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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 PAGE EIGHT Mr. W. N. Buckiey underwent a The Board of Education on Mon- minor oi eration ini Bowmanviile day evening received officiai notice Hospial lat SundaY, returning home from The Public Trustee, Osgoode on Tuesday evening.1 Hall. Toronto, that the late Theinas St. George's Cbuncb, Rev. E. R. Motague had left a bequest of James, Rector. Easter Sunday, ý5,O-00.00 to the High Schooi to pro- A prit 8tb: 8 a. m,-Hoiy Commun-Imote two annual scholarships, one ion; il a. m.-Morning Prayer and to a maie student and one to a fe- Easter Anthem; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday maie student. The Toronto General School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. ITrusts Corporation is the Solicitor. ___________________________This is sometbing which the trustees, parents, teachers and pupils can cer- tainly appreciate. Such wrh -UIR while schoiarships as the interest on $5,000.00 will provide ought tc Newcastle spur the boys and girls on to dili- Community Hall Among other geleroUS bequests of specialiy local interest are: $10,000 to the Municipal Gouncil as an en- Friday, April 6th dowment for maintenance of the Matinee at 2.30 p. m. Community Hall; $4,000.00 to St. George's Churcb and $2,000.00 to St. Evening at 7.30 o'clock George's Ceretery. Truiy if any Admisio: Adits50c luswar community ba reason to count its Admisio- Adlte50c luswar blessings witha heart full of grati- tax; Children 25c. tude it is this village of ours. May 6-Piece Orchestra in Attendance. she always be wortby of ber many 1benefactions. Visit Our Bargain Room A roorn has been set aside for Bargain Priced Shoes, Shoes are ail on racks, corne in and look around, pick out that every day shoe or work boot. A Few Examples of the Many Bargains Wornen's Strap Slippers Real Value $1.98 One or two straps, low or cuban heels, Black and Brown, Reg. $4.50, Bargain Roorn Special $1.98 200 Pairs Odds and Ends in WOMEN'S SHOES 98C Some of these shoes were once sold as high as $10.00 Ladies' Latest styles Black Patent Cuban Heel Shoes (ail sizes)-Reg. $6.50, Bargain Roorn Special $3.45 Growing Girls' Shoes Reg. $4, sizes 21/2-61/2, $1 .98 Reg. $5.50, sizes to 61/2, $2.95 21/s I Real Value in Girls' Slippers $1.69 Size il to 2 $1.98 Men's Rubber Boots Regular $4:00, Bargain Roorn Special $2.98 Regular $6.00, Bargain Room Special $3.98 Men's Heavy Work Boots either Panco or Leather sole, sizes 6½/. to 11, Bargain Room Special $2.98 Limited Quantity of Mén's Boots & Oxfords At $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 Rovan's Quality Shoes Formerly Claude Ives Spring Opening Sale R. J. ROVAN Formerly of the Canadian Bankrupt Shoe & Sales Co., is showing a fulll une of Latest Spuing Shoes. These shoes corne direct frorn Factory and will be sold at real reasonable l)rices. A Shoe To Fit Any Purse And Foot New Leathers New Fabrics New Styles For The New Season Strollers Tan Honey Beige Raven Black Satin Brillio Patent Chic Veivet Colours AII of Them-and you rnay choose the strap sipper-the pump-the Oxford in clever toe and smnart heel effects Footwear for any Day Time or Evening Function Men's Shoes in Black Caf-Tan Caf- Patent and Scotch Grain Leathers The prices on these shoes will be moder- ately low, compared to the prices you have been in the habit of paying. A Pair of Hose WiIl Be Given FREE To Every Purchaser of Men's and Ladies' Shoes TheNe c teIrd p rd t THURSDAY, APRIL 5th., 1928 NEWCASTLE YOUNG MEN'S NEWCASTLE COUNCIL IN SPENDING MOOD MINSRELCONCERT! teep April 30th open for the (Continued from first page) * Te yun me o Wecoe Ca'Young People's Play, a rural draina, ton, that the custom of neadingr in t Th youg me of elcoe Clss Kindling the Hearth Fire", in the onialngisofepdtusfr of the United Churcb Sunday School ommunity Hall. Admission 35c onialngitofepdtusfr certinl addd lstr to he ain of nd 5c.14-1 the month is waste time. It is about Scerainaed lu teto teae of and 2clits informative as iistening to grand ther am whn he apeaedinan United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, opera being sung in Italtan. Our entirely new role as darky minstrels Pastor. Sunday, Apri ShEateî* personal preference is for the latter ii a two and a haif hour concert in Sunday: il a. m-Mrîn o(hpa vou can cnjoy the music even tho' *ithe Community Hall last Thursday and Reception Service; 2.30 J.tî you don't understand the words. e vening. This ciass has been Or- Sunday School; 7 P. m.