.P Fletcher, Harinony. ent P. Butler. Mr. J. J. Mason, Mr. and MNs. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Chas. H. Mason and family spent corner Temperance and Church Sts., Sunday with Toronto relatives. Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., Mr. and Mrs. Perry Luity, MNs. Minister. Sunday services at Il Leta Wilcox and daugliter Do> a. ni. and 7 p. nm. Sunday School at Toronto, visited Mr. and Mms T. F .30v i Leach on Sunday. Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Eosater Sunday The meeting of the White Shield services: il a. m.--Subject, "«The Club will bie held on Tuesday, April Divine Quickening"; 7 p.-."A 10, in St. Paul's Lecture Rooni at 8 Dead Christ and a Living Devil.r M. Almenibers endeavor to Special Easter music by choir under ge* prsent.direction of Mr. Francis Sutton, dir-1 Mr. J. H. Cryderman's an ector and organist. Sunday School friends will be glad to know he aevte23d p i Public cordially in- at the store a few hors ach day itd after being under the weatheî for a St. John's (Anglican) Churcl- couple of weeks. Holy Week and Easter. Good Fri- day-Services at 10.30 a. mi. and 8 Mr. C. J. Hughaon, Orono, loat pmn. Easter Sunday: 8 -a. m.- the second and third fingers on hiseHoly Communion, il a. m.-Holy left hand and injured others while Communion and Sermon. 2.30 p. mi. cutting wood on Monda y at the home -Children's Service. 7 p. m.- of his daughter, Mis. J. Sandercock. Evening Prayer. Easter music at Mr. Hughson is 80 years of aze. ail Easter Services. The regular rnonthly meeting of Veterans of the Woîld War are Tîinity W. M. S. was held on Tfues- învited to a Vimy Ridge banquet at day in the Sunday School rooni with Balmoral Hotel, April l3th at 7.15 MN. Robins presiding. There was p. ni. Tickets $1.00. Arrange- a large attendance, numbering about nients are nmade by Bowmanv~ile one hundred. Afteî the opening of Soldiers' Club. Dr. J. Clark Bell, the meeting and the business was tak- R.A.M.C., will bie the speaker. en up, INrs. F. Colmer's group took "Olivet to Calvary" depicting sinp- charge of the devotional service with ly and reveîently the scenes which Mrs. Spargo filling the chair. Mrs. mark the last few days of the Sav-MeCrea dy read an Easter M'ýessage iour's life on earth, wîll be give after which Miss Margaret Allin Good Friday evening at eight o'clock rendered a very suitable solo. A in Trinity C hurch by the choir under leaflet was then read by Mrs. H. i the direction of Mr. Francis Sutton. Jamieson. Mrs. T. W. Cwker fav-: Collection will be taken. 14-1 ored with a delightful solo and Missès Nellie and Mary Mutton played a Workers in every departmnent of piano duet. After Mis. Colmer the church have their own .eward. read another pamphlet the Mizpah But the choir is deserving of spe benediction was îepeated together. Al cial consideration as they give of delightful social haîf hour was en- their talents so willingly and gener.. joyed by ail at the close. ously twice every Sun a' in the y( ai The Maple Leaf Mission Band of besides the weekly practice. So we St. Paul's Churcli held an open meet- rise to address the menibers of Tria- ing in the Lecture RLooin on Monday ity Church and others who love good afternoon at 4 p.m. when a large miusic to bie sure to hear the sacred number of the Lies of the churchi, cantate "Olivet Vo Calvary" which is were present as visitors. The meni- being presented in Trînity Church by bers of the Mission Band are nearly the choir Good Friday evenîng. Thelail quite young girls, with a few old- church should be packed. No ad mis-jer girls as officers, and their work is sion just a colletion taken. 