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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 PG ER ORDER THEM EARLYi HOT CROSS BUNS b-The good old-f ashioned kind that make you want more. Buy them at our shop or hail the delivery wagon Thursday. Ail kinds of Easter Novelties, Eggs, Bunnies, etc. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville RIEDPIROSE 'TEAis ood tes' SRed Rose Orange Pekoe -Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum çç;;Acid tomach Exceas acid is the common cause of indigestion. It resulta in pain and sourness about two bours after eating. The quick corrective is an aîkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It bas remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralises instantly many tiznea ita volume in acid. It is harm- less and tastelesa and its action in quick. You will never*rely on crude methods, neyer continue te sufer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acte. Please ]et it show you-now. Be sure te get the genuine Phil- lipe' MiIk of Mag-nesia prescribed by physiciens for 50 years in correcting exoess acids. Eacb bottle containa full directionh--any drugstore. Oatmneai ~ Cod Liver Mdeai Cod Llver OU No Wonder Baby Chicks Thrive on Quaker FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER The pure, fresh oatmeal of Quaker Fui-O- Pep (Ihk -'t.trter is just the thing for the tender digestive tracts of baby chicks. And authoritative tests prove.OATMNEAL WEDDING PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Rundle-Pointon Report For March, 1928 A very pretty Spring wedding took No. of homes visited 95. No. Of Ok place at the home of Mrs. S. C. visita to: Prenatal cases 16; postnatal Os Rundie, South Darlington, on Sat- 4. adult 18; infant 26; prescbool De urday, Marcb 24tb vben Florence L. 65; scbool 50-total 179. No. of tor Pointon of Oshawa, only daugbter of cases flot found 20; No. of miscellan- me Mr. and Mrs. L. Pointon of W. Palm eous visits 4; No. of social service hi Beach, Florida, became the bride of visits 5; No. of office hours 20; re- da, S. Charles Rundle, second son of Mrs. ferred to doctor and dentist 12. Mr Rundle and tbe late Mr. S. C. Rundle No. of Infant Welfare Conferences or( of Darlington, Rev. J. H. Stainton beld 5, with total attendance of 36. tou officiating. To the. strains of Lo- era bengrin's Wedding March, played by School Report: cor Miss Dorothy Rundle, the bride en- No. of visita to achool 36; No. of tered the drawing room, wearing a class room inspections 15; No of pretty dress of white Chantilly lace pupils inspected 573; No. of pupils 1 and georgette, ber veil arranged weighed 450; No. referred to doctor of witb a head dress of orange blossoms 5, No. treated 16; No. excluded 7; reB and carrying a bouquet of 0phelia No. defects corrected 6; No. readmit- in roses and Easter liies, ber only or- ted 37; No. seen in office 31; lin- Lir nament being a string of pearls, took munization againat diphtheria bas He ber place beneatb a prettily decorat- been started in the South Ward wl ed arcb of evergreena and Spring School. 56 pupils received their of flowers. Miss L. Marie Rundle, first dose of Toxoid on March l6tb. adi wearing a peach colored georgette Olga L. Ted. Te dress, and carrying a bouquet of yu carnations and roses, was bridesmaid. yez Mr. Roy W. Rundle acted as grooms- The Statesman Is $2.00 a year or tini man. $1.50 for balance of 1928. as During the signing of the register An Miss Dorothy Rundie played the Ail thinga comne to the other fel- wal "Melody of Love". low if you will only ait down and wait ver The dining-room was very prettily -Trotty Veck. in, decorated, the color scheme being in of pink and white. The flowers on the Live innocently. Do no wrong me bride's table were lilies of the valley with heart or hand this day. Deity as and pink and white sweet pes. is present.