l'ÂGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL l2th.. 1928. BAKER'S SCHOOL Naater report for S. S. No. 19 Dalnton: Honors 75%. Pass 6 %. sr III-ladysYellowlees 93 H1oward Millson 84. Jr. II-Wan<ý Varnu 84, Martha Varnum 79 Ethel Moorey 71, Dorothy Wonna cott 70. Sr. Il-Mary Ltong76 Carl Ferguson 72, Iva Ferusn 70 Sr. I-Verna Millson 88. Sr. Pr -Isobel YeIlowlees 87, Bertha Var RUM 85. Jr. Pr.-Bi]lie Strong 80 Winnie Cryderman, teacher Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry Mrs. Glbert L. Gibson, Oshawa, anc Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, calledl re cently on their uncle, Mr. M. A James, Lorne Villa. Spring Time means you will b. seefiîn&; Larvex stops moth damnage Pînt bottle $1.00; Quart botte $1.75 Formalin prevents smutt Pints <16 oz.) 35e Wampole's Grape Saits a morning freshner 5 oz. bottle 50c; 13 oz. bottie ;1.00 Abbey's Saits 31oz. bottie 49c; 8 oz. bottie 89e Kruschen Gives that young feeling one size only 69e KERSLAKE's The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 Costs Ni AND YET MEAT IS BE Although we have gone to cor a modern refrigei-ation plant in( the idea that our prices for ineat the case. In fact we have figured it o sanitary systemn is as economical Besides it keeps the meat at a uni is always under cover and flot ex] carrying elements in the air. Thus, when you buy n-eat ai bas been given assure the custom keep longer than under ordinaryi It's a fact-come in and see tshow you the refrigeration plant Ce M. CAWIK Phone 64 Spring Tic New Fui PROBABLY YÔU WILL1 NEW FUR!N A New Dining Room A Chesterfield Suite. A Bedroom Suite. FARM SOLD ENNISKILLEN JHAMPTON HAYDON .9 h nesgedhsrci Easter Visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. Visitors: Miss Winnie and Mr. Miss Helen Worden, Toronto, was The unserucinds recee Albert Stainton and Master Clifford, Frank Crydemmnan, Mr. Albert Allin, home to see bier mother, wbo we are l3,isrciosf Toronto, at Mrs. John Pye's; Mm. Toronto, at Mr. A. B. Cryderman's;1sorry to report is not as wel... a Lon William Pointen, Victoria College, Mr. and Mms. Cymil Jebson and daugh- 1 Miss Mujriel Ashton, Toronto, visited 19, o T. MvcLaugniin Toronto, at Mr. Thomas McGill's over ter, Toronto, and Miss Mary Jebson, lier brother, Mr. Lloyd Asbton.. a- the weekend; Miss Gertie Oke, Bow- Bowmanville, at Mrs. James Jeb- Mm. Gordon Greer, Lindsay, visited 6, te sel] by auction on the premises manville, with bier parents; Mr. and slon's; Mm. Percy Cowling, Bowman- at borne.. Mr. Fred Ashton, Toronto, 0. Lot 11, Con. 7, Darlington Mrs. Walter Robins and family witb ville, at Mm. John Cowling's; Miss spent the weekend at home ...The r. bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gril-I NancyJohns, Toronto, at home; Mr. Rice and Cooper wedding wbicb took r- 01 fin.I and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman at Mr. place at Temple Baptist Cburcb, 0. Wednesday, April lt On account of bad roads Dr. Birks Walter Cryderman's, Solina; Mr. Lor- Toronto, on Thuirsday evening is of r.m h olwn aubeFr tc of Bowmanville wvas not able to be enzo Wakeley with bis parents in tinterest to many bere as Mrs. Rice Th e metEca followigvlal amStoc' with us on Sunday morning. Our Oshawa; Mms. Lorenzo TrulI, Gladys <nee Lorena Cooper), used to reside Implmens, tc.,as ollws: Pastor, Rev. Mr. Cook, took up the and Lewis with Mms. Chas. Wohr. Hrfinsws hn oh 71 HORSES-Dark rosan mare, n2Years- discourse for the evening. The Orono; Miss B. Wallace and Wooed, eme e m frpiessh h eî bot iRoan drauglit mare; Roan gelding, H:fineeybpies..bmbadLau e- D., 7 years; lBay mare, H. 1. yae Ladies' Choir sang well. Dr. Birks Toronto, at Mr. C. H. Wallace's; Mrs services will be beld as usual on Sun- Sitrown mare. H. L)., rising 4 1~rs will be witb us some time in the Chas. Langmaid at Mr. Roy Lang- day ...At this Easter time our CATTLE-4 nulic cows i caîf; 45, future . Mr. Stanbury Aunger. maid's, Solina; Miss Isabel Campbell community was oversbadowed witb sterean I.'feere ad oa, lsngRimby let, i iîing friendsl at bier home in Elmvale, for tho. i. sormow as our dear friend, Mrs. - y..