'directed by Misa Margaret F. Allen, 1'Mis. C. Lunney and Mrs. Geo. E. Bowmanville Women's Institute Chase. The several parts of the held the Mardi meeting in the S. 0. inteîesting prograni, as carried out E. hall on Friday atternoon with a by the youtliful niembers, were good attendance. The President, heard with appreciation by ail pres- Mrs. Frank Jackman, presided and ent. A very able resume of the after opening exercises the follow- study book, '"Please Stand By," was ing busines was discussed: Secretary given in a most interesting manner to write letters of thanks ta Daugli- by Mis. Wmn. Adanis. At the con- ters and Maids of England for use clusion the girls presented Mis. Lun- of dishes; Mis. Bounsali îeported for ney with a beautiful Easter Lily in committee re purchase of new dishçs; recognition of her untiringr efforts Mus. W. B. Pollard reported for Sa- in the interests of the Society. cial Service C.<mmittee; milk to bie An nsalitesigadim furnished Public School childien for v n suavicewa eetn rand i- another montih; accounts for rent tnited Church on Sunday lest when ordered paid. A duet was nicely in addition Vo the sacramental ser- sung by Mus. A. Colville and Mis. C. vice which was attended by over F. Rîce after which the RolCl 400 communicants a reception service was conducted b y Mis. H. J. Babcock was held when Rev. 3. U. Robins, the whîch brought forth a number of atrreevdiommbshpf resonss, ris an oterwse.Mr.the churcli fourteen by letter and W. H. Carruthers gave an interest- thirty-five on confession of faith, ing talk on her recent trip throug many of thesecominle fromi the Sun- Canada Vo the Pacifie Coast and th day Scliool who were accompanied journey home via of the Americ" by their teachers and othera. Pastor cities. The thanks of the niOni jRobing' address on "The Kingship of bers to ber was voiced by Mis. W. Jesus," (Rev. 19:16), was very Pit- B. Pollard and Mus. T. C. Jewe il. îting ta Vhe occasion. The evening Refreshments were served by Guop address, based on the woîds "He One. Next meeting, Alpril 27, inwent about doingr good," contained charge of Gîaup 2. many practical suggestions re the __________Christ lit e as our ideal pattera. The choir furnished -good music, SONS 0F ENGLAP4D AT HOME Miss Hilda Curtis singing a solo et ________tVe morning service, and Mis. R. A pleasant evening was spent on Thonipson a solo in the evening. A Tuesday, April 3rd., when S ons of very pretty quartet was sang in the England h e d their annual At Home afternoon by Misses Greta Pollard in the Hall. About 75 were present and Berniece Beilman and Messrs. including nienbers of S. 0. E., their Allan Kniglit and Oscar Janiieson. wives, Daugliters and Maids of Eng- land and their huabands, Supreme Treasurer E. C . Greene of Toronto, BIRTHS as well as entertainera froni Oshawa CLI FFORD-On Wednesday, Marcb 14, and Bi>wxanville. S. T. Greene 199-8 at the Western Hospital, Torante, acted as chairman. to llr. and Mrs. Walter Clitrord, a daugh- Atter an enjoyable supper District ter. <Cesarean brthî. Deputy Luke ia very pleasing words-__________- proposed a toast Vo the King. Coini- MARRIAGES munity singing was enjoyed with Mre. L A. Parker at the piano. Mr. CAMPBELL-AITCHISON-In Clifford, Wm. Clarke gave a piano solo and on Thursday, March 22, 1928, by Rev. R B. Ledlngham, miss Margaret Aitchi- Mr. Hennings of Oshiawa, a vocal son, dauiter