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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Unversity. Graduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise ti Ontario and the Domin- Ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches. Office-King St., Bowxnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phono 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. O. Barristor, Soicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Fan and Town Proporty. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Saccasior t. lat. O. B. Simp..ib, K.C. Barriater, Soicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loen Phone 91 Bowmnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to lban. Bonds for sale.t Offces-Bleakley Block, King St.,t Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Bonie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Complote MotVor or fe Horse Equipment Y All caîls promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phono 10 andS34 Branch Store- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embainier and Funeral Director. Colis givon prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman- '111le, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colloge. Toronto, formorly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beîth's former residenco on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t.j J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., .R.C.S., (Edin). D.P.H. (Succssor to Dr. A. S. TiIIey) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Reaidence, Queen St., THE EDITOR TALKS Some tiine ago we read of a shrewc man who believed that the modern system of education in the e]einentary and secondary school- namely, Public and High Schools of Ontario-does not train students foi practical business. He would prefer to take a student wbo had grai'uated £rom a good business college than one from a high school. It is in any case a real problem to decide on the personal fitness of a young man or young woman for almost any busi- ness position, because there are so many different qualifications to be considered. A preliminary selection may ho based on tbree cardinal qualities: scholarship, personality and a probable fitness for a particu- lar business position. For instance, il we desire to obtain a younz Tnan and a young woman for positions in the staff of The Statesman University and we request Principal W. J. Mor- rison, B. A., and teaching staff ta recommend two graduates of Bow. manville High School, and bore are some qualities that we consider im- portant, stating, too, that it is a real problem to decide on what ones to recommend: Fis-t, Intellectual Qualitie.-We reqoire good natural endowment; keen perceptions, retentive memory, accurate and alert; good power of goneralization and analysis; logical, naturaily desiroos of leamning; sin- cere and open-minded; inventive and constructive; rational, jodicious, tboroogb and capable of forming in- dependent judgments-very import- ant for an editar. Printinir bas heen called The Arti Preservative, so Habits of Work is very important-Artistic and neat, indostrious, quick, responsible, pur- poseful, persistent; economical of time and materials; adaptable, at- tentive, cooperative, decisive, execu- tive, teachable, regular and ponctuai in attendance. Personal and Social Characteristics -Conscientious, solf-controlled, self-1 respecting, thooghtful, prudent, me- fined; influential, independent, mag-1 nanimous; faitbful, belpful, loyal, trustful, congenial, caurteous, bar- I monious, patient, respectful, tactful;I bonest, honorable, trutbful, genuine;j regardful of law and of social obli- gations, pure-minded. Emotional Characteristisa ail moît important f or the positions in ques- tian-Ambitiaus, huayant, coura- geous, determined, earriest, bapeful idealistic, roverent; appreciative oï the beautiful, devoted to, the right; friendiy, generaus, kindly, forgiving, humble, sympathetic, weii-poised; insists opon truth, tolerant, sports- manliko, public-spirited; bas a goad sense af humor; has contrai of tom- per, tangue a-id impulses and for sure enjays