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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1928, p. 6

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--~. -w- '-i - -~ - TUIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1928 Sarnia Fence FOR FIELD, FANCY AND POULTRY Sarnia Fence is Super-Zinc Galvanized and full No. 9 throughout. Sarnia Fence Quality Gives Longer Wear STACO BRAND FARM SUPPLIES We are local distributors for the Samuel Trees & Co. "Staco" Brand Farm Supplies. Don't send away-just eall here and take the goods home with you. No.BuckIe Team 1% Inch Harneas, Britching and Back Pade, complete, wthout colare, $74.50, Ging At Wê.50. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville Ready For Seeding Time We have a good supply of GRASS SEEDS-ALL GOVERNMENT TESTED at the following attractive prices No. 1 Red Clover, Home Grown $18.00 per bus. No. 2 Red Clover, Home Grown $17.00 per bus. No. 1 Alfalfa, Variegated, Peel County $18.00 - per bus. No. 1 Alsike .....................$15.00 per bus. Pine Tree Timothy (No. 1 Purity) $ 4.50 per bus. No. 2 Timothy Home Grown ....$ 3.50 per bus. Marquis Wheat ..................$ 1.60 per bus. These prices will probably ail be advanced when seeding commences. It wilI pay you to se- cure your suppiy early. McClellan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanville CH-1 EVER OLET POINTby POINT ENGIN£ BODIES FEMMU1ES Improved mataf -tbe valve -ia- hend type. AC ail filer. AC air cleaner. Fully enclosed motar. New crankcase breather systein. New two-port exhaflît. "«Invar-atrut" constant clearance pistons. New bydro-lamfinated camshaft geaýa- New and larger streainline bodies by Fisber--cainbination wood and steel construction -the type found on higitest priced cars. One-piece full-crawn fenders cf heavy- gauge steel. New Duco finishes in stiking colora. Cleer vision plate glass windows. Ternstedt window regulators. Irnproved autometic windshield wiper. Fisher "'VV" one-piece ventilating wind- shield. New non-locking four-wheeî brakes - 189 square inches of breking sur- face. Positive breke linkege. Independent emergency brake-70 addi- tionel square inches of braking sur- face. Seri-elliptic shack absorber springs - 84v-, of wheel-base. Easiîy operated single-plate dry disc- clutch. Completely enclosed instrument panel, indirectly ligbtcd. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, wîtb every fine-car feature, now selling at NEW AND LOWER PRICES,îer $625.00 Cabriolet .. .....835.0 To.rng .625.00 Imp«,i.l Sedàn. - .- 890.00) Coupe .740.00 Comonrci.l cha..i. .470.00 Coach 740.00 Rodster Delivery 62'ý.0O Sdn 835.00 Ton rw Ch..,i. 635.00 Ro.d.t«e, Ppress s. . o Al rcs ai Faý,to-v. Cisha i 7vrn-,i Taxes, I3oinp s inxd Spa,, T, Extra. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono OBITUARY Health, Joy, Happinesa TUXIS & TRAIL RANGERS NEWS I Mrs. Beau. Courtice, Toronto MILLER'S CANADIAN HR Tyrone Tuxis enjoyed a talk on _______JUICE, bas brought health, joy and "Education and its Value" by two At the home of hier son-in-law, happiness te thousands of sufferers school teachers, besides several other Capt. the Rev. Sidney Lambert 501 froin constipation, indigestion and Items on a varied prograsn. Rushton Road, Toronto, Mrs. âessie stomach, liver, kidney and bowel Percy Cowling started off the first Courtice dîed Monday, after b,,in%,, disorders. Ii gives prom pt and group in bis charge with the real failing bealth for son i lime. h 'sing relief. Ask Jury & Lovell tuxis programn showing his group tbe was in bier 78th year. She was the Ltd., about Ibis remedy. spirit thal sbould be bebind the Tux- widow of Rev. Richard Thomas ________________.