-L -Cfiflg The seat warmers in the audience ganiized and buiit by Mns. (Rev.) E. Service, Special Easter Music. expected the real tit-bit of the even- B. Cooke within the last few years and represents the creamn of the Mr. Wmn. Parnail, who fracturcd ing would bc the Finance Minister'8 churh'syoun mahoodwitin his hip and sustained other painful revicw of the Auditor's report wbich territorial bounds of the Newcastle injuries wben he feul on the ice f rom cost the town $400, (for 3 type-, UniedChrc. t is a live, -wbole- the top of an eigbteen foot iadder written copies tied witb royal purpie somiergetic apbl gou f iast winter, has .made a remarkable baby ribbon). The chairman 's in- fellows bnougbt into close commun- recovery and is now walking with tro.ductory remanks expressed the ion with one another tbrougb the de- tbe aid of crutches. opinion it was one of tbe best reports voted and persistent efforts of Mns. Wor. Bro. Goodfellow, D.D.G.M., ever. Then bie read snatcbes bere Cooke, and bound together unden A. F.&A.M., Whitby, paid an officiai and -there about the cash balance, the banner of the Cburch Militant by visit to Durham Lodge on Tuesday tax artears, outstanrdinir accounts, ties of mutual good-will and feltow- evening. While the brethren werc debts to be witten off, insurance, ship. Tbey bave had many good enjoying tbemselves in thein lodge debenture debt, sinking fund, etc. tinies together, that is, really god- rooms, Mns. (Dr.) Butler entertained He wound up his report by reading good for theniselves, good for their the ladies most delightfully at hier venbatum from the report wbat be asociatea outside tbe class who home, King St. E. considered one of the most import- drawn by saine iindly magnetie in- The engagement is announced of ant passages wbicb neferred t. tbe fluence witbîn the class feel impelied Dorothy Grace, younigest daughter of improvement in records and account- te joifl up, and good for te chunch Mm. Wickett and the late John ing they had installed. In othen words and community whîcb together ne- Wickett of Port Hope to Mn. Harold the auditors were praising tbemselves t cognize the great value of giving S. Graham, Toronto, only son of Dr. and patting their own backs for tbe wise direction to the ener-gies and and Mns. R. L. Graham, Port Hope, book-keeping system tbey inatalled. aspirations of younL, manhood. But the maniage to take place quietly We bave no desire to belittle their Itbis bas no intention -of dealing the latter part of Apnil. efforts, but why boast about it wben jwitb tbe worthy performances of the C .I T n tbe town pays thein eacb year $400 1atbtCny.hec G.ecntbg d ImT. girls called onMis. or more for the information garnen- past bu onl th clss' ecet bg Adirmte f NIrs. J. C. Hancock, c d. united effort in tbe presentatien of a on Sunday afternoon and conducted, minstrel concert with a wbotly local a service of cheer. They sang a hymn! Any citizen looking for matenial cast. And it can readily be surmnis- in chorus; Miss Helen Lycett read a to enliven conversation at an after- ed tbat the creditable and entertan- prayen; Miss Rosa Cowan a passage may flnd or te pso cafedsnato in g pnogram witnessed by some four of scipture, and Miss Dunreath Dud-myfn moeo aldsna t hundred people was not produced lev a story. N eedless te say, Mrs. the line in a municipal audîton s re- without careful planning, mucb hardiAdain greatly apprcciated the visit-port than any volume of local facts and persistent wvork in practising and ofte ilsVex una ite recorded. Mind you, this casts no rebearsing, and diligent attention tol fexc tgioneMis . . ane. reflection whatever on the tewn of- outlines and details on the part