îs. tl SHEEP-42 Shropshire ewes, alrI in Toronto A great num ber from day. .A number from heme attend- Beech, beloved wife of Arthur Beecb, iamh r la1l)%t side; 16 Shropshtre here attnde the funeral on Sunday cd the funeral of Mrs. Arthur Beech was called home Tbursday afternoon sheariing ews;e.1 Shropshire ram, shepote late M-s. Arthur Beech of on Sunday. euh sympatby is ex- fe apooged illness. Evr .il S j rod ow, orsbre .1yoto eneral id pril 5h .ioTe- tended te the bereaved relatives... . Good Friday is followed by an Easter' P ge, 2'5 dsos Yrkhre 11onths.nra Hospital and was buried 1r.M. Cbapnian bas been appointed Day and so may it be for the family POULTRV-5 hen turkeys; 1 Tom tur- Ion Sunday at Hampton. Our deep- ca.retakero the churcb..Mrs. S. lin their beeavement of a good key. '-'docks and 1 drake. est sympathy is extended to Mr. T. Mountjoy is somnewbat improved mother. Sbe will be missed by many, IMPLEMENTS. ETc.-Massey-Harris 1Beech 'and family in the loss of a after bier ecent ilîness. ... Everyone 1beingr a teacher in our Sunday School binder, 7 f t.. nearly new; Mécorrnioki loving wife and a faithful mother.. . is invited to the League service un1 until bier health failed and not being niow..r, massey-iLrris mowcr; reke; hiav loader, inter; Massey-Harrls seed League meeting ivas opened with Friday evening wben a missionary able te carry on the work she then unit;Massy-Harris seed drill fert.; regular exercises, 4tb Vice President basebaîl match will be the special attended Bible class, showing inter- cului.tor; , single plows; dise: double Milton Stainton in charge. Bible etr.-M.H.W HuhisnetinlrMae' wkadwsa- riding piow; hkrrowýs, 3 or 4 horse; feature.Mr.sH.aW.nHuthinson, est in berWiatnr'sgoranad was aM roiir, twin plow; corn cutivaior: seutit- raigwstknb sadPtik inpg a. pn onday nigbt ways willing to belp by eitber word r.; wa gon, wagon. steel whfeeis. 2 hay Topic was well given by Rev. Mr. witb bis old friend, Mr. J. J. Virtue, or deed. The many Tfrnd, fs h racks; stock rack; wagon box; grave] Cook on "Pîays and Paens. hna eno.o ome nikilnfaiyetoft te hirdeete t'o\. m,înure spreacier: common Sense Pgat. îe eno ffre nîkle aîyetn ote hi eps fannirie mili, new, power spraver and Vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. friends was held and a very enjoy- sympatby in their bereavement of trîcs. cutting box with blower, MalsseY-OrJfryan MyteBnt An able time was spent recalling the1 wife and mother. 1 arris; grain grinder: grain crusher; put- înteresting reading was given by friends and events of neamly 50 years per, 2 buggies: cutter; heavy slelghs; ide Aey uyjmt a lpn ahin,6api ae; 6 H . a dwtha ntuenaadar- > .d red yfrpnently e IuIl la ciir. duîn:'eres; 36 at-1 inz was given by Harvey McGili. lewng the friendsbîps ofl the long M.E.RTalr nd ase o.hay fork irope an îns ogging Games were then played and me-ao Bruce, have been visiting Providence orane di litrrow; block am(i rope;1 ing closed with J.eague Benediction.J tg gaso1ino .ruim: oit drumn: barre] of biaci<[_______fiends ...Mm. JimeRenld s cnt fl 11 îi~ i. crseut saw; forks. shov- EseriiTrno y. r ns.1 ,Î,n ,înîîing .ois: cou wire fenci'; 20(00 i d ROV 20l.seales; brooder sto___________ Harvey Hardy, Domeen and Russell, a1dh. e;iie. 241 IMr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins, visited at Mr. James Reeson's, Col- FED-60lesii o.