.w~ * ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1928 May We Suggest?- That now tht home made preati-ves are getting low that you try for a change: Aylmer's Mai-malade, large 40 oz. jar, regular 40c, special 3 jars for.............................. $1.00 Blue 'Ribbon Califai-nia Dried Peach, meaty, tender and tasty, lb. package.............................. .25 Maple Syrup, fi-st of season, made right in Ontario, tbick and the real stuif, gal tins ............. $2.50 A WORD 0F WARNING-SUGAR ADVANCING Another advance in sugar is pre.dicted, so take oui- advice, buy now and avoid the increase. We have a car load o! St. Lawrence and Dominion Sugar we are now sellinir at $675 100 lb. bag. HOUSECLEANING NEEDS-We have the stuf te miake the du-t disappear-Soapa, Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Amonia Pow- der, Pan Shine, Floor Polish, Whiz Household Pi-oducts, etc. Special-.-Crisco, lb. tin and Alurninuns Pie Plate 28c [IARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 Fine Furnishings BOWMAN VILLE Cieanins & Pressing BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Good Clothes" 10 Sample Spring Top Coats Lef t Here's your chance to get a classy $25.00 Coat, made in the popular single breasted style, every coat a beauty. WEEK END PRICE $19.75 Just a Few of Those Good Coats For Boys Left at $6.95 This is your chance mothers to fit the boy up at- a real saving. Good materials ' and natty styles. sizes 7 to 13 years. WEEK END PRICE $6.95 Our Made-to-Measure Clothes are creating much favorable comment-Have you ordered yours? King St. West Bowmanville "Bert" Bell "The Clothing Man" Try Our Choice Beef Next time you're ordering meat try one of our choice Roasts of Beef-tender-juicy-mouth- watering fragrance. One of these roasts garnish- ed with tasty vegetables makes the foundation for a meal fit for a king. Full lime of Canned Goods in stock. Prompt Delivery Servie HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Sure Death Unîes cbicks ai-e brooded by a reliable brooder it is sure duth ta, the majei-ity o! them. Tht Miller Brooder bas pi-aven ta be one cf tht best coal or ail brooders on tht mar-ket. We guarantee safety, bealtb and vigar te the entire flock cf chicka. Tht Miller Brooder is easîly opei-ated and beats automatically to the requii-ed temperatux-e, tbereby insuring peifcet even beat. BROODERS SPECIAÂLLY PRICED The piices at wbich we retail thern this season makes it a ri-.lbai-gain: 400 Chick Size, Ceai Ruiner $15.00 800 Chick Size, Ceai Rurner $20.00 BARGAINS IN INCUBATORS We have 2-150 egg MilleTi Ideal Incubators le! t fi-cm oui- apring order wbicb we are clearing st coat price . .$23.90 EACH STAMINAX CHICK FEEDS As a gentle reminder let us advise that we have the sole agency for Staminax Chick Feeds. Four cf the largeat and moet auccessful poulti-y men iaise their entire chieks exclusively en Stainna. Dustan's Cash Hardware *%WE SERVE YOU WELL' Et . i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Misa Laura Hawley, Peterbaro, spent Easter with Miss Ina Pethick. Miss Marion Mooreraft, Worthingr- ton, Ont., is holidaying with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and Bob spent Easter with relatives at Barrie. Miss Dorothy Bel!anan, teacher, Blackstock, ia spending EaErter holi- days at home. Mr. Bernard Baldwin, teller in Bank of Montrea], spent the week- end in Lindsay. Mr. F. C. Pethick and son Bud, spent Easter holidays with Mr. Ted IPethick in Detroit. Mrs. Stanley Davey and daughter fleen, Toronto, spent Easter holidaysý with relatives here. Misa Helen G. Morris is spending Easter holidays with hier niece, Mrs. Harold Fox, Windsor. Mrs, Thos. Tod and Miss Olga Tod apent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Artfur Wright, Hamilton. Miss Lura Rabei-ts, Cobourg, spent Easter holidays with Mi-. and Mra. R. T. Stephens, Beech Ave. Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Toi-ento, was guest of bier mother, Mrs. J. H. 'Brim- acombe, over the weekend. Mr. Herb. Gilmeur, Meaford, was recent gutat of bis sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Edger, and other relatives. Mi-. and Mrs. W. I. McTaviah and son, Toronto, spent Easter with berý ibarents, Mi-. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. Miss May Hermeston, Brantford spent Easter bolidays at the home o Mi-. and Mra. Gen. C. Foster, King St. E. Miss Elsie Armbler, Barrie, and Mi-. Jack Arlett, Newmarket, ai-e visitai-s with Mr-. and Mrs. W. P. Cor- bett. Mi-. and Mrs. N. Hinkson and son of Rochester, N. Y., spent Easter holidays with Mi-. and Mrs. Robert Holmes. Miss Mildi-ed Cale, Muakoka, and Miss Marjorie Colt, St. Catharines, spent Eastei- holidays with their parents, Mi-. and Mrs. J. E. L. Cale. .Mr. and Mi-s. AIf. Pennington, Toi-- onto, Mi-s. Gardon Mitchell, Toronto, wvere Easter visitai-s with their par- ents, Mr. and Mi-s. Andrew Penning- ton. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Herring and daughter Jean, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Rebt. MeKinnon of Oshawa, on Sat- u-d'ay. AIl ai-e natives of Welling- ton Quay, England, and they had a very enjoyable reunion. Mr. T. W. Stanley, organist of tht United Churcb, la much impreved ini health. Hîs many friends hope te ste continued imprevement until hie regains bis foi-mer health. Mi-. Fred Sitch ofllciated at the organ on Sun- day evening.-Port Hope Guide. Tht many friends of Mrs. Levi M orris will be pleased ta know she bas ieached hier 9th bixthday and the event was quietly celebrated on Saturday, April 7, when bier childi-en and grandchildi-en in town and New- eastle with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Brit- tain of Barrie, were pr-esent te par- ticipate in and enjoy the auspiciaus occasion. A despatch in Toi-ente dailies dat-' ed April 9 fi-rn St. Catherines says: Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake Street, who was threwn through the top of bis automobile wbile driving on tht Pro- vincial Highway at Grimsby Sunday, was reported as pi-o esin favor- ably at tht enerHospîtial here today. It was f eared he had been fatally injured, but physicians say he wil recever. Bowmanville was bonored at tht convention of Ontario Educational Association being held in Toi-ento this week when Mi-. W. J. Moriison, B A., Principal of Bowmanville High School, and President of the Natural Science Section cf tht Association gave a vei-y informative and ipiacticat address on "Seme Problems of the Science Teacher". Citizens are proud of its High.School record, its teaching staff, tht success of its pup- ils and the leadership given this pep- lai- educational institution by Pin- cipal Morrison. Misa McCabe, representing G. Washington Instant Coffee, will be ut T. H. Knigbt's Medel Grocery all this week demenstratinz this delie- ious beverage. AIl ladies are cerdîally invited te came in and have a cup of this Zood caffet and test its goad qualities. Special advice in love, mariage, investment, etc. Phone 322 for ap- pointment. TWO ROOMS TO RENT-Apply ta Mrs H. E. Smith, Queen Stretet, Bownianville. 