work. Physical Characteristics-Strong and vigaraus, with a well-developed body; good muscular contrai; grace- fol in figure and in carrnage; gaad eyesight, sound teeth, no physical handicaps, vaîce clear and musical preferred. Cultura.l Training Absoiutely Es- sential-Hahitually clear and correct in the use of English,, bath spaken and writton; bas thaughts ta express; makes goad recitatians in class; cari write a clear, concise, correct, busi- ness letter; writes legibly and well; babitually correct in spelling, ponc- tuation, use of capitalis, clear and correct sentence construction; bas formed vigaraus, well-balanced reading habits. Good knowledge of Bawmanvulle, P'hfone89 arithmetic, his;tary, geagraphy, book- ORS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS ,keeping and oratory if passible. Has stodieddrawing in school. Has saine Physicians and Surgeons lknowiodgo of the principles of de-1 Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. Isign, or representative drawing, of Telephone 108 imle perspective, and of the theor- Office WollngtanStree îes f calor and of calor harmonîes,I Oce. W llengtontret necessary in fine printing. - _______-- -- Many other qualities might ho VETERINARY mentianed. For instance, no ro- ference is made ta moral and relig- DR. F. -. TIGHE jous characteistis-very important. VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or But the faregaing list is h y no mneans Night calis promptly attendod ta. inclusive and ather qualities may ho Office: King St. East, Bawmnanville. listed bore. Must ho a ready writer. Phono 243. The writer's abject in prosenting this article is ta indicate bis concep- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. tion of a modern education intended i orono ta develop the youth of tL countryj Baonar Graduate of University Of diiduals for successful business car-J Toronto. AIl cases giveri prompies and careful attention. Office pt ee . .imated, we prefer a grad-1 Dr.MeEroys frme ofice Phnla. 1uate9of Bowmanville Higb Sc o and Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. ýshould much appreciative a confiden- ____________________________ tial repart fram Principal Mamisian - and staff on evory point mentionedý AUCTIONEERS as well as honest-to-gaadness and I sincere report from the candidate THEO M. SLEMON1 himself or hersoîf an every point al- Auctioneer isa. Farna and House Sales a Spec.ialty. This will givo some idea of the Ternis modierato. Enniskilien P. . comprebensive character of the Phone 197r3. 1tf! qualifications that may ho considered _____essential for a position sucb as aura.j CHIRCYPRACTIC AND DRULLESS , - ----- --THERO PY A ~n experienceu pnysician in DURINE. TEKLE %'hose address on Heaitb and Its. DURWN E.STECLEY Enemies said: 1 have aiways dlaim- honor graduate of Toronto Coliege (cd that an individual's body is made~ of Chiropractic will he in the Bow-' up wholly fmamn what ho oats; 'nanville Office Toesday, Thur2day therefore. what ho oats and the way Ànd Sarurday evenings, phono 141J.: "lecats it must ho the cause of bisý Residential colis made doning fore- physical condition in ail ailments n«ne. ý1%hich pertaîn ta those portions of nth -- odY.ofaintaining the hùalth oif the1 * ~" * ~ Now if the stomach which really // ~ V ~ consists of the entire ailmentary ~j ~ canal becomes woak and one bas t ~4suppose that either sanie article of ~ ~ food bas weakened ar some eleinont %%hich it nocuis is lacking; or, if the excretary organs do not properly perfarm their doties it is evident that they bave eitbor been improp erly fed or that drugs have been admin- istered to incroase their activity he- yond their endurance. If, in fact, any fonction bas beconio impaired it ,W M G L i conimon se-nse ta buiid up and strongtberi that organ and others of a simitar nature tbruoot the entire u boy. Add to, the Joy of the open road - ths pleasure. glvlng refreshment. A sugarcoatedi gum that affordi double value. Pep. permaint flavor in the sugar coating and peppermint iavored gr Many physicians are agreed that nearly all sicknesses and dis:bmders of those partions of the body refer- ed taoiginated in the