of Beaven St.fias.W hvecnedteepr Mrs. Cooke, President Arthur Bragg, n n r.FakBtn r, and we venture tbe opinion that the Secsetary John Ashton and the other, who have bcten spending the minter hof wsfo odb h hiia members of the ciass. o Finance in bis review Monday At he ou ofopein, te cr-with ber gnandparcnts, Mr. and Mrs night. Why not give the ratepay- prthed orev eing, the thiry J. H. Middleton, are neving into the ers tlie facts as weli as their money's tainseeaig h tit north baîf of Nlr. S. Baskcrvitl_' iworth. Nothing is gained by witb- younoe mn itting around the stagej brick bouse .Mr. Branton who has holding such information. in semi-circular uines. Tbey wone ntben-elcxct go back to, black suits and dark bow ties and iwonk ien Owa in he narfuur.1 me people May naise a bolier presented a striking picture witb Mns. J. G. Rickard, B owman ville, about giving Chief Rd. Janvis a ne- curly heads, blackened bands and i. staying %vith her sister, Mrs. Geo . tiring allovance, but wve don't agree blackened faces from wbich gteamed p. Riekard, whose husband's condi- With them. An officiai wbo bas the whites of fiasbing eyes. So weil tion continue. t' cause miuch anx- served the town faithfuliy and con- did they appear in thein make-up thati iety. týinuously for 37 years is deserving ithey came pretty near being as at- Mn. Gordon Ashton presidcd oe 'of sonie considenation and recogni- tatiele. iN a cohe unerstsndthe program arranged by conccntedilion. arhile.mothris ocous of brsang group action at the Y. P. League on Thei-e is always two sides to eveny ber stve a glo sy ickw ofh fok Monday evening. It was varicd and stery and from our observations we lierstoe aglosy lac, wy flksintenesting an(l ntroduced some new ai-e of the opinion that bad the par- with black shoes poiish tbem with so talent. The numibers included a tics interested got together in a mucb cane, wby black is the correct vocal duet by Miss Clio Anderson business like manner and discussed colon for gentlemen's dress suits, why and Miss Bernice Giibank with Mrs. the question of extending watenwonks black is always in style and always (Rev.) Cooke at the piano; recita- te Cream of Barley Camp the pnob- becoming in ladies' wear, wby papens,1 tions by Mn. Ernest Crisp and Miss (1cinm ould have been soived long books and magazines are univensally Foec Aho;vca.oo"ov . R umors and taik on the street' line ne black cndickenHarlAl' sends a gif t of Roses" by Mr. Geo. 1 in getting this question settied are TH riE SackE. es. Bac' Walton, witb Mrs. Laura Fisher ac-j about as usef ul as a iast year's inotor THEmpanying and mouth ongan solo license. Sitting in the centre, like a star byM. Geo. Sparrow. Mn. J. H. And lastly, motonists beware! A within a cioudy crescent, or an opat-IJase gave the topic. new by-iaw neuending traffic in Bow- escent jewel set in an arc of shinyt manville hasb een passed. t wili jet ornaments was Mn. Clarence At-. be time weii spent and money saved lin, the inteniocuton of the group, tbe EASTERN STAR BANQUET if you get a copy of this by-law and kinL, pin of the mechanism as it were. IN TORONTO read it. Police have been înstnuct- Resplendent in black and goid and ed te enfonce the law. Ignorance fine linen sat the four end mnen, two Tuesday evening about 35 of the cf the law is net accepted. at either tip of the dank creacent of members, husbands and sweetheants their fellows. They were George, of Durham Chapter, 0. E. S., Bow- the loquacieus; Henry, tbe gannulous; manville, attended the banquet of Rastus, the voluble, and Sambo, the Harmony Chapter, Toronto. Dur- jocese, alias Irwin ColwVtl, Chantie ing the first part of the cvening I lenney, Ernest Gilbank and Ainley Canada Cbap., Tenante, presentcd the Butler. With quip and quink and local Chapter witb a beautiful white menny jolke and bantening jest inter- satin altan cushion aise five star point spensed between the vocal numbers baskets of flowers. A few weli they kept the audience cenvutsed chosen wonds of appreciatien were witb laughten and shaking in spasme spoken by Mrs. L. Goddard, W.M., of gond humoned appreciation. The on behaîf of Durham Chapter. A C Mn. 