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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL l2th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 15 STAINER'S "CRUCIFIXION" Admirably Rendered at St. John's Church. Thursday evening the male choir of Holy Trinity Church, Toronto, gave an excellent rendering of Stain- er's "Crucifixion" in St . John's Cburch, Bowmanville, the church be- ing filled. The solo work was slen- didly taken by Mr. Emile Sebiff (bass) and Mr. George Cales (tenor). Many very appreciative comments have been heard since, and the con- gregation i. very much pleased witl the splendid ad dition/ to the Holy Week services. Prof. P. C. McKenna Scientific Palmist and Phrenologist Will Consuit at Room No. 6 Balmoral Hotel Bowmanville on Tbursday, Friday, Satur- dae, April 12, 13, 14 inclusive and the following week. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phone appointment 322. Ladie' NewCoats Arrive ri, Await Your Inspection Ail the Most Becoming Styles for Women, Misses and Juniors Developed with Character, SUI and Good Workmanship. Coats in strictly tailored models, fine tweeds, checks, poiret twill and tricotine for sport and street wear--dressy coats in the more elaborate styles in the junior Miss, Misses and Ladies' sizes. Also exceptional display of new Dresses, Dress Materials, Curtains and Draperies in great varlety. Few Linen Table Cloths left at wholesale prices. MEN'S SPRING APPAREL DISPLAYED Well dressed men will view with approval the new Spring Top Coats and accessories displayed in This Store For Men. Here men may select with assurance that quality, value, style and price will meet their highest expectations. Shop now to assure a place in the Easter Fashion Parade. SUITS Numeraus shades sud pstternus la Englisb aud Scotch Glen Unq- uhant Phlaid Sult-s. Single breasted two-buttau models witb soft raIl- ing lapa1, liued througheînt with art ilk, veut and t-wa pairs et trousens At $15.00 up GLOVES Your Easter eut-fit is net com- L.e te wit-bout a pair of Chamois Gloves lu eit-ber plain on baud- eewn lu t-be ustural colon. One dame tastener. P. K. or eutaewu ftms. Washabhe. Sizes 7 % te 9 %, Pnice $3.50 HOSIERY Mon's Novelty Socks of fine silk and wool lu smart suappy stripe and check effects. Col ora-Gney sud White, Grey sud Blue, Heath- er aud Blue, Blue sud Fawn. Sizes 10 te 11%, Price 65e Up NECKWEAR Exclusive importations togethen witb leading Canadian styles, en- able us t-o off er eue of the largost aud meat comprehonsive select-ions obtainable. Pric.d froni 75e ta $1.50 TOP COATS Men's Tweed Top Coats ton esn- ly Sprng Wear. Iu serviceable shades et Fawn on Blue Grey effects with avencheck pst-ternu, Single bneasted slip-ou modela, quarter liued with urtilîks. Sizes 35 t-a 44, Priced at *16.50 Up SHIRTS These veny _popular stanched collar-attached Shirt-s are ber. lu the new blue toues sud stripe de- sigus. Long peint collan att-ach- edoshirt. Sizes 13 % te 16. At $1.95 Up HATS Youv bat must- match your cast or suit te b. correct. Tese fine quality Oxford felt bats in t-be season's smartest colon. sud popu- lar styles ane ber.. Bound brîm, snapbri m sud welt edges. Sires 6 % ta 7 ý2, At $2.85 to $6.00 -J * Celebratng the 7Sth Auniv.rsar of Pr.bytrianiom in Bowmanville in St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church Church and Temperance Streetbs on Sunday, April l5th. Services at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. H. E. Abraham, B. A., of Eglington & Bedford Park Church, Toronto, will preach at both services.. Special Music By Choir Publie la cordially invit.d to the.. eSyice&. REV. R. McDERMENT, Minéter. Couch,Jhuston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Limiten MINISTERS AND CHURCHES LOCAL AUDIENCE ENJOYS NEW CHIEF 0F POLICE EASTER VISITORS St.Pau's huth, ev.D. . BatRARE MUSICAL TREAT i S.Pu'ChchRv.D. D.. Bester Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, at home. D. ., initer 1i a. rn.