glands, the organs which soparato, from the food the elements needed in variaus par- tions af the body for sustenance. The liver is the largest gland in the body and the sexual glands are those hovinir the moat profound effect up- on the nervaus systein. Now it is weli known that saine physicians stim- olate the liver ta increased activity by irritating druge or to do the saine with the delicate nerves of the sex- ual glands and in case of a weak stomach to stinsulato the sickly pep- tic glanda of thse stomacis. Uot uis Illustrate by a commnon sense ex.ample that will appeal to ail: If you have ridden after a poor sickly horse for some hours ho wil lag and go slowly. Apply a whip to him vigorously and ho will spur up and show some style--travol at his best speed. But here's the point: the- whip does flot give the animal any real strength, but really aids in rapidly exhausting that which ho ha-%. Sa also do the stimulating drugs. Many persons take medicine for liver, stomach, kidney and sexual troubles and at once there aregea sigris of gain but it is not a cure, not by anuynpeans. tand nnst likel t.he' HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY The 15th -Birthday Party of Bow- manville Hospital which was celebrat- ed at the Nurses' Rosidence on Thursday afternon proved a very en- joyable event. The visitors were welcome.d by Mrs. Fred Goddard, President of Women's Hospital Auxiliary, and other officers who also ierved light refreshments. The hospital was greatly enriched in gooeds and money, as is shown by the ,olowing list of donations, for whiith the officiais are very grateful: CITIZENS VISIT GOODYEAR Visitmar' Day at Rubber Factory Attracts Large Crowd. A very popular ovont which the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. inaug- urated last year was the holding of a Visitors' Day at the local plant in which citizons were invited ta make a tour of the factory. So successful was this occasion that theo manage.j ment docided to repeat the perom Ance this year which was held Wed- nesday afternoon, April 4th. e con dition soon returns, perapsmud Donationsi n Kind peoplIe last Wednosday afternoon nl worse than before uihneCu eka ,g availed thoniselvos of the privilege of J Sushin Clu ReekahLodg tavisiting the Goodyear plant to see y * * * g9a towards the upkeep of I.O.O.F. first hand the interestinig procosses The losson to be learned by the Roam-2 pair sheets, 2 pair pillow of imanufacturîng ruhber from lut fsimilie is a practical, cammon sense slips, 2 bath towels, 2 hand towels, crude stato ta the finished produat. o ne. Wbat would camman sense 4 wash cloths, 2 dresser §carfa, 2 tray These products include solid rubber Itell you to do for the horse? Wby cloths, 2 serviettes, 1 bed spread, 1 truck tires, beits, hosc, heels, auto rfeed hlm of cours-rost and feed. pair curtains. tisats and many other articles. The horse can ho kept ail day at the Mrs. E. H. Leighton-Eggs. Teget sebe tUer miii grinding corn for bis master but Mrs. J. B. Mitcheli-Sugar. _O ceto aionwr hyrgs- -unless he gets food for bimself he Mrs. A. A. Colwill, Newcastle-Or- eeto aiinweete eit Bmust die. Sa also of tho glands. anges and Cauiifiower. ored. From there in groups of a *We can irritate them to increased M rs. H . J. Bahcock-Canned fruit. &ozen or more thoy were piloted *action but this mothod does nat in- Mrs. J. Thickson-Canned fruit. through the variaus departments of croase, but decreases their strength Mrs. J. O'Neil--Oranges. hplnbygiewowrems and life. This is simple a nd logical Mnr. A. Wrenn-Tea and oranges.i attentive in answerinz questions roasoning, any one not stoeped in!Mrs. S. J. Henry-Canned fruit. and explinrng detauls of rubber ?prejudico can readily see now that Mrs. L. Jollow-Canned fruit. manufacturing. the thing is to food and build up the Mns. F. W. Goddard-Canned fruit Since last year the plant has beci: glands. So tbat it is the food we aend vegetables. considerably eniarged and many eand tho way wo eat it that really Miss Peters-Pickles. huan olrs ot-a e a- caunts, for as we have before said Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard-Marmalade. chinery