-'l bshel 30IMs lbr lees Bowmanvile, Moorefield, spent the holiday with umibus. . . Mm. Alan Balson, Black- rnixi<îigrain;. 2 ton scrp-nings: 25 tospent a few days wîtb Mr. and Ms. hem mother, Mms. Worden, at Mr.sok pn h wecda oe rri\sd iîay; 1500 ibs. Linseed Oi1 Cake, 'Blake Courtice last week. . .. Mr. and R. L. Worden's...M. and Mrs. J. Miss Lena Taylor is visiting Stirlinlz nut size. Mrs. Palk, Scarbomo, weme guests of IL. Rook, Mr. and Mi-s. E. J. Flett, friends.. . .Mr. Wallace and Miso I HARNESS-3 set H. D. harneýse; 1i st Mm. and Mrs. Archie Muir recently. . Toronto, spent Good Friday with m. Bessie Pascoe, Enfield, visitcd at' l, nD . 1. I et b. S. harniess; coi- hs.Jme outre.Bwan 1'~ itirs, rîdlr............. .......................................and Mrs. F. Swallow. . .. Mr. Ray- Miss Mary Hogartb's ...Miss M. FURNITURE-Dining-room suit, ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. iiîond Snowden, Toronto, spent Sun_ Taylor, Orono, at bier brother's, Mr. quarter cuit oak, inciuuing bfe with Courtice... Mr. and Mms. Archie day witb friends bere .... .Miss Vera W. T. Taylor...-.Mr. Ellis and Miss miirror, .xt.n.-jon table andl 6 chairs; Muir entetained some of their Power, Newcastle, is spending th n S mith of London, spent Easter parlerisuites; benairstuiete restabl; fricnds on Tuesday evening..One week at home. . .. Misses Susie and at Mm. R. J. McKessock's... .Miss chairs. of the largest social functions of the Annie Laird are visiting relatives in Imene Pascoe bas returned home after SPRAYING MATERIAL-2 druins lime season was beld at the home of Mr. Toronto ... . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin spending a few days with bier sister, suiphur: 50 ibs. arsenate lead. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols when their Davies, Mm. and Mrs. D. Davies, Pet- Miss Ada Paseoe, Toronto.. Glad to SALE AT 12.30 O'CLOCK SHARP daughter, Mrs. Walter Snider, gave erbomo, spent the weekend witb their report Mms. Will Westlake is impmov- TERMS-On pouitry, grain, feed, furi- a party to about fifty young people cousins, Mm. and Mms. R. L. Womden inL, nîcely. Mrs. S. E. Wemry un- r11.. anital sums oft $15 and under, cash; o h omnt. Teeenn . isEn wdewnanorti nBwm vle ovir tat amount 6 mon-.hs' credit on ftecmuiy h veîg....Ms daSallow is spending rntanoetinnBo avie airiovut notes bearing interest at 6 pem wa55 spent in progressive lost heir, a few days with friends in Toronto Hospital on Tuesday.. A good crowd cent pwr annum. afterward a splendid lunch was serv-- Mr. Emnie Laird, Toronto, was grected oum Pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, GEO. JACKSON & SON, Auctioneers. ed on small tables, a lunch sucb as home for the weckend.. . .Mr. N;oble at our Easter service Sunday after- we know Mrs. Nichols and bier daugh- Metealf is delegate ici the Ontario noon and enjoyed bis Eastem mes- ter are capable of serving. The ooms Educational Association. «. .Mr. and sage on the Risen Savioum. The were profuse with daffoils and tbe Mms. L. C. Snowden andi Mrs. C. H. choir rendemed appropriate music whole evening was one of real en- Snowden spent Tuesday in Toronto and Mrs. John Baker favoured witb joyment. Mr. Nichols, Mr. Sid. . . W. M. S. will bold the annual a beautif ul Easter solo..The Trus- Nichols, Mms. Nîchols and Mms. Snid- Sunday service on April 15th, the tee Board of Eldad Church met on' cmr weme most genial hosts and host- speaker will be Dr. W. H. Birks, Monday afternoon and decided to esses. ... Glad to note tbat Mrs. Bowmanville. Ladies' choir .. ' raise the cburcb and provide suitable Blake Courtice bas almost recovemed furnisb music. . .. Regamdless ofth basement accommodation for our ýo M o re