-"Vis- By Harxnony Choir and Gice Club of Miss B. M. Sargeant at her home ri ions and Dreams" 7 p. n.-"A Tor.onto in Peterboro. choral service of Ester music will Miss Ethel H. Mollon spent the D, be sung by the young People's Choir. A most enjoyable evening's enter- I eekend inToono Toronto 1-timn a rsne nTuesday Miss Mildred M. LwiTrno St. John's Anglican Church, first eveninz in Trinity United Church i oiaiga oe - unayaterEate, prl 5~195.uner auspices of Jerusalem Miss Olive Mutton, Toronto, spent il a. m.-Holy Communion and Lodge, No. 31, A.F.&A.M., whenth the weekend at home. ffSermon; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; Harmnony Choir and Glee Club ofth 7 p. m.-Evenimg service. Confirma- Tongave a program. of a TC.Jwlspt -tien Glass each Tuesday at 8 p. m. in that greatly pîeased, entertained and the weekend in Toronto. Parish Hall. satisfied the music loyers of this town.MisEhl ebe, anrts y St. Andrew's Pvesbyterian Churcb, The happy choice of selections and . home for Ester bolidays. Temperance and Church Sts. Sun- the manner of presentation left lit- Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, day, April 15, Anniversary Services. tie te be desired and everyone wentlsetteweeda oe Rev. H. E. Abraham, B.A., Toronto, away feeling that it always pays toesetteweeda oe will preach at both services at il a. hear the best in music. Mias hoeothe hrkoiday. nto 7p.m. Puli crdaly n- ,The choir of 50 voices and their Miss Marion Pickard, Toronto, vited. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. director, Mr. F. R. 'Beatty, seemed to pet the weekend at home. Rev. R. McDerment, Minister. be in perfect accord and their re- se Trinity Cburcb, Rev. J. U. Robins, sponse to bis direction was marvel- Miss Marguerite Jonesa, Toronto, Pastor. Sunday, April l3th: il lousy true. After the National spent the weekend at home. a. m.-W. M. S. Rally. The address antbem the choir numbers were a 1 Miss Mary Connors, Hamilton, will be given by Miss Winnifred Border Ballad by Maunder, Sweet spent the weekend at home. . Harris, a returned missionary from and Low by Barnby and A Prayer of Miss Maud Otton spent Good Fri- West China. 7 p. m.-The pastor Tbanksgiving, a Song of the Nether- day witb Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart, 011-il preach. Subject: "A Receiver lands, arranged by Kremser, Volga Chief Sydney Venton Oshawa. of Wrecks." Sunday School at 2.30. Boatman's Song and as a contrast 'Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Brown, Ot Good Friday and Easter Day ser- "On The Sea" by Buck. As a still Bowmanville has the reputation Of tawa,* are visiting ber sister, Mri. H. 'Vics wre erywel atendd a s~greater tontra#t "Eigbt BelIs", a being one of the most peace-abiding i W. Burk. Johns wChuvrch, m agattng cîimSt.sailor's sang. law-observing towns in the province. ax ta the Lenten Devotions whicb A pleasing interlude to the choir Yet it must have a Chief of Police Ms ienPreTrnoUi have been observed in the Church. nuvibers was an Italian Street Song as occssionally somebody kicks over Aesti oiaiga r .F The altar was beautitully decorated by Herbert sung by Miss Jean D. Gra- the traces, so to speak. Then an ofri- itchison's. on astr undy wth fioersinham and the choir which showed the cer of the law bas ta be calle in te Rev. L. S. Wight, Belleville gave memory oot Dr. S. C. Hillier. Easter oer and wonderful