bas been instalied to keep up "Man is really mnade or iinmade at Mrs. (Dr.) Devitt-Oranges. with the growxng demand and popu- the table. How vitally important Mrs. W. F. Dale-Sugar. larity of Goodyear produats. thon that we ail should know wbat Miss Bonathan--Orangis4 In conversation with Mr. A. 1M. we sbouid and should not eat. Mrs. Geo. E. Chase-Oranges. Hardy, Superintendent, he stated Mrs. R. F. Aitchison-O ranges. the output froni the local plant last * *Mrs. K. E. Cax-Canned fruit. year was the greatest in its history Mrs. Eber Sriowden-Tea. i and from prosent plans and indica- Dr. C fhalJ.oHastog, MeicanUMrs. J eWsley Knight-Canned fruit ians they will eclipse al records OfieT f elb rna riting and sugar. during the present year. on ch Righ Attention to Diet re-lMiss E. Knight-Canned fruit. capitulates the article thusly: Pre- Mlrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins-Sugar. venion is the ideal. Consoquentiy, Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon-Canned fruit. Wie otrswoko thvr- by including freely in our daiiy ra- Mrs. A. W. Pickard-Oranges. u e fMotherGraves' orm ther- tion at ioast two or three of theso Mrs. C. H. Mason-Towels. uso ohrGae'WrnEtr vegetables: putatoes, cabbage. cal- Mrs. N. S. B. James-Toweis minator always have it at hand, be- rots, parsnips, lettuce, spinach, poas Mrs. E. Flaxman-Eggs. ýcause it proves its value. and boans, togethor with one at Mrs. W. H. Carruthers-Eggs and lieast of these fruits: Oranges, grape- canned fruit. fruit, lemons, apples and pears; and Mrs. (Dr.) Birks-Tea.Noie t C edtr of the dried fruits: Figs and dates, M iss Reynolds Tea.No ie t rd o s we will socuro not only aikalinitY Mrs. A. M. Williams-Piiiow slips.. df the blood, but the vit- Mrs. C. A. Cawker-Bath towels. 1 R. S. O 1927, Chap. 150, Sec. 51 amins. It is important ta remoniber Mr.s. J. A. McClllan-Breakfast lTXE0 on<'rîlWdwr )n this connection that oth2r acid& bacon. d STT 07.11n orî*î1i(oN-r such as acetic acid (vinegar) and M rs. J. C. Samis-Oranges. 1Ieesd oxalic acid, do not undergo t'lisM1rn, F. J. Pattinson-Pîckles. AtL L jrsons having cI.itns aginst the change in the body but remta:n cd u .TleyTa state of John Cornish. i;ite of tiiý in aià- rs. . E.Tilly-Te. 17ownshlp of Darlingion, in thie Cotîntv of It is wcll ta keep in mind that Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington- ')urhani. m-o1r0ieeaSI 'loIlleil toxins in the blood and acidity are Canned fruit,.on or alînu; the ighteenth day of Sep- potnt actrs n poduingharden- Not pret-iously acknawledged: th-mber, A.D. 1927, are hereliy notifledito pgofnthefactrs proucng ylk hqu o 2.0 rmC . filewith the undersigneil. on or I)efore ingof he rteiesthe wh tae Coqu fo $2.00fro C.H.Mason the first fay of NlayA > 1928, fuil i îr- A chance? We are ahvays caroful which provided 6 Windsor Chairs for ticul:îrs of their daàims. Immeiliately lifter saîd date, the ass, is of tIî Or- to take an inventory of our business Residence. Cffedeill bI e distriljîed itiiongest thos, *ssts nd a se tat he alaceCash Donations entitled thereto, having regardl only t0 onthe rigbt side. Why not take Women's AxîayS.Ad- dcaimns 50 tled. an inventory of our vital assets" uiiavS.A DATED at Oshawa. the 5th day of April, ~I row's Church............. $10.00 1928. ~Mr.Fred C. Vanstone........ 5.00 W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. C., - Mrs. J. Wesley Knight .... 5.00 Bank of Commerce 13ldg., I6l6, DL1YI. f W11 V-uT 11AI__ rs. .(Dr.) Slemosn.'.........5.00 153 shawa, Ontario. ,wnîih Roau lviiiou lake' The voonder book of opportunities sent y.o, fr., on re<quest. Tells yu things you ivant to knov about inrior. me- chanîcs. 1wttc.ry, welfling, vulcanîzing. b ou se -i rin g, la rb.