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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 6

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PAC SiXTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 TEA 857 In rmt and distant parts of the world, fins teasaregrown-wherever they grow these teas aeprocured for "1SALADA" blends. The best the wrdproduces Is sold under the "ISALADA"I label. Millonsknow the satisfaction "'SALADA" zivus. Choice Beef for Easter We want our customers to know that their requirements in beef are being well looked after by us. During the past week we have bought a lot of exceptionally choice young cattie which is al- ready heing eut up--and it certainly is very select, tender and juicy. Good cattie are getting scarce, but we have bought well ahead to insure our customers of the best beef that is to be had. Orders Delivered Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare Phone 518 .. & MCoy Bowmanville Somebody Is Always Breaking Dishes Sometimes you break them yourself, the maid, of course, breaks her share and then the children just can't help dropping the odd dish on the floor. Mother scolds, because it is aggravating. But such things happen in the best rezulated f amulies. There's one consolation-you can corne to our China, Glassware and Crockery Dept., and replace these dishes at very little cost. And if you need a new dinner set we can satisfy almost any idesign or price you fancy. Cook'& Rogulating Compound ~ A ala.rolizbl. ,egdah8 .Iwd.. soid in ihte de. giees of trength-No. 1. SIs ~~IP' o. 2 M;S3No. 3.,3.5 per box. propId'~n eoept of pries. Me pamphlet. Addreaa: irHE COOK< MEDICINE Co.. The Great Fngtish Preparatnâ. IMa Tonci anîd r,.igorates the whole Pervous systetno matiez new Blood o n old Veins. Used for Nervous ËLeblity. Mental and Brain Wry Despondency, Lau of En Yg. Palpitation -t the Heart, Fait,,,1 Meimoy.7 rice Stpeebox 3 for 15. Sold by ait druggisis, or miled in pain I çkg.onreepofpre. NewpumphWtmnaiUed NEWCASTLE i (Intended for last week) For a fine axample of clever work- manship you should see Clarence Gaines complete mode] of a Span- ish galleon with aIl sails set, now on display in Matchett's store. Report of Newcastle Memrorial Lib- rai-y for Febi-uai-y: No. of new members 40; total number membars 20.1; circulation for month: Non- fiction 85; fiction 647; juvenile 160; total 892. Books and magazines loaned 45. Fines on overdue books $2.34. C. 'Butler, Librarian. Mi-. J. Bentz, local nsherinan, launched his 40 foot motor boat which has been beached on the west side of the harbor during the winter, on Monday last and set bis nets in t'he lake the samne day ready for bis fi-st catch of the season. Like othier fishermen around the lake hie views with considerable misgiving the in- creasinjz number of ling, an inferior fish, whch do much damage to the nets and thus increase the cxpense of the fishing business. "From Durham County to Swan River, a stoi-y of pioneer life in Man- itoba with a happy outcome" is the title and subtitle of a most intarest- ing and stimulating article in the Mai-ch 22 number of The Farmeais' Advocate. It is the story of a Clai-ke township fariner and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cctton who lefi Newtonville about 1890, heavily in debt, pioneered twice over in Mani- toba, overcame innumarable obstacles and difficulties, but heroically kept on tili they achieved remai-kable suc- cess and Mi-. Cotton became known as the Wheat King of Manitoba. The Cottons are well known by many citi- zens of Newcastle and especially of Clar-ke township, and many rernember him coming back to bis old home community some years after bis hasty departure because of financial diffi- culties, and paying up al bis debts with interest. He hbas shipped as many as 26 carloads of No. 1 Hard Wheat in one year froin bis own lairn. A. J. Cotton of Harlington, Swan River, Manitoba, bas a daughtei- at home, and four sons ail married with farnilies of their own. Three of thein are A. B. Cotton of Cotton Bridge Fai-m; A. W. Cotton of Cotton Corner Farm, Harlington; and W. H. Cotton, Cotton Craek Farin, Ken- ville, Man. Grandpa and Grandina Cotton have eleven grandchildren, pictures of whom, with appreciative refereaces to their sturdy Canad ian- ism and fine pioneeriag traditions are shown in March Sth issue of The Farmer's Advocate. Mr-. J. W. Bradley of this village, was a school- mate of Mr-. A. J. Cotton -Who now. along with other important public positions is a member of the Bo3ardj of Govarnors of the Universit-y of Manitoba.1 PRIZE WINNING ESSAY Written By Fred Cowan on Newcastle Harticultural Society. About sixteen years ago the Horti- cultural Society was not tbought of ia Newcastle