range of bier keep citizens along the straigtan he ttsmnafidycalo Miusic and antbems added to the note voîce. narrow patb, or at ieast, witbinlIW ednesday. of happy Easter rejoîctng. Another variation ta the programireasonable distance of keeping thel Mr. and Mrs. Eber Knapp, Tor- was apiano monologue gie IMssmliaiuslw nthattt nto, spent Easter with Mr. and Ma-s. Easter ivas fittingly observed by BttW' tpooks.y W satte . G. Rabbins. appropriate services in Trinity Unit-1 Land" Ean ct Aesipclued tw o ot S he hieeanCito ed Chrch n Sunay. astorJ. U 1 Lad". ncore ineuded wo sort S whe the Mr. andhif Mf1.MrEanmers. RundlendlToTo- ed huch n undy. PasorJ. . umorous numbers. Police Richard Jarvis resigned earlY onte, spent Sunduy at Mr. R. E. os- 1Robins' address aat the morning ser- ti era e er'cniuu on',Cuc t vie srice on "The Divine Awaken- Miss Adie Kinsman, A.T.C.M., and thi yas aerf37 er' omntiul oreslhuc t in" cOntained very comforting Miss Irene Tbompson playeii a piano Poervi rce heaof theeBo wnle Mv. and Mrs. C. Symons and t'houghts. Miss Margaret Allinrn duet, Rapsodie Mignonne by Koelling Coui ore fit a s up tso. Town ailWlomset ud a~~~~~ sooi peni oc. r . and 'acted as accompanists on piano Coni1afn ucso. Te Rev. W. A. Bunner's. soitc nllspslo at thoie Sna ho adogarnote.umesontedid and after co nsidering 37 applica-' serichels so mth u apreciate nd proga. n te um sontetiens selected Sydney Venton wbo TMiss Beatrice Devîtt and Dr. Hall, sntervening ts h aoreaed- heseon prtotth poamassumed his new duties first of the oronto, spent the weekend witk Dr. onthe fin Euthe Pso ag e an-theewstoded t by the hoir s month. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. othe fin Easer mssag andthewas ntroucedby te chir sngig WehavealwaM fW.d J.goC 1lley Wand ulMissndM DssDs1 choir repeated the greater part of the Nottingham Hunt by Bullard, Liza ebaeaay fon it od cantata tramn "Olivet ta Caivary" Lady by Linders and the Bells of policy ta keep in good standing wiH ugh McDout asd, GnimsbyM. adý which. tbe congregation greatly en- St. Marys by Adams, ahl of whicb the police at borne and abraad. Sa'uhMDnlGisy joyed. were much appreciated as shown by in order that aur readers mav know The Misses Nichais and Bialmer, the bearty applause tramn the aud- isomething about Chief Veuton we, Whitby, were visitinz their many ience. pass on a t ew tacts about bim. As fviends here aven the h 'oliday.. PRESNTAIONTO EXTN he i man wboi shuns publicity moat Miss Mary Brimucombe ha. been PREENATON O EXON Miss Grabam's singing of "Easter- of aur information bas been secured spending a few daya with ber sie- Easer awthecamleionot tide" by Liddle was a very beautiful tram other sources than tram the ter, Mrs. R. Snowdeu, Oshawa. yeaservicas secpexton tSt teni piece of solo wovk. As an encore Chief bimself. Mrs. R. T. Hoskiu, Simcoe, is with yeas' ericeassexonat t.John's she sang 'With the Swallaws' wbicb Cbuvch for Roland Bute. As Mr. was a very pretty sangLl ede- You only need ta talk with him liber sister, Miss Greta Wickett. Thein Bute is resigning from, that position*d el edr for a minute ta know ftram bis speech, mothen is quite M a t the bospital. it was tbougbt a fitting opportunity Tecorwsher aslni that he came trom Cornwall or Dev- Miss Carrne Martyn uttended the ta mark the occasion by some expres- efTe ch ohn Peelarrungpe b n- on. For bie possesses that accent funeral of the late G. W. Runnalîs sien of appreciation of the services e ut tinJhneclma of tho evn- se familiar and characteristie tu ZoHoe-osfp n ndy rendered. Conseque. tiy, on behaîf dew, ute ciman t fehenevn otmany of the good aId pioneers wboaZoMrnd MvpiTowChs. Hu rd y a of tbe