of Mm.. ittch1s and the solo. A toast Vo tie SupRrenie Lodge late James R. Altabison, ta Mr. David Capel f Howick township. Mre. was proposed by the reideit 0ofCampbll ie a sister of Mr. R. F. Aitchi- Lodge Wellngton, Mr. B. King, and son, Manager of the Royal Bank, Bow- responded Vo by S. T. Greene. Vocal manvilie. solos were rendered b y Mis. A. Col---___- ville. A toast Vo Lodge Wellington DEATHS was pîoposed by Mr. W. J. Berry and responded Vo by Past President NIXON-In Darlingten, on Mardi 28, Jamies Gui. A piano solo waa nice- 1928, William Nixonè agefi 80 years. In-1 t,,rment St Orono Lemetery. ly renàered by Miss irene Bateman MeMANUS-In Newcastle, on Mond ay which was followed by a toast Vo the April 2, 1928. John mcManu. aged 16 Daughters and Maids of England pro- years. Interred la BowmnaxviUea Cerne- posed byDi ti De - put .W. BaVe- tory.1 PIGS FOR SALE-9 good Yorkshie white pige, six weeke oid. Appiy te A. E. Biliett. Hampton, phono 376-11. 14-1* SEED FOR SALE-Home-gow-n claver soed, goverament tested. $15 oer bushel. Appiy te Howard Coucb * R. R. 4, 130w-ý rnanvilie, phono 146-1. . 1-1w MORSES FOR SALE-Pair ot boises, goed la al barness. single or double. Apply te T. F. Leach, phono 499, Eaet et Nursery Corner. Bowmanvilie. 14-1 FOR SALE-One heavy herse, one generai purpese boise, five cows, spriag- ors, a quantity 2-rowed seed bariev. Isaac Hardy. Hampton, phone 167-4. 13-2 OATS FOR SALE-O. A. C. 144 Oats, Gevernment Grade No. 1, germination test 99%. $1.00 per bushel, bags Included. P. 0. B. Parie, S . Foulds. Paris. _13-1' FOR SALE-A new bicycle lamp ne-ver been used; aIse 3-burner ceai oil stove la good condition. A ply te Mie. Chas. Rtichards, King St..!, Bowman- ville. 13-2 FOR SALE-Hon bouse 8 x 12 and plg pen 8 x 8. These buildings are nearly aew and w-l be sold at a reasonable price. Apply te Arthur Wooley, Brad- shaw St., Bowmaavilie. 14-1w GRAIN FOR SALE-Marquis wbeat, No. 21 Barley and Buckwboat; aise 5- year olfi herse between 1100 and 1200 Ihe; bouse ot rent $10 per montb. J. L. Metcaîf, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phono 183-5. FOR PRIVATE SALE-i oak bed and dresser; 1 solld oak long washstand: i iren bed; 1 emali oak table; 1 kitchen table; ceai oil steve and oven; 2 reckiag chairs; large jardineres; cepper boierý largze preservlag kettie; carpet; canned fruit, int and quart jars. Apply te Mrs. ndwia Worden, ElgIa St., Bow- manville. 13-2w* Rooms To Rent MOUSE TO RENT-Apartmeat te rent on bigbway, hait mile west of BaWInin- ville. Land for gaîden If iequirod. Ap- ply te The Statesman Office. il-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Large faim bouse. on Manvers Road. 6 miles frem Bowman- ville, %~ acre ot land. Apply Mis. 01- sen, phone 181-r5, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. 13-t Lost or Found WATCH LOST-Lady's gold wrist watch in Bowmanville, on Tuesday, April Ird. Reward for retura ta Statesman Office. Bewmanville. 14-tf MONEVY FOUND--By member et Lad- ies' Aid at Triait y Church Laymen's ban- iquet. If net claimed w-i be turned over te cburcb fonds. Gea. W. James. 14-1 OOG LOST-A long haired buawn Ca- lie dog. whbite feet and whbite on breaet. Answ-ers te name ot "Rip ' Reward. M. Gay, Courtice, phone Oshaw-a 332-3. 14-1' $W0 REWARD-For arreat and convic- tion e prsn rpersoasw-ho stole the Figeona t oran f Barley Park. $15 or any Information coacerning same.' The name wlll be beld ln confidence. Phone 5., Crean of Barley Miii, Bow- manville. 