until a f ew of the citi- zens met to discuss the matter of forming a society to beautify the village. Doctor Mclntosh was elected President. After this the directors canvassed the village for members at one dollar a year. They were given plants in the spring and bulbs in the faîl. A few years later tbey chose for their motto "Newcastle the Neat". The daînty wild rose was then select- ed by the members to be their em- blein. Since the Horticultural Society bas been orgaaized niay homes have been made more beautiful by shrubs and fiowers. Wbera cao people find a greater pleasure than to work among fiowei-s, witb their brilliant coloi-ings and fragrant perfumes? The man wbo loves a garden Wîll neyer break his heart, Will neyer have it bardened, Nor stand froin hIe a part. Oh, if you have a gai-dan You'll have a love moi-e true, Than even friand or book cani lend- A gardea's love for you. The value of the Horticultural So- ciety in the work oI oui- commun- ity cannat be over estimated. The old drill-shed was removed and the Society was given permission to de- corate the grounds and to make them more artistic by planting shi-ubs, bulbs, perenniais and annual flowers, besides building a rustic entrance ta the park. Beds were also planted at the cemetery, school and on a triangulai- pot of gi-ound on the road to the Canadian Pacifie Railway Station. The Harticultural Society was also the means of prohibitiag the cows from roaming the streets by asking the councîl to pass a by-law thereby inaking the streets more sanitai-y. In addition ta beautifying the vil- lage aad homes, there are two im- portant events which are of interest ta flower and vegatable lovera, beld in Newcastle each year: the flawer show in Mai-ch and the flower and vegetable show in August. Nothing brings us into more direct contact witb the public, or is of moi-e educational importance than the dis- play of flowers and vegetables at the flower and vegetable shows. The actual sight of beautiful fiowers in oui- gardens, produces a reaction that the spuken word cannot express. The Society g ave the membars Columbines and Dahlias to plant in their beds Sweet Williams and roses white, pink and red, Delphiniums, Snapdragoas and Pop- pies so rai-e, They plantad in thair gai-dans whare once they were bai-e. Asters, Gladiolus and Marigalds so fair, Canterbury Halls ringing in the soIt air, Zinnias and Foxglova with colors ablaze Made their gardens look lovely In warmi summar days. It Will Reliave a Cold.-Colds are the commanest ailments of mankind and if naglactadnia y lead to saiius conditions. Dr. Thbomas' Eclectric Oil wiii ralieve the bronchial pas- sages of inflammation speadily and thororugbly and will strengthen thein against Bubsaquent attack. And as it cases the inflammation It will us- ually stop the cough becausa it allays the irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnpound Comiton, Ontario.-"After a se- ver. operation and a thi-ee weeks' e tay in a hospital SI retuned hume oweak that Iwas ~chair. Fo- four months 1 was al- most fi-antic witb ~.pains and suifer- mg until I thought sure there could n fot be any help forme. Ilhad ve ry J let aie ands fered agony every montb. One day ,lien I as flot able to get up my mother begged me to try your med- icine. My huaband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to i-y surprise and joy the pains in my side le ft me completely and 1 arn able to do ail my work without help. 1 arn a farmer's wife, s0 you see 1 can't be idle long. In ail, I have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, five boxes of the Compound Tabletatwo bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'ýts lood Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wasýh."-Mi-s. L. LAJEUNESSE, Box 103, ConiBtan, Ontario. 0 Would flot be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any Cost Mfr. A. 0. NotSo, the mIflIeaire jack Mdanufacture, ci BoSton, who re- oetydied, vas a grout "booSter" for ZtoTablets. Re sulered fi-oa edaches f rom chilld hood and wheu ho foond Zutoo Tablets = Orthese headaches ina afew minuteo no badefeci, ho began recoas- mmendlng theas bs emiya" fiends. la an nwolicited bttrMr 3ortomys la cloingi "My famihy une o s.vis versomeded wf th equally gond rornulta. I have fi-e. quontly given tiseasto friends who were ouferlng f rom Hescdacise and they never failod tagive qukàlie. alay I ZtoTablet a my on he rar »d WULDNOTIeîWITHOU'T TKMAT ANT COST.", My cents per bo-et all demleu. their home, on Thursday, Mic 2 in the foi-m of a miscellaneous show- er in honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Hattia Duncan, wvhen a vei-y enjoy- able evening was spent. The bi-ide- to-be receivad many beautiful and useful gifts, showing