-rin g andiheatj ,-Uit ur. Good :ý,9s!tions flow opien. Thi, longer yoîî put off the more you lose wc, can hein you be a succs. HEM PHILL TRADE SCHOOLS LTD. 163 King Street West . Toronto General Ilnsurance1 Including ail uines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT & DISABILITY, AUTOMOBILE and representing amnongst other first-claâs companies the popular Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Co., and the Sun Life Ass. Co. of Canada. Private Funds te Loan on Real Estate. Town & Farin Properties for Sale. Edith V. Scobeli Agent Bowmanville, Ont. New Designs in Fine Wall Paper We have juat received aur new spring lino of attractive and or- tistic wall paper in new designs. THE MODERN TREND EVIDENT The assortment is large and re- veals qoito definitely the modern trend in color and design. We invite you ta viow it. For Every Type of Rooni Open Eveninge W. J. Berry Phone 207 Bowmanville airs. D. kR. Marrison.......... 5.00 Mrs. W. P. Corbett.......... 5.00 A Friend ....................2.00 A Friend .....................2.00 Mrs. W. F. Dale............. 3.00 Mrs. F. F. Marris............ 2.00 Mfrs. (Dr.) Birks............ 2.00 Miss C. Allen............... 1.00 Mrs. A. E. McCready......... 1.00 Màiss Margaret Allen......... 1.00 Mrs.T. C Jeell ... 1.00 ý Miss Bonathan........1.00 frs W.H ii.......1.00 Mfiss Aiba Colw ilI1.............1.00 Misa 1. K. Smith............ 1.00 Mrs. M. G. V. Gould......... .50 Mrm. Albert HisL,...... .....50 Miss Wosson................. .25 Miss Sbartridge.............. .25 A Friend.................... .50 $56.001 HAMPTON Hampton Women'a Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. R j:ick on Thursday afternoori, April 5tb. The President, Mra. J. R. Knox, presided &ver the business session, after whicb the lst Vice, Mrs. H. E. Rundie, took charge of the pragrani whicb was asi foiiows. Chorus "Wbere the sugar mapie Grows", Mesdames Doidge, Rao, Sauch, Horn, Wilbur, Misses Minnie Horn, Sadie Virtue, Marjoryl Pascoe, Lulu Reynolds, Miss N. Harn, J pianist. An interesting and in-! structive talk on "Canadian Litera- ture" by Rev. J. R. Bick. Vocal duet, "An April Day", Mrs. Souch and Miss Minnie Horn, accompanist, Miss N. Horn. A talk an "Home Economnics" by the convenor, Mrs. J. Colwill; raIl cail, Gardon Hints was answered. Meeting closed by singing "Institute Ode" by the members. Lunch was served and a social timo spent. Attendance 36. Next meet- ing at the honme of Mrs. J. Curtis on May 3rd., at whicb Dr. J. M. Bald- win, IBaowmanville, is expocto.d ta give an address on "Fowers and Shruhs for Home Suîi-iundings." Ail lad- ies weidun1e. THE SECRET 0F HAPPINESS When things are far frons cheerful and you't-e feeling rather bine, Remember there are other fniks wba've got that feelirg tua. Don't sit aroond and grumblo at your evcîlasting lîîck, That's just thný, time tq stick it out and show a bit of plock. For oven nt the xv,rst of times you'Il always find a bit 0f happiness araund if yoa lîke ta look for 't. Wherî everytbinl- looks splendid and yau are feeling pretty brigbt Remember there are other !olks stili trying harl tc, figlit. The sain's not sh-iing cverywhere ho- cause it 3hiiies on yo, And for a lot of other falks things May hb )îking bloc. Sa when yoo're feeling happy don't forget t, she 1 a bit 0f happiness ar.til i fr those in need of it. lt's not yaur job ta grumble at the 'v ythe *orid is mon. It isn't fnim ta sit about jost basking in ;b e -un And wh-ýttîar lu.-k baq came yaur way or things are going wrong, Remember that it's up ta you ta belp the world along. Sa lnok around for happiness, and when you fin-1 :% bit Juat share it out -with ail the world and niake thse mont of iti -Philip Harrison When Halloway's Corn Remover is aPPiied ta a cos-n it killa the roots and the callosity cornu out wlthout injury to the fieah. Notice to Credlitors R. S. O. 1927. Chap. 150, Sec. 51 ESTATE 0F John Giles Hohb, Farm--r, deceased. ALI. persons having daims aigainqt the PRulte oif John Ciles Iloblis, lit,- of il), Townshipî of Darlington in the- Coun- ty oif Durham, Farmer. deî-eas-ed, wlo îîied on ar about the Twenty-îîiird diai- of NMarch, 1928, are hecby notifie(,l o fil- with the undýe rsigned, on or hefore flhe Tiçenty-eîghth îlay of Axîril. 1928, fulîl partîculars of their dlaIms. Imme- iately after saîd date, the asset- of fth, fieceased wlll be dhtt.Ibuted amonga't thiose entitîcd thereto, havîng regard anly to claims so0 mcd. DA.TEtI at Oshawa, fthc 'hjrd day af April. 1928. W.' E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C.. Rank af (iomtnprcep 1h1Ir. 14-3 Oshawa, Ontario. 