'Locuter, dnecting affaire with fine programn was then enjoyed aften expansive unbanity accepted 'witb wbich aIl assembied in tbe banquet good natunal repartee seme of their hall wbere a mass of tables prettily banter at hig ewn expense, while a decorated with 0. E. S. celons laden number of local citizens, Rev. Cooke, with good things te eat were arnang- Wright, Dr. Butler, C. R. Carveth, of the good things and engage in the were made targets fon their keen routine of toasts, etc. Durham Chap- pointed shafts of wit. ter arrived in Bowmanville after The opening seng "Evenin' Folks" midnight feeling the evening bad sunoe by att in chorus to the tune of been well spent and knowing the true Jingle Belle was a nouser. Its sud- fraternal s irit existing between den stop suggested four wheel brakeg Teronto and Blowmanville Chapters. and ieft the audience gasping in amazed unexpectancy. Austin Tur- ner sang the first sole, Wanita, in Cisp in a funny, dialogue, paying i good form and witb dlean enuncia- dehts with a $1. 00 i1 and A. tien. Howard Peance followe.d with Gaa n o Bona w ot My Blue Heaven, pretty and sweetly ors s-wapping yarns. ... sentimental. Frank Woodhouse's Aiten the performance and con- eiocutionary number, Somebody else cent Mrs. Ceoke and bier dlais were -net me, witb musical accompani invited down te the hall kitchen, S metwas higbly bumorous. Emer- wbere Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mns. W. H. son Fisher gave a good nendening of Peance, Mns. Floyd Butler, Mns. the soothing, solo, Sundown. Will Fred Graham, Mns. H. R. Pearce and Henning made a four base bit witb Miss Rowena Bragg entertained themr bis solo, She's Mine, Ail Mine, the at lunch. rest of the feilows joininiz with vini By request of the ciass Mn. Bel- in the chorus as tbey did in a number fond, teachen of a tbniving dlass of of the soles with telling effect. A s youne men in connection witb the the cheers of the audience continuedi Runnymede Church Sunday Scbool, te assail bu, Wili returned and sangiTononto, came te Newcastle twrice, c A for another home riln bit and ap- joutlined a prognam and gave seme the Moon, giving ceaneful attention teoi ____________rich, During an interlude about midwaY Uic Twe&-ntv-Elghth day of Apnil, 1929,c ithe pregram a number of fellows ofîl jantîculans o! the appeared in some laughabie and en- y after sald date the aale"t of the tertaining akits: Clarence Turner and tdeeitlewîîî be thavigteg ardonly Pl John Ashton in a farcicat recitation- te cîalinq ne flied. Gao. Spanrow, Erneat Pearce andj DATRD at Onhawa th. Third day of PekCwa a iaoguehand a racihoe ntld hret, ha1n9 rgad8. Dic CwanIna dalguean prct. Ew. .1928. R K C cal joke touching a "'whole shirt", B n. ofCLAIR, K. C.. Eric PacAi rhmadEnM14-s Oeh&wa. ontahe WHEN ET!UUATO Rev. E. B. Cooke was in Orono on Monday evening assisting Rev. Wm. Sterling in special services e hlascon- ducting in the Park St. Church. Mr. and Mns. Clarence Batty and daugbter Lornine, and Miss T. M. Penfound spent Sunday with Mrs. Batty's sister, Mne. Geo. Allun, Whit- by. BUSH HORSES 4 Carloada by Auction EVERV TUESDAY untîl end of April. Ail bought at hlgh prices lait fall and lin excellent worklng conditlion. SALES START il a. m. No Reserve COULTER BROS., THE REPOSITOFIY 10-28 Nelson St. Toronto GHLIN- BUICK'S modish color har.- Id further charm rlow lines of the isher bodies. ,hlin-Buick presents the season's attractive mode. The rich hues Fisher bodies btend delightfully colon-harmonies, providing an :ury and refinement approached --e the mestCo-tty cars The G. M. A. C. De- ferred Payment Plan off ers many advantages to buyers of McLaugh- lin-B uick cars. ýUGHLI dN-B1> M4-a4lg@B ZORBETT MOTOR SALES COMPANY lone 248 Bowmianville >MODHZSAIU BMT - McLAUGHU U.D .muoeWUI. MM .B ¶d J. HERMON Buys Poultry, Apples and Wool at Fair Prices Phones: Bowrnanvulle: Geo. Cowling 320r15 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto I i i MASON & DALE, Bowmanville, Ont. H. C. BONATHAN, Newcaâtle, Ont 1 - - - - - . - 1

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