the respect and asteeni in which she is held. The Women's Instituta held a vary successful Irish entartainment on Monday avaning, Mai-ch l9th, when an excellent pi-agi-arn of instrumental mnusic, addrasses, sangs and readiags, was delivered by Rav. W. Sterling, Mrs. A. Roy, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. R. Brown, Mi-. Druinmond, Miss Di. Rowe, Dr. and Mrs. N. Colvila, Miss M. Allun, Mr-. and Mrs. D. Robb and Marguerite Milison, with the Presi- dent Mrs. F. Hall in the chair. A bumorous play entitlad "Aunt Sally Marie's Rag Carpet Bee was wall acted and undar the supervision of Mrs. H. Rowe. Alter which a palat- able lunch was served by the coin- mittee-Mrs. G. Buttai-s, Mrs. G. Wannan, Mrs. H. Rowe, M-s. A. A. Rolpb, Miss F. Cobbiadick, M.W. J. Stutt, Convener, MNs. E. J. Eagla- son. '40'mmThe Danger Age For Most Men Much 111 Health of Later Years Due ta Neglect of Conditions Fit-st Noticed in Middle Life. Witb middle age ailoients attack- ing over two-tbirds of those past 40 it is time every man wbo notices sucb distressing symptonis as Lame- ness, Plains in back and down tbruý groins, scanty but frequent anI burning Urination, "Getting-Up- Nîghts", Nervous Irritability and Lack of Forca-should at once try the arnazing value of Dr. South- worth's URATABS. While new to many, the truly i-e- mai-kable value of URATABS bas bean proven by many years of suc- cessful use. Reports fi-rn Doctors and Usai-s alike offer coaviacing evi- dence: "I neyai- Iound anything ta help rny case until I tried UA TABS". URATABS are the best thing for Bladder Weakness and Ir- ritation I have ever tried". "'No more backacbes, no more pain, no more daily ambarrassinent or "Get- ting-up-Nights. I now sleep soundly and get up in the mainag full of pep-thanks ta U RATABIS !"-This is amazing evidence! No mattar how long you bava been troublad or how stubborn your case may seai ta ba, a tan-day test of Dr. Southwortb's URATIBS offers comfart and relief-and you can make the test without risk of cost, for anv gaod druggist will supply you an guaranitee of i-noney bac k if not aatisfiad. Try URLATABS to- day! "A KENTUCKY BELLE" ORGNO Newcastle Young People Enjloy Play (From The News of March 29th> Preentd b Moris Drmatc Cub Miss Mabel Davey spent a few Presnte byMorrsh ramýýti CIyb-days in the City. Morrjsh Dramatic Club presented Miss Kathleen Staples, Port Hope, the popular comedy, "A Kentucky spent Sunday at home. Belle," bef ore a large and apprecia- Mr. 'Fred Lorriman was home froin tive audience Monday~ night, under Toront o for the weekend. auspices of the Y oung People'sji-.Adeso Tontia Lege Roth the play and its pres- guest of her sister, Mrs. R. H. ;Brown entation were excellent and the music MrJ.BBteroLekds provided betveen the acta was es- r.JB.:ulroLekdi pecially good. Mrs. S. Sculthorpe, visiting hier mother, Mrs. J. W. Bul- who fllled the i-oie of Miss Mgriah ok Douglas, an aristocratic spinster, was Corns disa<pear when treated 'with a former resident of Newcastle. jHollaw~ays Corn Remover without Kathleen Lancashire, as Isabel flougr- leaving a scar. las, acted the wayward but lovable Mr. Lewis Wood has bought the niece to perfection. The views of late Robert Best farin, 100 acres, in Miss Mariah and of Isabel werelthe Antioch section. bound to clash, especially when the! Mi- Fred Pearson and Mrs. Mercer former wanted Isabel to mari-y the and family, Toronto, spent the very aristocratie, very rich, and very weekend with their parents, Mr. and old Col. Win. McMillan, and she fell Mrs. Frank Pearson. in love with a telephone mnan, Jack~ Cason. These two parts were takeni Mr. Thos. Cowan has rented his very capably by Ross Dickinson and residen ce, formerly the Robert Gord- S. Moore. Mrs. H. Walker repre-i on home, to Mr-. Beal who is employ- sented Isabel's charmingr friend, ed at the Forestry Station. Marie VanHarlenger, and delighted Agricultural Park Rink Committee, everyone but Miss Mariah. As Cmn- receipts for the season are about da, the negro maid, and Henry, hier $745.00; with expenditure of $713.- fiance, Vilda Osborne and Justin Hall 00; leaving a surplus of $32.00. created lots of amusement and couldý Mrs. W. Abbott, Lindsay, visited hardly bie improved upon. Harvey h ler aunt, Mrs. King, and attended Osborne, as Dr. Blake; Norma Dick- the silver wedding at Mr. and inson as Miss Madden, a trained Mrs. C. L. Powers' at their home nurse; Carl Moore as Philip Duncan, at Kirby. a friend of the girls; Bernice Bebee Park Street United Church is and Eliîe McHolm as Miss and Mrs. holding Passion Week services this Gordon, sister and mother of the tal- week addressed by District Ministers ented writer who Jack Cason turned and Miss Jamieson of the Dominion out to be; and Dick Davidson, War- Boar'd W. M. S. ren Davidson, William Mai-vin and Mike Gogarty, as lime men aIl acted The second Medal Contest of the their respective parts weil. Ruth Boys' series, under the auspices of Fanning deserves much credit as ac- the W. C. T. U., will be held in the companist. Town Hall, Orono, on Thursday ev- Mr. M. Walker, Winnipeg, visîted bis sister, M.