-t movement. Courtice, wbo for more than 40 years was a Methodist minister in the Bay Lorne Jackman and Percy Cowling of Quinte Conference. Mrs. Court- Mvust M en are trying to forward tbe tuxis work ice, wbo bad lived in Toronto more by bavine. their members learn what tban 40 years, was born in Whitby A ! (, true spotsmansb i by not winning Townsbip, tbe daughter of James Fear Midl L ife? ~a game by foulIor underband metb- Davis. She is survived by two sans, ods. Dr. John Courtice, of Toronto, and If Past Forty Years Old In the absence of Mentor Ray Harold Courtice, of Chicago- and one Cole bis group was in charge of daughter, Irene Pearl Lambert, of You Should Read This Stuart Candler. Stuart bas been in Rusbton Road. She was for niany years a member of St. Clair Avenue i scamdIa rcial 5Itbe Tuxis work for several years, be- Metboist hurc. Intrnen tao per clfail en pat amdde11 nga member of Sioux Tuxis. The place in Oshawa on Wednesday. arpfice ihBad de ekns group edrgua pnngssin are fflcte wit Bldd ne plaved a ew gainýes under the acting or Inflammation, Urinary Iriain menio supervision then went for a Jackson G. Quinn, Prince George, and Prostatie Troubles. bike. B. C. Tbese conditions are now the ac- cepted cause for many of the an- Boys Work in lown is nearly up to Jackson Grahamn Quinn, wbo for noying ailments commonly assaciated r nerbersbip of last year. Groups rnany years bas been identified with witb advancing years-such as aches, have over the ideal number of mein- tbe press of Western Canada, passed in back, feet, legs and down lhrzough khers and ail seem bt be working in away on Marcb 20tb at bis home in groins; frequnet but scanty and harmony. Another Square organ- Prince George, B. C. painful urination; getling-up-nigbts; ized would bring the accommodation Deceased was borf. in Bowmanville nervousness and bass of vitality. up to capacity as every nigbl at the in September 1875. He learned bis While it is true Ibat these bother- Tuxis rooms would Iben bave a meet- trade in the office of tbe laIe W. R. some, oflen embarrassing and fre- ing. Clirnie before leaving for the West quently painful ailments do corne te where he worked in 'many of the a large majority of men past middle Final Badminton gaines wbich have printinL, offices of Winnipeg, Califor- life-il is not true that tbey cannot been staged between the Dakota and en Ina an d Montana, afterwards going t e b elped or that the condition is a Ojibway tuxis groups were: H. Col- Vancouver and tbe Cariboo district naural handicap of advancing years, mer of (Ojibway) won two sets Out wbere since 1910 he bas been iden- and here's a simple home test teo f tbree from Byron Cryderman tified witb the newspapers of that prove it! (Dakota) hy scores 15-11, 12-15, 15- district the last one being the Without ligbtest risk of cost un- 9. The gar'les were strongly con- Prince George Citizen of whicbh le less pleased witb results, obtain £rom tested especially the first as the sccre was a director and publisher. your druggist a package of Dr. would indicate. Dakotas defeated Deceased leaves a widow and eight Southwortb's "URATAB S" (a won-1 Ojibways in twvo straigbt sets i children ,two of wbom are above derful prescription used in the Doct- doubles score 15-10, 15-5. Playera scbool age. or's private practice for over 401 were: Dakota L. Tudor and B. Cry'- The funeral took place from Knox years) and take thein regularly ac-1 derinan; Ojibway H. Couiner and H. United Cburcb. cording ta directions for the full 101 Joint. Inter-group gaines are a The paîl-bearers were members Of days. Then, if you are not satis- regular feature of these two groups Cariboo Lodge, No. 65, 1.0-0-F., Of fied "Uretabs" are just wbal you activities. Basketball gaine was 1 wbicb deceased was a niember. The need and tbat îhey will belp you played between the groups resulting crowded cburcb and beautiful floral more than anything you have ever in a win for Dakota by 25-19. offerings testified ta the esteeni in used-the druggist wbo supplied you wbich deceased was held. Mr. Quinn is authorized ta cbeerfully return the is a brother of Mr. Wxn. J. Quinn of sinaîl price you paid. If "Uratabs" ORONO tbis town. bring you swift, certain, lasting coin-I fort-yau surely will be pleased. If I (Froni The Newvs of April 5th) Frank Bennett, Toronto they do neot aatisfy, they cost You1 Miss Catharine Hall, Toronto, was Hi frmrfelo itzesofthsnothing. home over Sunday. Risforer ellw ctizns f Iis ______________Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald village were sorry te learn of the ---sent a weekend witb relatives in deatb of Mr. Frank 'Bennett et bis - '- - _____ Prince Edward County. home in Toronto on Monday, April - _______ 2nd. He bas been failing in healtb Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey have for many months but taok a decided moved their bousehold effects, etc., turn for the worse about a week ega. ta the Skelding farin, formerly the Except for the past one and a baîf 1.14 Staîker farin. years hie apent ail bis lu e in this Mr. Thomas McNeil wbo sold bis village, teaming, hotel keeping and in stock and implements and farin farming. Hie was bard working and \" maingbis borne at Mr. W. J. industriaus, genial in disposition and Stutt's, soutb ward. could caunt everyone bis friend. A Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morton of year ago ltfl ertrdfo Chicago, ElI., spent a day or twa witb famn sl t fand heretied from bis father, Mr. Robert Morton, and Mrs. Bennett and Miss Sadie, (now LESSON No. 17 other relatives bere. Mrs. Shaw of Picton), ta Toronto, esin Wh j. Mr. Orme Gamsby bas been ap- but l ws bi deigbîin he smnir Qpointed by Oshawva and district base- lime ta corne back ta Newcastle and c lfed cod-liver Oil hall league ta represent theni aI tbe spend saine lime aI bis brother-m7- lew's, Mr. W. C. Laake and with bis *c efficient a food for O. B. A. meeting in Toronto. daugbter, Mrs. W. G. Hay and family OUflg children ? wr. ntw ns and Mr .F11 Trne, at their summer cottage. Besides bis wr ntw ensa n pn widow, formerly Miss Lida Lake, lie A nswer: Rickets or the day witb ber father, Mr. John is survived by four daughîers: Dora, ï-,ezk bones are evidences iBuckeatbrsitrsMs.Hre MaiSadie an.d Hilde, ail married, di uts ari oesnFak ivn nTrnto f'aedei ncy. Enul- Mr. H. G. McKay of the Corner wilh bis mother. Mr. Louis G. ý.iedvtin-richcod-iver Store staff, bas gne mbt ttbeg rocery Bennetit, Port Hope, is tbe only sur- - 1~ business in. Col vInehavn6 ugh viving brother. ,c1, eaph Nature sujJpIy the stock and business of the W. H. Mr. W. C. Lake wenltateTaranto ' s Edwards grocery. on Mondey ta assist in arranging .I. deficiency. Mr. C. A. Chapinan is now in full for the funeraI. Service was held Pure, pleasantly flavored, control of the mlk business of the at the bouse on Wedneaday after t C.thing quite surpasses tawn, having Ibis week takeon over wbich the remains were braught te the R.H. Brown milk roule, the lat- Newcestle via C. P. P-, ,the saine çf~Q EUIC lI ter dispsoing of bis fine Holstein aflernoon for burial in Bond Head - UUIIU LIYULt>IUI p arv herd by auction. Cemetery. ________________ A number of friends surprised Mrs Stanton on the occasion of ber birtb- John MeManus, Newcastle Naa muday, Saturday lest, presentîng ber iii1111' EDUML.Il with an electric grill. A few hours Swift on tbe wings of nit came iiu i u u rf were Most enjoyably apent aI carda the angel of death ta Mr. ohn Me- Y UN I OM after 'ebîcb a nice lunch was aerved. Manus on Monday of this week. AsDrW.J eawsintnfo numbers of citizens bad seen hum a hoturne Mondey lest. Owing araund the streets during tbe afler- SUFFER M OSTI po heeltb, be iaa been home at noon and eveningr, chaîting teaec- aeilndsno tkngra- quaintences in bis usuel pleasant Lkfed n.i o aigtel manner, it came as a distinct sbock Te woFund Relief y MninCriteSetHopal Toonto. ta learn of bis sudden pessing about Taking Lydia L FPikham 's Mr. E. B.llied announces the en- nine 'clock. Sbortly afler tee, he went down ta Vegetable Compound gagement of bis only deugbter Gert- cali on bis neighbor, Mr. Win. Caucb, rude Mae, ta Mr. Lawrence Arthur and then went up ta tbe Oriena Ayer's 01f, Qub.