'Notice to Creditors R. S. O. 1927, Chan. 150. Sec. 51 ESTATE O F William 1-Henry White, Jani- tor, Deceaset]. iEtae of William Henry M'hile. laie tof 1 t*- ownhipofDarlogton.lnte(o - 1 v~ oif Durhîam. Janulor. 1}cpased, who diéO on or about flie Svénth îay of Oct- oler, A. D. 1927, are hcreby notlficd to fi-' wilh ihe îînderslcined on or hefore tie Twenty-Eighth day of April. 1929. foul particuîlars of t ht r dim.Imme- l iately affer sait] date the ao',cls ofthfli dI eceased wlll lie di.tritîittd amonnst thost. entîtiet] there to, having regard only 10 claims sa filld. I)ATF.D ai Oshiawa. flic Third day of Aprîl, 1928. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. C.. Bank uf (2onim,-rr-- lhdz.. 14-3 Oshawa. Ontarlo McL&ughLirs . Buick engin@ develops more power th.n other types because the construction concmntrates the fui fort. of the exsplosion directly on the. piston snd bectus. st n.cessatatess s maller cool. ing are&. This.lltter feau.e al.o provides mort.efficent combustion and a valuabîs saviii. of fuel. The membership has been sot at a minimum of $5,00-you can give as much more as you like. Mayor T. S. Holgate set the example to other citizens by becoming the first paîd- op member. A- membership drive couid ho avoided if citizens would give their $5.00 to any member of the above oxecotive. SPRING TERM In each of Shaw's Twelve Schools merges into the Summer Terma with no forced vacations. Enter any time. Bookiet free. Write 1130 Ray St., Toronto,W.R Shaw, Secretary. The Corner COMMITTEES SELECTED For Chamber of Commerce Work The executive of the Bowmianvillei Chamber of Commerce are going about their work in real earnest com- bined with an cnthusiasm w h means every memiber is putting fort bis best efforts to produce satisfat ory results. At a recent meeting of the execu- tive these committees were selected: Publicity-C. A. Cawker, N. S. B. James, E. Gibbs. Industrial-A. M. Hardy, G. L. Hall, M. J. E]liott, A. Tait. Light, Power, Fuel, Fire, Water, Public Heath-G. E. Chase, C. A. Smith, M. A. Neal, Property, Insurance, Taxation, Assessment, Roads & Streets, Parks -J. D. Carruthers, Dr. G. C. Bon- nycastie, W. R. Strike, Alan Camp- bell. Music, Amusement, Athletics, Edu- cation-W. R. Strike, M. A. Neal, D. R. Morrison, G. E. Chase. As you read over these committees and the work assigned to themn you can picture the members sitting *up many a night planning and figuring how conditions may be improved in the community. For isn't that what is expected of the C. of C? But re- member to accomplish the most good in any civie or community undertak- ing it must have the backing and sup- port of every loyal citizen who is wiiiinz to do bis or her part-not leave it ail to the executive. Every important build- ing has a corner-atone, Every wise man con- templates building an Estate. You also can build an Estate by the purchase of Safe, Sound, Seas- oned Securities on our Systematic Monthly Saving Plan. 51/2%Y to 7 %. WE INVITE ENQUIRIES F. J. Van Nest & CO. Investment Bankers, 350 Bay Street, Toronto 2 STOIBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense WE OFFER FORD CITY 5% BONDS Maturing December lit, 1930-1947 Interest Payable Semi-annually ist June and ist Decombar Price: 100 and Interest yielding 5%/, Descriptive Circula.r on requeit Harris, MacKeen & Co. ROYAL BANK BUILDING TORONTO Consult aur Local Agent: JOSEPH PATTINSON LOWE STREET, BOWMANVILLE Phone 481 regarding these attractive Bondi PT ESTS prove that the valve - in- .h ead engine as used by McLaugh- lin-Buick develops more power than any other engine of its size. The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan offlers many advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars. M-7-4-2SC GHLINwBuI CK Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bowmanville Vioe SETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE SUILT - meL .7Gj'I. .UICIK Wn..L UILD TII PAGE TWO rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, APRIL.12th, 1928 Stone M ýn ýo a y i- p d ;t y Si 1 1 1

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