-Lineas. yee Pink and white carnations, tulips and sen hyacintbs were the flowers tbrougb- Miller's Worm Powders not only 1 out the bouse. make the infantile system untenable thr Twenty-flve guests sat down to a for worms, but by their action on Kir very dainty luncheon served by girl Ithe stomach, liver and bowels tbey Sai frienda of the bride, correct such troubles as lack of ap- Del Tbe bride's going away costume;petite, biliousness and other inter- was an ensemble suit of pearl grýey al disorders that the worrns create. with chin-chin blue trimming, with Ghildren tbrive upon them and no bat and sboes to match and a plat- matter what condition their worm- Mr. inum fox fur, the gift of the groom. infested stomachs may be in, tbey der The groom's gift to the bridesmaid will show improvement as soon as ing was a vanity pin-se, to the pianist, a the treatment begins. bee bracelet, and to the groomnsman, ai day green gold watch chain. ily The bappy couple, amid showers of ter confetti and good wishes, left by L ~ ' I whl motor for a short boneymoon in Stomlacfl Troubles be Toronto.1 Tbey will reside at 227 Dearbourne ThtAeD n eous Tyý Avenue, Oshawa. h tAeD n r ad Previous to ber marriage the bride (CUT THIS OUT) 0f was given a miscellaneous sbower by Some formis of stomacb trouble, if ada ber girl friends. She was the re- neglected, often lead to, dangerous ed cipient of many beautiful gifts, in conditions-ulcers or cancers-then, tin cluding a Cbesterfield lamp from the staff of Steel's Consolidated where a surgical operation is about the on- ui she was formerly employed as cash-j dip.swh ier. For this reason, even- the niost TRAIL RANGERS & TUXIS NEWS Orono is making some headway in the sale of bonds. Bond Sellinz Campaign for the province of $ 13,000 fell short $ 2,000. Tyrone Tuxis boys met March 23, when Rev. J. R. Trumpour gave a s'plendid talk on "Church Member- ship". Talk next week will be on "Education". Wilfrid Carrutbers' group held an outdoor competition for several bad- ges. The entire group biked 4 miles in an bour to qualify for this section of the hiker's badge. Bowmanville reached its object- ive througb the faithful co-operation of the boys and citizens. Each member of Boys' Parliament is ask- ed to raise $25.00 to wipe out this deficit. Perey Cowling bas taken charge as mentor of a Tuxis group. Percy is a well qualified leader and he bas set bis mind on the work and will have an interesting and helpful meeting every week for the 12 members in bis group. Inter-group games are being played with Lorne Jackman's Tuxis Suare. Ambulance Service We now have a motor ambulance fully equlppedi and heated whlch maeure. great- est comfort and safety. Emergency calis given speclal attention. Phones 58 or 159. Alan Wlllliams, Bowmanvllle. 9-t Sleepless Nights, Bladder Weakness Relieved in 2 4 Hou rs If your sleep is disturbed by Blad- der Weaknes, Irritation, IBurning Sensation, Backacbe, Nervousness and Bad Nerves-due to clogged kid- neys, Prostatic Troubles, or inflam- mation of the 'Bladder Urinary Tract, you should try the amazing value of Syrol Tablet.s at once! Syrol Tablets, whîch any good druggist can now furnisb in sealedi packages containing 2 weeks' supply, are especially designed by a ,.orld famous cbemist to bring quick relief and comfort to tbose folks near or past middle life wbo are almost con- stantly troubled by Backacbes, Blad- der Weakness, Irritation and rest- less troublesome nights. On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if sat- i3factory results are flot obtained-. you are invited to try and enjoy the wonderful value of Syrol Tablets to- day. Any good druggist can supplyl you. simple stomach alments should- b e given pr&xnpt and careful attention. So, don't negleet acid stoniach, sour- ness, gas or bloating! And don't waste time with unknown