from ler recent illness from blood weather conditions a large nume young people's activities. .Our an- poionig i ler oot .. Mss yl, atenedSunday Scbool and churcb nîversary meeting on Tbumsday even- Osbrne Toont, i hme or astr lstSunday, at the Sunday Scbho1 ing was well attended. It was de- ETTER PROTECTED holidays,. . .. Mr. Walter Snider, session some of the members of theldetoodorreuaaniray jBrantford, spent the weekend at Mm Mission Band rendemed a fine Easter services on Sunday and Monday, May IiW. H. Nichois .... Sunday services chorus and Miss Mabel Stevens sang 7had2t....Lgu mein nsiderable expense by installing I werc well attended considering roads with splendid effeet "Open the Gates" was held on Monday evening with ou sor ont unaaywih Jand wcather. In tbierorning Rev. at the church service, while Pastoriover. iotg resent. Mise arograr tare higher. For such is flot womds "Master Camest Thou nlot tbat cm sermon from the words "Master President, Miss Ruth McKessick and we Perisb?" The choir rendcred carest thou not tbat we Perisb".. conslsted of devotional period by Mm. splendid Easter music. Mrs. G. F Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coaites, son Dr. R. J. McKessock; chorus by the C. G. )uttht heprsen u-t-dte Annis sang "There ia a green hilI far L. H. Coates, Brantford, moto mcd 1 v gocal solo Mrs. cYE.llow- out hatthepreent p-t-dae iAway" in good voice. In the aftem- down on Saturday and spent theTalrvolsloM.JckYlw- 1as the old cumbersome way. j noon at the Sunday Sebool session weekend witb bier brother, Mr. T. J. lces and a musical contcst in charge ifoi-m temperature. The meat Miss Florence Courtice gave an Cole, also visited at Mm. L. C. Snow- of M s.Wîll Baker. ..- Miss Margaret xoetefisadohrgr- Easter reading and Miss Vera Wermy (len's. McKessock, Oshawa, spent Easter atl cpoedtoflus ndothm emi- sanL, a pretty spring song. In the _____ home. .Mr. A. L. Cation, Spokane, evening the service xvas held at No. 8 Owa it, Mr. Namal BnnYet Sehool. Our Pastor continued bis TYRONE Ohwvstda m omnYl it our store the came which it series of sermons on "Salvation", a lowlees'..A very enjoyable time mer of getting ment that will solo was niccly sung by Mrs.(Rev. visitera: Mms. Viola Smith1 was bad in the Sons' Hall on Wednes- conditions. Stainton, Miss Lyla Osborne, Toron- i has rcturned home from Bowman-j day evening last wben the Dramatic' to, in bier usual pleasant way gave j ville; Miss Gertrude Oliver, Bobcay- Club and their friends to the number a splendid Eastcr story wbich was igeon, witb Miss Viola Shortt; Miss of about thirty-five beld a banquet.' for yotirself. WeIll be glad enjoyed by ail present. The room IHazel Hodgson, Combyville, at home; h on al was laden with ail the ýt anytime. was filled to its capacity. During the I Miss Edythe Clemens, Turtle Lake' deicacý!ies otaf the season such as slic- evcninga boy's chorus was splendid- 1 with bier father, Mr. A. W. Clemens; cd ham, je]ly, pickles, potato and, ly rendered by about twelve oys of1 Miss Hazel Turner visiting bier par- cabbag salad, bmead and butter, the sehool and Miss Marion Trevail lents at Claremont; Miss Mae Cam- coffeae ake and ice cream. Wben A'accompanied tbem on the piano. 1cron, Tomonto, spent the weekend at al werc satisfied the remaînder cf ;L'ER &-S- home; Miss Florence Gardiner vis- the evening was spent in a social iting friends in Toronto; Mm. Wesley 0aywih music and gaines. BowmanvilleLittle and Miss Edith Andrews, Os h ur young people intend giving hi Bowm nvile '~~ -awa, with the formner's grandmother I popular play "What dotb it Profit" in IMrs. Wm. Little; Mr. and Mrs. Hor-j Tyrone this Fiday and in Albert S atio Hill, viiting hiem father, Mr. Street, Oshawa, next week. B ATER8LE!