congregation, Ex-Mayar T. H . Iachd' hernein flcated in Durham Caunty tram the M.adMs hs ad n Spry, the People's Warden, pnesentei Sulîvan's "The Lost Chord" by the Oid Country. He may therefore Jack, Toronto, spent the Esten holi- Mr. Bate ihasle.tssriei trained vocalista. To satisty the feel in caming bere, b. is among bis days with Mr. aud Mn.. Chas. H. v.h a pr e oft a slargtea evn audience the choir followed i this own't people for h. was bory near Mason. the ponresenteofna. arge nber of masterpiece witb a plessing number Launceston, Cornwall, England. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. B. St p les and the conregatio. "Moring .ta Canada in 1911 lne Miss Dorotby M. James, Toronto, Way"sand dgr Ges Int'sheautiul stayed for a while witb bis cousin, spent Easter witb Mv. and Mri. N. Way"andEdgr Gests bautfulThos. Bickle, ut Ebenezer, and tben S. B. James. Royal Theatre Laoena Heo' vin hihabousase te Samuel Vincent, for 3 yeavi. He Betty, and Miss Agnes K. Jaddy, Precenting The Finest ln make it a home". atterwards lacated in Swift Cuvrent, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mn. Phutuplay. "Coume ta the Fuir" und anather Sask., where bie remained tilI Aug- F. A. Huddy's. bvight number was sung by Miss Gra- ust 1914 wben war broke eut. Mrs. D. F. Camenon, Margaret and Phone 589 hum and the choir. Bei, ontbe Imperial Reserve be Vernon, Maberly, are visitin beo NO encores were given by the choir wasecal ed up for service aud îmmed- parents, Mv. and vir. Thos. cM]ul- but several extras were given near iately went ta Englaud whene lhe )en, and other relatives. Friday-Saturday, April 13-14 t-be conclusion of tbe pvogvam, includ- jained the lst Bn. Coldstream Guards Mv. and Mrs. Will Sungwin and Ralpb Forbes, Marceline Day and ing "Wben You Remember Me" by bf London. After two weeks' train- daugbtev Hazel and Mvi. Bennett, "Flash" tbe canine marvel in the tenons and "Rocked in the Crudle ing h. went ta France and toak part Oshawa, spent ëood Friday .with MEr. "Under the Black Eagle" of the Deep"' by the basses and tben in the retiremeut tram Mens. In Oc- and Mvi. H. J. Babcock. FoUw hedog o win a ew the combiued voîces in the same two tobev 1914 in tbe first battle of Ypres Principal and Mvi. S. J. Courtice, thrils i thi s tbriling toey of numbers which was exceedingly well he was taken a prisonen of war and Leamington, and Miss Iv>' Courtice, tloe an wav. Tis ig sweenfdedoue. Other numbevs were "Syl- was intevued in vaviaus P8rts Of Toronto University', and Mr. Law- lov an wa. Tis ig eeknd via" and a Southern melody. The Germany wonking in coal mines, ou vence Mason, Toronto, speut the. attraction is one of the greatest programi coucluded most effectively1 favmis and other daties ulloted te Eastetr holidays with thne former's dog pictuves ever pnesented ut by the choir singing "In Memory lonevi until neleased i n 1919 itr Ms-.G.Msn this theatre. of the Old Brigade" while the sud- ii s militavy decorations include theisîThoer,&vi. T. G.uMason Mutine. Saturday ut 2.30 p. m. ence stood ut attention as the Bing- IMons Star, General Service Medal j Te Homent&l Plehool C lub onl Cbildren 5c. ers paid their tribute te the boys and the Victory Medal. medet in CenlPblcSbolo twha gave their lives lu the Great Rt.ig1eCndi lot eusaevuu deAprl1th t. 8 Chapter 3 of ".Fig'btiug with Buff Wn. - 199 elecatedCinadsawi a heoe he - e o ,A rlglStthe aie B9111 and regular pvogrum. Wa.11 lelctd nOhwoweeh me & School Section etftthe 0. E. Previeus ta the concert the Toron- wvorked ut Fittings Limited till Feb- A. will be given Electioenetf oficevi ________ ta visitora, about 100 iu aIl, were ruary 1920 wben he joined Oshawa