14-1 Farrn To Rent FARM TO RENT-200 acres-South baives lots 31 and 32, tth oaneossion. Township af Darlington about 60 acre. tail ploughed. îmmeiate Possesslon. Apply toConant & Anale, Bauristeru, &o. Oshawa, Ontario. 8-tf BURKE FARM TO RENTr-Thîsim situated Immedlately south w-estof Bow- manville la for rentaI. Possession April lot. Plowing atter Marcb lot. For terme apply ta W. R. Strike. Bowmaii- ville. 8-tf Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCHING-Duck eggs-- Mammatb White Pekia hatcbîng eggu. i guarantea fertility and sattactary hatch. Apply L. C. Wilcacka, R. R. 4. Bowmanville, phone 142-r3. 7-5' FOR SALE-Baby chioke tram S. C. W. Legborns tram bigb lsa'lng stock, aieo fram eggs net base than 24 oz. ta the dazen. Cal or phone F. W. Battie, R. R. 5, Bowmsnvlle, phone 219J. 14-tf EGGS FOR HATCH'ING-Frem buod-to- Iay Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, ail tram O. A. C. Padigieed stock. W. E. Todd, Liberty St., Bew-aianviiie. Sue- cesser ta L. H. Peara, phone 804. S-tf EGOS FOR HATCHING-Fiam breýd te lay strain af Rbade Island Reds, gaed wintor layers, 75c6er 1564.50 a hund- red. also I bave about 46 laying pullets te eli 1150 ach. Lloyd Snowdeo, R. R. 3. DBowmaaville, phone 203-5. 14-2* EGGS FOR HATCHING-Barred Rocks and White Legharns--A special pan et Barred Rocks including my impoited hens and beaded by my Imported cook, $ 3.00 par 15 eggs: -eggu tram impouted hen, 11.00 eacb; fdock matinge, 76o par 15; White Leghorna dock matlng. headed by a splendid British Columbia cockarel, 76e per 15 aggs. Gearge Jamlesan, New- centife. Ont. *12-tf. BAB3Y CMICKS & I4ATCHING EGS -The demand for aur baby chicke ibis season bas bean heavy wbicb praves their populkrity. We give y ou straag, w-h-atched chicks--every chick produc- ed tram oui awn utack-which you ceai reiy on for quaniity and quality of eggs. Cackerels et S. C. White Leghorn tram R.O.P. stock and White Wyandottes are extra choîce matinga thîs ya. Cali on run. Phona 38-2. W. H. Carruthers, Bowmanvhll. Ont. 12-tf Baby Chicks For Sale SINGL.E COMU WHITE LEGHORNS We hava "'Rellabie SE" the w-ninîg ben la 1927 Ontario Egg Layiag Content -record et 262 oggs. 26 ez. ta das; aise Fourth bigbest pan la sixty as te auraber of registered birde. A bird to ragister muai lay 200 or over et 24 oz. te domen eggu. This proves thai w-e bave num- bers as w-aIl as aime la aggs. Oui pullet dlock In under trapu la R. O. F. with over 60% midw-Inter produc- tion, qana baviag missefi oaiy 14 dayu sine November. Orders are being booked new-. Gai yours la betore It l tec late. 10% de- peat w-Ill sacure youî dates. Egge fou batchîng aise for sale. RELIABLE POULTRV FARM Or. E. W. lason, Owner Phone 399 *owmsnvilîs P. 0. Box 68 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Tbree et theofdassi building Iota la BowmanvîiIe. on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain fou quiok sale. Apply te Norman S. B. Janues ai Stateaman Office. STEANSHI? TICKETS M.L A. JAMS Te Europe-Caedian Pactfie, White Star DomIion, Cunard, Awlioan, Aah for informcatIon. Pbono ô# Stumma OUce. BewmanVM&h Aricles For Sale HAV FOR SALE-A quaatity et Tim- otby bay.e E. Haggith, R. R. 1, Ham- ton, phe 198-21. 1-f HORSE FOR SALE-Clyda mare. weigbing about 1350 Ibo. Appiy te Noble1 Metcalf, Maple Grove, phone 477-31. 13-tf FOR SALE-White Bleasom Sweet Claver, $3.00 bushel. Luther Hooper, Tyrone R. R. 1, Phone 194r3. 12-3 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE-Apply ta H. Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phono 160-28. 