@ John Bucklcy who continues quite illi IES CU NTC at Mm. H. Curtis', Oono; Miss Flora FRES LBNTC McRoberts, Oshawa, witb Miss Lever PLADIO ~ne Burgess; Miss Kathleen MeCul roience Farmners' Club will lougb and Miss Rena Farrell visitin meg nSh col nTedy, ieind M ean soto Rr. Bac k aApl *17tH.sE.8Op.om. retrne teTornt afer pe basg0.R. thratg8 p.. Obre three weeks with bier aunt, Mrs. Ed Preaident. Sey-r« ne Ma sVirtue; Mm. and Mms. Walter Jons-----___ at Mr. Levi Ward's, Oshawa; Rev. J R. Trumpour preached a splendid sermon Sunday evening nif Christ had not Risen". Tg coirsn rn itu re appropriate Eastem music ... . The W was postponed on account cf the bad SR N BE WANTING SOME roads. It will be held on April 22 at 10.30 a. m. Rev. Dr. W. H. 41TURE Birks wili be the speaker.. PKIE WASI League Thorsday evening was ini Spring Cleaning time 101Margaret Moore. 'Program includ-ealhp ensone ed-meading by Mrs. L. J. Goodman; Suite. topic "Younz People and Life Ser-1 vice Decisions" by Rev. J. R.' Tmum-Lce DesI T irt SAVE #55L* pour; piano solo by Miss K. MvýcCul- I1 j Iough; reading by Miss Viola Sbortt [il good des NOW-Yo canCIRA G A j o ec o Anyo oSný,- ýý-' 2¼l Ya/ fyern your home- front now on. TYRONE FARMERS' CLUB elsewhere, 36 inches'v j Frweee Demonstration Tyrone Farmnera' Club will hold FunteLiberal Terms a meetinfi in the Commnunity Hall on i Wedneaday, April l8th at 8 p. m. NELSON'S Phone 10 Sold in Bowmanville BY AIl those interested pleaaed attend. Kn t Ws JW. J. BAGNELL Siinon McCoy, A. W. AunisKigStWs King Strem West Preident. Secretary.1- f Farmers Attention WANTED --- A f ew more acres of Peas and Corn. Canadian Canners Co. Ltd. Phone 82 Bowmanville Sale of Boys'Su its $9o95 Extra Special Thursday, Friday and Saturday C3 Days OnIy 25 Boys' Suits-Coat, 1 Long Pant, 1 Bloomner Pant Purchased from the manufacturer this week at less than xvhoiesale price enables us to clear this suit worth $15.00 for $9.95 See Window Display MEN'S TOP COAT A big special line this weekend, worth $22.50, CLEARING FOR $18.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 Odd lines and travellers' samples worth up to $3, CLEARING FOR $1.95 EACH MEN'S UNION MADE OVERALLS AT $i.39 A splendid line of Men's Union Made Overalis, j with bib and braces, black also blue stripe, OUR BIG SPECIAL THIS WEEK $1.39 PAIR Te.]B. Gilchrist Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville G CLEANING e is here and we have just put into stock sev- w' and up to the minute merchandise that will help brighten the home. ted Fish Net Panels of good heavy mesh and ýsign, worth regularly 98e each Lrds Long, 36 inches Wide 79c nels-Of finer weave and exquisite patterns esigns, weli worth $1.50 each, do Long, 36 inches Wide $1.19 special purchase in two designs that we can regular value, only a limited quantity at this Price, -da Long' 40 inches Wide $1.79 We have a varied and comprehensive stock rted Madras and English and Scotch Nets in iat you cannot equai anywhere at price from 25c To 98c Yard uisette Attractive white double-check Mar'- st colored ruffle down one side in Goid, Rose le, Regular price 25e yard ..............15c - White with Blue Overcheck,' a Splendid itchens, bedrooms and bathrooms that selîs .Id................. Special Price Per Yard 15c used for a dozen purposes, in a iovely range ,olorings, 36 inches wide......... 27c Yard ofnew designs and coiorings, some of which ities that you wiii pay 45e to 49e per yard wide, per yard ..............................39c STORE OF BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES BowmaLnviîîe 4 Springs andMatee onable prices. F.F. MOR COMPAN' Home Furnishers Bowmanville - I j i PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th., 1928. Mattresses