%rs. A. A. Rolph, also Mr. FACTS ARE PROVEN Roger Tamblyn, an old school mnate, who is still in a critical condition at Thousands of people voluntarily Port Hope Hospital. tell the wonderful resuits after tak- Inspector J. P. Cowles made his ing MILLER'S CANADIAN. HERB annual visit to oui- Continuation JUICE. It is unequalled in cases School in March and congratulates of indigestion, nervousness, cOnsti- it on having so excellent a staff, pation, stomnach, liver, bowel or kid- giving efficient service. ney disorders. Ask Jury & Lovell M~rs. W. H. Taylor of Toronto, Ltd., about this remedy. spent the weekend with hier mother, -- - --..~.-Mrs. King, at Mr-. H. Hooper's, anù ___________________________ also took in the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powers at Kirby. Mr-. Arthur Saunders who has been >. helping Mr. H. Rowe at the milI for somegtime past, was thro-wn froin hsrgwhen on his way home Friday evening, and was badly bruised and eut about the face. IMiss Buchanan, Principal of the High School, left Sunday for lier Ihome at Mount Foi-est to recuperate LESSON No. 16 after a week's ilîness from a sevei-e coId, consequently the 2nd foim of Question: Why do the school is dismissed until after growing children, partic- Easter. ularly girls, need emul- W. M. S. of Park Street United Church has secured the General sified cod-liver oil? Secretary of Women's Missionary So- Aniswer: Groving chil- their Easter Thank-offering ser- drenand particuarly girls, vice on Sunday evening, April 8th. i~ 1" ' Speciai music by ladies' choir. On Ineed vitarnin-rich i IOurish- Monday evening there will be an At ment to help thcm Home. throug'h critical stages of oe' Missionar3' Society o extreme tax on theii meeting, re-organized as a Ladies' h I Guild with the following officers: strengt. President-Mrs. A. H. Keené; lst I Pleasantly flavored. easy to Vice-President-Mrs. R. A Fitchette; Iae childi-en likr- Treasurer-Mrs. 0. Coatham; Secre- taketary-Mirs. D. S. Moffat; Organist- ~pl'l~ IMrs. J. H. oft SCOTT'S mi E la Mr. and Mrs. Howard hlien PIANOS Wc-.ild you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspectiGn. Prices are reasonable and it costs little more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charmn to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville EASTER. GROCERIES FOR Easter holidays means company and extra meals, so send your grocery order to the Old Reliable Grocer. A RCHIE TAIT Bowmanvillie Phone 65 Can You Get Insurance To-Morrow ? Who knows? Many things may happen be- fore then, and in the meantime the property you intended to insure may have been destroyed, your car involved in a smash, and you the victim of an accident. Delays may prove very costly. Why put off until to-morrow what you should do to-day? Right now is the time to insure. Life, Fire, Automobile, Accident, Sickness, jBurglary, Plate Glass, Guarantee, Tourists' Float- ers, Steam Boiler and many other classes of Insurance. J. J. MASON & %SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Charged Ce A. Bartlett Phone 11.0 King St. East, Bowrnanville ,A Joint Savings g Account Is a Real Convenience ~'~l \t ~ Particulai-ly as a matter of famîily convenience does the joint account demonstrate its value. AIl funds deposited are subject to withdrawal S at any time by either of the persons in whose naines the joint accounit is opened. In case of the decease of one of the parties holding a joint g .account, ail money may bie withdrawn IN by the other. A joint savings ac- count in the Standard Bank il a real convenience where two people desire access to the saine funds. TM-I STANDARD BANK OF CANADAà ESTABUfflEID187.5 D. L. WEESE b Manager, Bow'ma'ille Branch Branches al" at Newm.tle. Newtonville. Orono. Oshawa "& Cheer Up The Home WITH NICE GRATE FIRE Use Pluto Canneli Coal for grate fires-does not spit or splutter. No better canneli coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL. WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a farmer attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Cail and get the facts. It's worth while. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTiIRACITE ne .Coal 77at Satie J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel. Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PAGE M

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