12-8w* COW FOR SALE-Purebred uegistered Shoîthora con, due te freshea on or about July lot. J. M. Baldwin, Bow- manville. 13-2w* INCUS3ATOR FOR SALE-150-egg Cy- press Incubator. goed as new. Apply te Mrs. E. J. Burk, Bawmanville, pbne 475-31 or 475-6. 13-2w Formalin Kil). amut Wanted WANTED-Haar fromn own'r g faim for sale. cash puce, partic=au D. F. Bush, Mnneapolis, Mina. 11-4 WANTED-A capable woman or gi for general housework. Apply to Mirs. Southey, Elgin Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf MAID WANTED-For general bouse- work, 3 adulte. Apply te Miss I. K. Smth, Concession St., Bownianvilie, phone 296.1. 13-tf GIRL WANTED-Foî kitchan woîk, no laundry to do. Apply Mrs. R. È. Dli- niweil, Silver St., Bowmnvilia, phone 84. 41w* HOUSE WANTED-A amaîl furnis&xed bouse with ail oonventences, good le- caiity. Apply for fuither Information te H. E. H.. Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 14-lwo POSITION WANTED-Girl 17, one year la High School, wants work ln ofioce, store or factory. Experienced. Box 498 Bowmanville. APPLE$ WANTED-AJi kinda of - pIes. Write ta us the kind you have and number of barris. J. Pollock, Box 263, Wbîtby. 12-5w* WANTEO-Antique furnIture. Nearly every home bas sorne aid furnIture et ne furtber use whicb couid be turned Into ready meney. Write Mis. B. Warner 6 King St. W., Oshawa. 13,-t WANTEO-Rags, matai, iron, and a"l kinds et aId junk. Best puices paid Rage 75e 0wt. Aise good work boisae wanted.» Drop post card te Wila Taylor & Company, dealers, Duke St., liowmanvIlle. 14-3w- Creophos Cougli stopper and hilder. Nyal Tonic A fyltem cleaner and appetimser Cream Balrn Foi chappe hands. Buy tiem i n Bownianville at KE'RSLAKE'S The Dependahle Ding Store W. Deliver Phono 49 PROPERTY FOR SALE-2 slx-roomed Order Easter Lilies We have a window full of Easter Lilies, selling fast at 3 blooms 90c; 4 blooms $1,10; 5 Iblooms $1.25. Rose Trees in bloom at $1,00. Beautiful Solid Spy Apples 50e peck. BACON AND EGGS FOR EASTER Fearman's Best Quality Bacon, aide or back. Nice dlean, fresh selected Eggs. FRESH VEGETABLES Just in for Easter-Cauliflowers, Tomatoes, Spinach, Celery, Carrots, Lettuce. Are your preserves getting Iow? Then try sonie of our choice meaty prunes. HARRY ALUIN, (iroceir PHONE 186 BOWMAN VIL-L-E Fine Fureihinge B E LL'S Cleautft & Pssemgf SHOP "Where You Buy Good Clothes" Tog Up for E aster Everything you need at prices you can alford to pay. "Corne On In" King St West Bowrnanville "Bert" Bell "The Clothing mi" DILLICK'S EASTER SALE Offers Incomparable Values Men's and Youn.g Mon'. Suits, newest materials, single or double hreasted style, On Sale 814.98 mand $19.60 Men's Fine Bocks, fancy checks,.. On Sale 39o Pair Wonien'a Hous. Dresses, good wasiable materials, large var- lety Vo coose froue &saie 89. Ladies' Silk Hose, ail nowset shades, .11k Vo bhem, on sale -%C W. have a complete Uin. of ruibers, includlng Ladies' rab- bais at................. 69e Ladies' Shoes, severai styles in- cluding Strape, Ts, Pumps and Oxfords, -high, mediu and low heel, On Sale 82.49, *2.95, $3.35 183.98 Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords, Black or Brown *2L49, *3. Men's Work Boots, Mach or Br'own, wlth or without tee cap,..On Sale $2.98, *3.98 Mon's Righ Grade Draa ex- farde or boots, blaek or browis, on sale 03.»6 A. DILLICK King & Division Ste Bowrnanville Larvex DeStrys maths TOGGERY [Corne and Inspect New Refrigeration Plant THURSDAY AND SATURDAY -- 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 Koelliniz PAGE PIVZ