-'«I bave Peeden, Flint, Micb., second son of Hote te hileawaya litle t al i been teaching for thre. years, and Mr. and Mrs. Jon Paeden, Weslev,- a friendly gaine of billiards. Tek- a. -the .endt of the ville, the marriage ta take place early inlz suddenly ilI, Mr. Geo. Gray, the yar I always feel Mi April. proprietor, Iook bum in bis car ta tfred and have no A pretty wedding took place Wed- Dr. Buller's and then directly on ta Bppetite. I was nesdiiy, April 4, et the residence of bis owvn home on Beaver St., bardly iwful sick eacb the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. two blocks eway. His son and . month,too,having Fred Duncan, Churcb St., wben Ibeir daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson pam_ k mny baca daugbler, Hattie May, became the MeMauslivng n te sinestretuntil somneimes I bride of Mr. Vertle Wilson, son of were et once summoned, and while .W .stop Mr. Charles Wilson, Newcastle. Rev. tbey were sssisting ta lift their '.. o DA friend W. SterhinL, lied tbe nuptial knoî. stricken father froin the car ta bis »' . recommended TeW.MS.oPak teeUn bouse be suddlenly expired. Death itLyieEdPn Churcb was well attended Tues- was du to heCompounde' tabme day aflernoon. Mrs. T. H. Powera andI hardman woen elln h convener of group two, had charge lived in Derlinglon township, but fo~r 1oOte help erpur eso many earsup t thetimeme. And il did. ) :i 0di ass huh two] la p was read by Mrs. J. A. Green. A wife's deatb twelve years ega this hjl osdremn bible stary, "The Darkeal Day of ail spring lbe was engaged in farming in te oteves7 DoNth Wrl'A waFgveNbvMr. . Clarke township. Fie then retired y'CifQub Power.; solo by gMr.Z. E. Chep- froin farming and bas since been Ae' lff u cman; e very impressive responsive living on Beaver Street, in the bouse "'Unable to 'Work" Easter service ivas led by Mrs. Pow- thet was once the home of Prof. Canning,. Nova Sctia.-'I hed ir- ers, interspersed by xnusic;,a -eading Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will ifrslsaentfly aifcoy enjoy Canadasfinest tea and WnODIS PMOSPHODINEA No malter bow stubborn trouble- maeilyrdc ortea dmà" e Great English Preparattàni. saine or of bow long standing your materilly reuceTyor e aeid ,r,.igorates the whole case may be, ynu can easily prove bis. Red Rose Orange 7s~ nervous sy%temn mac, new Bod the value of Syrol Tablets in a few Peke litslogerbecu1 in oid Veina. Us-d for Nerseus days' time-and you are inviled ta Pekoelast loner bcaus rI Àebiity. Mental and Brais wotiy1 do so wîîbouî slightest risk of coul its additional strength and besponden74, Lose of Fierp. Palpitation âula pesd ibreut. tr flavor rmake it go further. heeart, ating llmory rkei2>?ibox thuesstes Syruta sa for 15 1 Sold b7 all druggists, or mailed in plinth tst aI yoltaday and you may Every package guaranteed. pkg. on recipi of guice. New' pu.hhktsaie~ look for impravement inside af 24 S-E Ira. TM , "I a RDiCUI<COJOTO T jhours-ask yaur druggist. A Joint Savings Account Is a Realc Convenience Particularly as a matter af family convenience does the joint accaunt demonstrate its value. Ail funds depositeçi are subjeet ta withdrawal at any time by either ai the perlons in whose names the joint account is opened. In case of the decease of f one of the parties holding a joint account, ail money may be withdrawn by the other. A joint savings ac- 'I.b count in the Standard Bank is a real convenience where twa people desire D. L. WEESE b Mantager, Bowmanville Branch Brý altaio at Ný te, si.Netonvilke. Orono. Ohara Cheer Up The Home WITH NICE GRATE FIRE Use Pluto Cannell Coal for grate fires-does not spit or splutter. No better canneli coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a farmer attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Call and get the facts. It's worth while. LEH1GH VALLEY ANTHRACITE1 ne. Coal Tai Satisfi. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmaaville Wuu.ild you like to have a piano in your home? Lt can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costs little more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- inents. Nothing you can buy wiIl add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville IAviation Gasolinei BATTERIES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We selI the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett PRODUCT OF GENElAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITED DAj'L' Oil lg PIANOS FAUE --ýO Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville

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