15-1w- Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-TItiet of the llnest building laslanBowmanville, an Liberty Streett. North. Real bai-gain for quick sale. Apply to Norman S. B. James St Statesman Offce. PROPERTY FOR SALE-I ixremd eS brick bouses witIt aIl modern conven- lences; alsa farmn for sale In township Clar-ke. GoaS buildings. Apply te Jas. E. lett, Centre St., Bowmanville, phone 384. Il-tf STOCK FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 150 acres, more or less, trst class grass farm, Lot 34, Concession 9, Darlinglon. west of EnilelS. Also set of stock weighlng acaîts wlth building, ai Brookla Station. Apply ta A. M. Hardy. Box 37, Bowmanvllle. 15-t LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kinds of laundry work Sens prompt- ly, satlsfactorily anS ai reasanable pri-los Write Post Oflice Box 12. or caîl Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bwmanville. iREAL ESTATE1 DRY G0008 AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR PHONE 100 13OWMAN VILLE BIRTHS Wl L LETT-In Bowmanvllle Hospital, on March 29. 1928, ta Mr anS Mrs. Ed- ward Willett, a daughter. FINDLEY-In Unionville, on Moaday Avril 2, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard niley, a son. (Thomas Dean). POWER-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Mai-ch 27, 1928. ta Mr. anid Mrs. Louis Power, Maple Grave, a daughter. SUGGIrTT-On April 2, 1928, at Rosas Memorial Hospital, Lindsa, ta Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggtt cf Blacketock, a son. MARRIACLES BROWN-ADAIR-At te Parsonage Orono Wedaesday, Avrii 4, 192. ; Rev. Vm. Sterling Mi-. Allan Brown and Mary Adeline Ada1, ail of Starkville. DEATHS LUK<E-In Oshawa. on Wednesday, Avril 4, I1928, Emma E. Luke, youngest daughter of the late George and Anna Luke. BICKLE-At Part Hope Haspital an Friday. Avril 6, 1928, ',rna M. Watt, heloved wife of Stanley Bickle, ln ber bith year. RUNNALLS-Âî ZMon, near Port Hope, on Wednesday, April 4, George Willam Etînnalîs, beloved husband of Lillian Tamblyn, in is 5lst year. WINOATT-On Avril 7, 1928 at ber late residence, 137 Scott Si.., inipýeg, Elizabulh Aan. widow af the lte Wiltiam A. Windatt. ln ber 66th yr-ar BEECH-Ia Toronto, on Thursday, Avril 5, 1928, Lily Margaret Grimai, be- loved wife of Arthur B eech H1-aydon, aged 49 years. Interred at l4ampton. DEWART-Early Monday, April 9, 1928, a - 15Sherhourne Si., ToranaDt ob M'%atildai Hunt, widaw of the tle Bey. li<iward Hartley Dewart, D.D., in ber 98th year. GREEN-In Darlington township, on Sunday, Alîril 8, 1928, Mary Gren, wldow of the late Patrick Greva of Coboure, aged 68 years. InterreS in St. Michael s Cemnetery, Cobourg. SIMMONS-Suddealy, ai Toronto, an Gaod Friday morning, Avril 6, 1928, Ed- ith I)orathea Eldrîdg., dearly bel.ved wife of Ernest S. Simmoas, 16 Court- land Ave., and daugbter of Mr. anS Mrs. 1-enry Edridge, Whltby. IN MEMORIAM Loviag memaori es ever' linger la aur hearts for aur dear fatiter anti mother, James Scott and Elizabeth Orr Scoat, who îîtissed away ai the East,,r tide of 1919 anti 1922. Ia saS anti lovIag metaory of aur dear husband and father, John Sanders, who was called home on Avril 12. 