or unre- liable treatments. At the very first signs of distress, go to any good drug store and obtain a few cents' worth of pure Bisurated Magiiesia. This special Magnesia Compound is safe and plea.sant to take--quickly, almost instantly, effective and does flot act as a laxative. Be sure and ask for 1B.SURATED Magnesia for stomacb troubles only. SPRING TERM In each of Shaw's Twelve Schools merges into the Summer Term with no forced vacations. Enter any time. Booklet free. Write 1130 Ray St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. <lue Pas tery R.1 Sou his W. Wl Mrs 0W ter, Blw pasi i thai sym re<( mer 10," 'wheelbase, 4 inches longer. Bigger, roomier Fiaher Bodies. Non locking four -wheel biakes. New OBITUARY Mrs. WilliamOeOaw Clara Jane Johns, wîfe ofWila )ke, died at bier home, 154 Mary St., )sawa, on Wednesday, March 21.1 )eceased was born in South Darling- on, 64 years ago. Tbe surviving nembers of the familv beside beri îsband are: One sors Russel; two- augbters, Mrs. W. S. Pogson and Irs. A. Mountenay, aI of Oshawa; te sister, Miss Mary Johns of Mani- u, Manitoba, also survives. The fun- ra service Friday afternoon was onducted by Rev. C. W. Demille. Rov. A. R. Lintou, Port Credit Rev. A. R. Linton 0BAB D., diedi fpneumonia on âaturday« at his u8idence, Park Street, Port Credit, b is 77th year. The late Adam nton was born near Orono, Ont. le attended Queen's University, riere lie qualified for the ministry fthe Presbyterian Cburch in Can- da. He served congregations at eswater 13 years, Port Credit 6 cara, Harrow 4 years and Puce 18 eara and retired in 1921. He con- iued upon bis return to Port Credit steacher of the Bible Glass in St. Lndrew's Presbyterian Cburch, and as scheduled to take part in anni- ersary services on April 22nd., hav- gj been the first ordained minister fthe congregation. He was a life iember of the Masonic Order, and, sa P.G.M. of the I.O.O.F. wmth 35 cara' service, be was recently pre- ented with a gold medal. The survivors are bis wife and hree sons: Ca ptain James k!. B., agston ;Dr. F. Douglas Weston anîtarium, Toronto; and John M., ýetroit. Mr. William Nixeon, Darlington One of Darlington's older citizens, r. Wmn. Nixon, passed te rest sud- nly at bis home Wednesday morn- g, March 28tb. Mr. Nixon had en feelinL, poorly for four or five ays but was up around and bis fam- ythought he was feeling mucb bet- cr when be ate bis breakfast but ,en he got up and went to bis chair epassed away almost instantly. He was born in the Gounty 'rone, Ireland, on July 12, 1847, d was second youngest of a family twelve cbildren. He came te Can- la forty-nine years ago and bas liv- 1in Darlington almost ail of that me. On January 1, 1885, lie was ited in marriage with Mary Loane .o survives bim. Being a jovial sposition he was beloved by ail .o knew him. The funeral on Friday xvas con- cted at the bouse and grave by bis aster, Rev. W. Sterling, Orono, in- rment beinx made in Orono Geme- ry. The paîl-bearers were Messrs. J. R. Cole, Jas. T. Cole, H. Soucb, S )ucb, E. J. Power, G. Gain. The flowers were a wreatb frein sfamily and sheaves from Mrs. 1G. Rundle and Mrs. Everton 'ite, Mr. John Cole and Mr. and rs. Arthur Terry, Toronto. Mr. Nixon is survived by bis wid- Vone son, James, and one daugh- r, Mrs. Frank Sitînson (Annie), lckstock, wbo deeply mourn the ssinLr of a kind husband and loy- ýg father. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Nixon and family desire to Lnk their many friends for their ,pathy and kind deeda and flowers ýe:ved during their sad bereave- 'nt. in aLow I) viced Cay T HE most recent trend of automobile design is strlk- ingly exemplîfied in the "Bigger and Better" Chev- rolet. The high, narrow radiator . . . the long, low bodies . . . the unbrokcn 5weep of the lines from front to rear . . . the stylish blending of colors in finish and upholstery . . . these distin- gish Chevrolet as unmistakably new and fashionable. Inower, in specd and snap, the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is no les& modern and vigorous. Countlesa refinements in engine and chassis give Chevrolet a performance as dependable ais it i. brilliant. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, alone among low- priced cars, bas truly caught the modern spirit. The. G.M.A.C. . .. Generai Moto:?' own deferred psy- ment plan affords the most convenient and economical way of buying your Chevrolet on time. NEW AND» LOWER PICES koad.ste . . . $623.0 S1ie -ai Sedan. . . .- $890.00 Touring --.625.00 Cabnolet .. ........35.00 Coup.. 740.00 Conumercia Chamois . . . 470.00 Coach-. . 740.00 Roadar De[i.e . . . 625,00 Sedan. . . . . 835.00 Ton Truck ýihusi.s . 635.00 Ro4dster PExpras - -0650.00 AU priti ai Faclory, Oshira-Gavemm. Tazei, Bum.pers and Spar Tire Eire. RE»'Y FOR lIMMEDIATE .DELIErY CI-HEViIOLET more dilyestible (96% available) than any otliier grain Iroduct! CdLiver Oul in this coMplete feed pro- vides valuabie vitamines to build strong, big liones. Cod liver Meal tones up the moreQualker FUL -0- PEP CHICK STARTER SOLI) BY HARRY ALLIN, Grocer SKing St. E. Bownianville BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS PEODUCT 0OP!JUNERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIM!TUD shock absorber apringa. Crank. case breathing system. «Invar- atrut" constant clearance pis- tous. The Road to the Ba.nk T HIE road frorn ile fayrn the Bank slxuuct b, v ~>worn: jr is a safe roa. to travel and you wil' -'alwayslindawellcome at this end. Some day you may need assistance from the Bank to buy seed grain or to provide 1 eed for your stock until marketing tine. If you are a stranger, it may be hard to ar- range. A Savings Account with us now is a good recommenda- dion for futur".C Th e Ra.ciya1 Bank M,, f Canada Bowman\ ille Branch - K. F Aitchison, Manager 'A Policy You Can Afford The "Ideal" Policy is one of the most interesting policies issued. If you are a healthy maie under 45 years of age you can get a $2,500 polîcy witkout medi examination. And the premiums are Iow and limited in number-allowing a man to buy his insurance wben at the height of bis earning power. Specir for Age 20... 25... 30... 35... 40... EXCE LSI imen rates $2,500 Rage ...$38.75 ...44 90 ...53.25 ...65.40 ...83.75 10OR INSURANCELIFECOPANY HEA D OFFICE, EXCELSIOR LIFE BLDG., TORONTO MAIL THIS TODAY District Reprsentative W. BLAKCE McMiURTRY, Sg.r aq Send .me .1i iformation about yaur "IDEAL" Polcy. (EXCCLSOR 0, y og re..... ..........-........ 1 . ........ ... ...................... ....... Addreis ............. ........ ........ .. . .I. Il Ready For'_Seeding Time We have a good supply of GRASS SEEDS-ALL GOVERNMENT TESTED at the foliowing attractive prices No, 1 Red Clover, Home Grown $ 18.00 per bus. No. 2 Red Ciover, Home Grown $17.00 per bu&. No. 1 Alfaif a, Variegated, Peel County -$18.00 per bus. No. 1 Alsike .....................$15.00 per bus. Pine Tree Timothy (No. 1 Purity) $ 4.50 per bus. No. 2 Timothy Home Grown ....$ 3.50 per bus. Marquis Wheat ..................$ 1.60 per bus. These prices will probably al when seeding commences. Lt wili cure your suppîy early. be advanced pay you to se- McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville * MI LES* "M MMlUinUSlZSSCONDITION BROUGI4T 00 DY THE PABSEIIC !Ç99 i RU AD R ESTORE THE 01411. TO'NORMAL HEALTH.- NNARCOTI 8-PLKABANT bG SUGARt 1~ STO:IE, FORLONG & Ci STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Ba adWellington t.Tono S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expene ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ouhawa4 Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowzanvillo WU. DAVEY, Oromo PAGE BEVEN

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