will be hel, sud it shoe ta Moda-Te.ay Ai-l 6-7 eutertained ut the Balmoral Hotel te Police Fonce. He vemaiued with evevy member will makeé an effort Mondy-T«day Apil 1-17 a sumptuous suppen by Jéruisulem t-be farce until sccepting bis present te be present. George O'Bvieu & Lois Moran in Lodge, the reception being in cba e position. Bet are leaviug Chief _____ "Sharp Shootera" of Mr. E. H. Brown, W.M., Mn.r. T Fviend and members of the force1 A romance of deep seas, s . toM.FF.MrianMr rdsicaewhgo ihsadastrange J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mn. Francis Sut- pveseuted bim witb a solid leatheni PARENTS ATTENTION 1 parts, a sailor boy sud a dancing CnMn. F o rrirad n.F'e suitisefwitb good wises oad as ulie a ___ope_ on____ girl. Heve is a pîeasing pre8enta- C.Ha.ecgiintbigodelosp. Plc cosoen nMnuy tien t-bat will make a deligbttul Tbe ladies were veceived by Mrs.' Chiet Venton cames ta Bowmsn- April 16th ut 9 a. m. The primavy evening's ententainment. Story F. F. Morris, Mvi. M. W. Comstock, ville bigbly necammeuded by the beit classes are almost filled te cspacity. by Randaîl H. Faye. Nfrs. F. Sut-ton, Mvi. R. F. Aitchison. and mast praminent cîtîzens of Osh- Any cbildveu who une 6 yeavi of uge Mr. F. R. Beatty, tbe conducton awa as ta character and ability te are recammended ta start, but child- voiced the t-banks et the membens oi carry out bis duties witb justice ta yen 5 yeavi et age should wait uintil Wedesdy-hurda, Anu 1819 his choir sud bimself in very appre- aillsud without tear or tuvor. the beginniug of the achool year ou Wedesdy-hurda, Ari 1819 ciative xvords ut t-be conclusion of Witb thbe backing ofthte Town 1 Septemben lst. William Boyd in the entertaiument. Council aud thbe ca-apenution of citi- I "The Nigbt FIyer" Assembling ut t-be Balmoral atten zens generally we teel certain tbut Screechiug brukes-an ominous the concert Messrs. F. C. Hoan sud Chiet Vent-on's services will be ail crash of steel on. steel-giaut R. F. Aitchison expressed the thunks juflunce ton good in the cammunity. wheels grindinL t-hein way acrass ot Jerusalem Lodge ta the chair tor The Cbief will occupy W. J. cruuching ties-"The Nigbt Fly- t-he very fine programn presented. Furze's bouse on Scugag Street. RETURN er" bad jumped the truck-doom- The Havmany Cboir and Glee Club 'Mvi. Venton befove lber manniage ed witb two brave men lu thé en- ot Tarant,a, 's tounded in Harmony was Et-ta Allun, daugbten oftht-e lut. ENGAGEMENT gifle cab. The greatest railroad Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Na. 438, G.R.C., Thomas Allin, sud Mvi. AUlin of picture even sereeued. in 1916, during the tenm as Ruiing Newcastle. Tbey bave 2 childreu, "Suc Master of the Lodge of Fred R. a boy 5 yearsand a baby girl 2 U I Beatty, its soe conductor, and was montbs aId. Starting Wednesday, April 18 origînally tormed for Masonîc Lodge _____ Yon ldfaort snii tas purpases. Duving the twelve yeans Shannanigans" War ltevfMi orisdteer.sarslu ofits existence unden the tireless I COMING EVENTS satrMleun Ele a n ad efficient leadership ot its cou-I The "eat pla>' will again b. $-The Man Without a Face" ductor it bas greatly exteuded it5 Te-day Thursday, Ap vil i 2tb., St. preseuted by young people of From, tbe stony by A. M. sphere of usefulness, haviug attaiued John's Chunch Easten Suppen in tbe St Michael's Church, Cobourg, in Willianison. a position umang t-be tonemot Can- Pavish Hall-5.30 p. m. adian ch aira, sud bas in no small de- I o att nwtera rt gnee stimulated tbe iuterest of Ton- I o att nwteru rt Opera House auto -;music.leversi4-t-e fild _f -.1.consult Prof. McKeuna at thbe Bal-

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