1927. Just one year aga, Star father, Christ wha ditS on Calvary, Took yau home ta be forever. From a world of care set free. You bave oaly gone before us. And we cherisb thoughts, that wben Christ shall cati us ta lis ansioas There with loy, welIl meet &gin SaSly miased by Wlfe anS Family. In Ioianf memory of Pte. A. F. King, EN 74'540 , ld Batt C.E.F., killed tri action at Vimy Ridge on Avril 12, 1917, aged 21 years, 2 montha. He bas taken bis last long jau ney On Goda beautiu b dtalS"et Away from tbea world of sorraw To a home af eternal rest. Xot dead ta us , we love hlmn stili, No t lost but gone-.before H-e lives wlth us la memory stîlI AnS wlll forever mare. Let us be brave when the burdea la great Faitbful whea wauaded by sorrow, Teach us wih courage aad vatitace ta wat Tht beftter and brlgbter to-marrow. Oaly those wbo bave loved and lost Knaws the Great War's bitter coat, His life was goad, bis Seath was brave May God watcb ao'er aur soldier's grave. FonSly remembered by Mother. Father, 15- Sisters ana Bratbers. Farms To Rient tBURKE FARM TO RENT-Tbis farm situated immediately soutb west cf Ew- manville la for rentaI. Possession Apri lat. Plowlng after Marcb lot. Fe1r1 terme apply te W. R. Strike, Bowman-1 ville. s-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A seib of double barneis, almost new. Phone J . H . McEwoen, Bow- inanville 133-2. 15-1 HAY FOR SALE-A quantity of Tim- othy hay. E. Haggith, R. R. 1, Hamp- aton, phone 198-21. 14-tf H-ORSE FOR SALE--Clyde mare, aweighing about 1360 Iba. Appiy ta Noble 1Metcalf. Maîtie Grave. phone 477-31. 13-tf FOR SALE-2 seated buggy, nearly as gaod as new. Bargain for quick sale. Avply to H. W. Hamm, R. R. 5, Bow- manville. phone 139-33. 16-1 OATS FOR SALE-O. A. C. 144 Qata. Government Grade No. 1, germination test 99%. $1.00 per bushel, baga iflcluded. P. O. B. Parie, S. Fouids, Paris. 13-3w FOR SALE-Pig Pen 8 x 8. Thtis buid- ing la nearly new and wiil be aold at a reasonable price. Apply ta Arthur Wooley, Bradsbaw St., Bowmianville. 14-2 t FOR SALE-2% H. P. International 1Engine, also 6 H. P. Page Engine. Further rrîicula-s from Thomas Hy- land, Burketon, phone: Port Perry 111r5. 15-1- SEEOS FOR SALE-89 ibushel VWbte l3lossom Sweet Clover. Government Stan- dard M~o. 1, $3.00 per bushel; 50 bushel Timnothy Seed, $2.50 per bushel. J. W. MeMlaster, Hampton, phone: Oshawa 1648r22. 15-2* BUILDERS' BARGAINS-Sprlng Bar- jaind Circular free. Save on Doors, indaws,' Roofing, Shingles, Floorin Paint, Wailboard, Hardware. We sl direct, freight paid. Write Halliday Company, Box 198-8, Hamilton. 15-3 r Wanted 1 WANTED-A waman for laundry work at Bowmanville Hospital Apply ta Sup- erintendent. 15-tf WANTED-A capable woman or girl for general housework. Apply ta MrB Sout-hey, Elgin Street, Bowmanville. 32-tf HELP WANTED-Good worna for general work at "Kurv Inn". Apply H. C. Caverly, Concession St., Bowmanville, phbone 210. 1- WANTED-Antique furniture. Nearly every bomne has same old furniture of noý further use wbich could be turned into ready money. Write Mrs. B. Warner 56 r King St. W., Oshawa. 13-t WANTrED-Rags, metal, iron, and ail kinds of 01(1 Junk. Best prices pald. Rags 75c cwt. Also good work horse wanted. Drap post card ta William Taylor & Company, dealers, Duke St., Bowrnanville. 14-3w- Eggs For Hatching FOR SALE-1lahy chicks fram S. C. W. Leghorns from high laying stock, also from eggs flot hess than 24 oz. ta the dozen. Caîl or pibone F. W. Battît, R. Rt. 5. Bowmaaville, phone 219J. 14-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-Fram bred-to- lay Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, aIl from O. A. C. Pedigreed stock, W. E. Todd, Liberty St., Bowmanville. Suc- cessor ta L. H. Pearn, phone 304. 9-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-From bred ta lay strain af Rhode Island Reds, good winter layers, 7.5c per 15. $4.50 a bond- red. also 1 have about 40 laying pullets ta selI. $1.50 each. Lloyd Snowden, R, R1. 3. Bowmaaville, phone 203-5. 14-2* EGSFOR HATCHING-Barred Rocks1 and White Leghorns--A special pen af Barred Rocks iacluding my imparted bens and headed by my Imported cook, $3.00 per 15 eggs; eggs fram imported heas, $1.00 each; dlock matinga. 75e per 15: White Leghorna dock mating, headed by a splendid British Columbia cockerel, 75e per 15 eggs. George Jamieson, New- castle, Ont. 12-tf. BABY CHICKS & HATCHING EGGS -The Semand for aur baby chlcks this seasan bas been heavy wbich proves their populàrity. We give yau stroag. we1-hatched chicks-every chick produc- ed fi-rn aur awn stook-which yau oan rely an for quantity and quality cf eggs. 1Cockereis of S. C. 'White Leghorn from R.O.P. stock and White Wyandottes are 1extra choice matinga tItis year. Caîl on us. Phone 38-2. W. H. Carruthera, Bowmanville. Ont. 12-tf Get More For Your Money! PAQUX PIVU OVALTINE A Bfitish Tonic Food Product A dainty delicicus beverage, an excellent restorative and body builder for infants, growing children and invalide. 60c, 90c and $1.50 Ovaltine Rusks 75c, $1.25 Specials This Week Vacuum Botties ..................... 49e each Vacuumn Botties with Kit .. -. ...... 19 Genuine Thermos Bottles with Ki . : : . . 81t.98 Genuine Thermos Strongas ............. $ 1.50 Math Bags .............................. 75e Moth balis, lb ........................... 15C Rat Dyes, each .......................... 25C Kruschen Salta, each ...................... 69c Extra Specials A Moth Bag FREE with a 25e package of Red Cedar Flakes Chocolates, 10 different varieties, assorted 29c lb. JURY & LOVELL J When We Test Eyes Lt Is Done Properly Demonstration Saturday, April l4th A special representative from McLaren's Ltd., wilI be in attendance at our store ~g~i~J!isampling and demonstrating ans new ideas prepared from "e, the famous Invncible Jelly Powder made with pure fresh flavors. ~ During the demonstration IMI~~uIAD~ (Saturday only), you may EI~i~bpurchase three packages of this high class jelly for 19c DON'T FAIL TO COME ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Girls Good Raincoats, with bat te match, aizes 6 to 14, HAT AND COAT $1.98 Women's Fancy Silk Gloves, espeecially low priced ... . 89c PMR Up-to-Date Umbrellas, Amber tips and Ferulea and excellent quality cleth, y SPECIAL 98e EACH Breakfast or Luncheon Clotha of Pure Linen, Regalar $2 value, 3 BIG DAYS $1.39 Solid Leather Hand Bags in an excelelnt assertment of designs and colora, 3 BIG DAYS EACH $1.29 Barred Marquisette Guitain Materlal, 3 BIG DAYS 11c YARD Good Raincoats, excellent fabrie, raglan sîtevea, Red, Blue or Green, sizes 34 te 44, Regular $3.75, 3 BIG DAYS $2.98 £ACH English Broadcloths, 36 inches wide, in Nile, Rose, Gopen, Maize, Helie, Peach, Sand, .Pink, etc. A 510c cloth, 3 BIG DAYS 33c YARD Serviceable Huckaback Towels 17 x 32 inches, 60% linen, SPECIAL 19e EACH Boys' Shirt Waists. They will stand the tub and are dlean patterns and serviceable, 3 BIG DAYS 69c EACH Handkerchiefs of Fine Swim Lawn, 3 BIG DAYS, EÂCH Se Boys' Pullover Sweaters, made of a fine quality knitted Jersey, Regular $1.50, 3 BIG DAYS 89e The good aid reliable "Beauty Bath Soap". Get you several months supply, 3 BIG DAYS Se CAKE Don't Mise theae Thi-et Big Days. They mean a lot to the Head of Every Household. LS0 W. MASON & SON PAGE PIVE a